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Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation Michael Tsarion First Edition Angels at Work Publishing Santa Clara, California Copyright ©2002 Michael Tsarion PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher First Edition August 2002 Revised First Edition October 2002 Revised First Edition, Second Printing December 2002 Revised First Edition, Third Printing January 2003 Revised First Edition, Fourth Printing May 2003 Revised First Edition, Fifth Printing 2003 Sixth Printing March 2004 Published by Angels at Work Publishing 2261 Menzel Place Santa Clara, CA 95050 Cover Art by Jim Fitzpatrick Many thanks to Jim Fitzpatrick for permission to use his artwork Find out more about the artist from his website at: http://www.jimfitzpatrick.ie/intro.html ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is most grateful to Amergin, Nuada, Paolo Uccello, Albrecht Durer, Rene Magritte, Salvador Dali, William Blake, William Wordsworth, C S Lewis, J R R Tolkien, George MacDonald, Roger Lancelyn Green, Jim Fitzpatrick, Ursula Le Guin, Robert Holdstock, Madame Helena Blavatsky, Samuel Liddell (MacGregor Mathers), Aleister Crowley, Terry Nation, Rod Serling, Patrick McGoohan, Ian Anderson, Edgar Froese, Pieter Baumann, Christopher Frank, Johannes Schmolleng, Antonio Vivaldi, George Fredrick Handel, Gerald Massey, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Comyns Beaumont, Jordan Maxwell, John Boorman, Werner Herzog, Rev Paul Solomon, L A Waddell, and Camille Paglia Special Thanks My heartfelt gratitude to Joan Mitromaras for her initial promise and support, and her continued patience and diligence in the editing of this book which would never have existed without her Hail Libra! Perhaps the greatest myth being purveyed, is that myths are just myths Michael Tsarion Preface We are here to learn to love one another I not know what the others are here for (W H Auden) During the next 10 years, the human race is destined to finally discover the facts about its true origins and destiny As part of this discovery, we have to address the overwhelmingly important question of how the phenomena of evil came into the world and into the consciousness of Earth’s human inhabitants This is a question that should be on the mind of every living man and woman It has been with us for millennia and it will be with the children of the future if we not come upon the answer now We have left the question of evil in the hands of theologians and scientists for too long This was surely a mistake for, as the casualty statistics clearly testify, the institutions of religion and science have been the worst purveyors of evil that this planet has ever had to endure After centuries of prevarication and criminality, we can no longer afford to look to these edifices to answer the all-important conundrum of evil But if we turn from religion and science in this regard, does it mean that we are left in a void? Is there, perhaps, another answer to how the phenomenon of evil came into being? I believe that the answer lies in the ancient records of our forefathers and in the myths and legends of the pre- and post-diluvian epochs that speak of the visitation of the “gods” or “angels.” Several key researchers have stated that these beings were actually extraterrestrial entities I address who they were, why they came here, and show that after their arrival they established their main headquarters at what we now call Atlantis, and from there, they instigated a hybridization program lasting centuries Their genetic interference of the Earth races resulted in several hybrid creatures, one of whom I will refer to as “Homo Atlantis.” Each and every living “Adamic” human of the last 10 millennia or more is descended from this exceptional being Every one of us has both “human” and “alien” DNA This is exactly what we have been told in all the world’s sundry myths, from the Celtic and Arthurian legends to the Ramayana and Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation v Preface Mahabharata It is also implied by recent scientific findings in the geological record and the biology and genetics of humans, findings which are being sequestered by those with a vested interest in maintaining the present status quo Its greatest proof, one can argue, lies in the mysteriously destructive behavior that we modern humans have adopted toward our own home planet, the animal kingdom, and the indigenous peoples who have lived in relative harmony with the planet In my work I intend to show that the descendants of these ancient visitors are still in custodianship of the planet Earth I will demonstrate that their agendas are not commensurate with the present or future best interests of “Adamic” mankind Due to the surge in technological advancement, our once beauteous planet is now on the brink of ecocide, while its political and economic underclasses are subject to a very real New World Order It has been said that there is no excuse for ignorance of the law However, it is also a truism that ignorance of the lawmakers is no excuse The end-game of the visiting alien race and their descendants is being played out in the present “Silicon Age.” It swiftly and relentlessly advances while most of us, preoccupied with our domestic and professional roles, have little time or energy to speculate how the multifarious phenomena of our world came into being Adroit manipulation from those within the echelons