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On tap Anh 7 theo chu de

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Revision English 7 (U1- U3)1 I/ Put the verbs in the correct tenses: 1. What he (do) in the evening? - He usually (play) card or (watch) TV. 2. When I (be) small, I always (want) to be a pilot. 3. I always (offer) to help my older neighbour carry her groceries in to her house every time I see her return from the store. She (be) always very grateful. Yesterday she (offer) to pay me for the helping her, but of course I (not accept) the offer. 4. Stop! You (not see) the notice? - I (see) it but I can’t read it. What it (say) ? 5. You (hear) the thunder last night? - No. I (not hear) anything all night. I (be) asleep. II/ Choose the best answer. 1. I ………. to a party tonight. Would you like to come to? A. am going B. will go C. go 2. I’ ll phone you …………… A. some times B. sometime C. some of times 3. Hoa is very …………… about her study at the new school. A. worry B. worried C. worrying 4. How old will you be ……… your next birthday? A. at B. in C. on 5. Thursday is ……… day of the week. A. the five B. a fifth C. the fifth. 6. - ……… does the plane fly? - It flies at 600 miles an hour. A. How far B. How fast C. How long. 7. All the furniture in the house ………… old – fashion. A. is B. are C. be 8. Don’t let your brother …………. the present. A. to see B. seeing C. see. 9. …… a beautiful garden! A. How B. Which C. What 10. My brother always go to bed early but he ……… gets up early. A. not B. ever C. never. III/ Put in the correct preposition. 1. I often go to school ………. bus. 2. Their grandparents live ………. 34 Hang Ngang Street. 3. Bob and I come ………. the same town but my accent is different …… his. 4. …… present Bob is staying ……… his brother’s family ……… the city center, very far ……… his parents. 5. Thanh is a newcomer ………. class 7B. She sits …… ……… my cousin. 6. Is the conference …… a weekday? - No. it isn’t. It’s ……. Saturday morning. - Oh, no. I can’t go …… the weekend. IV/ Put in one suitable word in each blank. Dear Ann, (1) …… are you? I’m fine. I’m in London, (2) …… the International School of English. I’m in (3) …… 7b with eight other students. (4) ……… are all from different countries – Spain, France, Japan, Agentina, Switzerland and Thailand.Our teacher’s (5) ……. is John Smith. he’s very nice. He’s funny and he’s a good (6) … . My new address (7) ……. at the top of the letter.I (8) …… with an English family, the Browns. Mr and Mrs Brown have three (9) ……. . Thomas is fourteen, Catherine is twelve and Andrew is seven. They’re friendly, but it isn’t very easy to understand them. Write to me soon. Love Jane V/ Use the correct word form. 1. She feels ……… because she doesn’t have any ………. .(happy/ friend) 2. Today is a ………. day. It is clear and ………… . (beauty / sun) 3. Do you know the name of the new …… in our class. (study) 4. That is the ……… one we’ve got. (cheap) 5. What an ……… building! (amaze) 6. Thank you very much for a ……… evening. (delight) 7. His elder brother works in a factory. He is a ……… (work) 8. Words in a dictionaryare in ………… order. (alphabet) VI/ Rewrite the sentences 1. Learning English well is not very difficult. - It is ………………………………………………… 2. The party is wonderful. - What ………………………………. 3. They don’t understand more than we do. - We …………………………………… 4. This city has ten tall modern building. - There ………………………………… 5. He usually walks to work - He …………………………………… VII/ Read about life in Britain Complete the text with the words in the box start open a big meal in the evening go to work a snack in the morning go home close finish - Homes Most British people live in houses not flat. Most houses have gardens. - Daily life Most office workers (1) ______________ at about nine o’clock in the morning and finish at about five or six (2) _______________ . People don’t go home for lunch. They usually eat big meal in the evening – they just have (3) _________ at lunchtime. - School life Children start school at about nine o’clock and (4) _____________ at about half past three. Most children have lunch at school. Children (5) ____________ school when they are four or five years old and leave when they are sixteen or eighteen. - Sports and restaurants Shops (6) __________________ at about nine o’clock in the morning and (7) _____________ at about six in the evening. Normally, they don’t close for lunch. Most shops open on Sunday, too. Many supermarkets stay open twenty – four hours, but most pubs and restaurants close at about eleven o’clock in the evening. Revision English 7 (U1- U3)2 I/ Use the correct verb form 1. Jackies and SuSu are babies. They (cry) ____________________ . I can (hear) them right now. Maybe they (be) ___________ hungry. 