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W O R K B O O K S U B J E C T Curriculum Integration Reading Program L1 S t a r t er W O R K B O O K Science Everything rows in Spring! Spring Vocabulary Practice Write the correct words for the definitions sunshine sprout bloom be born fresh look for Word Definition healthy and new to come from your mother or an egg light from the sun to grow flowers to find something to start to grow Write the best words to complete the sentences wake up weather fly Many fall from trees in fall Birds very high in the sky My parents The leaves early in the morning is very nice today Lesson • Spring Music Sentence Practice A Song for Spring Spring Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice In spring, the weather new leaves There is more rain in spring Trees sprout gets warmer They build nests and have babies Write the correct words for the definitions season quick joyful orchestra fall lightning Word Definition one of the year’s four parts fast a flash of light in a storm to move down from a high place a large group of people playing instruments very happy Unscramble the sentences ( new life everywhere / the spring weather / brings / ! ) ( winter naps / animals / from their long / wake up / ) ( are born / baby animals / many / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences thunder The ( lots of / and water / they have / fresh food / ) ( north in spring / fly / many birds / ) create I like to musician played the piano beautifully My dog is scared of the sound of Jerry sings with a gentle pretty pictures for my family voice Lesson • Spring ial Studies Soc Sentence Practice India’s Colorful Spring Festival Spring Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Antonio Vivaldi was of thunder and lightning Allegro is the first a musician in Italy You can also hear part of the song One violin makes the sound the gentle wind Vocabulary Practice Write the correct words for the definitions bright festival powder throw messy celebrate Word Definition to send something through the air something like flour, sugar, or sand a large party or event with many people full of light or color, not dark to have a party on an important day dirty, not clean Unscramble the sentences ( songs about / he wrote / the four seasons / ) ( has / his song “Spring” / called Allegro / a famous part / ) ( of birds / in Allegro, violins / make / the cheerful sounds / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences wonderful sweet The man and woman ( sound like / all the violins / finally, / birds singing again / ) ( to hear / you want / the sounds of spring / ? ) I went to so many My little sister loves to eat Oh no! The dance balloon really well places things is floating away Lesson • Spring ratu Lite re Sentence Practice The Spring Wind Returns Spring Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice During Holi, people eat but has lots of fun People make colorful powders as well Everyone gets messy to celebrate spring? How you like lots of sweet foods Write the correct words for the definitions magpie steal den weasel drag promise Word Definition a small, furry animal that eats rats to take another person’s things to say you will or won’t something a black and white bird to pull something behind you a place like a cave where an animal lives Unscramble the sentences ( are a wonderful / bright colors / part of spring / ) ( look like / of spring / they believe they / the colors / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences winter ( each other / they / throw them / at / ! ) ( are filled with / colored water / the balloons / ) ( Indian people / a time when / celebrate spring / Holi is / ) wind The warm is a very cold season Karen drank hot chocolate to keep I feel feels good on hot days the sunshine on my face Lesson • Spring ic & History Mus Sentence Practice Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn Fam i l i e s Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice So the boy said, “Let’s find it!” Weasel saw the wind wind came out Suddenly, the warm spring get spring back! Everybody was happy to in a bag Write the correct words for the definitions close genius sibling composer talented play Word Definition very good at doing something good friends with a person who writes music to make music with an instrument a brother or sister a really smart person Unscramble the sentences ( to feel the / wanted / a young boy / warm spring wind / ) ( Bear’s den / at night, they / went to / ) ( the bag / Coyote dragged / out of / the den / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences musical My ( his beak / chicken / the bag with / opened / ) ( he would / he promised that / the wind again / never steal / ) She loves to The man is very Let’s go to the park 10 dream together meet is to be a famous singer new people He sings really well ! Lesson • Families 11 Science Sentence Practice Amazing Animal Families Fam i l i e s Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice Are you close with your came true They often played their sister or brother? She told him that she loved his song “Italien.” Finally, Fanny’s dream songs together Write the correct words for the definitions swan carry raise cub seahorse pouch Word Definition a big, beautiful white bird to take care of a baby or animal to hold and take somewhere a fish that looks like a horse a young bear, lion, or other animal a stomach pocket where some animals keep their babies Unscramble the sentences ( Felix Mendelssohn / musical geniuses / Fanny and / were German / ) ( father only / to study music / however, their / wanted Felix / ) ( sad because / he knew Fanny / Felix was / was talented / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences types month February is the shortest ( from the United Kingdom / Queen Victoria / in 1842, Felix / met / ) ( great composers / became / Fanny and Felix / ) If your back of the year hurts, you should see a doctor There