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De Thi LT Pascal Hoc Phan 2

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Số trang 23
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Trang 1

BT 6.3 Cho số tự nhiên n(n<256).Xây dựng tập tất cả các số chính phương <= n.

for i:=0 to n do if frac(sqrt(i))=0 then A:=A+[i]; writeln('Tap cac so chinh phuong <= ',n,' la:');

Trang 2

writeln('De dung nhap chon so 0 o cuoi day!'); writeln('Nhap mon an cho nguoi thu nhat:');

Trang 3

NhapDS(A,'A'); NhapDS(B,'B'); NhapDS(C,'C'); P:=A*B*C; Q:=A-(B+C); R:=B-(A+C); S:=C-(B+A); writeln('Danh sach ban cua nguoi A la:'); InDS(A); writeln('Danh sach ban cua nguoi B la:'); InDS(B); writeln('Danh sach ban cua nguoi C la:'); InDS(C); writeln('Ban chung cua 3 nguoi la:'); InDS(P); writeln('Ban rieng cua nguoi A la:'); InDs(Q); writeln('Ban rieng cua nguoi B la:'); InDs(R); writeln('Ban rieng cua nguoi C la:'); InDs(S);

Tap:=[]; ChuCai:=['A' 'Z','a' 'z']; ChuSo:=['0' '9']; writeln('Nhap cac ki tu tuy y(Nhap Enter-ket thuc!)');

if chr(i) in Tap-(ChuSo+ChuCai) then write(chr(i):2); writeln('Da hoan thanh xong.An phim enter de tro ve!'); readln;


Trang 4

BT 6.9 Ban ve may bay so ghe toi da la 255

writeln('Danh sach cac ghe con trong!');

for gh:=1 to 250 do if gh in V then write(gh:4);

write('Nhap so sv trong lop:'); readln(n); until (n>0) and (n<=max);

writeln('Nhap ho so cho SV trong lop!'); 

write('Ho va Ten:'); readln(hoten); write('Diem Toan:'); readln(dtoan); write('Diem Tin:'); readln(dtin);

write('Diem Ngoai Ngu:'); readln(dngng);

Trang 5

write('Cho so SV trong lop :'); readln(n); until (n>0) and (n<=max);

write('Ho va ten:'); readln(hoten); write('Ngay sinh:'); readln(ng); write('Thang sinh:'); readln(th); write('Nam sinh:'); readln(nam);

or ((sv[j-1].NS.nam = sv[j].NS.nam) and ( sv[j-1].NS.th > sv[j].NS.th))

or ((sv[j-1].NS.nam = sv[j].NS.nam) and ( sv[j-1].NS.th = sv[j].NS.th) and (sv[j-1].NS.ng > sv[j].NS.ng))

Trang 6

write('Cho so nhan vien trong xi nghiep:'); readln(n); until (n>0) and (n<=max);

writeln('Nhap ho so cho nhan vien trong xi nghiep!');

write('Ho va ten:'); readln(hoten); write('Luong co ban:'); readln(lcb); write('So ngay cong:'); readln(nc); write('Phu cap:'); readln(pc); write('He so truot gia:');readln(tg);

Trang 7

write('Co bao nhieu ho dung dien:'); readln(n); until (n>0) and (n<=max);

writeln('Nhap Ho So QLD cho cac ho!'); {Tinh tien dien}

write('Ho ten chu ho:'); readln(hoten); write('Chi so cu:'); readln(cscu); write('Chi so moi:'); readln(csmoi);

Trang 8

write('Cho so SV trong khoa:'); readln(n); until (n>0) and (n<=max);

write('Nhap ho va ten dem:'); readln(ho); write('Nhap ten:'); readln(ten);

write('Nhap tuoi:'); readln(tuoi);