2. Could someone get me a glass of water? - Certainly. I(get) __________ you one. Would you like some ice in it? 3. Every day my neighbor (call) ____________ me on the phone and (complain) _______________ about the weather. 4. You (want) _______________ to go (shop) _____________ with me? I (go) _____________ to the shopping mall downtown. 5. Why did you buy this paint? - I (paint) ______________ my bedroom tomorrow. II/ Choose the correct answer. 1. Every time Bob rents a video, he chooses a comedy; it means Bob _________ chooses a comedy to rent. A. always ` B. usually C. sometimes D. never. 2. How _________ to work as a rule? A. are getting B. do you get C. did you get D. will you get 3. I ________ a glass of milk before class this morning. A. have B. am having C. had D. was having 4. “ _________ do you go swimming?” “ – Twice a weeek” A. What time B. How C. How long D. How often 5. I often __________ my bicycle to school. A. drive B. ride C. go D. sail 6. Yesterday I __________ at the bus stop just in time to catch the first bus. A. came B. went C. arrived D. reached III/ Complete the sentences: Form the nouns from the verbs. 1. He acts very well. He’s a fine _________ . 2. Don’t beg. You are not a ________ . 3. I can’t play a piano. I/m not a ___________ . 4. She drives very well. She is a good _______ . 5. Mary asssists me. She is my __________ . 6. She always tells lies. She is such a _________ . 7. Ann likes studying history. She want to be a ________ . 8. My mother cook very well. She is a good _________ . 9. His father works on the farm. He is a hard- working ___________ . 10. That man is a famous __________ . He writes a lot of interesting novels. IV/ Use the correct verb form This (1-be) _______ my friend Sarinder. He (2- be) _____ at college with me. He (3- come) ______ from Delhi in India, but now he (4-live) ______ in Brighton with his parents and brother. His parents (5 - be) ______ both doctors at our local hospital. After Sarinder (6- finish) ________college, his parents (7 - want) _______to go back to India because Sarinder’s grandfather (8 - own) _______a small children’s hospital near Delhi, and they (9 - want) _______ to work there. Every year they (10 - go) _______back to India and (11- stay) __________with Sarinder’s grandparents. Sarinder (12 -love) _________Brighton because he (13 - have) _________got lots of friends here, but he (14 - live) _________in a very small house here and sometimes he (15 - miss) ________ his grandparents’ big house in Delhi. They (16 - have) _____________got a fantastic garden with monkeys in it!. Revision English 7 (U4- U6)1 I/ Use the correct verb form: 1. It’s 7.30 now. We (study) _____________ science in classroom. At 8.00 we (have) _________a music class. 2. One of the world’s largest libraries (be) _________ the United States’ Library of Congress. It (receive) ___________ copies of all American books and (have) ________ over 1,000 million books. 3. Tomorrow (be) _________ Sunday, so I (not go) __________to school. 4. I (come) ________ to visit my grandma this weekrend. She (be) ___________ ill. 5. Do stop talking. I am trying (finish) _________ a letter. 6. We learn how (use) _______ a computer in our computer science class. 7. It (be) _________ too hot in the room. – OK, I (open) ___________ the window. 8. Children shouldn’t (stay) _________ up late. 9. Where (be) ________ your sisters? - They (study) ________________ in the library. 10. Nam’s father likes (read) ________ newspapers, but now he(watch) _______________ the news on TV. II/ Rewrite the sentences changing the words in bold into plural. 