of power make quite certain that our attention is rarely focused on the lawmakers and those in control of the economy, military, media, and technology of the world In this book my intention is to draw the attention of the ordinary person to the reasons why he lives in the disempowered existential state he does and that while confined to circumscribed, socially-vetted roles, he and his fellows will have little ability and less resource to prevent the evil that is evidence everywhere, especially in the so-called “corridors of power.” I explain why it is that in the back of every mind is the memory of a time when life was harmonious and reverent, when there was no war and little in the way of want, subjugation, or class division I explain something of the fate of women and why it is that they have suffered the incredible atrocities they have through the post-diluvian ages I show that they continue to be collectively punished for a certain “crime” they committed on this planet approximately 13,000 years ago I make mention of the significant role that women are to play in the times ahead once they take back the power that was theirs in the days of old vi Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation Preface In the Epilogue, I continue to detail the end-game which is being played out as you read The ancient Mayan Calendar stipulated the date 2012 as the end of time It may indeed be the end of the world as we know it The way things are going, there seems good reason for regarding ourselves on this planet to be well passed the “Eleventh Hour.” In fact, we are veritably at a “Defcon One” situation and subconsciously everyone knows it This book, which first appeared as a short essay, was not written in, or for, levity and is not a work of fiction It is based on three decades of research and was composed in the utmost seriousness It demands a certain austere attention where personal prejudices and partisan conditionings are temporarily, if not permanently, bracketed I urgently implore even the most inveterate skeptic to suspend incredulity and contemplate the sublime consequences to himself, his fellows, and to the earth upon which he lives, if the question of evil could once and for all be answered and its worst effects quickly assuaged without further loss of life or welfare However, being well aware of the state of decay in this age of entertainment and chronic narcissism, I leave to those who cannot suspend their mental and behavioral conditioning the following quote, while dedicating this book to those who now understand or in the near future will come to understand that before law, country, money, pleasure, love or even god, our supernal right and need has always been and remains–Freedom! For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad - Luke 8:17 Michael Tsarion Seattle (March 2002) Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation vii Preface viii Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation Contents CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Appendix A: Appendix B: Preface v From the End of Heaven Earth’s First Deluge Old World Disorder 15 Lemuria and Homo Atlantis 25 The Race of Adam 27 The World Falls Dead 35 Records of Blood and Stone 49 I Shall Reverse the World 53 Reptilians, Priestesses, and Strange Genes 59 What Goes on in the Bible? 65 This Place is Terrible! 73 Stargate and Quarantine 81 The Living Macroscope 85 Silicon Nightmares 91 Their Satanic Majesty’s Request 93 Serpents in the Streets 97 From the Sword to the Syringe 103 Lambs to the Slaughter 114 Doodles in the Crops 117 What Planet Are You From? 121 Our Future in the Stars 125 Epilogue: Time to Change the Road You’re On 129 Selected Sources 153 The Minstrels Speak Book Abstracts Mankind – Child of the Stars Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 157 161 162 ix Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Appendix F: x When the Earth Nearly Died 166 Shattering the Myths of Darwinism 175 Humanity’s Extraterrestrial Origins 182 Sky People 184 Men Among Mankind 187 Temple of the Stars 191 The Destruction of Atlantis 193 Atlantis – The Antediluvian World 197 Atlantis – the Eighth Continent 200 World of the Odd and the Awesome 203 The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom 205 Past Shock 209 Flying Serpents and Dragons 210 Genesis of the Grail Kings 211 Gods of Eden 227 Astronomical Revelations 231 The Priesthood of the Illes 235 The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol 243 Middle Ages Revisited 246 One Foot in Atlantis 250 Britain – The Key to World History 254 The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology 261 The Master Chronology: The Psychosocial, Biological and Electromagnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness 263 Suggested Areas of Research 265 Scientific Evidence 287 Dragons and Serpents 303 General Chronology of Events 319 Also By Michael Tsarion 429 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation Appendix F: General Chronology of Events all product ingredients Many of the fragrance ingredients have been classified as neurotoxins, hazardous waste disposal chemicals and sensitizers Townsend Letter for Doctors 7/94 1994 The January 17, 1994 Los Angeles Quake preceded by mysterious radio signals Increased radio signals including magnetic anomalies and electrical problems Some in Los Angeles reported hearing strong “sonic booms” prior to the quake Sonic booms often precede Tesla