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Cuốn tài liệu file Word: 2000 câu trắc nghiệm tiếng anh mục tiêu 8+ thi thpt quốc gia (Có đáp án) do Tủ sách luyện thi tổng hợp và biên soạn nhằm mang đến cho các em học sinh lớp 12 và các thầy cô giáo bộ tài liệu hay và bổ ích.

1 2000 CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH MỤC TIÊU 8+ THI THPT QUỐC GIA (CÓ ĐÁP ÁN) PHẦN 1000 CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM MỤC TIÊU 8+ The number of illiterate children has been A down B reduced C declined D downward Motorbike is the most popular means of in Vietnam A transporting B transport C transporter D transported In the parts of Africa, children have few chances to go to school A remotest B remotely C remoteness D remoter The antonym of relevant is A unrelevantB irrelevant C disrelevant D inrelevant After a long , the mute finally managed to utter a word A conversation B talk C resistance D struggle Maybe I should give up I cannot read this passage Don’t worry too much, things will improve A hardly B gradually C sure D never The new law has become for a week A effective B bored C honorable D pleasant It is important to illiteracy out of this world A delete B cancel C eradicate D damage Students from the northern are asked to help their illiterate relatives with writing and reading skills A houses B highlands C planet D global 10 Only a of British households not have a car A many B populationC minority D little 11 She insisted him wearing the red cravat A in B on C of D about 12 The teacher tried to explain the new formula his students A with B for C to D among 13 The English contest the Student Union is an annual event in my school A by B organized by C held D to held 14 The participants must find all the answers in order to go in the next round A of B in C by D out 15 The World Cup takes place four years in different countries A each B every C by D for 16 I worked a volunteer guide in the Asian Students’ sports competitions last year A by B as C to D in 17 He offered the bag for me A to carry B on carrying C for carrying D to carrying 18 He always tries to make his wife and children A feel happy B feeling happy C to feel happy D felt happy 19 the end of the film, the heroine was reunited with her family A In B At C To D For 20 I want to congratulate you the contest A to win B at winning C on winning D about winning 21 People who like art can a course in painting A run B make C take D buy 22 We don’t have to repair the house as it is still good condition A at B in C on D of 23 I pay the fees for the Internet at the end of every month A for B on C x D with 24 were punished as they were late A Both Tom and Ann B Either Tom or Ann C Neither Tom nor Ann D All of Tom and Ann 25 He is so stubborn that his mother hi brother can talk to him A either/ or B neither/nor C both/and D all/or 26 The film was boring long A either/or B B neither/and C both/and D either/nor 27 Fish and chips British people’s favorite food A are B is C was D were 28 Both my sister and her husband good sense of humor A has B have C is having D are having 29 .advices threats had any effects on him A Neither/nor B Either/or C Both/and D Not only/but also 30 She neither talked nor her feelings A show B showed C showing D shown 31 You must either go at once or till tomorrow A waiting B wait C must wait D to wait 32 They told me he was a wonderful guy When I met him; however, I was disappointed to find that he is handsome polite A neither/nor B either/or C both/and D not only/but also 33 Don’t be so unreasonable ! I can’t cook iron your clothes A neither/nor B either/or C both/and D not only/but also 34 It is the children were punished A whom B which C x D that 35 It is easy to get further education as there are a lot of courses on A order B offer C sale D present 36 There is nothing special about him, his handsome face A although B apart from C minus D but 37 Either I or they enjoying the party now A are B is C was D were 38 Neither I nor she seen the film before A has B have C was D were 39 You can choose cake fruit for dessert A neither/nor B either/or C both/and D not only/but also 40 This is the photo of the child abandoned by the river .Maria adopted A which B where C whom D when 41 My father …… me an interesting book for my birthday last Sunday A buy B will buy C bought D buying 42 Lan dislikes the dishes A washing B wash C washed D washes 43 By o’clock last night, the police … three of the four bank attackers A did catch B had caught C caught D had catch 44 My father smoking years ago A gives up B give up C giving up D gave up 45 She …… me for what I had done for her A had thank B thank C had thanked D thanked 46 She enjoys to pop music A listen B listened C listening D listens 47 It was a nice day, so we decided…………for a walk A go B to go C go to D going 48 Please! Go on your homework I'll wait for you A did B done C doing D to 49 She always……………good marks in English A getting B gets C get D to get 50 Don't forget ………… the letter I told you A to post B post C posting D posts 51 Take an umbrella because it A is going to rain B rains C will rain D is raining 52 It’s not good to avoid ………… the teacher’s questions in class A answer B answering C answered D to answer 53 Have you seen the money ……… was on the table? A where B whose C when D that 54 Please, stop………….noise! I am trying to concentrate A to make B made C make D making 55 Students are always interested in ………… a party A have B having C to have D had 56 I don’t like people ………… never stop talking A who B which C whom D whose 57 It’s already 34oc It ……………… very hot today A will be B is going to be C is being