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Encyclopedia of the ancient greek world

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Encyclopedia of the ancient Greek World Revised edition David Sacks Editorial Consultant Oswyn Murray Revised by Lisa R Brody Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World, Revised Edition Copyright © 2005, 1995 David Sacks All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher For information contact: Facts On File, Inc 132 West 31st Street New York NY 10001 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on request from Facts On File, Inc ISBN 0-8160-5722-2 Facts On File books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk quantities for businesses, associations, institutions, or sales promotions Please call our Special Sales Department in New York at (212) 967-8800 or (800) 322-8755 You can find Facts On File on the World Wide Web at http://www.factsonfile.com Produced by Schlager Group Inc Text design by Joan M Toro Cover design by Cathy Rincon Illustrations by Margaret Bunson Maps by Jeremy Eagle Printed in the United States of America VB Hermitage 10 This book is printed on acid-free paper For Rebecca and Katie Sacks —David Sacks For Julia and Connor Sas agapo —Lisa R Brody CONTENTS List of Illustrations and Maps vi Acknowledgments x Introduction to the Revised Edition xi Introduction to the Original Edition xiv Chronology of the Ancient Greek World xvii Entries A to Z Bibliography 376 Index 382 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAPS Photographs & Illustrations Athenian acropolis Pair of altars, showing the death of Adonis Terra-cotta statuette of a mourning woman 12 Gold mask of Agamemnon 13 Athenian agora 16 Red-figure cup, showing Tekmessa and death of Ajax 17 Silver four-drachma coin, showing Alexander the God 21 Coin, showing King Antiochus I 32 Statuette, Venus de Clerq 34 Statue of Apollo 35 Detail of Ionic capital 41 Temple of Apollo at Corinth, from east 42 Terra-cotta statuette of Artemis, from a small sanctuary at Kanoni Lenormant Athena 57 Bassae, Temple of Apollo Epicurius, interior north 64 Black-figure kylix 65 Detail of Boeotian amphora 67 Bronze youth from Antikythera 70 Erechtheion, Caryatid porch 76 Parthenon frieze, west 79 Lion, Chaeroneia 81 Helmet of Chalcidian shape, with griffin 83 Peplos Kore, head 86 Parthenon frieze, rider in petasos 87 Anavyssos Croesus head and shoulders 95 Relief from Eleusis, showing Demeter and Persephone 108 Red-figure kantharos with masks 114 Votive relief to Demeter and Kore 120 Stele of Aristion 133 vi 49 List of Illustrations and Maps vii Reconstruction of Stele with Sphinx 134 Hairnet, Ptolemaic jewelry 138 Kouros base, youths in gymnasium 142 Terra-cotta red-figure lekythos, showing Paris and Helen 147 Corinthian-style columns and other Greek architectural remnants at Palmyra 149 Achilles and Patroclus 160 Kouros base, showing hoplites 163 Dolphin fresco, queen’s megaron (great hall), Knossus 184 Statue of Leda and the swan 189 Antefix of a maenad and satyr dancing 198 Hand mirror with Medusa 205 Mantineia base, three muses 213 Mantineia base detail, Apollo with kithara 214 Gold mask from Mycenae 215 Inlaid dagger from Mycenae, lion hunt 217 Thymiaterion, incense burner, with statuette of Nike 225 Bronze jockey of Artemision 231 Panathenaic prize amphora with lid 238 Parthenon from northwest 241 Metope relief of Perseus, with Medusa 256 Parthenon frieze showing Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis 276 Anthenian amphora 278 Sampling of Greek pottery designs 279 Terra-cotta cart with amphorae from Euboea 280 Hermes of Praxiteles 281 Black-figure amphora 284 Terra-cotta doll from the Louvre 304 Terra-cotta statuette of a standing woman 305 Theater of Dionysos, Silenus in bema of Phaedrus 314 Epidaurus, theater 338 Bust of a warrior, known as Leonidas 345 Black-figure neck amphora, showing Theseus and the Minotaur 346 Warrior vase from Mycenae 360 Acropolis kore 366 Kouros base, wrestlers 368 Maps Greece and Neighboring Regions viii Mainland Greece and the Aegean Sea ix Asia Minor 52 Athens and Its Monuments 59 Crete 94 Hellenistic World, ca 240 B.C.E 148 Italy and Sicily 172 Greece during the Peloponnesian War 245 Early Mediterranean Trade Routes 354 viii ix 398 Index Knidos (Cnidus) 182–183 Academy Aphrodite 34 Aphrodite of xxc Aratus (2) 37 Asia Minor 53 astronomy 55 Corinthian War 92 Dorian Greeks 116 Halicarnassus 143 Konon 184 mathematics 202 Peloponnesian War 249 Praxiteles 281 Rhodes 294 Knossos 183, 184 archaeology 38 Crete 94, 95 Labyrinth 187 Linear B 192 megaron in 184 Minoan civilization 211 Minos 212 Mycenaean civilization 217 palaces at xviic religion 292 komos 338, 339 Konon 8, 92, 184, 193, 243 korai (youthful women) Kore 108, 120, 255, 366 See also Persephone Korinna See Corinna Korinthos See Corinth kouroi (kore) (statues of youths) 96, 118, 305 Krates 339 Kratinus (Cratinus) 54, 128, 185, 339 Kritias (Critias) 185 Alcibiades 20 Anacreon 28 homosexuality 162 Socrates 319 Theramenes 344 Thirty Tyrants, the 348 Kroisos See Croesus Kronos See Cronus krotala 198 Kroton See Croton Krypteia 326 Kume See Cumae kylix (cup) 65, 279, 279, 332, 365 Kylon (Cylon) 20, 58, 185–186, 206, 321 Kymë (Cyme) 9, 186 Aenus Cumae 97 Delian League 105 Hesiod 155 Midas 209 Peloponnesian War 249 women 367 Kypselos (Cypselus) xviiic, 91, 186, 252, 357 Kyrene See Cyrene Kyros See Cyrus Kyzikos See Cyzicus L Labyrinth 183, 187, 212, 346 Lachesis 132 Laconia 187 caryatid 77 helots 150 Melos 206 Messenia 208 Peloponnese 244 Sparta 325 Laocoön 188 “La Tène” culture xv laws and law courts xviiic, 188–189 Catana 78 Draco 116 Locri 192 Lykourgos (1) xviiic, 179, 194, 324–327 Solon 321 Leda 77, 146, 189 Lefkandi 80, 125, 189–190 lekythos (pitcher) 147, 279, 279, 281 Lelantine War xviic, 190 Chalis 82 Eretria 125–126 Euboea 127 geography of Greece 140 Megara (1) 206 Pithecusae 269 Leonidas, bust of 345 Lesbos 190–191 Aeolian Greeks Aeolis Alcaeus 17 architecture 42 Arion 44 Aristotle 47 Asia Minor 52 Boeotia 68 Chersonese 84 colonization 89 Darius (1) 104 Delian League 105 Erinna 126 Greek language 141 Hellespont 149 homosexuality 160 Ibycus 166 Ionian Revolt 169 Kymë 186 music 213 Mytilene 219 Orpheus 234 Peloponnesian War 246 Pittacus 269 Samothrace 300 Sappho 301 Seven Sages, the 310 Terpander 336 Theophrastus 343 warfare, naval 363 wine 365 Leucippus See Leukippos Leuctra See Leuktra Leukippos (Leucippus) 191 Anaxagoras 29 Demokritos 110, 111 Empedokles 121 Epicureanism 124 Leuktra (Leuctra) xxc, 191 Agesilaos 15 Arcadia 37 Boeotia 68 Chaironeia 81 Epaminondas 121 Jason (2) 175 Mantineia 199 Second Athenian League 306 Sparta 328 Thebes 341 warfare, land 361 Xenophon 372 libraries xv lighthouse (at Alexandria) xxc Linear A 211, 368 Linear B 192 