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Unit 6: GLOBAL WARMING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this unit, students can • understand and use words and phrases related to global warming • recognize and use rising intonation on yes-no questions and echo questions • use perfect gerunds and perfect participles • read for general ideas and specific information about the causes and effects of global warming • express opinions, agreements, or disagreements about solutions to global warming • listen for specific information about the causes and effects of global warming • write an essay about the causes and effects of global warming and the possible solutions Teaching aids: pictures, handouts, textbooks, CD player, projector, laptop LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED A presentation on Global warming Aims: By the end of the lesson, students can - Understand lexical items related to the topic “Global Warming” - recognize and use rising intonation on yes-no questions and echo questions - understand the two grammar points: perfect gerunds and perfect participles Teaching aids: pictures, handouts, textbooks PROCEDURE Content  Activities Rationale I GETTING STARTED - Brainstorming: elicit the - To warm-up answer from the students and make a A presentation on global warming lead-in to the Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson GLOBAL GLOBAL new lesson WARMING WARMING objectives: introducing the topic, some vocabulary related to global warming, the two grammar points (perfect gerunds and perfect participles), and intonation on yes-no questions and echo questions Play the recording Have Ss To focus on listen and read the conversation comprehension ACT silently Tell students that they are going to listen to the Tell them not to worry about conversation betwween Ms Hoa and her students the new vocabulary as unfamiliar words will be dealt with later in Activities and 10’ II PRE-TEACHING VOCABULARY - Ask students to look at their To help sts to Vocabulary: book and listen to the learn new words recording time n greenhouse /'gri:nhaus/ Pick out key words and preadj infectious /in'fek∫əs/ teach them by eliciting ss to n carbon footprint /'futprint/ explain the meaning or give v come up with Lesson plan English 11 page Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu 5’  Content Activities v contribute to /kən'tribju:t/ v emit /i'mit/ - n emission /i'mi∫n/ 10’ Activity 2: KEY Global warming Three parts: the causes, the effects, and the solutions Greenhouse gas emissions from factories and vehicles; use of chemical fertilisers, and deforestation Climate change allows for infectious diseases to spread more easily; contributes to heatrelated illnesses and death; has severe impact on water supplies, threatens food production and upsets ecological balance They should change their daily habits Ss’ own answers 10’ ACT Matching Key:1 C 2.g 3.d 4.b 5.a 6.e 7.h 8.f Rationale examples - Divide the class into three groups and have each group write their answers on separate pieces of paper Then divide the board into three sections Read each question and have a student from each group stick their answer onto their section on the board Then read the three answers to each question and have Ss decide on the correct or best one To check whether students understand the conversation - read the conversation -Find the phrases -Guess the meanings of the phrases -feedback To focus on the meaning of some key words used in the conversation - Ask students to identify sentences with the structure having + past participle in the conversation - and write them down in the space provided To help sts to identify sentences with the structure having + past participle in the conversation 10’ ACT • • 1’ KEY In the past, a lot of industries denied having contributed to global warming Having treated the environment irresponsibly, humans now have to suffer the effects of climate change VI HOMEWORK Lesson plan English 11 - Ask sts to prepare LANGUAGE page Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu PICTURES Carbon footprint Climate change Lesson plan English 11 page Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu Unit GLOBAL WARMING LESSON 2: LANGUAGE Aims : At the end of the lesson, Students will be able to - use rising intonation on Y-N questions and echo Questions - use perfect participles and perfect gerunds in sentences Teaching aids: pictures, handouts, CD player PROCEDURE  10’ Content Activities LANGUAGE Vocabulary Go through the phrases and check Ss’ understanding Tell Ss to read each sentence carefully and use the contextual clues to work out which phrase best completes it Ask Ss: What are the surrounding words? What they mean? Let Ss complete the sentences individually Check answers as a class KEY Carbon footprint Infectious diseases Emissions Ecological balance Heat-related illnesses Climate change 10’ II PRONUNCIATION Intonation on yes-no questions and echo questions ACT Intonation on Yes-No questions ACT rising intonation