1. Shoplifting- Kim Farry- a booster. Kim Farry is a 60 years old woman in United Kingdom, she was famous for her shoplifting and was called by “shoplifting queen” or the “million pound shoplifter”. She was born in a family which had eleven members totally: her parents, her eight siblings and herself, and she was the eldest child. And that was one reason for her offenses. She said because of being a eldest child, she always felt that responsible to do what she could to provide for her family, even when her parent tried to made her give up shoplifting. Another reason, she said she couldn’t find a jobs because she had no qualifications, and shoplifting was only her way of life although she did feeel guilty for what she had taken. Farry first got into five finger discount at the age of nine. The stealing first become petty, sharing about the fist day she started shoplifting, she said she just ran into the shop and took lollipops. But as the years progressed, shoplifting become her life, her addiction, from stealing food, she started stealing clothes. This woman even made shoplifting come as a successful business of herself. She hired people and ran gangs of shoplifters working on High streets from 9.am to 5.pm, they stole goods and then took those de- tagged stolen goods and asked for credit notes or vouchers, and then she would sell those on
1 Shoplifting- Kim Farry- a booster Kim Farry is a 60 years old woman in United Kingdom, she was famous for her shoplifting and was called by “shoplifting queen” or the “million pound shoplifter” She was born in a family which had eleven members totally: her parents, her eight siblings and herself, and she was the eldest child And that was one reason for her offenses She said because of being a eldest child, she always felt that responsible to what she could to provide for her family, even when her parent tried to made her give up shoplifting Another reason, she said she couldn’t find a jobs because she had no qualifications, and shoplifting was only her way of life although she did feeel guilty for what she had taken Farry first got into five finger discount at the age of nine The stealing first become petty, sharing about the fist day she started shoplifting, she said she just ran into the shop and took lollipops But as the years progressed, shoplifting become her life, her addiction, from stealing food, she started stealing clothes This woman even made shoplifting come as a successful business of herself She hired people and ran gangs of shoplifters working on High streets from 9.am to 5.pm, they stole goods and then took those de- tagged stolen goods and asked for credit notes or vouchers, and then she would sell those on at half their market value for profits Throughout her 45 years stint as a shoplifter, she made £2 million For her criminal shoplifting, she had been in jail for five times and had more than 30 convictions She also was paid for her crime by tatoos and surgeries to prevent people from realizing her, because she became too common Regardless of this cost, she was still proud of what she did, she claimed that she was a “hardworker” and “trustworthy” despite being a thief all her life Since late 2014, she had cleaned her shoplifting addiction, because of her daughter, she didn’t want her daughter to be punished and looked down on for what she did She revealed honestly about her life and her “shoplifting career” when being interviewed by Channel 5, This Morning and many other programs She wrote book and recently, her book named “My money tree” was published with high sale Now, she begins working in shoplifting prevention and triving to ensure people who are heading for a life in crime, away from it 2 Beauty contest- Beauty.AI 2.0 Beauty.AI 2.0 is a mobile beauty pageant for humans and it’s also the first international beauty contest decided by an algorithe It uses artificial itelligence technology to evaluate people’s external appearances.The Beauty.AI 2.0 app was created by Youth Laboratories, a company based out Russia and Hong Kong which focuses on facial skin analytics This app was created for both women and men in variety age groups from 18 to over 60 years old When Beauty.AI 2.0 was founded, it was meant tobe the beauty contest to end all beauty contests The first Beauty.AI 2.0 contest was launched in 2016 with more than 60,000 entrants from more than 100 countries To participate in this special beauty contest, entrants had to download the Beauty.AI app and then chosed the groups of age and submit selfies through the app The conditons when took a photo on app were no make up for women, no beard for men and they were required not to wear glasses After giving entrants’ photos, robot jury would examine thoes photos to choose the beauty Queen and King The result of this contest would be spreaded around the world The robots, after receiving photo of entrants, they would assess entrants’ external appearances through certain algorithms which were powered by deep neural networks, a flavour of artificial intelligence that learns pattern from massive amount of data There were main robots: RYNKL scored people by the wrinkleness within their age group; PIMPL, analysing the amount of pimples and pigmentation; MADIS, which scored people by their similarity to models within their racial group; Symmetry Master evaluating the symmetry of the face; AntiAgeist, a robot estimating the difference between the chronological and perceived age Participants’ appearances were also compared to thoes of actors and models In the Beauty.AI 2.0 there were 44 winners This result was controversal beacause most of winners had white skins and that led