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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Buccaneer, by Mrs S C Hall This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: The Buccaneer A Tale Author: Mrs S C Hall Release Date: February 14, 2009 [EBook #28074] Language: English *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE BUCCANEER *** Produced by Robert Cicconetti and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/American Libraries.) TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible; please see list of printing issues STANDARD NOVELS No LXXIX "No kind of literature is so generally attractive as Fiction Pictures of life and manners, and Stories of adventure, are more eagerly received by the many than graver productions, however important these latter may be Apuleius is better remembered by his fable of Cupid and Psyche than by his abstruser Platonic writings; and the Decameron of BOCCACCIO has outlived the Latin Treatises, and other learned works of that author." THE BUCCANEER COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME LONDON: RICHARD BENTLEY, NEW BURLINGTON STREET: BELL AND BRADFUTE, EDINBURGH; J CUMMING, DUBLIN 1840 London: Printed by A SPOTTISWOODE New-Street-Square J Cowse, pinxt W Greatbatch, sc THE BUCCANEER The Protector instantly exclaimed Guards! what ho! without there! Five or six rushed into the room and laid hands upon Robin THE BUCCANEER The Protector instantly exclaimed "Guards! what ho! without there!" Five or six rushed into the room and laid hands upon Robin London Published by Richard Bentley 1840 Kneeling on a high-backed and curiously carved chair, which he leaned over pulpit-fashion, was seen the lean, lanky figure of Fleetword THE BUCCANEER A TALE BY MRS S C HALL Stay! methinks I see A person in yond cave Who should that bee? I know her ensignes now—'tis Chivalrie Possess'd with sleepe, dead as a lethargie; If any charme will wake her, 'tis the name Of our Meliadus! I'll use his Fame BEN JONSON REVISED BY THE AUTHOR LONDON: RICHARD BENTLEY, NEW BURLINGTON STREET: BELL AND BRADFUTE, EDINBURGH; J CUMMING, DUBLIN 1840 THE BUCCANEER CHAPTER I With roomy decks, her guns of mighty strength, Whose low-laid mouths each mounting billow laves, Deep in her draught, and warlike in her length, She seems a sea wasp flying on the waves DRYDEN It was between the hours of ten and twelve on a fine night of February, in the year sixteen hundred and fifty-six, that three men moored a light skiff in a small bay, overshadowed by the heavy and sombre rocks that distinguish the Isle of Shepey from other parts along the coast of Kent, the white cliffs of which present an aspect at once so cheerful and so peculiar to the shores of Britain The quiet sea seemed, in the murky light, like a dense and motionless mass, save when the gathering clouds passed from the brow of the waning moon, and permitted its beams to repose in silver lines on its undulating bosom It was difficult to account for the motive that could have induced any mariner to land upon so unpropitious a spot, hemmed in as it was on every side, and apparently affording no outlet but that by which they had entered—the trackless and illimitable ocean Without a moment's deliberation, however, the steersman, who had guided his boat into the creek, sprang lightly to the shore: another followed; while the third, folding himself in the capacious cloak his leader had thrown off, resumed his place, as if resolved to take his rest, at least for a time "Little doubt of our having foul weather, master," observed the younger of the two, in a half querulous, half positive tone, as standing on a huge bank of seaweed, he regarded first the heavens, and then the earth, with the scrutinising gaze of one accustomed to pry into their mysteries His companion made no answer, but commenced unrolling a rich silk scarf, that had enveloped his throat, and twisting it into loose folds, passed it several times around his waist—having previously withdrawn from a wide leathern belt that intervened between his jacket and trousers a brace of curiously-fashioned pistols, which he now handed to the young sailor, while he elevated the hilt of his dagger, so that, without removing or disturbing the silken sash, he could use it in an instant Having fully ascertained this point, by drawing the weapon more than once from its sheath, he again deposited the pistols in his belt, and buttoned his vest nearly to the throat; then drew the ends of his sash still more tightly, and placing a hand on either side, turned towards the