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PRACTICE 1 Carol ………… a well-paid job as a social worker to spend time with her family A: gave away B: gave up C: gave in D: gave off She ………… at Sacombank since 2009 A is working B was working C has worked D works ………… he heard the news, he rushed straight to the police A Although B As soon as C Before D However Anna has to work ………… night ………… order to earn some extra money A in/at B in/in C with /on D at/in Mr Jerry Walker hopes he ……… all the applicants by the time the Personnel Manager arrives A will have interviewed C has interviewed B is interviewing D interviewed The company has the ………… rights to market Elton John's records A alone B sole C solitary D lonely ………… I was waiting in line for a visa interview, I was eating my lunch A Although B if C While D because I have to go to the meeting ………… I want to or not A: as soon as B while C because D whether Consumers are interested …………… solar energy because of high fuel costs A in B for C with D at 10 My computer can cope …………… huge amounts of data A of B for C with D on 11 We offer high quality products at a(n) ……… price A: bad B: costly C: affordable D: expensive 12 The company requires that all employees have a physical examination …………… A never B annually C rarely D seldom 13 My computer has a lot …………… memory, but hers has more A as B for C in D of 14 Michael Dell needs to learn Japanese, ………… is very important because it will help him get a good job in international trade A: although B why C which D that 15 If Mr Wrong ………… before noon, the committee will be surprised A was arriving B arrives C will arrive D arrived 16 We are so excited about our trip next month to France We ………… Paris, Nice and Grenoble A: have visited B: are going to visit C: visit D visited 17 Mrs Brown was driving to work when the accident happened and ………… her car A damaged B will damage C was damaging D has damaged 18 At the beginning of this month, I signed a ………… with your company for an office renovation project A contract B check C letter D memo 19 The hotel wants to …………… its business by adding a swimming pool A build B expand C reduce D open 20 Our company has chosen the Swedish vendors … they guarantee the best after-sales service A unless B because of C because D when PRACTICE ……………… we would like to open a branch in Oxford now, we will probably wait for another year or so A Although B When C If D Because The job is badly paid, ………… I’m looking for another one A so that B so C when D since …………… being stressful, high level professions can also be harmful to your health A Also C Moreover B Along with D A or B or C Cars enable you to reach any particular place you want; …………., a car may present parking problems in a city A however B in spite of C despite D but …………… marketing is concerned, the best thing is to talk with the Sales Manager A As far as B As much C As for D As with ………… my way home, I generally meet a lot of adults who are going to work A In B On C Through D For I thought I would sell my car but ………… second thoughts I changed my mind, and ……… the whole I think I was wise A in, in B on, on C on, in D in, on They are here …………… holiday but I’m here ………… business A in, in C on, on B for, for D all are correct That company has 5,000 men working ………… it A with B into C to D for 10 Did you come ………… land, ………… sea or ………… air? A on, on, by B by, by, in C by, by, by D on, on, on 11 We ………… Betty since she started working there as a secretary A have known B had known C are knowing D knew 12 Buying stocks at that time was a bad idea, my best friend You could ………… all of your money A lost B have been losing C be lost D have lost 13 After Ms Sally ………… Levin Advertising, she made some innovative suggestions to reduce costs A joins C is joining B joined D has been joining 14 As soon as we …… from the suppliers, we ……… you know when the goods are in stock A hear…….will let C hear……let B will hear….will let D are hearing……will let 15 The plan is that oil producers ………… tomorrow to discuss oil prices A met B will meet C have met D would meet 16 She was ………… out of 115 applicants for the position of Managing Director A short-changed C short-sighted B short-handed D short-listed 17 There’s a rumor that the National Bank is going to ………… the company I work for A take over B take off C take on D take after 18 The Tabors’ fortune was ………… at more than $100 million A imagined B guessed C estimated D judged 19 Companies have to consider the age of the population when they are ………… new staff A recruiting B enrolling C enlisting D raising 20 Conversations with traveling acquaintances usually tend to be ………… A insufficient B