D will not be 58 My friend ……………… any beer at the party last night A not drinked B didn’t drink C did drink D drank not 59 The building ………… was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt A who B which C what D where 60 You can pass the exam……….harder A by study B by studying C to study D studying 61 She was out too late, ……… made her parents worried A that B what C which D A and C are correct 62 They …………… the way to the park yet A haven’t found B haven’t find C hasn’t found D hasn’t find 63 Nam passed the final examination, ………… surprised everybody A what B that C which D who 64 There was smoke in the room Someone…… before I came in A seemed to smoke B had smokeC smoke D had smoked 65 The express train often ……… on time A arrives B arrive C is arriving D has arrived 66 Information technology is very…… to our life A useful B use C used D using 67 My sister looks more beautiful in the picture She’s ………… A photo B photograph C photographic D photogenic 68 My brother ………… speaking English very much A enjoys B enjoying C enjoy D enjoyable 69 She enjoys watching the films……… make her laugh A they B what C which D it 70 He is very at maths A good B afraid C fond D bored 71 He the details of his uncle’s will A was given B gave C gives D being given 72 For a long time, the earth to be flat A had believed B had been believing C was believed D was been believed 73 When we came, the film half an hour before A had been starting B had startedC was started D had been started 74 They advised that part-time workers should A be employing B have been employ C employ D be employed 75 He expected us him the job A offering B to offer C offer D to be offered 76 Someone will have to take her position A found B to find C to be found D being found 77 The entire building is A being demolished B been demolished C been demolishing D demolishing 78 The sick man to the hospital A took B is taked C being taken D was taken 79 Why you ask me about the party? I to it A was not invited B didn’t invite C not invitedD was not been inviting 80 The problem is getting rid nuclear waste A from B of C away from D out of 81 That book looks A interest B interested C interesting D interestingly 82 Two hundred people lost their jobs as a consequence the company’s bankrupt A from B for C with D of 83 Firemen soon put the fire A away B in C out D off 84 You need to consider these documents There appears many mistakes A to have been B is C being D be 85 It is impossible for me a lie to her A to tell B tell C telling D told 86 I was given some pills to take the pain A off B without C along D away 87 The dam was not strong enough to flood water A hold back B hold in C hold out D old off 88 Candidates are to bring certificates when they come to the interview A needless B needing C needed D need 89 He is very sensitive his weight, and therefore, easy o get angry if someone mentions words like “fat” or “overweight” A in B about C along D around 90 Some young mothers feel in their own homes A imprison B imprisoned C imprisoning D to imprison 91 Marie Curie was the first woman in France a university professor A was B to be C used to be D is 92 In spite of up late, she got up early the next morning A staying B to stay C Mary stayed D stay 93 When he , every one A arrived/had left B had arrived/left C would arrive/leaves D arrived/has left 94 I suddenly remembered I my wallet on the bus A leave B had left C have left D would leave 95 I the washing up before my mother came home A was doing B did C had done D must have done 96 After her husband’s accident, she the sole breadwinner of the family A had become B became C would become D used to be 97 The room smelled terrible Someone before I came A had smoked B smoked C seemed to smoke D would smoke 98 Celine Dion to receive recognition for her talent in 1982 A had begun B began C probably begins D would have begun 99 In 1994, Celine Dion and Rene Angelil at Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal A had married B married C marry D got married 100 I as a hotel telephonist from May 2001 to March 2002 A had worked B would work C worked D get used to working 101 His ambition is the richest man in the world A becomes B will become C became D to become 102 Mary is such a humorous girl She always makes me A laugh B laughing C to laugh D laughed 103 Although his early education , Peter is now the best clerk in our company A interrupted B had interrupted C was interrupted D interrupting 104 By the time they came, we our dinner A had finished B finished C would finish D were finishing 105 Neil Amstrong was the man to set foot on the moon A only B first C one D individual 106 She studied hard her parents’ expectation A meeting B to meet C meet D met 107 Sally was disappointed with the exam result She a bad mark before A had got B had ever got C never had got D had never got 108 It was impossible his room The door was looked A to enter B entering C enters D entered 109 The thieves ran away they could A quick B quickly so that C quicker as D as quickly as 110 He said that no one could love me he did A so much like B as much like C as much as D that much 111 Could you please me the way to the post office? A speak B tell C talk D ask 112 We use a to break up the earth and plant the seeds A car B plough C dog D land 113 We are planning to go on a holiday this summer A package B packing C pack D packed 114 Every passenger is required to their seatbelt when they are on board A hold B take C leave D fasten 115 The holiday price is inclusive so our breakfast is by the hotel A taken B served C eaten D arranged 116 The house was fire and it took almost three hours