Theorical background Chapter 2: CHANGES IN RELIGIOUS AND BELIEF LIFE AND ITS RELATION WITH SOCIAL- ECONOMIC LIFE IN DONG ANH DISTRICT .... The researchtends to emphasize on the variables
I declare, this thesis is my own research under the
guidance of Prof science Dr Do Quang Hung The
figures given in the thesis is honest and clear origin
I bear full responsibility before the Scientific
Council on the content of this thesis
Hanoi, May 2012The author thesis
Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoa
Trang 3Secondary EducationLimited
State liabilityCentralPeople's CommitteeFatherland Front CommitteeGardens, ponds and cagesCulture and art
1 Imperative of the dissertation topic 6
2 The context of research topics 7
3 The aim of the thesis research 8
4 Objects and scope of the thesis research 8
5 The methodology of the thesis 9
6 Contribution of the thesis 9
7 Layout thesis 10
1.1 Introduction of Dong Anh district 11
1.2 Changes in the economy and society of Dong Anh district today 16
1.3 The implementation of the Party resolution on religious activities and beliefs of people in Dong Anh today 23
1.4 Definitions 31
2.1 Changes in religiogious life in Dong Anh district 38
2.2 Transformation in religion life in Dong Anh district 50
2.3 The impacts of economic and social life on the innovation process of religion and rituals in Dong Anh district 87
2.4 The influences of religious life on economic and social life in Dong Anh district 94
Chater 3: TENDENCY OF CHANGES IN RELIGIOUS LIFE, BELIEF IN DONG ANH DISTRICT AND QUESTIONS 101 3.1 Tendency of change and forecast overview of religion and state management
Trang 53.2 A number solution to promote the positive elements of religious life
and belief for the development of social life in Dong Anh district 108CONCLUSION Error! Bookmark not defined.
1 Imperative of the topic
Being one-thousand-year land, Hanoi has existed with plenty of profoundcultural value hidden from the past to contemporary life Spirituality is an importantpart of the precious heritages which Hanoi has always been preserving until present.Facing the reforming period especially the urbanization trend, variations in religiouslife and religious issues are becoming the Party, the State concern The researchtends to emphasize on the variables for religious life and belief in Dong Anh district
- a typical suburban districts of Hanoi to show the interaction between economicand social life with religious life in the context of contemporary society On that basis,the writer offers solutions to promote the values of religious life and belief in a positiveway, in accordance with the laws of the development process of urbanization in Hanoitoday
Dong Anh, which is an ancient suburban area of Hanoi, is a convergence ofmany cultural values including both physical and spiritual values of the capital Inrecent years, Dong Anh has also been known as the area with strong regionalprocess of urbanization The strong development of local economy and innovation
in social activities have led to changes in regilious activities along with the content
of religion,worshiping ritual of the people within the suburban district Therefore,the topic focuses on analyzing the impact of two-way relationship between religiousfaith and economic, social life and vice versa to clarify changes in the spiritual lifenowadays
Religious belief is an important part of cultural and spiritual life, so changes
in religious life, beliefs in Dong Anh also contribute to the addition of privatemeaningful data about the cultural field of Hanoi in contemporary life On the basis
of the solution, proposed by the authors propose the thesis, the religious officials inDong Anh district are in charge of implementing the policy on religion, belief in an
Trang 7For these above reasons, the topic "Changes in religious life, beliefs in thisperiod in Dong Anh district" has been chosen as the direction of the research thesis.
2 The context of research topic
Until present, there have been many researches on changes in religious lifeand belief in Vietnam as well as many works in the areas of Hanoi which refers toaspects religious beliefs Therefore, we can name some books on religious beliefs inthis area For instance, "Dai Nam nhat thong chi" Episode 4 referring to the popularbelief in Ha Bac and Son Tay including Dong Anh or "Geographical media" by DoTrong Vi, Cultural Information Publishing House (1998) mentioning the customsand beliefs of Bac Ninh, a section of ancient Dong Anh
The work "Ha Bac aboriginal style Le dynasty" by Ha Bac Company culture,published in 1971 also included a part about beliefs Dong Anh Besides, there wasalso the book " a-thousand- year Hanoi" by Vu Tuan, Tran Quoc Vuong which wasavailable to the issue of religion and belief in the suburbs of Hanoi, including DongAnh district Particularly, the series of reports, "The Village" by Ngo Tat describedquite clearly the worshiping activities in the villages in Dong Anh, the hometown ofthe writer
Nonetheless, those books, apart from the work of "Dong Anh with thousandyears of Thang Long - Hanoi" by Bui Xuan Dinh, Ha Noi Publishing House in
2010, did not mention much about the context of religion in Dong Anh In thisbook, the author wrote about Dong Anh as an overview including naturalconditions, social, festivals, folklore, particularly academic tradition of this landwithout mentioning many aspects of religious beliefs
The book "The life of religion, belief Thang Long - Hanoi" by Prof Dr DoQuang Hung, Ha Noi Publishing House, 2010 has pointed out the features of thegreat religions in Thang Long - Hanoi The book provided with valuable material onthe living definition of religious life and beliefs of people in Hanoi during thecurrent period In addition, "Address of the Speaker," by the authors of the Institute
of Vietnam and scientific development, published in 2006 was also a need forresources when deploying the writer threads In this work the authors studied many
Trang 8aspects of Co Loa commune in depth, such as natural conditions, society, historyand culture, especially one part of the book tended to reflect the religion and beliefs
of the Co Loa area, a commune of Dong Anh district
Also there have been some scattered articles on various aspects such as theurbanization process, the Co Loa Festival, cultural heritages of Dong Anh published
in newspapers and magazines
So far no particular work has directly mentioned the changes in religious life,beliefs within Dong Anh area during the innovation process or exploited this aspect
by analyzing two-way interaction between social life in the process of innovation tothe cultural life of the spiritual current period Therefore, it can be confirmed thatthe dissertation topic is the first study to refer to the changes in religious life andbelief in Dong Anh district in the process of urbanization The research is expected
to provide more practical and meaningful material for those who care aboutreligious life and beliefs in this area
3 The aim of the thesis research
The implementation of project "Changes religious life, beliefs in this period
in Dong Anh district" firstly sketches the picture of the activities of religious lifeand beliefs in Dong Anh district during the reforming period then it deeply analyzethe two-way interaction between economic, society life and the changes in religiouslife, beliefs in the reforming process
In addition, it also refers to the policies of the Party and State on religion,belief, and the implementation of the Resolution in the specific case of Dong Anhdistrict (Hanoi)
4 Objects and scope of the thesis research
Scope of the thesis research is to understand the transformation of religiouslife and belief in Dong Anh district (Hanoi) Due to the limited time of execution,the research only analyzes the community of Catholics in Dai Bang and Mai Chauvillage because it is reported that these two villages gain the highest concentration
of Catholics within the area of Dong Anh Additionally, the research also Exploitsthe transformation of Buddhism and the cult of King An Duong Vuong in Co Loa
Trang 9commune, the area with a number of Buddhists and exciting Buddhist activitiesalong with the famous Co Loa festival in and out of place on the 6th of January Onthe other hand, Vong La commune is chosen to become the study of ancestralworshiping belief because it has become the most urbanized place within thisdistrict Finally, Viet Hung commune is the scope of the research on the changes infolk religion because there were many mysterious true stories inside this areawidespread among folk community.
