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Household oriented approach for the optimization of resources management at the floating village in tonle sap lake region, cambodia

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VNU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN EAM SAM UN HOUSEHOLD ORIENTED APPROACH FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AT THE FLOATING VILLAGE IN TONLE SAP LAKE REGION, CAMBODIA MASTER THESIS Hanoi - 2011 VNU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DR ESDEN EAM SAM UN HOUSEHOLD ORIENTED APPROACH FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AT THE FLOATING VILLAGE IN TONLE SAP LAKE REGION, CAMBODIA Major: Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment Code: MASTER THESIS SUPERVISOR: DR ING CATALIN STEFAN RESP PROFFESOR: PROF DR RER NAT DR H PETER WERNER Hanoi - 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My highly appreciation wishes to acknowledge to Dr Ing Catalin Stefan, Institute for Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment at the TU Dresden, provided me a great support for making this paper possible and I also contribute of my thanks to alls as following in the accomplishment of this paper existing; · To Prof Dr –Ing Habil Dr h c Bilitewski and Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Diem Trang, who established the cooperation Master program on “Wast e Management and Contaminated Site Treatment” · To DAAD Hanoi provided me full support for both living allowance and tuition fee for duration years of study · To Prof Dr Le Thanh Son, Vice Dean at the Faculty of Chemistry, at the Hanoi University of Science always provided me a support · To all professors, lecturers, and colleagues at the Hanoi University of Science and the Institute for Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment, at the TU Dresden for all the important assistances · To Dr Carly Starr who kindly revised this paper with grammar and structures · To very supportive lovely parents, brothers, and sister, for encouragement and inspiration i TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………………………………… i TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………… ii ABBREVIATIONS…………………………………………………………………………… LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………………………… LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………………………………… LIST OF ANNEXES…………………………………………………………………………….xii ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………………… Chapter I INTRODUCTION ……… I.1 I.2 I.3 Chapter II ASSESSMENT OF FACTORS ……………… II.1 II.2 II.3 ii II.4 II.5 II.6 Chapter III DEVELOPMEN RESOURCES MANAGE III.1 III.2 III.3 iii III.3.3 III.3.4 III.4 Development of Socio-Economic………………………… III.5 Quantification of the Environmental Impact o Economic Developments…………………………………… III.5.1 III.5.2 Biog III.5.3 Char Chapter IV CONCLUSIONS IV.1 Socio-Economic IV.1.1 Househ IV.1.2 House IV.1.3 House IV.2 Household’s GHG Emission ………………… REFERENCES …………………………………………………………………………… ANNEXES……………………………………………………………………………… iv ABBREVIATIONS Acronyms 3Rs : Reuse, Recycle, and Reduce ADB : Asia Development Bank AUNP : Asian EU-University Network Program AWWA : American Water Works Association BSF : Bio-sand Filter Ca+2 : Calcium ion CAWST : Center for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology CDC : Center for Disease Control and Prevention CFSP : Cambodian Fuelwood Saving Project CH4 : Methane CHLs : Chlordances Cl- : Chloride CO : Carbon monoxide CO2 : Carbon dioxide COD : Chemical Oxygen Demand CWP : Ceramic Water Purifier DDT : Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane DNA : Deoxyribonucleic acid DO : Dissolved Oxygen EAWAG : Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science EJF : Environmental Justice Foundation v Fe+3 : Iron ion GHG : Green House Gas H2 : Hydrogen H2O : Water HCB : Hexachlorobenzene HCHs : Hexachorinated hydrocarbons HWTS : Household Water Treatment System IDE : International Development Enterprise IGES : Institute for Global Environmental Strategies IPCC : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change JICA : Japan International Cooperation Agency K+ : Potassium ion LPG : Liquefied Petroleum Gas Mg+2 : Magnesium ion Na+ : Sodium ion NaOCl : Sodium hypochlorite NBP : National Biogas Program NIS : National Institute for Statistic NOx : Nitrogen Oxide O2 : Oxygen OCs : Organo-chlorines PAHO : Pan American Health Organization PCBs : Polychlorinated bi-phenyls PCE : Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment PET : Poly Ethylene Terephthalate vi POPs POU RACHA RO SANDEC -2 SO4 SODIS SSF TCPMe TN TP TSS UNDP UNEP UNICEF USAID UV Vol WaterSHED WHO vii Dimensions µg/L : Microgram per litter asl : Above sea level : Gram per cubic meter gCH4/kg waste : Gram methane per kilogram waste : Hectare Kg/hh/yr : Kilogram per household per year Kg/p/d : Kilogram per capital per day Km2 : Square kilometer L/d : Litter per day L/hh/d : Litter per household per day L/min : Litter per minute M : Metter mg/L : Milligram per