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Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City PRONUNCIATION I.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others 1/ A facsimile B transfer C spacious D fax 2/ A subscribe B facsimile C pride D provide 3/ A commune B security C punctuality D distribute II Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others 4/ A technology B competitive C facsimile 5/ A courteous B subscribe C service 6/ A installation B disadvantage C dissatisfied D document D customer D disappointed VOCABULARY III Choose the best answer 7/ You can subscribe to your favorite newspapers and magazines the nearest post office A in B on C from D at 8/ Thanh Ba Post Office provides customers the Messenger Call Services A with B for C of D to 9/ The post office offers the Mail Service which is particularly fast A Secure B Efficient C Express D Reliable 10/ We are proud of our staff, who are always friendly and efficient A well-done B well-appointed C well-behaved D well-trained 11/ The hotel staff are always friendly and courteous A efficient B polite C helpful D perfect 12/ There was no mention of the incident in the national press A television B newspapers C Internet D radio 13/ to the magazine can take advantage of this special offer A Subscribe B Subscription C Subscribing D Subscribers 14/ We _ to several sports channels on television A subscribe B deliver C offer D notify 15/ ' send this document to my office by fax?' 'Certainly.' A Would you like B Would you mind C Could you D Why not 16/ I need to buy some kitchen for my house A equip B equipped C equipment D equipping 17/ It was very of you to visit me Thank you A think B thought C thoughtful D thoughtfully 18/ This post office is equipped advanced technology A with B in C by D on 19/ This hotel has got a very kitchen A spacious B space C spaceship D spacing 20/ Your EMS mail will be in the shortest possible time A Provided B delivered C.taken D caught 21/ We call a man who delivers the mail a _ A newsman B mailbox C mailman D officers 22/ EMS stands for _ A Express Mail Service B Electronic Mail Service Page GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City C Economic Mail Service D Environment Management Service 23/ If someone want to send a document and does not want to lose its shape, facsimile service will help you A beginning B last C original D recent 24/ People can buy daily in many local post office in early morning A newspapers B books C postcards D letters 25/ Fax transmission has now become a cheap and way to transmit texts and graphics over distance A inconvenient B convenient C uncomfortable D comfortable 26/ Post offices offer a special mail service which is called A ESM B EMS C SEM D MES 27/ We have the spacious hall in front of the office A large = roomy B narrow C cramped D small 28/ Can I have the of your report? - I don’t want the copy A origin B original C originally D originate HOMEWORK & 29/ He is very capable learning and understanding things A with B of C at D about 30/ is someone who works from home on computer and communicates with their office by telephone, fax, or email A Telecomputer B Telecommuter C Telephonist D Telemarketer 31/ I suddenly came a very valuable book when we was in the bookshop A up B into C across D down 32/ Does he tell you how he is getting _ his new colleagues? A on with B on of C away with D out of 33/ I'd like to send this parcel express What's the _ on it? A cost B price C postage D value 34/ _ of all the staff, I would like to wish you a happy retirement A On behalf B In place C Instead D On account IV Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words from the box compete courteous distribute transfer transmit subscribe space deliver post satisfy 35/ All mail were suspended during the strike 36/ It's only common to thank someone when they help 37/ Do you wish to take out a full twelve-month to the journal? 38/ We offer a wide range' of goods at very prices 39/ If you are with our service, please write to the manager 40/ This ticket is only used by the person who bought it It is not 41/ Fax _ has now become a cheap and convenient way to transmit texts over distances 42/ White walls can give a feeling of 43/ The newspaper is free 44/ How much was the on that letter? V.Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition 45/ We take great pride offering the best service in town 46/ This post office is equipped advanced technology _ transaction 47/ What is the Messenger Call Service used _? 48/ Let us take care _ your postal and telecommunication needs for now and ever 49/ We subscribe _ all the main medical journals 50/ This computer isn't capable _ running this software 51/ She seemed satisfied _ the results 52/ She was fiercely proud _ family traditions and continuity 53/ I was useful _ them because I could speak French Page GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City 54/ I am living away _ my family and my relatives GRAMMAR 1/ Defining Relative Clause: Mệnh đề hữu hạn (mệnh đề xác định): Danh từ trước đại từ quan hệ danh từ chưa xác định rõ, có mạo từ “a/ an/ the” & sau danh từ khơng có dấu phẩy 2/ Non - defining relative Clause: Mệnh đề vô hạn (MĐ không xác định): Danh từ trước đại từ quan hệ xác định rõ có dấu phẩy VI Circle the correct answer: 55/ The land and the people I have met are nice A who B whom C that D which 56/ My wife, _ is a doctor, works at Community Hospital A who B which C whom D that 57/ The magazine _ you lent me is interesting A what B which C whom D whose 58/ The homeless people _story appeared in the paper last week have now found a place to live A who B whom C that D whose 59/ Were the Wright brothers the ones built the first aeroplane? A which B whom C whose D that 60/ The car _ my father is using is very expensive A Whose B , whose C which D , which 61/ Hue attracts many visitors, is an ancient City A , where B where C , which D which 62/ This is a town many people live A in which B which C at which D on which 63/ He spoke to the messengers with you were leaving A which B whom C whose D that 64/ The farmers we saw were in the field A whose B which C they D whom 65/ Post office is a place you can buy stamps, mail letters and packages, and receive mail A that B which C where D in which 66/ Do you know the date we have to hand in the essay? A which B in which C on that D when 67/ She cycled from London to Glasgow, is pretty good for a woman of 75 A that B what C which D where 68/ Tell me the reason you were absent yesterday A where B when C why D that 69/ This is the last time I speak to you A of which B that C who D whose 70/ My friend eventually decided to quit her job, _upset me a lot A.that B when C which D who 71/ Is there anything else _you want to ask? A.what B where C whom D that 72/ An architect is someone _ designs buildings A who B that C which D A & B 73/ you need to talk to a person you can trust You will feel better if you A Who B which C whom D A & C 74/ I’m looking for an electric can opener also can sharpen knives A Who B which C that D B & C 75/ The problems _ Tony has seemed insurmountable A What B who C whom D that 76/ People outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy before A Whose B whom C that D which 77/ The earth, _ is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the third planet from the sun A Who B whom C which D that 78/ A pacifist is a person who that all wars are wrong A believe B believes C believing D to believe Page GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City 79/ The homeless are those _ have homes A Who doesn’t B who don’t C whom doesn’t D which don’t 80/ My uncle you met yesterday is a lawyer A which B who C whose D whom 81/ The council is in discussion with Lord Thomas, land most of the village is built on A who B whom C whose D that 82/ These adults, come to my night class, are very eager to learn A whose B who C that D when 83/ Regina, you have never met before, is a genius