trivial C important D boring PRACTICE This restaurant has good reputation, ………… that one does not A although C on the other hand B whereas D despite ………… pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them A Although C Because B However D On account of ………… I don’t think she’s perfect for the job, she’s certainly better qualified than Steve A As if C As long as B While D So that The population is growing and ………… we need more and more food A therefore B so that C since D A or B We took a taxi ………… be late A for not to C so as not to B in order to not D so that not to ………… this time next year you ought to have a very good knowledge of English A By B In C During D On You will not easily find as good a workman as Brown; he is one ………… a thousand A from B in C out of D into I don’t think I can get ………… going to that meeting tomorrow A out B out of C away D off Frankly, I don’t care to argue ………… you ………… that particular subject A with, about B with, in C to, about D to, in 10 Mr Anderson is responsible ………… hiring and firing employees A for B with C to D by 11 “When are you going to ask your boss for a raise?” “………… to her twice already I don’t think she wants to give me one” A I’ve talked C I was talking B I’ve been talking D I’d talked 12 In the last 10 years, the number of college graduates majoring in computers ………… by almost 20% A has risen C was rising B will have risen D had risen 13 Starting next month, salaries ………… paid through a newly installed electronic-paying system A are B were C had been D will be 14 The resort ………… a big influx of foreign visitors this year A has B had C is having D have 15 The talks ………… an end Agreement ………… on most points A approach…… is reached C are approaching… has reached B has approached… has been reached D.are approaching…has been reached 16 If you ………… the errors earlier, we could have avoided doing the same work twice A find B had found C finding D were found 17 As the ………… owner of the property, I would be able to sign the application for credit A sole B alone C solitary D lonely 18 You have to cut back on spending- you’re ………… huge debts A running up B setting up C making up D putting up 19 The company is in financial difficulties and the shareholders are trying to keep it ………… A afloat B aloft C aboard D abreast 20 Before being offered the job, the applicants had to ………… a series of interviews A underact B underplay C underlie D undergo PRACTICE Please be on time; ………… try to be early A moreover B as soon as C although D since ………… he was the best qualified candidate, he didn’t get the job A When B Although C Since D Because ………… we have so much to do, let’s delay discussing this until our next meeting A Since B When C Yet D However I hope that I’ll finish it on time, ………… I can’t guarantee it A unless B but C and D so Everyone is entitled to such benefit ………… of age and sex A whether B in spite C in case D regardless At present, my daily expenses are just about equal ………… my income A to B with C by D for Fred is capable ………… doing better work than he’s doing at present A to B with C of D for If this plan is satisfactory ………… you, I'll present it to the committee A to B forward C with D in It was certainly kind ………… you to help me with that difficult work A with B of C for D by 10 That new product will be available ………… the public late next year A for B by C to D with 11 Jane ………… for the telephone company, but now she has a job at the post office A works B used to work C having worked D working 12 I lost your telephone number Otherwise, ………… you up long before A I’d ring C I’ll have rung B I’ll ring D I’d have rung 13 While I ………… home, the solution to the company’s financial problems suddenly came to me A walk B was walking C walked D am walking 14 The new manager ………… many problems to solve since he joined the company six months ago A has had B has C had D have 15 Mr Brown’s superb work performance ………… won him a positive reputation A are B was C have D has 16 I can’t understand why you didn’t ………… the agreement we had made A stand for B stay over C keep to 17 My husband often does ………… with people from Japan A business B finances C affairs 18 The company is ………… its operations all over the Asian region A expanded B expanding C expansion 19 The CEO decided to hire a new ………… for the upcoming conference A interpret B interpretation C interpreter 20 The real problem is that his company is always facing financial ………… A stability B instability C stabilization D bring about D concerns D expanse D interpreting D unstably PRACTICE I won’t be able to buy that car ………… I have paid off some debts A and B so C but D until Many careers require a college diploma; in