i A Guide to Research Methodology An Overview of Research Problems, Tasks and Methods ii iii A Guide to Research Methodology An Overview of Research Problems, Tasks and Methods Shyama Prasad Mukherjee iv CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017 © 2020 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S Government works Printed on acid-free paper International Standard Book Number-13: 978-0-367-25620-3 (Hardback) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form 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Proxy Variables 52 3.4 Design for Gathering Data 53 3.4.1 Need for Data 53 3.4.2 Mechanisms for Data Collection 54 3.4.3 Design for Data Collection 54 3.5 Measurement Design 60 3.6 Quality of Measurements 60 3.7 Design of Analysis 63 3.8 Credibility and Generalizability of Findings 64 3.9 Interpretation of Results 65 3.10 Testing Statistical Hypotheses 67 3.11 Value of Information 68 3.12 Grounded Theory Approach 70 3.13 Ethical Considerations 73 Collection of Data 75 4.1 Introduction 75 4.2 Collection of Primary Data 76 4.2.1 Sample Surveys and Designed Experiments 76 v vi vi Contents 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.2.2 Design of Questionnaires 76 4.2.3 Scaling of Responses 77 4.2.4 Survey Data Quality 79 Planning of Sample Surveys 79 4.3.1 Some General Remarks 79 4.3.2 Problems in Planning a Large-Scale Sample Survey 80 4.3.3 Abuse of Sampling 83 4.3.4 Panel Surveys 84 Use of Designed Experiments 85 4.4.1 Types and Objectives of Experiments 85 Collection of Secondary Data 88 Data for Bio-Medical Research 88 Data for Special Purposes 89 Data Integration 90 Sample Surveys 93 5.1 Introduction 93 5.2 Non-Probability Sampling 94 5.3 Randomized Response Technique 96 5.4 Panel Surveys 97 5.5 Problems in Use of Stratified Sampling 98 5.5.1 Problem of Constructing Strata 98 5.5.2 Problem of Allocation of the Total Sample across Strata 99 5.6 Small-Area Estimation 101 5.7 Network Sampling 102 5.8 Estimation without Sampling 103 5.9 Combining Administrative Records with Survey Data 104 More about Experimental Designs 105 6.1 Introduction 105 6.2 Optimality of Designs 105 6.3 Fractional Factorial Experiments 107 6.4 Other Designs to Minimize the Number of Design Points 110 6.5 Mixture Experiments 111 6.6 Sequential Experiments: Alternatives to Factorial Experiments 113 6.7 Multi-Response Experiments 114 6.8 Design Augmentation 115 6.9 Designs for Clinical Trials 117 Models and Modelling 119 7.1 The Need for Models 119 7.2 Modelling Exercise 121 7.3 Types of Models 122 7.4 Probability Models 124 7.4.1 Generalities 124 7.4.2 Some Recent Generalizations 124 7.4.3 Discretization of Continuous Distributions 126 7.4.4 Multivariate Distributions 127 7.4.5 Use of Copulas 129 7.4.6 Choosing a Probability Model 130 vii Contents vii 7.5 Models Based on Differential Equations 131 7.5.1 Motivation 131 7.5.2 Fatigue Failure Model 131 7.5.3 Growth Models 133 7.6 The ANOVA Model 134 7.7 Regression Models 134 7.7.1 General Remarks 134 7.7.2 Linear Multiple Regression 135 7.7.3 Non-Parametric Regression 135 7.7.4 Quantile Regression 136 7.7.5 Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Models 137 7.8 Structural Equation Modelling 137 7.9 Stochastic Process Models 140 7.10 Glimpses of Some Other Models 143 7.11 Optimization Models 144 7.12 Simulation –Models and Solutions 150 7.13 Model Uncertainty 151 Data Analysis 155 8.1 Introduction 155 8.2 Content Analysis of Mission Statements 157 8.3 Analysis of a Comparative Experiment 159 8.4 Reliability Improvement through Designed Experiment 160 8.4.1 Exponential Failure Model 161 8.4.2 Weibull Failure Model 162 8.4.3 Lognormal Failure Model 163 8.5 Pooling Expert Opinions 164 8.5.1 Delphi Method 164 8.5.2 Analysis of Rankings 165 8.6 Selecting a Regression Model 167 8.7 Analysis of Incomplete Data 168 8.8 Estimating Process Capability 174 8.9 Estimation of EOQ 176 8.10 Comparison among Alternatives Using Multiple Criteria 177 8.10.1 Some Points of Concern 177 8.10.2 Analytic Hierarchy Process 179 8.10.3 Data Envelopment Analysis 181 8.10.4 TOPSIS 182 8.10.5 OCRA 183 8.11 Conjoint Analysis 184 8.12 Comparison of Probability Distributions 185 8.13 Comparing Efficiencies of Alternative Estimation Procedures 187 8.14 Multiple Comparison Procedures 188 8.15 Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Performance 190 Multivariate Analysis 195 9.1 Introduction 195 9.2 MANOVA 197 9.3 Principal-Component Analysis 198 viii viii Contents 9.4 Factor Analysis 200 9.5 Cluster Analysis 202 9.5.1 Generalities 202 9.5.2 Hierarchical Clustering (Based on Linkage Model) 203 9.6 Discrimination and Classification 203 9.6.1 