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A guide to ship handling 6

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t ' r reams roFqBr fin d irdxri h4 shiDs his br.n d.sie.d 8ndhlih h Ber-geb nu'nbcBft.* @ fin Miosrbililyhlpff coMkeepin€ddloppingahjl!6Dhe0i'sm4b'}e$ftfuYiF'joo|g'}lary.shies,6')!jiidby tnN de ma{wins haBchnsdsof mder shiFhadliig rehiiqus, ircludingsp€edcotrftl Bd.n oi dc mrmwins spobiliris 0f siF TurnirgAbilityof VeryLargeShips (m) Th.fuming$i|ityolvery|a4e srripsis sunnfi4d in rh fol ,6:@.@cdm'shrLs4 !i&6J cu{. ,"r"-,, i, n{+ir l t : " , "t E@,,*d,.!d.p-d.P,F^.$r hitiNlTurning Abilil.Ydrchcrkjng andC0urseKeping Abilities ofVoyLrigrShips r, (nblns:trip 'lrble6.1 R-dr,y.: tr, tr'-, *1H"" ,n****,r, r r fuLLtord oidiridi h rbcrhh kdtril EE@ \ r , 1 r " , !, ' p " ",tri,! f N€w CourscDistmce and CollisionAvoidanceAction rft l r Nadcamid1132secl Ii!.6-7 L .,, a "'lla- riB.6-8 &e , ! -r ts EI@ n,,,d,i"s ",rp*d.hD*"$+, @silselchdherbykeangm.md iond rh.bndssro.bndF dishn* ofr.3 niuricat mit6 Fig.o-qk.r '.r r,' SpeedCoDtrol d be obrain.drron 'h€ diismm (2,300n *, Lt nsn asa tuic'ion or dnphEd wiglrl lid diturcc run (Fo! c&mph a r60.000non sFcd b d(dodc ro : i kr\, 6r rlrfu!,30'@0nodh.hikk.srppbxi F i g , - , 0D b mcod!rca vnh $L shDdudsro! srrcty Measot rrLtr r l sydcn (sMs), th ro ruy.djusins b ,h ntuiiiig dnhm It slould be iocd rhd hadw,y strd d bding ib'liq a! low spad The speed T]i moEmflr of lcry hryc shipsanior be conrollcd6ins cotrvsdiont ship.handliisr6hniqu* sdodhming!bi|ity.hddrchdyPofi E@ H""d,,',c $h "rsp.*,.r,.p,," sEhships'iypil].dbyP@cdcmie 'ed by a hrshfE.bodd, wi$ ! sisnifidnr aEaor rh hul andsup€Bmc l]ris meaNrharwiid hA ! sisificinr h6 a muchsEd .f- mrn.uvenbiriryducro rhcshipbeiDg dsrioFrionof nddrt rr.dMn.s d rheEstrhor hdq mlli fons, phich in bm m,y mte il dim igiic rtr.sE$ls ft Je su$€priblerohchor disgiDs dE roshns vinds rhecfore, ir is inp.tud ros6p winde6.ds ,id md.6bnd rhem,n.umbniry timfu rh.y inpos llull Sorctrre Properties of PCG ^ichqueishl (^c14 rype) 5,500-6,200m, , I | 950-1 50m, .t l Eh Bffi eaekFdom cf €blrD{Etr Dcffi @lmfi@? €sdom A-i Projectionol undeMaterporlionon midshjpseclion Ba8k{cffi dlEa1dr@37B@6nooamem@o6tqIfifi@ Bw: Projectionol undeMalerporlionon lateralplaneolsymmetry 8r q,,r, \,, ,,'.r,,,,,,, ",,,tr,,,,,,' d! ftbo d j&Dondn of'lieibq cotuhn lhrp (6,@rEu) rank (40.@GDw' 'lrhlo6-l e,tr ir (- Wind Eriectson PCCwhilc Und€nval r wnd lorce(R*dbd whdro'e) onPcc Sjmp,ilied tormulaol windesunanrlorce(O F = / p c a v , ( A a@ 3?rlB sin,d) p :spercdeNirydarl0.rr5) a : Ddace orsecedsd{ d brceron bow(n) e & Ba: Prcj4t oi ot above-yars podioi {dl a fton rtr forcFau r.ut.i(fP) o!.r ! o" 60' 90' 120' 1SO' 130" Winddnedon (A) l r i A , - l JR - r , - i r i " " i n , , r " , r I 3a' h @ shrp H""d'r,E "rsp."r"'.p.,T"' wh.n $ qiid besinsrobrN ftomrh iig poim (Frg.ers) wh6 rhc yiid nom $c , of r]Ic hulr b lcMd