Tuyển tập bài luận tiếng anh luyện thi IELTS Lê Na

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IELTS TEST 08th OCTOBER 2011 and 10th March 2012 Effect Effects of aging population?  Type: Argumentative  Field: Social problem  Target: o o Showing advantages and disadvantages of the internet Giving supporting ideas and relevant examples  Organization: Agree Disagree (support to aging population) (not support to aging population) - Live long to enjoy life more - Aging population is conducive to the booming of nursing and healthcare related Industry - The old plays an important role in preserve national character - The old goes along with diseases - More pressure of welfare for the old on government - Old people’s conservatism limit creativeness of the young Effects of aging population?  Essay: Topic sentence of the first idea Signpost to change to opposite idea The phenomenon of aging population is gaining ground in developed nations where longevity is lengthened greatly by dint of higher living standards, better health care and serene life Some people fear that this trend may cause threat to the society in the long run for its cause of young labor resource dearth while others view it as inevitable and see positive effects of this issue My essay will analyze both good and bad sides of this problem First of all, it is believed that the longer people live, the more they enjoy their lives After years of diligence and contributions, the idea of taking a comfortable life in the twilight years without the worry of suffering death is wonderful; the senior can read books, write their articles, or pursue their own passion to the fullest extent However, along with their enjoyment are pains as well The old age is often associated with diseases which deprive the senior minutes of basking themselves in their twilight years, for instance, the attack of insomnia, hypertension, loss of memory and others Effects of aging population?  Essay: Topic sentence of the first idea Signpost to change to opposite idea Second of all, from a broader perspective, say, the social view point, the appearance of dense population of the old is seen as a catalyst for the booming of nursing and health-care related industry With more old people dominating, doctors and other health experts are likely to work their brains to come up with new medicines to treat diseases and enhance the quality of healthcare of the old who, unlike other generation, put their well being on the top of their list Nevertheless, the opposite truth is the probable danger of a huge waste of money poured into welfare, which might drive the government crazy while they are already exhausted with so many responsibilities Besides, despite the existence of high-skilled products made by the senior who have a wealth of experience and knowledge, the society is in a dire shortage of the young who have a bigger say over the economic destiny of a nation Third of all, it is thought that in accompany with the presence of the old is the possibility of the preservation of well-valued traditional norms It is reasonable to argue that the old who often hold back on the past value tend to put high emphasis on the sustenance of the old day beauty By contrast, the counter-argument is that as a result of so-called conservatism normally noticed in the old, the society will be in lack of new ideas and ideals that are conducive to a dynamic and open economy In a word, the society would undergo gains and pains when this trend prevails All in all, aging population is an Word acknowledged trend, having positive and negative impacts on each individual count: and society as a whole 457 Timing: 10mins Effects of aging population?  Vocabulary: o o o o o o o o Longevity /lɔn'dʤeviti/ tuỏ i thọ Serene /si'ri:n/ bình diligence /'dilidʤəns/ sự chăm chỉ Insomnia /in'sɔmniə/ chứng mấ t ngủ Hypertension /'hâipə:'tenʃn/ chứng cao huyé t ấ p Welfare /'welfe / phú c lợi xã họ i Norm /nɔ:m/ quy tấ c, phong tụ c Prevail /pri'veil/ thịnh hầ nh, phổ bié n Effects of aging population?  Translation into Vietnamese Hiện tượng dân số già đâng tăng lên quốc gia pháp triển nơi tuổi thọ người kéo dài lên nhiều nhờ vào mức sống cao hơn, chăm sóc y tế tốt sống bình Một vài người sợ xu hướng gây lên mối đe dọâ tới xã hội dài hậ n nguyên nhân về khan nguồn lao động trẻ người lại cho rầ ng điè u nầ y lầ tấ t yé u và ghi nhậ n tấ c đọ ng tích cực củ a vấ n đề nầ y Bài luận củâ phân tích hai mặt củâ vấn đề Đầu tiên, người tin người sống lâu hưởng thụ sống họ nhiều Sau năm tháng siêng cống hiến, ý tưởng việc hưởng sống thoải mái dễ chịu năm tháng cuối đời mà lo lắng tuyệt vời; người lớn tuổi đọc sách, viết báo, theo đuổi niềm đâm mê củâ riêng họ đến đỉnh điểm Tuy nhiên, với hưởng thụ củâ họ đâu đớn Tuổi già thường liên quan đến bệnh tật điều lấy phút giây an nhan tuổi già củâ họ năm cuối đời, thí dụ như, công kích củâ chứng ngủ, cao huyết áp, trí nhớ bệnh lý khác Effects of aging population?  