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I I !||I '11 Pr€paration for.\ncho.ing d dr ralolnr!.o rypa o, *abd riim\ rn, rrchonlc a rcqunqi (se 3d g tpa d seabd wlh eoodanchorhdrdhg chaEcrsrsr c9 ri$3.1 O u.K 'bnd.rd 16.,"ry M-u d Lc.27,5i1.stllo,N.=1.5!q Iis.l.2 wd!$ieatfd drirosoirdobyrR.6n.v[n,rthdqbhdrehrybydE\indrdr]jErig6N E@," r'.b'sh,rH-d"r Anchor and Anchor Cablc @d 3'heai.hdmaindns@l!6|dab|ly rrmrjo,iirh.iJlorDo,Lr N{ nD He= ,la Wr d ,1.=# ldslaBr b cry ffi be ioEe da@he be 4ctui m r0rio6ibwnwighrirrtEsbediss@dj -lheholdilspowgof|hclsty'.d shd, b 4ar4,i!hq!rd(rp!tLrn8E,L shNs $ar $c licior b eswll inro rhesabd r.d nlinbins dabk Dosture wirhdu(um- fig.3-7 Tr,.ac r,1,i.hor clhrbjt htgh r hold,ngp0wd.whcrssrhe pNn of rh Is ,irho' dKlinc H!d eJ!4,(b-.c".^.a"r tr.ri,'p,h dh,{ EldE,i', d irstljt'bcqEl;bij@ of6c ucrro ro'armoonng p.wofrbc N\s P nrhe!m orrlr lroldL'le bcdlldw.r') rhr is hoi(Hp= rrwr) mr ltu 'ndiouL ! pan -lHoldins carsa'y FiA3-8\,.h ,:,,i-, Wa+tc.Wc l w.:4ddrdsIlroi) I i hodhqon4hd@ho{n) i orrrr!bridg.lnrhorDolloodn rr' hn Lg.Jr'|!n.msnliJrdhu!o'h! u'dbr sboud b! ldjuicd \! drh E@ r H,d-$hHmd[',g cart d8prh{Deepanchonng, ncro*cesn3 in n otrtu crbrc.(aig.rr0) o.G.sFd lsbm uy) @6!! Sigl-l(l " , wh.n mhoirs ls onolcrltlrhdpl hcruvildionbndlcinddE rnomror$btepiidod H6oaqhh suspended io rdswir , i ;".,.;", o ngUnderWindatrdCuretrr Effects on.i hid our rdd.nryly rlone rh |lprcehing rhe,b.honcq wclr hom tddmark, b.m rcidmddd6eship.sse€edmdtr be Ned ro rcckonihe ship,snovmed as lie prcc* sp J ovtr rh srchd is difiicux ro h.d mr b ,,& tdd o' flftnr ip shourdn.m $ wid o cumnrrNr b.foE t.niis so rhcdcho( { whichrime@p,6ridi b prid ou cddully (ir resry, aog ryi$ *,nd or uR sdc my bc $bjebd rh sh encii hry beusd) h srcha *,y s ro onrhes.m shouldbs avoidedb€au$ onrml orhmdwly is drtrcurr b m qesiE n6in sid archorjur beror $ ro.didnofihc lichocse E@ '" H*b".sh,pH*d,,"c Sl{ingMotionsandDraggingArchor ddFrmglfigurc.|gh''ssdh witrd*rid (fier-r r o,o, rhedrrcnc cnddfrhe 'r1.shipb.