The main purpose of the research is to understand the economic situation - inthe process of social innovation and its impact on the existence of religious beliefs
in Dong Anh district in the process of urbanization
Thesis-depth analysis of the changes of religious life, beliefs forms thecharacteristics of those changes in the current period In particular, it explores therepercussions of climate change, religious life, beliefs affecting economic, sociallife in Dong Anh district
Since then, the thesis offers some observations and forecasts of trends inreligious life and belief in the district as well as proposes some solutions to promotepositive values of religious life to the economic, cultural, social life in Dong Anhduring the urbanization process
5 The methodology of the thesis
The research used the methodology of religious education and specificmethods of sociology and anthropology of religion, such as:
+ Method of collecting, synthesizing
+ Method of statistical analysis
+ Comparison method which gets the results obtained in the thesis,
These methods are implemented by specific actions such as: field trips, upquestionnaires, depth interviews, retrospective survey, survey forms
In addition, the thesis has used interdisciplinary methods: application of theresults of many scientific fields such as economics, sociology, geography, history,education, analysis and logic to find out the transformation of religion and belief
6 Contribution of the thesis
Trang 10First contribution of the thesis is the variable-depth analysis of religious life,beliefs and the typical two-way relationship between religious life and beliefs ofeconomic, social life of the people in Dong Anh during the process of urbanization.
On the other hand, it has made some forecasts of trends in religious life,beliefs and proposed some solutions to promote the positive elements in thereligious life and beliefs to develop social economic development of the Dong Anhdistrict now and in the future
7 Layout thesis
Thesis is organized into three chapters:
- Chapter 1: The context of religious life, beliefs, Dong Anh district
- Chapter 2: Changes in religious life, religion and its relation with social - economic life in Dong Anh district the current period
- Chapter 3: Tendency of changess in religious life, belife Dong Anh district beliefs and questions
1.1 Introduction of Dong Anh district
Dong Anh district today, was officially established in September on reign of
Tu Duc (October 1876), on the basis of the villages belonging to the districts: ĐôngNgàn (Palace Tu Son), Kim Anh (Palace Bac Ha) of Bac Ninh province, Yen Lang(Palace Tam Doi, Son Tay province) These are ancient lands, which were formedalong with the process of building ever since our ancestors of the Hung Kings Forthousands of years in history, the generations of residents in the district generalfought back hard, struggled with the disadvantages of nature to explore andreclamate, then formed dense villages Basing on the economy of agricultural fields,and combining with craftsmanship, the residents of the villages formed a institution
of village - commune which closely associated emotionally and attachedresponsibilities of each member to the community From that basis of socio-economics, the generation of residents has created a tradition of cultural which gavebirth to definite nuances of the North and Xu Doai with temples, shrines, the finetraditions , religious activities, festivals, folk art capital with a long rich traditionand academia Dong Anh have given birth to many talents Dong Anh people in anycircumstance have contributed and sacrificed for the construction and defense
Located in the north and northwest of Thang Long, Dong Anh district is akey position and has an intimate relationship history, politics, economics, culture,education with the Thang Long It was once the Historian Phan Huy Chu noted as acenter of elites
1.1.1 The natural conditions
Dong Anh district today is located in the northern capital of Hanoi
- Soc Son district bordered on the north,
- The south boundary of the Red River and Duong River, across the river is the Tay Ho, Long Bien and Dan Phuong, Tu Liem, Gia Lam;
Trang 12- The East Town Tu Son and Yen Phong district (Bac Ninh);
- The west of Me Linh district
Overall, high terrain Dong Anh from north to and from the West to createstwo types of terrain To the west and north is the high ground, mixed with hillranges To the south and southeast are low-lying lands On difficult terrain forcultivation, construction of irrigation works, water regulation
Regarding road traffic, Dong Anh lay in the path of God, comes from theancient Thang Long capital city to the north-east provincial towns Two identicalstreet from the Thang Long Bridge Road, on the territory of East An district, thecommunes of Phu Lo (Soc Son) is split:
- One way to Thai Nguyen to Bac Kan, Cao Bang (now Highway 3),
- One way to Vietnam Tri, Tuyen Quang, Thanh Thuy border gate to Ha Giang province (now the National Highway No 2)
Since 1988, the North Thang Long - Noi Bai, running through the town west
of Dong Anh district (Bac Hong, Nam Hong, Kim Chung .) connected withHighway No 2 in Phu Cuong (Soc Son) There are also inter-district road system,inter-communal
Regarding transportation, Dong Anh is in north Ca Lo, Red River and Duong River
in the south, was a feudal arterial roads; today remaining an important role inshipping There are also small rivers, which are the tributaries of the Ca Lo River,Red River, as Jiang Yellow River, the river Cards
With this key position, Dong Anh classes soon were the ancient Vietnamesepeople from the midlands and coastal mountains to explore the process, set up thevillage, the sea immediately after the last back to reveal the wetland, North Deltaaround 4000 years ago Moreover, in the third century BCE, Dong Anh was chosen
as the capital of Au Lac
During the course of history of the building and between ethnic groups, DongAnh as the northern gate of the ancient Thang Long - Hanoi today Between districts
Trang 13history The evolution of political, military, economic and social capital are central
to impact Dong Anh and vice versa The key position was ever since the Mau Tuat the year of tiger 938 - 966, when Ngo Quyen and the child successor ruled thecountry, the district once again was chosen as the capital of both water
-During the fight in the North of the resistance and water-holding feudalautonomy and local Dong Anh is the first fight in the north In the campaign of theAugust Revolution, many villages of Dong Anh was chosen as the ATK of thecentral coast north of Red River In the war against France, Dong Anh is famous forFort Xuan Canh, with tunnels Nam Hong In the war against American colonials,Dong Anh with artillery in Loa and adjacent villages, contributing to firmly defendthe capital
1.1.2 Economic fragmentation
Dong Anh which is in the middle of the Red River Delta, has the potential toagricultural development Both lowland and upland areas are more favorableconditions for agricultural development in the direction of intensive rice cultivation,cultivation of vegetables and flowers, food crops, industrial crops, fruit trees andlivestock production (aquaculture), but are be affected by the flood waters of rivers.Every year, in the flood season (from early May to mid October), floodwaters of therivers rise, threatening crops, many years of decline and crop yield due to uneventerrain, due to limitations of technique and conditions of private property regimeshould feudal land, mostly fields of the villages in the district are implanted onlyone rice crop (or see or season, depending on the height of reinforced soil) Thevillages in the valley (such as the Ha Van Ha ), accounting for only implant, butvery hard farming, the fields are flooded to the memory level buffaloes plowing totake home to transplanting, harvesting must use boats , very low yield, while the wetseason (from early May to August full moon, the white water often flooded Thevillages of highland (Loa, Xuan Canh, Xuan Non ) the
only transplanting a crop, although yields are higher and more stable farm occupies,but still heavily dependent on nature, because the field has no irrigation system
Trang 14Only since the mid-60s of last century , the chemical associated with the irrigationcooperation occurs on a large scale has changed the face of the social field: the vastarea of implant parts are two crops of rice and a color service.
