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Unit 3 becoming independence

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  • E.g:

  • Form 2: It + linking verb + adjective (+ for somebody) + to -infinitive

  • E.g:

  • Form 3: It + linking verb + adjective + of somebody + to -infinitive

  • E.g:

  • 2. To-infinitives after nouns

  • E.g:

  • Form 2: It + linking verb + noun phrase (+ for somebody) + to -infinitive E.g:

  • E.g:


  • Bài 2: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.

  • Bài 3: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.

  • Bài 4: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.

  • Bài 5: Fill in the blanks with "for" or "of".

  • Bài 6: Complete the sentences using the given phrases in the box.

  • Bài 7: Rewrite the sentences, using the nouns in brackets and a to -infinitive phrase.

  • Bài 8: Choose the best answer

  • Bài 9: Complete the letter by choosing the best answer in brackets.

  • Bài 10: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the given words (use n/adj+ to V)

  • Bài 11: Rewrite the following sentences using "noun/ adj + to V" and the given words in brackets.

  • Bài 12: Rewrite the following sentences using "noun + to V" and the given words in brackets.

Nội dung

UNIT 3: BECOMING INDEPENDENT (SỐNG TỰ LẬP) A VOCABULARY New words confident Meaning Picture Example tự tin /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ (adj) You should be more confident in yourself Bạn nên tự tin vào thân cope with đương đầu với /kəʊp wɪð/ (ph.v) It is hard for her to cope with loneliness Cơ gặp khó khăn việc đương đầu với đơn decisive đốn /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/ (adj) You need to be more decisive Bạn cần đoán determined /dɪˈtɜːmɪnd/ (adj) tâm She seems very determined No one can stop her from achieving her goals Cô tâm Khơng ngăn đạt mục tiêu housekeeping cơng việc gia /ˈhaʊskiːpɪŋ/ (n) đình, việc nhà My husband had a relaxed attitude to housekeeping Chồng tơi có thái độ thoải mái với công việc nhà independent độc lập /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/ (adj) interpersonal My brother is independent from an early age Anh trai tự lập từ nhỏ liên nhân /ˌɪntəˈpɜːsənl/ (adj) Interpersonal communication skills are the most important for me because they can help me communicate effectively with people around me Đối với tôi, kỹ giao tiếp kết nối quan trọng chúng giúp giao tiếp hiệu với người xung quanh loneliness cô đơn /ˈləʊnlinəs/ (n) I find it difficult to overcome the feeling of loneliness when I live away from home Tôi cảm thấy khó khăn việc vượt qua nỗi đơn sống xa nhà motivated có động lực /ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd/ (adj) My students are working and motivated hardhighly Học sinh tơi chăm có động lực cao prioritize ưu tiên You must learn to prioritize /praɪˈɒrətaɪz/ (v) your activities Bạn phải học cách ưu tiên hoạt động protective /prəˈtektɪv/ (adj) che vệ chở, bảo My close friend's parents tend to be very protective of her Bố mẹ bạn thân tơi có thiên hướng bao bọc reliable /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ (adj) tin cậy Hung is very reliable - if he says he'll something, he'll it Hùng đáng tin cậy - anh nói làm việc gì, anh chắn làm việc rely on dựa vào You shouldn't rely heavily on your parents /rɪˈlaɪ/ (ph.v) too Bạn không nên dựa dẫm vào bố mẹ rigid /ˈrɪdʒɪd/ (adj) cứng rắn, cứng nhắc My parents establish some rigid rules about important issues Bố mẹ thiết lập số quy tắc cứng rắn vấn đề quan trọng self-discipline /ˌself (n) tinh thần ˈdɪsəplɪn/ giác tự You need a lot of selfdiscipline when you're doing this work on your own Bạn cần có tinh thần tự giác cao làm công việc self-esteem tự tơn, tự trọng /ˌself ɪˈstiːm/ (n) You can build your confidence and self- esteem Bạn xây dựng tự tin lòng tự trọng self-reliant /ˌself (adj) tự lực rɪˈlaɪənt/ American parents often teach their children to become selfreliant Các bậc phụ huynh người Mỹ thường dạy trở thành người tự lập Strive cố gắng, nỗ lực /straɪv/ (v) Young people should strive for being independent Người trẻ nên cố gắng tự lập suffer chịu đựng, I have suffered from stress /ˈsʌfə(r)/ (v) chịu in my daily life recently Gần thường phải chịu đựng căng thẳng sống hàng ngày time management quản lý thời Time management is one of /taɪm ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ gian the most important skills that we should develop (n, p) Quản lý thời gian kỹ quan trọng mà nên phát triển voice nói lên, lên My parents let me voice my /vɔɪs/ (v) tiếng, bày tỏ opinions on family issues Bố mẹ cho phép bày tỏ ý kiến vấn đề gia đình well-informed thạo tin, hiểu Nam is well-informed about /ˌwel ɪnˈfɔːmd/ biết what's happening around the world Nam có nhiều hiểu biết vấn đề xảy giới wisely (một cách) /ˈwaɪzli/ (adv) khôn ngoan You should use your time wisely Bạn nên sử dụng thời gian cách thông minh B GRAMMAR To-infinitives after adjectives * Form 1: Noun/ Pronoun + linking verb + adjective + to -infinitive Chúng ta dùng động từ nguyên mẫu có "to" sau số tính từ để miêu tả cảm xúc liên quan đến hành động diễn tả, tức "ai thấy làm đó" Các tính từ sử dụng cấu trúc là: afraid content glad sad amazed delighted grateful shocked anxious determined happy lucky sorry