on echo questions Lesson plan English 11 Rationale page To help sts use the phrases they learnt in Activity in GETTING STARTED in the sentences Play the recording and ask Ss to listen to the questions paying attention to the rising intonation at the end of This activity focuses on rising intonation on yesno questions each question Ask Ss to read through the exchanges Tell them that B’s responses are echo questions Elicit from Ss what echo questions This activity Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu are and hat intonation pattern is usually used for them Play the recording for Ss to check the answers Have them write an upward arrow after the echo questions Let Ss pratise the exchanges in pairs III GRAMMAR 10’ A Perfect participles in clauses of time and reason Perfect participle clauses can be rather formal and are not often used in speech However, these structures are very useful in formal writing as they help combine information into one sentence KEY Having planned the content, we’re now looking for supporting information => After we have planned the content, we’re now looking for supporting information focuses on rising intonation on echo questions Ask Ss to read the sentences with perfect participles they have written down in GETTING STARTED discuss with a partner how the perfect participle is used in each sentence rewrite the sentences individually to help Ss Then check as a class To focus on the use of perfect participles in clauses of time and reason NOTE: The perfect participle is used in a clause of time to talk about an action that comes before another connected one understand the meaning of perfect participles in sentences and how to use them in clauses of time and reason Having treated the environment irresponsibly, humans now have to suffer => Because / Since humans have treated the environment irresponsibly, humans now have to suffer NOTE: The perfect participle is used to express a reason KEY 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.g 6.h 7.f 8.d KEY … Having used up the fossil fuel resources in their country, they have to find some types of alternative energy Having cut down the forests to make Encourage Ss to look for clues in the two parts way for farming, now they / local that can help them people have to suffer severe floods the matching easily and Lesson plan English 11 page Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu Having read the report on how the burning of petrol in cars contributes to climate change, we decided to sell our car and get a bicycle instead Having been informed about the bad effects of chemical fertilisers, they / the farmers started using them sparingly on their farms Having talked with the environmentalist, we changed our attitude to nature Having ignored warnings about global awrming for more than 20 years, people have to suffer its effects now Having learnt that huhmans are responsible for global warming, we were determined to reduce our carbon footprint 13’ B Perfect gerunds Two structures: Verb + (object) + prep + perfect gerund Verb + perfect gerund •Tell Ss that in many cases the perfect gerund is optional since it is often obvious from the context which action takes place first so the simple gerund can be used as well, e.g., She denied breaking the flower vase KEY The students in Group 11G were praised for having planted the most tress in the schoolyard in the Tree Planting Competition The police suspected Mike of having cut down the oldest tree in the park He denied having dumped lots of rubbish onto the beach Thank you for having saved the lives of hundreds of wild animals They regretted having hunted and killed many wild animals The factory was heavily fined for having dumped tons of toxic waste into the river Denis was rewarded for having taken an active part in the Green Summer activities Lesson plan English 11 page quickly Ask Ss to work in pairs to match the to parts of each sentence Check anwers as a class Have Ss rewrite the sentences individually, and then work in pairs to complete their answers ) To point out the Ask Ss to underline the two structures verbs in the second sentences that will be used as the main verbs or verb phrases in the combined sentences Then elicit from Ss each verb or verb phrase Have Ss pay attention to any prepositions that need to be added, e.g suspect (suspect sb of doing / having done sth) Have Ss the activity individually first, then compare their answers ith a partner After that, check as a class Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu 1’ IV LESSON OUTCOME: - I have learnt how to use rising intonation on Y-N questions and echo Questions I can aslo use perfect participles and perfect gerunds in sentences 1’ V HOMEWORK Lesson plan English 11 Ask sts what they have learnt from the lesson To summarize what sts have just learnt - Ask sts to prepare READING SKILL page Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu Unit GLOBAL WARMING LESSON 3: SKILLS- READING Aims: By the end of this unit, Ss can read for general