In agriculture, farmers have traditionally had created a variety of seedlingsnature of the local specialties, such as rice (see quail, worse ), wheat flavor,whiterice in many districts Kim Anh commune old "white grain, aromatic rice from otherprovinces" - as recorded in books Dai Nam nhat thong chi The horticulturalproducts are jackfruit, betel, filling in the village of Co Loa, tea in two districts ofDong Ngan and old Kim Anh; cane in villages along the Red River, tomato Nonhumiliated in the village of Spring Many of these animal production recorded inthe Dai Nam nhat thong chi The village of Dong Anh district also has manytraditional crafts such as weaving in Water Resources (Thuy Lam), touch wood Setinundation in the village (Van Ha Commune), painted in the village of Phong Chau(Lien Ha), tofu Chai village (La Vong commune), rice vermicelli Circuit Trangcommune (commune Loa), cooking wine in many villages
Development of commodity economy, convenient transportation system tofacilitate trade and exchange In the district form a system of village market (homemarket), meeting in session Each village has a few clusters rotating meetingsmarket, making it also the day to exchange market A large number of markets weredocumented in books Dai Nam nhat thong chi, such as Dong Do Market, Lực Canh(Dau Market) The fair in Loa (Loa commune), Kim (Xuan Mon), Van Tri (Van Noicommune) are also the largest market in the district Some villages have beenformed in the riparian station, and the crowded malls such as Nhoi station, ManhTan (Thuy Loi commune), city Van Khe (Nguyen Khe commune)
1.1.3 Social coditions
Most of Dong Anh district residents are farmers, living in the village Eachvillage is a melting pot basic unit is the combination of neighborly relations withblood relatives, self-governing nature and very social Each village has two names:
Trang 15letter (or the name Han - Vietnamese), use of administrative papers, epitaphs, aretranscribed from the name Nom, such terms as: Cha Chu= Loa, Ke Doc = Duc Tu,
Ke Ong = Thiet Ung, làng Nhoi = Thuy Loi
Before the Revolution of August 1945, every village had a system ofinstitutional organization, including the family (who organized the collection ofblood relatives), neighbors Lane ((the organization set by its neighbors) , adjacent to(the organization set by age class), guilds (the organization set preferences, career,spiritual purposes ) and the management apparatus as elders councils Villageowned conventions as a basis for managing community life Village is also the basisfor making social - the final administrative level of the feudal state, a basic function
is to protect the security, tax collection, phen complex maneuver wife translated.Before the Revolution of August 1945, most of the village as a commune
1.1.4 Cultural conditions
Through thousands of years of history, the Dong Anh generation residentshas created a cultural layer, based on an economic basis is agriculture fields ofwater, and organizational structure of villages Culture Dong Anh village cia clearlycharacterized by two regions north and Xu Xu Doai, but the most striking feature isthe structure for each type of village the village: the village agricultural season, thedream, the riverside village beach land, village .; in the system of worshipmonuments (temples, pagodas, temples, text only, the family church, church ofcelebrities) Associated with this monument is the worship rituals, the festivalhonoring the village tutelary have contributed to the population with water ManyMalaysians have the shows, the original oratorio form, such as the Co Loa, the king
in procession to the wrong meeting Culture Village is embodied in the customaryfine, cohesive emotional and personal responsibility to the community of family,village
The Dong Anh Village also has the type of folk art activities, which, in somekind of known throughout the northern region, such as ca tru Lu Khe (Lien Ha),troubled water for irrigation (Thuy Lam communce)
Trang 16Most of the communes of today's Dong Anh districts: Dong Ngan (From TuSon), Kim Hoa or Kim Anh (Bắc Hà palace) of the Town Kinh Bac, a land with richcultural traditions, especially tradition and academia In the remaining district is thehistorical Lang Yen was noted by Phan Huy Chu that "the area under the town ofSon Tay, office supplies more prevalent” Overall, under the feudalism, Dong Anhregion had 56 doctorates Confucianism, every few hundred Perfume drain, BA andalso Graduates rom financial statistics who could not be made statistics.
They were real people and mostly talented, virtuous bringing all the maincourt and serving the country Many people contributed significantly to the maincourt building and protect the country, on the development of their village, thehistorical record, honoring people, like Nguyen Thien Tung, Le Tuan Mau, NguyenThuc, Nguyen Nghi, Trinh Duc Nhuan, Vu Cong Te
The most common administrative geography is the basis for furtherinvestigation of some Dong Anh in relation to the Thang Long - Hanoi through thethousand-year history
1.2 Changes in the economy and society of Dong Anh district today
1.2.1 Economic restructuring
Before the economic restructuring of the district's focus on heavy industry,agriculture When the renovation, the economic structure was redefined asagriculture is leading to the front edge are: food, food and consumer goods In thefirst 5 years (1987-1992), the share of agriculture in economic structure was high
Step into the process of industrialization and modernization, the value ofindustry and services increases Until now, the economic structure shift in the rightdirection and positively towards industrialization and modernization with hightransfer speed in which the industry grew slowly but surely, gradually reducing theagricultural sector, increased proportion of trade and services (industry -construction: 50.4%, trade, services: 27.8%, agriculture, forestry and fisheries:21.8% In agriculture, the planting 44.3% cultivation, livestock 55.7%) GDP
Trang 17 Construction industries
On the basis of Nguyen Khe industrial zone, entered a period of innovation,the business central district of the city and after rearrange Decree 388/HDBT moststable, are difficult to remove constraints, production and business efficiency bymarket mechanisms, and striving to adapt to the new mechanism, innovativemanagerial mechanism, accounted boldly investment, renewal of equipment,technology, improved models improve product quality Therefore, many enterpriseshave rapid growth, the life of workers was raised The state enterprises continues to
be sorted, consolidated, stable business trends multidisciplinary and multi-sectormeeting the requirements of the market competition The process of reorganizationand equitization of State enterprises and upcoming projects at home and abroad aswell as the formation and went into operation of Dong Anh Industrial Park, Hi-techIndustrial Park in Bac Thang Long, small and medium industrial zones Nguyen Kheand Dong Anh trade Center has changed the face of basic economic Dong Anh
So far the district has basically completed the reorganization and equitization ofState enterprises Besides the large industrial district advocates focusedinfrastructure investment, exploiting the advantages of small and medium industrialand settlement for thousands of workers with stable employment Operating underthe corporate law and a favorable investment environment has a lot of non -stateenterprises, limited liability company went into operation
To date, the district is 758 limited liability companies, 558 joint stockcompanies, 115 private enterprises, 30 state enterprises, 11 companies TNHHNN amember; over 13,000 individual business households, 77 businesses in concentratedindustrial zones By rearranging production innovation management mechanism byhighlighting the role of autonomy of enterprises, investment technology innovation,equipment, goods, increase productivity and product quality, industrial EastEngland increasing prosperity Many agencies and businesses have stayed in themarket mechanism and make profits
Trang 18 Restoring the village and form clusters of craft villages
For handicraft industry and craft villages, the district interested in theconstruction of infrastructure: road systems, electricity grids, village planning,environmental remediation Entering the market mechanism, the handicraft industrytradition began to be restored and developed its position confirmed The phrase sub -industries concentrated in Lien Ha, Van Ha recent years has many new brancheswere opened and developed, such as spray paint pressed wood, carved stone, steelscissors, Mother of pearl Products villages constantly changing, improvingquality, models to meet consumer tastes The management of operating in smallindustry clusters - village made more scientific, electrical, mechanical applications
in the manufacturing process more and more widely, creating high quality products The handicraft cooperatives be strengthened, paradigm shift towards equitisation.Limited liability companies, private enterprises that increase the quantity andquality Output value of industry sector average increase of 16.2% / year
Development of agriculture goods
Since the renewal of the 1990 Party time focus on directing the districtagricultural development, stabilize people's lives The implementation of Resolution
10 of the Political Bureau has opened up new directions for agricultural production,creating new dynamics, production capacity is released, encourage all economicsectors involved in the production and exploitation of available potential to promoteproduction and development
Implementation of the program 06 of the Hanoi Party Committee onsuburban economic development, building new rural areas with the goal ofredeploying production structure gradually shifted towards the production ofagricultural goods (1992), Party district focused direction and coordinatedinvestment in agriculture, such as completion of delivery, certificate of land userights under 64 Decree of the Government, to direct the service of agriculturalenterprises, banks providers of electricity, water, materials and plant protection
Trang 19(alone from 1990 -1995 has built 38 new and upgraded substations renovation andreplacement of 128 km of low voltage lines ) focused on investment in irrigation,upgrading irrigation systems, pumping stations and solidifying canal system .direct the effective restructuring of plants, seasonal changes in the direction ofincreasing the proportion of plants with high economic value and boosting theapplication of technical advances, the cultivation of rice, specialty color, freshvegetables, planting fruit trees, breeding and development of decorative plants witheconomic value (area of production of crops of high economic value in 2000accounted for 20% of the total area planted annually); efficient exploitation of theland potential, economic potential four specific areas: beach, waterfront land, thevalley, and high boost intensive cultivation and development of farm economy,economic VAC.
