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The syntactic and lexical features of english and vietnamese newspaper headlines a contrastive analysis

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES PHẠM HỒNG PHƯỢNG THE SYNTACTIC AND LEXICAL FEATURES OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE NEWSPAPER HEADLINES: A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS (Phân tích đối chiếu đặc điểm cú pháp từ vựng tiêu đề báo Tiếng Anh Tiếng Việt) M.A MINOR THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 60.22.15 Hanoi, 2011 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES PHẠM HỒNG PHƯỢNG THE SYNTACTIC AND LEXICAL FEATURES OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE NEWSPAPER HEADLINES: A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS (Phân tích đối chiếu đặc điểm cú pháp từ vựng tiêu đề báo Tiếng Anh Tiếng Việt) M.A MINOR THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 60.22.15 Supervisor: Dr Nguyễn Huy Kỷ Hanoi, 2011 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS S = Subject V = Verb O = Object C = Complement A = Adverb Aug = August Eng = English Viet = Vietnamese Ex = Example EFL = English Foreign Language LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1: Frequency of structural headline types in the English and Vietnamese corpora Table 3.2: Frequency of sentential headline types in the English and Vietnamese corpora Table 3.3: Frequency of simple headline types in the English and Vietnamese corpora Table 3.4: Frequency of compound headline types in the English and Vietnamese corpora Table 3.5: Frequency of non-sentential headlines in the English and Vietnamese corpora Table 3.6: The Frequency of non-finite clauses in the English sample headlines Table 3.7: Frequency of omission of subjects in English and Vietnamese non-finite clausal headlines Table 3.8: Frequency of non-sentential headline types in English and Vietnamese corpora Table 3.9: Frequency of nominal headline types in the English and Vietnamese corpora Table 3.10: Frequency of types of postmodifiers in Vietnamese nominal headlines Table 3.11: Frequency of functional headlines types in English and Vietnamese corpora Table 3.12: Frequency of different parts of speech in English and Vietnamese headlines Table 3.13: Frequency of nouns in English and Vietnamese corpora Table 3.14: Frequency of dynamic and static verbs in English and Vietnamese corpora Table 3.15: Frequency of active and passive voice in English and Vietnamese corpora Table 3.16: Frequency of verbs with different syllables in English and Vietnamese corpora Table 3.17: Frequency of the omission of verb 'be' in English corpus TABLE OF CONTENTS CANDIDATE‟S STATEMENT -ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF TABLES ABSTRACT -PART A: INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study Objectives of the study Research questions Scope of the study -5 Methods of the study Design of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT -CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 Literature review 1.1.1 Language of headlines 1.1.2 Complexity in headlines 1.1.3 Typical features of headlines 1.1.4 Contrastive analyses on headlines -1.1.5 Studies on headlines in Vietnam -1.2 Theoretical background -1.2.1 Newspaper headlines Concepts of headlines Functions of headlines -1.2.2 Syntactic and lexical features Syntactic features - Lexical features -CHAPTER 2: ANALYSIS ON COLLECTED NEWSPAPER HEADLINES 2.1 Materials - 2.2 Procedure - 2.3 Data analysis 2.3.1 First level of analysis Structural headline types - Functional headline types 2.3.2 Second level of analysis - Parts of speech in sample headlines Omissions in headlines - 2.4 Summary CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND IMPLICATIONS 3.1 Similar features of English and Vietnamese newspaper h - 3.1.1 Syntactic similarities - 3.1.2 Lexical similarities 3.2 Different features of English and Vietnamese newspaper 3.2.1 Syntactic differences - 3.2.2 Lexical differences - 3.3 Pedagogical implications - 3.3.1 