to an argument that robot are racist When joined in this contest, they were received comestic prizes and they also were gone down to history as the first people on Earth who took part in the first international Beauty contest judged by artificial intelligence People took part in this contest, their goals were nt to receive prize, but to made their life become more interesting, beacause this contest was created for all people in variety age, even they’re over 60; and this contest was not required too much quality as it just assessed the external appearance 3 Marriage- Age gaps From the past, age gap always exist as an important role in marriage Socially, it is more acceptable for an older man to marry to a two or five years younger woman and vice versa, it also doesn’t really matter when an older woman marry to a two or five years younger man However, it is uncommon for people to marry to a much younger partner who is ten years younger or half their age, or even younger When someone decide to marry to a partner who older or younger than them, they can gain their true love, they can live with their beloved men or women, they can spend their time to take care of each other everyday For the old, when they get married, they will have a friend to company with them in their boring life of senior Although having those opportunities, couples with generational age gaps have more challenges They may be suffered from a commercial marriage This case usually happen in showbiz, when a person, for example, is an old man but he has money, he has influence get married with a young and beautiful woman It can be known as commercial marriage Because of the lack of love, their marriage is hard to last long The trouble can be origin from their behaviour The older one can dominate, control and want to have their way, the younger one can feel uncomfortable, because they are younger, their thoughts, their minds are different, they like the equality and liberty By that way, they innocently make their marriage become a parent- child like relationship, and it break easily Physical attractiveness also plays an important role in marrige In marrige, at first, they can love the appearance of their partner, because, simple speaking, at that time they find it’s attractive, beautiful But time gone, appearances of people change, nobody can young forever In spouse, it doesn’t matter when their husband or wife just older than them from 2, or years old, different about appearance is not obvious, moreover it can be change by using keeping youth methods But if their partner are half their age, their physical attractiveness are change fast, they’ll get lines, white hairs, their skin no longer smooth as is was, so their partner will be easily attracted by younger ones, they tend to adultery Although couples with generational age gaps face may problem, many obstackles, as I said: parent- child like relationship; commercial marriage; physical attractiveness problems and they are even give bias from community But I think, if they really love each other, they deserve to love and those challenges are nothing, they aren’t important 4 Phobias- Mechanophobia Mechanophobia is the fear of machines It sounds irrational bau it is real It becomes poplular during the nineteenth century as a reaction to the effects of the Internet Revolution People who are suffer from mechanophobia may experience intense amounts of anxiety when being around or even thinking about machines They may feel the dizziness, increasing in body’s temperature, rapiding of hearbeat and trembling They may take things to extreme measures by having little to no machine intheir home at all This mean no electric devices like washing machine, microwave, heater, air- conditioner, They try to stay away from them and they may think machine are spying on them There are many different reasons explain why someone would develop an intense fear of machines For one, some people suffer from mechanophobia as a result of having a traumatic experience associated with machines like losing fingers of toes while operate a machine, as well as the occurences of their environment Also if someone has a family history of metal disorder, then they may have a greater chance of developing mechanophobia In which, given the specific nature of this phobia, ones’environment may plays an even larger role For example, someone growing up in an Amish society The Amish is a group of traditionalist Christian church fellowship They are known for simple living, recluctant to adopt many conveniences of modern technologies, they have been taught live simply and stay away from machine since the moment they were able to utter their first word In this case, mechanophobia is caused by their religious beliefs and lifestyle In my opinion, Mechanophobia is among one of the most irrational phobia and it brings many inconverniences in such a modern life as today, the era of technology There is no treatment specifically designed for mechanophobia However, CBT therapy, exposure therapy and anti- anxiety medications may be able to significantly help reduce symtoms of mechanophobia 5 Owing a car- why people like owing a car to drive taxi than being leased by the cab company Owing a car become more and more popular than ever, and at the same time, people also owning a car for job Many people, no matter where they are, countryside or city, they have tendency of owing a private car instead of being leased by the cab company So what are the explaination for this trend? There are some main reason for that First problem is money Everyone know that once they decide to buy a car, they have to spend a lot of money, but