ideas and specific information and can understand new words using context Teaching aids: pictures, handouts, textbooks PROCEDURE  5’ 8’ CONTENT • ACTIVITIES WARM UP: discussion Pre-TEACH adj catastrophic / kætə'strɔfik/ thảm khơc n famine ['fỉmin/: nạn đói v absorb /əb'sɔ:b; əb'zɔ:b/ : hấp thu v capture /'kæpt∫ə/: bắt giữ n ecosystem /,eikou'sistəm/: hệ sinh thái RATIONALE - Have Ss work in pairs, discuss to get Ss involved in the problems depicted in the the lesson and help pictures (greenhouse gas them activate their emissions from factories and prior knowledge cars, deforestation, etc.) and about the topic answer the question Invite some pairs to present their answers to the class Do not correct Ss’ mistakes at this stage of the lesson Just praise them for expressing their opinions and tell them to compare their ideas with those in the text after they have read it - Elicit the meanings of these words through elicitation or explanation - Draw Ss’ attention to the pronunciation of these words - Sts get involved in guessing the meaning of these words - Have sts make sentences with the words when necessary - Have Ss repeat these words - To provide Ss with some language to help them understand the passage - To help enrich Ss’ knowledge of vocabulary - Run through the headings - Ask students to read through the text individually and choose the best title To train students for skimming skill n diversity /dai'və:siti/ đa dạng 10’ ACT KEY: c Ask Ss to read the text quickly Lesson plan English 11 page Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu  CONTENT ACTIVITIES RATIONALE and choose the statement that best expresses the main idea Help Ss eliminate the wrong options by analysing them: option 5’ Act 3: Matching KEY 1.g 2.f 3.d 4.e 5.b 6.a 7.c 10’ ACT 4: Answer the questions KEY Humans / People / We are responsible It releases a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere Deforestation disrupts the process of absorbing and capturing CO2 from the atmosphere, which causes the world’s temperature to rise They could lose their homes They can reduce crop harvests globally Because humans cannot exist without species diversity on Earth 5’ - Let students to read the text again and underline the target words - Ask them to work in pairs to guess the meanings of these words from context and match them with the correct definitions in the table - Give feedback Ask Ss to read the questions To drill students to read and underline the key words in for specific information each of them have Ss read through the text to locate where they can find the answers to the questions Give feedback Act Discuss with a partner -Ask stus to express their own ideas about what they have learnt in the text (question 1), -encourage them to think further about the content of the text (question 2) Have Ss discuss the questions in groups Ask one or two groups to report the results of their discussion 1’ Lesson outcome What have you learn from the reading activities? What can you now? Key: Lesson plan English 11 page To drill students to guess the meanings of the words in context - Ask sts what they have learnt from the lesson To give students a chance to apply what they have learnt from the text and express their own ideas To summarize what sts have just learnt Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu  CONTENT 1’ - skimmed and scanned the text for the main idea and specific information Homework Unit 10 ACTIVITIES RATIONALE - Ask Sts to learn their lessons at home and prepare the next lesson: SPEAKING - To prepare well for the next period GLOBAL WARMING LESSON 5: SKILLS- LISTENING SAVE THE PLANET, SAVE YOUR LIFE Aims : By the end of this unit, Ss can listen for gist and specific information about the causes and effects of global warming Teaching aids: pictures, handouts, CD-player, textbooks PROCEDURE  CONTENT 7’ Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: listening to a talk by a professor for specific information about KEY 1.c (drought) 2.d (flood) 3.a (famine) 4.e (water shortage) 5.b (forest fire) Lesson plan English 11 ACTIVITIES RATIONALE This activity is a pre-listening activity which aims to introduce the topic of a listening text and get Ss to brainstorm the ideas related to the topic Ask Ss to match the words with the pictures Then have them read aloud the words in pairs to make sure that they can pronounce them Ask Ss to discuss the question in pairs Encourage them to write dowwn their answers so that they can compare them later, after listening to the talk page 10 - To raise Ss’ interest - To lead to the topic Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu 19 His wife said to him: “write to me as often as you can” A His wife told him to write to her as often as he can B His wife told him to write to her as often as he could C His wife told him writing to her as often as he could D His wife told him writing to her as often as he can 20 The teacher advised us A to be careful when doing these exercises B be careful when doing these exercises C