€ rhe.abr.dierioi n, ln'r an*(Fts,r- o,o), mli D4sin! arcior will o(ur wherrh a rhcborbn od $ns slidiDsmr rheb ptrls fonc *eedins rie rncho'Js holdingpowei I rdjud shics r'jm byrhe.hd whie iooieand'haldaplhEol*fulonbsb|e For PCCSor LNG cuj.G { h hrs ftk of dEgging,i.hd h sid ro b? nish d ft folrowitrg v.n wh.d$c shi0is F i e - l sl " r - - - " d P.nonneloi m.hor v{ch shouldpiy stid an.ndotrro sudd.nchlnse of worhe( signsofdnggitrs nchor ligft of able foulins atrddrumus b.hrvior or ofis snip ii th viciniry,rnd rhe mis shotrldimn.di&ly 6einftmed *hen dlthing Nusl is obs.d $1'.i rh msG d.rer sisis 6f ddsiq schor ri fo o*itrs ouid ncauG ,ic brd (dcp.nd .Payi0diansdla|oislhollhooab6 Xeelinglhesh]p!hsdlo,Iegind E@'".H*b shrp'rNd["c Siqhlingdcho In , dvd or a sns, $? b.nm h uo,lly ovded {id, ! $nk byer of.ilr 6rc it my b dimox sish mchor.ns it hs bed bri.d d p in mndrorm *bd!d 'wtm r $ip is oblisedro lry d dchor in su.hm anchonll fo' t tds td hoveupmd ld gorgrin *rldiy d piidd In anemaenry, tE :hiDhay b oblis v]ld llippins r sble, $ endsbouldbe buoyalb mbl? it andde ochd ofsuficiflr sbdslh b ftoq rh .!bt P4ntioBrolw.ighingsn.holrclhe li.fEl|yho€upifulhoha@plp0 mtam.6.ftvary md ridd\ wierc ma0ev.nns ,iss src oifincd id shrtt6! rh€ErE rony n,vis ioi, }Tiid'trcuJtyndflolh.pbblenofdned'onr| unds su.hcinutubnec siip opd rn co4uidion wi$ rhcnoM fu rnddsbtrdirc of EBbIiry, iidudris d or rudd{ d.nedioi ro ch{k ylv ar lw sp€ed,ind rhesoppinc ceby Tugs claiij!L]byPropu|Jonryl.Alonowj: FigS-l,l $c Arndnins DnrePrcpeldTyr (z ry!.) ir rh Fdominrnrtus sion unib rhd E61vc 160 degRs lliis b.lh ri? diEdiotrind Fbluriois orrh p6pcll.B, tus.sisbne fn shiph, ii " ldiE('iomrnd$rh qare'htue liis E@ r,.H".h,,.shhHandIn! byildlingtn6lhouinrigJl6,*hde'he fugtsftngd]ofpu|lm|i.bo||fudtdcbmiicd' The vrlue ror bollad pull (tNiDe ron.) v,iia }'ilhlhetyleo|'mhetr8ii.ddprcpuhionsy9 'em.ftebol]ardpu||ofazt}?efugissidtob '':1 ti *r,t!sf4;,r:r Fi&316 Mra$rD! { dl*.'ns tu!r rsrd N E Fig.3J7 Bd{dpr$asBHpdis rov,ng forc is n\du d sh,Dty s h $ed jrc!66 ris.ris) Aslheshipsa,nsheidMy rd rh poimwh.E rhEto8 b{rE! ofns posbE is in d ser orheliDg ov.r (s3e Flg.3'l8 L ! rL'! or opsn oN d'! r ts ruid od run! Lqdr l ' i ! ]1 i - i " , r , : , , , ICI lrir.l.:l t j '\) llig.].:].r ^5 rrir ood d er6n c *cnrd Lr)rliN r iq.