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1 INTRODUCTION Rationale for the study Cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army (Cadets) are the young force, getting basic and intensive training in accordance with the objectives and requirements for the division-level training officers As upcoming officers, the adjacent force directly replenishes the army's cadres, even during the training process; the trainees must be really stable in terms of politics, ideology and ethics It is considered as the premise for the development of student's personality in the process of learning, training, cultivating and working to contribute to the task of building the army in the direction of revolution, regularity, and step by step excellence Considered as the foundation and root in the revolutionary cadre's personality, traditional ethical values directly form, consolidate and promote cadets’ qualities and competencies Thus, traditional moral values play a role of paramount importance in the development of cadets’ personality, which is a humane requirement for the perfection of personality, inner motivation, and determination of stability in politics, ideology, morality and motivation, contributing to improving cadets ’competences during their training process In the recent years, thoroughly understanding the vital role and value of traditional morality for the development of cadets' personality, the officer-training colleges have paid special attention to education, fostering and creating a favourable environment for traditional moral values to promote cadets' personality Many graduated officers are shown as exemplars of morality, behaviour, working style, leadership, management and specialized activities However, besides the economic development brought about by the country's comprehensive renovation, there appeared the disorder of social awareness, selection, reception, valuation, turning away from traditional values, leading to undermining the increasing traditional moral values in many social aspects, especially among young people, including cadets at the officer-training colleges On the other hand, the training process at the officer-training colleges shows that the interest in traditional moral values in the development of cadets’ personality is not really "in line" and remains some limitations and shortcomings The program and content of traditional moral values are still inadequate in terms of capacity, quality, form and method of education are not plentiful and the ethical environment is not very relevant Some cadets show their “deviation” about morality and lifestyle, showing signs of denying traditional moral values, receiving recklessness, being selective external values lead to "noise", overwhelmed by the fluctuations of reality These negative signs not only adversely affect the moral environment of the officer-training colleges, but also hinder cadets’ personal development and perfection Regarding the new requirements of the cause of building and defending the Fatherland, the 12th National Party Congress of the Party emphasized: “Focusing on building people with morality, personality, lifestyle, intelligence and working capacity; forming a healthy cultural environment"1, “inheriting and promoting the national traditions"2 On that basis, the officer-training colleges must be responsible for educating traditional moral values for cadets, contributing to orienting the development of personality according to the objectives and training requirements However, in order to turn the role of traditional moral values in the development of cadets’ personalities into reality, it is necessary to summarize practically, propose solutions for educational and learning activities, train and cultivate traditional moral values in order to develop cadets' personalities Of which, traditional ethical values need being thoroughly studied to promote cadets’ personality From the above-mentioned reasons, the study entitles "Traditional ethical values in enhancing personality of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today" is of great practical and theoretical significance Purposes and tasks of the study Purposes By analysing some theoretical issues, the current situation of the role and implementation of the traditional moral values in the development of personality of cadets' at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army, the thesis proposes some basic solutions to enhancing the traditional ethical role in the personal The Communist Party of Vietnam (2016), Document of the 12th National Party Congress, The Publishing House of National Politics - The Truth, Hanoi, p 41 The Communist Party of Vietnam (2016), Document of the 12th National Party Congress, The Publishing House of National Politics - The Truth, Hanoi, p 69 development of cadets' at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today Tasks - Giving an overview of the thesis-related research situation - Clarifying the nature of traditional moral values and regulatory factors to promote the traditional moral value role in the personal development of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army - Assessing the current situation and defining the issues rose from the current situation of practicing the traditional moral role in the personal development of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today - Proposing solutions to enhancing the traditional ethical role in the personal development of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today Object and scope of the study Object The role of traditional moral values in the personal development of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army Scope In terms of content: The theoretical and practical issues on the role and implementation of the traditional moral value role in developing the personality of cadets at division and university level the