Livestock and household farm economy growing, diversified products, richand strong move towards farming methods with large-scale industry Effectiveapplication of science and technology in animal husbandry in the program: leanpork, leaving sin, cage culture of fish, frogs, turtles Production
of pig pens annual production of 50,000 children, 7,500 cattle in maintaining children.The proportion of breeding value of the total value of agricultural production in 2009 toover 60% The agricultural cooperatives are trying to rearrange the support structure,transfer functions of production management services to manufacturing organizations
To date, the district has 131 cooperatives (mainly cooperative production andagricultural services), of which 27 new cooperatives and cooperatives established underthe law is interested in helping in training, fostering, construction business plan Appeared as bright spots of cooperative services vegetable production in Van Noi,Nam Hong, Loa; cooperative dairy development services at extended ranges .establish and develop the garden
Generally in almost 25 years of innovation, the value of total agriculturaloutput increased an average of 6.4% / year Production value and service on ahectare of cultivated land increased from 12 million in 1990 to 116 million in 2009
Trang 201.2.2 Changes in society
Implement programs to create jobs, reduce poverty
Work jobs are focused, have jobs for over 48,000 employees The poverty ratedeclined rapidly and was essentially complete in helping poor households to solidifytheir houses, repair houses damaged by direct plan of the city Each year hundreds ofprojects approved loan funds to support the country, with a total of hundreds of billion.Regular care and attention implement policies for the family Gratitude activities,humanitarian, charity and social assistance to be deployed widely
Solving social policy
In the years 1987-1990, the economic conditions are difficult, the Partyconcerned district is directing the implementation of good work culture and society.The family policy is the Party committees, governments encourage visits, gifts, freehealth checks, support constraints, building houses of gratitude Every year dozens
of homes have been given great solidarity, thousands of gifts, savings, ensuring anaverage life in quite the martyrs, war invalids and Vietnam heroic mothers, for thelife one thousand beneficiaries of social insurance
The charity is increasingly expanding, children in difficult circumstances,lonely elderly care, free medical care to citizens under current policy, the poor, thedisabled and social relief Assembly, the percentage of malnourished childrendecreased from 54% in 1990 to 2009 to 13.1% The campaign to support the people
of Cuba, the people support the disaster area are numerous officials, Party membersand people actively involved
Public health, health care people are increasingly improved Quality healthcare is raised gradually Other forms of people's health care is increasinglydiversified, step by step to meet the needs of the people Medical equipment hasbeen upgraded at all levels Network of medical facilities to be consolidated,consolidating and promoting effects To date 100% of communes and towns in thedistrict recognized national standard of social health The health center has essential
Trang 21private medical practice is not controlled positively to widespread epidemics.National health programs and effective city, often over 99% of children under 1year old fully vaccinated six vaccines The inspection and supervision to ensurehygiene and food safety are conducted regularly and effectively, not letting the bigcases in the province.
Population work - family planning to be deployed widely from district tolocal Promote advocacy for people in the target area implementation of familyplanning, stable rate of natural population increase, implementation of measures toreduce the birth rate down to 8.4 3 + 2009 and the percentage of children under 5malnourished decreased to 13.1% (according to new criteria: 17.5%)
Scientific activities and technology continue to evolve and has contributedpositively to economic development - economic development district has beenresearching and deploying an effective application of the subject district and city Investment in science and technology was enhanced information technologyapplications in public administration at the agency DPC, in teaching and learning atthe school, pay at the banks increasing application of technical advances inagricultural production
to build cultural life" is to promote quality commenting culture models is improved
So far, 66 villages (villages) and the title of village culture and city district, 40 thepopulation of culture, 19 units of cultural district, 2 units of municipal culture, 82%cultural families chemical The construction program Hanoi elegant, civilized andfocused implementation of creative, cultural institutions are interested in investment
Trang 22activities celebrate the 1000th anniversary of Thang Long - Hanoi widely deployed Continue to implement effectively Directive 27 of the Political Bureau on theimplementation of a civilized lifestyle in wedding, funerals and festivals; hasimplemented effective Council Resolution on the implementation of the evidences
of civilization progress far, has basically eliminate backward customs, not invitedguests of the day mourning, day 49 and day exhumation and mobilization for 25%
of households who make cremation death
Movement to build new rural village culture civilized lifestyle, family culture
is vibrant people involved 100% villages and building good institutions performconventional cultural village village recognized cultural village, 82% standardfamily culture Many traditional cultural beauty of the family clan, villageconventions inherited and community development
Movement and sport pants are highly social, extensive development andattract people to participate in class 2009 number of people practicing sportsregularly reaching 31%, the number of families practicing sports regularly reach29% The traditional sports are more interested in efficiency High performancesport has been gradually strengthened and developed, especially the achievements
of British athletes achieve in the East Sea Games 22; 23; 24 and 25 Districts thatinvest billions for art activities, equipment and infrastructure systems associatedwith the cultural institutions such as stadiums, swimming pools, radio systems,cultural center of the village , post-cultural system made up of cultural activities inresidential areas Recovery and strong growth of villages in order to exploiteffectively the cultural values, enrich the spiritual life of the people
Recovery and promote traditional cultural values
Dong Anh is a land of tradition has a long cultural history The district hasnearly 293 historical and cultural relics, of which 108 have been classifiedmonuments There is a large monument of national stature as historical Loaassociated with State Au Lac and 2,000 years ago on a system of houses, templesand pagodas He has 9 points East revolutionary relics ATK central monument
Trang 23The ruins are ranked architecture offers distinctive cultural traits, includingmany houses, temples and shrines of the gods preserved tree, ordained Some worksites through archaeological excavations, artifacts discovered many historical valuesuch as bronze drums, statues of An Duong Vuong, the Co Loa of arrows,
The historical and cultural monuments are also often associated with the operationfolkloric festivals bearing the national cultural identity like ancient classical drama
in Spring Quarter, Vietnamese Hung, Co Loa, Lien Ha; Ca Tru village Lo Khe (TheHa) Rural Water puppetry Dao Thuc (Thuy Lam), singing opera in Hong Nam, BacHong, Hai Boi, Kim Chung, singing Cai Luong in Ngoc Vinh, Welcomeprocession forms, such as the rich ceremonial procession in to the wrong authorKing (Swedish Forest), meeting in Vienna for Robbery Noi (Van Noi), the singingfolk games such as pipes, enough money, traditional crossbow objects martialnation, cock fighting, human chess playing, cooking contest, control room
