Tuyển tập bài luận tiếng anh luyện thi IELTS Lê Na

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Tuyển tập bài luận tiếng anh luyện thi IELTS  Lê Na

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Tuyển tập luận Tiếng Anh luyện thi IELTS CAN CHINA BECOME A SUPER ECONOMY IN TO TIME? The roaring lion, America, is recently overshadowed by a rising one, China It is projected by 2015, China becomes the most giant economy, surpassing America and the European nations Whether this is real or not is still in dispute, and this picture dots itself with risks as well Proponents of the throne position of China argue that with the current figures, say, high GDP growth, strong currency, prevalent penetration of Chinese markets into America and big possession of dollars, this nation is sure to overtake his formidable competitor, the US When it comes to defense, China, owing well-equipped weapons and back-up North Korea, becomes a genuine threat to America in the years to come Until now, the endless race between capitalism and socialism is well seen, and which axis gains a greater say over the world’s issues is undecided The campaigns to gain more votes among the super economies are intensively launched, from political, religious to social aspects Opponents have points in their belief that no matter how overwhelming Chinese economy turns out to be at this moment, it still takes years for China to carry out changes in ideology and religion to outstrip America and Europe which have strong underpinning, as a result of alternate industrial revolutions, economic reforms and long-lasting democracy In addition, once Europe and America become staunch allies, the power multiplies, and thus, hardly can a single China and even its allies match Coupled with undeniable strengths, China loses its ground vis-à-vis its competitors in the strategy to attract talents, so as to guarantee the leading position For long, America and its partners have earmarked a huge amount of budget in the bid to entice outstanding persons, especially scientists world -wide and give favorable condition for them to stay there to revitalize their economy and give birth to great inventions which determine their undefeatable power in both economy and technology whereas China, with its stubborn bias against the differences and lack of attempt to train high-skilled labor, soon see the competent people’s leaving for other fertile grounds after undergoing inequity in treatment Despite the varied predictions of China’s fate, it could be well-known that there is a price to pay for China on the journey to remap the world So obsessive with this ambition is China that it might make light of other hazards, uncontrollable climbing contamination, increasing gap between the rich and the poor, and strikes against automatic management among workers Overheated economy is also likely to result in the bubbling of the financial market and rocketing price of the real estate which are beyond the control of the government Wars between giant economies, once China come to its throne, are inevitable, and the world grows divided again Equally dangerous, citizens of external nations are indignant with the over-flooding of Chinese products which claim their jobs and adversely affect their domestic market Thus, what will the world really be if China reaches the top position? Let’s discuss to find out what is behind such an ebullient economy ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI: NÊN TẶNG THƯỞNG HỌC SINH VÌ KẾT QUẢ HAY SỰ NỖ LỰC:) Timing: 10 minutes Pros of rewarding students for their best academic results - Appreciate the results - Motivate others to try to achieve the same result and even better - Show fairness Pros of rewarding for progress - Develop creativity and imagination - Reduce stress of achievements - Create healthy competition ESSAY Progress in learning is what most students crave for To create an inspirational environment to study, teachers and schools are supposed to bestow students rewards for their achievements, but others claim that it is more necessary to appreciate their improvement Each idea has its own value Proponents of the former idea contend that the provision of reward for outstanding results is crucial With such recognition, students feel inspired and motivated to achieve better performance Seeing other little kids be showered with presents for their accomplishments, students may feel a bit jealous, but deep inside them, they find that they need to take actions to enhance their skills in an effort to keep up with peers Result-oriented system also works in reallife, and if students access this type of evaluation, they will have better directions and aims in the future Besides, in case of merely emphasizing progress, it is abstract because each student makes improvements in a different way From the early childhood, little kids, too, are embedded with a very practical and meaningful lesson of life that there exists fairness and recognition for their achievements Nevertheless, too much emphasis over the result possibly breeds unhealthy competition Facts have shown that several students can resort to techniques to maximize their results, instead of working assiduously One of students in my class, in an attempt to be the top, plagiarized his entire assignment In addition, some students may be excellent in achieving targets set by teachers while others follow their inner voice and make their progress in their own way Imposing only one standard on evaluating students’ ability is biased, parochial, and undermines their creativity and imagination Progress that some students make could be revolutionary and unique solutions and initiatives to problems, not such the result posed by teachers Thinking out of the box is what education should also gear towards Furthermore, less focus on results diminishes stress put on students The obsession with results can drive students crazy, trigger inferiority-complex and even autism among some In brief, both ways should co-exist and complement each other to ensure comprehensive growth of children Breed: gay Assiduously: cham chi Parochial: nong can Bias: dinh kiem Inferiority complex: tu ti Abstract: truu tuong Born or not born in the dragon years I am extremely surprised with the news that this year is going to see an exponential rise in the birthrate in Asian nations, typically, China and Vietnam for the belief that any child who comes in being in this special period is endowed with a lucky life For years, dragon has been regarded a legendary animal and associated with power, activeness, superiority and other good traits Hoping that their off-springs to have the same life as the dragons’, millions of young couples try their utmost to have babies and problems, however, remain that the population explosion might happen According to several experts, this rage is likely to result in a gloomy picture, though First of all, that people think children are born this year are lucky purely originates from the unfounded belief, without any empirical research Second, as they grow up, ready to take the entrance exams and seeking for jobs, competition between babies of this year escalates ceaselessly The higher unemployment rate on the horizon is imminent, let alone probably an increased crime rate and the shortage of housing Perhaps, to people working in the real estate, this could be a positive signal, as a result of the fact that the demand for housing during that epoch is on the climb, pushing the price to the rocket and greatly benefiting them while their parents who dedicate their lives to buying houses for their dragon-year-born children are dissatisfied Put