This page intentionally left blank The Political Uses of Expert Knowledge Why politicians and civil servants commission research, and what use they make of it in policymaking? The received wisdom is that research contributes to improving government policy Christina Boswell challenges this view, arguing that policymakers are just as likely to value expert knowledge for two alternative reasons: as a way of lending authority to their preferences; or to signal their capacity to make sound decisions Boswell develops a compelling new theory of the role of knowledge in policy, showing how policymakers use research to establish authority in contentious and risky areas of policy She illustrates her argument with an analysis of European immigration policies, charting the ways in which expertise becomes a resource for lending credibility to controversial claims, underpinning high-risk decisions or bolstering the credibility of government agencies This book will make fascinating reading for those interested in the interface between policymaking, academic research and political legitimacy christina boswell is Senior Lecturer in Politics at the School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh The Political Uses of Expert Knowledge Immigration Policy and Social Research c h r i s t i n a bo s w e l l CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York Information on this title: © Christina Boswell 2009 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 2009 ISBN-13 978-0-511-58080-2 eBook (NetLibrary) ISBN-13 978-0-521-51741-6 Hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate Contents List of figures and tables Acknowledgements page vi vii I The political functions of knowledge 1 The puzzle: explaining the uses of knowledge Instrumental knowledge and organizational legitimacy 29 The symbolic functions of knowledge 61 The use of knowledge in public policy debates 89 II The case of immigration policy 105 The politics of immigration in Germany and the UK 107 The British Home Office 130 The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees 159 The European Commission 190 Organizations and cultures of expertise 219 III 231 10 Extending the theory Knowledge and policy 233 References 252 Index 268 v Figures and tables Figures 2.1 Organizational responses to external pressure 10.1 Policy types and functions of knowledge page 55 240 Tables 3.1 3.2 4.1 5.1 10.1 vi Conditions producing knowledge utilization Indicators of the functions of knowledge Policy debates and types of knowledge use Press coverage of migration research Policy types 82 86 97 125 238 Acknowledgements In summer 2004, in a rather cluttered and smoky office in Osnabrück University, Michael Bommes remarked that maybe I should ‘have a look at this organizational studies literature – you know, March, Simon, that lot’ Until then, I had been battling on with a rather arid combination of analytical political theory and political science literature on public policy Michael’s suggestion was spot on Neo-institutionalist organization theory, along with a dose of Luhmann’s systems theory, has provided a really fruitful way of making sense of how policymakers draw on research I am convinced that political science has much more to gain from this literature (as my long-suffering colleagues at Edinburgh are doubtless fed up of hearing by now) Many of the ideas in the book benefited from discussions with colleagues in Europe and North America I mentioned Michael Bommes, whose comments and ideas have had a big impact on my work Claudio Radaelli, whom I met halfway into the project, has been immensely supportive and provided very valuable feedback on theory and research design Andrew Geddes has offered excellent advice on a number of issues Jonathan Boswell, Simon Bulmer, Julia Gallagher, Virginie Guiraudon, Randall Hansen, Andrew Neal, Peter Scholten and Neil Walker all provided helpful comments that improved parts of the argument I also received very useful suggestions from two anonymous reviewers, and a first-rate