officertraining colleges of the Vietnam People's Army The category of traditional moral values in the thesis is Vietnam’s traditional moral value and the army’s traditional moral values (Uncle Hu’s Soldiers) have been particularly specialized and researched In terms of object, scope of investigation: Lecturers, managers and trainees at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army, mainly the Army The officer-training College N1, School of Political The officer-training College, Information The officer-training College In terms of time: From 2011 to the present Theoretical, practical basis and methodology Theoretical basis The thesis is based on Marxism – Leninism’s theory, Ho Chi Minh’s thought, the Communist Party of Vietnam’s guidelines and views on morality in general, traditional moral values in particular regarding forming and developing the Vietnamese human personality; resolutions and directives of the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of Defense, the General Political Bureau, the Party Committees of the officer-training colleges on training, forming and enhancing personality of cadets and several thesisrelated research achievements Practical basis The thesis is based on the reality of the process of realizing the traditional moral role in developing the personality of cadets at division and university level the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army; reports and assessments of the Ministry of Defense agencies and officers' schools on the results of education, training, political and ideological education; results of surveys and surveys by the author at some the officer-training colleges Methodology The thesis is based on the methodology of dialectical and historical materialism; ethical philosophy approach, approach: Activity - value - personality, systematic and structural approach Simultaneously, the thesis makes use of a combination of scientific methods such as: History and logic, analysis and synthesis, generalization and abstraction, practical generalization, sociological investigation and experts’ consultancy The research approach of the thesis topic is from the dialectic of traditional moral values and the reality of the process of realizing the traditional moral value role in developing student's personality under the impact of educational factors at the officers' school Of which, focusing on factors such as: Inheriting and educating traditional moral values, receiving and transforming cadets' traditional moral values and impacts from the environment at the officer-training colleges These factors are harmonious and consistent ranging from theoretical content, situation assessment to solutions New contributions of the study Clarifying the concept of traditional moral values in the development of cadets 'personalities in the People's Army officers' schools, demonstrate the basic factors that regulate the traditional moral role in development student personality of officers of the Vietnam People's Army Assessing the current situation and identifying the issues rose from the realization of the traditional ethical role in developing the personality of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today Proposing some basic solutions to promote the traditional ethical role in developing the personality of cadets at the officertraining colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today Theoretical and practical significance of the study Theoretical significance The thesis contributes to affirming the role and importance of traditional moral values in developing student's personality; at the same time, generalizing, supplementing and developing a number of scientific theoretical issues on the dialectic of traditional moral values in developing the personality of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today Practical significance The results of the thesis can be used as references in the development of programs and contents of traditional moral values for cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today Besides, the thesis can be seen as the scientific foundation for leaders and commanders in management and ethical education for cadets Structure of the study The thesis includes: Introduction, chapters (9 periods), conclusions, a list of published works related to the thesis Chapter AN OVERVIEW OF THE THESIS-RELATED RESEARCH SITUATION 1.1 The thesis-related scientific works 1.1.1 The typical scientific works related to traditional moral values in personality development Here are typical works: "Vietnam’s traditional spiritual values" by Tran Van Giau; "Value – orientation on value of personality and education" by Nguyen Quang Uan; " Vietnam’s traditional values and its people” by Phan Huy Le and Vu Minh Giang; "Change of moral value scale in the market economy and the building of new ethics for managers in our country today" by Nguyen Chi My; "Inheriting and renewing traditional moral values in the transition to a current market economy in Vietnam" by Nguyen Van Ly; "Maintaining and promoting traditional moral values in the context of market economy development, cultural exchange and international integration" by Dang Huu Toan; "Ethical traditions of the nation and building a new lifestyle for Vietnamese students in the context of globalization" by Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha; "Traditional moral values in ethical education for students of Vietnam People's Public Security today" by Pham Ba Luong From the perspective of research approach, the authors focused on emphasizing the role and importance of traditional moral values for social life, regarding traditional moral values as a source of "internal strength" and constantly affecting new moral formation, new people at present 1.1.2 Typical works related to personality development of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army The works directly