Implications for teaching journalistic English 3.3.2 Implications for teaching translation 3.4 Summary -PART C: CONCLUSION Recapitulation -2 Limitations of the study Suggestions for further studies REFERENCES APPENDIX PART A: INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study It is undeniable that our country has been moving towards globalization and trade liberalization To be successful, we have opened to welcome foreign investment for many years and now we still need to continuously understand the political and economic situations of other countries In such a situation, information has played a vital role up to now Newspapers are one of the most popular means of transmitting information which has attracted a great number of readers Conventionally, it is believed that newspapers have more readers than any other kind of written text According to Van Dijk (1986:156), "for most citizens, news is perhaps the type of written discourse with which they are confronted most frequently" Reading newspapers in English, in fact, has always been an interest of English learners Newspapers are everywhere but how to read in an easy way to understand is still a problem Moreover, as teachers of English, how to teach students to translate, to write and to understand English press in an effective way is really a big question In a newspaper, it is the headline that has the highest readership It is always the first thing that everyone notices when picking up a newspaper It serves as a guide for readers that helps decide whether to continue on reading the whole report or to skip onto another one Each headline summarizes the content of a story, and entices an audience into reading the article Newspaper headlines are particularly important for the way readers comprehend a news text, they are markers that monitor attention, perception and the reading process (Van Dijk, 1988) Many students of English find that newspaper headlines are especially difficult to understand Obviously, it is not just a matter of vocabulary; even the style of writing is different from any other text they have met in their studies The language of headlines is special and has its own characteristics on the lexical, syntactic, and rhetorical levels for its brevity, attractiveness, and clarity (Danuta R., 1998) These language features pose a great challenge to foreign learners of English when they begin to read English newspapers The key to ease the difficulty of this special genre lies on the comparison between foreign and native languages (Connor, 1996) Thereby, this study is conducted to investigate the similar and different features in the newspaper headlines of English and 10 Vietnamese languages From the findings, I hope partly to guide Vietnamese learners and teachers of English towards the effective way of mastering English Objectives of the study In the light of Contrastive Analysis, this study attempts to contrast English and Vietnamese newspaper headlines, which concentrates on the following objectives:  Studying the syntactic and lexical features of English and Vietnamese newspaper headlines;  Contrastively comparing the newspaper headlines of the two languages syntactically and lexically to find the similarities and mainly differences between them;  Drawing out the practical applications in English language teaching and translation Research questions In order to achieve the objectives, during the process of carrying the research, the following research questions are raised for exploration: What are the syntactic and lexical features of English and Vietnamese newspaper headlines? What are the similarities and differences in the syntactic and lexical features of English and Vietnamese newspaper headlines? What pedagogical implications does the study have for Vietnamese teachers of English? Scope of the study Due to the limit in time and within the framework of an M.A thesis, it is impossible for a study to deal with all the features of language theory and practice in depth This study, therefore, only focuses on some syntactic and lexical