careful when doing these exercises D are careful when doing these exercises 21 She told me _ A think well before I answered B think well before I answer C to think well before I answered D think well before I will answer Lesson plan English 11 page 122 Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu REVIEW 3- PERIOD Aims: By the end of the lesson, students can revise the language and skills they have learnt in units 6-8: - use the vocabulary of three units appropriately - use the present and the present perfect continuous suitably - practice the intonation Teaching aids: handouts, CD player PROCEDURE  5’ Content Warm up: KIM’S GAME WORDS: academic, carbon footprint, excavation, undergraduate, intact, qualifications, relics, heat exhaustion, emit, suspect, citadel, symptom Activities Rationale Give instructions Ask Ss to play the game in big groups, from which Ss can be revised the meanings and spelling of the words Give comments & praise the winner Help students review the words used in three units and prepare for the next activity Ask students to this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner Check answers as a class and write the correct ones on the board Check whether students can use the vocabulary they have learned to the exercise 13’ Activity 1: VOCABULARY Use the correct form of the words in the box to complete the sentences: Expected answers Carbon footprint Excavation Intact Academic Undergraduate Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets: Expected answers Further Lower Heat- related Scenic cultural Lesson plan English 11 page 123 Elicit the exercises of word form Ask a volunteer to the activity on the board while the rest of the class works on it individually Check students’ answers, and ask students to provide explanations for their answer Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu  Content Activities Rationale Activity 2: Pronunciation A: Would you like to go on a cultural tour or an architecture tour? B: I’d like to go on a cultural tour A: Would you like to visit My Son sanctuary or Hoi An Ancient Town? B: I’d like to visit Hoi An Ancient Town How should I apply for a place at a US university? Is there an application deadline for early decision? A Fossil fuels were formed from the remains of dead plants and animals B The remains of dead plants and animals? Play the recording and have students this activity individually: listen and mark the intonation patterns of the questions Have SS compare their answers with a partner Write the sentences on the board Then ask students to practise reading the sentences aloud Check Ss intonation Have SS follow the instructions and complete the sentences individually Ask Ss to compare the answers with a partner Check answers as a class Check whether students can use the structures they have learned to rewrite the sentences 7’ 7’ 6’ Activity 3: Grammar A/ Rewrite or/ and combine the sentences: Expected answers: Having lived a chemical plant for many years, some villagers have now developed cancer Having attended a conference on nature conservation, Quang became more involved in environmental activities Mai regretted having dumped/ dumping rubbish in the country park near her house The manager denied having allowed/ / allowing harmful gases to emit into the air from the factory They suspected Tom of having used / using explosives to kill fish in the lake B/ Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box Use the present perfect or the present perfect continuous: Expected answers: Has been studying Have… taken Have been learning Has been living Has finished C/Finish the incomplete sentences , using either a participle or to- infinitive clause: Expected answers: The London Tower Bridge , measuring 244 metres long , is a World Heritage Site Visitors come to admire the relics excavated from the ancient tombs Lesson plan English 11 page 124 Elicit the form of the present perfect or the present perfect continuous: Ask students to get into pairs and share their writings with their friends Call some students to display their writings on board Call some students to give their comments Correct and give comments Ask Ss to the exercise Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu  Content Activities The capital city of Ecuador was the first city in the world to be declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty , located in Thanh Hoa province , was added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2011 The complex of Hue monuments, lying along the Perfume River in Hue City , is a good example of a well- designed capital city 1’ HOMEWORK : Prepare Unit Lesson plan English 11 individually first, and then compare answers with a partner Invite some Ss to the activity on the board, and then check Ss’ answers as a class Alternatively, have individual Ss read their answer aloud Ask students to prepare UNIT page 125 Rationale - Personalize information Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu REVIEW 3- PERIOD Aims: By the end of the lesson, students