in this context, little kids and then dragon adults are, instead of enjoying a life of a dragon as claimed, working laboriously to be able to find a lucrative job and then purchase a house Others subscribe to the mindset that owing to the fact that dragons are unreal animals, kids are supposed to be impractical, living a life of everything in between, barely possible to adapt to the harsh realities and ending up in rags, unfortunately Too, in case of numerous females or males being born in this year, the matter of marriage imbalance, again, crops up, driving their parents and themselves nuts On the other side, optimists hold the idea that the undeniable and higher rivalry between dragon kids and grown-ups is a catalyst for the growth From the early childhood, these children are conditioned to train themselves in a competitive environment and learn the idea “the survival, the fittest” The entire society, also, work hard to make sure that to choose the best one among the capable dragons, the organization of entrance exams and recruitment proves transparent Once the real estate is gaining its gear again, the world’s economy is booming, casting away the cloudy frozen market that we are suffering right now At the same time, the population imbalance in gender is not always that bad, and on the contrary, the international marriages to compensate the lack of dragon males or females in Vietnam or China are inevitable, strengthening the next generations’ genes and cementing bilateral relation between nations More dragons, more saviors, as said in the old story “The dragons fly in the sky, and later swing down to rescue the needy” That is the main rationale that despite the desperate picture some pessimistic flesh out, children of dragon years are still born, increasingly Well, the arguments for or against this trend never end, and it is up to each person to choose to give birth this year or not The most important, after all, is that the child is born hale and hearty The economic development brings a better life to people, but only people in developing countries feel happier while those in developed one are less Why is this and state your view Word count: 633 words The world is becoming richer with people having higher salaries and more comfortable modcons Some people believe that this trend is conducive to people’s growing happiness in both developing and developed regions while others subscribe to the notion that apparently it sounds so, but more pains are now seen in those in the latter areas I strongly disagree with the latter view for some reasons Admittedly, the living standards of people, according to studies, are escalating by dint of economic growth People in developing world are able to afford such facilities from cars, houses to overseas travel, enriching their life experience and providing them with more opportunities, but those in another pole of the world, say, the wealthy nations, are different, feeling less happy It is believed that as a result of the expansion of outsourcing market, more jobs in haves nations are directly stolen and delivered to those in haves not nations to make use of low-priced labor and redundant natural resources However, I hold an opposite view on this matter Taking a closer look into the picture of outsourcing, we can see more advantages for both sides This trend, after all, is inevitable, showing rising flexibility in the work market where winners are the most efficient and available while losers are less adaptable to the changing world To further counter, another argument is that facing the threat of being deprived of current jobs, workers in more developed areas are competitively working harder and training them better with advanced jobs while those in the third-world are satisfied to have chance of employment, leading to the latter’s lower crime-rates and illegal immigration into the western countries for sake of jobfinding That pollution and terrorism are on a climb in the world is believed to present a threat to all people as well Despite their richest, those in developed nations still feel annoyed for not genuinely enjoying a sustainable globe Not only tsunami and other natural disasters which often happen in less developed regions can have far- reaching effects on rich ones, but the existence of a wider network of terrorists actually also puts their lives in jeopardy A typical example is the case of New York’s nine eleven event, and until now, pains are noticeably seen in the face of people here, in spite of their pride to reside in one of the most prosperous harbors of the world Nevertheless, the truth is the since the 1970s onwards, there have been fewer conflicts and wars Such terrorism actions can hardly cost as many deaths as those massacres in the First and Second World Wars, statistically Besides, as the health-care of each nation is increasingly addressed, by dint of economic growth and the provision of cutting-edge technology, more lives in both poles are saved and diseases are in-time curbed Also, the wealthier people are, the more they can invest in education to have better awareness of environmental protection and the more willing they are to use environment-friendly products, again by virtue of innovative technological applications Psychologically, once the financial matter is less urgent as it used to be, long-term thinking and strategies are adopted by people in both poles of the world In my view, all above figures really indicate that the world is changing for the better, and the most crucial is that each person, whether living anywhere, should nourish the belief to protect the earth home everyday to live happily ever after Government should allow students to pay fee after graduation or students are responsible for it or totally free education? Which one is the best? Timing: 20 minutes Word count: 676 Higher education, especially tertiary one, is the aim of most people, but not all obtain easily Therefore, some believe with government’s free education or allowance for students to pay fee after graduation, more people can make this dream come true while others claim that by paying himself, knowledge will be definitely taken seriously Each view has its pros and cons, actually The first benefit of the policy of emancipating students from financial payment during their learning time is to achieve the ultimate goal of the society i.e a high-skilled labor It is undeniable that several countries, say, Germany and Northeastern nations, often free their university education, which partly explains why they have the highest self-awareness and the most knowledgeable citizens On other hand, others argue that private education in which students are heavily charged offers the best condition for students in learning with the top-notch professors and cutting edge innovations, as reflected in the case of Havard, Yale and Cambridge non state-owned schools Equally important, let’s take Vietnam as a stark example of an education which frees students from learning in education, and not until they graduate they move to other fields in search of high-paid salaries, which, again, bespeaks itself the unwise investment by government Second, it is contended that free education creates a level-playing field for everyone It is well known that because of abject poverty, the disadvantaged and impoverished can hardly gain access to advanced education and end up with their big dreams unfinished while other eager adult learners, due to being burdened with numerous responsibilities from taking care of their parents to their own families, are reluctant to short-cut their formal training and become normal blue-workers with lower