features found in the newspapers headlines of English and Vietnamese to see how they are different Methods of the study In the thesis, the main methods used are description and contrastive comparison of the two languages in newspaper headlines including:  Describing the syntactic and lexical features in the English and Vietnamese headlines collected from The New York Times and Hà Nội Mới newspapers  Contrastively comparing those features in English and Vietnamese newspaper headlines with concrete contrasting techniques, namely, analysis and statistics 11 Design of the study This thesis consists of three parts: Part A is the introduction which shows the reasons why the topic is chosen, what the study aims at as well as the scope of the study and some outlook on methodology Part B consists of chapters Chapter discusses the review of related literature and theoretical background of every matter mentioned in the title of the study Chapter and are the analysis of the headlines selected, the major findings and discussions with some implications for learning and teaching English Part C is the conclusion which presents the recapitulation of the study, the limitations of the study and some suggestions for further researches 12 PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND In this Chapter, review of related literature and theoretical background including the syntactic and lexical features of English and Vietnamese headlines will be provided 1.1 Literature review Headlines are obviously one of the striking features of modern newspapers Therefore it is not surprising that they have been studied quite extensively not only by journalists but also by linguists Some of the few existing linguistic studies of headlines will be reviewed below 1.1.1 Language of headlines Straumann's (1935) study of English headlines is pioneer work His approach is to treat the language of headlines as an autonomous language He classifies headlines in terms of neutrals, nominals, verbals and particles The first section of his classification contains words in their common forms In the following sections he arranges them in “s” forms, and in three variables, semivariables and invariables Classification is further arranged in “d” forms, “ing” forms, “ly”, “er” and “(e)st” forms 1.1.2 Complexity in headlines The complexity of headlines is investigated by Brisau (1969) He measures complexity in terms of clauses, which are thus singled out from other units as a gauge of complexity In 3,000 headlines, Brisau (1969) finds 264 examples of headlines containing two or more clauses, which is less than 10% of the total number Brisau (1969) concludes that more complex structures than two very simple clauses linked together rarely occur in headlines He mentions, however, that the linguistic makeup of the headline could vary widely from one newspaper to another 1.1.3 Typical features of headlines Mardh (1980) offers an exhaustive study of the characteristic features of the headlines of a range of English newspapers She identifies the following linguistic features as typical of headlines in English newspapers: the omission of articles; the omission of verbs and of auxiliaries (the verb "to be" for example); nominalizations; the frequent use of complex noun phrases in subject position (in theme position); adverbial headlines, with the omission of both verb and subject; the use of short words ("bid" instead of "attempt"); the 13 Hầm chứa 100 đầu đạn pháo sân Nhà Văn hóa 39 Nơng dân “dài cổ” chờ đất dịch vụ 40 Nút giao thông thành bãi đỗ xe 41 Quy định tham gia bảo hiểm thất nghiệp với đối tượng người sử dụng lao động 42 Thống đốc Texas dẫn đầu ứng cử viên Cộng hòa 43 Mỹ: Trung Quốc muốn có quân đội đại vào 2020 44 Các phóng viên quốc tế Libya tự 45 Chiến tiếp diễn thủ đô Tripoli 46 Hội chợ Du lịch quốc tế TP.HCM 2011 “Bốn quốc gia - Một điểm đến” 47 Gần triệu khách du lịch quốc tế đến Việt Nam 48 Lễ hội Trung thu 2011 từ ngày đến 12/9 49 Biến tấu khúc giao mùa 50 Chung Tử Đơn mời tham gia "The 38 24 Dịch vụ chuyển tiền liên ngân hàng… khai thông? Bắt