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55 các bài đục lỗ TRONG đề THI 2017 và đề MINH họa 2018

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CÁC BÀI ĐỤC LỖ TRONG ĐỀ THI 2017 VÀ ĐỀ MINH HỌA 2018 Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 ĐỀ MINH HỌA LẦN 1- 2017 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY A good memory is often seen as something that comes naturally, and a bad memory as something that cannot be changed, but actually (31) is a lot that you can to improve your memory We all remember the things we are interested in and forget the ones that bore us This no doubt explains the reason (32) schoolboys remember football results effortlessly but struggle with dates from their history lessons! Take an active interest in what you want to remember, and focus on it (33) One way to „make‟ yourself more interested is to ask questions — the more the better! Physical exercise is also important for your memory, because it increases your heart (34) and sends more oxygen to your brain, and that makes your memory work better Exercise also reduces stress, which is very bad for the memory The old saying that “eating fish makes you brainy” may be true after all Scientists have discovered that the fats (35) in fish like tuna, sardines and salmon — as well as in olive oil — help to improve the memory Vitamin-rich fruits such as oranges, strawberries and red grapes are all good ‗brain food„, too (Source: “New Cutting Edge”, Cunningham, S & Moor 2010 Harlow: Longman) Question 31: Question 32: Question 33: Question 34: Question 35: A there A why A hardly A degree A made B it B what B slightly B level B existed C that C how C consciously C rate C founded D this D which D easily D grade D Found ĐỀ MINH HỌA LẦN 2- 2017 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35 The Internet has truly transformed how students their homework (31) homework today still means spending time in the library, it‟s for a different reason Rather than using books for research, students today are (32) to the Internet to download enormous amounts of data available online In the past, students were limited to their school‟s (33) _ of books In many cases, they got to the school library and found out that someone had already taken the books they needed Nowadays, such inconvenience can be avoided since the Internet never runs out of information Students, however, have to (34) _sure that the information they find online is true Teachers have also benefited from the homework which is done on the Internet They not need to carry students‟ papers around with them any more This is because online (35) allow students to electronically upload their homework for their teachers to read and mark Of course, this also means that students can no longer use the excuse that the dog ate their homework! A But B For C While D Because Question 31: A connecting B linking C searching D looking Question 32: A select B selective C selectively D selection Question 33: A B get C make D come Question 34: A materials B systems C structures D sources Question 35: ĐỀ MINH HỌA LẦN 3- 2017 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35 When you first arrive in a foreign culture, often your first reaction is completely positive Everything seems exciting, different and fascinating It‟s an (31) If you are just on a short holiday, you will probably never leave this phase (32) , if you stay longer, your attitude can start to change As you start to realize (33) little you really understand the new culture, life can get frustrating People misunderstand what you are trying to say, or they may laugh at you when you say something incorrectly Even simple things, like posting a letter, can seem very difficult to you Thus, you are likely to get angry or upset when things go wrong With time, though, you start to (34) to become more comfortable with the differences and better able to handle frustrating situations Your (35) of humor reappears Finally, you may feel enthusiastic about the culture once again, enjoy living in it, and even prefer certain aspects of the culture to your own (Adapted from Navigate – Coursebook, OUP 2015) A adventure B adventurous C adventurer D adventurously Question 31: A Therefore B Or C However D Nor Question 32: A whether B how C if D what Question 33: A replace B maintain C adjust D keep Question 34: A taste B sense C touch D sound Question 35: ĐỀ THI THPTQG 2017 – MÃ ĐỀ 401 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 23 to 27 In the early twentieth century, an American woman named Emily Post wrote a book on etiquette This book explained the proper behavior Americans should follow in many different social (23) , from birthday parties to funerals But in modern society, it is not simply to know the proper rules for behavior in your own country It is necessary for people (24) work or travel abroad to understand the rules of etiquette in other cultures as well Cultural (25) can be found in such simple processes as giving or receiving a gift In Western cultures, a gift can be given to the receiver with relatively little ceremony When a gift is offered, the receiver usually takes the gift and expresses his or her thanks (26) , in some Asian countries, the act of gift-giving may appear confusing to Westerners In Chinese culture, both the giver and receiver understand that the receiver will typically refuse to take the gift several times before he or she finally accepts it In addition, to (27) respect for the receiver, it is common in several Asian cultures to use both hands when offering a gift to another person (Source: Reading Advantage by Casey Malarcher) Question 23 A positions B conditions C situations D locations Question 24 A who B which C where D whose Question 25 A differences B different C differently D differ Question 26 A Moreover B Therefore C However D Otherwise Question 27 A show B get C feel D take ĐỀ THI THPTQG 2017 – MÃ ĐỀ 402 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 23 to 27 As teenagers approach university level, a decision has to be made on what course to pursue In this world of diversity, (23) such a choice is not easy for both children and parents In the old days, it was not much a problem to the task because there were not so many