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Integrated skills work and language practice TB

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FocusSkill$$*g&,ffi $ffid.* Needsome ffiffiffiww ffiffiffiryw Summary Topic:beingalone Vocabulary:word building;colloquialexpressions; askingfor opinions picturebaseddiscussion Main task interactive Subsidiarytasks: discussion; writingan email Writethe wordaloneon the boardandelicitfromthe crass whetherit hasnegative, positive or neutralconnotations Writethe words loneliness and so/lfudebelowit and ask how theserelateto what hasbeensaid a Setmatchingtaskas individual work.Checkanswers l(ev 1d 2e 3a 4c 5h 6f 7b 8a b Students work in pairsto divideexpressions Check answers Key 41356 82478 Ask studentsto providecontexts for expressions individually Feedbackand compareanswerswiththe class Talk about it a Elicitcorrectalternatives in opengroup b K lffiffi Playthe recordingfor studentsto repeat Focuson intonation and contractions ' '.:|l'r-, Monitorstudentsas theydiscussthe questionin pairs Elicitfeedbackand extenddiscussion Students discussquestions in pairs.Feedbackand compare answerswiththe class Students discussquestions in pairsor smallgroupsand feedback Lead in Word work Write about it a Students wordbuildingactivity Checkanswersand giveexamples wherenecessary Setwritingtaskin classor for homework Extra activity Key Possibleanswers alone:lone lonely loneliness a loner solitude:sole solitary isolate:isolated isolation c om pany : co m p a n i o nc o mp a n i o n a b l ec o mpani onshi p society:sociable unsociable social socially associate association b Students complete taskin pairs.Checkanswers Elicit contextsfor the collocations Key solebeneficiary2 isolation ward solitaryconfinement unsociable hours keepsomeone company Writethis rubricon the board Many problemsin the worldtodayare causedby havingtoo manypeople.Hereare someof them o o overpopulation largeclassroom sizes largerretiredpopulation overcrowding in largecities moresingleparents Talkto eachotheraboutthe causesand potential effectsof theseproblemsand then decidewhichyou think is the mostworryingproblem Setthe taskas pairwork.Feedback.Discuss with students whattheythinkcouldbe doneto easetheseproblems t V ''l ''t tl ,t' A I Focus Skill What's ina Summary Topic:voices;advertising Vocabulary:adjectives to describe voiceand manner Main task: listening to radioadvertsfor gistand detailed information Subsidiarytasks:discussion; intonation work;writingan advert Negative:irritating, incomprehensible, strongly-accented nasalpi , erci ng, aggressi ve, w hi ni ng, sharp,l oud,s queaky pompous neryous, Neutral:high,fastbusiness-like, gossipy, hesitant, uopercl ass S tudents s cesi ndi vi dualand thi nkof peopl e'voi l y com par e answersin pairs.Feedbackas a class Students work in pairsto practise sayingthe sentence in differentwavs l,].::l,lt]:t'.:ll: Listen I Students discusspre listening questions in opengroup lf you knowthe class,greetthemwith a smilebut no words Write Canyou describemy voice?on the board Elicitwith gestures andwriteanyadjectives or comments on the board.lf youdon'tknowthe class,askthemto describea particular student's voice Ask the studentto speakandseehow appropriate the descriptions were Elicitfromstudentswhattheycouldconsider whendescribing a voiceandwritethesewordson the boardfor reference: pitch, tone,pace,clarity,intonation,accent Students discussquestions in pairs.Feedback Beforeplayingthe recording, checktapescript and preteach anyunfami l i ar i tems S etl i steni ng taskas i ndi vi d ual wor k thenstudents checkin pairs.Playthe recording Check answersas a class.Notethat answersfor the tone mavvary Key adven Lead in Students discussquestions in pairs.Feedbackandcompare answersas a class Listen Then :S illl:,llllllAsk differentstudentsto readthe sentence playthe recording for studentsto matchadjectives and speakers Checkanswers Key gossipy sexy business-like4 nasal squeaky hesitant Word work Students workon adjectives in pairs,referring to their dictionaries if necessary Checkanswersas a class.There maybe somediscussion aboutwhichanswersarecorrecr as the classification of someof the wordsrsa matterof opinion Key P os it iv e:hL s ( 's, n ro o thsexy.clear,gentle,strong, r r r! s c a ' ' , : - : : : .,.a r r ll cleep soft,friendly, enthusiastic, -a- product name chocol ates Moonl i ghtMagi c carpets C arpetS tores shampoo/condi ti onerRevelle5 w ashi ngpow der Whi testar car i nsurance tone sexy enthu s i as ti c gentle,warm compl ni ng/ reass uri ng Panther husky/sexy InsuranceD i rect busi n es s -l i k e Students discusshowsuccessful theythinkthe adverts wouldbe.Compare ideasas a class Write about it Studentspreparewritingtaskin smallgroups.lf thereis not enoughtime,askstudentsto writethe scriptfor homework Extra activityr I Readthisparagraph in differentways[enthusiastic/ unenthusiasticJ Ask studentswhatdifferences thevnotice Wentout to dinnerwithJohnagainlastnight.He broughthissisteralong.Shesatnextto me andtold me all abouthei holidayhousein the southof France 'Youmustcomeandstaysometime,' shesaid.'l'msure we couldfit you inl Writethesesentences for studentsto practise sayingwith differentintonation Modelif necessary to check | loveyourhippylook.Are the clothesoriginal? (admiration/sarcasm) Theirtastein decorating is incredible [praise/shockJ | seeyoufinishedlateagainlastnight [worry/criticism] I frtiTfF Focus SkillXEAglil{i I Common sense Ertra actiYities Sumr1l for thesewordsin the text I Studentsfind collocations TopicTe l e p a t hy :' , ,' ;,,,,,' , ' , ' ,l trocabqlsy:, rno}dqiwithrslmikt:,ffiaaning$;::expresslitmar' for givingopinions Main tadr: readinga newspap€rarticle;answering muhiplechoicequestions Subr*dltry tad , '1 /-

Ngày đăng: 22/12/2020, 13:01

