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FAMILY immediate/extended family family of four nejbliLliI v zdilendj 5i ro dina to get divorced rozv6d6t se ityiilenn6 rodina to be divorced from sb byrozvedenla s lcym blended family smiSend rodina to separate/split-up rozejit se one-parent family neripln6 rodina to remarry zno\u childless family bezddtn6 rodina to marry into family tree rodokmen familymember dlen rodiny cohabitation nemanZelsk6 familybackground rodinn6 zizemi bachelor stary ml6denec zaloZit rodinu spinster star6 panna marital status rodinnf stav close/distant/blood relative blizlci I v zd|leny/p okrevni single svobodny/6 engaged zasnoubeny/6 fianc6/husband-to-be snoubenec fianc6e/bride-to-be snoubenka married Lenafi,vdani husband manZel wife manZelka married couple manLele divorced rozvedenyl6 widowed ovdovdly/6 tobewidowed ovdovdt widow vdova a to raise/start a family a family se oienit/vd6t piiZenit se/piivdat rodiny se souiiti pihuznj, to be related to sb blit piibuzny to be relation to sb bjt s s h.im v piibuzenskdm vztahu lcfm What relation are you to fim? V jakdm piibuzensk6m vztahu jsi s |imem? frorn one's father's/ mother's side z otcoly/matdiny strany oflfrom the first marrige z prvniho manZelsM to come from a good family po to be one of the family patiit rodiny the black sheep of the family dern6 ovce rodiny within the family vkruhu rodinn6m familygathering rodinn6 se5lost familylife rodinnf iivot family relations vzlahyv rodind generation gap generadni rozdil offspring potomek(-ci), ratolest mlad6 descendant potomek, n6sledovnik provdat/oZenit koho ancestor piedek adoptive family adoptimi rodina orphanage sirotdinec foster care pdstounsk6 p6de children's home ddtshy' to lose one's family ztratit rodinu to adopt sb osvojit si koho to be orphaned osiiet foster-parent pdstoun orphan sirotek foster-child ditd svdien6 opatroviini widower vdovec grown-up dospdlli to get married oienit to marry sb vzit si koho to marryyoung Zenit se mladf/vd6vat se to marrysb off se, vd6t se ch|znt z dobr ro diny ADOPTION domov FAMILY MEMBERS mother matka brother bratr frrher otec sister sestra parent rodii uncle stryc ton s).rr aunt teta daughter dcera cousin bratranec, sestienice FAMIIY aaaaa grandparents prarodide fueic'e netei grandfather dddedek stepfather nevlastni otec grandmother babidka stepmother nevlastni matka grandchildren vnoudata stepbrother nevlastni bratr grandson vnuk stepsisGr nevlastni sestra granddaughter vnudka stepchild nevlastni dit€ great- grand(father ) pra(dddedek ) sibling frther-in-law tchrin an mother-in-law tchynE first-born prvorozenf onlychild sourozenec jedin6dek son-in-law zet illegitimate nemanZelslcf daughter-in-law snacha fu"gt twin triplet dvojde brother-in-law sister-in-lrrw Svagrovd quad(ruplet) @de nephew synovec siblingrivalry sourozenecki rivalita a3 trojie FAMILY FAMILY TREE: describe Mike's family tree FRIENDSHIP lifelong/lastingfriendship celoZivotni/trval6piftelsM to have alot insonmon mit hodnd spoledndho besVgood/close/old/ nejlepSi/dobrf/blizlqi/starli/ to sch6zet se s lclim 6asto mutualfriend spolednf piitel lot to getalongwithsb my circle of friends mrij okruh znrimfch kamar6d, lqirno3 to understand each other's problems naraijem si rozum€t mate (inf)/buddy(inf) tobe friendswith sb pidtelit to trust sb drivdiovat komu to confide in sb wEiovat se komu to get sth offone's chest vypovidat s dim zklamat koho se s lclim to strilce up a friendship with sb naviizat pfritelsM s lcfm see sb a vychtzet dobie kfm s tobecome friends spidtelit se to makefriendswith sb skamar6dit se to meet sezndmit se, potkat se tolet love for sb l6skake komu to feign indifference piedstirat nezijem tobe in lovewith sb bjt zamilovdn to express one's love for sb vfznat kisku ke komu declaration/sign of love vyzn6ni/projw l6sky s kfm sb down/disappoint sb se z deho, w€iit se LOVE to full (madly) inlovewith sb