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USEFUL STRUCTURES It’s/ was + S + that + Predicate eg Smoking causes lung cancer – It’s smoking that causes lung cancer My sister gave me a computer on my birthday.- It was my sister that gave gave me a computer on my birthday 2.It’s + Adj + for somebody + to infi = To infi + be + Adj = Ving + be + Adj 41 eg.It’s difficult for me to learn Russian = To learn Russian is difficult = Learning Russian is difficult It’s not easy to speak English perfectly = To speak English perfectly is not easy It’s/ was possible/ impossible for somebody to infi = S + be + possible/ impossible + to infi eg It’s impossible for us to finish the long test on time = We’re impossible to finish the long test on time It takes/ took/ will take + Smb + time + to infi = S + spend/ spent/ will spend + time + Ving eg It takes me 30 minutes to cook dinner = I spend 30 minutes cooking dinner S + be + said/ thought/ believed/ known … + that + clause = S + be + said/ thought/ believed/ known… to infi./ to have + Vpp eg It’s said that the earth is round = The earth is said to be round It’s likely that + clause (will): eg It’s likely that man will conque nature – S + used to + V → (đã từng…) thói quen khứ eg I used to cry when I was a child - S + use smt + to V Sử dụng để làm eg I use a dictionary to look up the meaning of words - S + be/ get used to + Ving → (quen với…) = Be accustomed to Had better + (not) + to V : nên, khơng nên làm eg You had better get up early and morning exercises He’d better not smoke cigarettes Would rather + smt than + smt = Prefer doing smt to doing smt/( prefer N to N) eg I’d rather stay at home than go out = I prefer staying at home to going out I prefer films to books 10 Phrases and clauses of purpose a Phrases of purpose: - Nếu muốn diễn tả mục đích khẳng định ta dùng: * to infinitive * in order to/ so as to + V ( để mà) eg They try to study to pass their next exam They try to study in order to pass their exam - Nếu muốn diễn tả mục đich phủ định ta dùng: so as not to, in order not to eg They study hard so as not to fail the exam I got up early in order not to miss the train b Clauses of purpose( Adverbial clauses of purpose) S + V + so that/ in order that + S + will/ would + V (MĐ chính) can/ could may/ might MĐ trạng ngữ mục đích eg I try to study so that I can pass the exam I try to learn English in order that I can find a good job Note: Nếu chủ ngữ MĐ MĐ mục đích khác ta khơng dùng Phrases of purpose c Adverb clause of reason Mệnh đề lí mệnh đề phụ bắt đầu với liên từ ( conjunction) lí như: because of, because, since, as Thơng thường because, since as dùng thay cho mệnh đề lí đứng trước hay sau mệnh đề Tuy nhiên because sử dụng lí nêu phần quan trọng câu, thường sau mẹnh đề Trái lại, since as dùng lí nêu khơng quan trọng khơng trọng ý diễn đạt mệnh đề since as thường đặt đầu câu She looked after the others because she was the oldest As we live near the sea we enjoy a healthy climate Since she was busy, she didn’t go to the party Because, since, as liên từ phụ thuộc lí Người ta cịn có liên từ kết hợp for để lí For khơng đứng đầu câu I decided to stop and have lunch, for I was feeling quite hungry BECAUSE + Clause → (bởi vì…) giới thiệu mệnh đề nguyên - I couldn’t come to class yesterday because I was ill - Because the weather was bad, the flight was put off BECAUSE OF + Phrase → (bởi …) dùng cụm từ danh từ sau because of (preposition) - I couldn’t come to class yesterday because of his illness - Because of the bad weather, the flight was put off 11 Phrases and clauses of result a Phrases of result: * TOO S + be/get/ look/ seem/ become…+ too + Adj +(for O)+ to infi S + V + too + Adv +(for O)+ to infi eg This coffee is too hot for me to drink He runs too slowly to catch the bus * ENOUGH S + be + Adj + enough ( for O) + to infi S + V + Adv + enough ( for O) + to infi eg He’s intelligent enough to get good marks They speak slowly enough to understand b Clauses of result: * SO… THAT S + be/ look/ seem/ smell/ taste/ feel… + so +Adj + that + S + V ( Main clause) ( Adverbial clause of result) S + V + so + adv + that + S + V eg It was so dark that I couldn’t see anything The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask for more - Nếu trước ‘SO’ có ‘ MANY, MUCH, FEW, LITTLE’ ta dùng cấu trúc: S + V + so +many/ few + plural count N + that + S + V eg There are so many people in the room that I feel tired S + V + so much/ little + uncount.N + that + S + V eg He spent so much money in his holiday that he runs out of money now * SUCH … THAT: S + V + such a/ an + Adj + N + that + S + V eg It was such a hot day that we decided to stay at home He is such an intelligent boy that we all admire him 12 It’s time/ It’s high time a Followed by past tense with present meaning: It’s time + S + Ved ( be- were).