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On thi HKII (E11)

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Xuan Phuong 1 GRAMMAR EXERCISE 1: 1. We’d like to buy the house…….overlooks West Lake. A. who B. whose C. where D. which 2. The woman, …….daughter jack loves, is very kind. A. who B. whose C. that D. whom 3. The police are asking the man………… money has been stolen. A. who B. whose C. that D. whom 4. The police are looking for the paintings………stolen last night. A. which B. which were C. were D. that 5. The boy, ……… bike I borrowed, speaks English well. A. who B. whose C. that D. whom 6. The man ……….my sister loves is very intelligent. A. which B. whose C. whom D. when 7. She had been assisted by a stranger ………her motor and drove her to safety. A. who started B. whom starting C. starting D. that will start 8. With our senses, we perceive everything……………… A. is around us B. that is around us C. whom is around us D. whose is around us 9. The musicians ……yesterday have played together for many years. A. to who we listened B. to that we listened C. to whom we listened D. whom we listened 10. Many scientists have claimed that ……….like music are often good at mathematics. A. children B. children who C. whose children D. children who 11. The student ………had an impressive record. A. the prize was awarded B. that the prize was awarded C. to whom the prize was awarded D. who the prize was awarded 12. Those …….have used our services for more than one year can enter the competition. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 13. Yesterday I went to ……………….I had ever been to before. A. Thanh Ba Post Office, that B. Thanh Ba Post Office, where C. Thanh Ba Post Office, which D. Thanh Ba Post Office which 14. She has two grown children, both of ………live abroad. A. who B. whom C. that D. whose 15. The engineers……… designed the building received an award. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 16. Express Money Transfer is one of the quickest ways ……….helps us to send money. A. who B. whom C. whose D. that 17. My friend, …… I visited last week, is taking a holiday soon. A. that B. whom C. which D. whose 18. My brother who lives abroad …………. A. returns to see us B. returning to see us C. that returns to see us D. where turns to see us 19. He bought the present ……….from a souvenir shop in Paris. A. that he gave me B. that he gave me it C. that he gave it to me D. he gave me it 20. The doctor are examining a patient …………was taken to hospital last night. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 21. The park ………I used to jog in has been demolished. A. which B. where C. in which D. in where 22. Has she bought the dress …………… A. that she is fond in B. which she is fond of C. who she wants to give to D. which you made of 23. Has she got the job …………….? A. which she applied to B.which she applied for C. which she applied about D. which she applied on 24. My father is the man ……………. A. who I believe of B. whom I believe in C. whom I believe into D. that I believe at 25. That is the woman………… A. who daughter I fall in love to B. whose daughter I fall in love for C. whose daughter I fall in love with D. whose daughter I fall in love Xuan Phuong 2 26. The girl ………is very nice. A. whose letter I gave B.to whom I gave your letter C.who gave your letter to D.whom the letter given to 27. Hanoi is the city ………… A. in which I was born B. which I was born C. where I was born in it D. that I was born 28. Water is one of the most precious resources ………for our life. A. we depend on which B. which we depend C. on which we depend D. on that we depend 29. The farmers and their cattle ……… had been trapped in the storm were fortunately rescued. A. who B. whom C. which D. that 30. The man showed me the cage ………….he kept a fierce lion. A. which B. that C. in which D. in that 31. Do you think that we are using up the resources ………for our survival? A. are necessary B. that are necessary C. which necessary D. that necessary 32. That is Mr. Pike, a referee, ………… I told you about. A. that B. which C. whom D. who 33. These are principles ………… we all believe. A. in that B. that C. where D. in which 34. The death of his son was an experience from ……… he never fully recovered. A. when B. why C. that D. which 35. The athlete ……… could not compete because of his injury. A. about I told you B. about whom I told you C. whom I told you D. I told you EXERCISE 2: 1. The house ……… .40 years ago is still in good condition. A. which built B. to build C. built D. building 2. I like the food ………by my mother. A. was cooked B. cooked C. which cooked D. cooking 3. The song “Happy New Year” ………by ABBA has become popular all over the world. A. sang B. singing C, sings D. sung 4. Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut ……… into the moon. A. to step B. stepping C. stepped D. steps 5. Most houses ……….in the suburb have gardens. A. situating B. to situate C. were situated D. situated 6. The car …… towards us looks modern. A. comes B. coming C. to come D. came 7. The bank manager was the second person ………by the robber. A. to be killed B. who killed C. killing D. kills 8. The trees …… our village are bamboo ones. A. to surround B. surrounding C. surrounded D. surround 9. The people ………in the accident have been taken to Bach Mai hospital. A. injured B. injuring C. to injure D. injure 10. There are a lot of problems ……immediately. A. to be solve B. to solve C. that solve D. solve 11. I’m the last one …………of the news. A. informing B. to inform C. to be informed D. inform 12. Linda was the last student…… at the oral exam. A. to be asked B. to ask C. asking D. who asked 13. The policeman ………….the robber last night was very brave. A. caught B. catching C. whom caught D. who catches 14. The energy …………by the windmill drives all the drainage pumps. A. that is producing B. which produces C. producing D. produced 15. Scientists are constantly searching for new sources of power………….modern society running. A. used for keeping B. that uses to keep C. using for keeping D. which uses to keep 16. She is the only one in the discussion ……… to using nuclear power. A. objects B. objected C. to object D. whom objects 17. Is there any oil ………… ? A. using B. being used C. to be used D. to use Xuan Phuong 3 18. I have something interesting……………. A. told you B. to tell you C. that tells you D. telling you 19. I pulled off the sheets which covered the furniture. A. to cover B. covered C. that covering D. covering 20. The nuclear power plant that was completed last year will come to operate tomorrow. A. completing B. completed C. to complete D. which completed 21. We have a lot of important documents on energy to read. A. that we have to read B. for reading C. we read D. which we read 22. The solar panel …………on the roof of the house can get enough energy for the whole family. A. fixing B. to fix C. fixed D. that is fixing 23. I think we should use hydroelectric power, A. that is clean and safe B. to be clean and safe C. being clean and safe D. which is clean and safe 24. Solar energy, ………a potential alternative sources of energy, is a big question for researchers. A. being B. to be C. is D. which is 25. Scientists will find ways ………our supplies of coal, oil and gas. A. to increase B. increasing C. that is increasing D. increased 26. Airplanes…………in the twentieth century is one of the sources of pollution. A. which invented B. to invent C. invented D. that is invented 27. The heat ……….from the sun is infinite. A. to release B. that is released C. is released D. releasing 28. I don’t think nuclear power is the only energy………… A. to choose B. choosing C. which chooses D. that chosen 29. We have a lot of things ………… A. preparing B. to prepare C. for preparing D. which prepared 30. Is the electrical energy ……………within the batteries powerful enough to operate the car? A. stored B. that is storing C. storing D. to store 31. In 1892, Mr. Rudolph designed an engine …………….diesel engine. A. that called B. which calls C. calling D. called 32. Solar energy, …………….has not been made full use. A. a clean power B. being a clean power C. that is a clean power D. to be the clean power 33. The oil…………… into the sea seriously harms a lot of marine animals. A. discharges B. which discharged C. that discharged D. to discharge 34. ……… is considered to be the most popular, is also my favorite. A. Football which B. Football, that C. Football, which D. Football 35. Yesterday there was an exciting match between Liverpool and Manchester United. A. the two famous teams in England B. being the two famous teams in England C. that are the two famous teams in England D. to be the two famous teams in England 36. Athletes do their best to win the modals ………….to winners as awards. A. which give B. are given C. to give D. given 37. They are talking about ………… they are looking at. A. David Beckham is picture B. David Beckham’s picture C. David Beckham, which picture D. David Beckham, whose picture 38. Olga, …………, won the gold medal. A. that is a Russian gymnast B. is a Russian gymnast C. a Russian gymnast D. whose is a Russian gymnast 39. The boys are talking about the exciting match ………….on TV. A. seeing B. they saw C. whom the saw D. to see 40. I’m sorry but that book doesn’t have the information …………… A. I need B. whom I need C. needing D. to need 41. Do you know the woman…………….dinner with Jack last night? A. had B. who has C. whom had D. having Xuan Phuong 4 EXERCISE 3: 1. …………my