to extinguish it A in B on C at D for 117 class allows students to acquire knowledge about living things A Geography B Chemistry C Biology D History 118 Since we came late we the first part of the film A missed B caught C forgot D left 119 The homework is to be submitted next week so we all feel worried A due B thought C made D hoped 120 A is a man whose job is to stop fires from burning A ire service B fireplace C firewall D fireman 121 “How are you feeling?” “I’ve been feeling better since the doctor ” A has come B had come C comes D came 122 Water and oil A don’t mix B does not mix C has not mixed D is not mixing 123 Playing computer games for 12 hours everyday him exhausted A make B making C makes D made 124 “How does Amy like her new school?” “Fine, she is doing in her course.” A extreme good B extremely good C extreme well D extremely well 125 Linh’s house is near his school and it him only 15 minutes to go there on foot A takes B took C has taken D is taking 126 It is that every student will have to follow the school timetable strictly A certainly B surely C obviously D certain 127 She was so surprised the exam result that she could not say anything A in B at C of D for 128 , Phuong gets up at a m but today is Sunday so she gets up a bit late A Normal B Rarely C Normality D Normally 129 Spain at one time a very powerful country A was B is C has been D was being 130 “ Who ate all the cookies?” “Cuong ” A has B ate C did D had 131 Binh to England to visit one of her cousins at the end of this month A went B had gone C goes D is going 132 Before electricity was discovered, oil lamps A used B has used C has been used D had been used 133 Almost every household a computer nowadays A have B has C has had D had 134 Did you say that you here only three days ago? A came B had come C have come D come 135 This is the film I have watched A most excited B most exciting C most excite D most excitement 136 The excuse Hanh gave for her absence seems unbelievable A to being B be C being D to be 137 Would you like with me tonight? A going out B go out C to go out D to be going out 138 On at the airport, I was very worried to find that no one for me A arriving/was waiting B arrive/was waiting C arriving/waited D arrive/is waiting 139 “To take off” to move off the ground A meant B means C is meaningD has meaning 140 She has the habit of drinking after every meal A cup of tea B a cup for tea C a teacup D a cup of tea 141 Lan always her bike to school A rides B drives C travels D runs 142 It is good to up early for school A catch B take C get D climb 143 What is the like today? A climate B weather C air D sky 144 She stays at home because she feels A sick B well C fine D strong 145 He goes to the library to some reference books A pay B borrow C buy D lend 146 No one the lesson interesting A thinks B believes C hopes D finds 147 This school is from most others A same B special C different D similar 148 He’s a lot of subjects this semester A getting B taking C doing D setting 149 The is the family name A surname B first name C given name D middle name 150 Students often have a three- month every summer A holiday B rest C break D relaxation 151 In class students must pay to the teacher A attendanceB concentration C focus D attention 152 In an English class, working in seems helpful A two B couples C both D pairs 153 These students are nervous the Maths exam A with B by C on D about 154 She has got a bad for definitions A memory B mind C brain D nerve 155 They his name from the enrolment list A deleted B cut C left D moved 156 He got his finger in the hole A kept B jammed C stuck D caught 157 He is a lawyer by A job B occupation C profession D work 158 On the of the teachers’ day, we wish you all the best A situation B occasion C opportunity D chance 159 There’s no to discuss this before class A matter B point C effect D need 160 What is the teacher’s towards his bad behavior? A opinion B attitude C idea D thought 161 Are you a student? If so, which university you ? A attend B frequent C assist D go on 162 There is a of skilled craftsmen in the industry A want B fault C lack D need 163 What is your ? I am a Buddhist A confessionB religion C profession D persuasion 164 We carried out a few to find how good the drug was A experiments B tries C experiences D proofs 165 She isn’t really sexist She just says things like that from force of A custom B use C attitude D habit 166 She had changed so much that anyone recognized her A almost B hardly C not D nearly 167 How old is Janet? I haven’t the slightest A bet B theory C guess D idea 168 Would you like a beer? Not while I’m A in the act B in order C on duty D under control 169 He didn’t to help her even though she was very ill A open an eye B lift a finger C bend his arm D shake his leg 10 782 Friendship is a affair, giving and taking A two-side B two-sides C two-siding D two-sided 783 She is preparing for the university entrance A examination B participation C tournament D attention 784 When he left school, my brother decided to a priest instead of studying language A change to B become C train for D study for 785 You really can't a thing the woman says A believe B rely C count D imagine 786 He his friend to go camping with him A attracted B suggested C appealed D persuaded 787 Far more people football on a Saturday afternoon than play it A watch B stare C look D see 788 In nature, all animals are wild and A free B freedom C freely D freeing 789 Would you please him speak about the new plan? A let B allow C ask D tell 790 I want to have my shoes A repair B repairing C repaired D to repair 791 Doing business in a foreign country can be