service from the team at Cambridge University Press Here at Edinburgh, the colleagues in the K-PAX group – Richard Freeman, Tobias Jung, Sandra Nutley, Jill Schofield and others – have provided an excellent forum for presenting work and thrashing out ideas, as have those in the Luhmann Reading Group I organized with Zenon Bankowski in 2008 (though to my regret Luhmann has remained something of a minority interest here in Edinburgh) Andrew Neal and John Peterson provided some very helpful comments on the final manuscript vii viii Acknowledgements The research for this book was conducted as part of an EU-sponsored grant, rather grandly titled ‘Expanding the Knowledge Base of European Labour Migration Policies’, or KNOWMIG I am hugely grateful to the European Commission’s Marie Curie Programme, which funded not just my post but those of four researchers who carried out a parallel project on migration in Europe Those colleagues – Emilia Brinkmeier, Oana Ciobanu, Tim Elrick and Dragos Radu – were a continuous source of ideas and feedback over the course of the project, and proved to be extremely flexible in the various moves required by the project (from Bucharest and Warsaw to Hamburg, and from Hamburg to Edinburgh) I am also indebted to Charlie Jeffery, Jo Shaw and Thomas Straubhaar for making the move to Edinburgh possible, and to Caroline Laffey for her crucial role in managing the complex transfer and administration of the project here at 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see also organizations administration, public 21 definition of 21, 22 relationship with political system 21 3, 49 52 see also administrative agencies; bureaucracy, concept of administrative agencies 21 3, 46, 74 in house research units in 219 24 legitimation in 44, 47 55, 78, 248 51 and technocratic modes of settlement 77 8, 90, 91 see also organizations asylum policy 17, 134 Bade, Klaus 168 Barry, Brian 74 Beck, Marie Luise 167 Beck, Ulrich 58 Blair, Tony 4, 117, 121, 125 Blunkett, David 123, 125, 151, 152 Böhme, Claudia 170 British immigration policy 117 24 Highly Skilled Migrant Programme 118 and integration of immigrants 142 labour migration policy reforms 77, 107, 117 24, 142 political debate over 108, 118 24, 142 press coverage of 124 White Paper on immigration (2002) 118 19, 151 Brunsson, Nils 11, 13, 43 4, 65, 134, 235 268 bureaucracy, concept of 69 70 Anglo Saxon and continental styles of 160 role of knowledge in development of 35, 37, 48, 69, 161 2, 227 Weberian theory of 31, 40, 42, 43, 62, 159, 217 see also administrative agencies Cabinet Office, British 119, 137 42, 149, 151, 157 Caplan, Nathan 59 Christian Democratic parties, German 108 opposition to immigration reform 108, 110 14, 128, 169 civil service, see administrative agencies Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, German 19, 167, 180 Migration Report of 167, 168, 170, 180 Communities and Local Government, UK Department for 131, 134 Confederation of British Industry 121, 123 Conservative Party, UK 118, 125, 128 critique of government immigration policy 120 3, 128 co production of knowledge 244 6, 248 Council of Ministers, European Union 194, 199, 207 Cram, Laura 202 decision making styles 65 6, 68, 70 democratic mode of settlement, see modes of settlement Index DiMaggio, Paul J 66, 68 Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs 19, 194 6, 200 Directorate General Justice, Liberty and Security 19, 193 interaction with policy community 194, 198 policy preferences of 199 200 remit of 193 see also European Commission enlightenment function of knowledge 5, 34, 59, 223, 247 European Commission 15, 18, 19 legitimacy problems of 19, 190, 192 6, 201 as a technocratic organization 193, 195 see also Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs; Directorate General Justice, Liberty and Security European Migration Network 15, 18, 180, 190 establishment of 204 European Commission interest in 204 6, 208 13, 215 17 remit of 204 5, 208 research activities of 209 13 European Parliament 194, 198 9, 201, 214 European