Implementation of the Party Congress Resolution XXI th district (1986),especially since the implementation of Central Resolution 5 VIII on "building theVietnam advanced culture imbued with cultural nation ", the Party and people in thedistrict have continued to conserve and effectively exploit the cultural values in thedirection of centralized investment recovery of folk festivals such as: Assembly" Ken-law "in Yen , Assembly pounding rice cake in Ly Nhan (Tu Duc) ; The traditional artforms such as opera, cheo, ca tru, reformed, water puppets, Investment funds,facilities (building Thuy Dao Shu home village, the church at Ca Lu Cong Khe ) Thework of actor training is emphasized Organize annual rowing classes, similarity classyouth, ca tru class student and class composition of theatrical scripts In many funds,district funds invested billions replenishment and effective exploitation of traditionalcultural values Since 1996, the annual district budgets are spent on 200 million for thepreservation and promotion of the cultural department of traditional arts
1.3 The implementation of the Party resolution on religious activities and beliefs of people in Dong Anh today
Trang 24Soon after its founding (1930), our Party has seen Vietnam is a country withmany religions Although each religion has its own characteristics but are similar inthat co-exist in our nation Even in these most difficult times, the vast majority ofreligious people are siding with the revolution, the entire people in the Frenchdefeated the U.S imperialists and actively participate in building and nationaldevelopment.
Especially, since the implementation of reform (from 1986), the Vietnam's religious revival, rapid development and has direct impact to the economy - and social security, order in the locality Get that clear, our Party has timely review, and evaluate the results of the religions on the basis that continued to refine the guidelines and policies toward religion, to meet changing requirements New and international
integration The renovation of our Party on religion is expressed through the views:
One is, religious claims are persistent problems During the socialist regime,the religious origins arose still exists and regularly to the impact of the religiousdevelopment Since no formal recognition to this rule, combined with guilt,prejudice of religion, so had the place before, at, we have policies and measuresdealing with religious violence, seeking to narrow, restricted religious activities So
a strain in relations between the religious authorities, as public distrust of believers,religious dignitaries of the Party and State
To rectify and remedy deviations above, a number of resolutions of thePolitburo, the Party Central Committee, said: "Belief and religion are the samepeople will exist in the process of building that society in our country " This view isthe basis for the consideration and settlement of religious affairs in our countrytoday requires us to have calm and objective in considering and settling the religiousactivities; ensure that religious activities in Vietnam in a normal way, legalcompliance, companion to the nation and socialism This point also requires alllevels and all Party cadres and industry must overcome the subjectivity of thought,impatient in dealing with issues related to religion in general, with particular
Trang 25Secondly, creed, religion is the spiritual needs of a sector of the population.Party always consistent implementation of religious policies and ensure freedom ofreligion Against all violations of religious freedom, and against the abuse ofreligion to harm the interests of the country and people Third, religious ethics havemuch in accordance with the building of the new society During the birth, survivaland development, religion also has two positive and negative The upside is thatthese commandments, teaches believers towards good and do good, avoid evil Butthe negative side is that these cause people to live an acceptable part and "thearrangements", even limiting their participation in the implementation process ofsocial reform by revolutionary methods.
Fourth, moderate religious work pays attention to reasonable religious needs
of the masses, just in time to fight the enemy taking advantage of religiousrevolution
Fifth, the core content of religion is the work of public campaigns, working with people In this work pay attention to the benefits themselves, the public
legitimacy of believers in general, dignitaries and officials in particular to the core
Sixth, do good work in religion is the responsibility of the entire politicalsystem led by the Party
Vietnam's achievements gained in the field of religion is a vivid evidence toprove the religious right policies, open, real respect and protect freedom of religiousbelief of the people, Party and State of Vietnam The results have forced the U.S.State Department to remove Vietnam from the list of countries of particular interest
in religion
Since entering the reform era and especially after 1990, living faith, religion
in Vietnam is a vibrant and growing trend Festivals in the type of belief andreligious organizations heavily on a large scale and place all parts of the country.Christmas,, Buddhist ceremonies and other major religions and folk beliefs tobecome citizens of the whole festival, drawing thousands of participants Splendidspring, people eager to houses, temples, shrines,
Trang 26government, churches, oratories incense offering ceremony, for fortune, for financial and other spiritual needs.
Living faith, religion is not only the spiritual needs of the faithful but also thecultural needs of the community He needs that the local authorities to createconditions to meet, as believers, religious dignitaries safe, exciting, increasingly rely
on religious policy for the Party and State The construction, repair and renovation
of places of worship takes place everywhere; training courses, training, or additionalrooms, transfer, as well as printing and publication of religious publications, foreignreligious activities teachers have increased So far, the State of Vietnam alwaysrespects the freedom of religion and freedom of belief, not and never haveadvocated obstructing normal religious activities of the people Of course, anyreligion and are in certain ethnic communities and are managed by the State.Therefore, the religious activities, in addition to practice their religion, to respectnational laws Most religious people can only expect to live the "good life, goodreligious", the joint development and national defense
Religious activities of foreigners living and working in Vietnam, as well asdignitaries and believers to study, research, seminars, visiting relatives overseashave also been various levels and sectors and local interest, enabling them tofacilitate religious activities, in accordance with the law of Vietnam Starting fromforeign policy to expand and diversify, multilateral international relations, theGovernment has established diplomatic relations with many countries, withinternational organizations involved in religious teachers based on the principle ofrespecting independence, sovereignty, non-interference in each other's internalaffairs, mutual benefit, in accordance with the laws of each party, with law andinternational practice So the religious organizations in countries with the expansion
of religious external relations, relations and exchanges with local religiousorganizations abroad Through such activities, on one hand the religious enhancemutual understanding, on the other hand to clarify the correctness of the policy ofreligious freedom in Vietnam before the world, contributing to the implementation
Trang 27Over the past decade, policy to respect the freedom of religion, religion doesnot just stop at the realization that actually went into the lives of numerous people offaith, religion, making people feel secure enthusiasm, confidence in policies andlaws of the State religion, to actively participate in the patriotic emulationmovement, good build good religious life.