in painting A that B whose C whom D whoever 84/ Oxford, attracts many tourists, is often crowded in the summer A that B which C whose D where 85/ It's the best film has ever been made about madness A which B whom C whose D that 86/ I think the reason we get on so well is that we both enjoy talking A why B which C that D what 87/ Children diets contain high levels of protein better in examination A who B who C whose D Ø 88/ Sunday is a day _ we mustn’t go to work A When B , when C which D , which 89/ The year the first man traveled in space will never be forgotten A which B that C when D where 90/ She's one of the kindest people A that I know B whose I know C who I know D which I know 91/ Tom made a number of suggestions, most of were very helpful A them B which C that D B & C 92/ I have two sisters are doctors A both of which B who both C both of whom D whom both 93/ Haywood is the village A.where I was born in B.which I was born C.in which I was born D.which I was born there 94/ She gives her children everything _ they want A that B whose C where D who 95/ I can’t remember the name of the mailman A that I met last Sunday B whom I met him last Sunday C who I met last Sunday D which I met last Sunday 96/ has just won an international scholarship A David Pike, whose parents are both teacher, B David Pike whose parents are both teacher C David Pike, which parents are both teacher, D David Pike, whom parents are both teacher, 97/ He told her about the book He liked it best A He told her about the book which he liked it best B He told her about the book which he liked best C He told her about the book whom he liked best D He told her about the book whose he liked best 98/ The old man is working in this factory I borrowed his bicycle yesterday A The old man is working in this factory which I borrowed his bicycle yesterday B The old man whom is working in this factory I borrowed his bicycle yesterday C The old man whom I borrowed his bicycle yesterday is working in this factory D The old man whose bicycle I borrowed yesterday is working in this factor 99/ What was the name of the man? You met and talked to him this morning A What was the name of the man who you met and talked to him this morning? B What was the name of the man you met and talked to this morning? C What was the name of the man you met and talked to whom this morning? D What was the name of the man whose you met and talked to this morning? Page GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City HOMEWORK & 100/ This is the only boy won the scholarship A that B whose C whom D which 101/ Those villagers near the forest chop down hardwoods to sell for high prices A live B who live C whom live D for whom to live 102/ The teacher notices the students often come to class late A whom B which C who D whose 103/ The house in I was born is for sale A which B where C that D A & C are correct 104/ That is the chair _ he used to sit on for meals A which B whose C that D A & C are correct 105/ Did you see the woman father was taken to the hospital? A that B whose C whom D who 106/ Jim passed his driving test, surprised everybody A who B which C Whose D whom 107/ The factory John works in is the biggest in town A when B where C which D how 108/ He talked about the books and the authors interested him A who B that C which D whom 109/ The success of shared holidays depends on you shared it with A whose B who C whom D which 110/ I met the waiters, several of are university students A them B who C that D whom 111/ The Nile, is the home of a great variety of fish, is in Egypt A that B which C whom D where 112/ We saw so many soldiers and stanks were moving to the front A who B whom C which D that 113/ There were a lot of people at the party, only a few of I had met before A who B whom C them D that 114/ John won $,600, half of he gave to his parents A whom B which C that D it 115/ Ten people applied for the job, none of were suitable A who B whom C which D that 116/ Nha Trang is a famous beach in Viet Nam , is very crowed in Summer A , which B which C , that D that 117/ This is Mary volunteers to come to Viet Nam to teach the poor children A , whom B , who C , that D who 118/ Hoa and her dog are standing over there go to the park A that B who C whom D which 119/ We’d like to travel to a city there is a lot of sightseeing A which B when C where D that 120/ The police have caught the man A who stole my motorbike B whose stole my motorbike C whom stole my motorbike D which stole my motorbike 121/ The man is my teacher I am grateful to him A The man whom I grateful to him is my teacher C The man is my teacher who I am grateful B The man whom I am grateful to is my teacher D The man to him I am grateful is my teacher 122/ The girl went to the police station Her case was stolen A.The girl whose case was stolen went to the police station B.The girl her case was stolen went to the police station C.The girl the case of which was stolen went to the police station D.The girl who’s case was stolen went to the police station VI.Choose the word or phrase A, B, C & D that needs correcting Page GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City 123/ This is the boy who sister studied with me in high school A B C D 124/ My friend, whom hated horror film, refused to go to to the cinema with me A B C D 125/ He is moving to Lang Son City, where is in the North-Earth of Viet Nam A B C D 126/ This class is only for people who’s first language is not Chinese A B C D 127/ Dr Harder, that is the professor for this class, will be absent this week because of illness A B C D 128/ The man, of whom the red car is parked in front of our house, is a prominent physician in this town A B C D 129/ Now that I no longer have to wear uniform, I'll be able to wear which I want A B C D VII Write all the pronouns possible to complete each sentence with WHO/ WHOM/ WHICH/ THAT/ WHEN/ WHY/ WHERE 130/ To get to Frank's house, take the main road _ by passes the village 131/ The paintings _ Mr Flowers has in his house are worth around £100,000 132/ Don is a friend _ I stayed with in Australia 133/ She was probably the hardest working student _ I've ever taught 134/ Stevenson is an architect _ designs have won international praise 135/ The Roman coins, _ a local farmer came across in a field, are now displayed in the National Museum 136/ There was a little _ we could to help her 137/ He received a low mark for his essay, _ was only one page long 138/ We need to learn from companies _ trading is more healthy than our own 140/ The man I introduced to you last night may be the next president of the university 141/ These walls are all _ remain of the city VIII If necessary, correct or make improvements to these sentences 142/ He just said anything which came into his head 143/ Thieves whom stole paintings from Notfort art gallery have been arrested in Paris 144/ It may be the most important decision which you will ever take 145/ The clock makes a noise what keeps me awake at night 146/ I heard many different accents in the room, but none which I could identify as British IX Rewrite sentences with WHO/ WHOM/ WHICH/ THAT/ WHEN/ WHERE/ WHY 1/ Relative Clauses: Mệnh đề quan hệ Người + WHO + tobe/ Verb Người + WHOM + S (he/ she/ you/ they/ we/ Mary/ I/ my mother….) The/ a/ an N1 + WHOSE + N2 (N2 N1) → Ex: The doctor Whose house is very big is very rich Vật + WHICH + V/ Tobe S (he/ she/ you ) ¬ Notes ( Lưu ý ): ①WHICH thay cho mệnh đề ( Dấu hiệu: THIS/ IT + V/ tobe ) có dấu PHẨY Ex 1: He passed the exam This pleased his parents.