induced events (Early Warning Earthquake Network at San Jose, Jack Coles) 1994 W R Grace and company, through Agracetus was granted a patent to transgenic soybeans - the first attempt to gain world control of a staple food crop The soybean industry is worth $27 billion annually worldwide 1994 The Soviets hold a May 1994 conference where they prepare a tightly coordinated plan to take power Socialism and Communism is described as the future of mankind A restoration of the Soviet Union is called for It is expected that former Russian Vice President Rutskoi will gain power in Moscow, and take control of Russia's powerful new biological, chemical and electromagnetic weapons 1994 University of North Carolina finds that women employed in electrical trades are 38% more likely to die of breast cancer For men, the risk of breast cancer in those occupations is six times normal 1994 In the United States (Aug 94) a program begins in the mind control arena which involves the use of scalar energy and photonic information fields, to last until December 1994 1994 The Sunday Times in London (May 22, 1994) reports that the Western Blot “HIV” test gave a positive result to some 85% of African patients found to be “HIV” negative Proteins from the leprosy germ, which infects millions in Africa, can show up as a false positive for “HIV” (detected by p24 protein presence) 1994 Resolution Trust Company (RTC) places three senior criminal investigators who worked on the Whitewater investigation on administrative leave 1994 An emergency room doctor in Riverside, California, overcome by mysterious fumes while examining a dying woman files a $6 million lawsuit, claiming she caught a blood disease that ate away her bones The blood of the victim had an ammonia smell and contained unusual white and yellow crystals The emergency room doctor reveals she woke up with muscle spasms, numbness, and shortness of breath after passing out in the emergency room 1994 The government of Australia spends A$120 million funding biotechnology, A$30 million of which goes to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), which has researched transgenetics and seed genetics since the early 1970's Australia was the first country to use recombinant DNA biopesticides Note: A dangerous development in transgenic research is the development of plant species resistant to toxic chemical pesticides—permitting the poisoning of the people, but maintaining the profit incentive to produce food At the moment, $6 billion is spent in the United States to achieve this objective Perhaps worse is the transgenic research going on with animals, who are having human genes spliced into their DNA (Proto-Atlantean research tendencies?) 1994 Dietary Supplement Health Education Act of 1994 Under the law, the FDA has its role narrowed relative to regulating the $2.5 billion supplement industry The law places the burden of proof on the FDA when it claims a product is unsafe (isn't that backwards?) Additionally, the law establishes a presidential commission to review health claims on products The law requires advertisers to prove claims of cures or disease prevention, but permits claims about how vitamins (synthetic, yet) and supplements promote good health Manufacturers are to refrain from advertising health claims for vitamins, mineral and herbal products and amino acids for years (1998) 1994 Science News reports that scientists are “now realizing” that certain chemical pollutants chemically mimic female hormone estrogen The effect is that normal sexual development in human males is 426 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation Appendix F: General Chronology of Events being affected Testicular cancer has risen Sperm count has dropped 50% in men over the last 40 years (Ref: Population control and disease production) Science News 7/2 & 7/15 1994 Netherlands makes it a criminal act to use secret codes or words while using the telephone, under penalty of a 3-day disconnection and a - month prison sentence (De Volkskrant 3/26/94) 1994 The National Crime Bill is passed in the U.S 1994 The U.S Commission for Immigration Reform, headed by former U.S Rep Barbara Jordan, calls for a National Computer Database containing the names of every legal citizen or legal alien holding Social Security numbers or Green Cards Jordan urges Clinton to order a pilot program to test methods of accessing such a database The proposed registry received bipartisan support in Congress, but alarmed privacy experts (Notice that that they are dealing with “a pilot program to test access,” automatically assuming that the registry is a done deal despite the lack of a national referendum) 1994 Tulsa World (1/11/94) revealed that Lawrence Livermore Laboratory has a secret 21 member “Project Woodpecker” team that just won a special award from the CIA and the National Security Agency 1994 Bernard Eastlund (see 1987 on HAARP) reveals in the May-June issue of Microwave News, describes a “full, global shield of electrons created with RF transmitters.” (See also 1994 HAARP) 1994 Major conference in Hawaii, with drug agents from the U.S and six other countries (Honolulu 9/ 94) meeting to “develop a plan that would stop international trafficking.” 