After the Ordinance on Belief, religion was the XIth National Assemblypassed in 2004, the district commissioner, Dong Anh district People's Committeehas directed the Party committees, authorities, departments, units, strictly massFrance command and decree on religious work to contribute to political stability,while promoting economic development, culture and society in the district
Right from the beginning of the year, the district People's Committee hasformulated plans to direct and integrate the posts about religion on its classesPeople's Committee and Fatherland Front, agencies, branches, mass organizations totrain staff to remote areas, corridor, and population groups Now the districtPeople's Committee of Dong Anh 07.14.2008 has issued guidance number 563 - HD/ PC on "The receipt, transfer of the Abbot of the district and deploy the work forsome religious organizations communication not recognized "and direction of religiousorganizations in the district stable operation, gradually put into place
Steering Committee has nominated four religious officials involved solsticerefreshing phase 16 days due to religious work Religious Affairs Committee held.Board direct the religious urge the district has facilities in directing the operations
of religious organizations, activities in the village festivals, galleries, temples,pagodas held Easter, pears Noel's two Catholic organizations and Protestants
* Catholic organizations
Dong Anh district existing 219 households with 888 inhabitants concentratedmainly in two parishes they (eagles and Mai Chau), In addition, about 151parishioners in the town of Dong Anh and Yen Ha Hai Boi village But parishionerstoday are living in two rural churches in remote Mai Chau village barley andColonel By far Nguyen Khe 2010, the number of the catholic religion has had a
Trang 28change: current in Dong Anh has two churches, a parish priest in their residenteagles, 2 published in 1041 Affairs with 12 people and delivery people (includingrural Eagle - far Nguyen Khe has 146 households and villages in Mai Chau - awayfrom barley, 66 households, village Yen Ha - Hai Boi has five households distantand townships with 10 households).
Currently the district has 122 temples (of which there were 69 temples havebeen abbot) with 89 monks - Ni In the year has been a Sadini ordained Anorganization the lower the better quarters for the Increase - Ni conditions in thedistrict involved In 2009, the DPC has written receipt and appointed the Abbot 5for 5 tomatoes, construction investment, procurement of equipment for therepresentative boards of Buddhism in the amount of 295 million
Where the district has allocated investment of building a glass of Mai Chau fortheir land worth over 1 billion With the help of local authorities at all levels, monksand nuns, along with Buddhists in Dong Anh district has released restorer mind,restored many temples have been degraded as Phuc Dien sour, sour Phuc Lam, sourLinh Quang far Mai Lam Mai Sour Sap remote La Vong; sour Bao Son Co Loaaway with the total amount to billions
Every year, residents on 27/7, the anniversary of wounded soldiers, Office ofHome Affairs to coordinate with the Fatherland Front Committee and Committeerepresenting Buddhism held the district Requiem for the heroic martyrs in martyrs'cemetery the district Vu Lan holiday (15/7 lunar), the district has sour abbot Le Vulan organizes signaling, the abbot sour no registered everything about the ceremonyschedule, meeting the needs of other peoples beliefs villages
The Home Affairs district has advised the district People's Committee of theinspection and survey of religious activities in the district In 2009, the district hasbeen 13 distant survey, 65 tomatoes According to current statistics, the district had17/217 Places of worship are granted land use right certificate Committee
Trang 29representatives were held briefings, plan to update specific, timely resolve theaspirations of the monks and the religious needs of the people The biggest goal ofthe people are Buddhists is to build charge and spread sour sour as the basis forproviding the entire Party and people of Dong Anh district build a strong economic,political stability, maintaining security social order.
The cult of King An Duong Vuong (Co Loa Festival)
At Co Loa, a large and important beliefs of people in Dong Anh, theprotection of antiquities and money management to ensure compliance with meritprinciples, there is no phenomenon affecting the festival general
Information and propaganda work was done well means the preparation ofmaterials and human resources to ensure good service before and during the festival.The system serves international speakers, good holidays, propagate the rules andregulations festival, make sure all festival participants are comfortable, excited
3 days of Tet and the 5th, 6th, the festival days at the Co Loa commune, thevillage was organized fun, healthy and happy according to the agenda of theCommission People's social set and the festival organizers The Culture and culturalactivities, sports such as volleyball, wrestling, water puppetry, quan ho, tuong,traditional crossbow there have been many innovations, improve the quality ofsporting activities including form, ensuring truly happy, healthy, economical, safeand effective
The people of the district always promote solidarity, they are activelyparticipating programs of the Fatherland Front Committee recommended, especially
in response to the movement to build a new cultural life, environmental protection,perform well traffic laws, contribute to building a strong government Recent time,the Eastern people he showed civilized lifestyle of the person but the capital throughthe seminar on the implementation of "evidence of progress of civilization." Theyare the four made good content: lightweight, organized, save, delete taste for burial,cremation do when you go through life and cemetery planning The monks and
Trang 30nuns, Buddhists in the district response to the movement always civilized funeral,cremation to keep the environment green, clean and beautiful.
People are always aware of construction and renovation of the pagodalandscape, investment in facilities to which the increasingly solemn worship bysupporting the Council of Buddhism, the Thanh Hanoi and the Buddhist Association
of local residents donated The education has concentrated acidic beliefs, educatethe observance of the guidelines and policies of the Party and laws of the State
The importance of ancestor worship besides expression through ancestorworship space in the family was shown through the system focused on building thechurch, church family line In recent years, many churches they were remodeling,new construction Many families contribute the cost of building temples, churchesthem up to several billion
The orbital rotation of urbanization, in Vong La Commune, Dong Anh district,the offerings on the altar of offering more money tend to be modernized However,
it is only the surface changes in phenomenal These phenomena arise which do notblur blur enough good will of ancestor worship By considering the same, themodern offerings of La Vong that most people care most offerings come from theheart of filial piety of children with paralysis of fallen concrete This was the mainpersist contribute unique value of the cult of ancestors of the Vietnamese peopleeven if this belief is deeply affected by the urbanization process It was a boldreligious humanist spirit of the inhabitants of ancient rice with single sex lifestyle,filled with grace as "filial, ancestor-worship, ancestor is both a religion and as astate of gratitude to the generations that came before her "(4)
Folk beliefs occult worship
One thing noticeable, with each neighbor, Lane, the prostitute, templeworship is a sacred place The sacred places of this medium to enhance value to
Trang 31village must respect and have the correct attitude for that space It is no coincidence
in the minds of the villagers toxic, Vietnamese Hung commune, Dong Anh districtmost of the shrines, there are ma whore or appear mysterious phenomena Thesubtle story elements that are so thrilling painting village, this also shows that theyare the ones who created the sacred space for them
Furthermore, the villagers also believe in the unique divine epiphany in somespace in the surrounding neighborhood and they also object to add color to paint herspirit Through this, human behavior has shown that human and affirmed theindividual, has maintained a general
The sacred space of bridges to avoid the destruction of young children(young buffalo, cow); avoid the appropriation of an individual, a family Sometimes
it also avoids the destruction of the village, while enhancing the sense of protectionand repair of the whole community
By slapping on the reclaimed land, mounds, the origin of the boundary, theboundary of the village the mystical color, researcher Nguyen The Thao: there isalso a way to maintain community ownership with of that land, to avoid theappropriation of an individual or a family somewhere in the village By land(including land, productive land) is an important resource in most of theVietnamese It is both important asset, both as sources of production, just as specialtypes of goods when family problems (through the pledge of land, sell land to paydebts or organization of important events of the family ) So, from past to presentunique villagers in particular, the Vietnamese people in general are of particularinterest to the protection and expansion of the village land To create propertyboundaries along with the sacred rights of ownership, the mound area, hills, wasteland dumps, rivulets of water - the natural border between the villages is essential
1.4 Definitions
1.4.1 Religious and belief life
According to social-religious researchers, when studying “religious life” wemust be focus on these following ideas:
Trang 32First of all, community‟s religousity and religousity‟s composition should bepaid attention C.Glock (1964-1965) proposed 5 dimensions of religousity, whichincludes: “dimension of ideology, rituals, social impact, experience, andknowledge”.
