Chapter 22 SummaryofArbitragePricingTheory A simple European derivative security makes a random payment at a time fixed in advance. The value at time t of such a security is the amount of wealth needed at time t in order to replicate the security by trading in the market. The hedging portfoliois a specification of how to do this trading. 22.1 Binomial model, Hedging Portfolio Let be the set of all possible sequences of n coin-tosses. We have no probabilities at this point. Let r 0; ur+1;d=1=u be given. (See Fig. 2.1) Evolution of the value of a portfolio: X k+1 = k S k+1 +1+rX k , k S k : Given a simple European derivative security V ! 1 ;! 2 , we want to start with a nonrandom X 0 and use a portfolio processes 0 ; 1 H ; 1 T so that X 2 ! 1 ;! 2 =V! 1 ;! 2 8! 1 ;! 2 : (four equations) There are four unknowns: X 0 ; 0 ; 1 H ; 1 T . Solving the equations, we obtain: 223 224 X 1 ! 1 = 1 1+r 2 6 6 4 1+ r ,d u, d X 2 ! 1 ;H | z V ! 1 ;H + u , 1 + r u , d X 2 ! 1 ;T | z V ! 1 ;T 3 7 7 5 ; X 0 = 1 1+r 1+r,d u,d X 1 H+ u, 1 + r u , d X 1 T ; 1 ! 1 = X 2 ! 1 ;H, X 2 ! 1 ;T S 2 ! 1 ;H, S 2 ! 1 ;T ; 0 = X 1 H, X 1 T S 1 H, S 1 T : The probabilities of the stock price paths are irrelevant, because we have a hedge which works on every path. From a practical point of view, what matters is that the paths in the model include all the possibilities. We want to find a description of the paths in the model. They all have the property log S k+1 , log S k 2 = log S k+1 S k 2 =log u 2 = log u 2 : Let = log u0 .Then n,1 X k=0 log S k+1 , log S k 2 = 2 n: The paths of log S k accumulate quadratic variation at rate 2 per unit time. If we change u , then we change , and the pricing and hedging formulas on the previous page will give different results. We reiterate that the probabilities are only introduced as an aid to understanding and computation. Recall: X k+1 = k S k+1 +1+rX k , k S k : Define k =1+r k : Then X k+1 k+1 = k S k+1 k+1 + X k k , k S k k ; i.e., X k+1 k+1 , X k k = k S k+1 k+1 , S k k : In continuous time, we will have the analogous equation d X t t =td St t : CHAPTER 22. SummaryofArbitragePricingTheory 225 If we introduce a probability measure f IP under which S k k is a martingale, then X k k will also be a martingale, regardless of the portfolio used. Indeed, f IE X k+1 k+1 F k = f IE X k k + k S k+1 k+1 , S k k F k = X k k + k f IE S k+1 k+1 F k , S k k : | z =0 Suppose we want to have X 2 = V ,where V is some F 2 -measurable random variable. Then we must have 1 1+r X 1 = X 1 1 = f IE X 2 2 F 1 = f IE V 2 F 1 ; X 0 = X 0 0 = f IE X 1 1 = f IE V 2 : To find the risk-neutral probability measure f IP under which S k k is a martingale, we denote ~p = f IP f! k = H g , ~q = f IP f! k = T g , and compute f IE S k+1 k+1 F k =~pu S k k+1 +~qd S k k+1 = 1 1+r ~pu +~qd S k k : We need to choose ~p and ~q so that ~pu +~qd =1+r; ~p+~q=1: The solution of these equations is ~p = 1+r, d u,d ; ~q = u,1 + r u , d : 22.2 Setting up the continuous model Now the stock price S t; 0 t T , is a continuous function of t . We would like to hedge along every possible path of S t , but that is impossible. Using the binomial model as a guide, we choose 0 and try to hedge along every path S t for which the quadratic variation of log S t accumulates at rate 2 per unit time. These are the paths with volatility 2 . To generate these paths, we use Brownian motion, rather than coin-tossing. To introduce Brownian motion, we need a probability measure. However, the only thing about this probability measure which ultimately matters is the set of paths to which it assigns probability zero. 226 Let B t; 0 t T , be a Brownian motion defined on a probability space ; F ; P .Forany 2 IR , the paths of t + Bt accumulate quadratic variation at rate 2 per unit time. We want to define S t=S0 expft + Btg; so that the paths of log S t = log S 0 + t + Bt accumulate quadratic variation at rate 2 per unit time. Surprisingly, the choice of in this definition is irrelevant. Roughly, the reason for this is the following: Choose ! 