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Preparing date : Sunday 3 rd October 2010 UNIT 4 AT SCHOOL LESSON 1 SCHEDULES ( A 1, 2, 3 ) PERIOD 21 I. Aim: To help ss to review the time, school vocabulary and present continuous tense. II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to tell the time, vocabs and present continuous tense. III. Language focus : Vocab : Past , aquater , Structure : What time is it ? It is …… o’clook IV. Materials: Textbook, picture, poster. V. Procedure : Stage Activities Interaction Warm up Play “Shark attack” Schedule Give feedback Lead in : Do you know what does Schedule mean ? (Schedule is included in time and plan or us to do )…… To know more about this we go on new lesson today T - ss Presentation 1 . Picture scene (Picture of a clook ) - What is this ? ( It is a clock ) 2 . T uses the clock to teach the way telling the time It is 3 oclock It is 3 ten = It is two fifty = It is ten past 3 It is ten to 3 It is half past two It is aquater past 2 It is a quarter to 2 *Note : - Time past / To - Aquater past / aquater to > / < 15 Let ss listen and repeat the time chorally then individualy Give feedback and comment Individual T – ss Ss – T - Ss Practice 3 . Listen A, Picture scene (Picture on page ) What is this ? ( This is schedule ) B , Preteach vocab ( Math , geography, history, literature, ) - Physics ( n ) picture - Physical education ( n ) mime * set the scene :This is the schedule on Friday and Saturday of the students on class 7A . you have to guess and complete the missing information befor listening - let ss guess - listen and check their prediction Friday 7.00 7.50 8.40 9.40 10.30 English geography music physics History Saturday 1.00 2.40 3.40 4.30 Physical education Math english physics Give feedback and correction Individual Further Practice Survey (Talking about yourselves) Pairwork ( exercise 2 page 42 ) Have ss ask and answer about the activities in a period of time Possible questions 1. What time is it? 2. What time do you get up? 3. What classes do you have today? 4. What time do you have English/ 5. What time do your classes finish? 6. What time do you go home? - hangs on the questions and make the model with Ss. - asks Ss to ask and answer them in groups. - invites Ss to make the dialogue about themselves. - corrects if necessary pairwork Consolidation Ask ss to revise the way telling the time and subject vocabulary T – ss Homework -Asks Ss to do exercise A1,2,3(Workbook ) -Be ready for the next lesson . Preparing date : Sunday 3 rd October 2 010 UNIT 4 AT SCHOOL LESSON 1 SCHEDULES ( A 1, 2, 3 ) PERIOD 21 I. Aim: To help ss to review the time, school. check their prediction Friday 7.00 7.50 8.40 9.40 10 .30 English geography music physics History Saturday 1. 00 2.40 3.40 4.30 Physical education Math english

Ngày đăng: 28/09/2013, 14:10

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