some jobs, ………… , previous experience is the main requirement A nonetheless B however C therefore D accordingly The director spoke ………… briefly ………… excessively about the project depending on how much free time he had A neither………nor C either…… or B both …… and D not only…… but also We’ll learn ………… interesting information ………… we’ll want to read more A such…….that C rather… than B so…….that D more… than ………… you need to reach me, call me A Although B In case C: Because D A or B or C John was so tired ………… hard work that he could hardly move A from B with C of D in Our conference was interrupted ………… telephone calls several times A for B with C of D by You are always finding fault ………… everything I A for B with C in D to We have fixed the date ………… the meeting to be held on the 12th June A at B for C about D in 10 You should try to cooperate ………… that organization ………… every way A with, in B to, in C with, for D to, for 11 He refused to sign the agreement until after certain points ………… A have been cleared up C have cleared up B had been cleared up D had cleared up 12 Once you ………… used to our methods, you ………… the job a lot easier A gets……… will find C have got……will find B will get……….will find D have got…… find 13 “Hello? Alice? This is Jeff How are you?” “Jeff? What a coincidence! I ………… about you when the phone rang A was just thinking C have just been thinking B just thought D was just thought 14 The city is building its dilapidated waterfront, transforming it into a pleasant and fashionable outdoor mall Next summer when the tourists ………… , they ………… 104 beautiful new shops and restaurants in the area A will arrive…… will find C arrive…… will find B arrive…… will have found D will arrive… will be finding 15 John ………… to executive manager of an advertising company A has just been promoted C has just promoted B has just been promoting D is promoting 16 They advertised for a broker for a year; …………., they were unable to find one who was suitable A: however B: therefore C: thus D: consequently 17 Coal production for the following quarter ………… to exceed the last quarter by 5% A expected B expects C expect D is expected 18 It was …………… a complicated situation that I couldn’t explain it A: such B: so C: very D: too 19 If we want to ………… up with them, we’d better hurry A catch B arrive C come D approach 20 His ………… as a successful businessman has been established A reputes B reputing C reputation D reputed PRACTICE ………… the fighting stopped, travel across country has been quite safe A While B Since C After which D Unless He refused to give up work ………… he’d won a million pounds A despite B however C even though D because I cut myself ………… I was shaving A as B during C until D while ………… Mr John was transferred to headquarters in New York, his wife decided to move, too A Whether B Therefore C Because D Despite He just had to apologize ………… he knew he had made a mistake A after B before C wherever D due to Mr Howell, our boss, recommended George ………… a promotion A by B for C with D to You should submit your application ………… this office before the first of May A for B with C to D into I definitely prefer traveling by air ………… traveling by train or bus A by B to C with D for That corporation exports machinery ………… Latin American countries A into B by C to D about 10 Don’t you think you’d better consult your lawyer ………… that problem? A for B to C with D about 11 My company ………… a corporate event every June A: holds B: is holding C: held D: has held 12 The furniture company Comfort ………… some extra staff next week A employs C is going to employ B has employed D will have employed 13 The growing number of visitors ………… the footpaths A is damaging C are damaging B damage D were damaging 14 “Why hasn’t this letter been written yet? It ………… yesterday.” A was written C should have been written B should be written D was being written 15 The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their culture ………… by the time Europeans first ………… in the New World A disappeared… arrived C disappeared… had arrived B had disappeared…… arrived D disappeared…….were arriving 16 When Ms Samantha ………… Beijing for a workshop next week, she will stay at the Ramada Hotel A visits B to visit C visiting D was visiting 17 Many of the jobs which are created in this area can be directly ………… to tourism A supported B dedicated C attracted D attributed 18 For a limited time only, all of our customers can take ………… of our free online contents A service C advantage B improvement D responsibility 19 It took the department almost a week to receive a ………… from the manufacturer A respond B response C responsive D responding 20 The difference