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A study on idiomatic expressions containing words denoting heart, liver, gut and stomach in english and vietnamese from cultural perspective

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES  VŨ MỸ LINH A STUDY ON IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS CONTAINING WORDS DENOTING HEART, LIVER, GUT AND STOMACH IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE FROM CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE (NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ THÀNH NGỮ CÓ CHỨA CÁC TỪ CHỈ TIM, GAN, RUỘT VÀ BỤNG (DẠ) TRONG TIẾNG ANH VÀ TIẾNG VIỆT NHÌN TỪ GĨC ĐỘ VĂN HĨA) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 60 22 02 01 HANOI – 2017 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES  VŨ MỸ LINH A STUDY ON IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS CONTAINING WORDS DENOTING HEART, LIVER, GUT AND STOMACH IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE FROM CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE (NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ THÀNH NGỮ CÓ CHỨA CÁC TỪ CHỈ TIM, GAN, RUỘT VÀ BỤNG (DẠ) TRONG TIẾNG ANH VÀ TIẾNG VIỆT NHÌN TỪ GÓC ĐỘ VĂN HÓA) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 60 22 02 01 Supervisor: Assoc Prof., Dr Nguyễn Văn Độ HANOI - 2017 DECLARATION I certify that this thesis is the result of my own research and all the material and sources collected in conducting the thesis have been identified and acknowledged the thesis has not been submitted for any other degree or for any other purposes, and, it partly meets requirements for the degree of Master of Education Hanoi, 2017 V M Linh i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Văn Do for his enthusiastic guidance and great encouragement at all stages of the thesis I am also grateful to all the teachers of the Faculty of Post-graduate Studies, University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi for their useful explanations and constant support One more thing I have made my best efforts to accomplishing the thesis, however, there are still inadequacies and shortcomings I am loking forward to receiving all comments of teachers and friends Thank you so much! ii ABSTRACT In today‟s global world, the importance of English can not be denied and ignored since English is the most common language spoken everwhere With the help of developing technology, English has been playing a major role in many sectors To follow this trend, mastering English is very important However, it is quite difficult to master all English aspects, especiall idioms In order to understand a language, we must know what the idioms in that language mean Idioms reflect certain cultural traditions and depict the national character With a view to exloring English and Vietnamese idioms in the light of culture, this thesis has focused on idiomsatic expressions containing words denoting heart, liver, gut and stomach in English and Vietnamese iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii PART I: INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study .1 Research aims and research questions Scope of the research Methods of the study Significance of the research Design of the research PART II: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER I: LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND .9 2.1 Overview of Idioms 2.1.1 Definition of idioms 2.1.2 Typical features of idioms 10 2.1.3 Idioms and other similar language units 13 2.2 The relationship of Language and Culture 16 2.2.1 Concept of Culture 16 2.2.2 The inseparable Relationship between Language and Culture 16 2.2.3 The Relationship between Idioms and Culture 16 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY AND PROCEDURE 18 3.1 Research design 18 3.2 Research methodology 18 3.3 Data collection 18 3.4 Data analysis 19 3.5 Reliability and validity 20 CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 21 iv 4.1 Syntactic features of idioms containing heart, liver, gut, and stomach in English and Vietnamese .21 4.1.1 Idioms in the form of phrase structures .21 4.1.2 Idioms in the form of sentence structures 23 4.2 Semantic features of idioms containing heart, liver, gut and stomach in English and Vietnamese .23 4.2.1 Idioms describing people’s appearance 24 4.2.2 Idioms expressing people’s wisdom 24 4.2.3 Idioms expressing people’s emotions and adttitudes 25 4.3 Similarities and differences in syntactic and semantic features of idioms containing heart, gut, stomach and liver in English and Vietnamese 30 4.3.1 Similarities .30 4.3.2 Differences .32 4.4 Cultural characteristics of English and Vietnamese idioms