can revise the skills and the words of the topics they have learnt in units 6-8: Teaching aids: handouts, CD player PROCEDURE  Content Activities Rationale 5’ Warm up: Lucky numbers Give instructions Help students What is the synonym of decrease? It has Ask Ss to play the game in big review the words groups, from which Ss can be used in three units letters ( drop) What you call the stage of education after reviewed the meaning and the in an interesting spelling atmosphere and high school? ( higher education?) Give comments & praise the prepare for the What does civilization mean? (nền văn minh) winner next activity Lucky What you call the job earning money by Get Ss to repeat all the words catching fish? ( fishery) above It is something or some place existing from the past It has five letters (relic) How we say “ Di tích Hoàng Thành Thăng Long” in English? (Central Sector of The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long? What does flora mean? ( hệ thực vật) 9’ Activity 1: Reading Expected answers: Ask students to read the tittle and Check whether Because more than 20 cities are directly make guesses about the content of students can use affected Rising sea levels can endanger water the text, first in pairs, then in class their reading supply in these cities and threaten the life of Have Ss skim the questions before skills to the exercise millions of people reading the text It is described as one of Asia’s most fertile Get Ss to scan the text to find the rice- growing regions and home to answers for the questions approximately 20 million people Check answers as a class and give More than 80 percent of the Mekong delta could be flooded Rice production may drop explanation if necessary by about 2.6 million tons per year Natural ecosystems and economic activities such as fisheries and tourism can be disrupted They can lead to erosion of river banks and beaches, and loss of land Lesson plan English 11 page 126 Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu  10’ 8’ Content Activities Activity 2: Speaking Example: A: Let’s talk about our heritage tour Which site you think we should visit? B: How about going to Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex ( Quần Thể danh thắng Tràng An)? A: What can we see there? B: There are many beautiful caves and unique pagodas A: Well, I love exploring caves, which helps me enjoy the beauty of nature What else can we visit there? B: Well, We can visit relics from ancient civilizations A: That sounds great I’m looking forward to our trip I think we’ll have a nice time in Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex Have Ss work in pairs Ask them to read the information in the table and the example first, then choose a site and decide on the things they both want to and see there Encourage Ss to take notes or script their conversations Have them practice their conversations until they are fluent and confident Invite some pairs to role play their conversation in front of the class Check Ss intonation Activity 3: Listening: Expected answers: T F T Ask Ss to look at the table and read statements 1-5 Play the recording once for Ss to listen and decide on the correct answers Play the recording again, pausing at appropriate places and highlighting the cues in the listening text so that Ss can check their answers Ask some Ss to report their answers Correct any wrong answers Alternatively, play the recording several times , pausing after sentences to check Ss’ comprehension Help students practice their listening skill by listen to a passage F T Audio script: Known as “ Halong Bay on land” Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex is famous for its mountains, caves and archeological relics It includes Trang An Eco- tourist Site, Tam Coc- Bich Dong landscape and Hoa Lu Ancient Citadel Visitors come to Trang An to admire its diverse flora and fauna, beautiful caves and unique pagoda Archeological relics have proved that humans in this region date back to about 10, 000- 20,000 years ago Ancient people took advantage of rich land , settled down in the area and developed their culture Kings from the Dinh, Le and Ly dynasties set up the capital in Hoa Lu Ancient Citadel from 968 to 1009 After King Ly Thai To moved the capital from Hoa Lu to Hanoi in 1010, the citadel remained known as the ancient capital of Vietnam Having unique natural and cultural values, Trang An Scenic Complex deserves its place on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List Lesson plan English 11 page 127 Rationale Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu  12’ 1’ Content Activity 4: Writing: A/ Complete the letter: Expected answers: Higher education Admitted to Scholarship Extra – curriculum activities Your culture B/ Write a similar letter: Hi Tom, You asked me about my future plans Of course, I’d like to go to university and I’m wondering if I can pursue higher education in your country, the USA I’m good at English, maths , science and geography Now I’m working hard to get high scores