very difficult A many B often C usual D nearly 792 There are believed over 300 species of trees in El Yunque rain forest in Raco A to be B being C they are D there are 793 Did the teacher explain how this problem? A we solve B can we solve C to solve D solve 794 He’s left his book at home; he’s always so A forgetting B forgotten C forgettable D forgetful 795 Please come in Mr Jones is free you now A see B will see C to see D seeing 796 The doctor made me in bed for a week A staying B stay C stayed D to stay 797 You can't make if they don’t want to A people learn B people to learn C people learning D that people learn 798 Since the liberation, the city has changed on every aspect A dramatically B thrillingly C contemporarily D picturesquely 799 Could you me ten pounds until next payday? A let B provide C borrow D lend 800 The gunman the pilot of the plane to change direction A demanded B made C controlled D forced 801 The only thing your brother now is trying to pass the exam A need to B needs to C is needing D needs doing 802 Fortunately the machine was not when it caught fire A in order B in use C in progress D in ruins 803 I haven't seen her she was a little girl 95 A when B as C since D for 804 When you here at this time tomorrow, I the room A comes/will tidy B come/will be tidying C will come/ will tidy D come/ tidy 805 We to be able to ship it within ten days A can B must C ought D should 806 I'm afraid you will wait a long time A have to B must C be to D have got 807 They invited dinner with them A us for having B us to have C that we have D our having 808 The of days in a week is seven A amount B number C figure D sum 809 Good friendship should be based on mutual A trust B understanding C sympathy D All A, B, C 810 Despite many changes in his life, he remained his working principles A loyal to B friendly to C able to D influenced 811 I don’t like that boy because there is a look on his face A careful B illegal C sneaky D happy 812 I didn’t want to , so I kept quiet A make a fuss B a thing C keep a fuss D a noise 813 John anything since yesterday A didn’t say B hasn’t saidC has said D said 814 In a few days, there an important meeting A will have B is C will be D is having 815 She isn't well with the new manager A getting on B going on C keeping on D taking on 816 By the time you receive this letter, I for Japan A will leave B have left C would have left D will have left 817 When he all the letters, he took them to the post office A has written B had written C wrote D had been writing 818 Something funny in my class yesterday A happened B was happened C happens D is happened 819 Most of the spices and many of the herbs today originate from plants native to tropical regions A using B use of C in use D are used 820 He came home late, so I asked him where been A he had B has he C he has D had he 821 I have been saving money because I buy a computer A shall B will C am going to D would 822 Tom before we arrived there A has left B had left C will leave D leaves 823 When it rains heavily, John usually at home A stay B will stay C stays D will be staying 824 I’ll wait here until you 96 A will return B return C are returning D with we returned 825 They will an announcement soon A B make C give D work 826 After three-hour search, the missing girl was found alive and well A five-year-old B five-years-old C five-year-aged D five-years 827 Finishing his speech, to make questions A the students asked him B he asked the students C the students asked D he asked 828 His parents would rather tomorrow A him/leaves B he/ left C he/leaves D him/left 829 She since she was 12 years old A has swim B could swim C has been able to swim D has been swimming 830 “ What’s taking you so long?”- “I’ll be there as soon as I my keys.” A found B will find C find D am finding 831 We are too late The plane off ten minutes ago A took B has taken C had taken D was taken 832 You have to pay extra if you take too with you A much luggages B many luggages C much luggage D many luggage 833 I haven't been back to the village where I was born a long time A during B since C ago D for 834 When I woke up this morning, it A rains B rained C was raining D had rained 835 You at the meeting yesterday Why were you absent? A had to come B should be C must have been D were supposed to be 836 Would you be so kind the indow? It’s stuffy here A as to open B to open C not to close D enough to open 837 I didn’t pay attention to the boy I was busy how I would look in the new dress A imagine B to imagine C imagined D imagining 838 She quickly looked into her bag The money .! A has gone B had gone C was gone D was going 839 Peter 13 films and I think his latest is the best A made B had made C has made D was making 840 I was sure that he a thief A is B were C was D be 841 A lot of young college and university students helping poor people every summer A take part in B participate in C join in D All A, B, C 842 I’ll the idea with the other members in the family and let you know A explain B argue C discuss D talk 843 We bought some glasses A old lovely German B German old lovely C German lovely old D lovely old German 844 many improvements made to highways during the 19th century, but Americans continued to depend on water routes for transportation 97 A Despite the B There were C However D Though there were 845 She was very angry about my saying She me A must misunderstand B must have misunderstood C shouldn’t have understood D could misunderstand 846 We take our vacation last week, but we canceled it because of the weather A had to B were supposed to C were going to D couldn’t 847 This mobile-phone is out of A order B