Bayes Discriminant Rule 204 9.6.2 Fisher’s Discriminant Function Rule 205 9.6.3 Maximum Likelihood Discriminant Rule 206 9.6.4 Classification and Regression Trees 206 9.6.5 Support Vector Machines and Kernel Classifiers 207 9.7 Multi-Dimensional Scaling 208 9.7.1 Definition 208 9.7.2 Concept of Distance 208 9.7.3 Classic MDS (CMDS) .209 9.7.4 An Illustration 210 9.7.5 Goodness of Fit 211 9.7.6 Applications of MDS 211 9.7.7 Further Developments 212 10 Analysis of Dynamic Data 213 10.1 Introduction 213 10.2 Models in Time-Series Analysis 214 10.2.1 Criteria for Model Selection 214 10.3 Signal Extraction, Benchmarking, Interpolation and Extrapolation 216 10.4 Functional Data Analysis 217 10.5 Non-Parametric Methods 218 10.6 Volatility Modelling 219 11 Validation and Communication of Research Findings 221 11.1 Introduction 221 11.2 Validity and Validation 221 11.3 Communication of Research Findings 222 11.4 Preparing a Research Paper/Report 223 11.5 Points to Remember in Paper Preparation 224 References and Suggested Reading 227 Index 237 ix Preface Recent times have seen an accelerated pace of research by individuals and institutions in search of new knowledge in an expanding horizon of phenomena Also gaining ground are new and novel applications of newfound knowledge that could improve the lot of humanity or could pose threats of disruption, disarray and destruction We have a wide diversity in objectives and types of research and an equally wide diversity in methods, techniques and tools used by research workers This should be clarified that by research workers we mean young academics who are pursuing their doctoral programmes, scientists working in research laboratories including those who not otherwise qualify for research degrees or already possess such degrees, as also senior academics who advise and guide research workers On the one hand, this diversity is an incentive for research workers to experience otherwise unknown methods and models as well as unheard-of research findings On the other hand, this diversity may introduce an element of non- comparability of findings on the same subject matter arising from different research efforts The concept of Research Methodology as a subject of study by potential seekers of research degrees has been a relatively recent one While research workers, in general, including those who may not seek a degree or have already earned one or even those who act as guides or advisors of research workers, may not always follow a generic guideline for their research activities in different specific disciplines, it is now being realized that a broad understanding of Research Methodology as a flexible framework for the research process may be quite helpful The present book in eleven chapters attempts to provide readers with a broad framework for research in any field Of course, a bias toward quantitative methods and particularly toward Statistics and Operations Research could not be avoided Of course, attention has been given to provide illustrations from different disciplines Going ahead of common considerations in Research Design, problems of data collection using survey sampling and design of experiments as well as methods of data analysis and the associated use of models have been discussed, though concisely in the belief that readers can easily access details about these, if interested Chapters 1 to and also the last chapter have generic contents and are meant to have general appeal It is expected that research workers in general, irrespective of the nature and objectives of research as well as of the knowledge environment of the workers, will have to decide on certain issues in common and will find the contents of these chapters useful in resolving such issues It must be admitted, however, that discussions on these common issues have been largely quantitative in character and will appeal mostly to readers with the requisite background Somewhat similar are the contents of two relatively long chapters, viz Chapter dealing with models and their applications and C hapter devoted to data analysis As will be appreciated by all, models play a vital role in any research study Issues pertaining to model selection, model testing and validation, and model solving should engage the attention of every research worker The amazing variety of models, the diverse fields of enquiry where these can and should be applied to reveal special features of underlying phenomena, the increasing diversity of ways and means to solve these models including methods for estimating parameter models and, finally, a recognition of model uncertainty ix 226 226 A Guide to Research Methodology 