1994 U.S Senator Peter Domenici offers federal help in New Mexico in a state probe of animal mutilations (U.S.A Today 9/21/94) (The same thing happened in the 1970's, didn't it?) (For more information, go to www.trufax.org) Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 427 Appendix F: General Chronology of Events 428 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation Also By Michael Tsarion BOOKS The Taroscopes Series Presenting for the first time in book form, the complete Archetypal Stellar Taroscopic System of Michael Tsarion • TAROSCOPES: BOOK ONE An Introduction: To the Tarot’s Major Arcana • TAROSCOPES: BOOK TWO The Taroscopic Meanings of the Tarot’s 78 Arcanum • TAROSCOPES: BOOK THREE Practical Divination Using the Four Ancient Arts of Tarot, Astrology, Kabala and Numerology • TAROSCOPES: BOOK FOUR Children of the Decans: The Lost Connections Between the Tarot and the Zodiac • TAROSCOPES: BOOK FIVE The Twelve Gates of the Sphinx: Taroscopic Natal and Yearly Chart Construction • TAROSCOPES: BOOK SIX The Twelve Gates of the Sphinx (continued): Taroscopic Natal and Yearly Chart Analyses To read more about this series, log on to www.taroscopes.com and go to the merchandise page Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 429 Also By Michael Tsarion AUDIOS/CD TAROT 2000: A GNOSTIC APPROACH FOR A NEW MILLENNIUM Presenting Michael Tsarion’s tour de force Tarot 2000 – A Gnostic Approach for a New Millennium Do you know that within you is a “Living Zodiac”? Do you realize that you are your own priest or priestess? Do you know that there are specific cards in the Tarot that represent you, as “Personal Significators.” Learning about these Significators vastly improves your profiling and counseling abilities and makes giving readings easier and more enjoyable Michael Tsarion a Divination Scholar and Sidereal Mythologist An expert on Stellar Astrology, he is creator of the Archetypal Stellar Taroscopic system of Astrology and Hermetic Divination, and founder of the online Taroscopic Mystery School The Taroscopic Approach constitutes nothing less than a cleansing of the “doors of perception” regarding the Hermetic Arts of Divination - Tarot, Astrology, Kabala, and Numerology These are sister arts and should not be considered, learned, taught or practiced as separate disciplines, as is common today The glue that binds them intimately together, though forgotten for centuries, is the heart of the Taroscopic Approach, a perfect gestalt hailing an esoteric revision of what we presently know about these ancient arts By focusing on the means of constructing your own “chart” Michael teaches simple, yet intensely profound, ways to learn Tarot and its sister Arts of Divination Tarot 2000 is intended for those with an abiding love of ancient Hermetic wisdom and interest in its application in the modern world Whether you are a beginner or a more seasoned student you will this information to be of immense value Regardless of your background or occupation, this system is sure to unveil, inspire and empower For more information on this tape/CD set, logon to www.taroscopes.com and take the taroscopes tour 430 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation Also By Michael Tsarion VIDEOS/DVD Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology As long as you consider the stars as something above the head, you will lack the eye of knowledge - (Fredrick Nietzsche) And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years - (Genesis 1:14) Modern Religions grew out of four ancient cults of power, which ruled the world for millennia The most powerful of these cults was called the Stellar Cult, dominant for over 25,000 years Christ and all original Magi were initiates of this Cult, which gave mankind such sciences as: astrology, astronomy, and the Tarot They were the architects of the great temples-structures, such as the pyramids and Sphinx After the four great Cults became corrupted they eventually gave rise to the modern religions and political hierarchies we all know today Our world is still controlled by the elite families of these secret orders today In this talk and slide show presentation, Michael will present information which will shift your entire view of how religion and politics work to shape the events of the world Astro-Theology, the parent subject of common astrology and astronomy, exposes the occult roots of religion, government and big business Knowledge of these roots will empower, inform and clarify your perception of the seemingly complex dynamics of the world (Includes 600+ digital slides) What connection the symbols of government, religion, royalty and the corporate world have with the constellations and the zodiac? Who was Jesus Christ? Was he the founder of Christianity? What has the Church been concealing for 2,ooo years? What are the Gospels, and why were there 12 disciples? Who are the “Serpents of Wisdom” and why is the serpent symbol so feared and revered? What the symbols on flags, heraldry and money mean? Who are the Biblical Magi? Why has the role of women been reduced by patriarchal edifices? Log on to www.taroscopes.com and visit the merchandise page for more information Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 431 Also By Michael Tsarion Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media Those who not know what it means to be under psychic hypnsis, are already under it – Vernon Howard Why are the youth of so delinquent? Why over 70% of the products we buy have names that mean nothing in English? What are the occult techniques used by corporations and governments to manipulate and control the human mind? In this so called “Age of Entertainment” are we owning our own thoughts? How