Translation into Vietnamese Thứ hai, từ nhìn khái quát hơn, quan điểm xã hội nói xuất dân số già xem chất xúc tác cho bùng nổ nghành công nhiệp liên quan đến việc điều dưỡng chăm sóc sức khỏe Với số lượng người già lấ n át, bác sĩ chuyên gia sức khỏe khác dường phẩ i bắt não củâ họ làm việc liên tục để bắt kịp loại thuốc để chữâ trị bệnh nâng cao chất lượng chăm sóc sức khỏe người cao tuổi người không giống hệ khác, đặt sức khỏe củâ họ lên hàng đầu Tuy nhiên, thật trái ngược mối nguy hiểm xảy củâ việc lãng phí khoản tiền lớn rót vào phúc lợi xã hội, điều mà làm cho phủ phát điên họ lại kiệt sức nhiều trách nhiệm Bên cạnh đó, hữu củâ sản phẩm công nghệ cao làm người thâm niên giàu kinh nghiệm hiểu biết, xã hội lại đâng tinh trạng thiếu hụt nghiêm trọng lao động trẻ người có lời hứâ hẹn lớn cho vận mệnh kinh tế củâ quốc qia Thứ ba, người cho với diện củâ người già có khả bảo tồn giá trị văn hó a đấ ng quý Cũng dễ hiểu tranh luận người già người mà thường lưu giữ giá trị khứ có chiều hướng tập trung cao vào thức ăn thức uống củâ vẻ đẹp xa xưâ Ngược lại, ý kiến phản biện lại cho kết củâ gọi gọi chủ nghĩâ bảo thủ thường ý đến người già, xã hội thiếu ý kiến lý tưởng điều mầ tạo điều kiện cho kinh tế mở động Hay nói cách khác, xã hội sẽ trẩ i qua những mậ t được và mấ t mầ xu hướng nầ y thịnh hành Nói tóm lại, dân số già hóa xu hướng thừâ nhận, có cẩ những ẩ nh hưởng tích cực và cẩ tiêu cực đé n mõ i cẩ nhân và toầ n xã họ i IELTS WRITING ESSAY: COLLEGE YEARS ARE THE BEST PERIOD OF OUR LIFE? TO WHAT EXTEND DO YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE? Written by Pham Thi Le Na Timing: minutes Not all people stand a chance of experiencing the college years, but if studying at university, they will definitely realize that those years are the most fabulous periods of time for these following reasons College years are the time we learn how to be independent and responsible Unlike years at secondary and high school when we still depend on parents for decision, university periods of time give us constructive freedom When we live far way from parents, everything we is all of our own making, and hence, we learn to be more responsible for our life There would be no one there giving directions or showing us how to cook, clean and laundry, or telling us which career we should follow or which course we should take Only by doing all of them on our own can we become more mature and be ready for later life Another advantage the student life promises us is the new experiences- a far cry from what we tasted at earlier years It is the first time we have the opportunity to get engaged in social activities like student clubs, volunteer programs that bring a meaning to our life It is the first time all students are encouraged to stand in front of public to make presentation or to debate or to show our reflections upon controversial issues, all of which greatly enhance our confidence It is the first time we make friends with people from different regions of the country, helping promote our interpersonal skills a lot Such experiences are prerequisites for us to move on with aplomb in the future Counter-argument paragraph: Opponents argue that their childhood or adolescence is the best period of time because they not have to worry about anything This is partly true, but when it comes to the real enjoyment of life, it needs our awareness of true value of every moment we live How can a child understand much the meaning of happiness when they are just from or years old? How can secondary or high school students truly feel happy when everything they is not what they want, but mostly what parents want or impose or manipulate? It is only in such a heterogeneous environment like university that we learn to be ourselves In the final analysis, I reckon that missing the college years means missing the most meaningful part of your life CAMRBIDGE 5- TEST Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate rather than compete become more useful adults Discuss both views and give your own opinion WRITTEN BY PHAM THI LE NA TIMING: 10 MINUTES Competition - Understand strengths and weakness Motivate people A sense of pride and wonderful memories Cooperation - Learn from friends Social skills, team-work A sense of community Whether children should be encouraged to compete remains controversial Several people claim that this skill is indispensible to people’s survival in the cut-throat world like today while others cite that there should be more cooperation, instead competition to foster children’s comprehensive development My essay will shed lights on this issue and present my personal view at the same time It is, firstly, true that the sense of competition engendered in children is conducive to their recognition of weakness and strengths For instance, no sooner have they competed with their friends in a football than they realize what skills they lack and lessons they draw However, it is reasoned that life is not about winning or losing; in order to understand who they are in this