in the test of English as a foreign language Would high scores on this test help me to obtain a good scholarship? Can international students like me apply for financial help in US colleges? Would I qualify for on- campus or off – campus jobs? I’m involved in many social and extra – curricular activities too I’m very active and like organizing different events for my class and school Which universities you think I should apply to? I have always dreamed of studying at a US college and graduating with highest honours Can my dream come true? Look forward to hearing from you soon All the best Quang Homework Lesson plan English 11 page 128 Activities Give Ss time to read the letter and fill in the gap individually Check answers as a class Rationale Help Ss have a format to write more easily Ask Ss to write a letter to a friend in another country, asking for information about higher education opportunities Use the letter in as a model If the time is limited, ask Ss to write their drafts first in class, swap them with a partner for peer review, and then write the final versions at home Check students’ ability to use the vocabulary and structures to write a complete letter Ask students to review all the words and structures of three previous units for more exercises Personalize information Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu REVIEW 4A (UNITS 9-10) LANGUAGE Objectives: By the end of this review, students can: -Use words and phrases related to city life in the future, healthy lifestyle and longevity -Use appropriate intonation on question tags and use fall-rise intonation on statements and questions expressing invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty and surprise -Use question tags to check information or ask for agreement, and conditional sentences type to talk about a scientific fact or something that is generally true -Use reported speech in different structures (to-infinitives, gerunds, and conditionals) Teaching aids: textbooks, workbooks, posters  5’ Content WARM UP: • Complete the sentences: Don’t stay up late at night, ? There’ll be no private transport in the future, _? Let’s review the lesson together, ? Somebody’s just called my name, _? I believe nothing serious has happened, _? Suggested answers: will you will there haven’t they has it 3’ Rationale - Put Ss into groups of - Give each group a poster and a board marker - Stick sentences (in turn) on the board and tell Ss to write the question tags - The first group to have the most correct sentences is the winner - Warm-up and ACTIVITY 1: Use the correct form of the words in the box to complete the sentences - Ask Ss to this activity individually in minutes - Help Ss to revise - Check the meanings if words about city necessary in the future - Ask Ss to compare the answers with their partner - Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the board - Check the answers with the whole class - Give the instruction, ask Ss to ACTIVITY 2: Complete the sentences, using the this activity individually in correct form of the word in brackets Add -free or minutes - Ask Ss to give some other anti- if necessary prefixes or suffixes (explain if Key: necessary) meditation - Ask a student to write his/ her cholesterol-free answers on the board anti-acne - Check the answers with the ageing whole class expectancy Lesson plan English 11 make a lead-in to Activity shall we Key: infrastructure sustainable 3.renewable overcrowded inhabitants 5’ Activities page 129 - Help Ss to revise some prefixes or suffixes Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu  Content Activities Rationale  Content Activities Rationale 5’ ACTIVITY 3: Listen to the sentences Mark their intonation patterns Then practice saying them Key: - Before doing this activity, remind Ss intonation patterns in tag questions they have studied from unit - Ask Ss to this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner’s - Show the correct answers on the board (Poster) - Play the recording again for Ss to repeat chorally - Give Ss minutes to practice reading the words with a partner - Ask some Ss to read them aloud - Help Ss to revise the intonation patterns in tag questions they have studied - Ask a student to the activity individually - Have Ss compare their answers with a partner - Check Ss’ answers and ask Ss for any explanations, if necessary - Help Ss to revise the rules for forming question tags - Elicit the form and usage of conditional sentences type and conditionals in reported speech - Ask Ss to this task on the board while the rest of the class work individually or in pairs - Check the answers with the whole class, and ask individual Ss to explain the changes they have made to verb forms or pronouns - Help Ss to revise conditional sentences type and conditionals in reported speech 5’ B Falling B Rising B Rising B Rising ACTIVITY 4: Complete each question, using the correct question tag Key: they 8’ A Falling A Falling A Rising A Rising haven’t they will you didn’t we are they ACTIVITY 5: Rewrite these