Dimension of ideology involves level of an individual‟s belief in religioustheory Dimension of ritual involves ritual practices (go to the church, pagoda,baptize, become a Buddhist monk, etc.) Dimension of religious impact expressesthrough an individual‟s daily attitudes and manners (do charity, donation, etc.)Dimension of experience shows power of emotional relations of an individual to areligion Dimension of knowledge of an individual to history, events, opinions,point of view, personal experience about ultimate reality [17, p.217]
From C.Glock‟s pont of view, some authors, such as Acquiviva providedother variants At the same time, they emphasized 5 dimension interrelate as well ()
as be able to change independently For instance, followers believe in articles(dimension of ideology) but cannot go to church often (dimension of ritual), orpeople believe in the right of Bible (dimension of ideology) but never read Bible,have no knowledge of Bible (dimension of knowledge)
1.4.2 Religous life
The definition "religous life" did not exist from the first place There were
only some definitions of niệm như: “grace life”, “Catholic life”, “holy life”,
“Experienced life”, since the famous trend “Catholic conduction”, the term
"religous life" was born The difference between the understandings of “religouslife” today from the one in the past is changing from living in the rules to livingamong people According to Dr Do Quang Hung, religous life among peopleivolves practice duties from God and the duties of citizen, which is not always easy,
is never be denied or avoided The Catholics have duty to enrich Christian'screations Effective religous life is living with/for others "The final gudgment is notabot me but about other people.” [17, p.280]
Religious life is considered as an important part in each parishioner It is a
Trang 33own belief, because it is a part of their motivation to overcome difficulty andobstacle From a Christian‟s point of view, religious life means practice of 10commandments For a Catholic, carrying out 10 commandments is the foundation,and the base to bring out the rule in their life 10 commandments are summarizedinto 2 main ideas: “respect God, love people” Especially, in daily workship, monksoftens read God‟s commandments and give advices to the followers so that theyunderstand and apply the teachings to daily to their life This is living and actingfollowing God‟s commandments.
So, religious life of Catholics does not simply mean belief in God, magicsfrom God and practices of belief in God, such as mass, procession, praying, makingconfession, sacrament , etc but it need to be noticed as a fỉrm spiritual and moralfoundation to help Catholic live better, morally The Catholics need to involve inthe social activities to benefit themselves as well as the country
1.4.3 Social life
After the Common Letter in 1980, religious life of Catholic has changedtoward “secularize”, which means the close combination of religion and life That iswhy the Catholics think “when the mass in the church ends, the mass among sociallife begins” Through their loving as well as caring activities, the Catholics bringCatholism to people around them
As a resident, Catholic does not only have relation with Catholic communitybut also have duty to practice benefit and responsibility of a citizen as well asrelation with social community (people follow different religion or none) Thesesocial relations, daily activity, community, economic, cultural, educational,activities, and charity, donation, etc., create in each Catholic values of commondunderstandings, joying normal life However, because of the religious life‟s control,normal life of Catholic has similarity as well as difference to society life, whichreflects belief and living ideology of the Catholic community
As residents of a suburban district of the capital, Catholics‟ life in Dong Anhdistrict now are also in the context of religious life and beliefs of Thang Long -
Trang 34Hanoi in the open period Facing the market economy, parish whether want or notbut has suffered a strong impact Typically, children from Catholic families wereflown to migrant, migrate to urban areas to search for jobs or take part in productivelabor in industrial zones in the areas opened in their thriving homeland The wave ofmigration, migrants has reduced the number of followers in the countryside, andincreased the amount of followers in urban and industrial areas This trend requiresstructural changes of the dignitaries, priests, etc.
1.5 Theorical background
1.5.1 Subjective field
Firstly, religions in over the world tend to entering daily life and be modernized.
These two trends always connect closely to each other, and are the conditions forreligious and belief form to exist in Vietnamese life Motto of the religious followers in
Vietnam are "good life, good religion" and entering the world of the spirit is being
associated with everyday life Hence, religious life and beliefs can suit the lifestyle andhabits in modern society The presence of Buddhism in Dong Anh district associatewith daily life is a typical example for this trend Because in the past, Buddhists mustread, study many books; now, to fit the market economy, mostly Buddhist prayers read
„Mat Tong‟ book because in their opinion, its content is about praying for health,
peace and happiness On the other hand, now, pagodas in Dong Anh in particular and inVietnam in general, have become the places to perform ritual practices to meet the
needs of people (often called the "Buddhist service”), which are the death ritual
procession to the pagoda, pray for peace, sell securities, offer star, award term, cuttingpredestined all of these has been contributing to the close relation of Buddhism andlife and suit the aspirations of the people This is why the number of Buddhists in DongAnh increased day by day
For Catholics, shortening the prayer time at church is the flexibile change inreligious life, which lets followers have more time to earn thẻi living, study,participate in social work the simplicity in worship rituals increasingly simplified
Trang 35method to Religion also close and consistent with economic lives of most Catholics
in eastern England during the current integration
Secondly, religious and belief life in Dong Anh district has changed due to
some major religious events happening in over the world Since 14 January, 1974,Vatican II (1962- 1965) committee officially operated, a report publiced by monks
in Vietnam‟s Southern dioceses showed Catholics are allowed to organized ancestorworship, following Vietnamese tradition After 1990, most Vietnamese parishionersfind their acestors through building family records Todays, a part of parishioners inDong Anh live among people who do not follow Christianity, having differentattitude about ritual practices of worshiping ancestors and the village‟s God Forexample, parishioners in Mai Chau hamlet, Dai Mach commune, Dong Anh district,participate in supervive, envolve in and contribute to repair the village, which arethe jobs they used to refuse to do This example shows followers in Vietnam ingeneral and Dong Anh in particular, has changed their spiritual idealogy to adapt toVietnam traditional thinking, characters as well as practices
1.5.2 Objective field
Nowadays, there is a trend to “re- orientreligion” in over the world It can be
said from the changes in religious policy since late 1990 in Vietnam, Vietnam is acountry having major religious recovery (according to Dr Do Quang Hung) In
developing countries, the “religious recovery” is along with the intergration and
globalization In the modernization, religious and belief demand becomes strongerand more diversified In Vietnam, the religious recovery follows the changes of
“socialism regulation” since the religious and belief demand of people were at the
1st time, recognized in reality
According to Philip Taylor‟s research, changes in religious and belief life inVietnam in the Open period has brought out some new ideas He thinks the religiouslife is the reply to Vietnamese government policy in economic conversion Because,
to face the unsustainable of the economic market, religion is one of many way torecover, supply to apart of people‟s religious and spiritual demand At that time, the
Trang 36government had the authority to decide which religion to be rejected, which one to
be raised, encoureaged and developed
Vietnam is similar to China interm of geography, religion and politics, such
as both countries belong to the area, which is cultural homogenous but religious
pluralist, and tend to follow normal life more than many other “religious” countries
in Southeast Asia Two contries also have the similarity in “religious enlightment” trend and the change of the “religious market”; however, the “religious re-
orientation” in two countries is different to each other.
