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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY DISSERTATION PLASTIC PRODUCTS CONSUMPTION TREND AND PLASTIC WASTE IN ASIA, PRACTICAL INFORMATION AND CONTACT TO VIETNAM NGO THI DIEU LINH Ha Noi - 2020 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY DISSERTATION PLASTIC PRODUCTS CONSUMPTION TREND AND PLASTIC WASTE IN ASIA, PRACTICAL INFORMATION AND CONTACT TO VIETNAM Full Name: Ngo Thi Dieu Linh SUPERVISOR: Dr Mai Nguyen Ngoc Ha Noi - 2020 DECLARATION I hereby declare that the dissertation is my own research It was written with the thorough guidance of my supervisor - Dr Mai Nguyen Ngoc …… Hanoi, July 3rd 2020 Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The dissertation has been completed with the great guidance of Dr Mai Nguyen Ngoc I would like to express my sincere thanks for her patience and massive help with reading the whole of the thesis and making valuable comments for my research By this occasion, I am much grateful to the Department of Graduate Studies and Foreign Trade University - who have always create most favorable conditions for MORIE students in completing our study Thank you so much for their generosity and I owe a debt of gratitude to all helpers TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF FIGURES INTRODUCTION .8 Rationale .8 Literature review Research questions 12 Methodologies 12 Structure of the thesis .13 Chapter 1: Overview of plastic products consumption and plastic waste problem 15 1.1 Overview of plastic sector 15 1.2 Plastic production .19 1.2.1 Definition and classification of plastics 19 1.2.2 Plastics product consumption 21 1.3 Plastic waste 22 1.4 Plastic waste problem 24 Chapter 2: Plastic product consumption trend and plastic waste problem in Asia 28 2.1 Plastic product consumption trend in Asia 28 2.1.1 Overview of plastic product consumption trend and main applications in Asia 28 2.1.2 2.2 Demand for eco friendly plastic product trend 33 Plastic waste disposal process in Asia 34 2.3 Plastic waste problem in Asia .36 Chapter 3: Plastic product consumption trend and plastic waste problem in Vietnam 45 3.1 Plastic product consumption trend in Vietnam 45 3.1.1 Overview of Plastic product consumption trend in Vietnam 45 3.1.2 Main application plastic productsin Vietnam .50 3.1.3 Demand for eco friendly plastic product trendin Vietnam .53 3.2 Plastic waste disposal process in Vietnam 53 3.3 Plastic waste problem in Vietnam 56 3.4 Comparison between plastic waste problem of Asia and Vietnam 58 Chapter 4: Recommendations of solutions for plastic waste management in Asia and contact to Vietnam 60 4.1 Experience of government policy on solving plastic waste problem (especially in Asia countries) 60 4.1.1 Join global policies and encourage NGOs and on reducing plastic waste 602 4.1.2 Policies and regulations on plastic and plastic bag management 614 4.1.3 Organize creative awards on environmental protection 63 4.1.4 Organize programs to educate people about the environment problems especially on the importance of reducing plastic waste 646 4.1.5 Apply waste management technology .65 4.1.6 Build waste managemen’s frameworks and hierarchy 65 4.2 Experience of companies in Asia on solving plastic waste problem 678 4.2.1 Issue internal environment policies 678 4.2.2 Classified waste and develop recyclable products 69 4.2.3 Taking advantage of plastic waste to produce other materials 71 4.2.4 Use alternative materials 701 4.3 Proposing to Asia to solve plastic waste problem 72 4.4 Proposing to Vietnam to solve plastic waste problem .723 4.4.1 Solutions have been implemented to reduce plastic waste problem 723 4.4.2 Proposing to the government to solve plastic waste problem 756 4.4.3 Proposing to organizations and companies operating in the plastic industry .79 4.4.4 Proposing to organizations and individuals consuming plastic products 80 4.4.5 Encourage the activities of non-govermental environmental organizations 80 4.4.6 Overall solution 812 Conclusion 824 Reference 845 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS No Acronym Explanation PVC Polyvinyl Clorua NAP National Action Plan PET Polyethylene terephthalate HDPE High density polyethylene PVC Polyvinylchloride LDPE Low-density polyethylene PP Polypropylene EPR Principle of Extended Producers Responsibility ICP Polypropylene Impact Copolymer 10 PV Photovoltaics 11 NGOs Non-governmental organizations 12 BBPB Bye Bye Plastic Bags ¶ Paragraph 13 14 15 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Plastics life cycle 15 Figure Types of Plastic 20 Figure Annual plastic comsumption per capita (Kg) 29 Figure Plastic consumption (per capita) is positively correlated with GDP growth rates 31 Figure Compare traditional and modern plastic waste processing methods 34 Figure Common Plastic waste Processing: Recycling 35 Figure Share of plastic waste that is inadequately managed 37 Figure Global Mismanaged plastic by region 38 Figure The River of Plastics