containing heart, liver, gut and stomach .33 4.5 Implications for teaching and learning idioms containing heart, gut, stomach and liver 34 PART III: CONCLUSION Concluding remarks .36 Limitations of the thesis and further study 36 Suggestions for further study 37 REFERENCES 38 APPENDIX I v PART I: INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study It is undeniable to say that English has become an important international language; therefore, mastering English is full of great importance In Vietnam, English has become an essential and obligatory communication language since the opening of its doors to the world in 1986 Many English-speaking foreigners from across Asia, Australia, America and Europe started coming to invest in Vietnam, which has motivated the Vietnamese to learn English to promote English communication effectively among their counterparts The importance of English was immediately acknowledged by the Vietnamese government and as a result the English language programs were made compulsory beginning with the secondary schools and subsequently the high schools and finally universities Learning a second language involves learning a second culture to varying degrees On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture It reflects culture Cultural differences are the most serious areas causing misunderstanding, unpleasantness and even conflict in cross-cultural communication Therefore, learning English can not be seperated from learning its culture According to gaining the knowledge of culture, learners can have better understanding of the language and use it in communication as native speakers The English language being very flexible constantly enriches its vocabulary with words invented by language speakers, making it more colourful with idiomatic expressions In a language system, idioms share cultural and historical information and broaden people‟s understanding and manipulation of a language Idioms are special language units in which the cultural value of a nation is crystallized and the view of world, the view of life of people can be showed the most truthfully, obviously and copiously, the author considers that studying idioms in the connection between language and culture is a good and effective way for a comparative study of idioms in two or more languages Thus, having a good knowledge of idioms plays a key role in helping learners have information in their mind about every language to avoid its culture shocks in communication as well as comprehend the similarities and differences of two languages and cultures However, due to the limited time and knowledge, I would like to focus on a very small part of the huge idiomatic treasure: “ A study on idiomatic expressions containing words denoting heart, liver, gut and stomach in English and Vietnamese from cutural perspective” Research aims and research questions The purpose of the study:  To find out the English and Vietnamese idioms containing words denoting heart, liver, gut and stomach by using cutural elements  To explore syntactic and semantic features of the English and Vietnamese idioms relating to heart, liver, gut and stomach  To point out the the similarities and differences in the cutural values of two countries through the idioms containing heart, liver, gut and stomach  To help leaners reinforce their knowledge of both English and Vietnamese idioms in general and on heart, liver, gut and stomach in particular, which assists them to know how to use these idioms exactly in communication To achieve the above aims, the following research questions are put forward: i What syntactic and semantic features are reflected in the heart, liver, gut and stomach idioms in both English and Vietnamese? ii What are the similarities and differences between English and Vietnameses cultures through idioms related to heart, liver, gut and stomach from cultural perspective? What factors lead to such diffferences? Scope of the research - Idioms are large parts in both English and Vietnamese; thus it is impossible for the author to carry out a comprehensive study on them; thus, the study just focuses on some idioms relating to heart, liver, gut and stomach - In this study, similarities and differences in syntactic and semantic features of idioms containing heart, gut, stomach and liver in English and Vietnamese are discussed; English idioms denoting human feelings or emotions through the internal organs are compared with Vietnamese ones - All English and Vietnamese idioms are collected from dictionaries, books, websites; hence, this research may not cover all idioms relating to heart, liver, gut and stomach, just those of common use Methods of