salaries Also, no sooner are outstanding students less worried with high fee of tertiary education than their desire for knowledge materializes However, it is equally necessary to take into consideration other cases With families whose income is relatively high, as a result of being exempt from education, would it be fair? Another point is that so easily accessible is higher education that people may take it for granted, and hence, drop out for no reason while others who see education as expensive and competitive try their best to part-time jobs to cover their expense, find it worthy for their effort and nurture other crucial living skills, such as, team-work, pressure dealing, right at the moment of being a student The third view, different from two above, is that students should still pay, but only after their graduation Pros of this are well seen when economic burden is still liberated from poor and distinguished students who, after graduation, are likely to obtain prestigious jobs with high salaries, feel indebted to government and even decide to make big donations in the projects of upgrading infrastructure or setting up scholarship schemes for those in the same boat as them Obama is a telling example of a person who borrowed money from government to follow advanced education in Havard law school and now becomes a prominent politician However, when it comes to the issue of management, the question remains as to how government could effectively control the flow of students in and out after graduation, keep exhaustive records of their performance to make sure fee will be paid back in time Another reason is that to indentify clearly the right target receives to deserve this policy is a head-aching matter, as a result of the fact that some mercenary ones whose income is rather abundant still want to take advantage for their personal gain In brief, each method has its own pains and gains, and the most superior solution, I believe, is that fee payment should be mandatory, and for the less lucky ones, scholarships or other kinds of financial aid are available for them to realize their goal through their endeavor Key to writing 25th, August, 2011 Government should allow students to pay fee after graduation or students are responsible for it or totally free education? Which one is the best? Timing: 20 minutes Word count: 676 Higher education, especially tertiary one, is the aim of most people, but not all obtain easily Therefore, some believe with government’s free education or allowance for students to pay fee after graduation, more people can make this dream come true while others claim that by paying himself, knowledge will be definitely taken seriously Each view has its pros and cons, actually The first benefit of the policy of emancipating students from financial payment during their learning time is to achieve the ultimate goal of the society i.e a high-skilled labor It is undeniable that several countries, say, Germany and Northeastern nations, often free their university education, which partly explains why they have the highest self-awareness and the most knowledgeable citizens On other hand, others argue that private education in which students are heavily charged offers the best condition for students in learning with the top-notch professors and cutting edge innovations, as reflected in the case of Havard, Yale and Cambridge non state-owned schools Equally important, let’s take Vietnam as a stark example of an education which frees students from learning in education, and not until they graduate they move to other fields in search of high-paid salaries, which, again, bespeaks itself the unwise investment by government Second, it is contended that free education creates a level-playing field for everyone It is well known that because of abject poverty, the disadvantaged and impoverished can hardly gain access to advanced education and end up with their big dreams unfinished while other eager adult learners, due to being burdened with numerous responsibilities from taking care of their parents to their own families, are reluctant to short-cut their formal training and become normal blue-workers with lower salaries Also, no sooner are outstanding students less worried with high fee of tertiary education than their desire for knowledge materializes However, it is equally necessary to take into consideration other cases With families whose income is relatively high, as a result of being exempt from education, would it be fair? Another point is that so easily accessible is higher education that people may take it for granted, and hence, drop out for no reason while others who see education as expensive and competitive try their best to part-time jobs to cover their expense, find it worthy for their effort and nurture other crucial living skills, such as, team-work, pressure dealing, right at the moment of being a student The third view, different from two above, is that students should still pay, but only after their graduation Pros of this are well seen when economic burden is still liberated from poor and distinguished students who, after graduation, are likely to obtain prestigious jobs with high salaries, feel indebted to government and even decide to make big donations in the projects of upgrading infrastructure or setting up scholarship schemes for those in the same boat as them Obama is a telling example of a person who borrowed money from government to follow advanced education in Havard law school and now becomes a prominent politician However, when it comes to the issue of management, the question remains as to how government could effectively control the flow of students in and out after graduation, keep exhaustive records of their performance to make sure fee will be paid back in time Another reason is that to indentify clearly the right target receives to deserve this policy is a head-aching matter, as a result of the fact that some mercenary ones whose income is rather abundant still want to take advantage for their personal gain In brief, each method has its own pains and gains, and the most superior solution, I believe, is that fee payment should be mandatory, and for the less lucky ones, scholarships or other kinds of financial aid are available for them to realize their goal through their endeavor TOPIC ON 30th, July, 2011 Timing: minutes The mission of education children is far from easy Some people believe that at school, the inculcation of ethical lessons in children to become useful citizens is necessary while others claim that each individual should learn to benefit himself first at school I partly agree with the latter view for the following reasons First, it is argued that the priority of education of the youngsters towards their needs is psychologically conducive to their learning It is likely that with no restriction which entails them to follow moral codes of the society, they feel relaxed and study more effectively Is it true? Can a class achieve its high efficaciousness when each individual, because of putting their needs over others, for instance, goes to class late or forgets to home work? Only in a disciplined environment which emphasizes their obedience to the community code can they learnt the lesson to get along with others and become confident in their work environment in the future The second reason in support of individualism in education at school is to encourage children to find out their inner desire It is argued that not being affected by the herd voice, they discover what truly want in this life and come up with revolutionary inventions to change the world, like the case of Thomas Edison However, under no