in Cambodia (NIkkei, 2018) 41 Figure 10 The man with massive piles of plastic in Munbai, India 43 Figure 11 Plastic consumption per capita (kg/person/Year) 48 Figure 12 Comsumption of Vietnam plastic market (Billion Ton) 50 Figure 13 Chain of plastic waste in Vietnam 56 INTRODUCTION Rationale In 2018, according to United Nations report, the current global production of plastics is over 300 million tons and in which 90% are not recycled Used plastic material that cumulates in the environment—particularly in rivers, lakes, and the oceans—seems like a problem that is at once too complicated and not important enough to fix Plastic waste harms the environment and poses threat to human health Firstly, plastic bags, straws, disposable plastic cups, foam boxes and bottled water are mainly recycled from plastic products which contain toxic chemicals and affect to human health seriously: plasticizers, pigments, lead, cadmium etc will stop infecting food then be absorbed into the human body through use These materials cumulated for a long time resulting cancer, adversely affect brain development in children, tissue changes, chromosome changes, miscarriage, birth defects, hormonal changes and many other consequences for human health Secondly, burning plastic and nylon wastes causes a threat to public health The more consumption demand increases sharply, the more quantity of plastic bags as well as others plastic one are discharged into the environment Hence, waste management, refuse collection and disposal are not timely, this means that problem is still very popular When we burn plastic material, a lot of harmful gases and toxic substances are discharged into environment including dioxins, furans that causes breathing difficulty, affects the endocrine glands, reduce immunity and dysfunction etc In addition, plastic wastes causes negative impact on ecological environment: Although plastic bags and other plastic products are used in a short time and only then, thrown away, they have long decomposition that cause harmful effects for humane health, environment, and ecosystem on the earth According to the researchers, it takes from 500 to 1000 years for plastic bags to decompose in the natural environment Meanwhile, the amount of plastic waste discharged into the environment is very huge with nearly one third of plastic bags daily is not collected 75 associations to take "green action" to combat the use of plastic For example, change is a local non-governmental organization under the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA) that has officially sponsored the WildAid campaign, the PEEK Program and a number of environmental projects Other in Vietnam is to reduce plastic waste CHANGE is an organization working on community media to change behavior on environmental issues and organize awareness raising campaigns CHANGE also plays a role of connecting the private sector, communities and government agencies to find favorable solutions to environmental problems, especially plastic waste Vietnam's young people, and other organizations, have initially achieved certain results in educating the community about the environment, supporting, promoting and coordinating plastic waste reduction activities CleanUp Vietnam is also an organization in Vietnam that attracts young people, families, businesses and the community to act for the environment by organizing action days to clean up plastic waste from cities, beaches, and after the festivals in Vietnam Zero Waste meanwhile strives to guide businesses that are waste-conscious, not use plastic straws and plastic packaging, and sell eco-friendly products online and suggest alternatives that don't use plastic Green VN is aiming to educate Vietnamese people in recycling and reducing pollution in Vietnam Green VN wishes to set up a garbage collection center in Hanoi so that people can get waste from daily life including plastic waste These wastes are then sold to industrial companies for processing and recycling.In terms of manufacturing, Direct Imex aims to reduce plastic waste by specializing in the manufacture and distribution of reusable and customized bags and packaging, and provides consulting and sourcing services to help companies switching to environmentally friendly packaging.Vietnamese youth have also been part of a collective effort that launched the NoStrawChallenge campaign to combat the use of plastic straws, to minimize negative environmental impacts (Bliss Saigon, 2016) 4.4.2 Proposing to the government to solve plastic waste problem Waste management is one of the seven priority programs of the National 76 Strategy for Environmental Protection The National Strategy for Integrated Solid Waste Management sets ambitious goals and regulates cleaning costs from generators Vietnam encouraged the private sector and foreign investment, and the 1992 revised Constitution recognized the role of the private sector in the economy Provide financial support for environmental protection