Athena 56 chariots 83 council 93 Dionysus 114 Greek language 141 Minoan civilization 211 Mycenaean civilization 216–218 Poseidon 276 Pylos 287, 288 religion 292 Thebes 340 writing 368 Zeus 373 Lion Gate (Mycenae) xviic lion hunt 217 Lion of Chaeroneia 81 literacy xi, 369 literature xv See also epic poetry; lyric poetry; poetry; theater; writing liturgy 110 Locri 192 Castor and Polydeuces 78 Croton 96 Italy 171 laws and law courts 188 Locris 193 oligarchy 229 Rhegium 293 Locris 192–193 Ajax (2) 16 Amphictyonic League 27 Dionysius (1) 114 Euboea 127 Locri 192 Naupactos 222 Phocis 264 Thermopylae 344 Long Walls, The xviiic, 193 Athens 60 Konon 184 Peloponnesian War 246, 250 Perikles 253 Piraeus 243 Thirty Tyrants, the 348 love 126 Lyceum xxc, 193 Academy Alexander the Great 22 Aristotle 47, 48 Athens 60 gymnasium 142 medicine 205 music 214 science 303 Theophrastus 343 Lydia 193–194 Aegina Asia Minor 53 coinage 87 Croesus 95, 95 Cyrus (1) 101 gold 139 Ionia 168 Lesbos 190 Midas 209 Miletus 209 Pelops 250 Periander 252 silver 314 Solon 321 Lykourgos (1) (Spartan lawgiver) xviiic, 179, 194, 324–327 lyre 214 lyric poetry xv, 194–195 Alcaeus 8, 17–18, 44, 219, 269, 301 Anacreon See Anacreon Archilochos 11, 17, 40, 161, 195, 337 Arion 44–45, 252, 301 Bacchylides See Bacchylides Callimachus See Callimachus Callinus 75, 122, 195, 213, 358 Corinna 68, 90 education 117 Ephesos 122 epic poetry 123 Hipponax 158, 195 homosexuality 160 Ibycus 166 Kritias 185 Mimnermus 210 music 213 Mytilene 219 Pan 237 Pindar 266 Sappho See Sappho Semonides 308–309, 366 Simonides See Simonides Stesichorus 119, 146, 157, 166, 233, 329––330 Terpander 44, 213, 301, 336 Theognis 136, 206, 229, 342, 343 Tyrtaeus 195, 208, 213, 327, 358 Lysander 195 Aegina Aegospotami Alcibiades 20 Corinthian War 92 Ephesos 122 Index Lesbos 191 Peloponnesian War 250 Thasos 337 Thirty Tyrants, the 348 Lysias 195, 209, 294, 318 Lysimachus 196 Antigonus (1) 31, 32 Asia Minor 53 Demetrius Poliorketes 108 Diadochi 112 Ephesos 122 Kassander 177 Ptolemy (1) 286 Ptolemy (2) II 287 Seleucus (1) 307, 308 Thrace 349 M Macedon xii, xv–xvi, xxc, 197, 372 Achaea Aenus Aetolia 11 Alexander the Great See Alexander the Great Amphipolis 28 Antigonus (1) See Antigonus (1) Antipater 33 Aristotle 47 Athens 60 cavalry 79 Chaironeia 81 Chalcidicë 82 Chersonese 84 coinage 87 Corinth 92 Cyclades 98 Darius (1) 104 Delos 106 Demetrius Poliorketes See Demetrius Poliorketes Demosthenes (1) 111 Diadochi 112 Epaminondas 121 Epirus 125 Hellenistic Age 148 Illyris 166, 167 Kassander See Kassander Lysimachus 196 Macedon 197 Menander 207 Messenia 208 Mt Olympus 232 Pella 197, 243, 367 Persia 256 Persian Wars 257 phalanx 259 Philip II See Philip II Philip V See Philip V Phocis 264 Potidaea 278 Pyrrhus 288 Rome 296 Seleucus (1) 307, 308 Sparta 324, 325 Thebes 341 Thessaly 347 Thrace 349 timber 351 warfare, naval 363 Xenophon 371 Xerxes 372 maenads (mainadai) 198, 198, 234 magic 198–199 Magna Graeca Mantineia xixc, xxc, 199 Agesilaos 15 Alcibiades 19 Arcadia 37 Epaminondas 121 Olympic Games 231 Peloponnesian War 248 Tegea 335 Themistokles 342 warfare, land 361 Xenophon 372 map making 145 Marathon xv, xviiic, 199–200 Aeschylus 9–10 Alcmaeonids 20 Aristides 45 Athens 59 Attica 62 Darius (1) 104 Delphi 106 Hippias (1) 157 Miltiades 210 Olympic Games 231 ostracism 235 Pan 237 Peisistratus 243 Persian Wars 257 Plataea 269 Simonides 314 Themistokles 341 Theseus 346 Mardonius 258, 270 Marmara, Sea of 200 Asia Minor 52 Bosporus 68 Byzantium 71 Cyzicus 101 Hellespont 149 Jason (1) 174 Thrace 348 marriage xiv, 200–201 Agathokles 14 Alexander the Great 22 Archilochos 40 Atalanta 56 Callimachus 75 Delphi 106 Hera 151 heterosexuality 156 homosexuality 160, 161 Ixion 173 kinship 179 Kleisthenes (2) 180, 181 Peleus 242 Pelops 250 Philip II 261 Ptolemy (2) II 287 Sappho 301 Sparta 327 Telemachos 336 women 367 mask 215 Massalia xv, 201–202 bronze 70 Carthage 76 Celts 80 colonization 89 Phocaea 264 Phoenicia 266 trade 353 wine 365 mathematics xv, 202–203 See also science Academy Archimedes 40 Demokritos 111 education 118 Lyceum 193 music 214 Pythagoras See Pythagoras science 303 Mausoleum of Mausolus xxc, 144, 310 Meanads 114 Medea 203–204 Apollonius 37 Circe 86 Jason (1) 175 magic 198 Theseus 346 Medea (Euripides) xixc, 128, 129 medicine 204–205 Apollo 35 Asklepios 51 Croton 96 Hippocrates (1) 66, 157–158, 203, 204 Knidos 183 Mediterranean xiv, 354m Medusa 205, 205, 256 Athena 56 Bellerophon 65 Corcyra 90 Oceanus 227 Perseus (1) 255, 256 Poseidon 277 Megalopolis 37–38 Megara, meaning of name xv Megara (1) (city of south-central Greece) xixc, 205–206 Athens 58 Attica 61 Byzantium 71 colonization 89 Lysias 195 Peisistratus 242 Peloponnesian War 246 Perikles 254 Persian Wars 258 Salamis (1) 298 Solon 320 Theognis 343 tyrants 357 Megara (2) (princess of Thebes) 152 399 megaron 184 Meleager 174 Melos 206–207 Aphrodite 34 Cyclades 96 Euripides 129 Peloponnesian War 248 slaves 318 Thucydides (1) 350 Memnon 4, 66, 67, 207, 224, 355 men 221, 284, 285, 302 See also homosexuality Menander (Menandros) xxc, 60, 207, 340 Menelaus 147, 208 Agamemnon 13 Atreus 61 Helen of Troy 146 Laconia 187 Paris 239 Sparta 325 Stesichorus 330 Telemachos 336 Trojan War 355 merchant ships 311 Messenia xviiic, 208 Epaminondas 121 geography of Greece 140 helots 150 Laconia 187 Lelantine War 190 Leuktra 191 Mycenaean civilization 217 Naupactos 222 Peloponnese 244 Pylos 287 Rhegium 293 Sparta 326, 328 Thebes 341 metalwork xv metics 208–209, 268, 273, 284–285 metopes 41 Midas 23, 107, 139, 209 Miletus xviiic, 209–210 Alexander the Great 23 Anaximander 29 Anaximenes 30 architecture 42 Asia Minor 52 astronomy 55 Athenspasia 53 Black Sea 67 Chersonese 84 Chios 85 colonization 89 Cyzicus 101 Delian League 105 Ephesos 122 Hecataeus 145 Hippodamus 158 Ionia 167 Ionian Revolt 169 kinship 179 Kleomenes (1) 181 Lelantine War 190 Leukippos 191 400 Index Miletus (continued) Lydia 194 music 214 Mycenaean civilization 218 Naukratis 222 Panticapaeum 239 Peloponnesian War 249 Periander 252 Perikles 254 philosophy 263 Polycrates 274 Rhodes 294, 295 science 303 Seven Sages, the 310 Sinope 314 Thales 336 trade 353 tyrants 357 military training 117 Miltiades 178, 200, 210, 257, 370 Mimnermus 210 Minoan civilization xi, xv, xvi, xviic, 210–211 archaeology 39 Atlantis 61 boxing 68 Bronze Age 70 Crete 94 Knossos 183 Labyrinth 187 music 214 Mycenaean civilization 216 myth 218 religion 292 Thera 343 writing 368 Minos 212 afterlife 12 Daedalus 103 Europa 130 Knossos 184 Minoan civilization 210 Theseus 346 Zeus 374 Minotaur 187, 211, 212, 346 Minyans 174, 212, 233 The Misanthrope (Menander) 207 Mithras xii money See coinage; gold; silver; talent mosaics 242 Muses 212, 213 Alexandria (1) 25 Apollo 35 Eros 126 Lyceum 193 music 213 music 213–214 Demokritos 111 education 117 