circumstance can such inventions gain the support if they are only to serve the individual need of the creators and some minorities Facts have shown that their success roots from the community purpose that is to enhance the quality of life for all Another point is that if individualism was to be worshipped, for the sake of profit, youngsters could become businessmen without ethics or monopoly- like environment in business would take shape, leading to the prevalence of low-quality products Also, when it comes to the solution to the global issues, say, environment, epidemics and political conflicts, can the individuals who only benefit themselves play a part? All things considered, the purpose of education should harmonize between individual and community needs to produce citizens who can follow the moral code to become useful citizens, and at the same time, pursue their own interest to add more color to their world Retirement age policy Timing: 10 minutes The issue whether government should set a limit on the retirement age remains controversial Some people believe that there would be infeasible for different people who have different needs while others claim regardless of distinctions in people’s priorities, this policy guarantees fairness for all I agree with the former view It is undeniable that the nature of work has a big say over people’s length of working time While some builders, cleaners find that they can only work till the age of forty for their assiduous and tedious labor, politicians who gain experience through time can only reach their zenith in their sixties or seventies, as in the case of Hilary Clinton or Geogre W Bush As for writers whose inspiration springs up at any time of their life, whether young or old, the limitation on their age retirement would stifle their creativity and render them less discouraged to pursue this career Another reason for the absolute impossibility in the implementation of this policy is the variance in people’s priorities Unlike women who may be concerned with their families rather than their own jobs and cut-short their career by staying at home and taking care of their families, some scientists are able to dedicate their entire life to the cause of giving birth to revolutionary ideas and would feel unfair if they are supposed to say goodbye to their unfinished dreams Equally important, the current state of health and economic scenario of the whole nation should be taken into consideration when it comes to the decision of setting age retirement In case of people handicapped, it would be far-fetching for them to prolong their career till the required age, as opposed to others who struggle with cancer and are reluctant to terminate their desired career Regarding the picture of workforce of each nation, say, Vietnam where young labor is redundant, this policy is workable However, Japan is likely to lengthen age retirement when faced with the overwhelming domination of aging population and a serious dearth of young labor KEY TO IELTS ESSAY ON 3rd, DECEMBER, 2011 Food is transported thousands of miles from the farm to the market Is it a positive or negative trend? Timing: 20 minutes Word count: 532 We all need food to survive It is thought that with the domination of cutting-edge technology, such as airplane, food is accessible to everywhere while others see it as a danger, rather than a boon I totally support the mobile trend in food distribution First of all, opponents of this tendency argue that the spread of food to far-away places is costineffective Such fees related to gasoline, transportation delivery, staff management and other types of insurance are way beyond the pocket of suppliers However, economically, it bestows upon both producers and consumers more noticeable benefits Due to scarcity of food in some areas, as a result of frozen or extremely scorching weather, crop failures are predictable, leading to a sky-rocketing price Hence, with the in-time delivery from other zones which are available in this type of needed food, the prices can be curbed and their taste is fully satisfied while businessmen who truly prioritize the demand of customers over others gain a huge amount of profit Besides, as living standards of human escalates non-stop, their need for varied food, from eastern to western, is more urgent than ever, especially in times of globalization As there goes a saying “variety is the spice of life”, food transported from thousands of miles away from its farm is inevitable The second disadvantage of this trend is believed to trigger the inability to control the quality of food and growing dependence of each nation The past has shown that Roman, as a consequence of relying on food chain supply of other nations, ever saw its power going into steep decline whereas the task of far-distance distribution can hardly ensure the thorough examination between suppliers and buyers, and trigger unwanted virus damaging the food Nevertheless, gone are the days that food was easily ruined by external factors when refrigerators and other types of modern innovations are employed to keep food fresh and pasteurize it effectively Another point is that Roman might have seen a quick economic recovery if successfully developing other industries to compensate for their lack of food supply Geographically, each nation is born to be in a location which could be either suitable or hostile to food production, but by focusing on their inherent strengths and exchanging their products, food supply and other types of products are readily accessible to both, and at the same time, this is conducive to heightening the specialization in their production and maximizing their output in general Moreover, with this trend growing everprevalent, procedures of supervising food set up by food experts are internationalized Entering the market of Wal-mart in America, customers are able to choose the lowest price dishes from all walks of life, even Vietnam, the other side of the world, while still feeling satisfied with their quality by dint of clear markings of out-of-date and usage attached to each item Equally important, this tendency is a contributor to pressuring local food companies to continuously enhance their quality; otherwise, customers will turn to other markets for better ones with less cost All things considered, I strongly hold onto the view that more gains than pains are realized in this scenario for its cost-effective, motivational, win-win benefits for customers, producers and governments Key to wring on the 22nd, October, 2011 Information on the internet is inaccurate To what extend you agree or disagree Word count: 510 Timing: 20 minutes Internet has become a household item for a decade Some people find that nowhere can they find more useful information than in the experience of surfing the internet whereas others believe that what is transmitted on this system is not always reliable I strongly agree with the former view for the following reasons First of all, it is argued that the floods of information posted on the Internet mislead users With hundreds of advertising companies launching their campaigns about their products and extolling their strengths, customers have little idea about the true quality and are easily confused between them This situation persists and irks customers greatly, partly as a result of the fact that quality controllers are unavailable to monitor the authenticity of information Nevertheless, such is a staggering speed of information delivery that we are driven to train ourselves with the ability to absorb and filter information Surveys have also shown that since the birth of the Internet, the