10 Calculations of standard or routine statistical measures need not be shown, only the final results should be incorporated Generally, original data sets are not to be provided, unless otherwise mandated and are relatively small in volume 11 Use of statistical methods for making inductive inferences must be done carefully, keeping in mind conditions for applicability of certain statistical procedures, e.g ‘independently and identically distributed’ set-up or normality of the underlying distribution, or homoscedasticity or symmetry or stationarity or infinitesimally small probability 12 As pointed out in the previous section, References and Bibliography are not the same References include only those documents which have been referred to duly in the text, while Bibliography covers the entire relevant literature within the knowledge of the author The general tendency to include cross-references under ‘References’, particularly those which are not easily accessible, should be avoided A long list is not necessarily a mark of extensive knowledge of the author in the subject or theme presented in the paper 227 References and Suggested Reading Aly, E., and Behnkerouf, L (2011) A new family of 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process, 179 example of water pollution, 180 ANOVA, 134 ARIMA models, 214 ARIZ, 13 ARIZ 56, 14 ARIZ 61, 14 ARIZ 85 B & C, 16 artificial neural network, 137 B Balleriaux model, 141 Bayesian methods, 33 model averaging, 153 model selection, 151 benchmarking, 216 big data, 103 bio-diversity, 28 bivariate exponential distributions, 127 Box-Behnken designs, 110 Brandt-Snedecor formula for computing chi-square statistic, 158 burden of disease, 29 C Catalan’s conjecture, 2 central composite design, 109 Cobb-Douglas production function, 191 Coding, 70 coefficient of concordance, 166 cohort studies, 88 constraint, chance constraint, 147 constrained optimization, 147 classification and discrimination, 203 Bayes discriminant rule, 204 Fisher’s discriminant rule, 205 maximum likelihood discriminant rule, 206 classification and regression tree, 206 clustering algorithms, 202 hierarchical clustering, 203 comparison among probability distributions, 185 dominance relations, 185 conjoint analysis, 184 adaptive and change-based analysis, 185 construction of strata, 98 content analysis, 28, 57 convenience sampling, 95 copula, 129 Archimedian copula, 129 corruption in public procurement, 71 credibility of research results, 64 criteria for model selection, 214 counter-examples, 57 customer complaint, 42 satisfaction analysis, 51 D data, data integration, 89 meta-data, 18 need for data, 53 data envelopment analysis, 165, 181 CCR model, 181 stochastic DEA, 182 variants of DEA, 166 Delphi method, 164 desirability, 114 design of experiments, basics of design, 87 design augmentation, 115 design of clinical trials, 117 design optimality, 106 design robustness, 107 Latin square design, 159 rotatability, 106 simplex lattice design, 111 design effect, 40, 83 development goals, millennium, 34 sustainable, 34 disability adjusted life years, 29 discretization of continuous distributions, 126 discriminant analysis, 237 238 238 Index Bayes discriminant rule, 204 Fisher’s discriminant rule, 205 Maximum likelihood role, 206 distance, 42, 43 distance matrix, 210 double blind studies, 89 H E I economic order quantity (EOQ), Bayesian, 176 estimation classical, 176 efficiency, of moment estimates of Weibull parameters comparison over different estimation procedures, 187 emotional intelligence, 29, 44, 190 emotional quotient, 44 estimation, of factor loadings, 201 without sampling, 103 ethical considerations, 73 experiments, comparative, 58 factorial, 57 mixture, 34, 111 multi-response, 114 optimization, 58 screening, 58 sequential, 113 expected net gain due to sampling, 69 imputation methods, 169 cold deck imputation, 170 hot deck imputation, 171 multiple imputation, 173 predictive mean-matching, 172 Industry 4.0, 33 inferencing, 66 inductive, 66 information criterion, Akaike, 130 Bayes, 130 Information, value of information, 68 innovation, 13 intellectual capital, 29 F factor analysis, 200 false discovery rate, 189 family-wise error rate, 189 fatigue failure model, 131 Forman equation, 132 Paris-Erdogan equation, 132 Fechner’s law, 4 fractional factorial experiments, 107 functional data analysis, 217 functional Box plot, 218 functional PCA, 217 G genetic algorithm, 28 good laboratory practice, 60 gross domestic product, 31, 42 Grounded theory, 34, 70 Hypothesis, alternative, 68 null, 67 human development index, 31 human rights, 44 K Kappa coefficient, 157 kernel classifiers, 207 L land use planning, 