neighbours who rescued me from the fire. A. It is B. It was C. That is D. It is 2. ……… we all look for. A. It is happiness that B. That happiness C. Happiness it is hat D. Happiness it is 3. She sometimes keeps me…………… A. wait B. waited C. waiting D. to wait 4. ………………….me how to play the drum. A. It was my uncle who taught B. My uncle who taught C. It was my uncle taught D. It is my uncle teaching 5. ………….I bought the golden fish. A. It was from this shop that B. It was from this shop where C. It was this shop which D. It was this shop that 6. ………… gave me that picture book. A. Mary B. It was Mary whom C. It was Mary whose D. It was Mary 7. Two players of our delegation, ……… , are in competition for the gold medal. A. it was Jim and John B. it is Jim and John C. Jim and John D. they were Jim and John 8. ……………….the police had rescued from the fire. A. The baby B. The baby that C. The baby whom D. It was the baby whom 9. …………….my parents gave me this fish tank. A. It was on my birthday when B. It was my birthday on that B. It was my birthday that D. It was on my birthday that 10. …………I first met my girlfriend. A. It was in London that B. It was in London where C. It was London which D.It was in London that 11. …………… disappeared when I arrived at the airport. A. My passport B. It was my passport C. It is my passport that D. It is my passport 12. It is ………………I get emotional satisfaction. A. collecting stamps that B. from collecting stamps that C. collecting stamps from that D. collecting stamps that from 13. …………….England won the World Cup. A. It was in 1966 that B. It was in 1966 when C. It was on 1966 that D. It was 1966 in that 14. ………… taught me how to collect butterflies. A. It was my father B. It was my father C. It was my father whom D. My father 15. ……… a lot of flowers on her birthday. A. It was Mary was given B. Mary that was given C. It was Mary, whom was given D.Mary was given 16. I think it was your Dad ……… A. phoned B. phoning C. that phoned D. which phoned 17. …………are teachers. A. Both of them B. them both C. Both they D. Both them 18. Would you like milk or sugar or ………………? A. either B. both C. two D. twice 19. He neither drank ………smoked so he had good health. A. nor B. or C. but D. also 20. …………by anyone? A. Were you seen B. was it you to see C. Have you seen D. Did you see 21. Either John or you ………….responsible for the things that happened. A. is B. was C. were D. has been 22. Which one would you choose? ………………. .They are terrible. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. Nor 23. ……………late, he also forgot his book. A. Not only he got up B. Not only did he get up C. Did he not only get up D. Did he get up not only 24. Would you mind ………this parcel to Mr. Brown, please? A. send B. sending C. to send D. sent 25. I’d like ……. a five-minute call to Sydney. A. making B. phoning C. to phone D. to make Xuan Phuong 5 26. ……… make a transferred charge call to London, please? A. Can I B. Do you C. I’d like to D. Will I 27. Are you going to the post office? ……….buy me some stamps, please? A. Can I B. Will you C. Would you like D. Shall I 28. Neither the TV nor the video sets ………… properly. A. works B. work C. has worked D. is working 29. …….Linh and his sister like listening to pop music. A. Both – and B. Either – or C. Neither – nor C. Not only – but also 30. I don’t like this book. It is …………interesting ……….accurate. A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also 31. The baby is only two months old. It can ……….speak………….talk. A. neither – nor B. either – or C. both – and D. nor – nor 32. The library opens six days a week. You can go there ……on Monday …………Friday. A. neither – nor B. either – or C. both – and D. nor – nor 33. She is …… beautiful ……… intelligent so I can’t help admiring her. A. neither – nor B. either – or C. either – nor D. not only – but also 34. Mr. Brown and his wife are vegetarians. ………… of them eat meat. A. All B. Neither C. Both D. None 35. ………… very necessary for our life. A. Recreation is said to be B. Recreation that is said to be C, It is recreation is said to be D. It is recreation that says 36. Mr. Pike …………the most famous doctor in our city. A. says to be B. is said to be D. is said that D. said to be 37. We were told to wait here. A. They tell us to wait here B. They tell us we wait here C. They told us to wait here D. They told us to be waited here 38. The church was said ……………in the 19 th century. A. to build B. to be built C. to have been built D. being built 39. It is dogs that I am ………….of. A. frightening B. frightened C. frighten D. to frighten EXERCISE 4: 1. The girl is a film star. Her dress is worth a lot of money. A. The girl, who is a film star, her dress is worth a lot of money. B. The girl who dress is worth a lot of money is a film star, C. The girl which dress is worth a lot of money is a film star, D. The girl is a film star whose dress is worth a lot of money. 