Herakles 152 Long Walls, the 193 lyre 214 Muses 212 musical instruments 213 Orpheus 234 Peloponnesian War 250 Pythagoras 289 Pythian Games 290 sacrifice 297 Sparta 327 Mycalë xviiic, 214–215 Ionia 167 Persian Wars 259 Poseidon 275 Xanthippus 370 Mycenae xi, xiv, xviic, 215–216 Achaeans acropolis afterlife 11 Agamemnon 13 archaeology 38 Argos 44 Athens 58 Atreus 61 Cassandra 77 Egypt 118 Electra 119 gold 138 geography of Greece 140 Herakles 152 Iphigeneia 169 Klytemnestra 182 Linear B 192 Menelaus 208 Minoan civilization 211 Mycenaean civilization 216 Odysseus 227 Orestes 233 Peloponnese 244 Pelops 250 Perseus (1) 255 Pylos 287 sculpture 305 Seven against Thebes, the 310 Tantalus 334 Thebes 340 Theseus 345 Tiryns 352 Trojan War 355 Mycenaean civilization xi, xv, xviic, 216–218 acropolis Aeolian Greeks afterlife 11 Apollo 36 Arcadia 38 archaeology 38 Argos 44 aristocracy 45 Athens 58 Boeotia 68 bronze 69 Bronze Age 70, 71 chariots 83, 84 colonization 88 Corinth 91 Crete 94 Cyprus 99 dagger 217 Dark Age 104 Dorian Greeks 116 Egypt 118 farming 131 geography of Greece 140 Greek language 141 Homer 159 Ionian Greeks 168 iron 170 Knossos 183 Lefkandi 189 mask 215 Minoan civilization 211 Mycenae 215 myth 218 Peloponnese 244 Poseidon 276 pottery 279–280 Pylos 287 religion 292 Samos 299 sculpture 305 Sparta 325 Thebes 340 Thessaly 347 Tiryns 352 vase 360 women 366 writing 368 myth xi, xv, 218–219 Adonis Aeneas Agamemnon 13 Agathon 14 Alcestis 18 Alcmaeon (1) 20 Alexander the Great 22 Amazons 26 Anaximander 29 Andromache 31 Antigone 31 Aphrodite 33 Apollo 35 Apollonius 37 architecture 41 Argos 44 Artemis 49 Atalanta 56 Athena 56 Atlas 61 Bellerophon 65 black peoples 66 Boeotia 68 Cadmus 73 Callimachus 74 Calydonian Boar Hunt 75 Calypso 75 Cassandra 77 Castor and Polydeuces 77 centaurs 80 Circe 85 Corinth 91 Cronus 96 Cyrene (2) 100 Daedalus 103 Danaus 103 Delphi 106 Demeter 108 Dionysus 114 Dorian Greeks 115 Egypt 118 Electra 119 epic poetry 123 Eros 126 Euripides 128 Europa 129 Europe and Asia 130 farming 131 fate 132 food and meals 132 Furies 135 Gaea 136 Ganymede 136 Giants 138 Greek language 141 Hades 143 harpies 145 Hecataeus 145 Hecatë 145 Hector 146 Hecuba 146 Helen of Troy 146 Helios 147 Hellën 147 Hephaistos 150 Hera 151 Herakles 152 Hermes 153 Hesiod 155 Hestia 156 Hippolytus 158 Homer 159 homosexuality 162 hubris 164 Hyacinthos 164 Io 167 Iphigeneia 169 Ixion 173 Jason (1) 174 Kerberos 177 Klytemnestra 182 Labyrinth 187 Laocoön 188 Leda 189 Lesbos 190 maenads 198 magic 198 Medea 203 Medusa 205 Memnon 207 Menelaus 208 Minoan civilization 211 Minos 212 Minyans 212 Muses 212 music 214 Mycenae 216 Mycenaean civilization 216 Narcissus 221 Nereus 224 Nestor 224 Nikë 224 Niobë 225 nymphs 226 Oceanus 227 Index Odysseus 227 Oedipus 229 Mt Olympus 232 Orestes 233 Orion 234 Orpheus 234 Orphism 234 Paris 239 Pelops 250 Penelope 251 Persephone 255 Perseus (1) 255 Phoenicia 265 Pindar 267 Poseidon 276 pottery 280 Priam 282 Procrustes 282 Prometheus 283 prophecy and divination 283 Pylos 287 religion 291 Rome 295 science 303 Seven against Thebes, the 309 Sirens 315 Teiresias 336 Telemachos 336 theater 338 Thebes 340 Theocritus 342 Theseus 345 Tiryns 352 Titans 352 Trojan War 355 Troy 356 women 366 Zeus 373 Mytilene 219 Alcaeus 18 Aristotle 47 assembly 54 Delian League 105 Lesbos 190 Naukratis 222 Peloponnesian War 247, 250 Periander 252 Pittacus 17, 18, 190, 219, 269, 310 Sappho 301 Seven Sages, the 310 N names 221 naphtha 364 Narcissus 141, 221–222 Naukratis 118, 222, 285, 301 Naupactos 192, 208, 222, 247 Nausicaa 222, 228 Naxos (1) (island) 97, 98 Naxos (2) (Greek colony in Sicily) 223 Catana 78 Chalis 83 colonization 88 Dionysius (1) 113 Sicily 312 Nemean Games xviiic, 171, 223, 223 Nemean Lion 153 Neoptolemos 4, 125, 223–224, 263, 282 Neoptolemus 31 Neptune, Temple of 277 Nereid 192, 226 Nereus 224, 242, 276 Nestor 224 Messenia 208 Mycenaean civilization 217 Poseidon 277 Pylos 287 Telemachos 336 Nikë xii, 224, 225, 240 Nikias xixc, 225 Alcibiades 19 Delos 105–106 Demosthenes (2) 112 Euripides 129 Kleon 181 Peloponnesian War 248–249 Thucydides (1) 350 Niobë 49, 225–226 Nointel, marquis de xii Nubia xv nymphs 226 Artemis 50 Europe and Asia 130 Hephaistos 150 Oceanus 227 Pan 237 satyrs 302 Silenus 313 O oarsmen 362 oath 158 obol 87 obsidian 206 Oceanus 12, 224, 227 Octavian xxc Odysseus 227–228 Achilles afterlife 12 Ajax (1) 16 Athena 56 Calypso 75 Circe 85 Cyclops 98 fate 132 Hecuba 146 Homer 159, 160 Ithaca 172, 173 Kratinus 185 Mycenaean civilization 217 Nausicaa 222 Nestor 224 nymphs 226 Penelope 160, 227, 228, 237, 251, 336, 366 Philoktetes 263 Polyphemos 275 Poseidon 277 Prometheus 283 rhetoric 294 Sirens 315 Sisyphus 315 Skylla 317 Tantalus 334 Teiresias 336 Telemachos 336 Trojan War 355 wrestling 368 Odyssey (Homer) xviic See also Iliad Achilles afterlife 12 Agamemnon 13 Ajax (2) 16 Aphrodite 34 Ares 43 black peoples 66 Callimachus 74 Calypso 75 Castor and Polydeuces 77 Circe 85 colonization 88 Cyclops 98 epic poetry 123 farming 131 fate 132 harpies 145 Helen of Troy 146 Hephaistos 151 Homer 159, 160 Jason (1) 174 Klytemnestra 182 magic 198 Menelaus 208 Muses 212 Mycenaean civilization 216 myth 219 Nausicaa 222 Neoptolemos 224 Nestor 224 Oceanus 227 Odysseus 227, 228 Oedipus 229 Orestes 233 Penelope 251 Polyphemos 275 Poseidon 277 Sirens 315 Sisyphus 315 Skylla 317 Tantalus 334 Teiresias 336 Telemachos 336 Trojan War 355 Troy 356 women 366 writing 369 Oedipus 229 Antigone 31 epic poetry 123 homosexuality 163 Kypselos 186 Odysseus 228 Seven against Thebes, the 309 Sophokles 323 Thebes 340 Oedipus the King (Sophokles) 323 401 Oinomaus 250 oligarchy 229 Argos 44 aristocracy 45 Carthage 76 Corinth 91 Corinthian War 92 Cyrene (1) 100 Delian League 105 Kleisthenes (1) 180 Kleomenes (1) 181 Locri 192 Locris 193 Lykourgos (1) 194 Periander 252 Pythagoras 289 rhetoric 294 Sikyon 313 Sparta 325 Syracuse 333 Thebes 340 olives and olive oil xiv, xv Akragas 17 Chios 85 Corcyra 90 farming 131 food and meals 132, 133 Olympia xiii, 230 Atlas 61 centaurs 80 Elis 120 Gelon 137 Herakles 153 Herodotus 154 Kypselos 186 Nikë 224 Olympic Games 231 Pausanias (2) 242 Peloponnese 244 Pelops 250 Pheidias 260 Pheidon 259 Polykleitos 274 Praxiteles 281 sculpture 305 Seven Wonders of the World, the 310 Xenophon 371, 372 Zeus 374 Olympic Games xviic, 230–231 Alcibiades 19 Bacchylides 63 boxing 69 calendars 74 chariots 84 Croton 96 Elis 120 Empedokles 121 Hieron (1) 156 Isthmian Games 171 Kleisthenes (2) 180 lyric poetry 195 Nemean Games 223 Olympia 230 pankration 238 Pelops 250 402 Index Olympic Games (continued) pentathlon 251 Pheidon 259 Pindar 266–268 Poseidon 276 Pythian Games 290 sport 329 wrestling 367 Zeus 374 Olympus, Mt 232 afterlife 12 Aphrodite 34 Dionysus 114 Gaea 136 Ganymede 136 Giants 138 Hephaistos 150 Herakles 153 Hestia 