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‫ﻣﺮﺟﻊ زﺑﺎن اﯾﺮاﻧﯿﺎن‬ www.irLanguage.com ‫ﻣﺮﺟﻊ زﺑﺎن اﯾﺮاﻧﯿﺎن‬ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Top Nole/, Fundamenlals is designed for true beginning ,tudents or for ,tudents nee.ding the support of a very low.level beginning course No prior knowledge of English is assumed or necessary COMMUNICATION GOALS VOCABULARY • Tell a clas�n1ate your occupation • Occupations • ldenttty y�ur claumates GRAMMAR Verb be: • liln gula, and plural statement1, contractions Th� alphabet • Spell nanl,es Yes./ no quertfons and short-answer,· errors • Subject pronouns • Articles.� IM! o o Common Names and Occupations • N'oun,: PAGE4 o • Introduce peoP.le • Te'.11-tonre·on.e yourlirrt and la,t name • Get someone's contact l11formation • Relation,hips (non·familyl • Title, • First and las! 11anru • N�mbm 0-20 ™ About People PAGE 12 SJngular-and plural I Common and proper • Pos,tssive.nouos and adjective, • Be fron1 I Que· sti:ons·with Where con1mon errors • Verb be: lnfom1atio11 que1tions wtth What • • More relationships I More titles • Talk aboutloc:atlons • Discus, how · t o get plae-e.s • l;>fscu,, transpi>'rtation Places and How to Get There • • • • Places in tht: neighborhood L0icatiOn, Wljys to gei places M,ean, of transportation Destinations • Verb be:: que1.tion1 with Where Subject pronouJ1 !! • The in1peratlve • !! to eJpress means of transportation PAGE 20 • Identify people In your family • Des.cribe your relatives • Talk about you r family Fan1ily relationship, • Adjectives to describe- people • Numbm 21-101 ""' Family j • More adjectives PAGE 28 • Confirm tliat you 're on time • Tan� about the tin1e of an event • A,k about birthday, Events and nmes • • • • • W!hat tim:e is it? Early, on tin1 e, late Events Days of the week Ordinal nunlber, Month, of the year • Verb be: o Que3tio ns with Wh.o tnd oon1 mon error, o With adjecti·, e, • Que, tion, with How old • Adverbs '!!fl_ -an-d � • Verb have I has: affimlative ttatements Verb be: qu�stio,nJ about lime Prepositio,nJ l!!., !!!, and at for dates and times • Contraction, and common erro r,· ld;fiiUt,J;fiÃiÃf,ri;I ext,a_practôe PAGE 36 ã Give and accept a con1pllment • Ask for co3or1 and ,rz,e, • Describe·cloth:e-s Clothes • Clothe, • Colors and-11ze, Opposite adjective, to describe clothe, ""' j • More clothes PAGE44 Demoqstratlves this, that these, those The sTnlple present tense� fil!, want need, and have: o Affirmative and negative stat-ements o Queitions and short answers o SpeJling rules and contraction, -and con1mon erroi:, • Adjective pl,acement à ã One and ones :fÃJij:jãjãf7fJ;I Extra racUce JĐ;@if Activities • Talk about morning and evening­ activities • Describe '"1hat you in your fre·e time • Ois,c u , , hou,·ehold chores • Daily sct1vitie, at ho1ne • Leisure activities Hou,ehold chore, PAGE 52 Units 1-7 Review iv PAGE 60 www.irLanguage.com • The ,lmple present tense· o TI1ircf.per,on ,lngul.ar spelling rule, o Que'!tions with Wh·en · and Whi.at time Y with �ften tin e e1pre1Jc· ion, o Que1tion1 o Questions with Who aJ subject, con1mon erron • FreQL1ency adverbs and tim:e- e.ipressions: o Us.-age, placement, and con1n1on error, ‫ﻣﺮﺟﻊ زﺑﺎن اﯾﺮاﻧﯿﺎن‬ - -· - - CONVERSATION STRATEGIES • U$e And you? to shov.• interest in another person Use f,�use me to initiate a convrn·ation Use Eieuse me? to rndicate you haven't heard or didn't undwtand • Use Thanks! to acknowledge someo,ne's complylng­ with a request - - LISTENING/ PRONU���O� _ - - Liste-.101: Tasks • Ciicle· t he letter you hear identify" co;rect sp:elling of nan1es • Write the name you he�r spelled • Identify the correct occupation \'/rite-the missing inf.ormation: nan1es and occupations Pronunciation • Syllable, Identify someone's relatio.n,hip to you •Nhen nla�ing an introduction Use too to reciprocste a grutlng Begih a question with And to 1nd1ca.te you want additiOnal Information • Repeat part of a question to clarify • Repeat information to confirn1 Listening Tasks Compl°ete staten1ents a'bout rel&tion,llips • Circle·the c-orrect information • Fill in n:anles, phone number:,, and e·m&I 1.ddres,:es you hear U$e You're welco111-e to forn1ally acl-:.nowledge thanks • U$e OK to acknowledge advice • U$e \Vhat aboutyou? to show intere,t in another person li•tening Ta,ks hear Write the place,·you · • Wlite the