orderly C orderliness D ordered 848 This is the best book I A have ever read it B have ever read C have readed D read 849 That was the most interesting story I A have ever listened B had ever listened C had ever listened to D listened to it 850 He me to take a lawyer to court with me A advised B suggested C threatened D insisted 851 He said the pudding A was tasting very sweetly B tasted very sweet C had tasted very sweetly D was tasting very sweet 852 It is not that he came first He’s been working very hard A surprising B surprised C to surprise D surprise 853 I wonder if I could this film developed by tomorrow, please? A let B make C have D 854 After his long absence from school he found it difficult to .up with the rest of his class A catch B take C make D work 855 Minnesota’s thousands of lakes over 4,000 square miles A that cover B covering C are covered D cover 856 Billie Holiday’s rough emotional voice made her stand out as a jazz singer A so B but C nor D still 857 She told afraid A that she was B us that she was C us being D for being 858 He has just bought expensive new furniture A an B some C these D those 859 Yesterday I to a furniture store, I bought a new lamp there A went B could go C could have gone D ought to have gone 860 I risked the road A cross B crossing C to cross D crossed 861 As as I know, I haven't received a bill for the new computer A much B long C soon D far 862 It is surprising how small child can make so much noise A such B so C a such D such a 863 I wish I so much money when I was in town yesterday A wouldn’t have spent B hadn't spent C wouldn’t spend D didn’t spend 864 The progress of science and has made our life better 98 A technique B technician C technology D technical 865 He has been waiting for this letter for days, and at it has come A last B the end C present D the finish 866 is the ancestor of most types of domestic ducks is well documented A That the mallard B The mallard C Because the mallard D the mallard which 867 Do you think that success is a matter of working hard? A simple B simply C simplicity D simplify 868 I’ve been feeling ill all week, so I'm going to see my doctor for a A check-up B check-out C chek-in D check-off 869 They’ll have finished the job this time tomorrow A till B by C until D as long as 870 A quarter of something A is one fourth of it B costs more than a dime C is almost all of it D is none of it 871 mad men are responsible for their actions A Fewer B Few C Less D Little 872 Your conversation has drawn a lot of intention from people in the ballroom A interestingB interested C interest D interestedly 873 A holiday can help you out of depression A delightful B delighted C delight D delightedness 874 You should hurry up, or else you’ll be late for your important with your customer A meet B gathering C appointment D marriage 875 On the of our wedding, we would love to invite your family to our dinner A opportunity B chance C anniversary D birthday 876 Despite our , we still good friends A talk B argument C conversation D chat 877 The is the one who has the care or charge of a books collection A librarian B maid C key-man D housekeeper 878 The new of Sheraton Hotel is famous for his French dished A cooker B cooking C cookie D cook 879 A caring host is the one who knows how to move around to make sure his or her are having a good time A customers B passengersC visitors D guests 880 TV is the most popular means of A entertainment B entertaining C entertain D entertainer 881 Do you want to add anything your statements? A to B with C on D by 882 It is time all the nations to solve environmental problems A to cooperate B cooperated C cooperating D cooperation 883 You gave me precious help I am extremely grateful A to which B for that C to that D for which 884 I tried to get onto the train then it started to run, point I saw her standing with tears on the platform 99 A at that B in which C at which D in that 885 The valley the village locates is heavily polluted A which B in which C in where D at which 886 These are the children A whom I will look after B after whom I will look C after who I will look D which I will look after 887 Hanoi is a city the population of is large A it B which C who D that 888 In my hometown, there is a park has a beautiful lake A where B which C in which D in where 889 Is it true that this kind of soap can protect us bacteria? A away B from C for D out of 890 She has two sons Both of work hard A who B whom C them D people 891 I met the waiters, several of are university students A them B who C that D whom 892 I bought 20 roses, three were destroyed before I came home A of them B among them C among which D of which 893 John, that his girlfriend went out with another guy, decided to say goodbye to her A believed B believing C to believe D believe 894 It is estimated that no more that 200 Siberian tigers in the wild A lived B leaving C living D left 895 The country owes billions of dollars foreigner creditors A from B to C for D at 896 Does Tom own that car? No, I think his brother it now A has ownedB was owning C owns D is owning 897 More actions should taken to protect wildlife immediately A be B have C have been D being 898 They will certainly come them A when calling B if you call C if being called D if you called 899 Where’s your mother? She is busy in the kitchen A cook B to cook C cooking D of cooking 900 Will you still love me if I say that I don’t have money left? A no B any C none D some 901 She him until he introduced his name A didn’t realized B hasn’t realized C doesn’t realize D hadn’t realized 902 She is busy for her wedding A shop B shopping C to shop D shopped 903 A