society, they should know how to cooperate, to communicate with others, support others and respect others in the fulfillment of we-goal Another disadvantage of competition is to provoke in children the aggressive feelings and selfishness Surveys have shown that such children that are raised in a more competitive environment tend to be more violent, dictatorial and less willing to subordinate their needs to others Yet, the fact is that if children are too cooperative and hardly ready to fight for their interest sometimes, they may find themselves inferior, unconfident and threatened by others all the time The outcome of several studies also states that as a consequence of excessively accepting things and compromising with others, these would-be adults suffer mental disorders and always live in their little closet, staying distant to the real life Key to IELTS Writing Topic on 30th, 2012 Visiting foreign countries, some people take full advantage of opportunities of learning about other culture and traditions How can people learn about other cultures and traditions? While some people learn, others don't Why don't they? Give your ideas and examples if relevant How to learn culture? Through the respect Desire to enrich knowledge Do as roman Why not - Violate their belief - Feel uncomfortable ( it is time to relax, not to learn seriously) - Believe it is the host country to learn culture from them WRITTEN BY PHAM THI LE NA TIMING: 15 MINUTES “Do as Roman do”, as there goes a saying, it is thought that the obedience to cultural norms of other nations in your visit is beneficial for visitors However, others claim that this gives them the feeling of uneasiness My essay will provide insights into two contrasting views Firstly, when visitors learn to follow the local culture, they might enrich his knowledge Through differences in culture, they get to know something else apart from their mundane life, for instance, seeing the beauty in musical festivals overseas and understanding the importance of punctuality Luckily, some restrictions in their own culture can be complemented by the perception of new culture However, it is argued that not all cultural aspects are deemed to be compatible with their old belief; if they are stickers to Islamism, they will have to refrain themselves from drinking alcohol and sexual life in their visit to western cultures The temptation is supposed to surrender to their loyal faith; otherwise, they will be seen as outcasts of their religion in their comeback to homeland Another reason in favor of the former view is to bestow upon visitors the sense of easy adaptability Being open to cultural differences and trying to learn them, they can hardly feel like a fish out water, but immerse themselves in these diverse environments to make friends with people here and have fun-filled days How boring it could be to stay away from local people who know to make you laugh and take you to unforgettable trips endemic to their culture! The counter-argument is that even if the local cultures welcome different behavior and belief of visitors, they would greatly benefit Only by creating a home-like environment can local people appeal more visitors and give them the feeling of comfort Equally important, by this way, people of host nations can come to know more about cultural diversity from visitors from all walks of life Thailand is a telling example of a country endeavoring to meet the growing demand of foreign visitors by asking their local people to speak the language of the latter and providing Lena culture center Website: http://www.phamnguyenlena.org/ - th Key to IELTS Test on 14 , APRIL, 2012 in BC/IDP Written by Pham Thi Le Na Timing: 20 minutes News on media tends to focus on problems and emergencies rather than on positive development, which has harmful effects on individuals and society To what extend you agree or disagree? Whether the media only shows the good news or bad news remains controversial It is believed that such news is only to convey the negative pictures of social development and emergent problems while others claim that the input of good information is still underlined on media I strongly hold the point that the former idea is reasonable, but the effects are hardly necessarily negative towards individuals and the society Admittedly, the ubiquitous presentation of bad news arouses in people the sense of pessimism Finishing a day of hard-work, we just want to relax and have fun through our experience of good news and exhilarating games on media, not the re-iteration of something gloomy out there in the world Ironically, if being imbued with positive news always, we can find the danger equally disastrous when we may become too sanguine and make light of thorny problems Let’s take Vietnam and China as typical examples Currently, the praise of heating economy, creation of thousands of jobs, significant DGP growth bestows upon their citizens growing confidence in the nations, but unfortunately, behind