fact is that by dint of being equipped with more information, people’s level of education is increased, which is conducive to their better critical thinking Besides, as being purchasers who are given a great amount of news about products, they have more sources to compare and contrast to have the best option, by dint of their advanced critical thinking Second of all, for the advantage of government, news can be distorted It is likely that in order to gain more votes, politicians and leaders use this means to hide their frauds and manipulate their citizens with inaccurate news Again, this argument has its flaw On the other side, it is by virtue of accessing news from different nations, areas and organizations, whether official and unofficial, that citizens eventually discover the truth Governments can only shut the mouth of some people and show news that are most advantageous for them, but are unable to stifle all voices of people who desire for the truth and employ means to reveal it through the internet Another point is that after all, whether the information on the websites is accurate not depends on the people who spread the news, not the device itself If human cast their blame on the internet for its distortion, others kinds of media, say, television and radio would not be spared Equally important, faced with the reality that damaging feedbacks and news can appear at any time against people in online discussions or forums on the internet , they are actually learning to consummate themselves and become more cautious and responsible for their words which can sometimes determine the destiny of other people In the final analysis, I am in favor of the appearance and popularity of the internet for its undeniable contributions to our world, increasing people’s self-awareness, bettering critical thinking and enriching our knowledge to the fullest extent, and the truth is that, until now, it is here to stay against all odds TOPIC ON 19th, NOVEMBER, 2011: Some people think job satisfaction is more important than job security while others argue that people should not expect to enjoy their jobs, but permanent job is necessary Discuss and give your opinion Timing: 30 minutes Job is part of our life, undeniably To some of us, as long as we find safety in our job in terms of salary and work environment, we have it all while others always seek for adventure and something else in hope of finding more satisfaction in it My essay will explain both sides First of all, the security in jobs is necessary to several types of people Women whose lives are committed to their families see it as acceptable to have a job of modest salary and little risk In other cases, some older people who just want to earn a living to cover their twilight years’ expense are simply happy with a steady job, for instance, typing paper or cleaning house Others, however, are only content until the moment they truly perceive the meaning of the job It is known that some people who actually earn millions of dollars are willing to give up on their current jobs, which surprises normal people like us, but makes sense to fans of seeking satisfaction in jobs Perhaps, what they are searching for is the chance to explore their abilities to the fullest extent and surmount challenges, rather than money Second of all, people who are in favor of security of jobs believe that to achieve higher goals of life, the limitation in the level of satisfaction is needed Those targets such as loyalty, hard-work, advanced expertise, promotional and pay rise opportunities in a career are only obtained when people have the peace in their mind, or in other words, find their jobs secure The opposing idea is, nevertheless, that actually, safety does not mean that all the time, particularly when things go awry Facts have shown that financial crisis can happen unexpectedly, which annoys people and deprives these people of the chance of safe work while those people who change jobs to have more satisfaction gain more knowledge and skills and can quickly tailor themselves to others, eventually so as to search for safety in the rapidly changing world To clarify these two sides, different nations actually have varied definitions of what is meant truly security or satisfaction Let’s take Japan and America for example Japanese who are known as being assiduous and steady in their jobs are believed to be satisfied only after they can produce the most sophisticated products whereas in America, its citizens are only inclined to reach the level of genuine satisfaction by dint of being labeled as the leaders of change Both them are career-oriented, though Vietnam, interestingly, stands out from other countries in the world when the satisfaction of jobs is met only if its people may successfully both have a stable job and a happy family, and without the latter, the so-called level of content in jobs is down in spiral IELTS TEST ON 10th, DECEMBER, 2011 Human activity has had very negative effect on plant and animal species Some people think that it is too late to anything to problem, while others believe that effective action can still be taken to improve the situation Discuss, give your own opinion Word count: 673 Timing: 25 minutes Human has changed our world amazingly since the dawn of history To some, such shifts human has brought are inevitable and promise the foundation for a civilized planet while pessimists who claim that their actions cause more pains than gains to the kingdom of plants and animals and it is far too late to rescue anything I strongly believe with a better awareness, people are still able to save our world for the following reasons First, people casting doubts of the sustenance of the plants cite abundance of evidence to prove their poi nt Never we experience such a non-stop attack of natural disasters caused by so-called overheating economics of several nations Tsunami, green-house effects, global warming and other phenomenon become acknowledged threats and trigger more critical erosion, which results in the vast disappearance of plants Despite human’s effort to call for people’s higher awareness of environment protection, such menaces are here to stay According to the world’s environmental statistics, three fourths of the globe’s woodland over a century has vanished without a trace Nevertheless, optimists hold the firm belief that no matter how gloomy the picture of environment may sound, actions of human have been, in time, taken to curb this Let’s take example the new evidence collected from scientific sources Until now, high-technology offers better alternatives to produce synthetic materials instead of exploiting natural resources while policies, especially in developed nations, such as Singapore and Australia are immediately taken to ask each individual to enthusiastically take part in the campaigns to plant trees and keep waste in check Creatively, for the time being, houses architecturally surrounded by plants attached to the walls become a trend in Japan, which indicates a closer liaison between human and plants In other words, in accompany with increasing threats are also escalating actions from human to save our plants Animals are, second, thought to be the most to suffer for their mass extinction Figures have stated that the number of endangered species is higher than ever; in a day in the world somewhere, there are about at least two or three estimated put on this list of dying, but it seems that human are still so busy with other urges instead of taking deeds to protect their survival The truth is that the rare genes in these animals, once gone, are unable to be recreated A typical example is the