related to the thesis: "Orienting the personality value of young officers of the Vietnam People's Army today" by Lai Ngoc Hai; "Personality qualities of "Uncle Ho's soldiers" by Hoang Dinh Chau; "Ho Chi Minh’s ideology on revolutionary morality of military officers" by Pham Van Nhuan; "Ho Chi Minh's opinion on virtue - talent in building army personnel" by Nguyen Quang Phat; "Developing political personality in the Vietnam People's Army today in accordance with Ho Chi Minh’s ideology" by Ha Duc Long; "The moral standards of soldiers of the Vietnam People's Army today" by Pham Van Nhuan; "Development of moral values of cadets of the Vietnam People's Army today" by Doan Quoc Thai; "Relationship between intellectual capacity and moral qualities of cadre training officers" by Vo Van Hai The above-mentioned works have indicated the essential requirements for the construction of the army "revolutionary, regular, elite, and step by step modern", taking the political strong military base as the basis Of which, forming and developing the personality of revolutionary soldiers is a matter of urgent importance and immediate and long-term basis Accordingly, the authors have approached, researched on personality, on fostering, building and developing military personality in the Vietnam People's Army from several aspects 1.1.3 Typical works related to promoting the role of traditional moral value in personality development Typical works on this issue: “Traditional values - core values and inner vitality of the people national and ethnic development" by Nguyen Van Huyen; "Inheriting the traditional moral values in building up Vietnamese personality" by Cao Thu Hang; "Traditional moral values with the formation and development of the current personality of Vietnamese students" by Phung Thu Hien; "Traditional moral values with the building of Vietnamese youth's personality in the context of globalization today" by Nguyen Thi Minh Hanh From different perspectives on the position, role, and importance of traditional moral values for the formation and development of personality, the authors have pointed out the need to inherit religious values Traditional virtue in building and developing the personality of the Vietnamese people in general, the young generation's personality in particular The research results of the works have a common point about the traditional moral values that need to be exploited, inherited and promoted presently Here are typical works regarding the promotion of traditional ethical role in developing personality of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army: "Cultivating cultural values in personality of soldier of the Vietnam People's Army” by Dinh Xuan Dung; "Development of cultural values in the character of young officers of the Vietnamese People's Army" by Nguyen Xuan Truong; "Cultural incarnation in the development of the personalities of Uncle Ho's soldiers of the current army youth" by Hoang Dinh Chieu These works have suggested many important contents for the author of the thesis to refer, to study the student's personality structure and the mechanism of receiving and transmitting traditional moral values in developing cadets’ personality 1.2 An overview of the published scientific results and the issues need further dealing with in the thesis 1.2.1 An overview of the results of typical published works related to the thesis First, the scientific works have generalized the theoretical issues related to traditional moral values and its role in developing personality of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army The works have clarified a number of theoretical issues about traditional moral values, traditional moral values system and affirmed the position and role of traditional moral values in the spiritual life of people, society Simultaneously, they confirm the role and importance of traditional ethical values in forming and enhancing Vietnamese morality, lifestyle and personality at present Second, these works have generalized practical issues related to traditional moral values in developing personality of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today These works have carried out surveys with statistics, sociological surveys, comments, and assessments, generalizations from the status of promoting a valuable role of traditional ethics in personality development in general and that of young generation in Vietnam in particular Third, these works have proposed basic solutions to promoting traditional moral values in developing lifestyle, morality and personality for each specific object From different perspectives and scopes of research, scientific works have shown great orientations, solutions, with the purpose and creativity of each project The solutions have focused on promoting the activeness, self-awareness, creativity of the subjects themselves to promote traditional moral values in building, developing personality, morality, lifestyle for each specific object 1.2.2 The issues need further dealing with in this thesis First, the study explains the theoretical issues about the traditional moral values in developing personality of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army It clarifies the basic content of traditional ethical values that have been segregated for the purpose of student's research and personality development, thereby clarifying dialectics of traditional moral values and transformation mechanism, realizing its role in developing cadets’ personality Simultaneously, it provides arguments on basic factors regulating the role of traditional moral value developing personality of cadets at the officer-training colleges Second, it researches and interprets practical issues that fulfil the traditional ethical role in developing personality of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today The thesis focuses on investigating, surveying, assessing