diverse learning areas to choose from Besides, there were only a few distinctive professional careers like doctor, engineer, accountant, nurse, teacher, etc to think about Most higher learning usually led to a financially successful life (24) , the cost of education was not so high Today's world is entirely different from the things (25) have just been described The job market is constantly changing due to innovative technology and new (26) Meanwhile, most teenagers have difficulty in identifying their own interests There are a variety of well-organized career talks and student counseling workshops to guide and help teenagers (27) what course to take Furthermore, psychological tests are also used Certain instruments such as surveys, interviews and computer software can help to find out preferences, interests, or learning styles of the students (Source: Essential Reading for IELTS by Humin & John A Gordon) Question 23 A making B taking C giving D having Question 24 A In addition B Otherwise C For example D Therefore Question 25 A when B that C what D where Question 26 A competition B competitively C competitive D compete Question 27 A apply B study C decide D Employ ĐỀ THI THPTQG 2017 – MÃ ĐỀ 403 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35 Graphic novels, as the name suggests, are books written and illustrated in the style of a comic book Adults may feel that graphic novels not help children become good readers They believe that this type of reading material somehow prevents "real" reading (31) , many quality graphic novels are now being seen as a method of storytelling on the same level as novels, films or audiobooks Many librarians and teachers are now accepting graphic novels as proper literature for children as they (32) young people and motivate them to read This has been especially true with children who are not (33) to read, especially boys Language learners are also motivated by graphic novels because the pictures provide clues to the meaning of the words Therefore, they will (34) new vocabulary more quickly Many teachers have reported great success when they used graphic novels with their students, especially in the areas of English, social studies and art The idea that graphic novels are too simple to be regarded as serious reading is no longer valid Reading them can, undoubtedly, help students develop the skills (35) are necessary to read more challenging works (Source: Complete IELTS by Rawdon Wyatt) Question 31 Question 32 Question 33 Question 34 Question 35 A Otherwise A attract A active A learn A where B Therefore B attractively B willing B take B that C However C attraction C careful C know C who D In addition D attractive D able D accept D when ĐỀ THI THPTQG 2017 – MÃ ĐỀ 404 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 23 to 27 Culture has a strong influence on non-verbal communication Even the simple act of looking someone in the eye is not at all that simple In the USA, Americans are (31) to look directly at people when speaking to them It shows interest in what they are saying and is thought to carry a (32) of honesty Meanwhile, in Japan and Korea, people avoid long periods of eye contact It is considered more polite to look to the side during a conversation The Lebanese, (33) ., stand close together and look intensely into each other's eyes The action shows sincerity and gives people a better sense of what their counterparts want Given such differences with even the most common expressions, people (34) travel or work abroad have a real need to learn the other culture's body language People tend to be unaware of the messages they are sending to others So, it is (35) to consider your own body language before dealing with people from other cultures Knowing about the body language of friends, clients, and colleagues can be very helpful in improving understanding and avoiding miscommunication (Source: Reading Fusion by Andrew E Bennett) Question 31: A forbidden B encouraged C opposed D assisted Question 32: A taste B sense C sound D touch Question 33: A Therefore B In addition C In contrast D Moreover Question 34: A where B which C whose D who Question 35: A use B usefulness C useful D usefully ĐỀ MINH HỌA 2018 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 23 to 27 GOOD FRIENDS Psychologists have long known that having a set of cherished companions is crucial to mental wellbeing A recent study by Australian investigators concluded that our friends even help to (23) our lives The study concentrated (24) the social environment, general health, and lifestyle of 1,477 persons older than 70 years The participants were asked how much contact they had with friends, children, relatives and acquaintances Researchers were surprised to learn that friendships increased life (25) to a far greater extent than frequent contact with children and other relatives This benefit held true even after these friends had moved away to another city and was independent of factors such as socioeconomic status, health, and way of life According to scientists, the ability to have relationships with people to (26) one is important has a positive effect on physical and mental health Stress and tendency towards depression are reduced, and behaviours that are damaging to health, such as smoking and drinking, occur less frequently (27) _, our support networks, in times of calamity in particular, can raise our moods and feelings of self-worth and offer helpful strategies for dealing with difficult personal challenges Question 23 A prolong B lengthen C stretch D expand Question 24 A in B with C on D at Question 25 A expectation B insurance C expectancy D assurance Question 26 A who B whom C what D that Question 27 A Otherwise B For example C Moreover D However ...ĐỀ MINH HỌA LẦN 2- 2017 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet... get C make D come Question 34: A materials B systems C structures D sources Question 35: ĐỀ MINH HỌA LẦN 3- 2017 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet... maintain C adjust D keep Question 34: A taste B sense C touch D sound Question 35: ĐỀ THI THPTQG 2017 – MÃ ĐỀ 401 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet

Ngày đăng: 12/03/2020, 20:02

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