→ He passed the exam, Which pleased his parents ② Không dùng “ THAT ” có DẤU PHẨY & sau giới từ ③ Các trường hợp DÙNG DẤU PHẨY: + Tên riêng : Marry, John, MTP, Emily… + Sở hữu: my/ his/ your + N + This /that/ these/ those + N + Danh từ nhất: the Sun/ the Earth/ The moon,… + Danh từ + Cụm giới từ Ex 2: The girl with a red shirt, Who… ( giới từ + N) ④ BẮT BUỘC DÙNG “ THAT ” Page GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City + Người lẫn vật Ex3: I can see a girl and her dog that are running in the park + So sánh nhất: the most/ the Adj-est/ the best/ the worst Ex 4: She is the nicest woman that I’ve ever met + Số thứ tự: the first/ second/ third/ fourth,…( người bình thường) Ex 5: He is the first student that comes to class today + Các đại từ bất định: something, everyone, nothing,everything… ( someone bình thường) Ex 6: She blamed herself for everything that had happened + Từ số lượng: all/ both/ some/ no/ few/ little/ many/ much/ the only/ the very/ the same/ the right Ex 7: It is the only book that he bought himself Ex 8: You can take any room that you like ¬ When/ Where/ Why: làm trạng từ thời gian - nơi chốn, không làm chủ ngữ hay túc từ Nếu câu sau cần chủ từ hay túc từ dùng which/ that Time/ Place/ Reason + Which/ that + V/ tobe Time/ Place/ Reason + When/ Where/ Why +( S + V + O) Ex 9: April 1st is the day It is called April Fool’s Day in the West _ Ex 10: I put my watch in a certain place I can’t remember that place _ Ex 11: We enjoy travelling to Da Lat There are lots of places of interest there _ 2/ Cách làm: Step 1: Gạch chân từ chung câu - Câu đầu: gạch danh từ có a/ an/ the, my/ his/ her… , tên riêng - Câu sau: gạch đại từ thay danh từ vế đầu: he/ she/ her/ it/ them/ their… Step 2: Chọn Who/ Whom/ Which/ That/ When/ Where/ Why cho phù hợp Step 3: Đặt Who/ Whom/ Which/ That/ When/ Where/ Why vào sau danh từ gạch chân đầu câu Step 4: Thêm dấu phẩy (nếu cần) Lưu ý : - Khi từ gạch chân vế chủ ngữ, phải dịch nghĩa để chọn ý phụ đưa vào Who/ Which/ That… - Nếu câu có khác nhau, ưu tiên cho vế QK trước 147/ Mary worked for the company She used to be an artist _ 148/ The woman works in a hospital I talked to her yesterday _ 149/ These are the shoes I bought them in HCMC _ 150/ She is the most intelligent woman I’ve ever met this woman _ 151/ I saw a lot of people and horses They went to market _ 152/ Tom has three sisters All of them are married _ 153/ Romeo and Juliet were lovers Their parents hated each other _ 154/ There are some words They are difficult to translate _ 165/ The village is peaceful I live in the village _ 166/ Do you still remember the day? We first met on that day _ Page GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City PRACTICE & 167/ Professor Wilson is an excellent lecturers He teaches Chemistry _ 168/ These children are orphans She is taking care of them _ 169/ She was born in Malaysia Rubber trees grow well there _ 170/ I don’t know the time She will come back then _ 171/ George is the first person We will interview him _ 172/ My family saw the robber and his dog They was in the bank _ 173/ I’ve sent him to letters He has received neither of them _ 174/ The police blocked off the road That caused a traffic jam _ 175/ Felix Reeve is a journalist His tape recorder was stolen _ 176/ Do you see my pen? I have just written the lesson with it _ 177/ Jane wore a beautiful shirt yesterday Did you see it? _ 178/ Is this the style of hair? Your wife wants to have it _ 179/ The hotel wasn’t very clean We stayed at that hotel _ READING COMPREHENSION X Read the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) THE POSTAGE STAMP Before the invention of the postage stamp, it was difficult- to send a letter to another country The sender paid for the letter to travel in his or her own country Then the person in other country paid for that part of the trip If the letter crossed several countries, the problem was worse Rowland Hill, a British teacher, had the idea of a postage stamp with glue on the back The British post office made the first stamps in 1840 They were the Penny Black and the Twopence Blue A person bought a stamp and put it on a letter The post office delivered the letter When people received letters, they didn't- have to pay anything The letters were prepaid Postage stamps became popular in Great Britain immediately Other countries started making their own postage stamps very quickly There were still problems with -international mail Some countries did not want to accept letters with stamps from another country Finally, in 1874 a German organized the Universal Postal System Each country in the UPS agree to accept letters with prepaid postage from the other members Today the offices of the UPS are in Switzerland, almost every country in the world is a member of this organization It takes care of any international mail problems Today post offices in the every country sell beautiful stamps Collecting stamps is one of the most popular hobbies in the world, and every stamp collector knows about the Penny Black and the Twopence Blue 180/ Before postage stamps, two people paid-for letters to travel in two countries 181/ A teacher invented the postage stamp 182/ The first two stamps were colored black and blue _ 183/ A stamp shows that the postage is prepaid _ 184/ Postage stamps solved all mail problems immediately _ 185/ Members of the UPS accept prepaid letters from other countries 186/ Stamp collecting is a popular hobby Page GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City XI Choose the word or phrase A, B, C & D that best fits the blank space in the following passage A major revolution for the automated office is electronic mail The customary (187) _ system requires message written on paper to be (188) _ physically from one location to another With electronic mail, messages are converted (189) _ electronic signals, transmitted (190) _ in the world, and then changed back into the original written form, all in several seconds and minutes at (191) Through the use of video screens in company offices, a single (192) can be transmitted to hundreds of people in dozens of branch offices at the same time Thus, electronic mail, along with (193) , can be an important asset in teleconferences Furthermore, the use of electric mail in the form of a 'mailbox' (194) to a telephone is also of great value Since in offices many telephone (195) go uncompleted on the first attempt, with electronic mail, two-way conversion is not essential, so it (196) telephone use and saves time 187/ A post B postal C postage D posting 188/ A transformed B transferred C transacted D transmitted 189/ A from B by C into D with 190/ A wherever B anywhere C somewhere D everywhere 191/ A most B all C least D last 192/ A data B instrument C document D information 193/ A programs B graphics C websites D databases 194/ A attached B transmitted C extended D spread 195/ A bills B calls C uses D services 196/ A increases B receives C reduces D transfers XII.Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people's lives are affected by IT Twenty years ago, few people had access to a computer whilst today most people use them at work, home or school and use of e-mail and the Internet is an every day event These developments have brought many benefits to our lives E-mail makes communication much easier and more immediate This has numerous benefits for business, commerce, and education The World Wide Web means that information on every conceivable subject is now available to us Clearly, for many people this has made life much easier and more convenient However, not all the effects of the new technology have been beneficial Many people feel that the widespread use of e-mail is destroying traditional forms of communication such as letter writing, telephone and face-to-face conversation In addition, the huge size of the Web means it is almost impossible to control and regulate This has led to many concerns regarding children accessing unsuitable websites In conclusion, developments in IT have brought many benefits, yet I believe developments relating to new technology in the future are likely to produce many negative effects that will need to be addressed very carefully 197/ In the last twenty years _ A there have been dramatic changes in the field of computer science B people's lives have been changed a lot because of the invention of the computer C the World Wide Web and e-mail communication have affected modern life D there have been developments in telecommunications 198/ According to the passage, E-mail _ A reduces face-to-face contact B can be checked quickly and easily C is used only in business D takes a lot of time to transmit 199/ The World Wide Web and e-mail communication _ A causes a busy and exciting life B have also been used for education purpose C is difficult to get access to D is destroying traditional customs 200/ What does the IT stand for? A Information Transfer B Information Transmission C Information Theory D Information Technology 201/ Which sentence is NOT mentioned? A The World Wide Web is difficult to navigate B The World Wide Web provides information C The World Wide Web is difficult to control D E-mail communication is quick and easy 202/ The writer thinks future IT developments will be _ A more positive B more negative C more rapid D unexpected Page GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City TEST I.