and assessing the realization of the traditional ethical role in the development of current student character from the impact of educational factors at the officer-training colleges Since then, discovering the issues raised from the situation of performing traditional moral values in developing personality of cadets presently Third, propose solutions to promote the traditional ethical role in developing personality of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today Based on the theoretical basis, the practical implementation of the traditional moral value role in the development of students' personality and from the requirements of practice and the philosophy approach, the thesis proposes specific and practical solutions with methodological orientation for promoting the traditional moral value role in developing personality of cadets at the officer-training colleges today Conclusion of chapter The overview of the thesis-related situation reveals that the number of research works related to the issue of traditional moral values and promotion of traditional moral values in developing cadets' personality is very various However, until now and under the philosophical perspective, there has been no independent, specific, direct, systematic work on the theory, current situation and solutions to the issue of "Traditional moral values in developing personality of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today” Chapter THEORETICAL ISSUES ON TRADITIONAL MORAL VALUE IN DEVELOPING PERSONALITY OF CADETS AT THE OFFICER-TRAINING COLLEGES OF THE VIETNAM PEOPLE ARMY 2.1 The nature of traditional moral values in the personality development of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army 2.1.1 Traditional moral values and the personality development of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army * Traditional moral values Moral values are the core part of thoughts, feelings, norms, codes of conduct, customs, ethical practices that have a positive impact on orienting consciousness, behaviour, and moral relations and personality development, relevant to the social requirements and interests Vietnam’s tradition is a big issue, due to its scope; the thesis does not take the whole tradition in general into consideration but only deals with the traditional ethical values that have been selected, focusing on the personality development of cadets at the officer-training colleges 10 Accordingly, it can be understood that: Traditional moral values are the core part of thoughts, feelings, norms, rules, customs, ethical practices formed and developed from history, transmitted from generation to generation, having a positive impact on the direction, adjustment of consciousness, behaviour and ethical relationships of successive generations, in line consistent with national interests and social progress Within a research perspective, traditional moral values include the traditional moral values of the Vietnamese nation and the military’s traditional moral values The content of traditional moral values of the Vietnamese nation is shown at the basic values: Patriotism; loving-kindness, loving people; solidarity; hard-working and creative tradition in labour; spirit of courage, tenacity; and studiousness The content of the traditional moral values of the army is shown at the basic values: Loyal to the Party, the country, and the people; democracy, discipline, solidarity, love of comrades and comrades; overcoming difficulties and completing tasks; brave, resilient, cunning, creative; the winning will * Developing personality of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army Cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today are young men and soldiers aged 18 to 23, who are eligible for admission of the Ministry of Defense (or be selected) through the national high school exams, studying and training at officers' schools, having the task of learning and practicing according to the goals and training requirements to become officers and party members Within a research perspective, the thesis approaches personality as a combination of qualities and competencies (virtues and talents) Of which, the "virtue" is seen as the root, the basis for the formation and development of personality This is the basis for the thesis to approach cadets' personality and the role of traditional moral value role in developing personality of cadets Quality of cadets at the officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army is a unity between the qualities and competencies of cadets formed through the process of education and training at officers' schools, following the model personality of the 15 2.2.2 The capacity to receive and transform traditional moral values of cadets at the officer-training colleges The ability of cadets' in receiving and transforming traditional moral values is subjective factors, conditions for cadets to be able to effectively receive and transform impacts from external factors, mainly the transmission activities of educational subjects, at the same time, are the factors that create motivation to promote cadets' activeness and self-awareness in self-receiving and self-transforming traditional moral values effectively Therefore, the degree to which a traditional moral role is played in the development of cadets’ personality depends primarily on their own ability to receive and transform that value Cadets' ability to receive and transform traditional moral values is a unified, dialectical impact between factors: cadets’ intellectual level, method and attitude of receiving and transmitting traditional moral values The factors in the structure of cadets' ability to receive and transform traditional moral values all stipulate to the process of fulfilling the traditional moral role in the development of student's personality 2.2.3 The quality of forming ethical environment in officers' training