1. The child asked for an apple. …………………………………………………. 2. the lady painted the shelf …………………………………………………. 3. the baby played with a doll. ………………………………………………… 4. The leaf fell from the branch. …………………………………………………… 5. Our cat caucht the mouse. …………………………………………………… 6. The tall gentleman talked to the woman. …………………………………………………… 7. Our boy fed the goose. …………………………………………………… 8. Our teacher told us a story. …………………………………………………… 9. The gamewarden killed the wolf. …………………………………………………… 10. The man had a donkey and a horse. …………………………………………………… 11. The baby slept in that room. …………………………………………………… 12. The policeman caught the thief. …………………………………………………… 13. The child broke the glass accidentally. ……………………………………………………. 14. The farmer chased his buffalo. ……………………………………………………. 15. I didn’t see him yesterday. …………………………………………………… 16. My teacher gave me the box. ……………………………………………………. 17. The man repaired the roof last week. ……………………………………………………. 18. My brother found the ring. ……………………………………………………. 19. The dog barked at her. ……………………………………………………. 20. The girl went up the bus. ……………………………………………………. III/ Rewrite the sentences making them plural. 1. The robber broke open the safe. 2. He came from a city. 3. Where did you buy it? 4. The passer- by didn’t notice the beggar. 5. The hunter spoke to the chief of the village. 6. I bought an apple, an orange and a mango. 7. This old man used to live in the valley. 8. She lost her pair of scissors yesterday. 9. That lizard lost its tail. 10. Don’t cut that bush with this knife. 11. He caught a big fish. 12. You can always see a fly among the rubbish. IV/ Put each of the following words in the correct space. *)A Staff primary school pupils learn start terms play – school compulsory mixed Bobby’s parents decided to send him to (1) ______________ when he was three. They wanted him to (2) __________ to play with other children. In Britain children must, by law, (3) __________ school at the age of five. Education is (4) ___________ from then. Bobby’s fisrt real shool was the (5) __________ . There are three (6) __________ a year and holiday at Christmas, Easter and in summer. The (7) ____________ are boy and girls together, so it’s a (8) _________ school. The teachers on the (9) __________ are young and friendly. Bobby likes the school. *) B Secondary school take specialise state school pass private school fail subjects marks Sally has just started her new school at the age of 11. There are different kinds of school from this age, but the general term of them is (1) ______________. Sally school is a government school, usually called a (2) ________________ . Some parents pay to send their chilren to a (3) _________ . At first Sally will take a lot of different (4) ___________ ( history, English, maths…) but, after a few years, she’ll begin to (5) ___________ in things she is good at and interested in. Then she’ll (6) ______________some exams. If she can (7) ___________ a numbers of exams with good (8) ____________ (A,B, C), it will get her to get a good job. Of course she hopes she doesn’t (9)_____ . V/ Put in the corect preposition: from in with between of at to on 1, Bobby started school ___________ the age of five. 2. They have a holiday _______ Christmas. 3.There’s a holiday ________ the summer, too 4. The teachers _______ the staff are very young. 5. Sally goes ________ a secondary school. 6. She’ll probably pass _________ good marks. 7. Harry’s _______ university. 8. He gets a grant ________ the state. 9. Mathematics will be very useful ________ him ___________ the future. 10. Betty’s a teacher _______ English. 11.She’s a granduate ________ Sussex University. 12. She has a degree _________ English literature. 13. Her pupils are ________ 12 and 18. 14. She’s very strict _______ them. TEST 1 I. Find out one word,which is differently pronounced from the others. 