the study Due to the scientific missions, the study uses several reseach methods to meet the research aims - The statistic method: The purpose of this method is to collect idioms contaning words denoting heart, liver, gut and stomach in both English and Vietnamese from various reliable sources (referent books, stories, novels, dictionaries and Internet websites) and then categorize them - The analysis method: the method is used to analyze the syntactic and semantic features of English and Vietnamese idioms containing heart, liver, gut and stomach as well as the cultural features of English and Vietnamese hidden behind those idioms - The comparative - contrastive method: It is the important method to compare and find the differences and similarities between English and Vietnamese idioms containing heart, liver, gut and stomach from cultural perspective Significance of the research (i) Theoretical significance: The study supplies Vietnamese teachers and learners with a deeper awareness understanding of idioms in general and idioms containing heart, liver, gut and stomach in particular in terms of their syntactic, semantic, and cultural features (ii) Practical significance: The study provides Vietnamese learners with suggestions to improve their language skills when using idioms containing heart, liver, gut and stomach, particularly communicative skill and avoid culture shock interpret figurative phrases by understanding the literal meanings of the individual words Teachers should give learners more knowledge of the specific cultural and historical context so that they can guess the meaning of a new idiom more easierly Another important thing is that after rasing their awareness of similarities and differences of syntactic and semantic features of idioms containing heart, gut, stomach and liver, to have the skills to disambiguate the phrase meaning in the way that native speakers do, language learners should be encouraged use those idioms in their daily life as frequently as possible by teachers 35 PART III: CONCLUSION Concluding remaks Language reflects the culture of a country The cultural characteristics of the two countries has shown through the study on idiomatic expressions containing words denoting heart, liver, gut and stomach in English and Vietnam There are both similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese idioms of heart, liver, gut and stomach in terms of syntactic and semantic features Syntactically, they share the same form of verb phrase, noun phrase, adjective phrase and sentence Both English and Vietnamese idioms have some examples of adjective phrases and prepositional phrases Semantically, idioms containing heart, liver, gut and stomach can be organized into categories idioms having human wisdom ( awareness and ability to remember), emotions and attitudes (mood, emotions, dertermination, characteristics) However, Vietnamese idioms containing stomach ( bụng, dạ) express human appearace consisting of negative and positive aspects (bụng ỏng đít teo, đồng sắt) The same or different image can bear resemblance in the meaning of English and Vietnamese idioms of heart, liver, gut and stomach Besides, there are some idioms of heart, liver, gut and stomach which have the same components but the meaning are quite different In addition, the similarities and differences in the cultures of the two countries which are reflected through their idioms containing heart, liver, gut and stomach are synthesized and analyzed as well, which help the learners as well as translators have a good understanding of the surface and the deep meaning of those idioms Limitations of the thesis and further study The thesis investigates syntactic features, semantic features and stylistic devices of English and Vietnamese idioms related to heart, gut, stomach and liver Although the best efforts of the research, it is obvious that there are some certain limitations Firstly, only 206 samples in the two languages are collected because of the shortage of time and the reference materials Secondly, most of samples are from dictionaries, books or several websites 36 In short, there are many things that need considering and investigating more thoroughly Therefore, any comments or extra contribution are warmly welcome for the completion of the research Suggestions for further study This study has attempted to investigate similarities and differences of idiomatic expressions containing words denoting to heart, gut, stomach and liver in both English and Vietnamese idioms from cultural perspective However, due to limitations of time and knowledge, this comparison is still general and not really sufficient Therefore, here are some