156 Olympia 230 Perikles 254 religion 291 Thessaly 347 Zeus 374 Olynthos 232 archaeology 39 Chalcidicë 82 Demosthenes (1) 111 Philip II 261 Potidaea 277 Tiryns 352 On Nature (Empedokles) 121 On the Nature of Man (Hippocrates (1)) 204 oratory See rhetoric Orchomenos 232–233 archaeology 38 Boeotia 68 geography of Greece 140 Herakles 152 Jason (1) 174 Minyans 212 Mycenaean civilization 216 Thebes 340 the Oresteia (Stesichorus) 119 Orestes 233 Aeschylus 10 Agamemnon 14 Alcmaeon (1) 20 Apollo 35 Areopagos 43 Electra 119 Furies 135 Klytemnestra 182 Stesichorus 329 Tantalus 334 Orion 49, 234 Orpheus 174, 213, 234 Orphism 234–235 afterlife 13 Empedokles 121 Orpheus 234 Persephone 255 Pythagoras 289 ostracism 235 Alcmaeonids 20 Aristides 45 assembly 54 democracy 110 Kimon 178 Perikles 253 Themistokles 341 Xanthippus 370 Ovid 123, 219, 226, 285 owls 57, 88 P painting 236–237 Apollo 35 clothing 86 Marathon 199 Medusa 205 Pheidias 260 pottery 279 Sikyon 313 Theseus 347 palaces 217, 218 Palmyra 149 Pan 200, 237 Panathenaia 74, 144, 237, 238, 243 Panathenaic Games xviiic, 238 pankration 238 boxing 68 Olympic Games 231 pentathlon 251 Pindar 267 sport 329 wrestling 367 Panticapaeum 67, 89, 239, 314 papyrus 71 Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans (Plutarch) 18, 22, 273 parchment scroll 213 Paris 147, 239 Achilles Gorgias 139 Hecuba 146 Helen of Troy 146 Kratinus 185 Menelaus 208 Philoktetes 263 Priam 282 Stesichorus 330 Trojan War 355 Parmenides 239–240 Anaxagoras 29 Empedokles 121 philosophy 263 Plato 271 science 303 Parthenon xii, 240, 241, 241 acropolis Amazons 27 archaeology 38 architecture 42, 43 Athena 56 Athens 60 Bassae 64 centaurs 80 Demetrius Poliorketes 109 frieze from 87, 276 Giants 138 Panathenaia 238 Perikles 253 Pheidias 260 Poseidonia 277 pottery 279 sculpture 305 Thucydides (2) 351 Pathenon xvi Patroklos 160, 241, 242 Achilles fate 132 Hector 146 Homer 159 homosexuality 163 Odysseus 227 Pausanias (1) (Spartan general) 258, 259, 270 Pausanias (2) (travel writer) xii, xvi, 215, 225, 230, 242, 281 Pegasus 65, 88 Peisistratid family xi Peisistratus xviiic, 242–243 acropolis agora 15 Athens 58 Delos 105 democracy 110 Hippias (1) 157 Marathon 199 ostracism 235 Panathenaia 238 Solon 321 theater 339 Theseus 345 tyrants 357 Peleus 3, 174, 224, 242 Pella 197, 243, 367 Peloponnese xii, 243–244 Achaea 2, Achaeans Aetolia 11 Alcibiades 19 Arcadia See Arcadia Argos See Argos Arion 45 Asklepios 51 Athens 58 Corinth See Corinth Crete 93 Dorian Greeks 116 Elis See Elis Greek language 141 Halicarnassus 143 Hera 151 Herakles 152 Kleomenes (1) 181 Knossos 183 Laconia 187 Megara (1) 206 Messenia See Messenia Mycenae See Mycenae Nemean Games 223 Nestor 224 Olympia 230 Olympic Games 231 Peloponnesian War 244 Pelops 250 Pheidon 259 Pylos See Pylos Sikyon See Sikyon Skepticism 316 Sparta See Sparta Thebes 341 Themistokles 342 Theseus 346 Tiryns 352 Tyrtaeus 358 warfare, land 360 Peloponnesian War xii, xvi, xixc, 244–250 Abdera Acarnania Aegina Aegospotami Aenus Aetolia 11 Agesilaos 15 Alcibiades 18 Alcmaeonids 20 Ambracia 27 Amphipolis 28 Andokides 30 Archidamus 39 Aristophanes 46 Asia Minor 53 assembly 54 Athens 58 Athenspasia 54 Boeotia 68 Brasidas 69 Byzantium 71 Catana 78 cavalry 79 Chalcidicë 82 Chalis 83 Corcyra 90 Corinth 91 Corinthian War 92 Cyclades 98 Cyrene (1) 100 Cyzicus 101 Delian League 105 Delos 105 Demosthenes (2) 112 Dorian Greeks 116 Elis 120 Epaminondas 121 Ephesos 122 Epidamnos 124 Euboea 128 Eupolis 128 Four Hundred, the 133 funeral customs 134 Greece during the 245m Halicarnassus 143–144 Harmodius and Aristogeiton 144 Hellespont 149 helots 150 Hermes 153 hoplite 163 Ionia 168 Kleon 181, 182 Index Knidos 183 Konon 184 Kratinus 185 Kritias 185 Kymë 186 Long Walls, the 193 Lysander 195 Mantineia 199 Megara (1) 206 Melos 206 Messenia 208 Miletus 209 Mytilene 219 Naupactos 222 Naxos (2) 223 Nikias See Nikias oligarchy 229 Olympic Games 231 Orchomenos 233 painting 237 Perikles 246, 247, 250, 253 Persian Wars 259 Phocaea 264 Phocis 265 Piraeus 243 Plataea 269 Plataea, Battle of 271 Plato 271 Potidaea 278 Pylos 287 Rhegium 293 Rhodes 294 Samos 300 sculpture 306 Second Athenian League 306 Sestos 309 Sicily 313 Sikyon 313 slaves 318 Socrates 319 Sophokles 322 Tegea 335 Thasos 337 theater 340 Thebes 341 Theramenes 344 Thirty Tyrants, the 348 Thucydides (1) 349 warfare, land 359–361 warfare, naval 363 warfare, siege 364 Xenophon 371 Pelops 250 Atreus 61 homosexuality 163 Olympia 230 Olympic Games 231 Pindar 267 Poseidon 276 Tantalus 334 Penelope 251 Homer 160 Odysseus 227, 228 Pan 237 Telemachos 336 women 366 pentathlon 231, 251, 368 penteconters 362 Pentheus 73 peplos 57, 86, 86, 238 Pergamon xii, xxc, 251–252 Aenus Asia Minor 53 Asklepios 51 Athena 56 Athens 60 Celts 80 coinage 88 Cyzicus 102 education 118 Ephesos 122 Giants 138 Hellenistic Age 148 Lydia 194 mathematics 203 medicine 204 Miletus 210 Mytilene 219 Philip V 262 Phocaea 264 Rhodes 295 Rome 296 sculpture 306 Seleucid Empire 307 theater 340 writing 369 Periander 252 Arion 44 Corcyra 90 Corinth 91 Kypselos 186 Seven Sages, the 310 tyrants 357 Perikles xvi, xviiic, xixc, 252–254 acropolis Aegina Aeschylus 10 Alcibiades 18, 19 Alcmaeonids 20 Anacreon 28 Aspasia 53–54, 185, 254 Athens 58, 60 birth control 66 council 93 democracy 109, 110 Ephialtes 122, 123 Euboea 128 funeral customs 134 Ion (2) 167 Kallias 177 Kimon 178 Kleisthenes (1) 180 Kleon 181, 182 Kratinus 185 Long Walls, the 193 marriage 201 Megara (1) 206 Nikias 225 Parthenon 240 Peloponnesian War 246, 247, 250 Pheidias 260 Pindar 268 Piraeus 268 Plutarch 273 rhetoric 294 Samos 300 sculpture 305 Sinope 315 Socrates 319 Sophokles 322 Themistokles 341 Thucydides (1) 349 Thucydides (2) 351 warfare, land 361 warfare, naval 363 women 367 Xanthippus 370 perioikoi (perioeci) 254 Laconia 187 polis 273 Sparta 325–328 Peripatetic School 48, 55 See also Lyceum peripatos 48, 193 Persephone 108, 255 Adonis afterlife 12, 13 Demeter 108 Eleusinian Mysteries 120 Hades 143 Orphism 234 painting 237 religion 291, 292 Tantalus 334 Theseus 347 Perseus (1) (mythical hero) 255, 256, 256 Argos 44 Athena 56 Bellerophon 65 Medusa 205 theater 339 Zeus 374 Perseus (2) (king of Macedon) 197 Persia xvi, xviiic, 256–257 acropolis Aeschylus 10 Alcibiades 19 Alexander the Great 21, 23, 24 Asia Minor 53 Athens 60 Byzantium 71 Corinthian War 92 Croesus 95 Cyrus (1) See Cyrus (1) Darius (1) See Darius (1) Delian League 105 Delos 105 Demokritos 110 Ephesos 122 Europe and Asia 130 Herodotus 155 Hippias (1) 157 Ionia 168 Ionian Revolt 169 Isokrates 171 Kallias 177 403 Kimon 178 King’s Peace 178 Kleomenes (1) 181 Konon 184 Marathon 199, 200 Miletus 209 Mycalë 215 Parthenon 240 Peloponnesian War 244 Perikles 253 Philip II 262 Salamis (1) 298 Seleucid Empire 307 Sparta 328 Thucydides (1) 350 Thucydides (2) 351 tyrants 