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TỪ VỰNG, CẤU TRÚC, NGỮ PHÁP UNIT 10 A TỪ VỰNG, CẤU TRÚC: animal species rare endangered rare animal endangered animal endangered species /ˈdeɪndʒər/ be in danger of + (Ving) /ˈhjuːmən/ the human race = human beings = humans /ɪɡˈzɪst/ exist co - exist existence existent >< extinct /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ extinction /ˈɪnfluəns/ 10 have influence on sth/sb e.g.: My mother has a great influence on my personalities /tʃeɪndʒ/ 11 change / ɪ n ˈ vaɪrənmənt/ 12 environment /ɪnˌvaɪrən environmental : (n): động vật lồi hiếm, q hiểm có nguy bị tuyệt chủng động vật quý động vật có nguy bị tuyệt chủng lồi có nguy bị tuyệt chủng có nguy bị lồi người (v): (v): (n): (a): (v): (n): (n): tồn chung sống tồn hữu tuyệt chủng tuyệt chủng có ảnh hưởng tới ai/cái (v-n): (n): (a): thay đổi môi trường (thuộc về) môi trường 13 forest tropical forest 14 destroy destruction 15 pollutants 16 respect 17 action 18 habit (n): (n): (v): (n) (n): (n): (n): (n): rừng rừng nhiệt đới hủy hoại hủy hoại bụi, chất gây nhiễm khía cạnh hoạt động, hành động thói quen (v): (v): : (a): (n): : : dẫn đến bắt nguồn từ kết nghiêm trọng hậu quả, hệ số lượng có nhiều (v): giảm >< tăng (v): đảm bảo, chắn 19 result in >< result from as a result, 20 serious 21 consequence 22 the number of + DTSN a number of + DTSN e.g.: There are a number of students who are not wearing uniforms 23 decrease >< increase 24 make sure = make /ˈænɪml/ /ˈspiːʃiːz/ /reə(r)/ / in'deindʒəd/ ˈmentl/ /ˈfɒrɪst/ /ˈtrɒpɪkl/ /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ /dɪˈstrʌkʃn/ /pəˈluːtənt/ /rɪˈspekt/ /ˈækʃn/ /rɪˈzʌlt/ /ˈsɪəriəs/ /ˈkɒnsɪkwəns/ /dɪˈkriːs/ /ɪnˈkriːs/ (n): (n): (a): (a): (n): (n): (n): certain 25 appear >< disappear 26 make effort(s) + to V e.g.: Please make an effort to be on time 27 protect protection 28 make list of sth 29 save 30 set up = establish = found 31 raise funds 32 national park 33 prohibit = forbid = ban 34 interfere interference 35 survive survival 36 produce 37 offspring 38 agriculture 39 industry 40 affect sb/sth effect on sb/sth 41 supply e.g.: water supply, food supply supply sth to sb/sth supply sb/sth with sth e.g.: The company supplied sports equipment to schools 42 fertilizer 43 pesticide 44 discharge 45 cultivate cultivation 46 scenic feature 47 devastating = disastrous 48 maintain maintenance 49 approximately 50 completely 51 preserve preservation 52 coastal water /əˈpɪə(r)/ /ˈefət/ (v): (n): xuất >< biến nỗ lực, cố gắng làm việc /prəˈtekt/ (v): bảo vệ /ɪˈstỉblɪʃ/ (n): (v): (v): lên danh sách cứu thành lập : (n): (v): gây quỹ vườn quốc gia cấm (v): (n): (v): (n) (v): (n): (n): (n): can thiệp can thiệp sống sót sống sót tạo ra, sinh sản non nông nghiệp công nghiệp (v): (n): (n): ảnh hưởng có ảnh hưởng tới ai/cái cung cấp (v): cung cấp cho gì/cung cấp cho (n): (n): (v): (v): (n): (n): phân bón thuốc trừ sâu xả, thải trồng trọt trồng trọt đặc điểm cảnh quan tự nhiên (a): tàn khốc, tàn phá (v): (n): (adv) : (adv) : (v): (n): (n): trì trì xấp xỉ /reɪz//fʌnd/ /prəˈhɪbɪt/ /fəˈbɪd/ /bæn/ /ɪntəˈfɪə/ /ɪntəˈfɪərəns/ /səˈvaɪv/ /prəˈdjuːs /ˈɒfsprɪŋ/ /’ægrikʌlt∫ə/ /ˈɪndəstri/ /əˈfekt/ /ɪˈfekt/ /səˈplaɪ/ /’fə:tilaizə/ /’pestisaid/ /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/ /,kʌlti’veit/ /,kʌlti’vei∫n/ /ˈsiːnɪk/ / ˈfiːtʃər/ /’devəsteitiη/ /dɪˈzɑːstrəs/ /meɪnˈteɪn/ /’meintinəns/ /əˈprɒksɪmətli/ /kəmˈpliːtli/ /pri’zə:v/ /ˌprezəˈveɪʃn/ /koust 'wɔ:tə/ hoàn toàn, toàn bảo tồn bảo tồn duyên hải 53 abandant 54 natural resources / ə'bʌndənt/ /ˈnætʃrəl/ / rɪˈsɔːsiz/ /ˈlændskeɪp/ 55 landscape (a): (n): dồi dào, phong phú tài nguyên thiên nhiên (n): phong cảnh I Tìm từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác từ lại A affect A survive A species A preserve A industry A effort A respect A interference B danger B prohibit B landscape B result B cultivate B protect B decrease B agriculture C race C fertilizer C scenic C increase C supply C consequence C devastating C pesticide D nature D environment D extinct D offspring D survival D prohibit D effect D certain II Tìm từ có vị trí trọng âm khác từ lại A human A forest A respect A increase A lanscape A species A animal A destruction B extinct B action B protect B scenic B maintain B danger B endangered B interfere C appear C habit C offspring C preserve C destroy C certain C pollutant C completely D exist D supply D affect D effect D discharge D result D abandant D establish III Chọn đáp án đúng: What exactly is the influence of air pollution human beings? A to B with C on D for The society was set up to endangered species from extinction A prohibit B exist C preserve D survive If people stop destroying animal's natural habitat, more species will survive and produce A offsprings B pesticides C landscapes D pollutants People in this region cultivate mainly rice and vegetables The word ‘cultivate’ is similar to A destroy B grow C maintain D protect Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean The word ‘devastating’ is similar to A abandant B significant C disastrous D detectable The factory was fined for chemicals into the river A discharging B forbiding C producing D interfering Human being have great on the rest of the world A focus B attention C influence D attraction Some chemical which farmers use to make the soil richer can pollute our environment A habits B elements C fertilizers D actions Farmers use to kill insects that devastate their crops A pesticides B fertilizers C cheese D fruits 10 The children every effort to please their parents A took B did C made D gave 11 In some countries environmental organizations