sentences, beginning as shown Key: Dr Quan said (that) I / We may / might feel much better if I / we start / started practicing meditation Lan said (that) if I want / wanted to try natural remedies, I can / could find useful information on the internet Huong told me (that) if she drinks strong tea, she usually starts feeling dizzy If you use solar water heaters in your home, you reduce your carbon footprint Lesson plan English 11 page 130 Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu  Content Activities Rationale 5’ ACTIVITY 3: Listen to the sentences Mark their intonation patterns Then practice saying them Key: - Before doing this activity, remind Ss intonation patterns in tag questions they have studied from unit - Ask Ss to this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner’s - Show the correct answers on the board (Poster) - Play the recording again for Ss to repeat chorally - Give Ss minutes to practice reading the words with a partner - Ask some Ss to read them aloud - Help Ss to revise the intonation patterns in tag questions they have studied A Falling A Falling A Rising A Rising B Falling B Rising B Rising B Rising If you use the high-speed motorway, it takes three hours and a half to travel from Hanoi to Lao Cai  Content Activities Rationale 7’ ACTIVITY 6: Change the sentences in reported into direct speech - Ask Ss to this task individually, and then compare their answers with a partner’s - Write the correct answers on the board - Help Ss to revise the reported speech with toinfinitives and gerunds Key: “Van, you should take a yoga class to relieve stress,” said the doctor “Why don’t you use the new high-speed motorway?” the travel agent suggested Or: “Let’s use the new high-speed motorway,” the travel agent suggested “Kevin, remember to go to your fitness class,” said his brother Or: “Kevin, don’t forget to go to your fitness class,” said his brother “I’ll call you once a week while you are studying in Singapore,” said my sister “Don’t work out more than thirty minutes a day,” our fitness instructor said Lesson plan English 11 page 131 Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu  Content Activities Rationale 5’ ACTIVITY 3: Listen to the sentences Mark their intonation patterns Then practice saying them Key: - Before doing this activity, remind Ss intonation patterns in tag questions they have studied from unit - Ask Ss to this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner’s - Show the correct answers on the board (Poster) - Play the recording again for Ss to repeat chorally - Give Ss minutes to practice reading the words with a partner - Ask some Ss to read them aloud - Help Ss to revise the intonation patterns in tag questions they have studied - Run through the activities 2, 3, in Test Yourself 2, from page 39 to 40 in Workbook, check whether Ss have any problems with them and help Ss if necessary (Ask Ss to these activities at home before this review) - Help Ss to make clear some points that Ss haven’t got if there are A Falling A Falling A Rising A Rising B Falling B Rising B Rising B Rising 4’ 2’ LESSON OUTCOME - Ask Ss: What have you revised today? What can you now? 1’ HOMEWORK - Ask Ss to prepare the rest part of Review Lesson plan English 11 page 132 Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu REVIEW 4B (UNITS 9-10) SKILLS Objectives: By the end of this review, students can: -Read for specific information about eco-city planning -Exchange opinions about sustainable living -Listen to understand the negative effects of over-exercising -Write about the reasons for over-exercising Teaching aids: textbooks, workbooks, handouts  3’ Content WARM UP: * Completing the correct prepositions familiar take care run divide lots Keys: With Of 5’ On Activities Rationale - Pass out the handouts and give the instruction - Ask them to complete the suitable prepositions - The quickest student with the most correct words will be the winner - Give feedback - Warm up and help Ss to revise words - Ask Ss some questions: What type of city you like living in? Why? What you know about “ecocity”? - Make a lead-in to Activities 1, - Give the instruction Ask Ss to the task individually and then compare their answers with a partner’s - Write the correct answers on the board - Ask Ss to raise their hands if their answers match - To drill students to guess the meanings of the words in context Into Of READING ACTIVITY 1: Read the text and match the words in A with their definitions in B (handouts) A B 1.inhabitant a the powerful effect that sth has on sb/sth impact b (of an area of a town) suitable for living in emission c place where plants are reared or kept residential d motivational, stimulating Lesson plan English 11 page 133 Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu  Content greenery inspirational Key: 1.e 2.a f Activities Rationale Ask Ss to the task individually and then compare their answers with a partner’s - Encourage Ss to use “scanning” techniques to look for the specific information - Ask Ss