Trang 10

writeln('CTrinh kiem tra su ton tai tep tin ten dia'); write('Cho biet ten tep tin:'); readln(fn);

writeln('Co tep ',fn,' Kich thuoc: ',filesize(f),' bytes') else writeln('Tep ',fn,' khong ton tai.');

writeln('Bam phim Enter de ket thuc!');

write('Cho ten tep tin:'); readln(fn); write('Cho eps='); readln(eps);

writeln(#10#13'Cac gia tri da duoc ghi vao tep ',fn); writeln('Bam Enter de ket thuc.');

Trang 11

writeln('Sao chep tep so nguyen f'); write('Nhap ten tep tin f:'); readln(fn); write('Cho ten tep tin g:'); readln(gn); if not YNfile(fn) then

writeln('Da sao chep xong !'); writeln('An phim Enter de tro ve.');

writeln('Cho tep so nguyen f va tao tep g cac so chinh phuong cua f.'); write('Nhap ten tep f:'); readln(fn);

write('Cho ten tep tin g:');readln(gn); if not YNfile(fn) then

Trang 12

writeln('Cho tep so nguyen f.Tao tep g,h cac so chan,le cua f.'); write('Nhap ten tep f:'); readln(fn);

write('Cho ten tep tin g:');readln(gn); write('Cho ten tep tin h:');readln(hn); if not YNfile(fn) then

Trang 13


read(h,x); write(x:4); end;

close(f); close(g); close(h);

writeln(#10#13,'Hoan thanh tot dep.An phim Enter !');

write('Cho 2 so tu nhien m,n:'); readln(m,n);

until (m>0) and (m<=max) and (n>0) and (n<=max); write('Nhap ten tep van ban luu tru:'); readln(fn);

writeln('Ma Tran duoc ghi trong tep: ', fn); writeln('Bam ESC ket thuc,phim khac tiep tuc !');

Trang 14

write('Ptu thu ',i,' :'); readln(p); write(f,p);

end; close(f); end;

Procedure Sapxep; {tt chen truc tiep SX giam dan} var i,j:byte; p,q:integer;

writeln('Chuong trinh copy mot file bat ky !'); write('Nhap ten file nguon:'); readln(fn);

Trang 15

procedure NhapHS(var f: FHosoTS);

var ts: HosoTS; ht: String[25]; i: Word; begin

Assign(f, fn); {$I-} Reset(f); {$I+};

if IOResult <> 0 then Rewrite(f); {Neu tep chua co thi tao moi} ClrScr;

Writeln('Nhap ho so thi sinh, go ho ten trong de ket thuc !'); i := FileSize(f) + 1;


Writeln('Nhap ho so cho thi sinh thu ', i); Write('Ho ten: '); Readln(ht);

if ht <> '' then begin

ts.hoten := ht;

Write('So bao danh: '); Readln(ts.sbd); Write('Diem mon 1, mon 2, mon 3: '); Readln(ts.mon1, ts.mon2, ts.mon3); Seek(f, i-1); Write(f, ts);

Trang 16

procedure InDSPT(var f: FHosoTS);

var ts, ts1, ts2: HosoTS;

i, j, n: Word; pthi, stt: Byte; begin

{Sap xep theo ho ten thi sinh}

Assign(f, fn); Reset(f); {fn='HOSOTS.DAT'} n:= FileSize(f);

for i:= 0 to n - 2 do for j:= i+1 to n - 1 do begin

Seek(f, i); Read(f,ts1); Seek(f, j); Read(f,ts2); if ts1.hoten > ts2.hoten then

Seek(f, 0); {Dua con tro ve dau tep} pthi:= 1; {So phong thi tu 1} while not Eof(f) do


Writeln('DANH SACH THI SINH THI TSDH NAM '); Writeln(' Phong thi so: ', pthi);

Assign(f, fn); Reset(f); {fn = 'HOSOTS.DAT'} while not Eof(f) do

begin Read(f, ts);

ts.tong:= ts.mon1 + ts.mon2 + ts.mon3;

if ts.tong >= 22 then ts.kq:= 'DO' else ts.kq:= 'TRUOT'; Seek(f, FilePos(f)-1); {Dua con tro tep ve vi tri cu}