case of our great friend, dinosaur which ever contributed significantly to the ecological balance Even worse, for the sake of profit, mercenary people are harnessing the skin of animals as cosmetics whereas some are using animals as the object of their research Yet, is it a total refutation to exclude all human’s genuine effort to save animals? With the scientists and environmentalists working at a long stretch to come up with cutting edge innovations to reproduce the gene of these animals and spurring the government to place researched animals on the list of danger, optimists confirm that several species have actually escaped from the label of extinction Dolly Sheep is a telling instance of an animal in which researchers have successfully recreated its destiny through genetic studies Besides, the appearance of ever-increasing zoos and aquariums around the world is self-evident to show that the animal shelters are taken care more than ever America, according to the annual survey, has poured a dramatic amount of money into the reconstruction of animal kingdoms, such as sea-worlds, so as to raise people’s awareness of species in human’s life and cement the bond between animals and human through creative shows At a more macro levels, the cross-border legal terms and conditions on the animals’ and plants’ conservation, for example, no testing on animals for cosmetic products, are passed and conferences on the solutions to remedy these problems are seen In the final analysis, both the bright and dark sides of the picture are noticed The most important, I believe, is not about the lateness or earliness, but let’s prioritize the survival of animals and plants over ours to have a better world at any time Some people think that the best way to gather information is through newspapers while others believe in other better ways Discuss Word count: 506/ Timing: 25 minutes The prevalence of varied kinds of media provides people with more opportunities to access information Some people believe that to explore information, human can make use of different means from television to the internet while others rest on newspaper reading as the most preferable method My essay will discuss both ways First of all, newspapers have, for years, been employed for their comprehensiveness It is true that through just a number of pages, the world’s most general information is captured from the life of a famous person to the wars happening somewhere in the globe However, to those people who are avid readers and demand the depth of information, they prefer reading books and real-life interviews through television where they believe the truth can be revealed We may know, in general, what is occurring, without the detailed analysis and emotional conveyance of writers through the short head-lines Besides, in the market-based economy, the content of several newspapers is central to the provision of hot news about the life of famous people to entice the audience and is likely to be embellished for the sake of profit Occasionally, no sooner have I purchased a newspaper to read for its appealing headline, for instance, the adultery case of a celebrity than I feel being deceived for its soulless description It is also claimed that celebrities can use their money to ask writers to present information to their advantage or polish their images, despite their dearth of genuine talent Second of all, unlike the internet’s news- reading which causes eye problems, newspapers might lessen this danger and satisfy busy people with a purpose of quick reading The truth is that hardly we see many people nowadays be patient enough to read a thick book full of hundreds of pages Nevertheless, according to social statistics, those people who are interested in reading news only through newspapers are less able to foster their active thinking while the experience of reading books, in spite of taking longer time, is greatly conducive to people’s imagination, linguistic and critical thinking growth Besides, compared with television, it is undeniable that newspapers prove less desirable for its inability to depict news in the most vivid ways with sound and authentic images Equally important, with the Internet coming along, all pieces of news from the world, rather than being shown through pages, can be wholly compacted into merely one online page and monitored in their own way via a simple click on the window Surveys have indicated that since the dawn of Internet, the number of newspaper fans has been on a down spiral, but that of online readers has been multiplying amazingly on a daily basis At the same time, the more sources of information we refer, the better our understanding about the issue grows, which actually sharpens our thinking All in all, each kind of media has its own advantages and disadvantages Apart from newspaper reading, I believe that humans, at present, have successfully harnessed a host of means to continuously enrich their knowledge FOR THE ACTION OF LENDING AID A For rich countries Economic advantages • cheap labor • market expansion • tariff reduction • natural resources’ exploitation Political benefits • having allies in dealing with the world’s issue like environment, tourism • promulgation of political beliefs through cultural activities Responsibility • avoiding illegal immigration • war redemption • Global issues Examples • America lending aid to Thailand • America lending aid to Japan B For poor countries Economic edges • more jobs • expertise gaining • more money to develop ( deal with illiteracy, disease and etc,) • up-gradation of technology Cultural and political gains • having allies • enriching their culture Examples • Vietnam receiving aid from Japan • India receiving aid from America • AGAINST THE ACTION OF LENDING AID A Against rich countries Economic disadvantages • Lose their technology secrets • Lose jobs to poor countries • Budget deficit Inhumane • Poor people in rich countries need help B Against poor countries Economic disadvantages • Lose natural resources • Consumer market • Lose talented people/ brain-drain Cultural and political adverse impact • Invasion of foreign cultures • Forfeit their autonomy SPACE TRAVEL - TOURISM ON OTHER PLANETS, COULD IT BE Word count: 402 Space travel is a trend in today's world Some people claim that this trend motivates people to go beyond the limit and discover new things on other planets while others claim that this can result in financial loss for governments My essay will discuss both positive and negative effects of this tendency On one hand, space travel tourism creates new opportunities Educationally speaking, this trend stimulates people on Earth to discover new things on other planets Scientific evidence shows that there is similarity between the Earth and planets outside, thanks to which humans can find out alternative natural resources and even make use of water on Mars to meet growing demand at home Some samples of rocks and items are sources for scientists to come up with logical theories and predict accurately the effects of volcanic eruption In addition, the need to travel outside this world is more prevalent, especially among youngsters who are fed up with mundane life According to surveys, each year sees hundreds of youngsters and rich people who are ready to pay thousands of dollars to set their foot on new planets and even want to die there On the other hand, several drawbacks are seen in this trend For one reason, governments should take into great consideration the matter of finance The task of providing the most cutting edge space shuttles, training experts to control under high pressure and the like may add up to