suggestions for further studies which may be useful and interesting:  A study on the translation of English idioms containing words denoting to heart, gut, stomach and liver  A study on English culture through idioms containing words denoting to heart, gut, stomach and liver Moreover, other studies on idioms relating to medicine, tools, household items… could be useful for both language teaching and learning 37 REFERENCES IN VIETNAMESE Hoàng Văn Hành (1987), Thành ngữ tiếng Việt, Văn hố dân gian, (1) Hồng Văn Hành (1994), Kể chuyện thành 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Idioms, HarperCollins Publisher 24 Cowie, A.P., Mackin, R and Mc Caig, I.R (1993) Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms Oxford University Press 25 Cowie, Anthony P., & Mackin.R (1983) Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English London: Oxford UP 26 Cowie, Anthony P., Mackin R & Isabel McCaig R., eds (1978) The Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic Speech Oxford: Oxford UP 27 Long, Thomas H., and Della Summers, eds (1979) Longman Dictionary of English Idioms London: Longman 28 P.G Vallot (1898) Dictionnaire franco-tonkinois illustré 29 Wright, J (2002) Idioms Organiser (M L Jimmie Hill, Ed.) Boston,MA: Christopher Wenger 30 McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs (2002) 39 WEBSITES: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/ https://www.ldoceonline.com/ https://www.thefreedictionary.com/ https://ahdictionary.com/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/gut-second-brain/ 40 APPENDIX ENGLISH IDIOMS CONTAINING WORDS DENOTING HEART, GUT, STOMACH AND LIVER I IDIOMS CONTAINING “HEART” Aching heart (đau khổ, bất hạnh) A sinnking of one‟s heart (buồn chán) after one`s own heart ( sở thích) at heart ( tận đáy lòng) by heart (thuộc lòng) bleeding heart (đồng cảm với ai) break (someone`s) heart (làm đau khổ, thất vọng) bare one‟s heart/soul (bộc lộ tình cảm sâu kín mình) cross one`s heart and hope to die (xin thề, thật lòng) 10 die of a broken heart (chết buồn rầu, đau khổ) 11 dear to sb‟s heart (thích thú, quan tâm đến ai) 12 (someone's) heart good (khiến trở nên vui vẻ) 13 eat one`s heart out (đau khổ, buồn bã; ghen tỵ thèm thuồng) 14 find it in one's heart to (do something) (quyết tâm, kiên quyết) 15 follow one's heart (hành động theo tình cảm) 16 from the bottom of one`s heart (từ đáy lòng, thật tâm) 17 get to the heart of (something) (đi vào phần cốt lõi gì) 18 give one‟s heart to somebody/something (yêu ai, phải lòng ai) 19 gladden somebody‟s heart (vui vẻ, vui lịng) 20 harden one‟s heart (khơng bảy tỏ tình cảm ngồi) 21 have a big heart (hào hiệp, phóng khống, rộng lượng) 22 have a change of heart (sự thay đổi thái độ, tình cảm) 23 have a heart (rộng lượng, cảm thông, nhân từ) 24 have a heart of gold (từ tâm, có trái tim vàng) 25 have a heart of stone (lạnh lùng, sắt đá) I 26 have a heart-to-heart talk with (someone) (tình cảm, thân mật) 27 have a soft spot in one's heart for (someone or something) (có lịng thương cảm, nhân ái) 28 have one`s heart set on (something) (quyết tâm làm gì) 29 heart and soul (Nhiệt huyết, tràn đầy sinh lực) 30 heart bleeds for (someone) (thương xót cho ai) 31 heart goes out to (someone) (có lịng trắc ẩn với ai) 32 heart is (dead) set against (something) (Cực lực phản đối) 33 heart is in one's mouth (sợ chết khiếp) 34 heart is in the right place (Tốt bụng, có thiện ý) 35 heart is not in (something) (khơng đặt tình cảm vào gì) 36 heart is set on (something) 37 heart misses/skips a beat (quá sợ hãi) 38 heart stands still (rất sợ, lo lắng) 39 heart to heart (thẳng thắn, chân thành) 40 heavy heart (lòng trĩu lặng đau buồn) 41 have one‟s heart in one‟s boots (hụt hẫng, hoảng sợ) 42 have something at heart (lo lắng, đề phịng gì) 43 in one's heart of hearts (trong cảm xúc thầm kín mình) 44 in good heart (trạng thái tinh thần tốt) 45 know (something) by heart 46 learn (something) by heart 47 lose heart (ngã lịng, nản chí) 48 near to (someone's) heart (thích thú, quan tâm tới ai) 49 not have the heart to (something) (không đủ can đảm để làm đó) 50 open one`s heart to (someone) (thổ lộ tâm tình với ai) 51 one‟s heart sinks (cảm thấy buồn chán) 52 pour one's heart out (to someone) (trải lịng với đó) 53 search one`s heart/soul (suy nghĩ cẩn thận tình cảm mình) II 54 set one's heart against (something) (phản đối làm gì) 55 set one's heart on (something) (quyết tâm làm gì) 56 sick at heart (thất vọng, sầu não, sợ hãi) 57 sob one‟s heart out (Khóc than thảm thiết với nhiều xúc động) 58 strike fear into somebody/something heart (khiến cảm thấy sợ hãi) 59 strike at the heart of (something) (thay đổi gốc rễ, làm đảo lộn, hủy hoại giá