zamilovat koho koho se ($flen6) to show one's feelings projevovat sv€ city head overheels in love zamilovln po uSi love at first sight Liska na prvni pohled to be crazlmad/nuts (infl about sb bft cellibl6zrn koho platonic/puppylove platonickriiddtslci l6ska to become infatuatedwith sb zblinnitse koho undying/true love v6dn6, nehynouci/opravdovd l6ska to have acrush on sb zblinnitse koho unrequitedlove neopdtovand Liska infatuation pobl6zndni the love of one's life Zivotni l6ska secret adrnirer tajnf obdivovatel holidayromance pnizdninovf romrinek to long for sth toulit po dem love afiair milostnli rominek to dream ofsb snit o kom love triangle milostnf trojrihelnik to take an interest in sb zaiimat se o koho serious/intimate/sexual vdZnf i intimni/milostnf to attract sb piitahovat koho relationship vztah to eye sb pokukovat po kom to be intimatewith sb mit milostn pom6r s lcfm flirt with sb flirtation flirtovat, koketovat tobe made foreach other bjt hnizdecko l6sky to s lcfm si souzeni flirt, flirtovrini love nest flirtatious koketni love (inQ/sweetheart (spoken) l6ska (osoba) to hide one's desire for sb skrfvat touhu po kom inseparable couple nerozluin6 dvojice to give attention to sb dvoiit alotto me to fall out oflove Mnoho pro m6 znamen65 chodit spolu se komu, zajimat se o koho to be flattered You msan bft polichocen/a ,odmilovat milovat se*, DATE date rande schtzls; rande (osoba) to go out together blind date schrlzka naslepo to to go out on a first date jit to gettoknoweach na prvni rande see each other vidat se l6pe se poznat otherbetter to meet sb through alonely heart's ad sezn6rnit se s kfm pies inzerdt matchmaker to go outwith sb/date sb chodit s kfm a good match dohazovai dobni partie piestat HUMAN RELATIONS /E:Valentine is madly in love with Emma.What is their story as shown in the pitures below? QI '{M;ffi NOTES HUMAN REIATIONS aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa to match sb up with sb ddt dohromady ndkoho s ndlcfm steadygirtfriend stil6 piitelloTnC to steaUpinch sb's girlfriend piebrat nEdi piite\mi dobie si vybrat, dobie se vd6UoZenit to talce a shortbreak to pickup sb/chat sb up sbalit koho to fail nedopadnout, nevyjit datingagency seznamovaci agentura to makeagoodmatch d6t si men5i pauzu (ve vxahu) sEx (sexual) intercourse (frnl) potrlavni styh souloi passionately v65niv€ to have se:rual contact mitpohlavni sryk to be sexuallyactive mit pravidelnf sex to makelove to/with sb milovat se s to deep around vyspat se s kaidfm to have sex/sleep with sb milovat se, hfm to have safe sex chninit skfm souloZit, sp6t se casual sex nrihodnf sex to sleep together to be just (good) friends sp6t spolu, mit spolu sex safe/unprotected sex bezpednf/nechrrindn sex bftjen pi6tel6 preserration/condom ochrana kondom virgin panna" panic to use contraception pouiivat antikoncepci ztratit panensM to protect against sth chrrinit first sexual orperience prvnl sexudln i zii:itek venereal disease pohlavni choroba premarital sex piedmanZelskf sex l6ska najednu noc topass (adisease) on by sexual contact nakazit pohlavnim srykem one-night stand (inf) to seduce sb w€stkoho heterosexual heterosexuil to cuddle objimat homosexud homosexu{l to kiss libat ga'T gay (French) kiss (francouzskf) polibek lesbian lesba gently nEln6 registered partnership registrovand partnersM loudeni se wobodou poi6dan6 nwdstou best man Zenichriv wEdek weddingceremony svatebni obiad loudeni se svobodou poi6dan€ Zenichem to make one's mariagevows sloiit manZelslcf slib party (AmE) to come to one's wedding ptijitkomu to propose to sb poZridat koho o ruku to send wedding invitations rozeslat pozvdnky na watbu weddingcard watebni ozn6meni to lose one's virginity se, madit se se se proti demu WEDDING hen's party (BrE)/bridal shower (AmE) stag night (BrE)/bachelor na watbu to make/drawup the guestlist sestavit seznam hostfi wedding dress/wedding gown svatebni Saty to exclange