-t.16 i *-L L ) L_- E@ r H,.h",\h,p",^d[,,g 13)Fequid b*hq rorcein bsnhinsopahrons ! ,ndl'4 !!q de6 (H) b dEn (d) nG a hBd ard sE &prh b dEn E{6 (Bd) e Fi93-29 rokyoB,y Prortu3erdron (b 6run€) r@@@ r@EqE@q! ctbrH/d) wd rwderdeprhro5hic5daft Itr someha6or ireas, thc cnd! ror Ning tugsaE T.blelJ N,-*' ] Fig.l.3l nrond saf.ty.i h€v,ns lineshourdb 6ed wirhfte $brLioEr +r[]e rors moib r3r D unfotunJk h{ tl 'owrcpc!of moonq hres 'n easily aus iijuiB 3d fabt ies p€smd from {orkinc or 5bndins6y LF " ns\!h indr E@ ' H,d,,.$f H-d,"F Berthinglnd Mooring hDonr' ,o odmr lrrcstiits rpNldi sp i $" Fi&l-ll sNdtrhrNi.!,.r\i{LNa irc FiA,l.l4 r.r rr , i" \r | ' rh rremsc vtu, ud'h{ now hbnry bcnhos{ih deiirr ""h,* i,.*( i!ry.sncsfi od I dituhd4-qyd nsscbhdrdd lhrr wicD bedhs \'[h shil.s b.adiig Eliy Fn| €Lb li \h}r Fig.3.ls ship wi( ar@ E t,o € Bdh,! "(.! -* *ds,!, !- dc h !!d orh{ fadoc knNi rhd rhc bcnhjns cnfsy ol a vl-cc whcnlhcbcnhi4Elooty.xe.ds6o'J$ incrcass shirftv l- lip.l-37 @,".H,,h,, i, I H{d,r,,j no.thgh(!slhc'ntrNEcdistro!1'! tiA.-l-Jo n FiH.l ll) orcftrd's rvr mr]l! qi |nI s 601i,,fLi noun Rruxrnc Frtr'r rorc.otr l= 3rrri'isnNq oDFiir or rrr.n,n E@,' ',,d-i{,"- ,L rl[ rtid: ft ur rr ofshLrdf! P.( o -@ g l ; @ o :o I s li.er d ly wE mp$(orhigh.nodulNfibs mps) Ilxed noorins o,ar{r) *'@> lig3-43 !ddi "!nrlii @,,,.H.,1,, i,n ,ndltr: M i r e d m o o r i n sL r + i r r ,.'@|> 11 d",.ffi.p.ffi,@ Key numberslor moorinslines MsLoreachmarera bero€nakhq eyasandsp es) 1MBLmeans BEk€capacityo'W^ch+MBLofMooinglnes+30% t [...]... H,.h",\h,p",^d[,,g 13) Fequid b*hq rorcein bsnhinsopahrons ! ,ndl'4 !!q de6 (H) b dEn (d) nG a hBd ard sE &prh b dEn E{6 (Bd) e Fi 93- 29 rokyoB,y Prortu3erdron (b 6run€) r@@@ r@EqE@q! ctbrH/d) wd rwderdeprhro5hic5daft Itr someha6or ireas, thc cnd! ror Ning tugsaE T.blelJ N,-*' ] Fig.l.3l nrond saf.ty.i h€v,ns lineshourdb 6ed wirhfte $brLioEr +r[]e rors moib r3r D unfotunJk h{ tl 'owrcpc!of moonq hres 'n easily aus iijuiB... pull (tNiDe ron.) v,iia }'ilhlhetyleo|'mhetr8ii.ddprcpuhionsy9 'em.ftebol]ardpu||ofazt}?efugissidtob '':1 ti *r,t!sf4;,r:r Fi &31 6 Mra$rD! { dl*.'ns tu!r rsrd N E Fig.3J7 Bd{dpr$asBHpdis rov,ng forc is n\du d sh,Dty s h $ed jrc!66 ris.ris) Aslheshipsa,nsheidMy rd rh poimwh.E rhEto8 b{rE! ofns posbE is in d ser orheliDg ov.r (s3e Flg .3' l8 L ! rL'! or opsn oN d'! r ts ruid od run! Lqdr l ' i ! ]1 9 i ... P.( o -@ g l ; @ o :o I 3 s li.er d ly wE mp$(orhigh.nodulNfibs mps) Ilxed noorins o,ar{r) *'@> lig3- 43 !ddi "!nrlii @,,,.H.,1,, i,n ,ndltr: M i r e d m o o r i n sL r + i r r ,.'