đầu miễn thuế thu nhập cá nhân Hà Nội có ngày hội mua nhà giá gốc lần 25 26 đầu 27 đêm, giá vàng "bốc hơi" 200.000 đồng/chỉ 28 VietinBank không ngừng nâng cao chất lượng phục vụ 29 Tổ máy số Thủy điện An Khê hòa lưới điện quốc gia 30 Khuyến khích doanh nghiệp phát triển thương hiệu 31 Để tránh thất thu thuế 32 Tiếp nhận hạng mục hồn thành Cơng viên Thống Nhất 33 Đa số doanh nghiệp vận tải ô tô quản lý 34 Kịp thời ngăn chặn nầm “bẩn” vận chuyển vào Nam 35 Tìm giải pháp để chống sai phạm báo chí 36 Phú Thọ: Di dân khẩn cấp khỏi vùng nguy sạt lở 37 Tuyển tu nghiệp sinh sang Nhật Bản chi phí thấp 52 on Qaddafi 58 59 Money Is Now at Fore of Strauss-Kahn Case Foreign Workers Stranded Without Money or Visas 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 The Middle East on a Budget Japan Lifts Ban on Beef From Disaster Area India Seeks Deal to End a Hunger Strike Discovery and Conservation of Plants Man Utd tapsup Peter Lim for IPO Geologists Sharply Cut Estimate of Shale Gas A Rare Bustle in the Lab as Seismometers Quiver 67 68 69 How Many Species on Earth? It‟s Tricky Bending the Rules on Bacteria Examining the Mystery of Skeleton, Sugar and Sex 70 71 Medical Thriller, With a Life in the Balance Hip Implant Complaints Surge, Even as the Dangers Are Studied 72 Born, and Evolved, to Run th August 27 2011: 73 74 75 76 City Orders 250,000 People to Evacuate Mass Transit to Shut Saturday at Noon What You Need to Know in New York DNA Tests Say Lindbergh Fathered Three Children in Germany 77 Teen Helps Fight Human Trafficking 78 If Possible, Nominate Them 79 Under 40, Blindsided by Breast Cancer 80 Factory Growth Fastest in 20 Years 81 Bernanke Blames Politics for Financial Upheaval 82 United States Offers Key Support to Canadian Pipeline 83 N.Y Judges‟ Pay Raised 27% Over Years 84 Lull in Libya Fight Reveals Atrocities 85 A Starbucks on Every Corner, but None Like This 86 With Williamses as Model, Prospect Finds Her Way 87 U.N Building Attacked in Nigeria 88 Chinese Bloggers‟ Accounts Suspended 89 Activist Assaulted in South Sudan 90 52 Dead in Attack on Mexico Casino 91 Near 92 93 Writing, and Hope 94 95 Twitter Speech 96 Embracing 97 European Debt 98 Ahead of Storm 99 Be a Multibillion-Dollar Catastrophe 100 Retirement Will Have to Wait 101 Delhi 102 Spared 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Networks 111 Tribute to Flanagan 112 College Football Showcase 113 114 115 116 After Taking Libya Town, Rebels Hope End Is Another Nasty week on Wall Street On Religion: Teaching Psychiatric Patients Strip Club „Pole Tax‟ Is Upheld in Texas Case of 8,000 Menacing Posts Tests Limits of For Some in G.O.P., a Tax Cut Not Worth Markets Lifted by Signs of Progress on Evacuation of City‟s Low-Lying Areas Begins FiveThirtyEight: A New York Hurricane Could For the C Train‟s Rickety and Rackety Cars, Deadly Explosion Strikes Courthouse in New 13 Plants Felt Earthquake, but Reactors Were Russian Rocket Set for Space Falls in Woods A Dog at the Funeral Captured on Video The Bicycle Muscles In New Mortgage Limit May Set Buyers Back The Plastic Sandwich Bag Flunks Stocks End a Volatile Week With Strong Gains Apple Ends Its TV Episode Rental Service Bits Blog: Half of America Is Using Social Roundup: The Orioles, Back Home, Pay As Suspensions Add Up, Luster Is Leaving a Kuchar in Slim Lead at Shortened Barclays Over the Alps on a Bike With a Boost 36 Hours: 36 Hours in Portland, Ore Practical Traveler: When Teenagers Fly Alone August 28th 2011: 117 Hurricane Irene Nears 118 Evacuations Ordered in New York as Mass Transit Shutdown for Irene Is Complex Job 119 Black South African Goes From Never a Sip to Vineyard Fame 120 Hurricane Irene Puts East Coast in Line for Fury 121 One Lost Day Follows Another 122 With Focus on Weather, Capuano Throws a Gem 123 Music‟s Best Kept Secret? 