we get back to being a “symbol literate” culture and personally find our own “power symbols” which bring us each back into alignment with the creative intelligence? Are the sorcerers and witch doctors really of the past? What are the real meanings of the words Hollywood and Media? Why are TV programs called programs? Find out how the major franchises use sacred geometry in their municipal positioning and why they and even banks are designed to subliminally represent churches What words like Lexus, Nissan, Coke, Visa, Nike, Fila, Marlboro, etc., mean? Why are corporations such as Levi Strauss screening girls as young as and years of age? Divination Scholar and Sidereal Mythologist Michael Tsarion speaks on one of the most pernicious and subversive psychosocial phenomena of modernity: subliminal suggestion and persuasion Michael reviews its pervasiveness and implication and how and why occultism has a bearing on the use of symbols found on products and that are used by corporations, religions and the media (Presentation includes 600+ digital slides) Log on to www.taroscopes.com and visit the merchandise page for more information 432 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation Also By Michael Tsarion Divination and the Goddess Tradition Males immortal live, renewed by female deaths – William Blake Who were the Gnostics and what did they teach? What are Astrology and Tarot? What is the inner zodiac? Do rocks (planets), floating in space, really affect the human consciousness and destiny? Why does the prohibition against making “graven images” come even before “Thou shalt not kill.” Why are the biological cycles of the female in unison with the planets and luminaries? Why have women been hated, marginalized and massacred through time? Do governments, religions and economic conglomerates have occult histories and agendas? Michael Tsarion discusses the Goddess traditions and the Hermetic Arts of Tarot, Astrology, Kabala and Numerology (Includes 800+ digital slide presentation) Log on to www.taroscopes.com and visit the merchandise page for more information Women–and the Arts of Doing and Being The role of women as the keepers of the mysteries of Being The role of women domestically and professionally Going beyond the familiar roles, in the 21st Century The “Age of Aquarius” - its true impact The relevance of the Divination Arts: Tarot, Astrology, Kabala and Numerology “Symbolic Literacy” - what is it? Stereotypes versus Archetypes Habituation versus Individuation The return of the Goddess Michael Tsarion speaks on the role of the feminine, women, and the relevance of the Hermetic Arts (Includes digital slide presentation) The women who once ruled the Earth now seem content to be ruled by its destroyers - Michael Tsarion Log on to www.taroscopes.com and visit the merchandise page for more information Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 433 Also By Michael Tsarion Psychic Vampirism: Stranger Than Fiction Healing fails to occur because it is much easier to injure another than to heal oneself - Vernon Howard Have your ever wondered: Why you feel drained and exhausted, even after sleep? Why it seems as if you are always at war with yourself? Why, though you know better, you can't get better? Why you are sick, depressed or in a bad mood? Why you suffer and lose everything that is sacred to you? Why you doubt your own strength, abilities, and future, or even your belief in love and divinity? Why the evil flourish and the good perish? The phenomenon of the “Food-Chain,” is an accepted scientific fact It cannot be denied how each species on this planet is dependent, for its own survival, on the life essences of other creatures that are natural prey However, humanity has still to properly address the unseen and unrecognized truth of how certain predatory human-beings thrive off the energy and life-force of others of their own species This fact is not acknowledged by the vast majority of healers, psychologists or even religious leaders Hence the predators go about their nefarious activities largely undetected, and their victims fall without justice, or understanding as to what has happened to them As Shakespeare warned: Humanity must perforce prey on itself, Like monsters from the deep In Michael's talk, you will discover that what don't know can, indeed, harm you He provides evidence as to why so many “messengers of light” struggle to survive as they attempt to serve the Holy Spirit, and why it is that, through the ages, spiritually advanced individuals experience financial, vocational and emotional crises that they cannot satisfactorily account for or remedy Sharing a lifetime of occult researches, recent case histories, and personal experiences, Michael will provide you with the tools to identify the adversarial agencies, and protect yourself from subtle assaults to your psychic sovereignty From the highest levels of government to the most intimate relationships, one crime goes unseen and unsolved that is worse than rape or murder Find out the real reasons for the state of decay so prevalent in our world today, and what you can about it (Includes digital slide presentation) Find out: About the nature and effects of energy vampirism How to identify the psychic criminals, the “Judases” or “Delilahs,” in your ambience Why other New Age “fix-its” fail to bring lasting healing and clarity The techniques to ward off the effects of psychic attack How to take back your power, be