thief broke into Harry’s house and his TV A stealed B stolen C stole D steal 904 They next to each other at the lecture this morning A sit B sat C set D sitted 905 Last Sunday when they an exciting football match on TV, the electricity out 100 A were watching/was going B watched/ went C watched/ was going D were watching/ went 906 When I was at secondary school, the boy next to me in class A was always talking B talked always C was talking always D always talked 907 My grandmother this picture for a week and she .it A has painted/ doesn't finish B has painted/ hasn’t finished C painted/ didn’t finish D painted/ hasn’t finished 908 When I her on the street yesterday, she a rosy skirt A was seeing/wore B see/wore C saw/ was wearing D saw/ wearing 909 Mr Rap mathematics before he top literature A had taught/ had changed B was teaching/ changed C taught/was changing D had taught/changed 910 Bread and butter my family daily food ten years ago A is B was C were D be 911 They have gone out for a drink hours A for B since C in D with 912 Do you know what it to be a superstar? A likes B to be liked C is like D is liked 913 “I’m going to the cinema this evening” – “ Nice will you go with? A to whom B Whom C Which D That 914 Have you finished the dishes? I need you help me with my homework A to clean B clean C cleaned D cleaning 915 John finds saying “I love you” Jenny the hardest thing to A about B to C of D with 916 these 1000 competitors, only once can get the prize A Among B Between C During D Within 917 If you have any problem, don’t hesitate your teacher A to consult B consulting C consult D consulted 918 Most students are happy to school acquire knowledge A to go/ for B going/for C to go/ to D going/ to 919 I am looking forward to from you soon A hearing B hear C heard D be heard 920 You had better this bus Going by taxi is too expensive A to take B take C taking D took 921 Why should you this box? It’s too heavy for you A to carry B carrying C carried D carry 922 Bob spends a lot of time the essay A to write B writing C wrote D written 923 Air Asia’s service is the best way to save money A Using B To use C Use D Used 924 People in Japan call A the White Valentine March 14th B March 14th is the White Valentine th C March 14 the White Valentine D The White Valentine is March 14th 101 925 On White Valentine, Japanese girls give chocolates their boyfriends A for B at C to D x 926 I prefer tea coffee, what about you? A to B more than C of D over 927 You don’t remember your umbrella, you? A bring B bringing C to bring D brought 928 He did not expect to the party A being invited B be invited C invited D to be invited 929 The little girl can't stand made fun of by her classmates A to be B being C be D to being 930 The flight to Paris was because of the storm A delayed B to delay C delaying D delay 931 We TV when it started to rain A were watching B watched C are watching D watch 932 The sun …… In the East A rises B raises C is rising D is raising 933 Since they moved to their new house, they …… their son every year A visit B visited C are visiting D have visited 934 Timmy …… the living room while his mother ………… in the kitchen A is tidying/cooks B tidies/cooks C is tidying/is cooking D tidies/is cooking 935 “You look tired” – “I ……….all day” A work B have worked C worked D am working 936 …………… Grappa? A Have you ever drunk B Did you ever drink C Do you ever drank B Are you ever drinking 937 Nothing ………his opinion A can held against B can be held against C can be holding against D can be hold against 938 Before they go to bed, their father often reads stories to them, most of which …… A are make up B are making up C are being made up D are made up 939 The man refused …… to the hospital A taken B taking C to be taken D being taken 940 ………… nonsense and you are out of the group! A Keep talking B Keeping talk C To keep talk D Keeping talked 941 …… being ill, she still went to work on time A Although B In spite of C Even D Though 942 He fell off his bike, …… three teeth A broke B break C breaking D having broken 943 I suddenly caught him …… in the bathroom A smoke B smoking C smoked D to smoke 944 He was accused …… fake money A to make B of making C by making D making 945 She does not want to get married as she hates …… housework 102 A doing B C to D to be doing 946 He was furious …… his girlfriend …….out with his closest friend in the football team A to see/to go B see/go C see/going D to see/ going 947 I object ………… to the sea in this cold weather A about going B going C to going D of going 948 By …… day and night, he succeeded ……the job in time A working/to finish B to work/in finishing C working/finishing D working/in finishing 949 Every day I spend two hours ……… English A learning B to learn C learn D learned 950 This town is ………… I was born A where B what C which D that 951 Would you mind …… your name on this list? A write B of writing C to write D writing 952 I don’t know how … my thanks to your kindness A express B to express C expressing D expressing on 953 His job involves …… events for her school A organize B on organizing C in organizing D organizing 954 I would like to express my gratitude …… my family and teachers A with B to C for D about 955 I am looking forward ……….your sister A to see B of seeing C to seeing D seeing 956 I remember …… a dozen of eggs yesterday but I can’t find them now A to buy B bought C buying D buy 957 She enjoys …… with her friends more than with her mother A to go shopping B going shopping C going to shop D to go to shop 958 He is not ……….to understand what the old man is saying A enough young B enough old C young enough D old enough 959 