1. A. many B. bad C. thanks D. man 2. A.meet B. met C. meter D. nest 3. A. soon B. food C. noon D. school 4. A. good B. book C. moon D. look 5. A. lives B. parents C. things D. girls II. Find out the word, whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest. 1. A. writer B. baker C. builder D. career 2. A. distance B. unhappy C. different D. family 3. A. kilometer B. market C. theater D. office 4. A. classmate B. stadium C. police D. pretty 5. A. library B. holiday C. police D. newcomer III/ Choose the best answer: 1. How long does your journey to work ………….? (cost, need, take, require) 2. In hot weather, people often feel ………………. ( hungry, annoyed, worried, thirsty) 3. She likes ………………. In the forest when it’s cold. (walks, to walk , walking, walk) 4. £3.50 can be read ……… (Three pounds and a half, Three pounds fifty, Three and fifty pounds, half past three pounds) 5. What is your …………. season? ( best, lovely, good, favorite) 6. It’s good to do something in your …………. time. ( fun, rest, play, spare) 7. Mai is going to study ………… next year. ( English, English language, the English, English subject) 8. Who is the girl ………… to Mrs Lien? ( to talk, talking, talks, that talk) 9. My brother and I are not all ……………… (alike, like each other, alike eache other) 10. Thanh wakes up ……… ( early morning, early in the morning, early in morning, in the morning early) 11. Mai is the ……… of the two girls. ( pretty, prettiest, more pretty, prettier) 12. “ What ……… about last night’s film on TV?” ( do you think, are you thinking, will you think, opinion do you have) 13. Nam now rides his bike to school instead of …………. by bus. (to ride, traveling, riding, travel) 14. I don’t like that ………film. (boring, bored, very bored,boringly) 15. After a meal in a restaurant, you ask the waiter for the …………. (note, recipe, receipt, bill) 16. My father is a nice, ………….person. ( usual, common, ordinary, average) 17. …………. of people like playing sports. ( a lot, many, lots of, plenty of) 18. This test is …………difficult than that one. (too, very, most, more) 19. English is spoken ……… the world. (round, about, all over, on) 20. “How about ……… me a hand?” – Sure, I’d be glad to help. (your giving, to give, giving, give) V/ Choose the correct word or phrase for each space from the box below: will, presents, expecting, party, them , age, in, and, wearing, lot, time, to, game, eat, bring It is January 10 th . Today Mary is eighteen years of (1) ……… . She is (2) …………. a pretty new dress. It is blue (3) ……….white. Mary is having a (4) ……….today and she is (5) ……… al her friends to come. They are going to arrive (6) ……….a short time. They are going to (7) ………. many beautiful (8) ………. with (9) ………. Mary’s mother has prepared a (10) …………………… of nice things to (11) ……….and drink. The young ppeople are going to play (12) ……… , sing and dance and listen (13) ………music. They (14) …….have a wonderful (15) ……… together. IV/ Read the passage then choose the best answer. When springtime comes, everything bigins to wake up. Many animals in the woods have been asleep all winter. Birds have been aways. Under the snow, the ground has been hard and still. Then, all at once, it is spring! The day begins to grow long. From the south the birds fly back, ready to build their nests. Animals wake up and start to look for food. Trees grow new leaves. Plants begin to flower. Baby birds and animals are born. Farmers are busy from morning till night. In many counrties, people greet the spring with songs and dancing. Springtime is a happy time all over the world. 1. The story as a whole is about ……………. A. living in winter B. birds flying south C. flowers D. springtime 2. Spring is the time when………………… A. birds fly to the south B. it starts to snow C. baby birds and animals are born D. farmers have more free time 3. farmers ……………. In the spring. A. have little to do. B. begin to look for food C. sing and dance to greet spring D. begin to get very busy 4. Many animals go to sleep in winter because ……………. A. It is difficult for them to find food. B. they have been awake during the other seasons. C. it is too cold for them to look for foood. D. they don’t need to eat. 5. Birds fly south in winter because ……………. A. There are more trees for them there. B. it is warmer in the south than it is in the north. C. they want a warmer place to lay eggs. D. the days there are longer. VII/ Choose the word or phrase that is incorrect then correct it. 1. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. 2. Please don’t make so much noise. I study. 3. I am thinking it would be a good idea to leave early. 4. My usual seat is in the back of the school. 5. The magazines on this rack is in English. VIII/ Rewrite the sentences while their meanings stay the same. 1. It was an interesting flim. => what………………. 2. Sally is the cleverest student in the class. => Nobody…………………………… 3. We can’t afford to buy the car. => The car ……………………. 4. Those picture are beautiful. => How ………………… 5. How tall is Peter’s father? => What …………………. 6. What’s the weight of your suitcase ? => How ………………. 7. I can’t see that far. => It is too ………………… 8. Apple are ususally cheaper than oranges. => Apples are not……………… 9. John is not old enough to join the club. => John is too …………………… 10. A donkey is less beautiful than a horse. => A donkey is not ………………………… TEST 2 I/ Find out one word,which is differently pronounced from the others. 1. A. but B. cut C. sun D. put 2. A. skill B. since C. fine D. dinner 3. A. planet B. take C. plan D. man 4. A. thing B. thought C. than D. three 5. A. season B. sometimes C. sea D. stop II/ Find out the word, whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest. 1. A. excuse B. personal C. telephone D. number 2. A. movie B. tomorrow C. theater D. moment 3. A. answer B. ordinal C. eleven D. party 4. A. finish B. birthday C. nervous D. complete 5. A. twenty B. simple C. invite D. future III/ Choose the best answer: 1. Put your pen in your bag or you’ll _______ it. A. loose B. lose C. lost D. miss 2. Farmers can protect their land by growing difference _____________ . A. trees B. plants C. season D. crops 3. Mr Pike invited some ___________ to his house for dinner. A. hostess B. hosts D. guests D. cookers 4. Hurry! The train __________ . I don’t want to miss it. A. comes B. came C. is coming D. come 5. What time _________ the next train leave? A. does B. shall C. will D. would 6. Monica ___________ with her sister until she finds a flat. A. stays B. is staying C. will stay D. is going to stay 7. There’s a strang smell in here. Mother _________ something. A. cooks B. is cooking C. will cook D. cooked 8. It’s difficult ____________ his fast English. A. for understanding B. for me understanding C. to understand D. understanding 9. A dictionary is a kind of __________ . A. directory B. guide book C. word book D. reference book 10. Tom is _________ . A. son of my sister B. my son’s sister C. the son of my sister’s D. my sister’s son IV/ Use the correct verb tenses. 1. We (finish) our dinner half an hour ago. 2. The farmers (work in the field now. 3. Mrs Green always (go) to work by bus. 4. My parents (live) in the country three years ago. Now they (live) in Bac Giang city. 5. She paid for her ticket and (leave) 6. She (sit) under the tree when it (begin) to rain. 7. Rivers usually (flow) into the sea. 8. Do you know that man who (smoke) there? V/ Use the correct word form. 1. The driver often causes accidents. He drives ……………… . (care) 2. They had …………… seafood luch in a restaurant. (love) 3. Mr Hung went ……………. last Sunday. (shop) 4. The tone of his letter is ………. . (friend) 5. These abbreviation are ……………… used in writing letters. (common) VI/ Use the correct form of these adjectives: Pam, who lives in the city, is on the phone to her friend Debbie, who has recently moved to the countryside. (P = Pam; D = Debbie) P: - So how are you enjoying living in the new place? D: - Oh! It’s very nice. The house is much (1- spacious) than the flat we had in London and one of the (2 – good) thing is being able to walk out of the back door into pur own garden. P: - Mm, that must be lovely. So all it all, It’s much (3 – good) than London, is it? D: - Well, I’m not sure I would say that. It’s certainly (4 – polluted) here and I suppose it’s (5 – stressful) and that must be good for me. But it’s so much (6 – quiet) here and that takes some time to get used to. I suppose I miss the cultural diversity of London. Going out shopping in London was so much (7 – interesting) than