prosperous, and at peace Log on to www.taroscopes.com and visit the merchandise page for more information 434 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation Also By Michael Tsarion Raising the Meta-Child: The Indigo Generation and Beyond I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven - (Mat 18:3) For generations, the Mystery School alumni have asserted that it is the destiny of all men and women to awaken to their higher selves, to rise to the level of the Meta-Human, and know enlightenment Exactly how this was to be achieved, however, was rarely lucidly explained Christ implied that we have to become as a “little children” in order to enter the kingdom of heaven Perhaps, part of this message was, that unless we are able to raise and educate our offspring holistically, such an exalted state will remain elusive Perhaps, the fact is, that unless we are able to actualize “right relationship” with our children we cannot hope to inherit anything more than the perverse and calamitous world we presently inhabit, and are apparently bequeathing to future generations Educated in the Krishnamurti tradition, Michael Tsarion has taught Indigo Children at the New Age Academy in Berkeley California He explores the parent-child relationship, and offers his own step program guaranteed to produce improvements in the domestic and social competence and expertise of your child (Includes digital slide presentation) Find out about: The main reasons for teen delinquency The most coherent child development theories How to correctly diagnose your child's problems The so-called “Indigo Children” How to avoid the worst effects of the generation gap How to save your children from themselves Discipline - whether it is right or wrong Log on to www.taroscopes.com and visit the merchandise page for more information Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 435 Also By Michael Tsarion Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad - (Luke 8:17) Are you Homo Sapiens or Homo Atlantis? What was the difference between Atlantis and Lemuria? Did the “Ice Age” really happen? Who are the Fallen Angels? Who is responsible for this evil, god, man or nature? If Eve did not precipitate the Fall, who did? Who or what was the serpent in the garden? What the Biblical terms “Naked” “Immaculate Conception” “Forbidden Fruit” and “Firstborn” relate to? Who are the “Reptilians”? Are they really from outer space? Why are there images of helicopters, planes and submarines on the walls of prehistoric temples? Who really governs from behind the thrones of government and religion? Are our common fears and phobias psychological or physiological in origin? Who was Merlin? Who really built the Giza Pyramids and the other cyclopean structures? Did the ancients know about cybernetics, genetics, cryogenics, and artificial intelligence, etc.? Why are there so many similarities between cultures when it comes to religion, tradition, and symbolism? In the next decade, humankind is set to discover the truth about its origin and history Central to this is the question of evil How did this phenomenon come into being? What ancient legends have to tell us about the present state of decay? Born in Ireland Michael Tsarion has made the deepest researches into the comparative mythologies of the world and into his own countries ancient and mysterious Celtic Tradition Michael's presentations on Atlantis, Lemuria and the prediluvian epoch have been acclaimed by veterans in the field of paranormal research In the tradition of Comyns Beaumont, Immanuel Velikovsky, William Bramley, Barbara Marciniak, Laurence Gardener and Erich von Daniken, Michael considers the consequences to civilization of extra-terrestrial involvement and seeks to clarify many of the quandaries that other “visitation” experts have overlooked His book seeks to clarify much of the disinformation about Atlantis and the lost continents of prehistory He also concentrates on the orchestrated chaos of modern times and reveals how the political and military machinations of the present have their roots in the ancient past (Double-set, includes over 800 digital slides) Log on to www.taroscopes.com and visit the merchandise page for more information 436 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation Also By Michael Tsarion Weapons Of Mass Deception: Behind The “New World Order” Government is an association of men who violence to the rest of us - Leo Tolstoy The tragedy of September Eleventh was not the first slaughter orchestrated by powers behind the scenes and it will not be the last It has a lot in common with innumerable historical calamities which exemplified the age old secret society slogan “ORDO AB CHAO” (ORDER OUT OF CHAOS) The real “Intelligence Community” are the people of America (and the world), themselves facing the facts and seizing their own power and responsibility for the political and economic climate of their times Though “We the People” are not respected, protected, served or free, there is something that can be done about it once we realize where the real power lies and how to use it Have we been told the truth about the 9-11 attack by the mainstream media? Are America's enemies foreign or domestic? Are other such attacks being engineered? Who stands to profit from the aftermath of the heinous attack? What are the big business connections between the Bush and Bin Laden families? Where the terrorists trained on American soil by US Intelligence