124 Put These Questions Marks by the Hardware 125 126 Don Lemon‟s New Marriage Dilemma Three Arrested in Americans Kidnapping in Pakistan 127 Accounts of Chinese Bloggers on Weibo Suspended, Causing Protests 128 Luster Is Leaving Showcase Opener of L.S.U.Oregon 129 Missouri: Die in Helicopter Crash 130 On Travers Day, Biggest Name Is on the Undercard 131 A Poll Tax by Another Name 132 Man Accused of Stalking via Twitter Claims Free Speech 133 Mexico Investigates Illeged Selling of Girls 134 Verizon Workers Will End Strike 135 Asia, Europe Stocks Slump 136 Bank of America to Cut 3,500 Jobs 137 Air Asia‟s Fernades Takes QPR Control 138 Euro Crisis: „No Solution in Sight‟ 139 140 141 and Winning 142 White - Nocturnalist 143 New York to Change 144 Least 18 Trainee Officers 145 146 Relay 147 148 Townsend Tries to Find Her Way 149 150 Bag 151 Murder Case 152 Activist 153 Trinity College Dublin 154 155 156 Strategy 157 Bank Sale 158 Kahn 159 160 161 162 Practice 163 164 165 Imam Encourages Forgiveness Potential Double Dip Recession? Few Return to Rebel-Held Brega, Libya Cyclist Merckx Had Big Appetite for Racing, 166 Where Is Gadhafi‟s Money now? 167 Is Samsung Aiming to Snap up HP‟s PC Fancy Picnic in Battery Park for Diners in New Jersey Ruling on Witnesses May Prod Algeria: Attack on Military School Kills at Shares End a Volatile Week With Strong Gains Pistorius Told He Can Run Only First Leg of What Makes Steve Jobs Great With Williams Sisters as Model, Taylor Relief for Student Debtors For School Lunches, Hold the Plastic Sandwich Old Letter Sheds New Light on Joe Hill South Sudan Police Beat Up U.N Rights Ireland Gets Its Own Acting Academy at Leonardo Mural in Florence May Be Revealed China Announces New Top Official for Tibet With Mideast in Turmoil, Israel Debates Bank of America Said to Be Close to China Al Sharpton Stays Silent in Case of StraussWhat Did Eyewitnesses Really See? As the Stars Come Out, Here's Where to Look For Libya, a Light Hand May Be Best Terrelle Pryor Shows Some Rust in First N.F.L Turkey: Plot Suspects Are Charged China: U.S Report Denounced As Qaddafi Forces Retreat, a Newly Freed Business? 168 South Koreans Leave North Korean Resort 56 169 Lybia Does Not Need UN Peace Keepers th August 29 2011: 170 City Shuts Down Amid Flooding Fears 171 Hurricane Irene Charges Toward Northeastern Cities 172 On Peninsula in Queens, Ignoring Storm Warnings 173 Lines Blur Between Candidates and PACs With Unlimited Cash 174 Al Qaeda‟s No Killed in Strike, U.S Official Says 175 Gilded Traces of the Lives Qaddafis Led Indian Anticorruption Protester Ends Fast 177 Suicide Bombers Escalate Afghanistan Assaults 178 Amazon Spends Millions to Fight Sales Tax 179 Japanese Isle‟s Activists Resist Nuclear Plant 180 Some Stability on Spending Follows Debt Fight 181 Rebel Government Struggles to Restore Water and Power in Tripoli 182 Libya‟s Interim Leadership Releases Its Members‟ Names 183 Few Treatment Options for Afghans as Drug Use Rises 184 Challenges in Predicting the Intensity of Storms 185 New Friends Fight Off Cabin Fever at a Hotel Turned Shelter 186 Seeing Irene as Harbinger of a Change in Climate 187 The Caucus: Obama Warns of 'Historic' Storm and Cuts Short Vacation 188 The Caucus: Irene Could Disrupt FundRaisers 189 An Evacuation of Low-Lying Areas by Yellow Cab, Bus and Wet Feet 190 City Room: Hell's Kitchen, 7:11 p.m 191 Debate Gives Rivals Chance to Test Perry 192 Ingredients of Shady Origins, Posing as Supplements 193 The Changing Face of the Burning Man Festival 194 I.M.F Chief Chastises Policymakers 195 Unboxed: Reaping the Rewards 0f Risk-Taking 196 Ping: Gofer Does Your Bidding, for a Price 197 Novelties: Animated or Real, Both Are Believable 198 As Losses Pile Up, Burnett Keeps Hope 199 Braves‟ Backbone Is Their Bullpen 200 Nadal Enters Open in Djokovic‟s Shadow 201 Finding Planets Around Other Stars 202 Profile of US Hikers Sentenced in Iran 176 203 204 Pilgrimage to Meet the Pope Syrian Activists Long 198 199 200 thức hoạt động Hội đồng Lý luận Trung ương 186 Phấn đấu giới thiệu 60.000 đoàn viên ưu tú khối trường học cho Đảng 187 Chủ tịch Quốc hội nước CHDCND Lào Pany Yathotu kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm thức Việt Nam 188 Mercedes-Benz với giải pháp toàn diện cho dịch vụ vận chuyển cao cấp 189 Hạ thủy tàu chở xi măng tải trọng 16.800 190 Quân dậy thừa nhận ông Gaddafi đâu 191 Mỹ tiêu diệt nhân vật số al-Qaeda? 