According to Dr Do Quang Hung, the “religious market” appears when
people have ability to choose religiousand belief types in some extent Religiousfreedom is guaranteed in the condition when many religions exist at the same time,
so that each individual can choose the favorite religion in the “religious market”,
which is like choosing goods in a supermarket He also thinks religious orientation mean the les recompositions of each religion and changes of thereligious structure, which leads to changes of its appearance in the social life andlegal status, fitting the change of religious market and religious logic
re-Religious re-orientation is a current trend in Vietnam There are someexpressions; the first one is the increasing in the number of followers in Vietnam,especially Buddhists According to a report from the government committee ofreligious affair, the number of religious followers in Vietnam was 15 million in 2001,and increased to 20 million in 2003, in which, the number of Buddhists increased from
7 million to 10 million, Catholics increased to 5.7 million, Christians increased to500,000, etc.; the number of religious organizations recognized legal status increasedfrom 13 to 33, etc In Dong Anh district, the number of Buddhist followers has beenincreasing dramatically since 1999, especially, in Co Loa commune; about 70%villagers follow or practice Buddism The number of pagoda in this district area, therewere 122 pagodas, 110 temples in many forms and 83 monks and nuns [8, p.3]
The second one is the re- orientation of religious market Vietnamese
Trang 37including local religions, religious group, with signatual local characteristics, suchas: his four debts of gratitude, „Buu Son ky huong, Phat Minh duong su dao‟… Inrecent years, in Dong Anh district, the religion of Long Hoa Buddha has return andtent to develop in term of number and actitvity.
Finally, changes in religious and belief life of Vietnamese in Dong Anh district
to adapt in the intergration period Since the retricted economic period, religious andbelief life in Vietnam has changed in some ways Worship places were destroyed;religious and belief activities were restricted In nowadays, the international economicintergration has brought up new opportunities, leading to the development of religiousand belief demand which includes not only increase in number of followers but also theenrichment of religious activities Changes in the economic life have led to changes inreligious and belief life in term of moral biology and secularism Religions also havemuch impact on economics and nation unity
2.1 Changes in religiogious life in Dong Anh district
2.1.1 Changes in religious life of the Catholics
The Dao linage in Dai Bang hamlet, Nguyen Khe commune, Don Anhdistrict was founded in 1936, originated from 3 branches of the linage: the oldestone is Mr Quy Nhan‟s (1936); Mr Trum Phu‟s, and the newest one is Mr MienDuc (1942) Before 1900, these 3 branches of linange belonged to Doai commune,now, belong to Bac Ninh diocese
Changes in worship space
Churches in Mai Chau and Dai Bang hamlet has improved more than in thepast In 1945, due to the difficult economic condition, the church in Dai Banghamlet was only built with 3 rooms from glasses When the economic condition gotbetter, perishioners contributed to repair the church 3 times In 1975, the tower plantwas rebuilt by cement, the ceiling was recoated In 1993, repair the roof to metalfrom brick In 2011, 2 more rooms were built and the santuarity hall was repaired
In 1943, in the Frecnh invasion period The church in Mai Chau hamlet wasbuilt with 5 rooms from bricks, and without tower plant The vhurch area was used
as a sotehouse In 1994, when people had more financial capability, and supportfrom parishioners from the neighborhood, a new tower plant was built, the roof waschanged from bricks to dome to be more spacious
Changes in time of practice
In recent years, many churches in Hanoi on Saturday and Sunday are muchmore crowded, there are not enough seats for people, who have to stand around thechurch area In the mass, the number of young followers and people in the workingages is small
Trang 39Everyday, parishioners in Dai Bang and Mai Chau pray at church 3 times, inthe morning from 4 a.m (in summer) or 4.30 a.m (in winter); in the afternoon from
12 a.m and in the evening from 19 a.m On Sunday, Father from Me Linh come tohost the event on Sunday so the time changed to 8.30and 3p.m On Sunday,parishioners go to church and organize cooking and sport activities
In religion, Catholic hamlet hasa 8 people religious committee:
There are 6 groups:
- The group of Da Minh strain with 90 members including the women from
- The group of teenagers including the teenagers from 13 to 17 years old
- The group of children including children from 6 to 12 years old
- The Board of carol singers
- Tuesday: The group of Da Minh strain
- Wenesday: The patriarchal group
- Thursday: Man Coi group
- Saturday: The group of teenagers
Today, the bible reading time is shortened compared to the past Normally,
to read the bible, parishioners need 2 hours bur now it takes only 30 minutes Timechange also avoid the working days of students and workers This is very suitable inthe industrialization period
Changes in religious practices
Nowadays, in the ritual practices, the Catholics do not stand on their kness,which shows the absolute respect, anymore, but practice the ritual comfortably andconveniently
Trang 40In saint Minh recession, in the past, the host used to take minh saint intoparishioners‟ mouths, while now, the hosts or their assistants bring the Minh saint tothe parishioners to carry This reflects God‟s commandment in the consecration ritual.
There are some changes in many ritual practices in the two branches of thereligion It was originnated from the adaption of local religions to the Catholism sothat the religion comes closer to Vietnamese tradition Before the evolution ofAugust, the Catholics have 4 to 5 great festivals, which are organized in a cathedraland restricted areas The parishioners listen to priests teaching God‟scommandment Although the great festivals are organized solemly, the parishionersare still inactive
Maybe in such condition, the followers realize they need to come back totheir origin to accquire festival practices Therefore, on the holy occasion tomemorialize the person establishing the first Catholic family in the hamlet (8thSeptember in lunar calendar) and this ceremony in Mai Chau hamlet (3rd July),parishioners in these 2 hamlets organize a village festival All the performances likerosewood dance, drum dance, wooden bell dance, etc, which are used to use intraditional village festivals, now are implied into Catholic rituals There fore,festival space is enlarged The annual ceremony in Dai Bang hamlet attracts a largenumber of people from the neighborhood (Me Linh and Soc Son areas) as well ashetethens Besides, the difference appears in the procession of Mother Maria aroundthe church
In the Christmas- the biggest festival of the Christians, recently, Christiansorganize Jesus status mass around the church Such practices were not carried out inthe past Palanquin is used or creat new one to carry Jesus status or mother Maria
So, the parishioners attend the festival more actively, they have chances to showtheir feelings to God in their own ways They can create and show their talents inthe crowd Though time, a new form of festival was created, Christian festival
Some performances in the tradional village festivals through many centuries