cliffs, measuring their altitude with an eye, which, though deficient in dignity, was acute, and peculiarly fierce in expression The seaman, for such was his calling, was about five feet eight or nine inches in height His hair, as it appeared from beneath a cap singularly at variance with the fashion of the time, curled darkly round a face, the marked features of which were sufficiently prominent, even in that uncertain light, to denote a person of no ordinary mind or character His figure was firm and well-proportioned, and, though he might have numbered fifty years, it had lost neither strength nor elasticity His whole bearing was that of a man whom nothing could have turned from a cherished purpose, were it for good or evil: though his eye was, as we have described it, fierce and acute, it was also restless and impatient as the waves upon which he had toiled from his earliest years Again he surveyed the cliff, and, stepping close to its base, applied the point of a boat-spear to remove the sea-weed that spring and high tides had heaped against it; he then summoned the youth to his assistance: after a few moments' search, the lad exclaimed,— "Here it is, master—here is one—here another—but, my eyes! are we to trust our necks to such footing as this? I'd rather mount the top-gallant of the good ship Providence in the fiercest Nor-wester that ever blow'd, than follow such a lubberly tack." "Then go back to the boat, sir," replied the elder, as he began, with cautious yet steady daring, to ascend—a course attended with evident danger, "Go back to the boat, sir—and, here, Jeromio! you have not been taught your duty on board the Providence, and, I presume, have no scruples, like our friend Oba Springall Jeromio! I say, hither and up with me!" "I am ready, sir," replied the youth, whose momentary dread had been dispelled by this attempt to promote a rival to the post of honour; "I am ready, sir:" muttering, however, soon afterwards to himself, as the difficulties of the way increased, "He thinks no more of his life than if he were a sprat or a spawn." No other word was breathed by either of the adventurers, as they threaded the giddy path, until about midway, when the elder paused and exclaimed, "A-hoy there, boy! there are two steps wanting; you had better indeed go back To me, the track has been long familiar; not so to you." The youth thought of his master's taunt, and Jeromio, and resolved to take his chance "Ay, ay, sir, no danger when I follow you." But the peril was, in truth, appalling, though its duration was brief Below, the sea that was now rapidly covering the small creek, rudely agitated and opposed by a rising breeze, dashed and foamed against the rocks To fall from such a height was inevitable destruction There was scarcely sufficient light to mark the inequality of the ascending cliffs; and a spectator, gazing on the scene, must have imagined that those who clung to such a spot were supported by supernatural agency The Skipper, nothing daunted, struck the spear, that had served as a climbing-stick, firmly into the surface of mingled clay and stone, and then, by a violent effort, flung himself upwards, catching with his left hand at a slight projection that was hardly visible; thus, hanging between earth and heaven, he coolly disengaged the staff, and placed it under the extended arm, so as to form another prop; and feeling, as it were, his way, he burrowed with his foot a resting in the cliff, from which he sprang on a narrow ledge, and was in safety He then turned to look for his young companion, to whom he extended the boat-spear that had been of such service Animated by his master's success and example, Springall's selfpossession was confirmed; and both soon stood on the brow of the precipice "Sharp sailing that, boy," observed the elder, as the youth panted at his side "Ay, ay, sir," replied Springall, wiping his face with the sleeve of his jacket "Take a drop, master," he continued, drawing a tin bottle from his bosom, "'twill warm ye after such a cursed cruise." The Skipper nodded as he accepted the flask, "I hope you are as well armed on all points as on this; but don't take in too great a reef, or it will make you a heavy sailor before your time: drop anchor now, and keep watch here till further orders." "Keep watch here, sir!" said Springall, in a mournful tone "And did ye bring me ashore, and up that devil's rope-ladder, to leave me to watch here?" The Captain looked upon him angrily for a moment "I am rightly served for taking man or boy out of the canting hulks that lag on the water Did ye ever chance to hear such a sound on board the ship Providence as 'Silence, and obey orders?' Let not your walk, youngster, extend beyond that point, from which, at daybreak, you can catch a view of the court tree, where, if ancient habits are not all put off, there will be revelries ere long: the old church at Minster will be also views Robin said a true word in jest the other day, that men as well as puppies were born blind, only it takes a much longer period to open our eyes, than those of our four-footed friends." "So it does," said Springall, laughing; "that was one of Robin's wise sayings Barbara!