357 warfare, naval 363 Xerxes See Xerxes Persian Empire xi, xvi, xviiic, 176, 191, 315 Persian Wars xi, xvi, 257–259 Aeschylus Amazons 27 Artemision 50 Asia Minor 53 Chalis 83 Chersonese 84 Chios 85 Corcyra 90 Cyclades 98 Cyrus (1) 101 Delian League 105 Delphi 107 Egypt 118 Eretria 126 Euboea 127 geography of Greece 140 Herodotus 154 hoplite 163 Ionian Revolt 168 Kallias 177 Kimon 178 King’s Peace 178 Kymë 186 Marathon 199–200 Mycalë 215 Mytilene 219 Nikë 224 ostracism 235 Parthenon 240 Peloponnesian War 247 Perikles 253 Pheidias 260 Phocaea 264 Phoenicia 266 Phrynichus 266 Plataea 269 Plataea, Battle of xviiic, 45, 259, 269, 270–271 Poseidon 275 Rhodes 294 sacrifice 297 Salamis (1) 297 sculpture 304 Sikyon 313 404 Index Persian Wars (continued) Simonides 314 Sophokles 322 Sparta 328 Themistokles 341 Thermopylae 344–345 warfare, land 360 Xanthippus 370 petasos 87, 87 phalanx 259 Alexander the Great 21 Chaironeia 81, 82 elephants 119 hoplite 163 Philip II 261 Philip V 263 Pyrrhus 288 Rome 296 warfare, land 359, 361 Pheidias xvi, xixc, 260 acropolis Athens 60 Athenspasia 54 Nikë 224 Olympia 230 Parthenon 240 Perikles 253, 254 Polykleitos 274 sculpture 306 Seven Wonders of the World, the 310 Zeus 374 Pheidon 44, 231, 260–261, 326 Philip, meaing of the name 221 Philip II (king of Macedon) xii, xxc, 194, 261–262 Acarnania Aeschines Alexander the Great 21 Ambracia 27 Amphipolis 28 Athens 60 Byzantium 71 cavalry 78 Chalcidicë 82 Chalis 83 Chersonese 84 Corinth 92 Cyclades 98 Demosthenes (1) 111 education 117 Eretria 126 Euboea 128 gold 138 geography of Greece 140 Isokrates 171 Jason (2) 175 Macedon 197 Olynthos 232 Pella 242 Pergamon 252 phalanx 259 Plataea 270 Potidaea 278 Second Athenian League 306 Seleucus (1) 307 silver 314 Thasos 337 Thebes 341 Thermopylae 345 Thessaly 347 Thrace 349 warfare, land 359, 361 warfare, siege 364 Philip V (king of Macedon) 262–263 Acarnania Aetolia 11 Delos 106 Dodona 115 Macedon 197 Pella 242 Pergamon 252 Rhodes 295 Rome 296 Philoktetes 113, 239, 263 philosophy xii, xv, 263 See also specific headings, e.g.: Thales Academy Anaxagoras 29, 54, 129, 254, 319 Anaximander 29 Anaximenes 30 Aristotle See Aristotle Asia Minor 53 Athena 56 Athens 58 Cynics 98–99, 113 Cyrene (1) 100 Demokritos 110–111 education 118 Empedokles xixc, 13, 17, 121, 231, 234, 289, 303 Epicureanism See Epicureanism Heraclitus 151–152, 315 Hippocrates (1) 157, 158 Ionia 167 Ionian Revolt 169 Lyceum 193 mathematics 202 Megara (1) 206 Miletus 209 Parmenides 29, 121, 239–240, 263, 271, 303 Persian Wars 257 Plato See Plato science 303 Skepticism 2, 315–316, 316–317 Socrates See Socrates Stoicism See Stoicism Theophrastus 193, 204, 207, 303, 343 Xenophanes 370 Xenophon 372 Phocaea (Phokaia) 264 Celts 80 colonization 89 Ionia 167 Massalia 201 Naukratis 222 Peloponnesian War 249 silver 314 warfare, naval 363 Phocis 264–265 Amphictyonic League 27 Athens 60 Boeotia 67 Delphi 106 Kleisthenes (2) 180 Locris 192 Philip II 261 Pythian Games 290 Sikyon 313 Thermopylae 344 Thessaly 347 Phoenicia xv, xviic, 265–266 Apollo 36 Byblos 71 Egypt 118 Ionian Revolt 169 Persian Wars 258 silver 314 wine 365 Phokaia See Phocaea Phrynichus 10, 266, 339 phylai 179, 180 pike 361 pilos 87 Pindar (Pindaros) xviiic, 266–268 Aegina Aeschylus 10 afterlife 12 Alcman 21 Archilochos 40 Asklepios 51 Athena 56 Bacchylides 63 Bellerophon 65 Boeotia 68 chariots 84 Corinna 90 Cyrene (2) 101 Hieron (1) 156 Ibycus 166 Jason (1) 174 lyric poetry 195 music 214 myth 219 Olympic Games 231 Pan 237 Pelops 250 Simonides 314 Syracuse 332 Thucydides (2) 351 Piraeus xviiic, xixc, 268 Aegina archaeology 39 Athens 59 geography of Greece 140 Hippodamus 158 Kritias 185 Long Walls, the 193 Lysias 195 Macedon 197 Peloponnesian War 246 Perikles 253 Rhodes 295 Themistokles 341 Thirty Tyrants, the 348 warfare, naval 363 Pisander 133 Pithecusae (Pithekoussai) xviic, 269 Chalis 82 colonization 88 Cumae 97 Etruscans 127 writing 369 Pittacus 17, 18, 190, 219, 269, 310 plague xixc, 106, 193, 246–247 Plataea 269–270 Archidamus 39 Boeotia 68 Marathon 200 Mycalë 215 Mycenae 216 Peloponnesian War 246, 247 Persian Wars 258 Plataea, Battle of 270 Salamis (1) 297 Thebes 340 warfare, land 361 warfare, siege 364 Xerxes 372 Plataea, Battle of xviiic, 270–271 Aristides 45 Persian Wars 259 Plataea 269 Plato xvi, xixc, 271 See also Academy afterlife 11 Agathon 15 Alcibiades 18 Anacreon 28 Aristotle 47 astronomy 55 Athens 60 Atlantis 61 boxing 69 Dionysius (1) 113 education 117 Gorgias 139 gymnasium 142 homosexuality 160, 162 Kritias 185 laws and law courts 188 Lyceum 193 Lysias 195 music 214 Orphism 235 Parmenides 240 Pheidias 260 philosophy 263 Protagoras 286 Pythagoras 289 religion 293 Sappho 302 Skepticism 316 slaves 317 Socrates 319 Sophokles 323 Sparta 325 Stoicism 330 Syracuse 333 Theophrastus 343 Index women 366 Xenophon 371 Plutarch (Ploutarchos) xvi, 273 Alcibiades 18 Alexander the Great 22 Antigonus (1) 31 Aristides 45 Herodotus 155 homosexuality 160 Peloponnesian War 245 Perikles 253, 254 Plato 271 Solon 320 Sparta 325, 327 Themistokles 341 Theseus 346 poetry xviiic Alcman xviiic, 20–21, 160, 302, 327, 336 Apollonius 36–37 Aratus (2) 37 choral poetry 266 Corinth 91 epic poetry See epic poetry Erinna 126 Euphorion 128 lyric poetry See lyric poetry music 213 Pindar See Pindar theater 338 Theocritus 342 polis xi, 140, 148, 273 Polycrates 273–274 Anacreon 28 Delos 105 Ibycus 166 medicine 204 Pythagoras 289 Samos 299 tyrants 357 Polykleitos xixc, 44, 274, 305 Polyphemos 98, 228, 275, 277 pomegranate seeds 108 “pony express” 104 Poseidon 275–277, 276 acropolis Aeneas Ajax (2) 16 Athena 57 black peoples 67 Cronus 96 fate 132 food and meals 132–133 Hades 143 Herakles 153 Hippolytus 158 Ionia 167 Isthmian Games 171 Jason (1) 175 Minos 212 Mycalë 215 Nereus 224 Mt Olympus 232 Orion 234 Parthenon 240 Pelops 250 Pindar 267 Polyphemos 275 Poseidonia 277 Procrustes 282 religion 291, 292 ships and seafaring 311 Skylla 317 Sounion 324 Theseus 346 Zeus 374 Poseidonia 26, 275, 277, 331 Potidaea (Poteidaia) xixc, 277–278 Alcibiades 19 Chalcidicë 82 Olynthos 232 Peloponnesian War 246 Periander 252 Poseidon 275 Socrates 319 potsherds 235 pottery xiv, xv, xviiic, 278, 278–281, 279 Aegina Agathokles 14 archaeology 38 Asia Minor 52 Athens 58 Attica 62 Carthage 76 colonization 88 Crete 95 Cumae 97 Cyclades 96 Etruscans 127 Homer 159 Ithaca 172 Minoan civilization 211 Minyans 212 Mycenae 215 Mycenaean civilization 216, 218 Mytilene 219 painting 236 Peisistratus 243 Periander 252 Pithecusae 269 Rhegium 293 Rhodes 294 Rome 295 symposium 331 Taras 334, 335 trade 353 wine 365 Praxiteles xxc, 281, 281 Aphrodite 34 Athens 60 Knidos 183 Niobë 226 Pan 237 prostitutes 285 sculpture 306 women 367 prayer 282 Priam 282 Achilles Cassandra 77 Hector 146 Hecuba 146 Neoptolemos 224 Paris 239 Troilus 355 Priapus 