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Encyclopedia of the atlantic world, 1400 1900, 2 volumes

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www.ebook3000.com Encyclopedia of the Atlantic World, 1400–1900 This page intentionally left blank www.ebook3000.com Encyclopedia of the Atlantic World, 1400–1900 Europe, Africa, and the Amer­i­cas in an Age of Exploration, Trade, and Empires Volume 1: A–­K Volume 2: L–­Z DAVID HEAD, EDITOR Copyright © 2018 by ABC-­CLIO, LLC All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other­wise, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without prior permission in writing from the publisher Library of Congress Cataloging-­in-­Publication Data Names: Head, David, (Historian), editor Title: Encyclopedia of the Atlantic world, 1400–1900 : Eu­rope, Africa, and the Amer­i­cas in an age of exploration, trade, and empires / David Head, editor Description: Santa Barbara, California : ABC-­CLIO, 2018 | Includes bibliographical references and index Identifiers: LCCN 2017015975 (print) | LCCN 2017019195 (ebook) | ISBN 9781610692564 (ebook) | ISBN 9781610692557 (hard copy, set : alk paper) | ISBN 9781440859984 (hard copy, vol : alk paper) | ISBN 9781440859991 (hard copy, vol : alk paper) Subjects: LCSH: Atlantic Ocean Region—­History—­Encyclopedias | Europe—­History—­ Encyclopedias | Amer­i­ca—­History—­Encyclopedias | Africa—­History—­Encyclopedias Classification: LCC D210 (ebook) | LCC D210 E53 2018 (print) | DDC 909/.09821003—­dc23 LC rec­ord available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017015975 ISBN: 978-1-61069-255-7 (set)     978-1-4408-5998-4 (vol 1)     978-1-4408-5999-1 (vol 2) EISBN: 978-1-61069-256-4 22 21 20 19 18  1 2 3 4 5 This book is also available as an eBook ABC-­CLIO An Imprint of ABC-­CLIO, LLC ABC-­CLIO, LLC 130 Cremona Drive, P.O Box 1911 Santa Barbara, California 93116​-­1911 www​.­abc​-­clio​.­com This book is printed on acid-­free paper Manufactured in the United States of Amer­i­ca www.ebook3000.com Contents Guide to Related Topics ix Preface xiii Introduction xvii Chronology xxiii Abolition Movement Abolition of Slavery Abolition of the Slave Trade Acadians 12 Acosta, José de (1540–1600) 14 Age of Revolution (1750s–1850s) 17 Algonquins 20 American Revolution (1775–1783) 23 Amsterdam 27 Angola 30 Arawaks 32 Atlantic Creoles 34 Atlantic Ocean 36 Atlantic Slave Trade 40 Azores 45 Aztec Empire 48 Bacon, Sir Francis (1561–1626) 53 Bahia 55 Barbados 58 Benin 60 Bermuda 63 Bight of Biafra 65 Black Atlantic 67 Black Legend 70 Bogotá 73 Bolívar, Simón (1783–1830) 75 Books 79 Bordeaux 82 Bourbon Reforms 84 Bradford, William (1590–1657) 86 Bradstreet, Anne (ca 1612–1672) 89 Brazil 92 Brébeuf, St. Jean de (1593–1649) 95 British Atlantic 98 Buenos Aires 102 Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar Núñez (ca 1490–ca 1559) 105 Cahokia 107 Canary Islands 111 Cape Verde Islands 113 Caribs 115 Cartagena de Indias 117 Cartography 119 Casta System 123 Catholic ­Women Religious Missionaries 126 Champlain, Samuel de (1574–1635) 130 Chickasaws 133 Choco­late 136 Choctaws 138 Code Noir 141 Coffee 143 Colonization Movement 146 Columbian Exchange 149 Columbus, Christopher (ca 1451–1506) 152 Conquistadors 156 Cortés, Hernán (1485–1547) 160 Cotton 163 Coureurs de Bois 167 Creek Indians 169 Cuba 172 Dampier, William (ca 1651–1715) 175 Darwin, Charles (1809–1882) 177 Declaration of In­de­pen­dence (1776) 180 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789) 185 De Soto, Hernando (ca 1496–1542) 189 Díaz del Castillo, Bernal (ca 1490s–1584) 192 Disease 194 Doña Marina (ca 1502–ca 1527) 197 Douglass, Frederick (1818–1895) 200 Drake, Sir Francis (ca 1540–1596) 203 Dutch Atlantic 206 vi C o n t e n t s Dutch West India Com­pany 209 Edwards, Jonathan (1703–1758) 213 Elizabeth I (1533–1603) 216 Elmina 218 Emancipation Proclamation (1863) 221 Encomienda System 224 Enlightenment 226 Equiano, Olaudah (ca 1745–1797) 230 Eu­ro­pean Exploration 233 Evangelicalism 238 Fishing and Fisheries 243 Florida 246 Franciscans 248 Franklin, Benjamin (1706–1790) 251 French Atlantic 255 French Revolution (1789–1799) 259 Fur Trade 264 Gens de Couleur 269 Ghana 271 Gold and Silver 273 Gulf Stream 276 Guns 278 Haitian Revolution (1791–1803) 283 Hakluyt, Richard (ca 1552–1616) 287 Hardwood 289 Hidalgo, Miguel (1753–1811) 292 Huguenots 294 Humboldt, Alexander von (1769–1859) 296 Huron 299 