wedding rings vfm€nit si watebni PrstenY to perfom traditional rituals prov6ddt tradidni zvyky wedding reception watebni hostina to propose a toast pron6st piipitek to make aspeech pron6st projw to cuttheweddingcalce rozkrojit watebni dort watebni dary veil zivoj weddingpresmts/ weddinggifts train vledka shotgunwedding ,,vynuceni svatba (nevdsta je tdhotn6) thebigday velhfden, den watby to have acivilwedding mit svatbu ria riiad€ whitewedding tradidni svatbavbil6m to have a churchwedding mit watbu v kostele jet n6kam nalibrinky wedding procession watebnipruvod to go somewhere on one's honeymoon nevdsta newlyrreds novomaniel6 bride ienich trcusseau vfbava nev6stY bridegroom/groom druZidka dowry v€no bridesmaid HUMAN RELATIONS DATING: invent a story explaining whyJane falls asleep during her date with Peter a: 1{OTES HUMAN RELATIONs MARRIAGE (ne)*t'astni rnanielstvi her ex-husbandlfuture loveless rrrarriage munielstvi bez l6skv hustrand starnry rnarriirge bouilive manielstvi his lawful rvile ieher arrangecl marriage tloltodnutf sriatek devotetl husband odclani manZel to rush into a marriage hndt se rnanfelski marrrage l'ows r, rnan?.el*ki slib tc marry sb ftrr love vzit si koho z ki*k,v marriage certilicate sdrlaci list to be happily married tit ve $Lastr:dm rnanfelstvi tinit kr*ro *thstnym marriage settlement miln2r"lskti dol,uda {un}happy nrarriage to make sb happv t0 rr$pect e&ch other vz{jer:rni respect for sb rict{ ke komu tolerance towards ntr tolerance tn hirve a gcod relationship rr:it dobr,i'r'ztah W'e lrcrk rvell together Klape vzjah married couple rrranield ctit vfrii komu nim hannonious/equal relationship se to rmanickf I rr:vnocenny iej i brival zikorrni rnanZelka rnarriage of convenience siatek z roz-rlttru marital probleme rnanielsk6 proirlern,v henpecked hlsband rnui poci pantcflern breadwinner 2ivitcl rotlia,v to wear the trouser# pants (in$ bj't hlava rrdiny marriage guidance counselling mani,elski poraclna breakdownlbreakup of marriage roz.pal.J \1 \ilt \ rl: llil: iir i !t/ i i i manirllstvi / t ! a /, j'lbudor"rci rrraniel / €," "un f/7 t.:.'- \ ,"l' f'(.' \ -" ) f':ii'n'' :\'ili; , I*.'' (l,- "" HUMAN RELATIONS WEDDING: compare and contrast these two pictures Which wedding would you prefer? Why? I - NOTES S P$ l Nf;iH$HtF'FF$SIEMS PARTHERSHIF PROBLEMS lo lre ie;rl*us *f str i{r{it nnhealthy.iealous,v choxrlrnli i-:irlivost na ks}h$ iirliinsti to *rlTer frtxn iealeiusy trp{"l t* make ztrctpit sc6rru in a & $eene lit of fernp*r ve vztekri n,lii city zklantat se v kilrll lo htrrt sb's feeliugs znanit tn be rlisappointed in sb tc tre f$rious rr-ith sbl irr: rtl;lrl iri rir zr"riit na koho t* eornpl*intlmoax atroul t* r*proachlhlame str l"$r sth rth fault tu dc sth rln purilose to be inditl'erent/ apathefic to sth/xh tar he al to hecorne *tranged from aw;ry tackofrespect/totrrirnce di'lat por.vk little things nraliikostenr pnssessive/domineeringlboss,v dominantnf, panovainy selfish :iobeckii egoist sobec irrtolerable/unbearable nesnesilelnf to be rude to sb b*t hruby kr: ktulu kmli purontel konrandor.at koho to put sb downlbelittle str poni?nvat kcho, srii2et kohei to rule the rooat {inf) to run sb's life nrit posledni *lovo, vlidnout bit lhosteinl'k icmrrlke tyrant lyran kcn:u heartless bezcitnf aggressive agr"esivni emotional blackmail citcve vydlrdni poorsoul chudrik vulnerable zranitelnf to defend oneself trorn/ against sthlsb briinit to stand huruiliation sn63et poni/.eni to make concessions ddlat iistupkv ta fbel smalUfbel hurniliated citit domhci n{sili cr.r r.ry*itat kcxlu cei vini orlcieil naschvd.) se komri r:dcizeni ochladlurul {vzruseni ) {exeitenrsnt } fo fad* tn make * fu*s about to dictate udilat co estrarrtrgerxent to die dawnlccoX vznftlir.i" to order sh aroundlabout stdior,'at silnafikat na brit r,a sb quick-lempered v11r*tit se nednstatek*clyllol*rance t$ misus* slr's trust/kindness zner.rLivat ndii d&vdru,r