2. The man is smiling at you. Do you know him? A. Do you know the man who is smiling at you? B. The man is smiling at you who do you know. C. The man who do you know is smiling at you D. The man who you know him is smiling at you 3. The book is about love of a young couple. I’m looking for it. A. The book which I am looking for it is about love of a young couple B. I’m looking for the book about which love of a young couple C. The book about love of a young couple for which I am looking D. The book which I am looking for is about love of a young couple 4. The music was composed by Trinh Cong Son. We enjoy listening to it. A. The music was composed by Trinh Cong Son to whom we enjoy listening to . B. The music which was composed by Trinh Cong Son who we enjoy listening to. C. The music to which we enjoy listening was composed by Trinh Cong Son D. We enjoy listening to the music which Trinh Cong Son was composed. 5. The work is well-paid. He wants to apply for it. A. The work for it he wants to apply is well-paid. B. The work is well-paid which he wants to apply for . C. The work is which he wants to apply for is well-paid D. he wants to apply the work for which is well-paid. Xuan Phuong 6 6. The people often help him. He always thinks about them. A. He always thinks about the people that often help him. B. The people often help him about whom he always think. C. he always think about them whom the people often help. D. The people who often help him that he always thinks about. 7. The fence surrounds the villa. The fence is painted green. A. The fence surrounds the villa is painted green. B. The fence surrounded the villa is painted green. C. The fence surrounds the villa which is painted green. D. The fence surrounding the villa is painted green. 8. The man is talking with a beautiful girl in the bar. He is my cousin. A. He is my cousin talking with a beautiful girl in the bar B. The beautiful girl with whom he is talking in the bar C. The man talking with a beautiful girl in the bar is my cousin. D. The man talking with a beautiful girl in the bar in which is my cousin. 9. I want the car. It is made in Japan. A. I want the car made in Japan. B. I want the car making in Japan C. The car is made in Japan which I want. D. The car I want made in Japan. 10. My mother bought the food this morning. It is very fresh. A. The food my mother bought this morning very fresh. B. The food bought by my mother this morning very fresh. C. The food is very fresh which my mother bought this morning . D. My mother bought the food this morning when it is very fresh. 11. I can’t play any sports and I can’t play any musical instruments. A. I can’t play either sports or any musical instruments. B. I can play either sports or any musical instruments. C. I can play neither sports nor any musical instruments. D. I can’t play neither sports nor any musical instruments. 12. Mr. Green is my teacher and he is my great friend, too. A. Mr. Green is either my teacher or my great friend B. Mr. Green is not only my teacher but also my great friend . C. Mr. Green is neither my teacher nor my great friend D. Mr. Green is my teacher and so is he. 13. Tom is English. So is Linda. A. Neither Tom nor Linda is English. B. Either Tom or Linda is English. C. Both Tom and Linda is English D. Both Tom and Linda are English 14. It is said that Tom married a girl whose father is a millionaire two years ago. A. Tom is said to marry a girl whose father is a millionaire two years ago. B. Tom is said he married a girl whose father is a millionaire two years ago. C. Tom is said to have married a girl whose father is a millionaire two years ago. D. People said Tom married a girl whose father is a millionaire two years ago. 15. People think Mrs. Nga is a good step mother. A. It is thought that Mrs.Nga is a good step mother. B. It is believed that Mrs.Nga to be a good step mother. C. Mrs. Nga is a good step mother to be thought. D. Mrs.Nga is thought she is a good step mother. 