are many Eating vegetables keeps you 12 healthy of food here Lesson • Families 13 History & ial Studies Soc Sentence Practice Echo the Mother Elephant Fam i l i e s Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice Swan babies can’t of the eggs Seahorse fathers take care special pouches They keep them in fly for a few months These animal families are different Write the correct words for the definitions leader front weak hurt move join Word Definition to come together or put together someone making decisions for a group the first part facing forward, not the back to take yourself to a different place not strong to have a cut or broken bone Unscramble the sentences ( their babies / in swan families, / both parents / care for / ) ( sometimes carry them / their parents / on their backs / ) ( for almost / don’t open / cheetah cubs’ eyes / two weeks / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences legs soon special My mom wants to get my dad a ( healthy babies / the eggs / thanks to them / become / ) ( all the parents / their babies / love / ) Lunch will be ready 14 gift Carter’s pet cat has a good Bugs have six life , but spiders have eight Lesson • Families 15 History Sentence Practice Bobbie the Wonder Dog Fam i l i e s Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice She was the leader of her were weak His front legs elephant group Echo tried to help Ely stand Soon he could walk by himself! Write the correct words for the definitions gas station chase return appear tired amazed Word Definition to suddenly be seen a place where cars get gas to come back to a place surprised in a good way to run after someone or something needing rest or sleep Unscramble the sentences ( a special elephant / in Kenya, / named Echo / there was / ) ( elephants usually leave / is hurt, / it behind / if a baby / ) ( and find food / to move away / soon it was time / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences love worn city New York is a very large ( stood up slowly / after three days, / Ely / ) ( elephants again / and Ely / before long, Echo / joined the other / ) My parents me very much Sandy’s school is one The tires on the car were old and 16 kilometer away Lesson • Families 17 nce& Health Scie Sentence Practice The Holes of the Human Body Holes Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice He always wanted to be with them They returned sadly to were surprised Six months later, they their home in Oregon His feet were worn and tired Write the correct words for the definitions breathe dust tiny belly button tube connect Word Definition very small dry powder made of small pieces of dirt a round thing that water can go through to take air in and out of your body the small hole in your stomach to join two things together Unscramble the sentences ( loved / his human family / Bobbie the dog / very much / ) ( looked everywhere, / couldn’t find him / Bobbie’s family / but they / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences body ( said they / in other cities / many people / saw Bobbie / ) ( 4,500 kilometers for / get home / he walked over / six months to / ) ( calling him / “Bobbie the Wonder Dog” / they started / ! ) smell useful comes out of your skin when you’re hot My little sister likes to flowers The swimmer has a strong Computers are very 18 sweat Lesson • Holes 19 Science 10 Sentence Practice Prairie Dog Holes Holes Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice Each hole has a hairs inside They also have small your stomach Your sweat comes out of them There is also a hole in special job Write the correct words for the definitions underground burrow dig claw tunnel exit Word Definition to make a hole in the ground the sharp end of an animal’s toe a door going outside below the ground the homes of animals like rabbits a path below the ground Unscramble the sentences ( the holes / think about / in your body / ) ( with them / and smell / you breathe / ) ( your body cool / sweat keeps / is hot / when the weather / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences sharp Peter and Penny ( your belly button / and left / the tube / fell off / ) ( bodies / have lots / our / of holes / ) room wait for Percy to finish Stay with your teacher, and you’ll be Be careful with those knives They are I need to clean my 20 safe after school Lesson 10 • Holes 21 His Art & tory 11 Sentence Practice A Famous Hole in France Holes Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice Prairie dogs live in to the exit hole These holes it is safe This room is close underground holes They come out when are called burrows Write the correct words for the definitions explore cave lantern painting wall treasure Word Definition a picture made of paint one of a room’s four sides a large hole underground or in a hill to look around a new place something very important a light that can be carried Unscramble the sentences ( burrows / work together / prairie dogs / to dig / ) ( two to three / are usually / meters deep / these burrows / ) ( in and out / there are / for going / two holes / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences mysterious cow scientist John gets milk from his ( rooms inside / there are / and many / also long tunnels / ) ( other rooms / they sleep and / their babies in / care for / ) The 22 every day studies plants and animals This dark cave is very The old sweater has some holes in it Lesson 11 • Holes 23 Math 12 Sentence Practice Let’s Play Mancala! Holes Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice They found a mysterious hole The boys brought a lantern of people There were also paintings into the cave They were over 17,000 years old! Write the correct words for the definitions board stone pick up land empty win Word Definition a small rock to lift something up to arrive somewhere something flat to play games on to come first in a game or race without anything inside, not full Unscramble the sentences ( paintings / they saw / on