Huron-­Wendat Feast of the Dead 302 Hutchinson, Anne (1591–1643) 305 Inca Empire (1438–1533) 309 Indentured Servants 313 Industrial Revolution 316 Iroquois 321 Islam 325 Jamaica 329 Jamestown 331 Jefferson, Thomas (1743–1826) 333 Jesuits 337 Joint-­Stock Companies 341 Juan Diego (1474–1548) 344 Judaism 346 Kingdom of Kongo 351 King William’s War (1688–1697) 354 Las Casas, Bartolomé de (1484–1566) 359 Latin American Wars of In­de­pen­dence 361 ­Legal Systems 366 Liberia 369 Locke, John (1632–1704) 372 London 375 Louisiana 377 L’Ouverture, Toussaint (ca 1743–1803) 380 Loyalists 383 Mali Empire 389 Maroons 392 Maya Civilization 395 Mayflower Compact (1620) 399 Mercantilism 403 Migration 407 Mississippians 411 Mississippi ­Bubble (1718–1720) 414 Moctezuma II (ca 1466–1520) 417 Money 419 Moravians 421 Mourning Wars 424 Napoleon I (1769–1821) 429 Napoleonic Code 433 Nationalism 437 Native American Slave Trade 440 New Amsterdam/New York 444 New France 448 New Orleans 452 Noble Savage Myth 455 Olmec Civilization 459 Oneidas 463 Onondagas 466 Ouidah 469 Pan-­Indianism 473 Pequot War (1636–1637) 477 Pernambuco 479 Piracy 482 Plantations 486 Pocahontas (ca 1596–1617) 489 Pontiac’s War (1763–1766) 492 Portuguese Atlantic 495 Potato 498 Potosí 501 Powhatan (ca 1550–1618) 504 Praying Indians 505 Privateering 507 Progressivism 511 www.ebook3000.com Contents Protestant Missionaries 515 Protestant Reformation 518 Pueblo Revolt (1680) 522 Puerto Rico 526 Puritans 528 Quakers 533 Quebec 537 Quetzalcoatl 539 Race 543 Raleigh, Sir Walter (ca 1552–1618) 546 Reconquista 549 Rice 552 Rio de Janeiro 555 Rousseau, Jean-­Jacques (1712–1778) 557 Royal African Com­pany 559 Rum 562 Sailors 567 Saint-­Domingue/Haiti 570 San Martín, José de (1778–1850) 573 Scots-­Irish 575 Senegambia 578 Seven Years’ War (1754–1763) 581 Slave Rebellion 586 Slavery 590 Slave Trade in Africa 594 Smith, John (1580–1631) 598 Smuggling 601 Spanish Armada (1588) 605 Sugar 608 Taínos 613 Tea 615 Tecumseh (ca 1768–1813) 619 Tekakwitha, Saint Kateri (1656–1680) 621 Tenochtitlán 623 Tenskwatawa, the Shawnee Prophet (1775–1832) 626 Tobacco 627 Trade Winds 632 Treaty of Paris (1763) 634 Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) 636 Treaty of Utrecht (1713) 639 Trinidad 641 United Provinces of the Netherlands 643 Viceregal System 647 Viking Voyages 650 Virgin of Guadeloupe 653 Vodou 655 Wesley, John (1703–1791) 661 Wheatley, Phillis (ca 1753–1784) 664 Whitefield, George (1714–1770) 666 Wilberforce, William (1759–1833) 669 Williams, Roger (ca 1603–1683) 671 Wine 673 Winthrop, John (1588–1649) 676 Witchcraft 679 ­Women 682 World’s Fair Expositions 686 Yamasee War (1715–1717) 691 Yoruba Kingdom 694 Select Bibliography 699 Editor and Contributors 705 Index 711 vii This page intentionally left blank www.ebook3000.com Guide to Related Topics COMMODITIES Books Choco­late Coffee Cotton Gold and Silver Guns Hardwood Money Potato Rice Rum Sugar Tea Tobacco Wine DOCUMENTS Code Noir Declaration of In­de­pen­dence Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen Emancipation Proclamation Mayflower Compact Napoleonic Code EVENTS American Revolution Bourbon Reforms French Revolution Haitian Revolution Huron-­Wendat Feast of the Dead Industrial Revolution King William’s War Latin American Wars of In­de­pen­dence Mississippi ­Bubble Pequot War Pontiac’s War Protestant Reformation Pueblo Revolt Reconquista Seven Years’ War Spanish Armada Treaty of Paris Treaty of Tordesillas Treaty of Utrecht World’s Fair Expositions Yamasee War GROUPS Acadians Algonquins Arawaks Atlantic Creoles Aztec Empire Caribs Catholic W ­ omen Religious Missionaries Chickasaws Choctaws Conquistadors Coureurs de Bois Creek Indians Franciscans Gens de Coleur .. .Encyclopedia of the Atlantic World, 1400 1900 This page intentionally left blank www.ebook3000.com Encyclopedia of the Atlantic World, 1400 1900 Europe, Africa, and the Amer­i­cas in an Age of. .. Eu­ro­pe­ans of the medieval and early modern periods, the Atlantic Ocean conjured images of the vast unknown, the sea beyond the Strait of Gibraltar, or the Pillars of Hercules, the world known to the. .. (1863) 22 1 Encomienda System 22 4 Enlightenment 22 6 Equiano, Olaudah (ca 1745–1797) 23 0 Eu­ro­pean Exploration 23 3 Evangelicalism 23 8 Fishing and Fisheries 24 3 Florida 24 6 Franciscans 24 8 Franklin,

Ngày đăng: 02/03/2020, 12:21

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