- past subjunctive It’s high time eg It’s time we went home b Followed by infi – It’s time + ( for + O) + to Infi It’s high time + S + Ved eg It’s time for her to go to bed =It’s high time she went to bed 13 Clauses after Would rather( mong muốn rằng) a Mong muốn tương lai: S + would rather ( that) + S ( not) + V bare infi eg I’d rather (that) you not call me tomorrow I’d rather (that) she be here tomorrow b Mong muốn S + would rather (that) + S + V past subjunctive eg I’d rather the weather were fine today Nam’d rather (that) his girlfriend worked in the same office as he does c Mong muốn khứ S + would rather (that) + S + V past perfect subjunctive eg John would rather (that) Marry had gone to school yesterday Exercise Choose the best option The weather was very cold They couldn’t go out A The weather was very cold and that they couldn’t go out B The weather was so cold that they couldn’t go out C The weather was not so cold they couldn’t go out D The weather was very cold they couldn’t go out My teacher lives far from our school A It’s a short distance from my teacher’s house to our school B It’s a long distance from my teacher’s house to our school C My teacher’s house is near our school D My teacher lives near our school The water was so cold that we couldn’t swim in it A The water was too cold for us to swim in it B The water was very cold for us to swim in C The water wasn’t warm enough that we couldn’t swim in it D The water was too cold for us to swim in Although there was a traffic jam, Mr David managed to get to his office on time A Despite traffic jam, Mr David managed to get to his office on time B In spite traffic jam, Mr David managed to his office on time C Despite of the traffic jam, Mr David managed to his office on time D In spite of the traffic jam, Mr David managed to get to his office on time John began playing the organ five years ago A John has been playing the organ five years ago B John has played the organ for five years C John has been playing the organ for five years D John used to play the organ five years ago She can’t have any more children because of her old age A She isn’t young enough to have more children B She isn’t young to have more children C She isn’t so young that to have more children D She is too old that to have more children I like watching TV more than listening to the radio A I prefer watching TV to listening to the radio B I prefer watching TV than listening to the radio C I’d better watching TV to listening to the radio D I’d better watch TV to listening to the radio Unless you keep your feet dry, you will catch a cold A You won’t catch a cold even if you don’t keep your feet dry B You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry C You will catch a cold if you keep your feet dry D Unless you keep your feet wet, you won’t catch a cold Parents always make their children wash their hands before meals A Children are always made to wash their hands before meals B Children are always made wash their hands before meals C Parents always allow their children to wash their hands before meals D Parents always let their children wash their hands before meals 10 In spite of heavy rain, my brother went to work A In spite it rained heavily, my brother went to work B Although it rained heavily, my brother went to work C Despite it rained heavily, my brother went to work D Although of heavy rain, my brother went to work PREPOSITIONS I- Definition: Giới từ từ nhóm từ nối danh từ từ tương đương danh từ với phần khác câu Ex: Bring the cakes to Jane’s house before Saturday I go to school everyday - Giới từ dùng để diễn tả thời gian, nơi chốn, vị trí, nguyên nhân, mục đích, thể cách,phương tiện, quan hệ, di chuyển, phương hướng di chuyển, … - Giới từ từ đơn: in, on, at, by, to, about, across, from Ex: She lives in Cao Bang from 1990 to 2008 She is in her room - Giới từ gồm nhóm từ: in front of, on top of, because of, … Ex: The bus stops right in front of our house Her address is on the top of the letter II- Kinds of prepositions: Preposition of time: - Before ( trước): I shall come here before this afternoon - After ( sau) : We shall meet after o’clock - During ( khi): Nobody likes to leave home during the stomy night - on ( vào lúc) Come and see me on Monday - since ( từ khi): I have lived here since last night - till ( khi): I wait for you till o’clock - at ( hồi, lúc) He came here at