the walls / many old / ) ( cows and horses / paintings of large / there were / animals, like / ) ( the Lascaux Cave / paintings / later, scientists / studied / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences game player Tom is at the far ( 2,000 paintings in / there were about / the cave / ) ( the paintings / life long ago / the scientists used / to learn about / ) We can count of the room Rock, paper, scissors is a fun The basketball 24 end to one hundred is really tall Lesson 12 • Holes 25 Science 13 Sentence Practice Bu The Life Cycle of a Butterfly tterflies Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice Let’s learn how to stones wins! Each hole holds play it! Put one stone in each hole to the right The person with the most four stones Write the correct words for the definitions grow lay caterpillar hatch hard shell Word Definition to come out of an egg a hard cover that protects an animal to get bigger a butterfly before it has wings to put out an egg from the body not soft Unscramble the sentences ( one of the / mancala is / world’s oldest games / ) ( on the board / six small holes / each player has / ) ( called a mancala / on each end is / the large hole / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences life cycle Red and yellow ( all the stones / to play, / from one / pick up / of your holes / ) ( one player’s side / mancala ends when / is empty / ) 26 The scarf is change fat around into orange your neck Every animal has a The dog is getting Lesson 13 • Butterflies 27 Science 14 Sentence Practice Bu Butterflies and Moths tterflies Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice Do you know how changes slowly A butterfly comes the plant’s leaves The caterpillar eats from an egg Its body butterflies grow? Write the correct words for the definitions similar side hollow straw thin furry Word Definition the left or right area of something full of animal hair like something else a thin tube for drinking empty inside not thick Unscramble the sentences ( a special life cycle / has / each butterfly / ) ( lays / the egg on / a mother butterfly / a plant / ) ( a hard shell / makes / around its body / then it / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences nectar wing The bird hurt its ( becomes / inside the shell, / the caterpillar / a pupa / ) ( drink anything / the pupa doesn’t / eat or / ) colorful It can’t fly These clothes are very Bees carry flower Let’s go 28 outside home and play Lesson 14 • Butterflies 29 History 15 Sentence Practice Bu The Butterfly People tterflies Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice We often see butterflies and moths Butterflies and moths are similar Butterflies are bigger brown or gray Their wings are usually than moths Write the correct words for the definitions leave wonder marry sticker find mail Word Definition a small, sticky piece of paper to want to know about something to become a husband or wife to discover something to send something through the post office to go away from a place Unscramble the sentences ( the same, / ways they are / but in some / different / they look / ) ( on each side / they both have / three legs / two wings and / ) ( them to drink / they use / flower nectar / ) ( thin bodies and / they have / colorful wings / ) ( butterflies and moths / outside and / let’s go / look for / ! ) Write the best words to complete the sentences ask answer Countries in the are very warm Who knows the to the question? I have a pet cat Fluffy The students 30 south named lots of questions Lesson 15 • Butterflies 31 ial Studies Soc 16 Sentence Practice Bu The Hopi Butterfly Dance tterflies Match the sentence parts and write the sentences Vocabulary Practice He wondered special stickers In 1945, Fred married a woman named Norah To find out, they made where they went In 1976, Fred and Norah found the answer Write the correct words for the definitions wish health crown bead shake rattle Word Definition a thing you move to make short sounds a hat that kings and queens wear to want something a small, round ball on a necklace to move back and forth how good or bad your body is Unscramble the sentences ( monarch butterflies / named Fred Urquhart / loved / a Canadian / ) ( the monarchs / came / when winter / but all / left / ) ( the stickers / monarchs’ wings / they put / on many / ) Write the best words to complete the sentences use thank A birthday party is a happy ( the south / found / many people / the butterflies in / ) ( they / Fred and Norah / mailed them / back to / ) Ella is taking a small We can The kids always 32 step event forward colored pencils when we draw their parents Lesson 16 • Butterflies 33 Memo Sentence Practice Match the sentence parts and write the sentences The Hopi are Native Americans in Arizona They also dance to thank shake rattles Hopi dancers wear beautiful the butterflies The boys also dance and clothes Unscramble the sentences ( and good health / the Butterfly Dance / the Hopi use / to wish for rain / ) ( butterfly crowns / the girls / and colorful beads / wear / ) ( of clouds and rain / the boys’ clothes / special pictures / have / ) ( with small steps / dance lightly / then the girls / ) ( event for / is a joyful / the Butterfly Dance / the Hopi / ) 34 Memo ... careful with those knives They are I need to clean my 20 safe after school Lesson 10 • Holes 21 His Art & tory 11 Sentence Practice A Famous Hole in France Holes Match the sentence parts and write... My little sister likes to flowers The swimmer has a strong Computers are very 18 sweat Lesson • Holes 19 Science 10 Sentence Practice Prairie Dog Holes Holes Match the sentence parts and write... loves to The man is very Let’s go to the park 10 dream together meet is to be a famous singer new people He sings really well ! Lesson • Families 11 Science Sentence Practice Amazing Animal Families

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2020, 14:51



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