such picture are a series of jeopardies from environmental pollution and others Capturing the darkside of the society, media actually alarms people and raises their awareness of so- Lena culture center Website: http://www.phamnguyenlena.org/ - called sustainable development and the message that is “save the world before it is too late” Secondly, the concentration of good news is conducive to the world’s economy development After experiencing the recent financial crisis in 2007 and escalating terrorism, human beings are utterly shocked and are in dire need of being motivated through the good news For instance, that is the world is pouring a great amount of money in rescuing banks and there will be brighter future soon After all, we need truth, rather than superficial lies which then lullaby us and mislead us to think that instead of taking actions, we are simply crossing our figures and awaiting the spontaneous succor from somewhere The paradox is that rarely can our dear governments have enough time to intervene in the individual problems while the global issues are ringing like the bell, despite their occasional promises of endeavor on the media Besides, only after facing the bitter truths can human be awakened to contemplate over their future more and know how to save for rainy days Looking back on the financial crisis on 2007, America must have perceived a precious lesson that is to reduce their spending and lessen their desire to invest in a bubbling real-estate economy whereas Vietnamese people, after getting out of the illusion of earning big profit from selling houses, become aware of the idea “look before leap” The roots of these above concerns come from where, we may ask- undeniably, the media with a purely over-optimistic picture of the world’s market are to partly blame KEY TO IELTS WRITING ON 19TH, MAY, 2012 IN BC/IDP Foods have been produced cheaply due to improved fertilizer and better machinery However, some people believe that this is dangerous to our health To what extent you agree or disagree? Word count: 356 words Timing: minutes Written by Ms Pham Thi Le Na Food safety is a matter of concern to people To some, the idea of using chemicals and machines may diminish the quality of food and people’s health, but others hold the idea that there is nothing to worry about I think that there are more hazards behind fertilizers and better machinery for the following reasons It is first believed that the existence of cutting-edge technology can mass- produce and cheapen food The world used to suffer poverty, but now with the output increasing, this concern is eased The problem is that the natural food contaminated with the exposure of technical or metal parts in machines is proven to be of lower quality Sometimes, unwanted chemicals are born as a result of such interaction between food and heavy metals in machinery, resulting in the possible poisoning and health deterioration Equally important, when it comes to lower living standards in remote areas, it is true that the investment in machinery is far from easy In case of successfully applying better machinery in the production of food, the cost is boosted, actually while the quality is not yet guaranteed Another reason in favor of the former view is that fertilization is regarded to add more value to food Plants, as a result of suffering natural disasters or unwanted effects, are hardly preserved, yet with the aid of compost and some other chemicals, their longevity is ensured Scientific studies, though, have shown that the quality of soil has been eroded as a consequence of the constant process of fertilizing in land In the long term, this also triggers lower output and more new diseases for the plants and land, especially when the latter ones are resistant to the usage of herbicide or pesticide A number of people who consumed such diseased-planting food are more likely to undergo side-effects or have problems with digestion, despite the promising high productivity of this process The food fertilized may, too, look less aesthetically natural, which may decrease people’s appetite All things considered, I strongly believe that improved machinery and fertilizer more harm than good Hence, governments should take into consideration these new applications "Some countries spend their money on the arts This is justified by some people, but others believe that money needs to support health and education Discuss” Word count: 409 Written by Lena Timing: 10 minutes The distribution of national budget for different key industries evenly is far from easy Some people think that government’s money should be allocated more for the development of health and education while others claim that arts should be addressed for their greater contributions such as the promotion of cultural image Both sides of this issue should be discussed in my essay The idea of investing in arts has positive effects on national growth in the long term As people’s living standards become