—I beg your pardon,—Mistress Hays—do you think him as wise as ever?" "I always thought him wise; but I know it now," she replied, smiling "Sit ye down, Barbara," said Robin, "and our friend here will tell you how much he admires our children; they are fine, healthy, and, though I say it, handsome— straight withal—straight as Robin Hood's own arrow; and I do bless God for that —for that especially! I would rather have seen them dead at my feet than——" "Now, God forgive you, Rob! so would not I I should have loved them as well, had they been crooked as—" interrupted his wife "Their father!" "For shame, Robin!" Robin looked at Barbara and laughed, but turned away his head; and then he looked a second time, and saw that a deep red hue had mounted to his wife's cheek, while a tear stood in her eye; and he forgot the stranger's presence, and converted the tear to a gentle satisfied smile, by a kind and affectionate kiss How little tenderness, how little, how very little, does it take to constitute the happiness of a simple mind! "There was a strange long preacher here, ages ago," inquired Springall, filling his silver cup with sherris; "he surely did not migrate with the higher powers?" "No!" replied Dalton, whose eyes had been fixed upon the burning logs, as if recapitulating the events of former days; "he was a staunch and true-hearted Puritan, apt to take wrong notions in tow, and desperately bitter against Papistry, which same bitterness is a log I never could read, seeing that the best all sects can accomplish is to act up to the belief they have But, as I have said, he was true-hearted, and never recovered the tale we heard, as to the way in which the new directors insulted the remains of one whom they trembled even to look at in his lifetime He died off, sir, like an autumn breeze, chilly and weak, but praying, and thankful that God was so good as to remove him from the blight of the Philistines, who covered the earth as thickly as the locusts overspread the land of Egypt." "I never did, nor ever can believe," said Robin, "it was permitted that such cravens should insult the body of so great a soul The Protector wished to be buried on the field of Naseby, and something tells me he had his wish." "Your politics changed as well as mine!" replied the sea-captain; "what cavaliers we were in the days of our youth—heh, Commandant!" "It is very odd, Springall," replied the old Skipper; "but somehow, my heart is too full for words; I seem to be living my life over again; and but now could have sworn I saw poor Sir Robert, as I saw him last, clutching those dreaded papers What a night that was, and what a day the next!" "And the poor Lady Zillah, when she heard of Sir Willmott's end!" said Barbara "She spoke no word, she made no scream; but her trouble came quickly, and hard and bitter it was; and the child her hope rested on breathed no breath—there was no heir to the house of Burrell; and she and her father passed from the land, and were seen no more." "Seen no more, certainly; but many were the jewels and costly the tirings she sent from foreign parts to my lady's firstborn," continued Robin "And to me she sent baubles,—not baubles either," added Barbara, "but things too costly for one in my state Her last gift was the most precious in my sight—a gold cross, and along the top these words—'Thy God shall be my God;' and down the centre—'Thy people my people!' It gave me great consolation; it was like a token of resignation and peace, and a wonderful working of God's providence." And after she had so said, she went out of the room, to conceal the emotion she always felt when speaking of the Jewish lady "So it was undoubtedly," rejoined Robin, who had not noted Barbara's departure "Despite your bravery, Master," said the seaman, "I think you have got a touch of the past times yourself; I have not heard the breath of an oath from either?" "Hush!" replied Robin, looking round the room, and right pleased to find that Barbara was