ashamed disappointed pleased surprised bound eager proud terrified careful eligible ready certain frightened reluctant E.g: - I am afraid to go out alone - The boy is lucky to be born in a rich family - They are happy to see their old friends again Những động từ "to hear, to see, to learn, to discover, to find" thường sử dụng sau số tính từ "glad, happy, delighted, disappointed, surprised, sorry" E.g: - She is glad to hear that news - They are surprised to learn that their daughter had quit her job * Form 2: It + linking verb + adjective (+ for somebody) + to -infinitive Chúng ta sử dụng cấu trúc với chủ ngữ "it" để đưa bình luận, đánh giá tính chất hành động Các tính từ sử dụng cấu trúc là: easy, difficult, hard, interesting, boring, nice, great, good, possible, impossible, likely, important, necessary, unreasonable E.g: - It is impossible for me to finish the report on time - It was necessary to go there * Form 3: It + linking verb + adjective + of somebody + to -infinitive Các tính từ sử dụng cấu trúc với giới từ "of" tính từ miêu tả cách cư xử khả đó: right, wrong, nice, kind, clever, intelligent, silly, stupid E.g: - It is kind of you to help me - It was silly of her to spend all her money To-infinitives after nouns * Form 1: Noun + to -infinitive Chúng ta dùng động từ nguyên mẫu có "to" sau số danh từ trừu tượng để nói hành động mà chúng liên quan Các danh từ thường gặp dạng là: ability chance failure permission reminder advice choice goal plan request agreement decision intention preparation requirement ambition demand motivation promise suggestion anxiety desire need proposal tendency appeal determination offer recommendation way arrangement dream opportunity refusal willingness attempt eagerness order reluctance wish E.g: - My decision to close the company was a difficult one to make - They gave me an opportunity to escape - I have a desire to live abroad Lưu ý: Sau danh từ "way" ta dùng "of V-ing" "to infinitive" E.g: There is noway of stopping/to stop him from talking in class * Form 2: It + linking verb + noun phrase (+ for somebody) + to -infinitive E.g: - It is a difficult question to answer - It would be a pity for us to lose such a good player Ngồi ra, ta dùng cụm danh từ (noun phrase + to infinitive) để diễn tả cần thiết khả làm E.g: - There is a lot of work to on the farm (= There is a lot of work that we need to on the farm.) - Let's get something to eat (= Let's get something that we can eat.) ■ BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 1: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box delighted shocked He was very I'm bound about hesitant sorry to go back there after what had happened to have to say this, but we're going to have to let you go She was to hear the news of his death He was so young! He was to learn that he had been promoted You're to well because you are intelligent They're to have a baby It's due any day now Bài 2: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box ashamed motivated keen lucky I'm happy proud astonished ready likely determined to be able to give you the good news that you've all passed She was so to get this job It's really great Linda is really to be the mother of such a successful young man Is everybody to go? The bus is waiting outside Sarah is very to win this race Her practice times were excellent She may have messed this one up, but she's He was to better next time to discover that women didn't always fall for his smarmy charm He's to go back there after what he did and said He's very to go in for this competition He thinks he has a good chance 10 My cousin doesn't seem to be to anything with his life Bài 3: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box fortunate reluctant He was very She was rather She's very relieved surprised afraid eager not to say anything about the divorce to his mother to hear I had broken her favourite vase to move to another city when she has so many friends here He was very to find out that he didn't have to go to court We were very to see him at the hotel with his secretary She was I was very I'm careful to start work as soon as possible to have had parents who gave me a lot of encouragement to go in there; you know what he's like Bài 4: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box upset unhappy ashamed able due angry Mark was very to discover that his wife was having an affair They were very to learn that their daughter was in trouble The report is unable to be published next week It's great! We were I am to find a real holiday bargain to say that I can't remember your name We regret we are to extend your overdraft Bài 5: Fill in the blanks with "for" or "of" It was really stupid you to get involved It's unusual him to behave in this way It was necessary us to solve this question as soon as possible It is wrong him to get so angry over such a little thing Isn't it possible you to arrive on time occasionally? It's hard her to make a living from her business It was so clever you to think of doing it like that It was important him to realise how serious this was It was right her to complain I'd have done the same 10 It is so kind you to look after the children for the afternoon Bài 6: Complete the sentences using the given phrases in the box desire to get decision