higher, they pay more attention to the entertainment life by spending more money on their exhibition visits and moviewatching According to recent surveys in America, annually, above one billion dollars are poured into artistic field while entertain industry generates billions in return, enriching its national budget However, as for countries in infant economic stage, it is out of question when they are still suffering epidemics It is the investment in health that nations can save lives of people Africa, for instance, has witnessed thousands of people dying of dangerous diseases every year, which costs its governments up to billions of dollars in human resources And history has shown how painful several European countries were, when their key labor was crippled because of the experience of black-death, and it was the discovery of penicillin that people’s lives were improved significantly Another reason in support of the greater attention to arts is its wide-spread image promotion of nations and undeniable spiritual value Nowhere is the image of nation more well-known than in the appearance of artistic events such as festivals In addition, no sooner have people buried themselves in the world of music and colorful pictures than they find themselves at ease away from mundane worries of daily life and see their minds stimulated with more imaginative ideas Arts, including the masterpieces, are proven to arouse in us the deepest feelings and call us to lead a healthy life Nevertheless, it is irrefutable that education is of equal importance Equipped with knowledge and skills, people can stay away from diseases and enlighten themselves with new ideas about arts as well Japan is a stark example of a nation prioritizing education over other industries and being labeled as one of the world’s top economic position By dint of being well-educated with discipline and perseverance, Japanese turn their cooking of Sushi into an art and learn to sanitize their food to the fullest extent to achieve the safety in health "Some countries spend their money on the arts This is justified by some people, but others believe that money needs to support health and education Discuss” Word count: 409 Written by Lena Timing: 10 minutes The distribution of national budget for different key industries evenly is far from easy Some people think that government’s money should be allocated more for the development of health and education while others claim that arts should be addressed for their greater contributions such as the promotion of cultural image Both sides of this issue should be discussed in my essay The idea of investing in arts has positive effects on national growth in the long term As people’s living standards become higher, they pay more attention to the entertainment life by spending more money on their exhibition visits and moviewatching According to recent surveys in America, annually, above one billion dollars are poured into artistic field while entertain industry generates billions in return, enriching its national budget However, as for countries in infant economic stage, it is out of question when they are still suffering epidemics It is the investment in health that nations can save lives of people Africa, for instance, has witnessed thousands of people dying of dangerous diseases every year, which costs its governments up to billions of dollars in human resources And history has shown how painful several European countries were, when their key labor was crippled because of the experience of black-death, and it was the discovery of penicillin that people’s lives were improved significantly Another reason in support of the greater attention to arts is its wide-spread image promotion of nations and undeniable spiritual value Nowhere is the image of nation more well-known than in the appearance of artistic events such as festivals In addition, no sooner have people buried themselves in the world of music and colorful pictures than they find themselves at ease away from mundane worries of daily life and see their minds stimulated with more imaginative ideas Arts, including the masterpieces, are proven to arouse in us the deepest feelings and call us to lead a healthy life Nevertheless, it is irrefutable that education is of equal importance Equipped with knowledge and skills, people can stay away from diseases and enlighten themselves with new ideas about arts as well Japan is a stark example of a nation prioritizing education over other industries and being labeled as one of the world’s top economic position By dint of being well-educated with discipline and perseverance, Japanese turn their cooking of Sushi into an art and learn to sanitize their food to the fullest extent to achieve the safety in health IELTS TEST ON 10th, DECEMBER, 2011 Human activity has had very negative effect on plant and animal species Some people think that it is too late to anything to problem, while others believe that effective action can still be taken