Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 4: Volunteer work (Listening) giúp học sinh rèn luyện kỹ năng nghe hiểu và điền thông tin còn thiếu vào đoạn văn cho sẵn với nội dung xoay quanh chủ đề về công tác tình nguyện.
By: To Thi Kim Phuong My Hao High School T e a c h e r : T o T h i Kim P h u o n g What activities can you see in the pictures? Teaching the children Taking part in directing Helping disadvantaged or handicapped children Tick ( ) the best answers to the questions that suit you How often you support charities? regularly from time to time never What’s the best way of raising money to support charities? through donations through taxes through fund- raising activities Which of these kinds of volunteer work you prefer? helping the poor helping the elderly helping the sick Lis te ning 2.What c las s e s we re s e t up in 1999? Danc e , the atre , s ing ing and fo lk m us ic c las s e s w e re s e t up in 1999 Lis te ning 3.Why do c hildre n partic ipate in fund rais ing pe rfo rmanc e s ? Be c aus e the y ne e d mo ne y to c o ntinue the ir Eng lis h and Pe rfo rmanc e Arts c las s e s Lis te ning 4.Whe re do c hildre n danc e , s ing and play mus ic ? The y danc e ,s ing and play mus ic at o ne o f the larg e s t ho te ls in Ho Chi Minh City Lis te ning 5. Why are fo re ig n vo lunte e rs ne e de d? Be c aus e the s c ho o l ne e ds he lp to c o ntac t s po ns o rs and e xpand the s c ho o l ac tivitie s Talk about Spring School basing on the words given dis advantag e d c hildre n 1999 30 street children and 250 children with difficulties Fund- raising activities dis advantag e d c hildre n Spring school, an informal school in Ho Chi Minh city, provides classes to disadvantaged children 30 street children and 250 children with difficulties 30 street children live and study there and about 250 with special difficulties from District One attend these classes 1999 In 1998, the school co- operated with the organization for Educational Development to organize English classes and a year later, dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes were set up Fund- raising activities These children participate in fundraising Performances to raise money for classes HOMEWORK HOMEWORK Practise listening at home Prepare for the next period – Part D: Writing Remember to your homework ... to support charities? through donations through taxes through fund- raising activities Which of these kinds of volunteer work you prefer? helping the poor helping the elderly helping the... raise money for classes HOMEWORK HOMEWORK Practise listening at home Prepare for the next period – Part D: Writing Remember to your homework ... the school co- operated with the organization for Educational Development to organize English classes and a year later, dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes were set up Fund- raising