colleges The ethical environment in the officers’ schools is the place where cadets live, study, train and grows, directly receive and transform social - military values, and it is also an environment for cadets to practise the traditional moral values role in the process of personality development Hence, the moral environment of the officers' schools is healthy, imbued with traditional ethical values, creating favourable conditions for traditional values to be honoured, developed in the right direction, and at the same time narrowing down the negative impact of socio-economic life will determine the effectiveness of the traditional moral role in developing personality of cadets The ethical environment in the officers' schools is made up by several factors: Military moral values, military moral relations and military ethics All elements of the structure of the ethical environment in the officers' schools and their relationship constitute a whole of the conditions and realities that often regulate the role of traditional moral values in developing personality of cadets Conclusion of chapter 16 The dialectic of traditional moral values and the realization of traditional moral values in the development of cadets’ personality must be through the intentional impact of educational subjects and the reception and transformation, realizing the value of cadets in the training environment at officers' schools under a certain mechanism This process takes place through teaching - learning, education and self-education activities in the educational and training environment, which is directly the moral environment in officers’ training colleges The effectiveness of the process of fulfilling traditional moral values in the development of cadets' personalities is governed by: The quality of inheriting and educating the traditional moral values of educational subjects; quality of building an ethical environment in officers' schools and especially the ability to receive and transform traditional ethical values of cadets in the process of learning, training and working to promote their personality Chapter TRADITIONAL MORAL VALUES IN DEVELOPING PERSONALITY OF CADETS AT OFFICER-TRAINING COLLEGES OF THE VIETNAM PEOPLE ARMY - CURRENT SITUATION AND ARISING ISSUES 3.1 Current situation of implementing the role of traditional moral value in personality development of cadets at officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People Army today 3.1.1 Current situation of implementing the role of traditional moral values in the development of cadets' personality seen from the educational subjects’ inheritance and education of traditional moral values Firstly, the educational subjects’ awareness of traditional moral values and realizing its role for the development of cadets’ personality in inheritance activities Leaders, commanders, authorities, lecturers and managers’ awareness of traditional moral values and the traditional moral values role in cadets’ personality development is quite comprehensive and sufficient However, a comprehensive assessment shows that in a part of the subject of cognitive education, it is still simple, superficial, not focused, properly paying attention to traditional moral values and realizing its role in promoting cadets’ personality Secondly, the educational subjects’ capacity to educate traditional moral values for cadets In the past years, the issue of 17 educating traditional moral values for cadets has received the attention and coordination of several different subjects However, the educational subjects’ capacity remains limitations, attention, and coordination Some of the subjects' ability to transfer and educate traditional moral values for cadets is not thorough and comprehensive Thirdly, the program, content, form, method of traditional moral values education Traditional ethical values education programs and contents have been developed, integrated, standardized and standardized by educational subjects along with a variety of basic forms and methods suitable to their ability to receive and transform cadets However, an investigation into content design and curriculum standards of traditional ethical values for cadets has not yet been touched upon; Traditional methods of educating moral values of educational subjects have not been flexible and creative in integrating the contents need educating and orienting 3.1.2 The current situation of practicing the role of traditional moral values in developing cadets' personality, seen from their own capacity to receive and transform traditional moral values Firstly, cadets' awareness of the traditional ethical role, the importance of receiving and transforming traditional moral values in developing cadets' personality Most cadets have an appropriate understanding of traditional moral values and its role in personality development, the importance of receiving and transforming traditional moral values in personality development of each person However, besides the advantages, the survey results also show that there is still a part of the trainees who are not fully aware of the traditional moral values and its role in personality development Secondly, cadets' current level of knowledge, methods, attitudes and transformations of traditional moral values Cadets' level of knowledge has developed, but not yet firmly and comprehensively The method of receiving and transforming cadets' traditional moral values is basically appropriate, but not really scientific and effective Cadets’ attitudes in receiving and transforming traditional moral values have increasingly improved, yet not really stable Thirdly, cadets’ activeness and self-awareness of in selfreceiving and self-transforming traditional moral values From the 18 educational subjects’ process of training and education, along with their self-awareness, cadets have formed for themselves the positive, self-aware, the