1 2 . Then, for 1 2 IR , 1 t + Bt; ! 1 ; 0 t T; is a continuous function of t . If we replace 1 by 2 ,then 2 t + Bt; ! 1 is a different function. However, there is an ! 2 2 such that 1 t + Bt; ! 1 = 2 t+Bt; ! 2 ; 0 t T: In other words, regardless of whether we use 1 or 2 in the definition of S t ,wewillseethesame paths. The mathematically precise statement is the following: If a set of stock price paths has a positive probability when S t is defined by S t=S0 expf 1 t + Btg; then this set of paths has positive probability when S t is defined by S t=S0 expf 2 t + Btg: Since we are interested in hedging along every path, except possibly for a set of paths which has probability zero, the choice of is irrelevant. The most convenient choice of is = r , 1 2 2 ; so S t=S0 expfrt + Bt , 1 2 2 tg; and e ,rt S t=S0 expfBt , 1 2 2 tg is a martingale under IP . With this choice of , dS t=rS t dt + St dB t CHAPTER 22. SummaryofArbitragePricingTheory 227 and IP is the risk-neutral measure. If a different choice of is made, we have S t=S0 expft + Btg; dS t=+ 1 2 2 | z S t dt + St dB t: = rS t dt + h ,r dt + dB t i : | z d e B t e B has the same paths as B . We can change to the risk-neutral measure f IP , under which e B is a Brownian motion, and then proceed as if had been chosen to be equal to r , 1 2 2 . 22.3 Risk-neutral pricing and hedging Let f IP denote the risk-neutral measure. Then dS t= rS t dt + S t d e B t; where e B is a Brownian motion under f IP .Set t=e rt : Then d S t t = S t t d e B t; so S t t is a martingale under f IP . Evolution of the value of a portfolio: dX t= tdS t+rXt,tS t dt; (3.1) which is equivalent to d X t t =td St t (3.2) =t St t d e Bt: Regardless of the portfolio used, X t t is a martingale under f IP . Now suppose V is a given F T -measurable random variable, the payoff of a simple European derivative security. We want to find the portfolio process T ; 0 t T , and initial portfolio value X 0 so that X T = V . Because X t t must be a martingale, we must have X t t = f IE V T F t ; 0 t T: (3.3) This is the risk-neutral pricing formula. We have the following sequence: 228 1. V is given, 2. Define X t; 0 t T , by (3.3) (not by (3.1) or (3.2), because we do not yet have t ). 3. Construct t so that (3.2) (or equivalently, (3.1)) is satisfied by the X t; 0 t T , defined in step 2. To carry out step 3, we first use the tower property to show that X t t defined by (3.3) is a martingale under f IP . We next use the corollary to the Martingale Representation Theorem (HomeworkProblem 4.5) to show that d X t t = t d e B t (3.4) for some proecss . Comparing (3.4), which we know, and (3.2), which we want, we decide to define t= tt S t : (3.5) Then (3.4) implies (3.2), which implies (3.1), which implies that X t; 0 t T ,isthevalueof the portfolio process t; 0 t T . From (3.3), the definition of X , we see that the hedging portfolio must begin with value X 0 = f IE V T ; and it will end with value X T = T f IE V T FT = T V T = V: Remark 22.1 Although we have taken r and to be constant, the risk-neutral pricing formula is still “valid” when r and are processes adapted to the filtration generated by B . If they depend on either e B or on S , they are adapted to the filtration generated by B . The “validity”of the risk-neutral pricing formula means: 1. If you start with X 0 = f IE V T ; then there