A number of students in my class …………… the handicapped A volunteers to help B volunteer helping C volunteer to help D volunteers helping 960 He always tries …… the best conditions …… his children A to provide/with B providing/for C providing/with D to provide/for 961 I need your to repair the roof A gratitude B care C assistance D concern 962.There are many places of in Hanoi A attraction B interest C fame D beauty 963 She made a generous to the local charity A money B inheritance C pay D donation 964 He was because of irresponsibility A out of work B fired C employed D disqualified 965 I have no to his coming here A objection B idea C protest D complaint 966 The company has all services for the sick and the A age B aging C aged D elder 103 967 You are not allowed to private phone calls in the office A phone B call C make D 968 money is a simple way to charity A Donating B Having donated C Donation D Donor 969 Ann lives in London She moved to Leeds two years ago A still B no longer C never D yet 970 She thought she was the bride in the world A happy B most happy C happier D happiest 971 Have you washed your hands before ………lunch? A having B had C have D having had 972 What an excellent student she is! She almost has no ……… the exercise A difficult to finish B difficulty to finish C difficulty in finishing D difficult finishing 973 How much time you spend …… new words per day? A learning B to learn C learned D learn 974 Long has decided …… a cooking course A to attend B attend C attending D attended 975 The teacher considers letting one of her students stay at home …… her biggest mistake A x B is C for D of 976 Two thousand volunteers ……… the Illiteracy Eradication campaign this year A join in B take part in C participate in D share in 977 Mandy’s eyes’ color is different …… that of Josh’s? A of B from C about D to 978 Do you mind …… me … this computer? A helping/fixing B to help/to fix C helping/fix D help/fixing 979 He didn’t stay at home ………., he went out with his friends A On the contrary B Although C However D Despite 980 Sorry I don’t mean …… you A to interrupt B interrupting C interrupt D interrupted 981 Going out tonight means …… the last episode of Smallville A missing B to miss C having missed D miss 982 What …… happen if there ……… no sun? A will/is B would/is C would/were D will/were 983 “Please focus …… your study and not your hobbies.”, he said => He told me …… /……… my study rather than my hobbies A x/ concentrate/ on B to/ to concentrate/x C of/ concentrating/ of D on/ to concentrate/ on 984 ……… you think that I like you? A What did make B What made C What to make D What is made 985 Thomas …… for Jakarta as soon as he …… of your wedding A had left/ had been informed B left/ was informed C left/ had been informed D leaves/ has been informed 986 We are bored ……… the same activities in English lessons 104 A to B with C at doing D to doing 987 My brother has …… A very large house B a house very large C house very large D a very large house 988 We have not had …… interesting talk to each other for a long time A such B so C such an D so an 989 Knowing several …… helpful if you work for an international corporation A language are B language is C languages is D languages are 990 When …… a dictionary, you need to be able to understand the symbols and abbreviations it contains A having used B using C use D used 991 It …… that many people are homeless after the flood A was reported B reports C is reported D reporting 992 The railway …… for weeks because of the snow A was closed B is closed C has been closed D closed 993 A new restaurant … next week A will open B opens C will be opened D both A and c are correct 994 “Be aware of the dog”, said Tom => Tom warned us A to be aware of the dog B being aware of the dog C we should be aware of the dog D aware of the dog 995 She insisted him wearing the red cravat A in B on C of D about 996 The teacher tried to explain the new formula his students A with B for C to D among 997 The English contest the Student Union is an annual event in my school A by B organized by C held D to held 998 The participants must find all the answers in order to go in the next round A of B in C by D out 999 The World Cup takes place four years in different countries A each B every C by D for 1000 I worked .a volunteer guide in the Asian Students’ sports competitions last year A by B as C to D in ĐÁP ÁN PHẦN 2: 1000 CÂU HỎI MỤC TIÊU 9+ C D A B B C B B 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 C C B C C C B C 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 B D D B C C C A 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 C C B A D D D A 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 B B A D B C C C 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 D A D D B B C B 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 C C C A A B A D 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 D D A D B A B B 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 C A D C B C A D 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 D B B D A B C C 105 10 D 19 A 20 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 C D C A C C B A D D 201 202 301 203 302 204 303 205 304 206 305 207 306 208 307 209 308 210 309 310 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 C 211 B 212 311 BB 213 312 CB 214 313 DC 215 314 CB 216 315 CD 217 B 316 B 218 317 DB 219 318 BC 220 D 319 A 320 C C 29 30 D D A B A B B D A C B 39 B 40 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 D 221 D 222 321 AC 223 322 AD 224 323 BB 225 324 BA 226 325 AB 227 A 326 A 228 327 CB 229 328 CD 230 D 329 A 330 B C B A D A B C B A B C 