need to receive and transform traditional moral values However, cadets' self-acknowledgment and selftransformation of traditional moral values still have some limitations, and fail to enhance their activeness in receiving and transforming traditional moral values 3.1.3 The current situation of practising the role of traditional moral value in developing cadets’ personality, seen from the perspective of forming moral environment at officer-training colleges Firstly, in terms of the perceptions, roles, responsibilities, and coordination of different subjects in building an ethical environment at officer-training colleges In recent years, the construction of morality environment for officers' schools has been significantly improved both in quantity and quality, making an important contribution to promoting the traditional moral value role in personality development However, a comprehensive assessment of the quality and effectiveness of building an ethical environment for officers' schools in recent years in some areas is not very uniform and consistent Secondly, in terms of forming a favourable moral environment, creating conditions for cadets to study, train, receive and transform traditional moral values The ethical environment of the current officers' schools is clean, healthy and favourable, which is a premise for cadets to receive and transform traditional moral values effectively However, the current ethical environment of officers 'schools is still not really uniform, and effective in realizing the traditional moral value role in developing personality of cadets Thirdly, in terms of creating elements in the ethical environment of officers 'schools in order to fulfil the traditional moral values in developing cadets' personality Recently, officers' schools have paid great attention to create elements of the ethical environment and have made positive changes in both quantity and quality, making an important contribution to building a clean ethical environment However, some cadets' moral relationships show worrying signs; their relationships show signs of pragmatic lifestyle, individual calculation, and lack of collective spirit 19 3.2 The issues arising from the current situation of implementing the role of traditional moral in developing personality of cadets' at officer-training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today 3.2.1 The conflict between the need to improve the quality of inheritance activities and the educational subjects’ traditional ethical education with the limitations of some educational subjects’ awareness, qualifications, capacity and methods Firstly, the contradiction between having to fully realize the importance of inheriting and educating traditional ethical values for current cadets with some educational subjects’ incomplete and inconsistent awareness and understanding Secondly, the contradiction between knowledge, capacity, role and responsibilities of the educational subject to fulfil the traditional moral role in the developing cadets’ personality is insufficient and not in line with their assigned missions Thirdly, the conflict between the requirements on sense of science, the suitability of the program, content, method of traditional ethical education and the current program, content and method is insufficient 3.2.2 The conflict between improving the efficiency of cadets’ receiving and transforming traditional ethical values with the limitation of their ability to receive and transform traditional moral values into views and beliefs, attitudes and behaviours in practice Firstly, the contradiction between having to fully and effectively perceive the traditional moral value role in developing cadets' personality with some cadets’ awareness and understanding is incomplete not thorough Secondly, the conflict between the need to transform cadets’ awareness into attitudes, motivations, activeness, and transforming traditional ethical values remains some limitations Thirdly, the conflict between the need to realize the role of traditional moral value in accordance with the military ethical standards and the current behaviour of some cadets is not appropriate and fail to meet the current requirements and tasks 3.2.3 The contradiction between the requirement to form a moral environment at officers' schools to fulfil the traditional moral role in developing cadets' personality with the 20 limitations and inadequacies of the ethical environment at the current officer-training colleges Firstly, the conflict between tradition and modernity in creating and perfecting the military moral values system of the ethical environment of officer-training colleges today Secondly, the contradiction between the content, the uniformity in building ethical relationships between subjects in the ethical environment of officers' schools and the reality still has limitations and inadequacy Thirdly, the conflict between the request to promote the strength of the system of military ethical institutions in the ethical environment of officers' schools with the current status, potential and practical capabilities is not in line with the requirements and tasks Conclusion of chapter The work of assessing the current situation of implementing the role of traditional moral values in the development of cadets’ personality is optimal The impact of various educational factors on the realization of traditional moral values in the development of cadets' personality contains both advantages and shortcomings That analysis serves as the foundation to generalize the arisen issues in the form of conflict from the current impact of different educational factors Chapter SOLUTIONS TO PROMOTING THE ROLE OF TRADITIONAL ETHICAL VALUES IN DEVELOPING PERSONALITY FOR CADETS AT THE OFFICER-TRAINING COLLEGES OF THE VIETNAM PEOPLE’S ARMY TODAY 4.1 Improving the quality of inheriting and educating traditional moral values of educational subjects