282 Procrustes 282–283 Prometheus 130, 228, 283, 315, 353 prophecy and divination 283–284 Cassandra 77 Cumae 97 Delphi 106–107 See also Delphi Epidaurus 125 prosecution 189 prostitutes 284–285 Aphrodite 33 Corinth 91 food and meals 132 hetaira 54, 285, 331, 332 heterosexuality 156 homosexuality 161, 162 marriage 201 music 214 symposium 331 Protagoras 285–286 Abdera education 117 Euripides 129 religion 293 Socrates 319 sophists 322 Ptolemaeus, Claudius See Ptolemy (astronomer) Ptolemy (1) (founder ruler in Egypt) 286 Agathokles 14 Alexander the Great 22 Alexandria (1) 25 Antigonus (1) 31, 32 Cyprus 99 Cyrene (1) 100 Demetrius Poliorketes 108, 109 Diadochi 112 Egypt 118 Kassander 177 prostitutes 285 Ptolemy (2) II 286 Pyrrhus 288 Salamis (2) 299 Seleucus (1) 307 warfare, naval 363 Ptolemy (2) II (king of Egypt) 286–287 Apollonius 37 black peoples 67 Jews 176 Ptolemy (1) 286 Samos 300 Samothrace 301 Theocritus 342 Ptolemy (astronomer) 54, 55 public speaking See rhetoric Purifications (Empedokles) 121 Pygmalion 287 Pylos xv, 287–288 Dionysus 114 Kleon 182 405 Linear B 192 Messenia 208 Mycenaean civilization 216 Nestor 224 Peloponnese 244 Peloponnesian War 247 Poseidon 277 religion 292 pyramids 310 Pyrrhus 288–289 Agathokles 14 Ambracia 27 Catana 78 Demetrius Poliorketes 109 Dodona 115 Epidamnos 124 Lysimachus 196 Neoptolemos 224 Taras 335 Pythagoras xviiic, 289–290 afterlife 13 Croton 96 Empedokles 121 mathematics 202–203 music 214 Orphism 234 Plato 272 Samos 299 Xenophanes 370 Pythian Games xviiic, 290 Amphictyonic League 27 Bacchylides 63 chariots 84 Croton 96 Delphi 106, 107 Hieron (1) 156 Isthmian Games 171 Nemean Games 223 Pindar 267 wrestling 367 R ramming maneuver (in warfare, naval) 363 rape 188 red-figure pottery xviiic, 280, 281 reincarnation 13, 234–235 religion xi, xii, xv, 291–293 See also gods and goddesses afterlife 11 Antigone 31 Apollo 36 Artemis 50 Asklepios 51 Athena 56 Christianity xvi, 124, 152, 176 Crete 95 Dionysus 114 Eleusinian Mysteries See Eleusinian Mysteries Etruscans 127 fate 132 Furies 135 Gaea 136 Hades 143 Helen of Troy 147 406 Index religion (continued) Helios 147 Hera 151 Hyacinthos 165 Jews 176 laws and law courts 188 medicine 204 Medusa 205 Minoan civilization 211 Mycenaean civilization 216 Nereus 224 nymphs 226 Orphism 13, 121, 234, 234–235, 255, 289 philosophy 263 Poseidon 275 pottery 279 Pythagoras 289 Rome 295 sacrifice 282, 297 science 303 sport 329 timber 351 women 367 Zeus 373 Renan, Ernest 71 Republic (Plato) 271, 272, 323, 366 resident aliens 209 Revett, Nicholas xii Rhea 96 Rhegium (Rhëgion) 293 Chalis 83 colonization 88 Croton 96 Ibycus 166 Italy 171 Locri 192 Polycrates 274 Zanclë 373 rhetoric xv, 294 Academy Athenspasia 54 education 117 Gorgias 139 Hermes 153 Rhodea 365 Rhodes xxc, 294–295 Akragas 17 Apollonius 37 Asia Minor 52 astronomy 55 Byzantium 72 Colossus of xxc, 295, 310 Demetrius Poliorketes 109 Dorian Greeks 116 Gela 137 Helios 147 Knidos 182 Naukratis 222 Peloponnesian War 249 Philip V 262 Rome 296 Second Athenian League 306 Seven Sages, the 310 wine 365 Roman Empire xv, xvi Abdera Alexandria (1) 25 Cynics 98 Sinope 315 slaves 318 Stoicism 330 Rome xi, xii, xv, xvi, xxc, 295–296 Aenus Aetolia 11 Akragas 17 Amphipolis 28 Antiochos (2) 32, 33 Arcadia 38 Asia Minor 53 Asklepios 51 Athens 58 Byzantium 71 Carthage 76 Chalis 83 chariots 84 Corcyra 90 Corinth 92 Croton 96 Cyclades 98 Delos 106 elephants 119 Epidamnos 124 Etruscans 127 Hellenistic Age 148, 149 Herakles 152 Homer 159 Lydia 194 Macedon 197 medicine 205 Messenia 208 Mimnermus 210 Naupactos 222 phalanx 259 Philip V 262 Phocaea 264 Pyrrhus 288 Rhegium 293 Rhodes 295 sculpture 304 Stesichorus 330 Taras 335 warfare, land 359, 361 warfare, naval 364 Zanclë 373 Russia xiv S Sacred Band 81, 162, 191 sacrifice 282, 297 St Elmo’s Fire 78 Salamis (1) (island) xviiic, 297–298 Aeschylus Ajax (1) 16 Aristides 45 Artemision 51 Athens 58 Attica 61 Euripides 129 Halicarnassus 143 Herodotus 155 Himera 157 Megara (1) 205 Mycalë 215 Persian Wars 257 Phrynichus 266 Plataea, Battle of 270 Simonides 314 Sophokles 322 Themistokles 342 warfare, naval 362 Xerxes 372 Salamis (2) (city) 299 salves 214 Samos 299–300 Aesop 11 Alcibiades 19 Anacreon 28 Andokides 30 Asia Minor 52 Chios 85 Darius (1) 104 Delian League 105 Epicureanism 124 Four Hundred, the 133 Hera 151 Ibycus 166 Ionia 167 Ionian Revolt 169 Lelantine War 190 medicine 204 Naukratis 222 Peloponnesian War 249 Perikles 254 Polycrates 273–274 Pythagoras 289 religion 292 Rhodes 294 Samothrace 300 Semonides 308 silver 314 Sophokles 322 tyrants 357 warfare, naval 363 Samothrace 299, 300–301, 314 Sappho xviiic, 301–302 Aeolian Greeks Alcaeus 17, 18 Alcman 21 Anacreon 28 Arion 44 Erinna 126 homosexuality 160, 161 Lesbos 190 lyric poetry 194 Naukratis 222 women 367 sarissa (pike) 79, 259, 361 satyrs 198, 302 Dionysus 115 maenads 198 nymphs 226 Silenus 313 theater 338 Schliemann, Heinrich archaeology 38 Mycenae 215 Mycenaean civilization 216, 217 Orchomenos 232 Tiryns 352 Trojan War 355 Troy 356 science xii, 303–304 See also mathematics Anaximander 29–30 Anaximenes 30 Archimedes 40 Aristotle 47–49 Asia Minor 53 astronomy 29, 37, 54–56, 202, 289–290, 303, 336 Ionia 167 Ionian Revolt 169 Lyceum 193 Miletus 209 philosophy 263 Socrates 319 Stoicism 331 Thales 336–337 sculpture xi, xii, xiv, xv, 304–306 Aegina Apollo 35 archaeology 38 architecture 41 Argos 44 Athens 58 Bassae 65 bronze 70 bronze jockey 231 carving 79 centaurs 80 clothing 86 Cyclades 96 Delphi 106 Egypt 118 of female form 305 frieze 41, 42, 65, 79, 240, 241, 276 funeral customs 134 gold 138 Hermes and Dionysus 281 homosexuality 160 iron 170 Leda and Zeus 189 Locri 192 Medusa 205 Megara (1) 206 Nike 225 Niobë 226 Orestes 233 Parthenon 240, 241 Parthenon frieze 79, 87, 276 Peisistratus 243 Persian Wars 257 Pheidias 260 Polykleitos 274 Praxiteles 281 prayer 282 religion 292 Sikyon 313 Silenus 314 Sounion 324 statue of youth 70 Index Thasos 337 Theseus 347 wrestling 368 Scylla 228, 277 Second Athenian League 306 Abdera Athens 60 Chalcidicë 82 Chalis 83 Chios 85 Corcyra 90 Cyclades 98 Delian League 105 Delos 106 Eretria 126 Euboea 128 King’s Peace 178 Kymë 186 Mytilene 219 Samothrace 301 Thasos 337 seduction 188 seer See prophecy and divination Seleucid Empire 306–307 See also Seleucus (1) Alexander the Great 21 Antioch 32 Antiochos (1) 32 Antiochos (2) 11, 32, 33, 176, 296, 307 Asia Minor 53 Bactria 64 Chios 85 coinage 88 colonization 89 Cyzicus 102 Egypt 118 Hellenistic Age 148 Jews 176 Kymë 186 Lydia 194 Macedon 197 Pergamon 251 Persia 257 phalanx 259 Phocaea 264 Phoenicia 266 Ptolemy (2) II 287 warfare, land 361 Seleucus (1) (king of Seleucid Empire) xxc, 32, 307–308 Antigonus (1) 31, 32 Antioch 32 Asia Minor 53 Demetrius Poliorketes 108 Diadochi 112 elephants 119 Kassander 177 Lysimachus 196 Ptolemy (1) 