it is here. The people here are so much (8 – varied) tha they are in London. P: I suppose that is true. But it’s so much (9 – busy) on the street here in London. It must be nice to walk around somewhere that’s much (10 – crowded). D: - Well, sometimes it is. Anyway, at least coming up to London next weekend. I’m (11 – excited) about that than I am about anything happening round here. P: - Oh dear, you seem to be thinking that you haven’t made the (12 – good) decision. D: - Well, perharps I’ll feel (13 – settled) here after a few months. Who knows? P: - Yes, probably. I personally think you are really lucky to be where you are. When I came to visit you, I thought it was one of the (14 – beautiful) place I’d ever seen. 1 …………………… 2………………………. 3………………………. 4………………………. 5 ……………………… 6 ……………………… 7 ………………………. 8 ………………………. 9 ………………………. 10 …………………… . 11. …………………… 12 …………………… 13 …………………… 14 …………………… VII. Read the following passage, then make questions with the suggested words and answer them. Football seems to be the most popular game in England. Young and old are all fond of watching it. Important matches often take place at weekends. As soon as the game begins people start shouting and cheering for one side or the other. Some even begin throwing things and fighting. They only stop doing those things when the game finishes. 1. What / popular game / England? 2. What / people / fond of? 3. When / matches / take place? 4. What / people / start / do? 5. When / sop / do / things? Revision Unit 10 – 12 I/ Phonetics 1. A. review B. few C. renew D. sew 2. A. said B. plain C. plane D. maize 3. A. brush B. custom C. cushion D. rough 4. A. prove B. remove C. improve D. stove 5. A. souvenir B. south C. thousand D. around 6. A. hotel B. telegram C. railway D. million 7. A. ocean B. dolphin C. material D. yesterday 8. A. altogether B. decorate C. delicious D. grandmother 9. A. aquarium B. holiday C. Vietnamese D. different 10. A. beautiful B. decorator C. beside D. restaurant II/ Choose the best answer 1. The vacation was wonderful. We had ___________ . A. great time B. the great time C. the greatest time D. a great time 2. After our visit _________ the Aquarium, we went to see Cham Temple. A. to B. at C. on D. in 3. She didn’t buy this dress. She _________ it herself. A. made B. did C. sewed D. produced 4. She learnt ___________ a sewing machine. A. to use B. about using C. using D. how to use 5. My brother wants a good pair of shoes because he often goes ___________ . A. running B. jogging C. swimming D. climbing 6. I bought this dress at the _________ . A. clothes’ store B. store of clothes C. clothes store D. clothing store 7. Hoa’s parents are very busy at ___________ . A. harvest time B. harvesting time C. time of harvest D. harvest’s time 8. I always do morning exercises _________ 20 minutes. A. during B. in C. within D. for 9. Nga lives with her grandparents but she does her _________ cooking and washing. A. own B. private C. personal D. proper 10. He ________ me how the machine worked. A. explained B. demonstrated C. showed D. pointed III/ Complete the letter with suitable words from the box hope dangerous well injury accident careful feeling worried hurt sorry hands lucky Dear Lan, I was so (1) ……………… to hear about you (2) ……………. . Your husband told me what happened and I was very (3) ……………… . Burn on the (4) ……………. Can be very (5) ………………. However, the doctor said that you (6) …………… was not dangerous, so you are very (7) ……………. . You should be more (8) ……………… when you are cooking with oil. I’m going to vist you this weekend to see how you are. I (9) that you are already (10) …………. better and that your hands do not (11) ………… too much. Get (12) ………. soon. All my love Phuong IV/ Find out one mistake in each following sentence. 1. Nga’s the girl standing beside of the letter box A B C D 2. How many times in a day do you brush your teeth? A B C D [...]