absent: "were it only to avoid giving her pain, it would ill become either of us to blaspheme Him in whom we trust." "And so you say," commenced Dalton, uniting the thread of the discourse, which had been broken, "that Sir Walter and Lady Cecil are seldom seen at court? I heard this before, but not for certain." "Seldom, you may well say," returned Springall; "the king presented Lady Castlemaine to the Lady Constantia, at one of the drawing-rooms; and our right noble dame declared it was the last she would ever attend It was said that the king spoke to Sir Walter about it; and I think it likely, as he knew him abroad so well And Sir Walter was even more high on the matter than his lady had been; and the king jested, and said it was only the court fashion; to which Sir Walter returned for answer, that, however it might be the court fashion, it was scarce courtly to present an immodest to a modest woman With that the king chafed, and said he supposed Lady Constantia's friendship for Dame Frances Russell was stronger than her loyalty, for she regarded Cromwell's daughter, both as RICH and RUSSELL, more than she did his favour And Sir Walter, making a low bow, replied that Lady Constantia had little thought to displease her king by her attachment to a lady who had once been honoured by the offer of his hand Upon which the king bit his lip, turned upon his heel, and spoke no farther word to Sir Walter Cecil." "Good! good! good!" exclaimed Robin with manifest delight, chuckling and rubbing his hands, "that was good! How it warms my heart when an honest subject speaks to a king as man to man, feeling he has no cause to dread his frown or court his smile Brave! brave, Sir Walter! There is a moral dignity, a fearlessness in truth, that makes one not tread—not tread, mind ye, but spurn the earth he walks upon If we would not be of the earth, earthy, but of the heavens, heavenly, we must be independent in thought and action! Brave, brave Sir Walter!" "Master Robin," said the captain, looking earnestly in his countenance, and halfinclined to smile at his enthusiasm—"Master Robin, that's not the court fashion." "D—n the court!" shouted the Ranger; then suddenly checking himself, he added, turning to his wife, whose return he had not heeded,—"I beg your pardon, my dear Barbara,—it was his fault, not mine Nay, I have said nothing half so wicked this long, long time Come, tell me, did you see Sir Walter's children, Captain? Oliver, he is the first-born, a noble boy? Then,—I forget their names; but I know there is neither a Herbert nor a Robert among them Alas! there are good reasons why it should so be I think Richard Cromwell stood godfather to the eldest." "Richard Cromwell!" repeated Springall, in a tone of contempt "He was wise, though; he felt that he had not his father's talents, consequently could not maintain his father's power," observed Robin "Master Hays," inquired Springall, wisely avoiding any topic likely to excite political difference, "you are an oracle, and can tell me what has become of my worthy friend, that most excellent compounder of confections, Solomon Grundy?" "Poor Solomon!" replied Robin, "he accompanied the family after Sir Robert's death,—which was lingering enough, to set forth more brightly the virtues of both daughter and nephew,—to London, and was choked by devouring too hastily a French prawn! Poor Solomon! it was as natural for him so to die as for a soldier to fall on the field of battle." "So it was," replied the seaman; "but having discussed the events and the persons with whom we had most to in past years, let us, before entering on other subjects, fill a bumper to the health of my long cherished, and, despite his faults, my trusty beloved friend—the OLD BUCCANEER! Much has he occupied my thoughts, and it joys me to find him, and leave him, where an old man ought to be—in the bosom of his true and beautiful family We have all faults," continued the officer, somewhat moved by the good sherris and his own good feeling—"for it's a well-written log that has no blots; but hang it, as I said before, I never could spin a yarn like my friend Robin here, either from the wheel, which I mean to typify the head—or the distaff, which, be it understood, signifies the heart: So here goes—" and, with a trembling hand, and a sparkling eye, the generous Springall drained the deep tankard, to the health of his first sea friend "It is not seemly in woman to drink of strong waters or glowing wine," said Barbara, whose tearful eyes rested upon the time-worn features of her father: "but, God knows, my heart