to improve the situation Discuss, give your own opinion ESSAY Word count: 673 Timing: 25 minutes Written by Pham Thi Le Na Human has changed our world amazingly since the dawn of history To some, such shifts human has brought are inevitable and promise the foundation for a civilized planet while pessimists who claim that their actions cause more pains than gains to the kingdom of plants and animals and it is far too late to rescue anything I strongly believe with a better awareness, people are still able to save our world for the following reasons First, people casting doubts of the sustenance of the plants cite abundance of evidence to prove their point Never we experience such a non-stop attack of natural disasters caused by so-called over-heating economics of several nations Tsunami, green-house effects, global warming and other phenomenon become acknowledged threats and trigger more critical erosion, which results in the vast disappearance of plants Despite human’s effort to call for people’s higher awareness of environment protection, such menaces are here to stay According to the world’s environmental statistics, three fourths of the globe’s woodland over a century has vanished without a trace Nevertheless, optimists hold the firm belief that no matter how gloomy the picture of environment may sound, actions of human have been, in time, taken to curb this Let’s take example the new evidence collected from scientific sources Until now, hightechnology offers better alternatives to produce synthetic materials instead of exploiting natural resources while policies, especially in developed nations, such as Singapore and Australia are immediately taken to ask each individual to enthusiastically take part in the campaigns to plant trees and keep waste in check Creatively, for the time being, houses architecturally surrounded by plants attached to the walls become a trend in Japan, which indicates a closer liaison between human and plants In other words, in accompany with increasing threats are also escalating actions from human to save our plants Animals are, second, thought to be the most to suffer for their mass extinction Figures have stated that the number of endangered species is higher than ever; in a day in the world somewhere, there are about at least two or three estimated put on this list of dying, but it seems that human are still so busy with other urges instead of taking deeds to protect their survival The truth is that the rare genes in these animals, once gone, are unable to be recreated A typical example is the case of our great friend, dinosaur which ever contributed significantly to the ecological balance Even worse, for the sake of profit, mercenary people are harnessing the skin of animals as cosmetics whereas some are using animals as the object of their research Yet, is it a total refutation to exclude all human’s genuine effort to save animals? With the scientists and environmentalists working at a long stretch to come up with cutting edge innovations to reproduce the gene of these animals and spurring the government to place researched animals on the list of danger, optimists confirm that several species have actually escaped from the label of extinction Dolly Sheep is a telling instance of an animal in which researchers have successfully recreated its destiny through genetic studies Besides, the appearance of ever-increasing zoos and aquariums around the world is selfevident to show that the animal shelters are taken care more than ever America, according to the annual survey, has poured a dramatic amount of money into the reconstruction of animal kingdoms, such as seaworlds, so as to raise people’s awareness of species in human’s life and cement the bond between animals and human through creative shows At a more macro levels, the cross-border legal terms and conditions on the animals’ and plants’ conservation, for example, no testing on animals for cosmetic products, are passed and conferences on the solutions to remedy these problems are seen In the final analysis, both the bright and dark sides of the picture are noticed The most important, I believe, is not about the lateness or earliness, but let’s prioritize the survival of animals and plants over ours to have a better world at any time Written by Ms Le Na To my beloved students who want to study abroad as soon as possible March,6th 2010 To whom it may concern: MsLanHuong was my student for about one year, and at the same time, my colleague at Seamap club As a student, she showed great responsibility and enthusiasm towards the goal she set up for herself and those people living around her I still recalled that despite her mounting work load at school as a result of pains-taking research and extra-curricular activities, she still managed to complete her English assignment on time and with admirable results Occasionally, during our after-class conversations, she actively tendered me prompt feedbacks on my methodology I found actually