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others 1/ A ready B friend C telephone D speedy 2/ A subscribe B facsimile C pride D provide II Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others 3/ A transit B transmit C transact D translate 4/ A capacity B communal C secure D imagine III Choose the best answer / He is very capable learning and understanding things A with B of C at D about 6/ There was no mention of the incident in the national press A television B newspapers C Internet D radio 7/ This is the only boy won the scholarship A that B whose C whom D which 8/ Those villagers near the forest chop down hardwoods to sell for high prices A live B who live C whom live D for whom to live 9/ The teacher notices the students often come to class late A whom B which C who D whose 10/ The house in I was born is for sale A which B where C that D A & C are correct 11/ That is the chair _ he used to sit on for meals A which B whose C that D A & C are correct 12/ is someone who works from home on computer and communicates with their office by telephone, fax, or email A Telecomputer B Telecommuter C Telephonist D Telemarketer 13/ Did you see the woman father was taken to the hospital? A that B whose C whom D who 14/ Jim passed his driving test, surprised everybody A who B which C Whose D whom 15/ You can subscribe your favorite newspapers and magazines at the nearest post office A in B on C of D to 16/ The factory John works in is the biggest in town A when B where C which D how 17/ I suddenly came a very valuable book when we was in the bookshop A up B into C across D down 18/ He talked about the books and the authors interested him A who B that C which D whom 19/ _ of all the staff, I would like to wish you a happy retirement A On behalf B In place C Instead D On account 20/ I'd like to send this parcel express What's the _ on it? A cost B price C postage D value 21/ The success of shared holidays depends on you shared it with A whose B who C whom D which 22/ I met the waiters, several of are university students A them B who C that D whom 23/ The Nile, is the home of a great variety of fish, is in Egypt A that B which C whom D where 24/ We saw so many soldiers and stanks were moving to the front A who B whom C which D that 25/ There were a lot of people at the party, only a few of I had met before A who B whom C them D that 26/ John won $,600, half of he gave to his parents A whom B which C that D it 27/ Ten people applied for the job, none of were suitable A who B whom C them D that Page 10 GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City A did we B didn’t we C didn’t I 84/ There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language, ? A are they B are there C aren't they 85/ No one is indifferent to praise, ? A is one B isn’t one C is he 86/ Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, ? A have they B haven't they C has he D did I D aren't there D are they D hasn't he V Add question tags to the following statements 87/ He hardly ever makes a mistake, ? 88/ Nobody liked the play, ? 89/ She'd save money if she bought fresh food, ? 90/ She's very' funny She's got a great sense of humour, ? 91/ The area was evacuated at once, ? 92/ Mr Smith usually remembered his wife's birthdays, ? 93/ It never works very well, ? 94/ He ought to have made a note of it, ? 95/ Neither of them offered to help you, ? 96/ Let's go out for dinner tonight, ? 97/ That isn't Bill driving, ? 98/ Nothing went wrong, ? 99/ There used to be trees here, ? 100/ This won't take long, ? 101/ Don't touch that button, ? 102/ I'm too late, ? 103/ Not a very good film, ? 104/ Somebody wanted a drink, ? 105/ They think he's funny, ? 106/ Today is Monday, ? 107/ The student have many computers game to play, ? 108/ You had better not go out in the cold weather, ? 109/ These are your cases here, ? READING COMPREHENSION VI Choose the word A, B, C & D that best fits the blank space in the following passage Is there life on Mars? Many people have (110) _ about this question Some writers of science-fiction think of people from Mars (111) _ little green creatures Others imagine 'Martians' as monsters with many eyes In studying this planet, astronomers have found that life may be possible on Mars The first (112) _ of this is that Mars has seasons, just like Earth In other words, Earth's seasons, such as spring or summer, occur on Mars too Because these seasons exist, it may be possible for (113) _ and other higher (114) _ forms to be found on Mars Astronomers also think that perhaps a small (115) _ of water vapor could be found on Mars In 1887, an Italian astronomer, Giovanni Schiaparelli, discovered markings on Mars' surface These markings looked like canals This finding (116) _ astronomers to believe that since water exists on Mars, life forms could exist as well However, there are (117) _ who feel that life on mars is not possible This is because there is little or no (118) _ of oxygen on the planet In 1965, the Mariner IV capsule managed to take photographs of the planet It discovered that the only forms of life found are vegetation like fungi and mosses (119) _, people remain fascinated by the idea that there could one day be life on Mars 110/ A puzzled B asked C wondered D confused 111/ A like B to be C as being D as 112/ A indication B print C mark D trace 113/ A vegetables B vegetation C vegetarian D veterinary 114/ A lively B living C live D life 115/ A quantity B amount C portion D mass 116/ A got B took C led D brought 117/ A others B another C other D some other Page 47 GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung 118/ 119/ A mark A According Banking University Ho Chi Minh City B speck B Nevertheless C trace C Thus D bit D Consequently VII Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer There is one planet that still fascinates and teases scientists mainly because it doesn't have an atmosphere to 9bscure observation, yet it is not big enough for sufficiently accurate telescopic observation The fact that it is also very close to the sun also makes it difficult for astronomers However, space telescopes have told us a lot more about Mercury It is rather similar to Earth's moon and to Mars There are mountainous areas dotted with craters and large valleys which are uncratered The moon's valleys have fewer cracks and the ridges are smoother Mercury's valleys are filled with volcanic rocks, similar to on the moon, yet there is no evidence of volcanoes, even extinct ones, on Mercury, as there is on the both Mars and the moon, and of course here on Earth So, scientists presume the valleys on Mercury were caused by different things, that is to say not by volcanoes, but by very large meteorites, which also caused the cracks in the terrain and left the ridges rough and uneven More and better photos of Mercury are needed to prove what are at present at best only hypotheses 120/ What is the topic of this passage? A The planet, Mercury B Observation of planets C The Earth's moon D Astronomers' difficulties 121/ Why does Mercury still tease scientists? A Because it has an atmosphere which obscures observation: B Because it is too close to the sun; C Because it is too small D Because it is difficult for space probes to get close to 122/ What is true about Mercury but not true about the moon or Mars? A The valleys are filled with volcanic rocks B There are no volcanoes C The valleys are uncratered D There are hilly regions 123/ What does the author imply space telescopes can better than land-based telescopes? A Show, the volcanoes on Mercury B Show the meteorites which hit Mercury C Show what caused Mercury's valleys D Show more of the planet, Mercury 124/ What can we infer from the passage that astronomers still need to get more detailed observation of Mercury? A Better and more space telescopes B More hypotheses C Larger space telescopes D More ways to prove hypotheses TEST I.