at the officertraining colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today 4.1.1 Improving the quality of inheriting traditional moral values to integrate into the curriculum and content of the officerstraining colleges This serves as an important solution to creating a premise and conditions for traditional moral values to promote its role in the complete, solid and systematic student personality on the basis of tradition and modernity; while ensuring the orientation of the education training process, while contributing to the automation of traditional moral values in the development of cadets' personalities The following things should be taken into consideration to improve the quality of inheriting the traditional moral values of educational subjects: 21 Firstly, raising the educational subjects’ awareness and responsibility of on the position, role and orientation of traditional moral values selection in inheritance activities Secondly, studying and resolving the relationship between tradition and modernity in inheriting traditional moral values oriented to develop personality of cadets 4.1.2 Improving the quality of educating traditional moral values for cadets at the officers- training colleges today To improve the quality of traditional moral values for cadets, the educational subjects need to promote their roles, responsibilities, and coordination in renovating programs, content, forms, and methodology It is essential to focus on the following factors to improving the quality of traditional moral values for cadets: Firstly, promoting the role and coordination among different educational subjects in educating traditional moral values for cadets Secondly, renewing the program and content of education on traditional moral values for cadets Thirdly, innovating forms and methods of educating traditional ethics for cadets 4.2 Improving the capacity to receive and transform traditional ethical values of cadets at the officers- training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today 4.2.1 Raising cadets' awareness of traditional moral values, the role of traditional moral values and the importance of receiving and transforming traditional moral values in personality development This serves as a prerequisite measure, creating an important premise to improve the cadets' ability to receive and transform traditional moral values Because awareness not only plays a guiding role but also directs the activities of the subject True perception is the basis for cadets to have the right attitude, motivation, build determination and responsibility in improving the capacity to receive and transform traditional moral values The following should be done to create a change in cadets' awareness of traditional moral values and to receive and transform traditional moral values: First, improving cadets’ awareness, sentiment and faith on traditional moral values 22 Second, raising cadets’ awareness and responsibility about the importance of receiving and transforming traditional moral values in developing their personalities 4.2.2 Frequently nurturing cadets’ knowledge, methods and attitudes to receive and transform traditional moral values First, regularly nurturing and improving cadets’ knowledge of traditional moral values Second, improving methods of receiving and transforming traditional moral values for cadets Third, forming cadets’ right attitude to receive and transform traditional moral values 4.2.3 Enhancing cadets' self-awareness in traditional selftransformation to develop their personality The level of receiving and transforming traditional moral values in personality development depends on the capacity to receive and transform values and is expressed in cadets’ activeness and selfconsciousness The following should be done to enhance the cadets' activeness and self-awareness in the process of receiving and transforming traditional moral values: First, combining closely the management with encouragement, and creating conditions for cadets to self-receive and self-transform traditional ethical values Second, promoting cadets’ activeness and self-awareness to consolidate and adjust their behaviours in accordance with traditional moral values and personality values of division-level officers 4.3 Forming and promoting the role of ethical environment at the officers- training colleges of the Vietnam People's Army today 4.3.1 Forming military moral values system at the officers- training colleges under the direction of connecting tradition with modernity The concerned subjects have to conduct scientific and systematic research on the content of the moral value system to promote the role of traditional moral value in personality development under the direction of connecting tradition and modernity The following things should be done to implement this measure: First, forming and perfecting the system of military moral values in the ethical environment of the officer-training colleges must be based on inheriting traditional moral values and modern moral values 23 Second, building and perfecting the system of military moral values in the ethical environment of the current the officer-training colleges with the core of revolutionary military morals Third, forming and improving the military moral values system in the ethical environment of the current the officer-training colleges based on the integration of moral values from the reality of military relations, consistent with the goals and requirements the officer-training colleges 4.3.2 Promoting the role of the military moral system in forming an ethical environment for the officer-training colleges Forming and promoting the role of a system of pure and ethical military relations based on traditional moral values standards is an important aspect of building an ethical environment for the officer-training colleges, creating favourable conditions for promoting the traditional