litter mm/yr : Millimeter per year ng/g : Nanogram per gram pH : Percentage of hydrogen t TN/yr : Ton Total Nitrogen per year t TP/yr : Ton total phosphorous per year t/yr : Ton per year TCO2E : Ton carbon dioxide equivalent US$/ha : US Dollar per hectare US$/hh/yr : US Dollar per household per year viii ANNEXES Annex1-Socio-economic indicators Annex1-1 Components of Service Occupation in region Services Occupation Hotel/restaurants Fishing net/gear making Fishing process Labor Motor/boat taxi Others Total Annex 1.2 Income from fishing Fishing income indicator Fishing Annex 1.3 Income from farming Farming income indicator Production cost Fertilizer use Pump water Plowing and harrowing Harvest cost Rice plantation cost Total Production Cost Rice yields Total income US$/ha/ 1season Total income US$/ha/yr 65 Annex1.4: Income from trade Trade income indicator Groceries Selling fishes Other trade Total trade Average income (hh/yr) Annex1.5: Income from services Service income indicators Motor taxi Rice milling Fishing process Batteries charge shop Worker Food and coffee shop Other service Total service Average income( hh/yr) 66 Annex 1.6: Income generation from total zones Characteristics Population (millions) No of households Occupation Zone 0.291 4.2 52720 Occ , % US$/yr Farming 22 9,436,221.00 Fishing 5,051,219.18 Trade All zones 219621 Occ, % US$/yr Service Total income Note: Occ %: percentage of occupation 8,503,287.67 59082598 38 13,756,754.88 122596032 38 149436174 87 53,038,337 53 306216196 45 67 Annex 1.7: Income generation from total zones by percentages Income (%) Farming Fishing Trade Service Total percentage 68 Annex2: Sources of energy consumption Annex2.1: Energy for cooking Sources of Energy for cooking (%) Firewood Charcoal Kerosene Petroleum (LPG) Electricity Annex2.2: Energy for lightening Sources of Energy for lightening (%) Publicly-Provided Electricity Power Privately generated electricity Batteries Kerosene lamp Note: - unknown 69 Annex3: Drinking Water Supply –cost estimation HWTS CWP Solar Disinfection Bio Sand Filter Boiling using firewood Boiling using LPG Settling Chlorination SSF Note: 1.5US$ for replacement cost for broken parts Annex4: Fuel consumption and emission factors by household (Calculation by Shipbuilding GHG Emission Inventory Tool) Indicators Baseline-firewood Baseline-wood charcoal Optimized-biogas Optimized-char briquette LPG Kerosene Note: - unknown 70 Annex5: Agricultural and household waste materials Compost Biogas Char Materials Crop based residue Banana residue (leave and stem) + Bark Coconut husk/fiber - Corn core Corn residues (leave and stem) (+) Grasses (+) Peanut shell Reed - Rice husk Rice straw (+) Soybean husk Soybean residue (leave) + Soybean residue (stem) Sugar cane bagasse (+) - Sugar cane residue (leaves) Water hyacinth Forestry based residue Sawdust Wood residue Wood ash Tree leaves Animal husbandry Chicken manure Cattle manure Human Urine (+) + + + + + Human faeces Household waste Market waste Vegetable residue Food waste Fish scraps Float fat (fish) Paper Glass/ plastic bottle Oil Bones Risk residue Lead acid Battery ( fishing and household purpose) Alkaline battery Medical waste Pesticide waste Note: + suitable, - not suitable, and (+) limited suitability The material index is identified by clustering into potential categories; compost, biogas, mushroom and characterization materials char is briquette, others of based The classified on material properties such as easy degradability is suitable for compost and biogas High heating value material is suitable for char briquette High cellulose material is suitable to use as a substrate of mushroom 72 Annex6: Drinking Water Quality Index Water quality index is indicated the water quality based on (http://www.waterresearch.net/watrqualindex/index.htm) In the Table 11 shows the water quality index Depend on this legend; the quality of surface water from Tonle Sap Lake is identified Water quality rate from Tonle Sap Lake Parameter Turbidity TN TP DO pH 73 Annex 7: Household water treatment system (HWTS) for drinking water Parameter Cloth filtration SSF B (S Pathogens; bacteria, virus, and protozoa Ammonia - + - - Iron - - Hardness - Turbidity Color Odor Chloride Arsenic + - Note: - not suitable, + suitable Annex 8: Sanitation facility Situation Floating village Seasonal flooding Non-flooded Note: - not suitable, + suitable + - 74 ... UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DR ESDEN EAM SAM UN HOUSEHOLD ORIENTED APPROACH FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AT THE FLOATING VILLAGE IN TONLE SAP LAKE REGION, CAMBODIA. .. of the Tonle Sap River during the wet season During the dry season, the Tonle Sap Lake is reversed again and starts to empty into Mekong River The extraordinary water regime of the Tonle Sap Lake. .. in the floating community in the floodplain of Tonle Sap Lake region is appeared strongly closed to water resources for domestic consumption and dumping site for their household waste including

Ngày đăng: 20/11/2020, 08:44