is a hedging portfolio t; 0 t T , such that X T = V ; 2. At each time t ,thevalue X t of the hedging portfolio in 1 satisfies X t t = f IE V T F t : Remark 22.2 In general, when there are multiple assets and/or multiple Brownian motions, the risk-neutral pricing formula is valid provided there is a unique risk-neutral measure. A probability measure is said to be risk-neutral provided CHAPTER 22. SummaryofArbitragePricingTheory 229 it has the same probability-zero sets as the original measure; it makes all the discounted asset prices be martingales. To see if the risk-neutral measure is unique, compute the differential of all discounted asset prices and check if there is more than one way to define e B so that all these differentials have only d e B terms. 22.4 Implementation of risk-neutral pricing and hedging To get a computable result from the general risk-neutral pricing formula X t t = f IE V T F t ; one uses the Markov property. We need to identifysome state variables,the stock price and possibly other variables, so that X t= t f IE V T Ft is a function of these variables. Example 22.1 Assume r and are constant, and V = hS T . We can take the stock price to be the state variable. Define vt; x= e IE t;x h e ,rT ,t hS T i : Then X t=e rt e IE e ,rT hST F t = vt; S t; and X t t = e ,rt vt; S t is a martingale under e IP . Example 22.2 Assume r and are constant. V = h Z T 0 S u du ! : Take S t and Y t= R t 0 Sudu to be the state variables. Define vt; x; y= e IE t;x;y h e ,rT ,t hY T i ; where Y T =y+ Z T t Sudu: 230 Then X t=e rt e IE e ,rT hST F t = vt; S t;Y t and X t t = e ,rt vt; S t;Y t is a martingale under e IP . Example 22.3 (Homework problem 4.2) dS t=rt; Y t S tdt + t; Y tS t d e B t; dY t=t; Y t dt + t; Y t d e B t; V = hS T : Take S t and Y t to be the state variables. Define vt; x; y= e IE t;x;y 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 exp , Z T t ru; Y u du | z t T hS T 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 : Then X t=t e IE hST T F t = e IE " exp , Z T t ru; Y u du hS T F t = vt; S t;Y t; and X t t = exp , Z t 0 ru; Y u du vt; S t;Y t is a martingale under e IP . In every case, we get an expression involving v to be a martingale. We take the differential and set the dt term to zero. This gives us a partial differential equation for v , and this equation must hold wherever the state processes can be. The d e B term in the differential of the equation is the differential of a martingale, and since the martingale is X t t = X 0 + Z t 0 u S u u d e B u we can solve for t . This is the argument which uses (3.4) to obtain (3.5). CHAPTER 22. SummaryofArbitragePricingTheory 231 Example 22.4 (Continuation of Example 22.3) X t t = exp , Z t 0 ru; Y u du | z 1=t vt; S t;Y t is a martingale under e IP .Wehave d X t t = 1 t ,rt; Y tvt; S t;Y t dt + v t dt + v x dS + v y dY + 1 2 v xx dS dS + v xy dS d Y + 1 2 v yy dY dY = 1 t ,rv + v t + rSv x + v y + 1 2 2 S 2 v xx + Sv xy + 1 2 2 v yy dt +Sv x + v y d e B The partial differential equation satisfied by v is ,rv + v t + rxv x + v y + 1 2 2 x 2 v xx + xv xy + 1 2 2 v yy =0 where it should be noted that v = vt; x; y , and all other variables are functions of t; y .Wehave d X t t = 1 t Sv x + v y d e Bt; where = t; Y t , = t; Y t , v = vt; S t;Y t ,and S = S t . We want to choose t so that (see (3.2)) d X t t =tt; Y t S t t d e B t: Therefore, we should take t to be t=v x t; S t;Y t + t; Y t t; Y t S t v y t; S t;Y t: 232 [...]