millions of dollars, let along the problem of physical health deterioration of passengers Facts have shown that people's body will be distorted during the time they are floating inside the space shuttle, with their legs becoming thinner, faces being out of shape and internal organs adversely affected To those who suffer respiration problems find it less comfortable to live an environmental without gravity Air pollution is another disadvantage With people appearing on other planets along with other equipment, the atmosphere of planets may be put in danger Risks are extremely high in case of shuttle explosion as seen in a series of Appollo ships in America some years ago In brief, space travel tourism has both pros and cons Any person who dares to enter a new world should be acutely aware of their finance, health, knowledge and risk before deciding to embark on the space shuttle QUESTIONS Do you believe in the existence of other planets? If it were, how could aliens look like in your imagination? Describe in detail as much as you can Could people have space travel? What are effects of this trend? Should governments spend more money in researching outer space? Steve jobs, should he be your idol? Steve jobs, this name, rings like a bell in recent years Hearing his name, we keep asking ourselves why he is a small person, but has a great mind With him appearing in this life, changes are forthcoming, revolutionizing the world of technology to the point of so-called phenomenon Every year churns out a new product of Apple in the market, satisfying customers who desire for the best while other corporations, despite still doing good business, barely renovate themselves with quickly new ideas His love for technology is immeasurable when he is ready to dedicate most of his time on earth to exploring new technological innovations and digging deeper into different styles of existing inventions in hope of bringing something novel to everything he and his team are working on From the story of MacBook Pro to I-phone, I Pod, I Pad, we are mesmerized by his ceaseless creativity and inspiration, and to our greater astonishment, his cancer disease, against all odds, fuels his passion for savoring every single day of his life to the fullest extent and spurring him to go to any lengths to realize his daily dream Eventually, as he went away last year, his footprints are here and there, reminding us of a legendary figure But to some, his image is implied with evil for his dictatorial fashion of leadership, and it is believed that under his reign, Apple did witness the dismissal of hundreds of employees, who he labeled, incompetent and lazy To further arguments against him, some people cite the case of a worker who happened to not be able to answer him several questions on the lift and then received the command of being out of work the same day His temperamental characteristics are known to be threats to those people being his fellows as well, trying to decipher his mood swings to serve him and survive well in the cut-throat Apple world where perfectionism is inscrutably worshipped It is claimed that not every single step of production is devoid of Steve’s intervention to guarantee that the product is finalized with the best design, technological application and its uniqueness Hardly can we know a leader who is energetic and patient enough to interview his employees for hours to winnow the most potential, suggest marketing strategies, and laboriously bury himself in labs to test his new ideas Though he is difficult to work with for his demanding trait, it cannot be denied that like a great mother, he cares about the existence and thriving of his organization to the last day of his life without a grumble and even with the birth of new generation of Apple to mark his passing away moment After all, had it not been for his “annoying” insistence on the best-imputed by some-, how could we bask in the most cuttingedge waves of products? Now as I am using the MacBook Pro, I feel tremendously proud for having a chance to use an unparalleled transparent screen dotted with appealing color for each item, and I don’t know how many people bear grudges against him, but I wish to be his fellow always Sorry, I use the present tense sometimes to make mention of Steve Jobs, for he is still alive in my heart and millions of others’, right Word count: 509 Developments of technology actually cause problems to people and make lives complicated, and a solution should eliminate them To what extent you agree or disagree? Technological advancements are believed to ease our lives, saving our time and energy However, skeptics are raising a series of questions about the real effectiveness of technology from the matter of employment to harmful influence to children My view is to support the former idea for the following reasons It is, first, argued that the existence of technology multiplies our stress With people abusing technology in work places to accelerate their output, more deadlines are urgently given and requirements from employers are mounting It seems that people are sucked in the world of hurry sickness where everything must be finished as fast as the lightening speed of machines Nevertheless, it is human’s improper usage of high technology that their lives suffer, not the machines themselves Such applications, for example, from washing machine to micro-oven, are conducive to the emancipation of people’s housework burdens In addition, instead of being stuck in traffic jams for hours and being exposed to dust, internet conferences and virtual meetings are definitely bound to heighten the productivity and protect people’s physical health Another drawback of technology is to alienate people from the real world There are children spending hours on end and being totally isolated away from their friends while some become passive in their thinking and live in the illusions of images on the internet The world grows flatter, however People from all walks of life who used to harbor prejudice against each other due to the lack of mutual understanding are more likely to be closer by frequently joining in community chat rooms and surfing international websites Equally important, never has the number of students desiring to study overseas and take part in culture exchange programs been higher after the means of connection have been diversified through cutting edge innovations Via the internet, children are also given favorable condition to access the world’s information, attend online courses of top-notch professors and equip themselves with a variety of useful skills from computer literacy, searching to critical thinking enhancement If antis insist on the negative influence of the technological innovations, I strongly believe that there should be better solutions, rather than eradicating them from our lives for good One remedy is that let people choose their own style of living Critics can set up their own clubs of people cherishing the old days while others voluntarily opt not to purchase such applications Also, for certain people misusing technology and becoming victims, adults’ guidance in limiting hours of access and education are crucial In work places, apart from international online conferences, face-to-face meetings are held in parallel At the same time, as long as there come problems, there will be better solutions Rather than stopping people from the usage of advanced technology, we should encourage them to use and exercise their brain continuously to seek for more optimum answers That is how the world works for centuries, actually THEME GENDER Việc giáo dục trẻ em không đơn giản Một số người cho