286 Seleucid Empire 307 Selinus 308 Semonides (lyric poet) 308–309, 366 serfs See helots Sestos 309 Aegospotami Chersonese 84 Hellespont 149, 150 Peloponnesian War 249 Persian Wars 259 Seven Against Thebes, the 309–310 Alcmaeon (1) 20 Antigone 31 Aristides 45 epic poetry 123 Mycenaean civilization 218 myth 219 Sophokles 323 Thebes 340 Seven Sages, the 310 Chilon 84 Mytilene 219 Periander 252 Pittacus 269 Rhodes 294 Solon 320 Thales 336 Seven Wonders of the World, the 310 Alexandria (1) 25 architecture 42 Artemis 49 Ephesos 122 Halicarnassus 144 Helios 147 Olympia 230 Pheidias 260 Ptolemy (2) II 286 Rhodes 295 Zeus 374 shields 360 ships and seafaring xiv, xv, 99, 264, 310–311, 362–363 See also warfare, naval Sicily xv, xixc, 312–313 Aeneas Aeschylus 10 Agathokles 14 Akragas 17 Alcibiades 19 Arion 45 Athens 60 Catana 78 cavalry 78 colonization 88 Corcyra 89 Corinth 91 Crete 94 Cyclops 98 Daedalus 103 Demeter 108 Diodorus Siculus 112 Dionysius (1) 113 Eretria 125 Europe and Asia 130 Gaea 136 Gela See Gela Gelon 137 geography of Greece 140 Hephaistos 150 Hieron (1) See Hieron (1) Himera 17, 137, 156–157, 308, 329, 332 Ionian Greeks 168 Ionian Sea 169 Italy 171 Lelantine War 190 Locri 192 Megara (1) 206 Minos 212 Naxos (2) 78, 83, 88, 113, 223, 312 Nikias 225 Odysseus 228 Orphism 234 Peloponnesian War 244 Persephone 255 Philoktetes 263 Pindar 267, 268 Pithecusae 269 Plato 272 pottery 281 Pyrrhus 288 religion 291 rhetoric 294 Rhodes 294 Rome 296 Sappho 301 Selinus 308 Simonides 314 Skylla 317 Syracuse See Syracuse theater 339 Timoleon 352 trade 353 Typhon 357 tyrants 357 warfare, siege 364 Xenophanes 370 Zanclë 83, 88, 96, 157, 293, 373 siege tower 364, 365 Sikyon Achaea 2–3 Antioch 32 Chilon 84 Kleisthenes (2) 180–181 Nemean Games 223 painting 237 Peloponnese 244 Perikles 253 Pheidon 261 theater 339 tyrants 357 Silenus 313, 314, 320 silver 314 Abdera Aegina Aenus Amphipolis 28 Archilochos 40 Asia Minor 52 Attica 61 Celts 80 Chalcidicë 82 Chios 85 coinage 87 colonization 89 Corcyra 89 Cyzicus 101 Delian League 105 democracy 110 Egypt 118 gold 138, 139 Himera 157 Kallias 177 Lydia 194 Massalia 202 Mycenae 215 Mytilene 219 Naukratis 222 Nikias 225 Peisistratus 243 Philip II 261 Phocaea 264 Phoenicia 265 Pithecusae 269 Potidaea 277 Samos 299, 300 Samothrace 300 Sinope 314 slaves 318 talent 334 Thasos 337 Themistokles 341 Thrace 349 Thucydides (1) 349 trade 353 Simonides (lyric poet) 315 Aeschylus 10 Anacreon 28 Bacchylides 63 Hieron (1) 156 Hippias (1) 157 Ibycus 166 prophecy and divination 284 Semonides 309 Syracuse 332 Thermopylae 345 Sinope 67, 89, 98, 315–316 Sirens 85, 228, 316 Sisyphus 315, 316 afterlife 12 hubris 164 Ixion 173 Odysseus 227 Tantalus 334 Skepticism 2, 316–317 Skylla 317 slaves 317–318 Abdera Aenus afterlife 11 Alexander the Great 22 Amphipolis 28 Aristophanes 46 Athens 60 Chalcidicë 82 Chios 85 colonization 89 Corcyra 89 Egypt 118 Eleusinian Mysteries 120 Epicureanism 124 Gortyn 139 helots 150 407 408 Index slaves (continued) heterosexuality 156 Hippocrates (1) 158 homosexuality 161 Illyris 166 Ionia 167 Ionian Revolt 169 Jews 175 lyric poetry 195 marriage 201 Massalia 202 Mycenaean civilization 218 Naukratis 222 Nikias 225 Olynthos 232 Peloponnesian War 247 Philip II 262 polis 273 Potidaea 277 prostitutes 285 Samos 299 Samothrace 300 Sestos 309 Solon 321 Stoicism 330 symposium 331, 332 Thasos 337 Thebes 341 Theseus 347 Thrace 349 trade 353 Trojan War 355 warfare, land 360 women 366 Society of Dilettanti xii Socrates xvi, xixc, 319–320 Alcibiades 18, 19 Anaxagoras 29 Aristophanes 46 Aristotle 48 Athens 60 Athenspasia 54 Cynics 98 Cyrene (1) 100 Daedalus 103 education 117 Euripides 129 gymnasium 142 homosexuality 162 Kritias 185 Lysias 195 Megara (1) 206 Parmenides 239, 240 philosophy 263 Plato 271 Protagoras 285 religion 291 ships and seafaring 310–311 Silenus 313 sophists 322 Stoicism 330 symposium 332 Xenophon 371 soldiers 360 Solon xviiic, 320–321 Areopagos 43 Athens 58 Chios 85 Croesus 95 democracy 109 Draco 116 homosexuality 161 Kleisthenes (1) 180 laws and law courts 188 Peisistratus 242 Pittacus 269 Plutarch 273 Seven Sages, the 310 songs 194–195 sophists 321–322 Academy Aristophanes 46 education 117 Kritias 185 Protagoras 285–286 Skepticism 315 Sophokles xvi, xixc, 17, 322–324 Aeschylus Agathon 14 Ajax (1) 16 Antigone 31 Archilochos 40 Athens 60 Croesus 95 Electra 119 Euripides 128, 129 funeral customs 134 Herakles 153 Herodotus 154 myth 219 Niobë 226 Odysseus 227 Oedipus 229 Orestes 233 Philoktetes 263 symposium 331 theater 339 soul 11–13, 289 Sounion (Sumium) 324 Sparta xviiic–xxc, 324–329 Achaea acropolis Aegina Aegospotami 7, Agesilaos 15, 92, 121, 195, 199, 328, 371 Agiad clan 15 Alcibiades 18–20 Alcman xviiic, 20–21, 160, 302, 327, 336 Alexander the Great 22 Andokides 30 Apollo 36 Arcadia 37 Archidamus 15, 39–40, 130, 246 Argos 44 aristocracy 45 Artemis 50 Athena 56 Boeotia 68 boxing 69 Brasidas 28, 69, 182, 206, 247 Castor and Polydeuces 77 Chalcidicë 82 Chilon 84, 310, 328 Chios 85 coinage 87 colonization 88 Corcyra 90 Corinth 91 Corinthian War See Corinthian War Crete 94 Croesus 95 Delian League 105 Delos 106 democracy 109 Dorian Greeks 116 education 117 Elis 120 Epaminondas 121 ephor 123 Eurypontid clan 130 Four Hundred, the 133 geography of Greece 140 Greek language 141 Helen of Troy 146 Hellespont 149 helots 150 Herodotus 154 homosexuality 160–162 hoplite 163 Hyacinthos 141, 164–165, 187, 292, 325 Ionia 168 Isokrates 171 Jason (2) 175 Kimon 178 King’s Peace 178 kinship 179 Kleomenes (1) See Kleomenes (1) Laconia 187 Lelantine War 190 Leuktra 191 Lydia 194 Lykourgos (1) xviiic, 179, 194, 324–327 Lysander 195 Macedon 197 Mantineia 199 Marathon 200 Melos 206 Messenia 208 Mycenae 216 oligarchy 229 Orchomenos 233 Pausanias (2) 242 Peloponnese 244 Peloponnesian War See Peloponnesian War Perikles 253 perioikoi 254 Persian Wars 257–259 Pheidon 260 Phocis 264 Pindar 266 Plataea, Battle of 270 Polycrates 274 prostitutes 285 Pylos 287 Pyrrhus 288 religion 292 rhetoric 294 Samos 300 Sestos 309 Seven Sages, the 310 slaves 318 Socrates 319 sport 329 Taras 334 Tegea 335 Terpander 336 Thebes 340 Themistokles 342 Theramenes 344 Thermopylae 344 Thucydides (1) 350 tyrants 357 Tyrtaeus 358 warfare, land 360, 361 warfare, naval 363 women 366 spear 163–164 spells 198 Sphacteria xixc sphinx 134, 229 sport xv, 329 Alexander the Great 22 boxing 68–69, 117, 231, 238, 251, 329, 367 chariots 84 education 117 gymnasium See gymnasium Hermes 153 homosexuality 162 Isthmian Games xviiic, 91, 171, 223, 275, 296 Kleisthenes (2) 180 music 214 Nemean Games xviiic, 171, 223, 223 Nikë 224 Olympic Games See Olympic Games Panathenaic Games xviiic, 238 pankration 68, 231, 238, 251, 267, 329, 367 pentathlon 231, 251, 368 Pythian Games See Pythian Games wrestling See wrestling steam power 304 stëlë 134 Stesichorus 