o’clock - in ( vào: mùa, tháng, năm): Is it hot or cold in the summer? - about ( vào khoảng: thời gian) He arrived about 10 o’clock - by ( vào lúc, trước lúc) She sleeps by day and works by night Prepositions of place or position - at ( ) I live at 17 Kim Dong street - above ( Ở cao, cao hơn) My bed room is above the living room - in ( trong, tại) What have you got in pocket ? - on ( trên, sát trên) There are some apples on the table - before (ở đằng trước) = in front of: They knelt before throne - by ( gần, kế bên): The telephone is by the window - off ( cách, khỏi, rời): He fell off a horse - Beneath ( dưới): The boat sank beneath the waves - across ( ngang qua, chéo qua, bên kia): He shouted to me from across the room - along ( dọc theo): She í going along the corridor - about ( quanh quẩn, gần): He is walking about the town 3.Prepositions of cause/ reason - because of ( vì) They are here because of us - for ( vì, vì): He didn’t answer for fear of hurting her - of (vì): She is ashamed of her husband’s behavior - out of ( ): He did it out of curiosity - Thanks to ( nhờ, ): Thanks to your help, I got over my difficulties - Through ( vì, do): The accident happened through heavy snow prepositions of purpose - for ( mục đích là, để ): Are you learning English for pleasure or for your work - in order to, so as to ( để, cốt để): She arrived early in order to get good seat - to ( để): She employed a secretary to help with her work 64 prepositions of manner - with ( với) He welcome her with open arms - Without ( khơng có) She went away without saying aword - like ( ): He walked like an old man Prepositions of means - by ( bằng, nhờ): May I pay by cheque / You can go by bus - on ( bằng, trên): He went on foot - in ( bằng) please write in ink / This novel is written in English - through ( bằng, nhờ, từ ): We heard about it through some friends - with ( bằng): He fought with a sword Preposition of relation - about ( ) What is he angry about? - on (về ): Would you like to attend on Shakespeare? III- List of prepositions prepositions and nouns out of work out of control out of order in a hurry in advance to my mind in addition by the way by accident by chance by mistake out of reach nouns and prepositions FOR: - a request for: yêu cầu - a cheque for: ngân phiếu - a wish for: mơ ước - an appetite for: khát khao - a reason for: lý (về điều đó) - an application for: đơn xin - a need for: IN: nhu cầu ………………………… from my poit of view in my oppinion in love out of sight, … An increase/ a decrease/ a reduction/ a rise/ a fall in (the price/ the number of sth): Sự gia tăng, giảm sút giá cả, số lượng TO: - a damage to: hư hại - a solution to/ for (a problem): biện pháp giải (một vấn đề) - an answer to (a question): câu trả lời ……… - a reply to (a letter): thư phúc đáp - an attitude to/ towards: thái độ (đối với……….) - an invitation to (a party/ a wedding etc): lời mời/ thư mời…………… WITH/ BETWEEN: - A relationship/ a connection/ contact with (sb/ sth): Mối liên hệ, lien quan, tiếp xúc với …………… - A relationship/ a connection/ contact/ contrast/ difference between (two things or people): Mối liên hệ, lien quan, tiếp xúc, trái ngược, khác (hai người, hai vật) adjectives and prepositions - nice/ kind/ good/ silly/ intelligent/ clever/ sensible/ (im) polite/ rude/ unreasonable of someone (to something) 65 Ex: It is very kind of you to help me, thank you very much It is stupid of her to believe in a stranger - angry/ furious/ about something// with someone// for something Ex: Why are you so angry with me? - please/ disappointed/ satisfied with something Ex: Are you sastified with your examination result? - bored/ fed up with something Ex: Are you fed up with doing the same thing everyday? - surprised/ shocked/ amazed/ astonished at/ by something Ex: We were surprised at his appearance - excited/ worried/ upset about something Ex: Parents always worried about their children’s studying - afraid/ scared/ frightened/ terrified/pround of someone/ something Ex: They are very pround of their daughter - good/ bad/ exerllent/ brilliant/ hopeless/ at doing something Ex: The young are very good at speaking English OF: - ashamed of: xấu hổ - hopeful of: hy vọng - afraid of: sợ, e ngại - independent of: độc lập - ahead of: trước - proud of: tự hào - aware of: nhận thức - jealous of: ghen tỵ với - capable of: có khả - guilty of: phạm tội( về), có tội - confident of :tin tưởng - sick of: chán nản - doubtful of: nghi ngờ - joyful of: vui mừng - fond of: thích - quick of: nhanh chóng - full of: đầy TO: - acceptable to: chấp nhận - likely to: - accustomed to: quen với - lucky