192 Thủ lĩnh "áo đỏ" thân phủ Thái Lan bị sát hại 193 Liệu có ngăn dịng lũ dữ? 194 Hội nghị Bộ trưởng Ngoại giao lần thứ V Diễn đàn Hợp tác Đông Á - Mỹ Latinh 195 Tấn công xuyên biên giới Pakistan Afghanistan 196 Chung kết Sao mai tồn quốc dịng nhạc nhẹ liệu có bất ngờ mới? 197 Bàn “Chén thuốc độc”, nghĩ Vũ Đình Giới hạn đỏ Lăng kính văn nghệ Bỏ 10 triệu USD để kinh doanh… đám cưới Bí ẩn dãy số Fibonacci Tại dưa hấu kỵ đất quen? Tình yêu bà Vẻ đẹp Mặt Trăng Có cần thiết học thêm? Học sinh cá biệt Năm học mới, cách học Đậm đà sắc văn hóa dân tộc Mở La Liga: Valencia 4-3 Santander 210 Liverpool 3-1 Bolton: Liverpool bứt lên đầu 211 Những “đứa trẻ” Nhà hát giấc mơ 212 HLV Vương Tiến Dũng: Một đời truân chuyên 213 “Mở mắt” Sơng Lam Nghệ An 214 Khoảng trống phía sau Nguyễn Tiến Minh 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 58 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 Afghan Shelter Plan Stokes Controversy A Knack for Finding a Message in a Bottle Anne Hathaway, Future Rap Star? Iran Jails US Hikers for Years Indian PM „Open‟ to Talks on Corruption One Killed in Israeli Port City 18 Dead in Kashmir Bus Crash Sustainable Oyster Farming World Markets Feel US Woes Juice Factory Could Bear Fruit Feasting on Paperwork Divining Perry‟s Meaning on Galileo Remark Shanghai Bicycle Culture Returns Safari Experts Share Their Tips 219 2012 Will Be Best Olympics 220 Internet Access Returns to Lybia 221 Banks Give Customers Opportunity 222 Smart Phones Make Parents Nervous 223 224 Apartment Pollution Puts Tigers in Danger Forget Sicilian Hotels, Try a Holiday 225 Artificial Sweeteners 226 The Future of Data Storage 227 The Unemployed in Town 59 ABSTRACT Considering the absence of contrasting English and Vietnamese newspaper headlines, this study was an attempt to conduct a contrastive analysis between the newspaper headlines of English and Vietnamese languages in order to explore how they are different The analysis was based on a four-day corpus of the headlines Utilizing contrastive analysis, the researcher analyzed the variability of syntactic and lexical features across and within the English and Vietnamese headlines It was concluded that they are similar in using headlines by simple sentences, noun phrases, and dynamic verbs with active structure Different characteristics can be found in the use of functional headlines, non-finite clauses, verbless clauses, modification in nominal headlines, some parts of speech, and omission of words This study has pedagogical implications for teaching journalistic English and translation TÓM TẮT Xem xét cần thiết việc đối chiếu tiêu đề báo Tiếng Anh Tiếng Việt, nghiên cứa tiến hành phân tích đối chiếu tiêu đề báo hai ngôn ngữ để xem xét khác chúng Phân tích dựa tập hợp tiêu đề bốn ngày Vận dụng lý thuyết phân tích đối chiếu, tác giả phân tích đa dạng đặc điểm cú pháp từ vựng tiêu đề báo Tiếng Anh Tiếng Việt Kết luận cho thấy, tiêu đề giống việc sử dụng câu đơn, cụm danh từ động từ hành động với cấu trúc câu chủ động Có thể tìm thấy đặc điểm khác việc sử dụng tiêu đề theo chức năng, mệnh đề không xác định, mệnh đề động từ, bổ nghĩa tiêu đề danh từ, số từ loại việc loại bỏ từ Nghiên cứu có kết luận sư phạm giảng dạy Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành báo chí giảng dạy dịch thuật ... Data analysis The analysis of data was conducted in two stages In both stages, a detailed analysis of the corpus of 227 English and 232 Vietnamese headlines at lexical and syntactic levels was... of analysis The second level of the analysis consisted of the lexical features of the headlines across and within the two languages The analysis of lexical features of headlines was carried out... Vietnamese newspaper headlines? What are the similarities and differences in the syntactic and lexical features of English and Vietnamese newspaper headlines? What pedagogical implications does the

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