mẹ đóng vai trò quan trọng gần gũi họ với trẻ thơ từ lọt lòng người khác tin bố có sứ mệnh định hướng nghiệp Theo quan điểm tôi, họ có vai trò quan trọng trưởng thành thành công đứa trẻ Educating children is far from easy Some people claim that mothers play a more essential role thanks to their closeness to little kids since childbirth while others believe that fathers have a career-oriented role In my opinion, they are equally indispensible in the growth and success of children Đầu tiên, mẹ người trải qua tháng đau đẻ sinh đứa trẻ trực tiệp Trong trình đó, họ cho có gắn kết tình cảm vô hình đầy ý nghĩa thay với Tuy nhiên, mặt sinh học, tạo hài nhi kết hợp trứng từ mẹ tinh trùng cha Dù người đau đẻ trực tiếp, người cha yếu tốt định mang tính gien học cho người màu da, chiều cao, số thông minh tính cách Thực tế có nhiều đứa trẻ mặt mũi giống cha chí có thói quen giống cha từ lúc sinh First, mothers undergo months of hard labor delivery and give birth directly to children In that process, they are believed to be invisibly, emotionally and irreplaceably attached to their children However, biologically speaking, the creation of fetus is the combination of eggs and sperms from both parents Albeit not experiencing direct labor pains, fathers play a decisive and genetic role in the birth of children from color, height, intelligence to characteristics Facts have shown that many children resemble their fathers in terms of appearance and personal traits - Resemble: giong Personality traits: net tinh cach Albeit: dich Invisibly: vo hinh Sperms: tinh trung A genetic role: vai tro gien Fetus: bao thai Labor delivery: qua trinh de Thứ hai, mẹ nhà ngoại giao làm kinh tế tuyệt vời Sự nhẹ nhàng, tinh tế thấu hiểu cảm xúc họ giúp họ nói chuyện với cách cởi mở chia sẻ lời khuyện với con, đặc biệt giai đoạn tuổi teen Một số ông bố, hà khắc độc đoán, khiến không dám thổ lộ tâm cảm thấy xitret Hơn nữa, thực tế cho thấy phụ nữ ngày tham vọng hơn, nghiệp chí nuôi mà không cần có hỗ trợ người cha Sự tăng lên gia đình mẹ đơn thân ví dụ điển hình Tuy nhiên, số liệu thống kê cho thấy đứa trẻ lớn lên gia đình không cha thường trải qua cảm giác mặc cảm, tự ti chí tự kỷ Sự rắn rỏi người cha hỗ trợ tinh thần lớn với người vượt qua khó khăn Mặc dù không tình cảm mẹ, cha giúp định hướng nghiệp đưa lời khuyên mang tính chiến lược có tầm nhìn Cha Mozart người sẵn sàng hi sinh đời để dạy nhạc ông ý đạt đỉnh cao nghiệp mà có tuổi Secondly, mothers are wonderful communicators and businesspersons Their gentleness, delicacy and perception help them communicate with children and share advice with the latter more openly, especially in teenage and rebellious years Some fathers, due to their strictness and dictatorial behavior, lead children to be less willing to outpour their emotion and become more stressed Besides, facts have shown that women in today’s world are more ambitious, careeroriented and even raise their kids without the aid of men A significant rise in the number of single-mother families is a telling example However, social statistics have indicated that children who grow up in fatherless families undergo inferiority complex and autism The strength and determination of fathers are moral support for children to overcome hurdles in their life In spite of not being as sentimental as mothers, fathers provide children with more careeroriented, visionary and strategic advice Mozart’s father is the person sacrificing his entire life to teach his kid to learn music, and thanks to that, the latter reached the zenith of musical career at only the age of five - Outpour: tho lo Hurdle: rao can Inferiority complex: mac cam tu ti Topic 7: Travel, Tourism, Culture, and Languages Requirement: - Find an article /essay concerning the topic specified below Prepare a 5-minute informal presentation in your group based on the article/essay you have selected Take note or underline the vocabulary you have learnt from the article Name Topic Le Thi Dung A city you would − like to travel to Doan Quoc Dung Tran Thuy Duong Ta Van Ha Phung Thi Thanh Hai The effects tourism Relevant Writing Task Questions of − Most of the world’s poor live in countries where tourism is a growing industry The issue is that tourism does not benefit the poorest How can the income generated by tourism benefit the poor? And how can we ensure that tourism does not destroy traditional cultures and ways of life? Discuss (Focus on Ielts) − Tourism is a modern form of colonialism It distorts local economies, causes environment damage and ruins the places it exploits To what extent you agree? − Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures To what extent you agree or disagree with this opinon? − Will the popularity of English and tourism harm the minorities and minor language? Discuss Tran Thi Hai Vu Lan Hanh Traveling future Le Thu Hien Dinh Duy Hung Tran Thi Thu Huong Nguyen Thi Huong Lan Le Thi Hoang Linh Nguyen Nhu Ngoc Hoa Hong Nhung Vo Minh Phuong Ha Dang Vu Customs traditions, shocks in the − According to those in the travel business, the nature of the average holiday is changing Rather than seeking a relaxing break in a far away place, people now want excitement on their holidays and are keen to participate in unusual and challenging activities In what extent you agree or disagree? and − Some people think visitors to other countries should imitate local custom and behaviors Others Culture think the host country should welcome cultural diversity Discuss − Multicultural society brings more benefits to the Multi-cultural country than drawbacks In what extent you society; advantages agree or disagree? and disadvantages of − The culture of different countries are becoming a melting pot similar so there is no point for people to go traveling abroad for they could have same experience at home To what extent you agree or disagree? Traditional values, − Over the past fifty years, young people began to gain status and power lost by old people What is specific customs that the cause and is it a good development or bad? interest you Ta Thi Quynh Dang Anh Thang Pham Thi Hong Van Duong Trung Tung Vu Khac Xuan Hoang Le Dung English study; − Studying the English language in an English speaking country is the best but not the only way to English langauge; learn language Do you agree or disagree with this learning a foreign statement? language − The increasing role of English in the world today means that the learning of other languages is being neglected This will have serious results for the continued use of these languages, and of their cultures In what extent you agree or disagree? − Learning a foreign language offers an insight into how people from other cultures think and see the world The teaching of foreign language should be compulsory at all primary schools To what extent you agree or disagree with this view? − Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion − Some people think that it is important to have a single language as an international official language Others think that it will make it difficult to identify countries and cause a loss of culture What are your opinions on this? ... the news that this year is going to see an exponential rise in the birthrate in Asian nations, typically, China and Vietnam for the belief that any child who comes in being in this special period... international marriages to compensate the lack of dragon males or females in Vietnam or China are inevitable, strengthening the next generations’ genes and cementing bilateral relation between nations... places it exploits To what extent you agree? − Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between

Ngày đăng: 13/03/2017, 13:32