to: may mắn - agreeable to: đồng ý - next to: kế bên - addicted to: đam mê - open to: mở - delightful to smb: thú vị - pleasant to: hài lòng - familiar to smb: quen thuộc - preferable to: đáng thích - clear to: rõ ràng - profitable to: có lợi - contrary to: trái lại, đối lập - rude to: thô lỗ, cộc cằn - equal to: tương đương với, - similar to: giống, tương tự - favourable to: tán thành, ủng hộ - useful to smb: có ích cho - grateful to smb: biết ơn - necessary to smt/ smb:cần thiết cho ai/cái - harmful to smb/ for smt:có hại cho ai/ - available to smb/ for smt: sẵn cho ai/cái - important to: quan trọng - responsible to smb: có trách nhiệm với FOR: - difficult for: khó - sorry for: xin lỗi - late for: trễ - qualified for: có phẩm chất - dangerous for: nguy hiểm - helpful/ useful for: có lợi/ có ích - famous for: tiếng - good for: tốt cho - greedy for: tham lam - grateful for smt: biết ơn việc - necessary for: cần thiết - convenient for: thuận lợi cho - perfect for: hoàn hảo - ready for smt: sẵn sàng cho việc - suitable for: thích hợp - responsible for smt: chịu trách nhiệm việc AT: - good at: giỏi (về ) - excellent at: xuất sắc - bad at: dở( ) - present at: diện - clever at: khéo léo, thông minh - surprised at: ngạc nhiên - skillful at: khéo léo, có kỹ - angry at smt: giận điều - quick at: nhanh - clumsy at: vụng - amazed at: ngạc nhiên - annoy at smt: khó chịu điều - amused at: vui WITH: - delighted with: vui mừng với - busy with: bận - aquainted with: làm quen( với ) - familiar with: quen thuộc - crowded with: đông đúc - furious with: phẫn nộ - angry with: giận - pleased with: hài lònh 67 - friendly with: thân mật - popular with: phổ biến - bored with: chán - satisfied with: thỏa mãn với - fed up with: chán - contrasted with: tương phản với ABOUT: - confused about: bối rối (về ) - serious about: nghiêm túc - excited about: hào hứng - upset about: thất vọng - happy about: vui, hạnh phúc - worried about: lo lắng - sad about: buồn - anxious about: lo lắng - disappointed about smt: thất vọng IN: - interested in: thích, quan tâm - successful in: thành công - rich in: giàu - confident in smb: tin cậy vào FROM: - isolated from: bị cô lập - far from: xa - absent from: vắng mặt ( khỏi ) - safe from: an toàn - different from: khác - divorced from: ly dị, làm xa rời ON: - keen on: hăng hái Phrasal verbs - on - in - up - out - after - over - away - off - back Put Fill Give Go Look Get Throw Take Turn Go Turn Call Let … Break Hand Stay Trade Bring … Wash Look Get Hold Clear … Try Fall … Take … Think … Get Give Pass Take … turn go call … Come … Notes: - be tired of: chán eg I’m tired of doing the same work every day - be tired from: mệt eg I’m tired from walking for a long time - be grateful to smb for smt: biết ơn vấn đề eg I’m grateful to you for your help - be responsible to smb for smt: chịu trách nhiệm với việc eg You have to be responsible to me for your actions - good/ bad for: tốt/ xấu cho , good/ bad at: giỏi/ dở eg Milk is good for your health / She is bad at mathematics * Những từ dùng với nhiều giới từ không thay đổi nghĩa - be astonished at/ by: ngạc nhiên ( vì, bởi) - discussion about/ on/ of: bàn bạc - explaination of/ for: giải thích ( về…) - imprressed with/ by: cảm động ( bởi/ …) - succeed in/ at: thành cơng diều gì) - be surprised at/ by: ngạc nhiên ( vì, bởi, ) - talk to/ with: nói chuyện (với,…) * Những từ với giới từ khác có cách dùng khác - accompanied by ( Sb): kèm cặp Ex: He was accompanied by his mother - accompanied with ( sthm/ V- ing):được đệ Ex: Her singing was accompanied with clapping - accountable to ( Sb): chịu trách nhiệm với Ex: You are accountable to me the money - accountable for Sthm/ V-ing sthm: Chịu trách nhiệm điều Ex: He had to be accountable for his action - agree with ( Sb): đồng ý với Ex: I agree with you that we should take a taxi - agree to ( Sthm): đồng ý với việc Ex: I agree to your suggestion - angry with ( Sb): giận Ex: She is very angry with her boy friend - angry about ( Sthm): bực điều Ex: She is angry about your late - apologize for ( sthm done): xin lỗi việc làm Ex: I apologize for coming late - apologize to Sb: xin lỗi Ex: Did he apologize you? - arrive at ( small place): đến địa điểm nhỏ Ex: They arrived at the village late at night - arrive in ( large place): đến địa điểm lớn Ex: We arrived in Singapore in 2010 - careful with ( sthm) : cẩn thận với điều Ex: Be careful with that mad dog - careful of ( sb): thận trọng với Ex: My father advised me to be careful of that man - deal with ( do/ treat): cư sử Ex:How does your mother in law deal with - deal in( sell): bán you? Ex: This shop deals