ethical role in the development of student's personality today It is essential to focus on the following to form positive military ethical relationships: First, raising cadres, lecturers and cadets’ awareness, responsibility, and understanding the principles of military ethical relations Second, focusing on forming and creating favourable conditions for cadets to strengthen healthy relationships during the process of learning, training and working Third, maintaining the regulation in handling relationships in line with revolutionary military ethics and traditional moral values 4.3.3 Promoting the role of military ethical system in the ethical environment at the officer-training colleges today The officer-training colleges should the following things to promote the role of the military ethical institutions at the officertraining colleges: First, raising the awareness, consensus and effectiveness of military ethics institutions at the officer-training colleges Second, building a strong and comprehensive group of cadets capable of directing and adjusting cadets' behaviour according to traditional ethical values, creating a solid foundation in building ethical environment at the officer-training colleges Third, promoting democracy, strengthening discipline, fighting against the values in building an ethical environment at the officertraining colleges 24 Fourth, well organizing the material and spiritual life, creating a healthy environment in order to spread traditional moral values in cadets’ personality and the collective in the army Conclusion of chapter At present, promoting the role of traditional moral values in developing cadets' personality, does not only enhance the spiritual strength, "inner power" in cadets’ personality, but also has a longterm significance for preserving and developing the values of the national and military traditions and continuing the value of Vietnam's personality in history in general and that of revolutionary soldiers in particular The above-mentioned solutions should be conducted synchronous and comply with the requirements of each solution They also should be implemented in accordance with the specific conditions of each officer-training college and each specialized object In this way, the effectiveness of promoting the traditional moral values in developing cadets’ personality might ensure its practicality and sustainability CONCLUSION Traditional moral values play a role of paramount importance in forming and developing Vietnamese personality in general, and that of cadets at the officer-training colleges in particular It is seen as the foundation of the ethics and morality, meeting the requirements of "building the village and defending the country" Thus, promoting the traditional ethical role in developing cadets' personality is an indispensable and objective requirement to mobilize spiritual strength, contributing to the building of a politically strong Vietnam People's Army It is an urgent requirement both theoretically and practically to study traditional ethical values analyse the roles and define factors to regulate traditional ethical roles in developing cadets' personality Accordingly, the current situation of fulfilling the role of traditional ethical values in developing cadets' personality is assessed and solutions are proposed to promote traditional ethical role in developing cadets’ personality The development of cadets' personality under the impact of traditional moral values, the process of fulfilling the traditional moral values role is regulated by several factors However, within the limited scope of the study, the author only focuses on analysing and interpreting the following basic factors that stipulate the traditional moral role in the development of student's personality: The quality of inheriting and educating traditional moral values of the educational subjects; cadets' 25 ability to receive and transform traditional moral values; the quality of forming ethical environment at the officer-training colleges In practice, traditional moral values have been promoted in developing cadets' personality through the education and training process at the officer-training colleges This is shown in the maturity of cadets in terms of perceptions, ideals, motivations, attitudes, behaviours, learning, training, and working However, due to the multidimensional impact of cognitive factors, the subjects’ qualifications and ability and the social situation, the process of implementing the role of traditional ethical values in developing cadets' personalities remains some certain limitations This reveals that the development of cadets’ personality under the impact of traditional moral values is a process containing several contradictions, which need to be dealt with scientifically To promote the role of traditional ethical in developing cadets' personality to meet the objectives and training requirements at the officertraining colleges, solutions must be carried out synchronously with the subjects’ efforts, willpower, spirit, and sense of science and those of cadets Each solution deals with each aspect of the promotion process, but they all aim to transform traditional moral values into the intrinsic factors so as to develop cadets’ personality as oriented ... Here are typical works: "Vietnam’s traditional spiritual values" by Tran Van Giau; "Value – orientation on value of personality and education" by Nguyen Quang Uan; " Vietnam’s traditional values... building a new lifestyle for Vietnamese students in the context of globalization" by Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha; "Traditional moral values in ethical education for students of Vietnam People''s Public Security... Nguyen Quang Phat; "Developing political personality in the Vietnam People''s Army today in accordance with Ho Chi Minh’s ideology" by Ha Duc Long; "The moral standards of soldiers of the Vietnam