rh fiuid ro'ce film rh LeMy is defrnedas 'h angle (p') b.Nei s! rE oi d! shipr rpprreN ouBe (he bN [4dins) ,id rh lin rhn rhc rhip ldurny mik* sood thmush 'he *dd (ris.cl6) ir Fi&615 rlnhs nono,6]ehd wh.i navigsliig, width.coinicd.h,iicl rion of rt.gr Forrhispullros, theshipis requnsdb lrke I lnde more*ind*ard coun s'l6cplunedounemsderthdth.ship.s cilcldfthgFutynaym'nonlhep|an In rhbos shipiandlins is EiuiEd 10djus l.fuyby.hekinslheshipsposilionfie hann 1, rh tuddcr !i3rc b bc dcndsd n d.3a6 ofruddtr sle mud be E$Ned ror Fi&6-16 D{"-"dk"-r o' B Shipspe€d(knot) Fis.6l7 L-".r r,J, rd.,i f., rf( dr rrr EE E rr r r rr IT tl r Irl,h6.l r E@ P"p-,s,',p' "-d,,"c"rsp*,"' ris.6-r3 hl ind Fisrr (h) shN rheorrrclabili'y limitsofr Pcc in nmi ripEs 'r" 4dder d.nedionsof ch*k hermEquiEd h keepa snigh' mme ro shiplprtd vs Erio i c valvs ffon oDerofive ri3.6f3 G) sho{s ln! contunabir,tyl rhcrbb{illbsunconrollablcinrieEsionriomT0ror60desEesvh€Erhevatuv.ndon5,dd ndml00de!&*1ol]5des6wh!Elievatvsndon4'IncAeof naihum rudd{ d!ilsrion- asshos in Fis.GrB(b) rhecsion orco0rollabilirybao'ns 'nud, ia (a)ldmwod{dridb' 60' 50" E 20' 30" 60' 30' 60' 90' 120' 150' 180' =F n 20' 0" 90' t20' 150' 180" Winddireclion l 6A' 90" 120' dilionswh{eman.Uv*abi|ityisfshded E@ H,d'ir,.r.p, r'".r,,,,.\,,,,, ' n ) $'i-l )l I I slowtrii lne$ figtrcs,rmins abil,tyora ncc is sBrly infiuenedby vind a rhc\4rrdVi mid h6 a, $ ship sn md in unconhll gmm.uknbity]inibii'ooBid.m'iol' t I Fi&6-20 r,-q trmc!tu.,@!" d E@ s,.ar.c r,,+-".r,rp, "r.r".,"r wind Efieclson PCCatAnchor ]ns(|]on]|Thcholdi0!povdcoelficien6olrmbon(,l,)ai.gti.d tr b.djns b dftnoil 14 ryE lirhor is snmred ar ibo 53 rois (,ra.\\h - r.0r3,3r+r3 r0rkg) rn,r $t c!br(,s r L2roN whei dr lrid downrd(hdldiisrrn) of lhccahl rs x 5+ r h r r k s ) (Fif.6rr).Ere$piidourcibrerrai ri.hdr1tsi&6-!r) Fis.6-r? $ss rh od is noE rh,nte0n (.bonr7 stnckler orlabtcrobcpiidoul rhc.rhl.(c FiF3-3) g i$: s (m) Deplh orwale, 15:93)lrr rre*encdonrrrc.abhu - ' h t ^ r ' d i d l F ro $ire oem.ieno po!glrJFjisu'm{!!b|.ub} d f l t t | d | , d EE@ H,.dincorspm'rrP,+6e ships Mesuresfdr rvoidinsdnggiry m.hn ca€fb rhen.ds by vl chb onht a $jer sins moddn$ idi€red in seridi r r ol chrprer3, *hit I tuu kngrh of cabt ie prid ou 6uEs ,ie shNd *nh hnefqdmdi@ dd ilrusftriois rudod6Edell'.m4jfud d$qfuj6by'h.[sF- In.h€6d€ndilioqNii€ mdids'ofud.hoftidd ofndi'glo'j4bsciqa !.wfuoFtr6gkb.ful i€ft.trEIiEwnd$.c dedh6i!'ly!b@ my ln ,r'ip d d.k or fdd- \ l :."::- [...]... Sjmp,ilied tormulaol windesunanrlorce(O F = 1 / 2 p c a v , ( A a@ 3?rlB sin,d) p :spercdeNirydarl0.rr5) a : Ddace orsecedsd{ d brceron bow(n) e & Ba: Prcj4t oi ot above-yars podioi {dl a fton rtr forcFau r.ut.i(fP) o!.r ! o" 60 ' 90' 120' 1SO' 130" Winddnedon (A) l r i A , 6 - l JR - r , - i r i " " i n , , r " , r I 3a' h @ shrp H""d'r,E "rsp."r"'.p.,T"' wh.n $ qiid besinsrobrN ftomrh iig... d.nedionsof ch*k hermEquiEd h keepa snigh' mme ro shiplprtd vs Erio i c valvs ffon oDerofive ri3.6f3 G) sho{s ln! contunabir,tyl rhcrbb{illbsunconrollablcinrieEsionriomT0ror60desEesvh€Erhevatuv.ndon5,dd ndml00de!