useful and, thus, induced suitable adjustments to ameliorate my pedagogical performance, significantly benefiting my next generations of students I then invited her to be part of our Seamap organization where I have worked as president for six years and which is also the biggest non-profit English club for students from a variety of universities in Hanoi to get together and share the same interest, the love for speaking English MsLanHuongquickly grew adaptable to the ambience within a short time here Her innovative ideas of equipping our MCs with louder speaker devices to draw attention from members during discussion and zealous involvement as an administrator for logistics like birthdays, speaking contests and outdoor activities invigorated our club and earned her the title “one of the most popular key members of Seamap” It is no exaggeration to say that I am thankful for what she has done to our club members With such credentials from high pressure bearing, foresight to perseverance, it hardly came to me as a surprise to know that only in her senior year did she succeed in her application for the job as an intern of a big corporation She, now and then, drops in our club and asks whether she could help us with anything, while doing graduation paper In our next projects to reform our club, she is also willing to be our volunteer No matter where she goes, I know she is by our side with her innovative ideas and strategic plans to better our club’s inner workings I have no reservation to recommend her, and I am of strong belief that if admitted to your university, she would be a great asset to our university I would be appreciative of your acceptance on her admission to the course in your department, along with necessary financial aid For further information, not hesitate to contact me Pham Thi Le Na English lecturer President Seamap club CEO of Seamap Education Organization Written by Pham Thi Le Na I am not sure about you, but for my case, love was a motivation for me to move on with my life and until now I spent four years at university thinking about guys and chasing them, and luckily, one of them caught me That was “he” We then got married and now live far away from each other We are less romantic than we used to Not so frequently we talk to each other hours on end, nor we send sweet words When tired, I can find myself at ease to say “Honey, I cannot talk to you right now I am already worn out”, unlike “yesterday” me who kept chatting with him during time we were madly head over hills with each other, despite piles of homework weighing me down And so does him Does that mean our love wane? Apparently, it is The conventional thinking is love means the union of two guys and needs growing and cultivating each day If you cannot in reality, your love to each other is questionable To me, the so-called love changes into something else, something without words but with mind and actions truly for each other Love only fades when you want it to fade Love only fades when you are consumed by doubts by love cynics “distance can endanger our love” or “are you afraid of his adultery?” “Without sex, how can you truly enjoy love?” they further ask I agree sex is part of our life, but is not all Are people too much greedy to ask of their lovers from loyalty, responsibility, handsomeness to sex? I have known so many guys whose lives are rich, lucky and surrounded by a happy family by their side all the time But they are still searching for something else That logically explains the constant presence of our lovers is not a complete answer to keep love So what is it, after all? Belief is, some might argue Others rest on the emergence of the Internet which is seen as a miraculous way to bridge relation I myself curb my temptations and focus my energy on things I can at this moment We now both want to have good career, and for that choice, we are away To gain this, we are supposed to lose that, and that is the rule of life Nobody has it all at one time, and to achieve all in the long run, we are meant to make sacrifices at the certain periods of our lives As long as we have clear plans of our lives and want to build a happy family, distance is not such a hard challenge We also learn that we are luckily destined to fall in love, and at the same time, we are bound to work harder to “protect” our God -given love ... countries Discuss Written by Pham Thi Le Na Essay The appearance of international companies in my country in recent years has become more apparent Some people fear that this trend can adversely affect... /pri'veil/ thi nh hầ nh, phổ bié n Effects of aging population?  Translation into Vietnamese Hiện tượng dân số già đâng tăng lên quốc gia pháp triển nơi tuổi thọ người kéo dài lên nhiều nhờ... lifestyles, learners can learn novel things and apply them in their own nations in their comeback In addition, relationship enlargement is another benefit Some of international friends could be great shoulders

Ngày đăng: 13/03/2017, 13:35