Union enlargement, impact on migration 121 European Union immigration and asylum policy 193, 195 contestation over 194, 199 evidence based policy 3, 137, 146, 149, 188 9, 219 22 under Labour government 4, 7, 248 expert knowledge cultures of 162 3, 225 30, 241 definition of 23 5, 56 types of (descriptive, explanatory, predictive) 57 9, 242 validity/credibility of 93 8, 226 see also knowledge, uses of Ezrahi, Yaron 269 Federal Institute for Population Research, German 116, 175 Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, German 15, 18, 19 acquisition of Research Group 164 history of 163, 164, 171 relationship with the Interior Ministry 163 4, 170 responsibility for integration policy 164 5, 170 4, 183 4, 228 status of research in 159, 183 4, 227 see also Research Group Feldman, Martha S 42, 44, 68 Fischer, Frank Foucault, Michel 35, 36, 59 Foucauldian theory of knowledge 7, 35 40, 59, 62, 244 German Council of Science and Humanities 162, 178, 188 German immigration policy 108 14 asylum and refugees 163 concerns about integration 110 12, 117 Green Card 109 10, 112, 114, 129 Immigration Commission 111 13, 115, 129, 165, 166 Immigration Council 165 6, 168 Immigration Law, 2003 18, 164, 166, 167, 175 integration policy 172 labour migration policy reforms 75, 107, 109 17, 159, 169 National Integration Plan 171 political debate over 108 14, 165 press coverage of 114 17 Giddens, Anthony 93 Gramscian theories of knowledge 10, 39 Green Party, German 167 Grootendorst, R 76 Gusfield, Joseph R 98 Habermas, Jürgen 227 Halffman, Willem 226 health research 245 Hellström, Tomas 227 270 Index Home Office, UK 15, 18, 19, 119 20 creation of Border and Immigration Agency (BIA) 135 and evidence based policy agenda 145 6, 149, 157, 188 9, 229 Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) 131, 137; hostility to IRSS 146 8; relationship with the Home Office 132, 133 irregular migration, furore over 138 performance targets in 139 40, 152 problems of legitimacy 131 Public Service Agreements 130, 139 40, 146 Research, Development and Statistics Directorate 15, 18, 120, 141 status of research in 136 7, 141, 143, 146 8, 226, 228 study on impact of EU enlargement 122 study on impact of immigration 129 see also Immigration Research and Statistics Service Hughes, Beverley 119 institutional isomorphism 46, 66 coercive 67 8, 72, 205 definition of 67 mimetic 68, 70 2, 194, 196, 205 instrumental knowledge 5, 11, 13, 29 60 in different policy areas 241 indicators of 83, 85, 86 mainstream theories of 5, 11, 13; assumptions about organizational action 30 2; critique of 7, 10 12, 32 6, 247 neo institutionalist theory of 47 8, 59 see also knowledge, uses of Interior Ministry, German 163 4, 170 interest in Research Group 175, 178 83, 186, 187 International Organization for Migration 122 issue framing 22, 51 immigration policy 14 17 and integration of immigrants 16, 17 knowledge gaps in 17 labour migration 16 and legitimacy 15 16, 133, 137 see also British, European Union, German immigration policy Immigration Research and Statistics Service (IRSS) 144 58 critique of, within IND 146 launch of 130, 144 objectives and remit of 144 research on asylum 152 research on impacts of immigration 129, 151 research on refugee integration 153 shift to ‘embedded structure’ 147 8, 157, 224 Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) 119, 120, 151 institutional decoupling 44 Kingdon, John W 243 knowledge, uses of conditions influencing 12 14, 81 distinction between legitimizing and substantiating knowledge 61 2, 72 3, 78 9, 80 indicators of 81 symbolic uses of 61, 62, 248 see also expert knowledge; instrumental knowledge; legitimizing knowledge; substantiating knowledge knowledge transfer 224 impediments to 32 4, 59, 220 ‘two communities’ thesis 32 4, 141, 220 Jasanoff, Sheila S 8, 228 justice and home affairs, EU co operation in 193, 195 7; see also European Union immigration and asylum policy Labour government (1997) and modernizing agenda 4, 139 40, 143, 146 labour migration, see immigration policy Index