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others 1/ A national B venture C fortunate D suggestion 2/ A support B shuttle C success D enture II.Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others 3/ A aspiration B gravity C challenge D fortunate 4/ A success B cosmonaut C extreme D appoint III Choose the best answer 5/ No one knew precisely what would happen to a human being in space A exactly B clearly C carefully Page 48 D vividly GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City 6/ There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language, ? A are they B are there C aren't they D aren't there 7/ Neil Armstrong, an American , was the first man to step on the moon's surface A scientist B cosmonaut C astronaut D astronomer 8/ I never said I love him, ? A did we B didn’t we C didn’t I D did I 9/ The 27-year-old Soviet cosmonaut became the first person to eat and drink in A weight B weighting C weightless D weightlessness 10/ Neither of the boys came to school today, _? A did he B didn’t they C did they D did she 11/ She is never satisfied what she's got A to B with C for D in 12/ No one is indifferent to praise, ? A is one B isn’t one C is he D are they 13/ From his window in space, Gagarin had a view of the Earth that no human beings had done before A discription B vision C recognition D attention 14/ No-one likes the cake, _? A does she B he C they D don’t they 15/ Although his flight lasted only 108 minutes, its _ made him a national hero A succeed B successful C successive D success 16/ Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, ? A have they B haven't they C has he D hasn't he 17/ Although we didn’t win, we were able to take some _ from our performance A satisfying B satisfactions C satisfaction D satisfactory 18/ Astronauts work in conditions A weight B weighting C weightless D weightlessness 19/ Tom can’t work with animals, _? A they can B can they C can he D can’t he IV Add question tags to the following statements 20/ Lan enjoys watching TV after dinner, ? 21/ Tam didn't go to school yesterday, ? 22/ You've never been in Italy, ? 23/ Let's dance together, ? 24/ You took some photos on the beach, ? 25/ I'm too late, ? 26/ Not a very good film, ? 27/ Somebody wanted a drink, ? 28/ They think he's funny, ? 29/ These are your cases here, ? V Choose the word A, B, C & D that best fits the blank space in the following passage Is there life on Mars? Many people have (30) _ about this question Some writers of science-fiction think of people from Mars (31 _ little green creatures Others imagine 'Martians' as monsters with many eyes In studying this planet, astronomers have found that life may be possible on Mars The first (32) _ of this is that Mars has seasons, just like Earth In other words, Earth's seasons, such as spring or summer, occur on Mars too Because these seasons exist, it may be possible for (33) _ and other higher (34) _ forms to be found on Mars Astronomers also think that perhaps a small (35) _ of water vapor could be found on Mars In 1887, an Italian astronomer, Giovanni Schiaparelli, discovered markings on Mars' surface These markings looked like canals This finding (36) _ astronomers to believe that since water exists on Mars, life forms could exist as well However, there are (37) _ who feel that life on mars is not possible This is because there is little or no (38) _ of oxygen on the planet In 1965, the Mariner IV capsule managed to take photographs of the planet It discovered that the only forms of life found are vegetation like fungi and mosses (39) _, people remain fascinated Page 49 GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung by the idea that there could one day be life on Mars 30/ A puzzled B asked 31/ A like B to be 32/ A indication B print 33/ A vegetables B vegetation 34/ A lively B living 35/ A quantity B amount 36/ A got B took 37/ A others B another 38/ A mark B speck 39/ A According B Nevertheless Banking University Ho Chi Minh City C wondered C as being C mark C vegetarian C live C portion C led C other C trace C Thus D confused D as D trace D veterinary D life D mass D brought D some other D bit D Consequently VI Read the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true (1) or false IF) Throughout history there have been many great explorers Have you, for example, heard of Marco Polo, the famous Italian traveler? He was the first European to travel to China He arrived in China in the late 13 th century About 200 years later, Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain by ship He was looking for a new way to reach India However, as you probably know, he didn't reach India He landed in America Five hundred years after Columbus in the' 1930s a famous explorer named Richard Byrd was one of the first persons to fly over both the North and the South Poles Today we continue to explore this world and are studying to explore other worlds, too In the 1930s Russian and American scientists sent many unmanned spacecraft to the moon These spacecraft sent back very valuable information about the moon Then on July 16th 1969 the first manned spaceship to the moon left earth On that day Apollo 11 blasted off with three American astronauts on board Four days after blast-off, two of these astronauts landed on the moon They later explored the surface of the moon About two days after landing on the moon, they started back to the earth They arrived safely back on earth a few days later Today we are sending unmanned spacecraft to other planets In the future, we might walk on Mars or Venus the way we did on the moon We might even travel to other galaxies Who knows? One thing we know for sure is that we will continue to explore this world and other worlds, too 40/ Marco Polo traveled from England to China in the late 13th century _ 41/ While he was looking for India, Christopher Columbus reached America _ 42/ In the 19thcentury Richard Byrd flew over both the North and the South Poles _ 43/ Unmanned spacecraft went to the ,moon before manned spacecraft did _ 44/ Apollo 11 was the first manned spaceship to go to the moon _ 45/ Apollo 11 was damaged in the blast _ 46/ All of the American astronauts on the spaceship landed on and explored the surface of the moon _ 47/ Today we are sending spacecraft with astronauts on board to other planets _ Unit 16 THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD Page 50 GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City 10 11 12 PRONUNCIATION I.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others 1/ A world B wonder C theory D proceed 2/ A pyramid B spiral C private D recycle 3/ A weather B treasure C great D jealous II.Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others 4/ A wonder B pyramid C treasure D belongings 5/ A surpass B spiral C propose D mysterious 6/ A theory B chamber C consist D structure Page 51 GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City VOCABULARY III Choose the best answer 7/ The local information office provides a free map of the region of the Giza Plateau A tour B tourist C tourism D touristy 8/ are places built in ancient Egypt to contain the bodied of their kings and queens A Tombs B Graves C Pyramids D Grave yards 9/ A huge rock was placed on a base of 100 meters square A involved B suggested C lifted D put 10/ A is large stone structure or underground room where someone, especially an important person, is buried A tomb B base C wonder D block 11/ The tomb was broken last night and the stole all the jewelries A thieves B king C dead D police 12/ A pharaoh was a of ancient Egypt A king B queen C prince D princess 13/ When a pharaoh was dead he was in his pyramid A carried B hidden C dug D buried 14/ The structure consisted approximately million blocks of stone, A on B with C of D in 15/ The Great Pyramid ranked the tallest structure on earth for more than 43 centuries A in B of C at D as 16/ The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the, famous man-made wonders of the world A artificial B natural C modern D external 17/ The Great Pyramid was only in height in the nineteenth century AD A proposed B promoted C improved D surpassed 18/ There are rumors of buried in that old house A belongings B tomb C treasure D chamber 19/ Each tower of the Ponagar Towers was to a different god A dedicated B distributed C delivered D contributed 21/ A visit to the Great Wall will certainly bring tourists great in each step of the wall A excite B exciting C excitement D excited 22/ In 1987, the Great Wall was listed as a World Heritage _ UNESCO A with B to C of D by 23/ The structure of approximately million blocks of stone, each weighing about 2.5 tons A included B consisted C contained D combined 24/ The Ponagar Cham Towers are located on Cu Lao Marble Hill, km north of Nha Trang A lain B built C sited D detected 25/ The family chose cremation rather than A burial B burning C embalment D funeral 27/ When it was built, the Great Pyramid was 147 meters high on a of 230 meters square A basic B base C basin D basement 28/ These suggestions are to be accepted by the majority of members A impossible B unlikely C undoubtedly D inconceivable GRAMMAR: PASSIVE VOICE I Common: thông dụng Công thức chung: BE + V3/ED Chủ động: S + V Bị động: + Công thức S Page 52 + O + (Nơi chốn: in/ near/ on) + + (Thời gian) (Nơi chốn: in / near/ on) + BY O + (Thời gian) GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City Tense Active (Chủ động) V1 (s/es) Hiện Ex 1: I often open the window V2/ ed Qúa khứ Ex 2: John bought the house yesterday Be + Ving Tiếp diễn Ex 3: My mother is watching TV Have/ has/ had + V3/ed Hoàn thành Ex 4: Marian has sold her car Can/ could Will/ would May/ might Động từ khiếm Must/ have to + V1 khuyết Should/ ought to Used to/ be going to Shall Ex 5: Danial can speak English Passive (Bị động) Am/ is/ are + V3/ed → _ Was/ were + V3/ed → _ Be + BEING + V3/ed → _ Have/ Has/ Had + BEEN + V3/ed → _ Can/ could Will/ would May/ might Must/ have to + BE + V3/ ed Should/ ought to Used to/ be going to Shall → _ ¬NOTES: ①Nếu có TRẠNG TỪ thêm sau TOBE/ V Ex 6: The book was wonderfully written by Peter ②Bỏ BY O chủ từ là: I/ he/ she/ they/ we/ it/ people/ everyone/ someone/ something… ③Không bỏ BY O: & by + tên riêng : by Marry, By robbers,… & by +the/ a/ an/ my/ his/ their ……+ N Ex 7: my father/ mother How to (Cách làm): Step 1: Xác định S, V, O, thời gian, nơi chốn Step 2: Xác định Step 3: Áp dụng cơng thức để làm Ex 8: Marry has arranged the books on the shelves every weekend → Signal (Dấu hiệu): Thường có BY A EXERCISES (PASSIVE VOICE): Exercise 1: Choose the best answer 29/ Gold(vàng) _ in California in the nineteenth century A was discovered B has been discoveredC was discover D they discovered 30/ All planes _ before departure A will checked B will has checked C will be checked D will been checked 31/ I wanted _ by the head of the company, but it was impossible A to see B to be seen C seeing D being to see 32/ Katherine _ at Bob's house every night this week A has been eaten B has eating C is being eating D has eaten 33/ They canceled all flights because of fog A All flights because of fog were canceled D All flights were canceled because of fog C All flights were because of fog canceled D All flights were canceled by them because of fog 34/ People don't use this road very often A This road is not used very often B Not very often this road is not used C This road very often is not used D This road not very often is used 35/ How people learn languages? Page 53 GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City A How are languages learned? B How are languages learned by people? C How languages are learned? D Languages are learned how? 36/ This car _ A.was manufactured in Japan by Toyota last year B.was manufactured by Toyota last year in Japan C.was manufactured last year in Japan by Toyota D.last year was manufactured by Toyota in Japan 37/ How many slums are they going to clear? A How many slums are being gone to clear? B How many slums are being cleared? C How many slums are going to clear?D How many slums are going to be cleared? Exercise 2: Change into Passive voice with the following sentences 38/ My father waters this flower every morning → 39/ John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night → 40/ Her mother is carefully preparing the dinner in the kitchen → 41/ Our teachers have explained the English grammar → 42/ Tom will visit his parents next month → 43/ The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning → 44/ Did Mary this beautiful dress? → 45/ Ann had just fed the cats before she went to the cinema → II SPECIAL PASSIVE VOICE Công thức chung: IT + is/ was + V3 + THAT + S2 + V (HT or QK) + O S1 + V + THAT + S2 + V (HT or QK) + O S2 + am/ is/ are (HT) + (not) TO + V1 (nếu thì) Was/ were (QK) have V3 (nếu khác thì) Cách làm: B1: Xác định (HT or QK) Vế B2: Xác định hay khác B3: Xác định động từ Vế 2, bỏ will/ can/ should… (nếu có) B4: Áp dụng công thức Bảng động từ thường xuyên gặp V1 say believe think tell report expect V2 said believed thought told reported expect V3 said believed thought told reported expect V1 consider suppose inform promise announce rumor V2 considered supposed informed promised announced rumored V3 considered supposed informed promised announced rumor 46/ People say that six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world were destroyed Page 54 GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City A It is said that six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world were destroyed B Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world is said to be destroyed C Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world is said to have destroyed D Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world are said to have been destroyed 47/ It is believed that a buried treasure was hidden in the tomb A They believed that a buried treasure was hidden in the tomb B A buried treasure is believed that was hidden in the tomb C A buried treasure is believed to hide in the tomb D A buried treasure is believed to have been hidden in the tomb 48/ George another trip to Greece A is said to be planned B said to be planned C said to be planning D is said to be planning 49/ The skyscraper is said to have been built in 1930 A They said that skyscraper was built in 1930 B It was said that skyscraper was built in 1930 C They are said that skyscraper is built in 1930 D It is said that skyscraper was built in 1930 50/ Mr pike the most famous archaeologist in our city A says to be B is said to be C is said that D said to be 51/ to be the richest man in the USA A Bill Gates B Bill Gates says C Bill Gates is D Bill Gates is said 52/ John is said to have been stolen the money A It is said John steals the money B It is said John stole the money C People said John steals the money D People say John steals the money 53/ It is said that many people are homeless after the floods A Many people say to be homeless after the floods B Many people said are homeless after the floods C Many people are said