is often so full of grateful thanks, that I lack words to speak my happiness; and I have need of constant watchfulness to prevent the creature from occupying the place of the Creator My father has sometimes hours of bitterness, yet I bless God he is not as a brand consumed in the burning, but rather as gold purified and cleansed by that which devoureth our impurities, but maketh great that which deserveth greatness As to Robin——" "Don't turn me into a fable, wife!" exclaimed Robin, playfully interrupting her: —"I am, in my own proper person, an Ỉsop as it is There has been enough of all this for to-night: we will but pledge another cup to the health of Sir Walter, the Lady Constance, and their children—and then to bed; and may all sleep well whose hearts are innocent as yours, Barbara! and I hope I may add without presumption, purified as mine You see, Springall, the earth that nourishes the rose may in time partake of its fragrance." THE END LONDON: Printed by A SPOTTISWOODE TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible, including obsolete and variant spellings, and inconsistent hyphenation Obvious typographical errors in punctuation have been fixed Corrections [in brackets] in the text are noted below: title page caption: carved chair, which he leaned over pulpit-fashion, was seen the lean, lanky figure of Fleetwood[Fleetword] page 13: added missing quote "In mine!" ejaculated the Baronet with well-feigned astonishment; ["]you mistake, good Dalton, I have no interest at page 15: added missing quote her goodness to my child! Remember," he added, closing the door, ["]remember-one month, and Hugh Dalton!" page 41: typo fixed around me grows darker each fair day I live A bunch of violets was given me this morning; their fragance[fragrance] was delicious, yet I could not discern the little yellow germ that I page 46: typo fixed "Nor I either," thought Lady Frances: "but, barbara,[Barbara] you might think or-or see perhaps " page 57: spurious quote removed "Robin!["] I came not here to talk of cormorants and gulls; I want to ask you a question, and I expect an honest page 65: typo fixed "Then who is she?" he demanded; "I'll not stir in it uness[unless] I know all." page 77: typo fixed used to be a safe place enough; but now that Sir Michael Livesay[Livesey]-regicide that he is! abides so continually at Little page 77: spurious quote removed "Pshaw, Robin! but is he indeed so red-nosed?["] You have often seen him, Captain." page 80: typo fixed The Reverend Jonas Fleetwood[Fleetword] had set forth from the sole desire of "beholding him who was anointed with the oil of page 92: typo fixed "Walter De Guerre! an English christian[Christian] wedded to a French surname!-'tis strange, but let it pass, let it pass: page 95: typo fixed "I thank you for your bounty, sir; but at present I feel inclined to sheathe, not draw my swoad[sword]." page 101: typo fixed he had declared himself quite recovered, did she return to her station on the low fofa[sofa], beside her friend Lady Frances page 110: spurious quote removed that, if the Rabbi would look, he would observe the hair and eyes to be much lighter.["] page 121: typo fixed "I did hope, sir, that you would have left Cecil Place before this; Sir Wilmott[Willmott] Burrell will, I am certain, arrive page 131: typo fixed she had observed both characters narrowy[narrowly], and was perfectly convinced of Burrell's worthlessness She could page 139: spurious quote removed feature, as it were, bursting with indignation, she looked like a youthful priestess denouncing vengeance on a sinful world.["] page 142: added missing quote "And you will be happy; or if not, you will not curse him who has wrought your misery?["] page 156: added missing quote "Touch her not,["] exclaimed Burrell, the brutality of his vile nature fully awakened at perceiving Walter attempt to page 166: typo fixed breathe the air of this polluted nest," argued Dalton, all the father oveflowing[overflowing] at his heart; "if we delay, Burrell may see page 174: typo fixed Hugh was prevented from finishing his sentence by the sudden entrance of Sir Wilmott[Willmott] Burrell, who appeared in the page 176: typo fixed They had not gone three steps on their path when Sir Willmott's[Willmott's] voice arrested their progress page 180: typo fixed had not spent a day beneath the roof were[where] he was now a prisoner; that she had been any thing but worthy of the page 180: typo fixed eyes upon the young Cavalier, who, when perfectly awake, perceived that his visiter[visitor] was dressed and armed as usual page 181: added missing quote ["]Lady Frances, I dare say, has," persisted Walter: "light o' lip, light o' sleep." page 188: added missing quote ["]We must not so mingle profane and sacred things," murmured Fleetword, placing his forefinger upon the tempting page 189: typo fixed "What! spoil my garnishing!" exclaimed Grundy![,] "look at the frosting of that horn, and the device, the two doves see'st page 192: typo fixed sudden her lady wanted her to get some flowers, and she had only time to throw on her cardinal and run for them?