trị) 60 take heart (trở lên phấn khởi, tin tưởng) 61 take (something) to heart (lo lắng gì) 62 to one's heart's content (tùy thích) 63 warm the cockles of (someone's) heart (làm ấm lòng, dạ) 64 way to (someone's) heart (đường đến trái tim, cách lấy lòng, chinh phục) 65 wear one`s heart on one`s sleeve (cho thấy tình cảm, đặc biệt tình yêu với ai) 66 win (someone's) heart (chiếm tình cảm ai) 67 with all one`s heart (and soul) (chân thành, hết lòng hết dạ) 68 young at heart (tâm hồn trẻ trung) 69 (Mr/Miss) Lonely Heart (người cần tình u, tình bạn, cảm thơng) II IDIOMS CONTAINING “LIVER” a loose liver (người sống truỵ lạc, người sống phóng túng bừa bãi) a good liver (người sống có đạo đức) hot liver (đa tình) white (lily) liver = lily-livered (hèn nhát) III IDIOMS CONTAINING “GUT” a misery guts: kẻ khốn khổ (luôn phàn nàn không vui) blood and guts ( nhiều bạo lực) go with one‟s gut ( tin vào trực giác mình) have the guts to something (có can đảm để làm gì) hate sb‟s guts (ghét cay ghét đắng ai) to sweat one's guts out (kiệt sức làm việc nặng nhọc) III IV IDIOMS CONTAINING “STOMACH” can't stomach (someone or something) (ghét đó) eyes are bigger than one's stomach (no bụng đói mắt) butterflies in one`s stomach (bồn chồi, hồi hộp trước làm gì) hard to stomach (someone or something) (khơng thể chấp nhận việc cho không đúng) have the stomach for (something) (có can đảm làm gì) not have the stomach for (something) = have no stomach for something (khơng có can đảm làm gì) to put stomach in someone (làm cho có tinh thần) to be of a proud stomach (tự cao tự đại, tự kiêu) turn one's stomach ( làm cho chán ghét, khó chịu) IV APPENDIX VIETNAMESE IDIOMS CONTAINING WORDS DENOTING HEART, GUT, STOMACH AND LIVER I IDIOMS CONTAINING “HEART” (TIM, TÂM) Khắc cốt ghi tâm Khắc cốt minh tâm Hữu sản, vô tâm Hằng tâm sản Hữu tâm, vô sản Khẩu phật tâm xà Khẩu tâm bất Khẩu thị tâm phi Tú cẩm tâm II IDIOMS CONTAINING “LIVER” (GAN) Lú gan lú ruột Nghĩ thối ruột thối gan Bầm gan lộn ruột Bầm gan sôi máu Bầm gan tím ruột Căm gan tím ruột Cháy gan cháy ruột Đầy gan đầy ruột Đứt ruột cháy gan 10 Gan rầu ruột héo 11 Héo gan héo ruột 12 Lo nát gan, bàn nát chí 13 Mát gan mát ruột 14 Não gan não ruột 15 Nát gan nát ruột V 16 Nẫu gan nẫu ruột 17 Nóng gan nóng phổi 18 Nở gan nở ruột 19 Thắt gan thắt ruột 20 Tím gan tím ruột 21 Gan sắt 22 Gan chai phổi đá 23 Gan đá sắt 24 Gan đồng sắt 25 Gan cóc tía 26 Gan thỏ đế 27 Gan vàng ngọc 28 Gan vàng sắt 29 Lòng gan đá 30 Mặt sứa gan lim 31 Miệng cọp gan thỏ 32 Miệng hùm gan sứa 33 Miệng hùm gan thỏ 34 Quyết chí bền gan 35 Thi gan đọ sức 36 Thi gan đọ trí 37 Thi gan với cóc tía 38 Gan sắt lòng son 39 Gan vàng ngọc 40 Lòng vàng gan đá III IDIOMS CONTAINING “GUT” (RUỘT, LÒNG) Lú gan lú ruột Lú ruột lú gan Bà chúa đứt tay ăn mày sổ ruột VI Bà chúa phải gai thuyền chài sổ ruột Nghĩ thối ruột thối gan Lo rối ruột Lộn ruột Mát gan mát ruột Mát lòng mát ruột 10 Não gan não ruột 11 Nát ruột nát gan 12 Nẫu ruột nẫu gan 13 Nẫu ruột rầu gan 14 Như nở khúc ruột 15 Nóng ruột nóng gan 16 Nóng ruột sốt lịng 17 Nở ruột nở gan 18 Ruột tằm bối rối = Ruột tằm đòi đoạn 19 Ruột đau cắt 20 Ruột đau sát muối 21 Ruột nóng cào 22 Ruột đau thắt 23 Ruột rát (xát bào) 24 Thắt ruột thắt gan 25 Tím ruột bầm gan 26 Tức đầy ruột 27 Tức lộn ruột 28 Tức nổ ruột 29 Tức ruột căm gan 30 Xé ruốt xé gan 31 Nao lịng rối trí 32 Lịng đau cắt = lòng đau dao cắt VII 33 Nản lịng nhụt chí 34 Sờn lịng nản chí IV IDIOMS CONTAINING “STOMACH” (BỤNG, DẠ) Bụng bảo Bụng nát Vuốt bụng thở dài Như mở cờ bụng Bụng chưa miệng Bụng gian miệng thẳng Miệng bồ tát, bụng dao găm Miệng nam mô, bụng bồ dao găm Chơn vào 10 Ghi lịng tạc 11 Khắc xương ghi 12 Non người trẻ 13 Nhẹ tin 14 Tạc ghi lòng 15 Trẻ người non 16 Hả lòng 17 Hởi lòng hởi 18 Mát lòng mát 19 Mát lòng 20 Mát lòng 21 Vui lòng 22 Dạ đá gan vàng 23 Dạ sắt gan liền 24 Dạ sắt gan vàng 25 Lòng gan đá 26 Lòng lim sắt VIII 27 Dạ cá lòng chim 28 Dạ ngọc gan vàng 29 Dạ thú mặt người 30 Hết lòng hết 31 Mặt người sói 32 Mặt người thú 33 Miệng thơn thớt, ớt ngâm 34 Một hai lòng 35 Thay lòng đổi IX ... of idioms containing heart, liver, gut and stomach in English and Vietnamese 19 - Analyzing the semantic features of idioms containing heart, liver, gut and stomach in English and Vietnamese -... idioms containing heart, liver, gut and stomach in English and Vietnamese - Suggesting some implications for teaching and learning this popular kind of idioms in English and Vietnamese as a foreign... liver, gut and stomach - In this study, similarities and differences in syntactic and semantic features of idioms containing heart, gut, stomach and liver in English and Vietnamese are discussed; English

Ngày đăng: 30/09/2020, 12:22