&*1ol]5des6wh!Elievatvsndon4'IncAeof naihum rudd{ d!ilsrion- asshos in Fis.GrB(b) rhecsion orco0rollabilirybao'ns 'nud, ia (a) ldmwod{dridb' 60 ' 50" E 20' 30" 60 ' 30' 60 ' 90' 120' 150' 180' =F n 20'... rype) 5,500 -6, 200m, , I | 950-1 50m, .t l Eh Bffi eaekFdom cf €blrD{Etr Dcffi @lmfi@? €sdom A- i Projectionol undeMaterporlionon midshjpseclion Ba8k{cffi dlEa1dr@37B@6nooamem@o6tqIfifi@ Bw: Projectionol undeMalerporlionon lateralplaneolsymmetry 8r q,,r, \,, ,,'.r,,,,,,, ",,,tr,,,,,,' d! ftbo d j&Dondn of'lieibq cotuhn lhrp (6, @rEu) rank (40.@GDw' 'lrhlo6-l e,tr ir (- Wind Eriectson PCCwhilc Und€nval r wnd... l 3 2 6A' 90" 120' dilionswh{eman.Uv*abi|ityisfshded E@ H,d'ir,.r.p, r'".r,,,,.\,,,,, ' n ) $'i-l )l I I slowtrii lne$ figtrcs,rmins abil,tyora ncc is sBrly infiuenedby vind a rhc\4rrdVi mid h6 a, $ ship sn md in unconhll gmm.uknbity]inibii'ooBid.m'iol' t I Fi &6- 20 r,-q trmc!tu.,@!" d E@ s,.ar.c r,,+-".r,rp, "r.r".,"r wind Efieclson PCCatAnchor ]ns(|]on]|Thcholdi0!povdcoelficien6olrmbon(,l,)ai.gti.d... s'l6cplunedounemsderthdth .ship. s cilcldfthgFutynaym'nonlhep|an In rhbos shipiandlins is EiuiEd 10djus l.fuyby.hekinslheshipsposilionfie hann 1, rh tuddcr !i3rc b bc dcndsd n d. 3a6 ofruddtr sle mud be E$Ned ror Fi &6- 16 D{"-"dk"-r o' B Shipspe€d(knot) Fis.6l7 L-".r r,J, rd.,i f., rf( dr rrr EE E rr r r rr IT tl r Irl,h6.l r E@ P"p-,s,',p' "-d,,"c"rsp*,"' ris .6- r3 hl ind Fisrr 3 (h) shN rheorrrclabili'y limitsofr Pcc in nmi... EE@ H,.dincorspm'rrP,+6e ships Mesuresfdr rvoidinsdnggiry m.hn ca€fb rhen.ds by vl chb onht a $jer sins moddn$ idi€red in seridi r r ol chrprer3, *hit I tuu kngrh of cabt ie prid ou 6uEs ,ie shNd *nh hnefqdmdi@ dd ilrusftriois rudod6Edell'.m4jfud d$qfuj6by'h.[sF- In.h€6d€ndilioqNii€ mdids'ofud.hoftidd ofndi'glo'j4bsciqa !.wfuoFtr6gkb.ful i€ft.trEIiEwnd$.c dedh6i!'ly!b@ my ln 6 ,r'ip d d.k or fdd- \... (Frg.ers) wh6 rhc yiid nom $c , of r]Ic hulr b lcMd rh fiuid ro'ce film rh LeMy is defrnedas 'h angle (p') b.Nei s! rE oi d! shipr rpprreN ouBe (he bN [4dins) ,id rh lin rhn rhc rhip ldurny mik* sood thmush 'he *dd (ris.cl6) ir Fi &61 5 rlnhs nono ,6] ehd wh.i navigsliig, width.coinicd.h,iicl rion of rt.gr Forrhispullros, theshipis requnsdb lrke I lnde more*ind*ard coun s'l6cplunedounemsderthdth .ship. s cilcldfthgFutynaym'nonlhep|an... b.djns b dftnoil 14 ryE lirhor is snmred ar ibo 53 rois (,ra.\\h - r.0r3,3r+r3 r0rkg) rn,r $t c!br(,s r L2roN whei dr lrid downrd(hdldiisrrn) of lhccahl rs 5 x 5+ r h r 0 r k s ) (Fif.6rr).Ere$piidourcibrerrai ri.hdr1tsi &6- !r) Fis .6- r? $ss rh od is noE rh,nte0n (.bonr7 stnckler orlabtcrobcpiidoul rhc.rhl.(c FiF3-3) g i$: s (m) Deplh orwale, 15:93)lrr rre*encdonrrrc.abhu - ' h t ^ r ' d i d l F ro $ire

Ngày đăng: 08/05/2016, 16:31