between the cost and the selling price is usually the ………… A advantage B profit C increase D winnings PRACTICE I need an office for myself ………… I can get some work done A so B so that C as D until ………… the boss arrives, I’m the one who makes rules A Moreover B Until C Because D Meanwhile ………… the construction work on Benson Highway has finished, there will be much less traffic congestion A Now that B Regarding C Usually D Due to No sooner had he come home ………… he knew he had dropped his wallet A when B before C than D then ………… the management of TC, Inc., I would like to express my appreciation to the staff A In spite of B Due to C On behalf of D However Can you account ………… all the money you’ve spent since you arrived? A of B with C for D on In reply to your letter, I beg to inform you that addition to what he owes you he is also ………… debt to me, and ………… all he owes about $3,000 A in, in, in B in, in, of C in, on, in D in, of, of The clerk ………… that counter said those purses were ………… sale A in, for B at, on C at, in D on, on First ………… all, I think you should explain your idea to the director A after B of C in D to 10 I can believe ………… certain that he will show up at the meeting A at B for C with D in 11 Weather report: “It’s seven o’clock in Frankfurt and ………… ” A it snows B it’s snowing C it snowed D there’s snow 12 Sales ………… in 1995 but then ………… in 1996 A rised……falled C have risen……have fallen B rose…… fell D rose…….have fallen 13 “What are your plans for next week?” “I ………… on business to New York Probably on Tuesday but I haven’t bought the ticket yet A will fly B fly C am going to fly D was flying 14 Overall company profits at Kaplin Tech, Inc ………… steadily for the last years A risen B were risen C have risen D to rise 15 Our distributor called while I ………… to Jim A was talking C would be talking B talked D had been talking 16 The bank won’t lend you the money without some ………… that you will pay it back A profit B charge C interest D guarantee 17 All the plans have been ………… for the time being A put down B gone away C put aside D gone off 18 The insurance company does not seem to be ………… good A finance B finances C financial D financially 19 According to the ………… of the contract, tenants must give six months’ notice if they intend to leave A laws B details C rules D terms 20 Shy people often find it difficult to ………… group discussions A take part in C get on with B get in touch with D take place in PRACTICE ………… you have bought it, you cannot return it A Once B Although C As long as D Before She hasn’t received a single letter from him ………… they both left school A as B because C since D now that The students waited patiently ………… the results were being distributed A as B during C while D if Both my husband and I work, ………… we share the household jobs A because B so C since D although I usually allow my students to take their final examination at home, ………… I give them a final exam in class A or B so C but D nor Don’t judge a man ………… his clothes A of B by C with D at ………… time ………… time, I will examine you on the work you have done A At, to B In, to C With, to D From, to Tom is very devoted ………… his work He’s well qualified ………… it too A to, for B for, for C to, to D for, with Frank has to work ………… night ………… order to earn some extra money A at, in B in, at C in, in D at, for 10 I haven’t been able to get ………… touch ………… Mr Miller all day long A in, to B in, with C on, to D on, with 11 Money ………… on trees A didn’t grow C don’t grow B isn’t growing D doesn’t grow 12 The reason I look so brown is that ………… from a business trip to Barbados A I come back C I’ve just come back B I came back D I never came back 13 “Look! There’s smoke coming out of the photocopier” “You turn it off and I ………… the safety officer” A ’ll phone C ’m phoning B ’m going to phone D phones 14 I ………… the approval of three committee members before Bob signed off on the project A did already get C have already gotten B had already gotten D was already getting 15 If I had known about the layoffs, I ………… you A would have told C will tell B will have told D told 16 Roger has ………… a brilliant idea for the new advertising campaign A come up with C started up with B thought over D called up 17 In order to finance the project, they will have to get a large ………… from the bank A profit B gain C interest D loan 18 In this job you must ………… up to the problems and not run away from them A gaze B play C face D raise 19 He was turned down for the job because he wasn’t ………… A disqualified C qualified B qualifying D unqualified 20 The new management consultant ………… most of the company’s problems within a few months Her advice helped to increase