to be homeless after the floods D Many people are said to have been homeless after the floods Exercise 1: Write these sentence in another way, beginning as shown 54/ People think that the company is planning a new advertising campaign _ 55/ We consider that she was the best singer that Australia has ever produced _ 56/ A lot of people believe that the Prime Minister and his wife have separated _ 57/ People believe that John has special knowledge which may be useful to the police _ 58/ They say that the driver was listening to his walkman at the time of the crash _ 59/ People tell me that the Prime Minister will resign tomorrow _ 60/ My friends reported that the flowers were killed by frost _ 61/ They know that he was armed _ Page 55 GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City 62/ He recommends that we should stay at the city center _ Exercise 2: Write these sentence in another way, beginning as shown 63/ It is believed that the man was killed by terrorists _ 64/ It was reported that the President had suffered a heart attack _ 65/ It is said that there is a secret tunnel between them _ 66/ It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow _ 67/ It is reported that the building has been badly damaged by the fire _ 68/ It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall _ 69/ It is said that the man robbed the stone of $ 3,000 in cash _ 70/ It is said that she works 16 hours a day _ 71/ The teacher explained that this powerful engine pulled the train _ 72/ He told me that his football team had played well last season _ PART 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE A PHONETICS Page 56 GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City I/ Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others 1/ A character B machine C chemistry D school 2/ A hour B honour C honest D heat 3/ A rugby B nearby C cycling D apply 4/ A hoped B attracted C added D participated 5/ A athletics B participants C languages D baths II/ Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others: 6a/ A technology B distribution C delivery D facsimile 6b/ A nature B danger C human D environment 7a/ A potential B exhausted C pollution D infinite 7b/ A advance B gymnasium C solidarity D variety 8a) A admire B regular C mountain D corner 8b) A psychology B cosmonaut C accident D national B VOCABULARY III/ Choose the best answer (A, B, C, D) that best completes each sentence: 9/ The hotel staff are friendly and A unhelpful B courteous C discourteous D impolite 10/ The post office offers the Mail Service which is particularly fast A Secure B Efficient C Express D Reliable 11/ Non-renewable energy sources are running A up B on C to D out 12/ The society was set up to endangered species from extinction A prevent B distinguish C preserve D survive 13/ The war brought death and to the city A destruction B destruct C destroyed D destroy 14/ Oil , coal and natural gases are examples of fuels A nuclear B fossil C atomic D alternative 15/ The singer was on the piano by her sister A sounded B served C assisted D accompanied 16/ You should not indulge yourself anything that can form a bad habit A on B at C in D for 17/ energy uses natural sources of energy such as the sun, wind, or water for power and fuel, rather than oil, coal, or nuclear power A Alternative B Solar C Hydro power D Electricity th 18/ The Vietnamese participants took in the 14 Asian Games with great enthusiasm A notice B notes C part D role 19/ can help n athlete to improve the strength of muscles and the appearance of the body A Shooting B Table tennisC Weightlifting D Playing chess 20/ Many spacemen could never get back to the Earth because of accidents A tragedy B tragic C tragically D tragedies 21/ We are making our great to finish the work on schedule A love B knowledge C effort D appreciation 22/ A(an) is a person who trained for travelling in a spacecraft A astronaut B scientist C engineer D technician 23/ Hobbies are the things we like to in our time A leisure B free C spare D All are correct IV/ Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase CLOSEST the underlined part in each of the following sentences 24/ There was no mention of the incident in the national press A television B newspapers C Internet D radio 25/ however, such reserves are strictly limited A slightly B slowly C severely D easily 26/ In Britain, the most common leisure activities are home-based A regular B popular C familiar D inferior Page 57 GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City 27/ The quiet country roads are ideal for cycling The word “cycling” is closest in meaning to “ ” A driving a car B riding a bicycle C kicking a ball D playing football 28/ She is a very accomplished pianist The word “accomplished” is closest in meaning to “ ” A skilled B beautiful C interesting D admired 29/ No one knew precisely what would happen to a human being in space A nicely B exactly C rigidly D roughly 30/ Government have supplied many supporting tools for people in local in order to protect the rare animals A eliminated B provided C destroyed D survived 31/ Solar energy is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe A abundant B unlimited C rich D limited 32/ Tennis, volleyball, table tennis, and hockey were added at the 3rd Asian Games held in Tokyo, Japan A participated B hosted C built D competed 33/ In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite to orbit the Earth A circle B fly C get back to D attract 34/ Nowadays, Several animals have become extinct rapidly because of the bad behaviors from human beings A appeared B endangered C increased D disappeared C GRAMMAR: Relative Clause, Cleft Sentences, Tag Questions and could/ be able to V.Choose the best answer 35/ The girl _ photo was in the local paper lives near my house A which B whose C whom D.whoever 36/ It’s the best film has ever been made about madness A that B whom C whose D.when 37/ The year we came to live here was 1975 A when B where C that D.which 38/ The fans crowded the stadium roared their approval A who B which C whose D.what 39/ I can answer the question you say is very difficult A which B whom C where D.whose 40/ He has just gone to his friend’s house, _ there is a party today A who B whom C where D.which 41/ Do you know the girl a long white dress? A wears B to wear C wear D.wearing 42/ The house 40 years ago is still in good condition A which built B to build C built D building 43/ Armstrong was the first astronaut onto the moon A to step B stepping C stepped D.steps 44/ The bank manager was the second person by the robbers A to be killed B who killed C killing D.kills 45/ I ever eat _ for breakfast A Something B whatever C nothing D.anything 46/ I cannot tell you all I heard A which B that C as D because 47/ The concert I listened last weekend was boring A to that B to which C for what D for which 48/ I don’t know the reason she hasn’t talked to me recently A on which B for which C of which D about which 49/ The boy the piano is my son A who is playing B that is playing C playing D All are correct 50/ Johnny was the last applicant for a position in that energy station A to interview B interviewing C to be interviewed D which is interviewed 51/ There were many scientists at the meeting, several of were very young A That B whom C who D which 52/ I’m not the man you are looking for? A that B x (nothing) C whom D A, B or C Page 58 GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City 63/ Lisa’s been able to play the flute since she was six, ? A can’t she B isn’t she C wasn’t he D hasn’t she 54/ There has not been a great response to the sale, ? A does there B hasn’t there C has there D hasn’t it 55/ Jenny leave the hospital only fours days after the operation A was able to B could C can D will be able to 56/ I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find at all A someone B no one C anyone D somebody 57/ The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting A The ideas are presented