to write their answers on the board - Check the answers and give explanations, if necessary - To drill students to read for specific information e a person or an animal that lives in a particular place f the production or sending out of light, heat, gas, etc b c d ACTIVITY 2: Answer the questions Key: It was created in 1987 (when the book Ecocity Berkeley: Building Cities for a Healthy Future by Richard Register was published) There is no pollution as all the vehicles run on local renewable energy They co-exist with nature by dividing the city into two circles or rings The first ring is the city centre containing the residential areas The second ring includes vast park space and lots of greenery, which filters and refreshes the air people breathe Urban planners need to read the book because it can offer them creative ideas and solutions to environmental problems that can be applied to any city 8’ SPEAKING ACTIVITY 3: Work with a partner and make a conversation about sustainable living Example: - A: How can we live more sustainable lifestyles? What you think our urban planners should do? - B: I think they should redesign abandoned areas and convert them into rich, diverse ecosystems - A: Sounds great There should also be gardens in all residential areas Lesson plan English 11 page 134 - Divide Ss into pairs - Ask them to read the suggested ideas on sustainable living and the example first, and then decide which two points they want to focus on - Encourage Ss to take notes and prepare a short script for their conversations, then practice the conversations a few times - Invite some pairs to role-play their conversation in front of the class - Give marks - To give students a chance to practise speaking - To give students a chance to practise speaking in front of the crowd Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu  10’ Content LISTENING ACTIVITY 4: Listen to the recording about the negative effects of over-exercising and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) Key: F T T T F 10’ WRITING ACTIVITY 5: Think about any advice you can give to over-exercisers and write a short text about the reasons for over-exercising Some people over-exercise for a number of reasons Teenagers may worry too much about their physical appearance and want to build… 3’ 1’ LESSON OUTCOME HOMEWORK Activities Rationale - Give the instruction - Ask Ss to run through the statements and underline the key words - Play the recording once for Ss to listen and choose their answers - Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers - Give the correct answers - Alternatively, play the recording one more time, ask Ss to say “STOP!” and choose the correct answers To train students to listen for specific information - Explain some difficult words if necessary and make sure they understand the suggestions in the box - Ask Ss to work in pairs/groups and discuss if they agree / disagree with the suggested reasons - Ask Ss to write their drafts in class first, swap them with a partner for peer review, they may write their final versions at home (Help them with the beginning) - To give students a chance to apply the knowledge they have learnt in writing - Ask Ss: What have you revised/ learnt today? What can you now? - Ask Ss to complete their writing - Ask Ss to prepare for the 45minute test Audio script: Nobody can deny the benefits of exercise to human health But too much exercise can you more harm than good Many people believe that more exercise brings more benefits, and they try to have too much of a good thing This leads to extreme workouts in the gym, and long hours of outdoor fitness walking or cycling However, high intensity may cause addiction to and overdose in exercise Over-exercising may damage the body’s muscles and joints, increase the risk of heart Lesson plan English 11 page 135 Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu disease or stroke, and even cause death The same degree of exercise might be moderate to 30-yearolds and intense to 60-year-olds Always consult with a doctor before starting a new exercise programme to make sure you exercise safely and effectively Lesson plan English 11 page 136 Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu ... Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu APENDIX Lesson plan English 11 page 30 Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu Lesson plan English 11 page 31 Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu Unit FURTHER EDUCATION LESSON 4: SKILLS- SPEAKING Types... _rd_n_t_r _nt_ns_v_ _nt_gr_t_ f_ll_w Lesson plan English 11 page 36 Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu Lesson plan English 11 page 37 Dương Nguyễn Minh Châu Unit FURTHER EDUCATION LESSON 6: SKILLS- WRITING Studying... widespread extinction of species Some possible solutions - reducing energy use - planting trees and plants Lesson plan English 11 page 15 Write the outline on the board and ask some Ss to complete

Ngày đăng: 06/09/2020, 23:39

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