legitimacy of knowledge, see scientific credibility in organizations 11, 41 5, 70 legitimizing knowledge 7, 65 72, 248 definition of in different policy areas 241 indicators of 83 neo institutionalist theory of 47 55, 65 72 see also knowledge, uses of Liberal Democrats, UK 119, 122 Lindblom, Charles E 33, 58 logic of appropriateness 42, 64 Lowi, Theodore J 235 Luhmann, Niklas 41, 45 6, 49, 92, 94 March, James G 32, 42, 44, 64, 68 media, mass 91 and ‘colonization’ of politics 99 101 and newsworthiness 99 101 and scandal 100, 101, 127 as sounding board for politics 22, 23, 51, 74 use of knowledge in 23, 98 Meyer, J W 47, 236 Migrationwatch 125 modes of settlement 74 democratic 14, 75, 77, 107 technocratic 14, 77, 241 6; in administrative agencies 77 8; in labour migration debates 128; limited authority of 96 9, 102; in politics 89, 92, 96, 101 Nordlinger, Eric 63 Olsen, John P 32, 70, 71; see also decision making styles organizational institutionalist approach 40 7, 65 organizations change in 47 55 cognitive frames of 11, 42, 45 6, 49, 53 formal structures of 11, 13 ideologies of 41, 45, 68 271 instability in 42 3, 68 legitimacy of 11, 41 5, 47 55, 70 neo institutionalist theory of (see also organizational institutionalist approach) 11, 65 patterns of knowledge use in 12 14, 55 9, 220 4, 241 power maximizing theory of 10, 62 5, 74 rituals in 11, 36, 41, 42, 249 types of 13, 47, 235 see also action organizations; political organizations Performance and Innovation Unit, UK 151 Pickering, Andrew 244 policy attribution of impacts to government action 236 40 knowledge use in 246 and legitimation 234 40 typologies of 235 visibility of 236 40 political contestation 14, 74 7, 91 use of knowledge in 11 12, 73, 92 see also modes of settlement; politicans, use of knowledge political mobilization 22, 23, 91 political organizations 13, 47 55, 65 9, 73, 235 6; see also organizations political system definition of 21 relationship with administration 21 3, 49 52 politicians 11 motivations of 11, 91 use of knowledge 89, 92, 96, 102, 124 see also political contestation; political mobilization politics, see political system populist politics Powell, Walter W 66, 68 problem solving (see also instrumental knowledge) 5, 11, 247 public policy, see policy 272 rational choice theories 10, 12 rationalistic decision making 70, 160; see also decision making styles Reid, John 134 research, see expert knowledge Research Group of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees 18, 19, 129 establishment of 175 and Migration Report 180, 187 report on Aussiedler 181 2, 187 Scientific Advisory Board of 168, 177 8, 180 staff 178 tasks of 177 85 rhetoric, political 76, 98 risk, politics of definition 92 and immigration 71 and role of knowledge 58 9, 71, 79 80, 92 Roche, Barbara 130, 151 Sabatier, Paul A 35, 36, 63 Schily, Otto 111 14, 117, 169 withdraws support from Immigration Council 167 Schröder, Gerhard 109, 112, 113, 169 Science and Innovation, UK Office of 154, 157, 158 science policy boundaries 25, 226 scientific credibility 93 ‘scientification’ of politics 94 Scott, Richard W 47, 236 social policy, see societal steering societal steering 17, 80, 94 narratives of 53, 54, 236 role of knowledge in 93 6, 243 Index strategic knowledge, see substantiating knowledge Straw, Jack 151 substantiating knowledge 9, 72 81 definition of 8, 73 in different policy areas 241 indicators of 84, 85, 87 limitations of in political debate 96 and ‘softening up’ tactic 202 see also knowledge, uses of Süssmuth, Rita 166 symbolic functions of knowledge, see knowledge, uses of systems theory 41, 45 technocratic mode of settlement, see modes of settlement technocratic policy 4, 143 Topf, Richard 33 Trade and Industry, UK Department of 143, 151 Treasury, UK 121, 137, 143, 153, 158 ‘two communities’ thesis, see knowledge transfer United Nations High Commission of Refugees 212 uses of knowledge, see knowledge, uses of van Eemeren, F H 76 Weingart, Peter 101 Weiss, Carol 5, 35 40, 63 Work and Pensions, UK Department for 143, 152, 153, 158