in that book are interesting B The ideas which are presented in that book interesting C The ideas presenting in that book are interesting D.The ideas presented in that book are interesting 58/ taught me how to play the guitar when I was at primary school A It was my uncle that B It has been my uncle C It is my uncle he D It was my uncle whom 59/ The boy who is playing the piano is Ben A playing B is playing C played D to play 60/ The girl gave the boy a special gift on Christmas A It was the boy who the girl gave him a special gift on Christmas B It was the boy who was gave a special gift on Christmas by the girl C It was the boy who was given a special gift on Christmas by the girl D It was a special gift that was given to the boy on Christmas by the girl 61/ I think she is good teacher, ? A don’t I B isn’t she C I D is she 62/ Nobody likes the play, ? A they B don’t they C didn’t they D did they 63/ _that the capital of South Carolina was moved from Charleston to Columbia A In 1790 was B There was in 1790 C In 1790 D It was in 1790 64/ It was Mr Harding _ the bill to yesterday A who sent my secretary B to whom my secretary sent C that my secretary sent D my secretary sent 65/ The paintings with a small red dot have already been sold A which mark B are marked C marked D marking 66/ I have just bought a television set It was made in Japan A I have just bought a television set which made in Japan B I have just bought a television set who is made in Japan C I have just bought a television set whose made in Japan D I have just bought a television set made in Japan VI/ Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting 67/ The waiter whom served us yesterday was impolite and rude A B C D 68/ He is moving to Lang Son, that is in the north-east of Viet Nam A B C D 69/ He is the first person be killed in that way A B C D 70/ It was the cat who the boy hit A B C D 71/ The price of crude oil used to be a great deal lower than now, wasn’t it? A B C D 72/ The 14th Asian Games, which was held in Busan, Korea in 2002, attracted participants from 42 countries A B C D 73/ The trip was canceled last week John couldn’t go away because he was ill A B C D Page 59 GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City D READING COMPREHENSION VII Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 74 to 78 The Asian Games owes (gains) its origins to small Asian multi-sport competitions The Far Eastern Championship Games were created to show unity and cooperation among three nations: Japan, the Philippines and China The first games were held in Manila, the Philippines in 1931 Other Asian nations participated after they were organized After World War II, a number of Asian countries became independent Many of the new independent Asian countries wanted to use a new type of competition where Asian dominance (authority should not be shown by violence and should be strengthened by mutual understanding In August 1948, during the 14 th Olympic Game in London, India representative Guru Dutt Sondhi proposed to sports leaders of the Asian teams the idea of having discussions about holding the Asian Games They agreed to form the Asian Athletic Federation A preparatory was set up to draft the charter for the Asian amateur athletic federation In February, 1949, the Asian athletic federation was formed and used the name Asian Games Federation It was formed and used the name Asian Games Federation It was decided to hold the first Asian Games in 1951 in New Delhi, the capital of India They added that the Asian Games would be regularly held once every four years 74/ The text is about A the origin of the Asian Games B the Far Eastern Championship Games C the Games in Manila D the relationship of Japan, the Philippines, and China 75/ The Far Eastern Championship Games A were held in Manila after World War II B were held in Japan C were attended by all countries in Asia D had the participation of only three nations 76/ The 14th Olympic Games took place A in 1913 B in August 1948 C before the World War II D In February 1949 77/ The Asian Games A were suggested establishing by a Londoner B were first held in China C were first held in India D were held in the same year of the 14th Olympic Games 78/ The Asian Games were first held in A 1931 B 1941 C 1948 D 1951 VIII/ Read the passage below and decide which answer (A, B, C, D)that best fits each gap On 12th April, 1961, Yuri Gagarin, a Russian (79) _became the first human being in space Although his flight lasted only 108 minutes, its (80) made him a national hero He also became the first person to eat and drink in zero (81) _, and he was able to view the (82) in a way that no one had done before Unfortunately, a plane crash (83) _ March 1968 made Gagarin’s desire of revisiting space impossible After his death, his hometown and the Cosmonaut Training Centre at Star City, Russia named after him Question 79 A writer B cosmonaut C fighter D worker Question 80 A attraction B strength C success D failure Question 81 A spacecraft B weightlessness C water D gravity Question 82 A Mars B Moon C Earth D Sun Question 83 A in B at C on D after E.SPEAKING: 84/ A: “ Let’s go to the movies now ” B: “ Oh _” A Good idea! B I don’t C Why’s that? 85/ A: “Thank you for helping me!” -B “ _.” A Thanks B Goodbye C You’re welcome 86/ A: “ Would you like to go to the movies tonight ?” - B: “ _” A No, I don’t like B Yes, I’d like C Of course 87/ A: “Good bye Have a nice weekend” – B: “ _!” A Excuse me B Nice to meet you C I’m sorry 88/ “Is it all right if I use your bike?” –“ .” Page 60 D I need it D It’s nice to meet you D I’d love to D The same to you GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER Compiler: Bùi Thị Mỹ Nhung Banking University Ho Chi Minh City A Please accept it with my best wishes B Sure, go ahead C Sorry, no, I won’t it D I don’t want to use your bike 89/ A: How you do? I’m Peter B: A I’m fine Thank you B How you do? I’m John C How are you? D How’s thing? PART 2: WRITING I/ Do as the request: 90/ Mrs Jason apologized for the mistake We complained to her (Relative Clause) _ 91/ Her father died last year She looked after him for over 20 years (Preposition + Relative Pronoun) _ 92/ The young man who is talking with our teacher is Ba’s brother ( Reduce Relative Clause) _ 93/ She is the only student who is selected after the examination ( Reduce Relative Clause) _ 94/ Thompson is the most famous actress who appears on stage here ( Reduce Relative Clause) _ 95/ My father gave me a lot of toys (Cleft sentence) _ 96/ Her younger sister broke her glasses.(Cleft sentence in the passive) _ II/Put a question tag at the end of each sentence 97/ There aren’t many people here yet, _? 98/ I’d better go, _? 99/ Visitors not help to preserve and protect national parks, _? 100/ She’s got lovely blue eyes, _? 101/ He hardly ever makes a mistake, _? 102/ She'd save money if she bought fresh food, _? 103/ Nothing went wrong, _? 104/ Somebody wanted a drink, _? 105/ They think he's funny, _? III/ Use form of suitable word to complete the following sentences 106/ ,Sports have been added to the Asian Games(tradition) 107/ I the stamps into different categories(class) 108 Tom only collect stamps from envelopes(discard) 109/ His about Vietnamese culture made me surprised(know) 110/ The blue whale is an species (endanger) Page 61 GRADE 11 - THE 2ND SEMESTER ... hợp DÙNG DẤU PHẨY: + Tên riêng : Marry, John, MTP, Emily… + Sở hữu: my/ his/ your + N + This /that/ these/ those + N + Danh từ nhất: the Sun/ the Earth/ The moon,… + Danh từ + Cụm giới từ Ex 2:... Người + WHO + tobe/ Verb Người + WHOM + S (he/ she/ you/ they/ we/ Mary/ I/ my mother….) The/ a/ an N1 + WHOSE + N2 (N2 N1) → Ex: The doctor Whose house is very big is very rich Vật + WHICH + V/... cần chủ từ hay túc từ dùng which/ that Time/ Place/ Reason + Which/ that + V/ tobe Time/ Place/ Reason + When/ Where/ Why +( S + V + O) Ex 9: April 1st is the day It is called April Fool’s Day

Ngày đăng: 15/06/2020, 09:06

