Tài liệu tham khảo |
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Chi tiết |
1. Abbenante G, and D.P. Fairlie, Protease inhibitors in the clinic, Medicinal Chemistry., 2005, 1, 71–104 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Protease inhibitors in the clinic |
2. Abdelmohsen U.R, M. Szesny, E.M. Othman, T. Schirmeister, S. Grond, H. Stopper and U. Hentschel, Antioxidant and Anti-Protease Activities of Diazepinomicin from the Sponge-Associated Micromonospora Strain RV115, Mar Drugs., 2012, 10, 2208-2221 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Antioxidant and Anti-Protease Activities of Diazepinomicin from the Sponge-Associated Micromonospora Strain RV115 |
3. Abe T, F. P. Sahin, K. Akiyama, T. Naito, M. Kishigami, K. Miyamoto, Construction of a Metagenomic Library for the Marine Sponge Halichondria okadai, Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry., 2014, 76 (4) |
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Tiêu đề: |
Construction of a Metagenomic Library for the Marine Sponge Halichondria okadai |
4. Aguirre C, S. Valdes-Rodrıguez, G. Mendoza-Herna´ndezb, A. Rojo- Dom´ınguezc, and A. Blanco-Labra, A novel 8.7 kDa protease inhibitor from chan seeds (Hyptis suaveolens L.) inhibits proteases from the larger grain borer Prostephanus truncatus (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology., 2004, 138, 81–89 |
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Tiêu đề: |
A novel 8.7 kDa protease inhibitor from chan seeds (Hyptis suaveolens L.) inhibits proteases from the larger grain borer Prostephanus truncatus (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) |
5. Ahmad M, M. Hirz, H. Pichler, H. Schwab, Protein expression in Pichia pastoris: recent achievements and perspectives for heterologous protein production, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology., 2014, 98, 5301–5317 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Protein expression in Pichia pastoris: "recent achievements and perspectives for heterologous protein production |
6. Alma’abadi A.D, T. Gojobori, K. Mineta, Marine Metagenome as A Resource for Novel Enzymes, Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics., 2015 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Marine Metagenome as A Resource for Novel Enzymes |
7. Ana R, E. Mihaela-Carmen, S. Maria, GuideaSilvana, L. Rina, and J. Stefana, In search of plant sources for serine protease inhibitors: I Detection of serine protease inhibitors in callus cultures induced from somatic explants of flax (Linum usitatissimum L, Romanian Biotechnological Letters 15., 2010 |
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Tiêu đề: |
In search of plant sources for serine protease inhibitors: I Detection of serine protease inhibitors in callus cultures induced from somatic explants of flax (Linum usitatissimum L |
8. Anderson J, C. Schiffer, S. KLee, and R. Swanstrom, Viral protease inhibitors, Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology., 2009, 189, 85-110 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Viral protease inhibitors |
9. Andrea P.R.G, Optimized bacterial expression and purification of the c-Src catalytic domain for solution NMR studies, Journal of Biomoecular NMR, 2009, 44(2), 87-93 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Optimized bacterial expression and purification of the c-Src catalytic domain for solution NMR studies |
10. Annadana, J. Peters, K. Gruden, A. Schipper, N.S. Outchkourov, M.J. Beekwilder, M. Udayakumar, and M.A. Jongsma, Effects of cysteine protease inhibitors on oviposition rate of the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis, Journal of Insect Physiology., 2002, 48, 701-706 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Effects of cysteine protease inhibitors on oviposition rate of the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis |
11. Angelova L, M. Dalgalarrondo, I. Minkov, S. Danova, N. Kirilov, J. Serkedjieva, J.M. Chobert, T. Haertl, and I. Ivanova, Purification and characterization of a protease inhibitor from Streptomyces chromofuscus 34-1 with an antiviral activity, Biochimica et Biphysica acta., 2006, 1760, 1210-1216 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Purification and characterization of a protease inhibitor from Streptomyces chromofuscus 34-1 with an antiviral activity |
12. Arjmand M.H , F.A. Shah, M.S. Moghadam, F. Tara, A. Jalili, M. M. Bazaz, and D.H. Alamdari, Prooxidant-Antioxidant Balance in Umbilical Cord Blood of Infants with Meconium Stained of Amniotic Fluid, Biochemistry Research International., 2013, Article ID 270545, 4 pages |
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Tiêu đề: |
Prooxidant-Antioxidant Balance in Umbilical Cord Blood of Infants with Meconium Stained of Amniotic Fluid |
13. Arjmand S., Bidram E., A. S. Lotfi, M. Shamsara, S. J.Mowla, Expression and Purification of Functionally Active Recombinant Human Alpha 1-Antitrypsin in Methylotrophic Yeast Pichia pastoris, Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology, 2011, 3(3), 127–134 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Expression and Purification of Functionally Active Recombinant Human Alpha 1-Antitrypsin in Methylotrophic Yeast Pichia pastoris |
14. Ashburner M, C. Ball, J. Blake, Gene ontology: tool for the unification of biology. The gene ontology consortium database resources of the national center for biotechnology information, Nucleic acids research., 2006, 34 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Gene ontology: tool for the unification of biology. "The gene ontology consortium database resources of the national center for biotechnology information |
15. Bairoch A, R. Apweiler, The SWISS-PROT protein sequence database and its supplement TrEMBL, Nucleic acids research., 2000, 28(1), 45-48 |
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The SWISS-PROT protein sequence database and its supplement TrEMBL |
16. Bankevich A, S. Nurk, D. Antipov, A.A. Gurevich, M. Dvorkin, A.S. Kulikov, V.M. Lesin, S.I. Nikolenko, S. Pham, A.D. Prjibelski, et al., SPAdes: a new genome assembly algorithm and its applications to single-cell sequencing, Journal of computational biology: a journal of computational molecular cell biology., 2012, 19(5), 455-477 |
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et al., SPAdes: a new genome assembly algorithm and its applications to single-cell sequencing |
17. Barone R, C. D. Santi, F. Palma Esposito, P. Tedesco, F. Galati, M. Visone, A. Di Scala, D. De Pascale, Marine metagenomics, a valuable tool for enzymes and bioactive compounds discovery, Frontiers in Marine Science ., 2014, 1, 38 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Marine metagenomics, a valuable tool for enzymes and bioactive compounds discovery |
18. Bayer K, L. Moitinho-Silva, F. Brümmer, C.V. Cannistraci, T. Ravasi, U. Hentschel, GeoChip-based insights into the microbial functional gene repertoire of marine sponges (high microbial abundance, low microbial abundance) and seawater, Federation of European Microbiological Societies., 2014b, 90, 832–843 |
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Tiêu đề: |
GeoChip-based insights into the microbial functional gene repertoire of marine sponges (high microbial abundance, low microbial abundance) and seawater |
19. Boettner M, B. Prinz, C. Holz, U. Stahl, C. Lang, High-throughput screening for expression of heterologous proteins in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Journal of Biotechnology., 2002, 99, 51-62 |
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Tiêu đề: |
High-throughput screening for expression of heterologous proteins in the yeast Pichia pastoris |
20. Bolger A.M, M. Lohse, B. Usadel, Trimmomatic: a flexible trimmer for Illumina sequence data. Bioinformatics., 2014, 30(15), 2114-2120 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Trimmomatic: a flexible trimmer for Illumina sequence data |