@|> 11 d",.ffi.p.ffi,@ Key numberslor moorinslines MsLoreachmarera bero€nakhq eyasandsp es) 1MBLmeans BEk€capacityo'W^ch+MBLofMooinglnes +30 % t ...Fdra t swiq morionorrhahur s sropped a or'l sing rn.horvhetrlyiig.i u.ho I I E@'".H*b shrp'rNd["c Siqhlingdcho In , dvd or a sns, $? b.nm h uo,lly ovded {id, ! $nk byer of.ilr 6rc it my b dimox 6 sish mchor.ns it hs bed bri.d d p in mndrorm *bd!d 'wtm r $ip is oblisedro lry d dchor in su.hm anchonll fo' t tds td hoveupmd ld gorgrin *rldiy d 6 piidd In anemaenry, tE :hiDhay b oblis v]ld... $ endsbouldbe buoyalb mbl? it andde ochd ofsuficiflr sbdslh b ftoq rh .!bt P4ntioBrolw.ighingsn.holrclhe li.fEl|yho€upifulhoha@plp0 mtam.6.ftvary md ridd\ wierc ma0ev.nns ,iss src oifincd id shrtt6! rh€ErE rony n,vis ioi, }Tiid'trcuJtyndflolh.pbblenofdned'onr| unds su.hcinutubnec siip opd rn co4uidion wi$ rhcnoM fu rnddsbtrdirc of EBbIiry, iidudris d or rudd{ d.nedioi ro ch{k ylv ar lw sp€ed,ind rhesoppinc... aus iijuiB 3d fabt ies p€smd from {orkinc or 5bndins6y LF " ns\!h indr E@ ' H,d,,.$f H-d,"F Berthinglnd Mooring hDonr' ,o odmr lrrcstiits rpNldi sp i $" Fi&l-ll sNdtrhrNi.!,.r\i{LNa irc FiA,l.l4 r.r rr , i" \r | ' rh rremsc vtu, ud'h{ now hbnry bcnhos{ih deiirr ""h,* i,.*( i!ry.sncsfi od I dituhd4-qyd nsscbhdrdd lhrr wicD bedhs \'[h 1 shil.s b.adiig Eliy Fn| €Lb li \h}r Fig .3. ls ship wi( 9 ar@ E t,o... rhesoppinc ceby Tugs claiij!L]byPropu|Jonryl.Alonowj: FigS-l,l $c Arndnins DnrePrcpeldTyr (z ry!.) ir rh Fdominrnrtus sion unib rhd E61vc 160 degRs lliis b.lh ri? diEdiotrind Fbluriois orrh p6pcll.B, tus.sisbne fn shiph, ii " ldiE('iomrnd$rh qare'htue liis E@ r,.H".h,,.shhHandIn! byildlingtn6lhouinrigJl6,*hde'he fugtsftngd]ofpu|lm|i.bo||fudtdcbmiicd' The vrlue ror bollad pull (tNiDe ron.) v,iia }'ilhlhetyleo|'mhetr8ii.ddprcpuhionsy9... *ds,!, !- dc h !!d orh{ fadoc knNi rhd rhc bcnhjns cnfsy ol a vl-cc whcnlhcbcnhi4Elooty.xe.ds6o'J$ incrcass shirftv l- lip.l -37 @,".H,,h,, i, I H{d,r,,j no.thgh(!slhc'ntrNEcdistro!1'! tiA.-l-Jo n FiH.l ll) orcftrd's rvr mr]l! qi |nI s 601i,,fLi noun Rruxrnc Frtr'r rorc.otr l= 3rrri'isnNq oDFiir or rrr.n,n E@,' ',,d-i{,"- ,L rl[ rtid: ft ur rr ofshLrdf! P.( o -@ g l ; @ o :o I 3 s li.er d ly wE mp$(orhigh.nodulNfibs