... the state processes can be The dB term in the differential of the equation is the differential of a martingale, and since the martingale is X t = X 0 + Z t u S u dBu e t u 0 we can solve for t This is the argument which uses (3.4) to obtain (3.5) CHAPTER 22 Summary of Arbitrage PricingTheory 231 Example 22.4 (Continuation of Example 22.3) Xt = exp , Z t ru; Y u du vt; St;... CHAPTER 22 Summary of Arbitrage PricingTheory 229 it has the same probability-zero sets as the original measure; it makes all the discounted asset prices be martingales To see if the risk-neutral measure is unique, compute the differential of all discounted asset prices e e and check if there is more than one way to define B so that all these differentials have only dB terms 22.4 Implementation of risk-neutral...CHAPTER 22 Summary of Arbitrage PricingTheory and IP is the risk-neutral measure If a different choice of 227 is made, we have S t = S 0 expf t + Btg; dS t = + z1 2 S t dt + S t dBt: | 2 = rS t dt + e B has the same paths as B i h ,r... “validity” of the risk-neutral pricing formula means: f V ; X 0 = IE T then there is a hedging portfolio t; 0 t T , such that X T = V ; 1 If you start with 2 At each time t, the value X t of the hedging portfolio in 1 satisfies X t = IE V F t : f t T Remark 22.2 In general, when there are multiple assets and/or multiple Brownian motions, the risk-neutral pricing formula... then proceed as if had been chosen to be equal to r , 2 2 e B is a 22.3 Risk-neutral pricing and hedging f Let I denote the risk-neutral measure Then P e dS t = rS t dt + S t dB t; e f where B is a Brownian motion under I Set P t = ert : Then d f P so S t is a martingale under I t Evolution of the value of a portfolio: S t t e = St dB t; t dX t = tdS t + rX t , tS... t + rX t , tS t dt; which is equivalent to d X t S t t = td t t e = t St dB t: (3.1) (3.2) f Regardless of the portfolio used, Xtt is a martingale under I P Now suppose V is a given F T -measurable random variable, the payoff of a simple European derivative security We want to find the portfolio process T ; 0 t T , and initial portfolio value X 0 so that... only dB terms 22.4 Implementation of risk-neutral pricing and hedging To get a computable result from the general risk-neutral pricing formula X t = IE V F t ; f t T one uses the Markov property We need to identify some state variables, the stock price and possibly other variables, so that f V X t = tIE T F t is a function of these variables Example 22.1 Assume r and variable... portfolio process t; 0 t T (3.5) t T , is the value of From (3.3), the definition of X , we see that the hedging portfolio must begin with value f V ; X 0 = IE T and it will end with value V f V X T = T IE T F T = T T = V: Remark 22.1 Although we have taken r and to be constant, the risk-neutral pricing formula is still “valid” when r and are processes adapted... process T ; 0 t T , and initial portfolio value X 0 so that X T = V Because Xtt must be a martingale, we must have X t = IE V F t ; 0 t T: f t T This is the risk-neutral pricing formula We have the following sequence: (3.3) 228 1 V is given, 2 Define X t; 0 t T , by (3.3) (not by (3.1) or (3.2), because we do not yet have t) 3 Construct t so that (3.2) (or equivalently,... vyy dt The partial differential equation satisfied by v is ,rv + vt + rxvx + vy + 1 2x2 vxx + xvxy + 1 2 vyy = 0 2 2 where it should be noted that v = vt; x; y, and all other variables are functions of t; y We have Xt 1 e d t = t Svx + vy dBt; = t; Y t, = t; Y t, v = vt; St; Y t, and S = St We want to choose t so that where (see (3.2)) d Xt Therefore, we should take . of , dS t=rS t dt + St dB t CHAPTER 22. Summary of Arbitrage Pricing Theory 227 and IP is the risk-neutral measure. If a different choice of. 22 Summary of Arbitrage Pricing Theory A simple European derivative security makes a random payment at a time fixed in advance. The value at time t of such