Agencies? Was Mind Control a factor? How we resist and repeal the Patriot Act and other totalitarian laws? Is there an “Occult History” of America? Did you know that Adolf Hitler's second book was called “The New World Order?” Why are troops really in the Middle East? What the prophecies of Nostrodamus not tell us? What is the significance of the year 2012? This and more… Alternative historian and author Michael Tsarion's presentation will provide you with the information that you need concerning the future of the U.S Synthesizing the findings of numerous members of the research community Michael emphasizes solutions to the present social problems (Includes digital slide presentation.) These United States of America can never be destroyed from outside its borders If America falls it will be from within, brought down by apathy When good people nothing, Anarchy reigns - Abraham Lincoln Log on to www.taroscopes.com and visit the merchandise page for more information Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 437 Also By Michael Tsarion 2012: Where History Ends Some myths are yet to happen - Michael Tsarion Acclaimed alternative historian and author, Michael Tsarion shares his discoveries regarding the next 10 years and explains what the ancient records reveal about the times to come (Includes slides) Topics include: Why Atlantis fell The war of the gods The genetic manipulation of humankind The true origins of evil The “Armageddon” factor The decline of politics and religion The significance of the present world crises The occult history of America The subversion of the spiritual destiny of America The rise of the Anti-Christ (who is it?) Why Iraq? What the “prophecies” of Nostrodamus don't tell us The future of humankind THIS AND MORE Log on to www.taroscopes.com and visit the merchandise page for more information 438 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation Also By Michael Tsarion MICHAEL TSARION IN YOUR AREA Acclaimed alternative historian and author Michael Tsarion, brings Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation, on the road An event not to be missed Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation For 50,000 years the “Technocracy of Power” has indulged in suppression and slaughter in order to conceal the truth about humankind's origins and purpose This indispensable work signals the failure of their age-old stratagems and deceptions and is compulsory reading for those with a passionate desire to know the real origins of conflict on the planet and in the psyche - Jordan Maxwell (author, historian, talk show host, and expert on secret societies) Find out why the veterans in the field of paranormal research and ufology are raving about the Celtic connection to the mysteries of ancient civilizations, alien visitation, super-technologies, and genetic manipulation Michael’s talk includes over 1,000 slides which will take you through the centuries from the rise and fall of Atlantis and Lemuria to the present day and the end-game of the visitors whose bloodlines still control every aspect of our lives Born in Ireland, Michael Tsarion, an expert on the occult history of Ireland and America, has made the deepest researches into the comparative mythologies of the world and into his own country’s ancient and mysterious Celtic tradition His presentations have been acclaimed by veterans in the field of paranormal research In the tradition of Comyns Beaumont, Immanuel Velikovsky, William Bramley, Barbara Marciniak, Laurence Gardener, and Erich von Daniken, Michael considers the consequences to civilization of extraterrestrial involvement and seeks to clarify many of the quandaries that other “visitation” experts have overlooked His book seeks to clarify much of the disinformation about Atlantis and the lost continents of prehistory He also concentrates on the orchestrated chaos of modern times and reveals how the political and military machinations of the present have their roots in the ancient past See the events page on the taroscopes website, for the schedule for this exceptional presentation, or contact Michael directly for hosting and guest appearances www.taroscopes.com neter@jps.net 650.223.3304 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 439 Also By Michael Tsarion 440 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation ... ones Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation From the End of Heaven Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation CHAPTER Earth’s First Deluge Go and cut off Tiamat’s life, and. .. be known and come abroad - Luke 8:17 Michael Tsarion Seattle (March 2002) Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation vii Preface viii Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation. .. 8:7 – 9:1) Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation Earth’s First Deluge And the fourth angel sounded and a third part of the sun was smitten and the third part of the moon and the third

Ngày đăng: 11/10/2020, 11:43

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Mục lục

    Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation

    CHAPTER 1 From the EndofHeaven

    CHAPTER 2 Earth’s First Deluge

    CHAPTER 3 Old World Disorder

    CHAPTER 4 LemuriaandHomoAtlantis

    CHAPTER 5 The Race of Adam

    CHAPTER 6 The World Falls Dead

    CHAPTER 7 RecordsofBloodandStone

    CHAPTER 8 I Shall Reverse the World

    CHAPTER 9 Reptilians,Priestesses, and Strange Genes