35 level of significance, 68 life cycle cost, 45 life distribution, exponential, 161 log-normal, 163 Weibull, 162 likelihood, likelihood ratio test, 197 posterior likelihood, 68, 152 Likert scaling, 77 M MANOVA, 197 measurement design, 60 memo-writing, 72 meta-analysis, 89 missing data, missing completely at random, 173 missing at random, 173 239 239 Index models, 21, 50 deterministic models, 123 fatigue failure model, 131 growth models, 133 model averaging, 153 models derived from differential equations, 131 model selection, 130 model solving, 121 model testing, 21 model uncertainty, 151 model validation, 121 mover-stayer models, 141 need for models, 119 optimization models, 144 probability distribution models, 124 proportional hazards model, 143 state-space models, 143 types of models, 122 multi-criteria decision making, 177 multi-dimensional scaling, 208 classical MDS, 209 illustration, 20 multiple comparison procedures, 188 multiple hypothesis testing, 189 perfect numbers, 25 Plackett-Burman design, 109 planning of sample surveys, 79 pooling of expert opinions, 164 post-stratification of administrative records, 104 prediction interval, 174 principal component analysis, 108 example, 200 prior distributions, 33 conjugate priors, 40, 175 Jeffrey’s prior maximum entropy prior, 40 partially informative impersonal prior, 40 probability sampling from a rare population, 95 process capability, 174 Bayesian, 175 estimation classical, 174 N R network sampling, 102 new product development, 6 newspaper boy problem, 102 Neyman and Pearson approach to hypothesis testing, 68 raking of administrative records, 104 randomized controlled studies, 96 randomized response technique, 96 regression, 134 multiple linear, 135 non-parametric, 135 quantile, 136 relative standard error, 28, 65 reliability, 79, 160 reliability improvement, 160 research, Definitions, 1 Design, 8 expanding scope of, 16 objectives, 4 phases, 11 steps in, 8 types, 6 research methodology, distinction from research methods, 19 formulation, 35 illustrations, 38 need for, 18 problem areas, 26 research problems, 25 O operational competiveness ranking analysis, 183 organisational performance, 190 orthogonal array, 107 over-all equipment effectiveness, 43 P p-value, use in tests of significance, 68 panel surveys, 84, 97 panel design, 59 paradoxes, Ellesberg, 38 St Petersburg, 38 Paris-Erdogan random parameter model, 132 partial order, 186 peakedness ordering, 186 Q Quality, of measurements, 60 of survey data, 79 quasi-experiments, 59 questionnaire, 76 design of, 76 240 240 rotation of axes in factor analysis, 201 orthogonal rotation, 202 quartimax rotation, 202 varimax rotation, 202 S sample size determination, 39, 82 sampling, cluster, 82 multi-stage stratified, 28, 59, 81 snowball, 103 theoretical, 72 secretary selection problem, 149 selecting a regression model, 167 signal extraction, 216 simulation, 150 Monte Carlo, 150 Sklar’s theorem, 129 small area estimation, 101, 104 synthetic estimators, 102 sophism, 37 state investment potential, 27 stochastic dominance, 185 stochastic process models, 140 in power system mobility, 141 in quality management, 140 stress (in MDS), 211 structural equation modeling, 137 examples, 139, 140 exogenous and endogenous variables, 138 LISREL, 139 support vector machine, 207 T Taguchi design, 107 TOPSIS, 182 differences from AHP, 182 total expected operating time, 188 total time on test, 188 Index total productive maintenance, 30, 42 transition probability matrix, 140 triangulation, 222 TRIZ, 13 contradiction matrix, 13 type B evaluation of uncertainty, 63 type I error probability, 68 U Uncertainty in measurement, expanded uncertainty, 62 standard uncertainty, 61 uncertainty budget, 62 V validation of research findings, 9, 221 validity, 79 Concurrent, 79, 222 content, 222 face, 79, 222 in grounded theory, 73 predictive/criterion validity, 79, 222 value added per capita, variable, choice of, 50 latent, 52, 77 proxy, 52 volatility, 219 stochastic, 219 W waste management, 45 working hypothesis, 8, 67 World Bank, 52 Z Zenga index, 4, 31 ... features of a particular research study Such classifications are not all orthogonal and one may not be able to have an exhaustive classification that can accommodate any research work already...i A Guide to Research Methodology An Overview of Research Problems, Tasks and Methods ii iii A Guide to Research Methodology An Overview of Research Problems, Tasks and Methods Shyama Prasad. .. then scans available literature in that problem area to gradually limit the area of possible research Fortunately, this step has been greatly facilitated these days through easy access to databases