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 B 231 D 232 331 CA 233 332 DB 234 333 CD 235 334 AB 236 335 BD 237 B 336 A 238 337 BB 239 338 DC 240 A 339 D 340 49 50 B C D B B B A C C B D 59 D 60 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 B 241 D 242 341 AB 243 342 AD 244 343 CB 245 344 BB 246 345 BD 247 A 346 C 248 347 CB 249 348 CA 250 D 349 A 350 C 69 B 70 A C C B D D A B B A 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 B 251 A 252 351 AD 253 352 BA 254 353 DC 255 354 DA 256 355 AB 257 D 356 A 258 357 CB 258 358 BC 260 A 359 A 360 A D 79 80 A A 89 90 C C C B A D B D C D 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 C B A B A D A C C A 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 C 261 C 262 361 AB 263 362 DA 264 363 AB 265 364 CC 266 365 AB 267 A 366 B 268 367 AB 269 368 BC 270 B 369 A 370 B 271 A 272 371 BB 273 372 AA 274 373 BA 275 374 DC 276 375 CC 277 C 376 C 278 377 DB 279 378 DC 280 D 379 C 380 401 A 411 A 421 C 431 D 441 B 451 A 461 D 402 D 412 B 422 A 432 B 442 A 452 C 462 A 403 B 413 D 423 D 433 A 443 B 453 D 463 B 404 D 414 A 424 A 434 A 444 C 454 B 464 C 405 A 415 C 425 B 435 B 445 B 455 A 465 D 406 B 416 D 426 D 436 D 446 C 456 B 466 B C 99 A 100 B C D B B B C D A D B B B C B A A D D C A B 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 A 281 C 282 381 BB 283 382 BD 284 383 DD 285 384 DA 286 385 DD 287 D 386 A 288 387 BD 289 388 CD 290 A 389 D 390 471 A 48 472 D 48 473 D 48 474 A 48 475 C 48 476 A 48 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 D B C B A C A A D C C 291 C 292 391 BC 293 392 DA 294 393 CB 295 394 CA 296 395 BD 297 B 396 B 298 397 AD 299 398 BC 300 A 399 C 400 B C BA BB BA DC DB BB DB DC B B A 49 C 49 C 49 D 49 B 49 D 49 D B D D A D 106 407 A 417 C 427 B 437 C 447 A 457 C 467 D 477 C 408 A 418 A 428 B 438 A 448 D 458 B 468 C 478 A 409 C 419 B 429 D 439 A 449 D 459 D 469 B 479 B 410 B 420 A 430 A 440 B 450 A 460 C 470 B 480 D 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 C B A A C B D B B B 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 D D A D D A C A C C 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 B A A C D A C D B B A C D B C B D C C A 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 601 A 611 A 621 C 631 D 64 602 C 612 A 622 A 632 B 64 603 B 613 B 623 D 633 A 64 604 A 614 D 624 A 634 A 64 605 B 615 B 625 B 635 B 64 606 D 616 C 626 D 636 D 64 607 A 617 A 627 B 637 C 64 608 C 618 D 628 B 638 A 64 609 D 619 B 629 D 639 A 64 B A D C A B B A B A B A B C B C A D D 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 C C A D A C D D C D 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 A 66 C 66 D 66 B 66 A 66 B 66 C 66 B 66 D 66 B D D C C C A D B B B C B C A B A B C 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 A A D B C A B A B A 48 48 48 49 B B C C 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 C 68 C 68 B 68 D 68 B 68 B 68 B 68 D 68 B 68 C A C C B C C B C B B D B A D C D C D 49 49 49 50 A A D A 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 B D B C A C C A D B B D C C C B C D B 107 610 C 620 A 630 A 640 B 65 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 71 B 75 D 75 A 75 D 75 B 75 C 75 B 75 C 75 C 75 C 76 D 71 B 71 B 71 C 71 B 71 B 71 D 71 C 71 C 71 B 72 D 72 C 72 B 72 C 72 D 72 B 72 B 72 B 72 C 72 D 73 D 73 D 73 C 73 C 73 B 73 B 73 D 73 B 73 D 73 B 74 D 74 B 74 C 74 A 74 C 74 C 74 A 74 A 74 C 74 B 75 A 66 C 76 C 76 C 76 C 76 A 76 C 76 C 76 A 76 C 76 A 77 C 67 B 77 D 77 A 77 C 77 D 77 C 77 C 77 A 77 B 77 A 78 C 68 C 78 C 78 D 78 B 78 B 78 A 78 A 78 C 78 C 78 C 79 A 69 C 79 D 79 A 79 B 79 A 79 D 79 A 79 A 79 A 79 C 80 801 B 811 C 821 C 831 A 841 D 851 B 861 D 871 B 802 B 812 A 822 B 832 C 842 C 852 A 862 D 872 A 803 C 813 B 823 C 833 D 843 D 853 C 863 B 804 B 814 C 824 B 834 C 844 B 854 A 864 C 874 C 805 C 815 A 825 B 835 D 845 B 855 D 865 A 875 C 806 A 816 D 826 A 836 A 846 C 856 B 866 A 876 B 873 A 88 88 88 88 88 88 B 70 D A 89 89 89 89 89 89 D B A C D C B A A D D B D C B A D B A B C 108 807 B 817 B 827 B 837 D 847 A 857 B 867 B 808 B 818 A 828 B 838 B 848 B 858 B 868 A 878 D 809 D 819 C 829 C 839 C 849 C 859 A 869 B 810 A 820 A 830 C 840 C 850 A 860 B 870 A 880 A 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 D B C B D A B C D C 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 A C B D B A A C A B 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 D B A C C A C D B A 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 A A D C B A B D C A 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 B C B B A D C D A A 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 D B D B C C B D C D 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 C B D B A C C A B D 877 A 879 D 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 A C A A C B B C A A 88 88 88 89 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 B B B C 89 89 89 90 A 991 C 992 D 993 B 994 C 995 B 996 D 997 C 998 C 999 B 1000 A B C B C C D A B C B D B B 109 .. .2000 CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH MỤC TIÊU 8+ THI THPT QUỐC GIA (CÓ ĐÁP ÁN) PHẦN 1000 CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM MỤC TIÊU 8+ The number of illiterate children has been... earth D much time has been the earth 309 “Somebody forgot this hat I wonder ” A whose is this hat B whose hat this is C whose hat is D is this whose hat 310 “When ?” – “In 1928” A penicillin... believes B loves C expects D thinks 186 Instead of thinking carefully, he tends to conclusions A run at B jump to C fly into D hit on 187 Please on, I’m just looking for something A carry B get C

Ngày đăng: 04/07/2020, 15:50

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