activities (including 3R activities) through the Vietnam Environment Protection Fund (VEPF) Vietnam has developed a solid waste treatment plan by 2025, which focuses on recycling (National Strategy on integrated solid waste management by 2025, with a vision to 2050).Despite an initiative for integrated waste management, Vietnam still lacks adequate action plans and funding to meet ambitious goals.Vietnam needs more transparency and monopoly control of the private sector At the same time, defining the role and eliminating overlapping responsibilities among agencies related to waste management Vietnam currently has no basis to achieve the National Action Plan (NAP) on solid waste management goals when most of the plastic waste is simply dumped into landfills across the country without being treated Vietnam needs to strengthen its management capacity and improve its policymaking mechanisms related to plastic waste management and improve its research capacity on plastic waste including practical analysis and plastic waste pollution trends and its impact on marine life and ecosystems from different perspectives At the same time, further develop science and technology to better monitor waste, prevent and reduce plastic debris discharged into the sea Vietnam needs programs to raise public awareness, among manufacturers, distributors of goods and consumers about plastic waste Vietnam also needs to strengthen the understanding of international cooperation and share information related to crossborder issues of plastic waste pollution In addition, Vietnam needs to propose the United Nations Development Program and developed countries to support developing and least developed countries related to investing in infrastructure development to control, statistic, categorize marine plastic debris and land-based waste and build waste treatment and recycling systems Developed countries also need to support Vietnam in developing comprehensive solutions and improving management 77 capacity as well as developing domestic legal documents to effectively implement the MARPOL Convention and the Basel Convention To drastically change the plastic waste crisis, we cannot just focus on downstream management, for example, focusing all resources to increase domestic recycling rates The government must be aware that the problem can be solved if the production of disposable plastic at the upstream level also needs to be strictly controlled The government should impose regulations on the control of single-use plastic production and the import policy of plastic waste Vietnam needs to be determined not to import plastic waste or only to import plastics with high success rate of recycling and must be fully compatible with domestic waste recycling technology Moreover, the waste management system also needs to focus on improving the separation process in urban areas because the recyclability or not depends greatly on the separation process As the chair of ASEAN, Vietnam needs to launch an official campaign or regional mechanism to force the 10 ASEAN member countries to solve the problem of plastic waste pollution The pollution problem cannot be solved at the national level, because polluted plastic debris travels across water boundaries through river systems, the sea and even groundwater Meetings of senior environmental officials in Southeast Asia should be held regularly to find solutions, collective response to plastic problems in Southeast Asia and formalize the application of coastal biodiversity protection (Dominic, 2018) Strengthening local waste management and recycling is one of the most important solutions Most plastic waste is generated in cities and other human settlements and due to poor waste management and a slow recycling rate According to experience related to the legal and institutional framework of Asian countries including China and Indonesia, the national legal system is not complete, lack of specialized laws and the laws haven’t yet been a priority item on the environmental policy agenda of several countries, including China Meanwhile, 78 the lack of an adequate waste management system is at the core of the plastic waste problem Therefore, Vietnam needs to improve the legal system related to plastic waste (even if it can create its own specific law) and strengthen the existing waste management law At the same time, adequate compliance and enforcement mechanisms for existing or new laws must also be focused on completing research These laws need to provide clear guidance on certain important aspects including clarity about the laws that apply to individuals, households, public organizations and private companies Moreover, the institutional framework needs to specify which government agency has a clear leading role in this regard On the other hand, the efforts and coordination of the stakeholders must be synchronized and in a wide range, not just focusing on famous tourist destinations Therefore, the law against plastic waste should create