Trang 17

procedure InKQ(var f: FHosoTS);

var ts, ts1, ts2: HosoTS;

i, j, n: Word; soto, stt: Byte; begin

Assign(f, fn); Reset(f); {fn = 'HOSOTS.DAT'} {Sap xep giam theo tong diem}

n:= FileSize(f); for i:= 0 to n - 2 do for j:= i+1 to n - 1 do begin

Seek(f, i); Read(f,ts1); Seek(f, j); Read(f,ts2); if ts1.tong < ts2.tong then


Seek(f, j); Write(f,ts1); Seek(f, i); Write(f,ts2); end;


{In danh sach ket qua thi}

ClrScr; Seek(f, 0); {Dua con tro ve dau tep} soto:= 1; {So to tu 1}

while not Eof(f) do begin

Writeln('KET QUA THI TUYEN SINH DAI HOC '); Writeln(' To so: ', soto);

Write('Nhap so bao danh x: ');readln(x); while not Eof(f) do

Trang 18

If d=0 then Writeln('Khong tim thay, vui long nhap lai!'); Write(#10#13,'An phim ENTER tiep tuc ');

Readln; Close(f); end;

procedure Thongke(var f: FHosoTS);

var ts: HosoTS; x:Byte;

Writeln(' 1 Nhap ho so thi sinh'); Writeln(' 2 In danh sach phong thi'); Writeln(' 3 Tinh toan va xet ket qua'); Writeln(' 4 Xem ket qua thi theo SBD'); Writeln(' 5 In bang ket qua thi');

Writeln(' 6 Thong ke ket qua thi'); Writeln(' 7 Thoat');


Write (' Ban chon viec nao 1/2/ /7 ? '); CASE ReadKey OF

'1': NhapHS(f); '2': InDSPT(f); '3': Tinhtoan(f); '4': XemKQ(f); '5': InKQ(f); '6': Thongke(f);

Trang 19

writeln(' CHUONG TRINH NHAP HO SO THI SINH'); write('Cho so thi sinh du thi n = '); Readln(n);

write('Ho va ten:'); readln(hoten); write('So bao danh:'); readln(SBD);

write('Diem mon1, mon2, mon3:'); readln(mon1,mon2,mon3);

Trang 20

{In danh sach phong thi} clrscr;

pthi:=1; i:=1; stt:=1;

While (i<=n) and (stt<=n) do begin

writeln(' DANH SACH PHONG THI'); writeln(' pthi so:',pthi);

if d=0 then writeln('Khong tim thay, vui long nhap lai!'); writeln('An phim Enter tiep tuc !');

Trang 21

if ts[i].tong>=22 then inc(d);

if d<>0 then writeln('Co ', d ,' thi sinh trong DS do DH!')

Trang 22

writeln('1.Nhap ho so thi sinh'); writeln('2.In danh sanh phong thi'); writeln('3.Tinh toan va xet ket qua'); writeln('4.Xem ket qua thi sinh theo SBD'); writeln('5.In bang ket qua thi');

writeln('6.Thong ke ket qua thi'); writeln('7.Thoat');


write('Ban chon viec nao 1/2/ /7 ?'); CASE ReadKey OF

'1':NhapHS; '3':Tinhtoan; '5':InKQ; '2':InDSPT; '4':XemKQ; '6':Thongke;

Trang 23

writeln('Xoa cac so trong danh sach nho hon k'); write('Cho so nguyen k= '); readln(k);

Writeln('Cac so nguyen ban dau la:'); InDS; XoaPT; writeln('Cac so con lai sau khi xoa la:'); InDS; write('An Enter de tro ve!');

Readln; END.

Ngày đăng: 14/10/2013, 11:11