16. She has to clean the toilets everyday. A. It was the toilets that she has to clean everyday. B. It is the toilets that are had to clean everyday. C. It is her who has to clean everyday. D. It is the toilets that have to be cleaned everyday Xuan Phuong 7 VOCABULARY 1. A ………is someone who sells meat. A. baker B. butcher C. chemist D. shopkeeper 2. We call a man who delivers mail a ………… A. newsman B. mailbox C. mailman D. officer 3. I want to have this sum of money sent to Sydney by …………….Money Transfer Service. A. Press B. Express C. Speedy D. Quickly 4. There are about 50 telephone……………… in our street. A. subscribe B. subscribers C. communicators D. box 5. . heat comes from deep inside the earth. A. Geothermal B. Solar C. Nuclear D. Hydro 6. More and more rare animals are danger of extinction. A. for B. on C. at D. in 7. John often uses Express Money to send money to his parents in the countryside. A. Change B. Exchange C. Transfer D. Send 8. Laws have been introduced to prohibit the killing of endangered animals A. advised B. decreased C. ban D. encouraged 9. The hotel staffs are friendly and ………… A. unhelpful B. courteous C. discourteous D. impolite 10. Solar energy is not only plentiful but also infinite. A. strong B. rapid C. limited D. without limit 11. The fund will be set up for the ………….species. A. dangerous B. endangered C. endangering D. popular 12. No one knew precisely what would happen to a human being in space. A. nicely B. exactly C. rigidly D. roughly 13. He finds it difficult for him to recover from his son’s ____. A. die B. dead C. deadly D. death 14. When a pharaoh was dead he was ………….in his pyramid. A. carried B. hidden C. dug D. buried 15. The tomb was broken last night and the …… stole all the jewelries. A. thieves B. king C. dead D. police 16. The picture is …… ; the thief will be most disappointed when he tries to sell it. A. priceless B. invalid C. worthless D. unprofitable 17. …………are places built in ancient Egypt to contain the bodies of their kings and queens. A. Tombs B. Graves C. Pyramids D. Grave yards 18. Farmers use …………to kill insects that devastate their crops. A. pesticides B. toothpaste C. cheese D. plums 19. Those who concern are very worried about the ……………of many species. A. disappearance B. establishment C. supply B. provision 20. Because of people’s …….with the environment, many kinds of plants and animals are becoming rare. A. supply B. survival C. influence D. interference 21. Hunting for meat and burning forests for soil …………wild life. A. protect B. conserve C. destroy D. survive 22. The World Wild Funds is working to protect and save the forests that are in ………. A. danger B. interest C. encouragement D. consequences 23. The ………is the air, water and land in or on which people, animals and plants live. A. consequence B. environment C. planet D. resource 24. The Earth is one of the ……….in the solar system. A. planets B. resources C. satellites D. habitats 25. We could make better use of our ………… A. environment B. sources C. resources D. atmosphere 26. Fossil fuels (coal, gas and oil) are limited so we have to find out other ………sources. A. alternative B. non-renewable C. energy D. solar 27. We try to make full use of our local …………… A. ecology B. potential C. economics D. geothermal Xuan Phuong 8 28. Vietnam is rich in ………., such as coal, apatite, bauxite, ect. A. natural resources B. seas C. land D. fish 29. Oil, coal and natural gas are …………… A. solar system B. nuclear power C. hydropower D. fossil fuels 30 .is the power form sources such as electricity and coal that makes machines work and provides heat. A. Chemical B. machine C. Energy D. Natural gas 31. Green house is warm because the glass traps the ……….of the sun. A. tide B. heat C. cool D. electricity 32. Coal power stations ………… sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere. A. clean B. build C. release D. use 33. ……….energy is one that comes from the sun A. Wind B. Wave C. Nuclear D. Solar 34. A ………….is a wall that is built across a river in order to stop the water flowing and to make a lake. A. panel B. sailboat C. dam D. mill 35. ………… heat comes from deep inside the earth. A. Geothermal B. Nuclear C. Solar D. Hydro 36. Large amount of dangerous waste are ……….daily by the factory. A. survived B. come C. brought D. discharged 37. Korea was chosen to be …………….of the 2002 Asian Games. A. athlete B. host C. participant D. guest 38. The Olympic Games is one of the biggest sport …………all over the world. A. problems B. athletes C. cultures D. events 39. Swimming is one of the ……… sports. A. mountainous B. aquatic C. racing D. running 40. The gymnasium has just been equipped with some new sports………… A. facilities B. events C. athletes D. medals 41. Those athletes competed with all their best to get ……………. A. friendship B. cultures C. medals D. advance 42. We are making our great …… to finish the work on time. A. love B. knowledge C. effort D. appreciation 43. We highly ………….you help. A. appreciation B. appreciate C. understand D. advance 44. Ly Duc, a Vietnamese athlete, has won several gold medals in ………… A. swimming B. karatedo C. bodybuilding D. weightlifting 45. Workers give money to charity to show their …………with the strikers. A. share B. combination C. solidarity D. strength 46. He …………the world