[.]" page 203: typo fixed Buccaneer and Sir Wilmott[Willmott] Burrell; merely observing that it had the effect of chafing both in no ordinary degree page 237: typo fixed for minstrelsy was not the fashion; and he almost began to thing[think] the disguise he had selected was an injudicious one page 238: spurious quote removed ["]The old man shuddered, and said in an agitated voice "Then, indeed, you will not do for me on this occasion." page 255: spurious quote removed and faithfulness must be a plant of forced and not of natural growth.["] page 277: added missing quote or other; but you, my Lord," he added, pointedly, ["]will have no difficulty in finding him out." page 296: typo fixed "Sit down, my good sir; compose yourelf[yourself] you are much agitated I pray you be composed." page 330: typo fixed engaged, and the garden free from visiters[visitors] He looked from the window; it was one of the loveliest days of summer a page 338: added missing quote "Do but bury that!" said Robin: ["]I would stay and do it, but that I must to the Nest at once." page 341: added missing period down in the dingle, and the beast is driving up the fold as if he were a man[.]" page 354: added missing quote ["]Then Barbara, whose blood was streaming from her wound, sprang to my bosom sweet girl! and hung, as I thought, page 355: added missing quote ["]I carried her round the chapel, and sank with her into the vault, where I had been concealed that which contains the page 360: duplicate word removed didn't pray more, going that length of road, than you, and I, and all the [the] crew of the Fire-fly put together, have prayed page 367: spurious quote removed clanked against each other impatient of moisture "Mother, take but little["] for you have need of prayer; that will stifle page 368: added comma the hair from my ears, that I may hear distinctly Did you mean, young woman[,] that Sir Robert was distraught mad?" page 394: typo fixed effects of terror and astonishment, looked like the sybil[sibyl] whose spells and orgies have distracted nature by some terrible convulsion page 414: typo fixed "Sir Willmot[Willmott] Burrell," said Dalton, walking to where he stood, beaten down and trampled, yet full of poison as an page 419: typo fixed Frances tripped with a light step on her inqusiitive[inquisitive] mission: "I will now go to my father's chamber;" and thither she went, page 421: spurious quote removed and the maid Barbara Well, girls have queer fancies! Who'd ha' thought she'd ha' fancied Robin?["] though he's a brave sound-hearted little fellow; yet who'd ha' thought page 430: added missing quote "They will do very nicely indeed, Conny," replied the old man, with an approving smile; ["]and as for you, Master Walter, page 431: typo fixed asked to be buried at East-church[East-Church], because that was nearer what he called the Gull's Nest Crag End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Buccaneer, by Mrs S C Hall *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE BUCCANEER *** ***** This file should be named 28074-h.htm or 28074-h.zip ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: http://www.gutenberg.org/2/8/0/7/28074/ Produced by Robert Cicconetti and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/American Libraries.) 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Cowse, pinxt W Greatbatch, sc THE BUCCANEER The Protector instantly exclaimed Guards! what ho! without there! Five or six rushed into the room and laid hands upon Robin THE BUCCANEER The Protector instantly exclaimed "Guards! what ho! without there!" Five or... instant I could drop thee into the rolling ocean, like the egg of the unwise bird." He raised the youth from the earth, and held him over the precipice, whose base was now buried in the wild waste of waters, that foamed... before the huge and gaping chimney, and extended his sinewy hands over the flickering embers of the expiring fire: the lurid glare of the departing flames only rendered the darkness of the farthermost portion of the hail more deep and fearful