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Top notch fundamentals b

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Nội dung

ENGLISH FOR TODAY'S WORLD with workbook JOAN SASLOW ALLEN ASCH ER u�l.l:!1 ul,,j E'Y' lSµ� I,, o c� (}:!I :: l>�J � � J.ob hi,.H � ::.,J� � -� �1� :.h J.olA :: l.§lliol c.� ·u�l!i Jillio uT jl uJ1.: ,,, � With Top Notch Pop Songs and Karaoke by Rob Morsberger ul:!-il.HI ul,,j�.>" www.irLanguage.com : www.irLanguage com ABOUT THE AUTHORS Joan Saslow Joan Saslow has taught in a variety of programs in South America and the United States She is author or coauthor of a number of widely used courses, some of which are Ready to Go, Workplace Plus, Literacy Plus, and Summit She is also author of English in Context, a series for reading science and technology Ms Saslow was the series director of True Colors and True Voices She has participated in the English Language Specialist Program in the U.S Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Allen Ascher Allen Ascher has been a teacher Qnd teacher trainer in China and the United States, as well as academic director of the intensive English program at Hunter College Mr Ascher has also been an ELT publisher and was responsible for publication and expansion of numerous well-known courses including True Colors, NorthStar, the Longman TOEFL Preparation Series, and the Longman Academic Writing Series He is coauthor of Summit and he wrote the "Teaching Speaking" module of Teacher Development Interactive, an online multimedia teacher-training program Ms Saslow and Mr Ascher are frequent presenters at professional conferences and have been coauthoring courses for teens, adults, and young adults since 2002 AUTHORS' ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are indebt�d to these reviewers, who provided extensive and detailed feedback and suggestions for Top Notch, as well as the hundreds of teachers who completed surveys and participated In groups Manuel Wilson Alvarado Miles, Quito, Ecuador• Shirley Ando, Otemoe Uni- ersity, Hyogo, Japan• Vanessa de Andrade, CCBEU Inter Americono, Curitiba, Brazil• Miguel Arrazola, CBA, Santo Cruz, Bolivia• Mark Barta, Proficiency School of English, Sao Paulo, Brazil• Edwin Bello, PROULEX, Guodolojoro, Mexico• Mary Blum, CBA, Cochabamba, Bolivia• Maria Elizabeth Boccia, Proficiency School of English, Sao Paulo, Brazil• Pamela Cristina Borja Ballan, Quito, Ecuador• Eliana Anabel L Buccia, AMICANA, Mendoza, Argentina• Jose Humberto Calderon Diaz, CALUSAC, Guatemala City, Guatemala• Maria Teresa Calienes Csirke, ldiomos Cat61ico, Umo, Peru• Esther Marfa Carbo Morales, Quito, Ecuador• Jorge Washington Cordenas Castillo, Quito, Ecuador• Erendira Yadira Carrera Garcia, UVM O,opultepec, Mexico City, Mexico• Viviane de Cassia Santos Carlini, Spectrum Une, Pouso Alegre, Brazil• Centra Colombo Americana, Bogota, Colombia• Guven Ciftci, Fohn Uni- ersity, Istanbul, Turkey• Diego Cisneros, CBA, Torijo, Bolivia• Paul Crook, Meisei Uni- ersity, Tokyo, Japan• Alejandra Diaz Loo, El Cuhurol, Arequipa, Peru• Jesus G Diaz Oslo, Florida Notional College, Miomi, USA• Maria Eid Ceneviva, CBA, Bolivia• Amalia Elvira Rodriguez Espinoza De Los Monteros, Gvoyoquil, Ecuador • Maria Argelia Estrada Vasquez, CALUSAC, Gvotemolo City, Guotemolo• John Fieldeldy, College of Engineering, Nihon Uni- ersity, Aizuwokamotsu-shi, Jopon• Marleni Humbelina Flores Urizar, CALUSAC, Guotemolo City, Guotemolo • Gonzalo Fortune, CBA, Sucre, Bolivia• Andrea Fredricks, Embassy CES, Son Francisco, USA• Irma Gallegos Pelaez, UVM Tlolpon, Mexico City, Mexico• Alberto Gamarra, CBA, Santo Cruz, Bolivia• Maria Amparo Garcia Pena, ICPNA Cusco, Peru• Amanda Gillis-Furutaka, Kyoto Songyo Uniwrsity, Kyoto, Japan • Martha Angelina Gonzalez Parraga, Guayaquil, Ecuador• Octavio Garduno Ruiz• Ralph Grayson, ldiomos Cot66ca, Umo, Peru• Murat Gultekin, Fohn Uni- ersity, Istanbul, Turkey• Oswaldo Gutierrez, PROULEX, Gvodolojaro, Mexico• Ayaka Hashinishi, Otemoe Uni- erslty, Hyogo, Jopon• Alma Lorena Hernandez de Arma,, CALUSAC, Gvotemolo City, Guatemala• Kent Hill, Seigokuin Uni- ersity, Soitomo-ken, Jopon• Kayoko Hirao, Nichii Gokkon Company, COCO Juku, Jopon• Jesse Huang, Notional Central Uniwrsity, Tooyuon, Taiwan• Eric Charles Jones, Seoul Unl- ersity of Te

Ngày đăng: 15/12/2020, 14:13