clear obligations and clearly defined responsibilities for those responsible The legal obligations include the obligation to reduce the use of plastic, recycle and prohibit the indiscriminate discharge of plastic waste The manufacturer's liability provisions must be addressed to address issues related to the use of materials, packaging, recycling practices and waste disposal Compliance mechanisms need to be specified, with penalties for non-compliance and a system of rewards for those who comply with the law, for example, through tax and benefit incentives Companies that use non-plastic materials instead, introduce new technologies or practice recycling that lead to a reduction in plastic use can be awarded awards, tax breaks, and priority to invest in related fields Finally, laws restricting plastic waste must establish mechanisms strong enough to encourage compliance and punish non-compliance 4.4.3 Proposing to organizations and companies operating in the plastic industry The plastics industry needs to apply the Organization of the Restoration of Packaging (PRO) to create value and increase prices for post-consumer PET bottles and other packaging materials Governments need to adhere to and support widespread application to the industry through the implementation of policies and standards for a circulating economy, such as recycling goals, and provision of source separation and separation infrastructure, ensuring access to the majority of the 79 informal sector involved In Vietnam, PRO was established in June 2019 but needs to improve and apply more widely in domestic businesses Companies in Vietnam also need to actively participate in the fight against plastic waste such as multinational beverage company Coca-Cola, which has just announced its conversion from PET bottle to green in the Southeast Asia, because transparent ones are more valuable than colors and will work with industry peers in Asia-Pacific to create PRO (Sally, 2019) Biologically useless materials such as paper, wood and clothing can also be used as raw materials in chemical processes Manufacturing companies should make efforts to gradually reduce the proportion of fossil raw materials in finished plastic products At the same time, to invest in non-emissions plastic production systems (CO2 is also retained in the manufacturing process, does not release to the environment), creating a sustainable, rotating system for the carbon based materials (Nhan dan, 2019) The life of the plastic can be optimized for maximum benefit but in reality only seems finite the number of times after which the fibers are too weak to use Therefore, companies can make laminated plastic with one or more layers of aluminum or paper between plastic materials Accordingly, this type of plastic has a lighter weight, stronger and increases the shelf life of the products stored in it when recycling is still a challenge (Singh, 2019) Industries (including retail, food and beverage sector) should consider the plastic waste problem as a serious situation and develop a strategy to eliminate singleuse plastic and move to a sustainable business based on recycling system instead of other disposable packaging materials Industry is responsible for the pollution caused by the plastic packaging it produces and uses Institutes, schools, scientists, and businesses need to step up research, development and technology transfer activities on eco-friendly materials to replace single-use plastic products Community, businesses need to continue to build and implement propaganda programs on prevention of plastic waste and disposable plastic bags Businesses need to with various and diversified forms suitable to each 80 propaganda object, creating a wide spread to change from awareness to specific actions to use plastic waste and environmentally friendly bags, economical and efficient plastic (Thuc, 2019) 4.4.4 Proposing to organizations and individuals consuming plastic products The probability of consumers buying green products is higher if they consider themselves to be environmental protectors or are active in environmental issues Biode gradable packaging, as well as paper-based packaging, are an eco-friendly alternative to plastic packaging, and they are willing to pay more than the market average to buy products packed in eco-friendly packaging (Thu, 2018) Therefore, the solution of increasing alternative products in the market can create more opportunities for customers to turn their intention to buy green products into real action Research shows that changes in user needs and behavior can also cause manufacturers to gradually increase the amount of recyclable plastics in their products especially in the food industry, which causes plastic pollution in the oceans At the same time, consumers must also show responsibility for facilitating separate collection by properly classifying their waste Follow the exact arrangement instructions that directly impact the quality of the resources available for recycling (Woldemar, 2019) Community support is also a contributing factor in solving the plastic problem as the community can create the need to reduce the production of single-use plastics for the public and private sectors as well as to develop a movement on Waste-free lifestyle and sustainable development We all know that the plastic crisis jeopardizes our future, especially for the next generation We as consumers must be more responsible and pay attention to our plastic consumption patterns and habits Consumers need to make the anti-disposable plastic movement bigger, to pressure governments and industries to take actions that work for a better future (Muharram, 2019) 4.4.5 Encourage the activities of non-govermental environmental organizations Non-govermental environmental organizations also play a vital role in the 81 overall plan to prevent plastic waste in Vietnam These organizations bring great resources from the community through voluntary programs, movements with a large number of participants of all levels These organizations also bring valuable organizational experience to Vietnam in campaigns to encourage community to reduce plastic waste Therefore, Vietnam needs to create favorable conditions and provide infrastructure and even resources for these organizations to operate effectively In fact, to avoid public backlash in communities when the use of plastic bags is essential (especially for low-income people), measures to regulate waste management and recycling are required Prohibiting single-use plastic bags or disposing of waste must be accompanied by measures to raise awareness and help change consumer behavior Therefore, Vietnam needs to take advantage of the work of non-governmental organizations to raise awareness and promote education among individuals and communities (in schools, local councils, etc.) through public services and cleaning areas of plastic waste Non-governmental organizations involved in reducing plastic pollution in Vietnam should provide information to consumers and contribute to education in schools and communities on the impact of plastic pollution NGOs operating in Vietnam should also take advantage of religious beliefs and consider the discharge of plastic waste as an unacceptable behavior in religious beliefs In addition, to address budget constraints, NGOs may focus on specific areas such as tourism destinations and operate on low budgets for a limited period of time 4.4.6 Overall solution Finally, we realize that there is no single solution that can solve all plastic waste problems Governments, businesses and individuals all play a major role in improving the management of the plastic economy Measures after implementation should be reviewed and refined by the parties appropriately To be able to guide the reduction of plastic waste in the value chain requires greater effort and cooperation of all major players, from policy management units, plastic manufacturers to recyclers and retail sellers and consumers Any model or solution should go beyond 82 single solutions, once and need a common vision to promote investment and innovation in the right direction Plastics have always been an important component of the global economy, regardless of our cultural values and belief systems Therefore, the immediate elimination of plastic is not possible, and all parties in the value chain need to increase the sustainability of the plastics industry in order to bring new opportunities for modernization, competitiveness and job creation do, in line with global economic and environmental goals (Meidl, 2018) The problem of plastic waste reduction needs the cooperation of countries in the region Vietnam, as the ASEAN leader, should call on countries to use regional cooperation to solve the problem of plastic waste Regional cooperation will also be instrumental in setting standards for environmental management in Asia and Southeast Asia ASEAN should consider drafting a statement or action plan to address plastic waste in the region, to encourage all ASEAN countries to cooperate and enact laws to tackle plastic pollution Conclusion In short, Asia in general and Vietnam in particular are the regions with the biggest problems of plastic waste in the world, although plastic consumption per capita is still low Key issues such as ineffective government plastic waste reduction policies, inadequate waste disposal systems, spontaneous waste recycling technology and public awareness of plastic waste reduction are very low, causing great difficulties for governments of all countries.A total solution with the participation of all parties including government, businesses, non-governmental organizations and consumers can be effective in the condition of Vietnam Asia and especially Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam, are in a 83 booming demand for plastic and a destination for plastic waste from more developed 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Ngày đăng: 26/08/2020, 12:47