directions you hear, u·sing attirn,ative and negative·inlperatives Cin:le the 111eans of transportation • Wlite Bi'._phrase,, check destination, you hear Pronunciation • Stress in two-word pair,, Pronunciation • failing intonatlon for questions 't\1lth Where U,e And to ,hilt the topic • Uie Tell me sbout to invrte someon,e to talk about a topi c U•e Well to Indicate you are deciding how to begin a res.ponse Ute And how about? to as� ior n1or,e infornlation U.se Really? to sh.oN • intere.st or nlild stlrprise Listen.in,: Ta.sks • Identify the picture of a rel.ati'.'e being de,cr!be.d • Choot·e the adjei:tive that det.cribe'l the people :m·entioned in a conver1-ation • U$e Uh-oh to Indicate you may h-ave n1ade a mistake• U$e Look to focus son1eone's attention on some.thing • Ut.e Great� to show enthusia,111 for an idea • Offer son1eone best wishes on his or her birthday • Respond to.a pe-rson's birthday wi111es li.1tening Tuks Pronunciation • Number c-ontra·sts Identify' events and c·in:fe ihe correct tfnte:1 • Wlite the events you hear in a date book • Circle the dates you hear Pronunciation ti S.entence rhythn1 - �.(� Rea�ing Text • Simple forn1s and b�siness c.:ards Writing Ta,k • \\lrite affirn1ative and neg;rtive statements about people in a· picture @;Ji(H[i:l•!•l1IJ;j Guided wri'tlng practice Reading Text ti Short descriptions of famou.s people., iheir occupation,, and countrie1 of origin Writing Ta,k • \\!rite sentences about your relatlon,hip$ @;Jpffa@=i•l•J.1li;j Guided writing praclke Reading Text, Simple m.ap, and diagran1s • Introduction� of peoplei their relationships �nd occupatlonsi where they live and how they get to work Writing Ta,k • \'/rile que1tion1 and 1n1wN1 about the p ate, l in a con1pJe) picture \\'JifOl4i=\•\•fjjj;i Guided wri"ting practice Reading Text, • A fa1nily tree • A 111 agazln e article about f.an1ou s actors and their famiiies Writing Ta,k • \\!rite a de.scripfion of the people In your family Qf;flfi:@:\•\•f7jf;8 Guided writing praclke Rea�ing Text, A world map with time -zone$ • Events posters • Newspaper announceo1ents A zodiac calendar w iting Ta,k • Write about event$ at your school or in your city @;Jid(ti:j,j,J7fj;j Gukfed wrl'ting praUce • Acknowledge a con1pliment with Thank you • Apologize 't\'ith I'm sorry when e�presslng disappointing information • U•e That', too bad to e).pre.ss di,appointn1ent • Use What about you? to ask for son1eone's opinion • U$e !/.Jell to soften a strong opinion • Say Me? to give yoursetf tin1e to think of a personal respon#e U,e Well to Introduce a le�gthy re,pon" • U$e What about you?1o ask for p ·arallel Informatfon • Use So to· introduce a co·nver,ation topic • Use Hov.· about you? to asY for parallel inforn1ation • Say Sure to indicate a willingne,s to answer Begfn a response to an une:apected que,tion 'Nith Oh Listening Task1 • C0Rfirn1 detail.$ about clothes • De.1e1mine color:, of ganu ents: Pronunciation • Plural noun, Rea�ing Text, • A sales flyer from a department s1ore Writing Ta,k • \\!rite sentences about the clothe, you havei n d, want, and like @;JifH{d:\•!•i7fj;j Guided wri·ting practke Listeninc Ta-:Sk • Match chores to the people·who performed then1 Pronunciation • Third-per1on singular verb endings Reading Text • A revie'f\' of house�eeping robots Writing Ta,k • Describe your typical weeki uslng adverbs oi frequency and time e>.pres.sion, j@;ffjH@:\•!•f7jj;j Guided wri·ting practice v www.irLanguage.com ‫ﻣﺮﺟﻊ زﺑﺎن اﯾﺮاﻧﯿﺎن‬ COMMUNICATION GOALS • Oe?cribe your neighborhood • Ask about someone's home • Tai� -about furniture and -appliance, Home and Neighborhood VOCABULARY GRAMMAR Buildings • Place, in the neighborhood • Roo111s • Furniture and applianc.eJ • Th ·e-iin1ple pret·ent tense: o Questions with Wh�re prepositions of place • There is aodihere-are: '°Statements and ill I!!.! questions o ConfractlQns and con1mon error1 • Quettlons.with How n1any More heme and otti ce vocabulary PAGE 64 • Oe?cribe today�s we-ather • Dhc.uss plan, • Ask about people's attivitles Activities and Plans Weathe·r e 1pre s.sions • Prese.nt and future Un1e e1pressions s More we·ath-ervocabulary I ieasons The- present continuous� o Statem1:nts: form and usage o fill 11() qu�tion, o Information que,tion, o Fer future plans • The p.re,ent participle: spelling rule a PAGE 72 • Ojsbus1 ingre

Ngày đăng: 15/12/2020, 14:13