have been _ to inform people and gain their support A made up B set up C brought up D taken up 12 We continue to rainforests and increase the dangers of global warming A cut off B cut in C cut out D cut down 13 They started a campaign to smoking among teenagers A encourage B decrease C discourage D prohibit 14 The panda's habitat is the bamboo forest A nature B natural C naturalized D naturally 15 People are destroying the air by adding to it A pollutants B pollute C pollution D polluted 16 You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the of wildlife A extinct B extinctive C extinctions D extinction 17 15 per cent of primate species are highly A danger B dangerous C endanger D endangered IV Sử dụng từ hộp để hoàn thành câu sau: endangered discharging co - exist prohibit polluted survive devastated protect Many birds didn't the severe winter The health of our children are being by exhaust fumes The factory was fined for .chemicals into the river Laws have been introduced to killing endangered animals The air in the city is heavily with traffic fumes The government should more to the environment It is possible for local wildlife to with industry Western India was .by a huge earthquake V Đọc đoạn văn chọn đáp án A, B, C D để hoàn thành câu sau : About 200 million years ago, as the Triassic Period came to a close, many species of animals disappeared from the face of the earth Scientists previously believed that the series of extinctions happened over a period of 15 to 20 million years Recent discoveries in Nova Scotia suggest, however, that the extinctions may have happened over a much shorter period of time, perhaps less than 850,000 years Evidence for a rapid extinction of species at the end of the Triassic Period is found in the McCoy Brook Formation along the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia Fossils found in this formation indicate a rapid disappearance of species rather than a slow and gradual change over time One explanation for a relatively sudden extinction at the end of the Triassic may be that a large meteorite struck the earth at the time and is responsible for a 70- kilometre hole nearby If geologists and other researchers can find evidence, such as shocked quartz in the rock formations, that a meteorite did strike the earth, it would give more credence to the theory of rapid Triassic extinctions It is possible, however, that even if a rapid extinction happened in and around Nova Scotia, it did not necessarily occur in the rest of the world The main topic of this passage is A the disappearance of animal species at the end of the Triassic Period B the evidence of a relatively sudden extinction of species C the possibility of an extinction happening simultaneously throughout the world D a meteorite hole in the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia The word that could best replace the word “close” is A connection C separation B dispersion D end The author uses the phrase “face of the earth” in order to A emphasize the disappearance of many species of animals B focus on one part of the earth C focus on one period of time D point out the reference to land, not water The word that is closest in meaning to the word “relatively” is _ A comparatively B independently C phenomenally D visibly B NGỮ PHÁP: I Hoàn thành câu sử dụng đại từ quan hệ phù hợp I'm working on a firm main office is in London The firm employs five hundred people makes video recorders My boss, work takes him to a lot of different countries, has decided he needs an assistant in London That’s me I work mainly in the Finance Department, is the smallest department in the firm The work, increases a lot when the boss is away, is always interesting The house I lived as a child has been pulled down now Stop him He’s the ma stole my wallet There are many people lives have been spoiled by that factory Is that the button you pressed? Could everybody luggage has got lost please stay here? 10 The man I saw last week said something totally different 11 They have invented a television set is as small as a watch 12 My grandmother, was an extraordinary woman, lived to the age of a hundred and fifteen 13 Yesterday we visited the City Museum to I’d never been before 14 Yesterday we visited the City Museum I’d never been to before 15 My brother showed us his new car of he’s very proud 16 My brother showed us his new car he’s very proud of 17 This is a picture of our friends Chris and Sam, with we went on holiday 18 This is a picture of our friends Chris and Sam, we went on holiday with 19 The wedding only members of the family were invited to took place on Friday 20 The wedding to only members of the family were invited took place on Friday II Kết hợp câu sau sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ Vicky’s name was missed off the list, so she wasn’t very pleased _ Laura painted a picture, and it’s being shown in an exhibition _ _ We’re all looking forward to a concert It’s next Saturday _ _ One week Mike and Harriet went camping It was the wettest of the year _ Aunt Joan is a bit deaf, so she didn’t hear the phone _ You’ll meet Henry tomorrow He’s also a member of the board _ _ ... use to kill insects that devastate their crops A pesticides B fertilizers C cheese D fruits 10 The children every effort to please their parents A took B did C made D gave 11 In some... the button you pressed? Could everybody luggage has got lost please stay here? 10 The man I saw last week said something totally different 11 They have invented a television

Ngày đăng: 03/03/2020, 17:08

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