to drop offer to help We were surprised at his Her US with the project out of school is a difficult one to make Studying in the USA gives you an It was his Susan's opportunity to improve plan to move your English skills a good job that motivated him to study Chinese to California made her parents angry Bài 7: Rewrite the sentences, using the nouns in brackets and a to -infinitive phrase I know how to deal with the problem (way)  I know It's surprising that Mai can speak five foreign languages (ability)  Mai's The students were not allowed to use materials in the examination room (permission)  The students couldn't He tried very hard to overcome difficulties and that makes us surprised (effort)  His We didn't know that Mark was going to change his job (plan)  We didn't know That she decided to participate in the contest surprised all of us (decision)  Her Bài 8: Choose the best answer I was not allowed to stay outside overnight A I didn't have to stay outside overnight B I had no permission to stay outside overnight Don't expect that everyone will agree with you That is unreasonable A Everyone is reasonable to agree with you B It is unreasonable to expect that everyone will agree with you Watch this film It is very useful A It is very useful to watch this film B Watch this film is very useful My sister is able to solve every problem quickly A My sister has the ability to solve every problem quickly B It is hard for my sister to solve every problem quickly We can't find a suitable candidate for this position That is difficult A It is difficult for US to find a suitable candidate for this position B It was difficult for US to find a suitable candidate for this position She has determination to achieve the goal A It was her determination that helped her achieve the goal B She is determined to achieve the goal I don't know how to use this washing machine A I don't know the way how to use this machine B I don't know the way to use this washing machine Don't touch that button It is dangerous A It is dangerous not to touch that button B It is dangerous to touch that button Bài 9: Complete the letter by choosing the best answer in brackets Dear Daisy, My parents and I are (1) (glad, disappointed, sad) to know that you passed the final exam with flying colors Congratulations! I think that with your excellence, your (2) (decisive, dream, advice) to become a good doctor will come true My younger sister was really (3) (surprised, ability, determined) to receive a hair curling machine from you on her birthday and she asked me to say "thank you" to you However, she doesn't know the (4) (chance, way, permission) to use that machine It seems (5) (difficult, chance, easy) for her to use it I am excited that you're going to visit my beautiful city I want to show you my (6) (willing, willingness, demand) to take you to famous places We're looking forward to seeing you It will be (7) (nice, unreasonable, necessity) for me to welcome you to my house Write me soon and confirm your arrival date and time Love, Lisa Bài 10: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the given words (use n/adj+ to V) I am the result of the exam too late, (disappointment, receive) It is important for you Her It was her Mary is It is confidence in yourself, (having) the secret causes a lot of trouble for her (fail, kept) abroad that inspires her to study hard, (motivate, lived) one of the most excellent students in her class, (happiness, became) (luck, have) good friends Her competitor is not good, which increases her It is rude of him the champion, (chance, became) when his mouth is full of food, (speaker) Bài 11: Rewrite the following sentences using "noun/ adj + to V" and the given words in brackets Lan is excited that she wins the first prize in the competition (excited)  My wife was very surprised when she heard that I had won a lottery (surprised)  I was very happy that I met my old friends again (happy)  He is determined that he can find the best solution to this problem (determined)  The room needs cleaning by Ms Brown this afternoon (necessary)  She finds it interesting to study and listen to music at the same time (interesting)  Bài 12: Rewrite the following sentences using "noun + to V" and the given words in brackets They want to beat US, but that seems unrealistic (goal)  Tim always tries hard to finish his homework on time (effort)  Nobody knew that she had always wanted to become a teacher (dream)  She has a lot of friends because she's willing to help others unconditionally (because of, willingness)  She decided to take part in the contest (decision)  ... arrangement dream opportunity refusal willingness attempt eagerness order reluctance wish E.g: - My decision to close the company was a difficult one to make - They gave me an opportunity to escape -... E.g: - It is impossible for me to finish the report on time - It was necessary to go there * Form 3: It + linking verb + adjective + of somebody + to -infinitive Các tính từ sử dụng cấu trúc với... competition He thinks he has a good chance 10 My cousin doesn't seem to be to anything with his life Bài 3: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box fortunate reluctant He was very She was

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2020, 09:40