profits and motivate the staff A solved B solve C solving D solution PRACTICE He never gives homework, ………… his students are able to enjoy their free time A and B so C but D or In order to stay competitive in the global market, we should know ………… our customers need A which B when C that D what ………… Mexico has the better football team, it lost A But B However C Although D Because Naoki passed the test ………… he studied hard and understood the material A despite B although C because D thanks to ………… I heard the news, I rushed straight to the police A As soon as B Although C However D Before I think you ought to apologize ………… Virginia ………… your rule remarks A with, for B with, about C to, for D to, with We weren’t able to convince them ………… the real value of the plan A of B about C with D for His friends have constantly encouraged him ………… his difficult tasks A for B on C at D in ………… the contrary, I think you were unwise; prices may go up, but, ………… the other hand, they are much more likely to go down A In, on B On, on C In, to D On, in 10 The teacher blames his students ………… their laziness A for B with C of D in 11 I ………… my calculator very long Two days after I bought it, my friend dropped and broke it, so I threw it away A didn’t have C wasn’t having B hadn’t had D wouldn’t have 12 The recent survey shows that our consumer base ………… A grows B is growing C had grown D was growing 13 It’s high time you ………… your mind about choosing a career A will make up C are making up B made up D have made up 14 I ………… at Bank of America from 2001-2003 A have been working C have worked B worked D had worked 15 The new regulations mean that businesses ………… complete the form by 1st April A have to B will have to C A or B D has to 16 The construction materials have just ………… , so we will be able to resume work this afternoon A sent B arrived C delayed D examined 17 Burning coal is an way of heating a house Gas is much cheaper A economic B uneconomical C economical D economics 18 Some companies ………… away free samples of new products in order to familiarize consumers with them A give B pass C take D issue 19 I was given a pay rise of $1,000 by my ………… A employee B employer C employment D employing 20 Get him to sign the contract before he has second ………… A thoughts B ideas C plans D intentions PRACTICE 10 ………… you give your details to our secretary, we will contact you when we have a vacancy A Unless B Before C Since D If I can’t work ………… you make a great deal of noise A as B but C as soon as D before We’ll have plenty to eat, ………… no uninvited guests turn up A unless B provided that C although D as soon as You must run fast, ………… you will not catch the train A as long as B if C unless D otherwise I need to learn English, ………… is very important ………… it’ll help me get a good job in international trade A it – because C that - when B which – because D that – if 10 ………… regard to the business we spoke about, if you are going on ………… it, I can perhaps help you A On, with B For, with C With, with D With, for Don’t contrast the foreign goods ………… our local products A to B into C with D against We must appoint the day ………… the next meeting A with B for C into D to You should cope ………… difficulties in order to succeed in life A to B with C for D against 10 It’s been a pleasure to ………… business with you A: stop B: make C: D: end 11 “………… with the newspaper?” “Yes You can read it now” A Did you finish C Have you finished B Are you finishing D Will you finish 12 Everyone went to the workshop except me, because I ………… in similar seminars times A already took part C already take part B have already taken part D had already taken part 13 The Environment Department has announced that it ………… 2,000 jobs out of the capital A will move B would move C has moved D A or C 14 During the last few years, the company ………… hard to modernise its image A has been working B works C worked D work 15 Next year, no doubt, more people ………… the competition as the prize money increases A have entered C enter B will enter D should enter 16 Their enthusiasm for the new plan has ………… out A gone B died C failed D disappeared 17 He agreed to accept the position ………… that he would be given a share of the company’s profits A in the agreement C with the aim B with the purpose D on the understanding 18 He had to go to the bank to ………… some money for his holiday A pay up B draw out C pay back D draw in 19 It is very difficult to ………… a new market when you have no experience of it A go B enter C introduce D meet 20 The manager was very pleased with her last business trip, which had been a ………… success A whole B full C high D complete 11

Ngày đăng: 22/09/2020, 21:39