people find it’s worth and they accept that Because, if they drive a company car, they have to pay a deposit in advance, only after paying that money can they sign the contract and get the car But it’s not all they have to pay, everyday, drivers have to pay renting car fee I know this because my brother in- law was a taxi driver, he said he had to pay over 400.000VND for renting fee and monthly, he had to pay about 4.500.000VND for taxi radio It may be okay in short time, but in long time, it’s unfeasible Owing a private car is very convenient I said that because, if driver drive car of company, they have to pay renting car fee everday, so evenwhen they don’t go to work, they also pay this money, even at the weekend But when owing a car, they aren’t obliged to drive a lot in a day to earned enough money for renting fee and an extra money as interest, they are more like collaborators than official staffs, so they can have their way, they can get a day off for themselves and go out with their family using their car and they can be a driver and other job at the same time I remember, once I was carried on an private car and after a while talking with driver, I knew that he worked as a teacher at college and drive taxi to take advangtage of his vehicle and make another income resource For that, owing a car and work as a taxi driver is a wisely way to make income resources in today, they can have their own car to serve for their own family’s goal associate with making money purposes, it like killing two birds with one stone 6 Homelessness- Hostile architecture- “Anti- homeless” Hostile arhitecture is also known as defensive architecture, hostile design, it is an intentional design strategy which uses elements of the built environment as a form of crime, prevention or order maintance But “hostile architecture is the most typically associated with anti- homlessness It is used to prevent homeless people from sleeping in public spaces This is usually considered as inhuman and insidious design practices We might not be familiar with the term, but we’ve probably seen it in action There are many examples for this “anti-homless people” design in many countries in the world as well as somewhere in Vietnam One design we can see obviously is hostile benches, it can be armrest benches While on the surface these armrests seem innocuous, but actually they have been designed to prevent people from lying across benches, making them impossible to sleep on In Vietnam we can see this kind of benches on Hoan Kiem lake Another design is curved and slanted benches, they were not created for aesthetic purpose One more design which is the most common are benches at bus stops, they are created by one or two round big bars of metal Behind being an uncomfortable seats, they are an impossible place to sleep on for homeless people In big City, spikes are also applied in hostile architectures Spikes are installed unnaturally on a corner of streets, out a a side walk, building to discourage homeless people from sitting, sleeping or taking any kind of comfort Beside those common design, there are a lot of anti- homelessness architectures like bars corners; awning gaps, auithorities create them as a sollution to reduce the rate of homelessness or at least reducing the sleeping at public places of those people This method given many criticism of many people because of its inhumanity Homeless people don’t have houses or even a stable place to sleep and what important is that isn’t their choices I’ve seen a photo, which there is a man standing in a place with anti- homeless spikes and he is holding a board wrote: “What kind of society we live in where homelessness is solved with spikes?” And that make us rethink about this anti- homelessness trend and clear its function, is it used for reducing homelessness rate or just a wasy to keep poverty unseen 7 Immigration- Prejudice against immigrants From the past, American was known as the “nation of immigration”, it was the dreamy land of many people and many of them paid a high cost to complete “America dream”, and one of the most terrying thing they had to pay was prejudice of nativist people Till now, those prejudice exist as a unchangable truth, although it is neither carried by all Americans nor always showed out directly The immigrants are considered to have some stereotypes like: illegality; crime; and terror Once step foot on America land, most immigrant are routinely re- casted as “illegal immigration” The recent result of The Pew Research indicated that about 12% of American adults used the word “illegal” when they were asked what word came to their mind when thinking about immigrants Another survey of The Pew Research, 50% percent of American adults reported that immigrants are making the economy worse, they blame either causing or aggravating the unemployment proplems for immigrants A common charge of some groups of American is that immigrants not pay taxes, not contribute to social security, yet they benefit from pubic services such as public education, welfare Another prejudice, about 34% of American aldults reported that immigrants are making social and moral values worse There are isomorphic concerns that immigrants form Latin America in particular refuse to learn English and self segregate in co- ethnic ghettos where generation gravitate towards the underground economy, drug traffiking and gang culture Those prejudice was influenced by the stereotypes of immigrants from their ancestor In the late nineteenth century, an “open door” immigration policy to expand the labor force, so at that time, America received a great flux of immigrants Many American