... (do) now? 5 your glasses (be) on the desk last night 6 One of my friends (be) an actress 7 The English (like) to drink tea 8 Growing flowers (be) her hobby 9 Economics (be) John’s major field of study at the moment 10 There (be) a number of telephone calls today 11 One of my brothers (plan) to learn karate this summer 12 Here (be) the questions for next week’s examination 13 Either he or his sister... Isaac Newton, one of the (1) scientists, was born (2) December 25 th, 1642 in a small village (3) Wool Thorpe in England His father was a poor (4) When the boy was fourteen, his father died Newton (5) school and helped his mother on the farm (6) he was fun (7) physics and mathematics, Newton was sent to school (8) he left high school, Newton studied at Cambridge University In 16 67 he became... professor on mathematics at the university His greatest discovery is the (10) of gravitation He died in 172 7 1 A great B greatest C most great D greater 2 A in B on C at D a and b 3 A in B at C on D of 4 A farmer B apprentice C bookbinder D blacksmith 5 A went B sent C left D run 6 A So B So that C Because D Because of 7 A in B of C at D about 8 A For B While C Before D After 9 A an B one C a D the... 14 Everyone in my family (want) to be at my sister’s sixteenth birthday party 15 Anything (be) likely to happen at the end of this movie 16 This ppile of books (be) not mine 17 Neither Tom or David (want) to fail in French 18 Under the sofa (be) my cat and dog 19 There (be) someone in the telephone box 20 Everyone in our class (believe) in Santa Claus 21 Finally, the list of questions (be) made yesterday... yesterday 22 Can you tell me which month (come) before February? 23 The carton filled with tiles (be) too heavy for me to lift 24 On the table (be) three bottles of wine 25 Nobody (agree) with his explanation of the situation 26 Everyone (know) that “women” (be) an irregular noun 27 Each of us (have) a chocolate cake 28 There (be) not anything in the fridge 29 The collection of rare stamps (be) lost 30... going to another movie tonight 7 A number of reporters (was / were) at the conference yesterday 8 There (was / were) some people at the meeting last night 9 Each student (have / has) answered the first three questions 10 Either John or his wife (make / makes) breakfast each morning 11 The army (have / has) eliminated this section of the training test 12 The number of the students, who have withdrawn... things far away 2 She had no appetite b Her head hurt 3 She was a bit deaf c She didn’t want to eat anything 4 She was short – sighted d She bought something to help her hear better 5 She went on a diet e She rested 6 She had a headache f She couldn’t hear very clearly 7 She cut down on cigarettes g She decided to eat and drink only certain things 8 She took it easy h She smorked less VI/ Put a suitable... has) to take this examination 14 The police (come / comes) to the site of the accidents 15 These pictures, as long as photograph (brighten / brightens) the room 16 What he told you (seem / seems) to be of no important 17 Two years (is / are) long time to wait 18 Bread and butter (is / are) what she asks for 19 Measles (is / are) cured without much difficulty nowadays 20 After a long day’s work (is / are)... calling for food 10 Stables as well as a garden _ attached to the house III/ Insert : is, am, are, was, were, has, have, do or does 1 That cloud shows that either snow or rain about to fall 2 Neither the cock nor hens _ in the ward 3 By what time either you or your father decided to go? 4 Either one or two apples been picked up ripe 5 Neither the moon nor stars _ visible in this dark night... heart, lungs, stomach or even brain I can’t always (d) _ them myself and sometimes I have to send them to hospital for treatment If something is seriously wrong with them, the hospital will decide to (e) on them The trouble is people don’t (f) _ themselves properly It really isn’t so difficult to (g) _ well If your head begins to (h) , have a rest If you always feel tired, get more exercise . of London. Going out shopping in London was so much (7 – interesting) than it is here. The people here are so much (8 – varied) tha they are in London in Delhi. They (16 - have) _____________got a fantastic garden with monkeys in it!. Revision English 7 (U4- U6)1 I/ Use the correct verb form: 1. It’s 7. 30

Ngày đăng: 14/10/2013, 16:11