in antiques - difficulty with sthm: gặp khó khăn với việc Ex: Students have difficulty with listening skill - difficulty in doing sth: gặp khó khăn việc làm Ex: Students get some difficulties in studying E - engaged in ( doing sthm) bận làm Ex: Students are engaged in reviewing for their examination - engaged to ( a person): đính với Ex: John was ingaged to Mary -get in (to)/ out of( a car/ taxi or small boat Dùng get in ( to) get out of nói việc lên ( xuống) xe hơi, taxi, tàu thuyền - get on ( to) / off ( a bus/ train/ plane/ ship Dùng get on ( to)/ off nói lên xe xuống xe buýt, xe lửa, máy bay, tàu biển - greatful to ( sb): cảm ơn Ex: He great to his mother - greatful for ( sthm done): cảm ơn điều Ex: We are greatful for your help - quarrel with ( Sb): cãi với Ex: She is quarrelling with her husband - quarrel over ( sthm): điều Ex: They are quarrelling over property - responsible to ( Sb): chịu trách nhiệm trướ Ex: The techer is responsible to the headmester c - responsible for ( Sthm): chịu trách nhiệm vif điều Ex: The driver is responsible for passanger’ safety - stay with( sb): Ex: He stays with his brother - Stay at( a place): đâu She stays at her uncle’s house - on time ( at the time arranged): Ex: He came to the meeting on time - in time ( not late): kip Ex: He is in time for the meeting AK Exercise Choose the best option The weather was very cold They couldn’t go out A The weather was very cold and that they couldn’t go out B The weather was so cold that they couldn’t go out C The weather was not so cold they couldn’t go out D The weather was very cold they couldn’t go out My teacher lives far from our school A It’s a short distance from my teacher’s house to our school B It’s a long distance from my teacher’s house to our school C My teacher’s house is near our school D My teacher lives near our school The water was so cold that we couldn’t swim in it A The water was too cold for us to swim in it B The water was very cold for us to swim in C The water wasn’t warm enough that we couldn’t swim in it D The water was too cold for us to swim in Although there was a traffic jam, Mr David managed to get to his office on time A Despite traffic jam, Mr David managed to get to his office on time B In spite traffic jam, Mr David managed to his office on time C Despite of the traffic jam, Mr David managed to his office on time D In spite of the traffic jam, Mr David managed to get to his office on time John began playing the organ five years ago A John has been playing the organ five years ago B John has played the organ for five years C John has been playing the organ for five years D John used to play the organ five years ago She can’t have any more children because of her old age A She isn’t young enough to have more children B She isn’t young to have more children C She isn’t so young that to have more children D She is too old that to have more children I like watching TV more than listening to the radio A I prefer watching TV to listening to the radio B I prefer watching TV than listening to the radio C I’d better watching TV to listening to the radio D I’d better watch TV to listening to the radio Unless you keep your feet dry, you will catch a cold A You won’t catch a cold even if you don’t keep your feet dry B You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry C You will catch a cold if you keep your feet dry D Unless you keep your feet wet, you won’t catch a cold Parents always make their children wash their hands before meals A Children are always made to wash their hands before meals B Children are always made wash their hands before meals C Parents always allow their children to wash their hands before meals D Parents always let their children wash their hands before meals 10 In spite of heavy rain, my brother went to work A In spite it rained heavily, my brother went to work B Although it rained heavily, my brother went to work C Despite it rained heavily, my brother went to work D Although of heavy rain, my brother went to work ...I try to learn English in order that I can find a good job Note: Nếu chủ ngữ MĐ MĐ mục đích khác ta khơng dùng... happened through heavy snow prepositions of purpose - for ( mục đích là, để ): Are you learning English for pleasure or for your work - in order to, so as to ( để, cốt để): She arrived early in... - on ( bằng, trên): He went on foot - in ( bằng) please write in ink / This novel is written in English - through ( bằng, nhờ, từ ): We heard about it through some friends - with ( bằng): He fought

Ngày đăng: 14/10/2020, 00:20

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