workers reserted immigrants labor who wlling to work for lower wages and this created the fear of losing jobs of Americans And because, immigrants came from faraway places, they had different religions, languages, even some groups of immigrants formed their ethnic neighborgoods where they preserved their own languages and customs, this made American feared that America was losing its estabished character and identity Nobody can be sure that those prejudices are going to losing, but I think it should be got rid of as they are not only impact on immigrants who are aldults, seriously it put millions of immigrant- origin children at risk and they aren’t deserved to be treat like that, they are innocent 8 Business Administration- Marketing management- Green marketing Marketing management is one of the most important aspect of business administration There are some marketing management platforms now are not only aim at making profits, but also protect human’s life and envirenment as well One of those is Green marketing Green marketing is a practice whereby companies seek to go above and beyond traditional marketing by supplying products or services based on enviroment factors or awareness and focus on environmetal core values in the hope that consumers will associate these values with their company of brand Green marketing appeared since 1900s, but it just came into prominence in the late 1989 and early 1990 Now, companies involved in Green marketing to the entire process of their products such as methods of processing, packaging and distribution Green marketing has five strategies To gain the highest effectiveness, a company have to have “green products”; “green positioning”; “green logistics”; “green disposal” First, green products, it means that a company have to produce products whose designs can protect environment and save power Second, Green positioning is a brand positioning strategy which a company use to build its sustainable values, these companies focus on getting the certifications and partnering with green organisations to open their doors to th emarket of green consumers Third I want to mention about the green pricing, it is the focusing of company on highlighting how their green offerings can help the customers save money and other resources Fourth is Greenn logistive, it includes measures taken by the companies to minimize the ecological impact n all logistics activities between the point of origin and the consumptions Fifth, also the last strategy is green disposal It is used to hightlight about the sustainable disposal practices they used from producing to treating process won’t negatively impact on the environment and human’s life One specific example for this platform is The Body Shop, a company which produce skincare, cosmetic and hair care products in UK The Body shop has positioned itself as a brand which is dedicated to saving the environment It never test its products on animals and it’s also a Leaping Bunny approved brand Moreover, the brand sources its tea tree oil from Kenya Organic Oil Farmer’s Association (KOOFA) which is a corporative composes of 380 small scaled farmers This marketing platform is a profitable strategy and it can be potential platform in far future because it can proctect evironment and lives of people in the era of industrialization and mordernization like today, when the existence of environment and human being is being threatened, it is able to attraction of customer and investment dollars of investors 9 Sport doping I want to talk about one of the most shocking sport doping scadals It was happened in Tour de France This is an annual men’s multiple stage bicycle race primarily held in France, while also accasionally passing through nearly countries It was the first organized in 1903 and has been described as the world’s most prestigious and most difficult bicycle race Honestly, allegation of doping have plagued the Tour almost since 1903 Early riders consumed alcohol and used ether to dull pain But what began as a whisper and it just came as a scream as the controversy exploded into the Tour in 1998 and it did actually created a severe crisis of reliability, which was known as “Festina Affair” Festina teams was in the peak, its members was beloved by many people in the world, especially Richard Virenque and Alex Zulle, they were considered as the lightest stars of the team at that time Before starting the race, the methods of doping testing was carried out, but no signals of doping using was discovered, this showed the ineffectiveness of doping testing methods at that time The scandal began when Willy Voet, the personal assistant to French cycling’s top star and leader of the Festina team were pulled over on the FranceBelgian boder There were enough performance- enhancing drugs in Voet’s car to fuel an army of Ibizan raver which included some kind of doping products like Anobolic steriods; erythropoietin (EPO); syringes and others, all summer long At first, Virenque and his Festina teammates denied all knowledge of doping and Leblanc- the Tour’s own director said dismissively that it was an isolated incident, a one-off renegade event and nothing to with the Tour itself Yet it was untrue The Festina team infact ran a meticulously orchestrated doping programe, financed by riders themselves Within a week, after police’s raids, arrests and searches of vihicles and hotel rooms, the Festina team admitted their cheating behaviour and they had been kicked off the race and the 1998 Tour was felt apart This severe scandal damaged the fainy trust of fans totally after being observing many sport doping events before and those of their idols