record on his second attempt in men’s high jump at the 13 th Asian Games. A. had won B. broke D. took D. was held 47. It is collecting stamps that he is ……… on. A. concerned B. interested D. fond D. keen 48. ………….by some other musicians, she made a successful world concert tour in 2002. A. Discarded B. Accomplished C. Accompanied D. Given 49. There is a large …………of fish in his living room. A. judge B. bottle C. tank D. pot 50. ……… stamps from discarded envelopes is my hobby. A. Gathering B. Accompanying C. Collecting D. Accomplish 51. I had forgotten all about it because I had been so ………… with other things. A. occupied B. interested C. accomplished D. successful 52. The singer was ……… on the piano by her sister. A. served B. accompanied D. assisted D. sounded 53. She is an …………reader of science fiction. A. avid B. interesting C. boring D. enthusiatic 54. The room was littered with ……………newspaper. A. thrown B. discarded C. reading D. released 55. One of the ………you need to work here is carefulness. A. hobbies B. pastimes C. activities D. qualifications Xuan Phuong 9 56. Tom decided to ……….his interest in working a professional footballer. A. take part in B. pursue C. pay D. practice 57. Teenagers have a …………to imitate their idols, and collect their pictures as a hobby. A. way B. trend C. path D. show 58. To improve my ability to speak English. I ………….an English speaking course. A. take B. view C. make D. draw 59. He got a scholarship sop his parents did not have to pay his school…………… A. report B. fee C. equipment D. master 60. I can’t play any sports but I find it interesting to …………. A. watch B. notice C. observe D. look 61. The bracelet was ……… .with his name and date of birth. A. based B. undertaken C. engraved D. drawn 62. ………is particular activity that somebody does when is not working. A. Saying B. Recreation C. Leisure D. Popularity 63. His English ability is better and better. It has been …………… A. entertained B. improved C. viewed D. paid 64. She likes everything to be in its …………place. A. amused B. interested C. huge D. proper 65. It is traditional for the two teams to ……………T-shirts after the game. A. want B. change C. exchange D. offer 66. I’m not really the outdoor type, I prefer indoor ………… A. tasks B. achievements C. activities D. work ERROR FINDING 1. The person to whom he is phoning is his mother. A B C D 2. The beach on where we used to lie for sunbathing is very nice and clean. A B C D 3. The company to which this lorry belong produces shoes. A B C D 4. Can you show me the shop which I can buy a watch for my daughter.? A B C D 5. Houses destroying in the war are now being rebuilt. A B C D 6. The man who name’s Hung gave you this letter. A B C D 7. I have just bought a pair of shoes to make in Italy. A B C D 8. The quality of the shoes produced in this factory are very good. A B C D 9. It was 7 th may 1954 that we won the Dien Bien Phu victory. A B C D 10. It is Tom that has admitted to steal my watch. A B C D 11. It was Linda and Martin that I often go to the cinema with. A B C D 12. It was them that killed the bank manager. 13. Neither she nor I has been to England. A B C D A B C D 14. I don’t neither know nor care what he is doing now. A B C D 15. He is not only handsome but also his father is rich. A B C D 16. He thinks she will marry him, won’t she? A B C D 17. We have to translate this text into Vietnamese, haven’t we? 18. You seldom visit her, don’t you? A B C D A B C D Xuan Phuong 10 19. Nothing can prevent him from loving her, can’t it? A B C D 20. His mother makes him to get up early in the morning. A B C D 21. Blue whales are now threatened with extinct. A B C D 22. I took the watch back to the shop from which I bought it. A B C D 23. The ladder which I was standing began to slip. A B C D 24. He never tells a lie. He is a dishonest man. A B C D 25. Houses are cleaned and decorating with flowers, usually apricot and peach. A B C D 26. My friend has just won the first prize in perform folk dance. A B C D 27. They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell them. A B C D 28. Only a few of the films show at the Gray Theatre are suitable for children. A B C D 29. The person sits next to me is someone I’ve never met him. A B C D 30. Bogota, that is the capital of Colombia, is a cosmopolitan city. A B C D . first met my girlfriend. A. It was in London that B. It was in London where C. It was London which D.It was in London that 11. …………… disappeared when I. call to Sydney. A. making B. phoning C. to phone D. to make Xuan Phuong 5 26. ……… make a transferred charge call to London, please? A. Can I B. Do you

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2013, 15:15

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