329––330 Electra 119 Helen of Troy 146 Himera 157 Ibycus 166 Orestes 233 Stoicism 330–331 Academy Apollodorus of Athens 36 Athens 60 Index education 118 Heraclitus 152 Herakles 152 Lyceum 193 philosophy 263 religion 293 science 303 Skepticism 316 stoneworking xv, xix Stuart, James xii stylobate 41 Sudan xv Sumium (Sounion) 324 surgery 204 sussition 327 swastikas 67 Sybaris 331 Achaea colonization 88 Croton 96 Italy 171 Poseidonia 277 symposium 331–332 Alcaeus 18 Anacreon 28 homosexuality 162 Jews 176 lyric poetry 195 music 214 Phoenicia 265 prostitutes 285 Sophokles 323 wine 365 synagogue xvi Syracuse xviic–xxc, 332–333 Agathokles 14 Akragas 17 Alcibiades 19 Athens 60 Bacchylides 63 Catana 78 colonization 88 Corcyra 90 Corinth 91 Delian League 105 Demosthenes (2) 112 Dionysius (1) See Dionysius (1) Dionysius (2) II xxc, 333 Dorian Greeks 116 Euripides 129 Gela 137 Gelon 137 Hellenistic Age 148 helots 150 Hermes 153 Hieron (1) See Hieron (1) Hieron (2) II 333 Himera 157 Italy 171 kinship 179 Locri 192 mathematics 203 Naxos (2) 223 Nikias 225 Peloponnesian War 244, 248–249 Pindar 267 Plato 272 Rhegium 293 Rome 296 science 303 Selinus 308 Sicily 312 Simonides 314 Sophokles 322 theater 339 Theocritus 342 Thucydides (1) 350 Timoleon 352 tyrants 357 warfare, naval 363 warfare, siege 365 Xenophanes 371 Syria xv, xxc T talent 334 Abdera Aegina Byzantium 71 coinage 87 Delian League 105 Gelon 137 Herodotus 154 Miltiades 210 Perikles 254 Philip II 261 Potidaea 277 Samos 300 silver 314 Thasos 337 Tantalus 12, 173, 250, 334 Taras 334–335 Italy 171 music 214 Pyrrhus 288 Pythagoras 290 Rome 295 Sparta 327 taxation xv, 243 technology xv, 304 Tegea 37, 43, 199, 328, 335 Teiresias 162, 228, 323, 336 Tekmessa 17 Telemachos 336 Homer 160 Nestor 224 Odysseus 227, 228 Penelope 251 Terpander (lyric poet) 44, 213, 301, 336 Thales xviiic, 336–337 Anaximander 29 Anaximenes 30 astronomy 55 Heraclitus 151 Ionia 167 Miletus 209 Parmenides 240 philosophy 263 science 303 Seven Sages, the 310 Thasos 337 Archilochos 40 colonization 89 Delian League 105 gold 138 painting 236 silver 314 Thrace 349 wine 365 theater xv, xvi, xixc, 337–340 Aeschylus See Aeschylus Agathon 14–15, 139, 197, 340 Aristophanes See Aristophanes Athens 58, 59 epic poetry 123 Epidaurus 125, 338 Euripides 128–129 Ion (2) 167, 323 Jews 176 Kratinus 54, 128, 185, 339 Menander xxc, 60, 207, 340 Peisistratus 243 Pergamon 252 Persian Wars 257 Phrynichus 10, 266, 339 Sophokles See Sophokles Sparta 329 Syracuse 332, 333 Thebes xxc, 340–341 Agesilaos 15 Alcmaeon (1) 20 Alexander the Great 22 Antigone 31 Apollo 36 archaeology 39 Ares 43 Athens 58 Boeotia 67 Cadmus 73 Chaironeia 81 Corinthian War 92 Demosthenes (1) 111 Dionysus 114 Epaminondas See Epaminondas epic poetry 123 Europa 130 geography of Greece 140 Herakles 152 homosexuality 162 Jason (1) 175 Jason (2) 175 King’s Peace 178 Leuktra 191 Linear B 192 Megara (1) 206 Mycenaean civilization 216 Oedipus 229 oligarchy 229 Orchomenos 232 Peloponnesian War 246 Philip II 261 Phocis 264 Pindar 266 Plataea 269 Plataea, Battle of 270 prayer 282 409 Second Athenian League 306 Seven against Thebes, the See Seven Against Thebes, the Sophokles 323 Sparta 324, 325 Tegea 335 Theseus 345 warfare, land 360 Xenophon 371 Themis 353 Themistokles xviiic, 341–342 Aegina Aeschylus 10 Athens 59 democracy 109 Ephialtes 122 ostracism 235 Perikles 253 Persian Wars 258 Piraeus 268 Prometheus 283 Salamis (1) 298 Simonides 314 warfare, naval 363 Xanthippus 370 Theocritus 342 Theognis 136, 206, 229, 343 Theogony (Hesiod) xviic afterlife 12 Cronus 96 Cyclops 98 Eros 126 fate 132 Furies 135 Gaea 136 harpies 145 Kerberos 177 Theokritus 25, 37, 38, 275 Theophrastus 193, 204, 207, 303, 343 Thera xviic, 343–344 boxing 68 colonization 89 Cyclades 96 Cyrene (1) 100 homosexuality 161 Minoan civilization 211 writing 369 Theramenes 185, 344, 348 Thermopylae xviiic, 344, 344, 345, 345 Agiad clan 15 Amphictyonic League 27 Artemision 50 Demetrius Poliorketes 109 Demosthenes (1) 111 geography of Greece 140 Kleomenes (1) 181 Locris 192 Mycenae 216 Persian Wars 257, 258 Philip II 261 Phocis 264 prophecy and divination 284 Rome 296 Salamis (1) 298 Thessaly 347 410 Index Theseus 345–347 Aegean Sea agora 16 Amazons 27 Athens 58 Bacchylides 63 battles the Minotaur 346 Castor and Polydeuces 77 Dionysus 115 Hippolytus 158 Knossos 184 Labyrinth 187 Marathon 200 Medea 204 Minoan civilization 211 myth 219 Poseidon 277 Procrustes 282 Sophokles 323 Sounion 324 Thessaly xiv, 347–348 Achaea Aeolian Greeks Agesilaos 15 Alcestis 18 Amphictyonic League 27 Anacreon 28 Apollonius 37 Artemision 50 Boeotia 68 cavalry 78 centaurs 80 chariots 83 Cyrene (2) 100 farming 131 Greek language 141 Ixion 173 Jason (1) 174 Jason (2) 175, 347 Kritias 185 Lesbos 190 Lysimachus 196 Macedon 197 Medea 203 Minyans 212 Mycenaean civilization 217 Olympia 230 Mt Olympus 232 Orchomenos 232 Peleus 242 perioikoi 254 Persian Wars 258 Philip II 261 Philip V 262 Phocis 264 Poseidon 277 Rome 296 Simonides 314 Themistokles 342 Thermopylae 344 timber 351 Zeus 374 Thetis 242 Thirty Tyrants, the xixc, 348 Athens 60 Kritias See Kritias Lysander 195 Lysias 195 Plato 271 Socrates 320 Theramenes 344 Xenophon 371 Thirty Years’ Peace, the xixc, 246 Thoegony (Hesoid) Aphrodite 34 Hesiod 155 Muses 212 Prometheus 283 Titans 353 Typhon 356 Thrace 348–349 Abdera Aegean Sea Aenus Agesilaos 15 Amphipolis 28 Anacreon 28 Antigonus (1) 31 Antiochos (2) 33 Chersonese 84 colonization 89 Darius (1) 104 Diadochi 112 Dionysus 114 gold 138 Lysimachus 196 Macedon 197 maenads 198 Odysseus 228 Orpheus 234 Persia 256 Persian Wars 257 Potidaea 277 Ptolemy (2) II 287 Samos 299 Samothrace 300 silver 314 slaves 318 Thasos 337 Thucydides (1) 349 trade 353 wine 365 Xerxes 372 Thucydides (1) (Athenian historian) xvi, xixc, 349–350 Alcibiades 18 Antiphon 33 assembly 54 Athens 60 colonization 88 Corcyra 90 democracy 109 funeral customs 134 Gorgias 139 Harmodius and Aristogeiton 144 Herodotus 155 Kleon 182 Lelantine War 190 Melos 206 Mytilene 219 names 221 Peloponnesian War 244, 249 Perikles 253 Polycrates 274 Potidaea 278 prophecy and divination 284 slaves 318 Sparta 325, 328 Themistokles 341 Thucydides (2) 351 warfare, naval 362 Xenophon 371 Thucydides (2) (Athenian politician) 351 names 221 Perikles 254 Pindar 267 Thucydides (1) 349 thunderbolt 374 timber 351 Abdera Aenus Amphipolis 28 Chalcidicë 82 colonization 89 Corcyra 89 Crete 94 Illyris 166 Potidaea 277 ships and seafaring 311 Thasos 337 Thrace 349 trade 353 Timoleon 17, 78, 313, 333, 351–352 Tiryns 352 acropolis archaeology 38 Argos 44 Bellerophon 65 Cyclops 98 geography of Greece 140 Herakles 152 Kerberos 178 Minoan civilization 211 Mycenaean civilization 216 Peloponnese 244 Perseus (1) 255 Pylos 287 Titans 352–353 afterlife 12 Atlas 61, 75, 77, 153, 353 Cronus See Cronus Gaea See Gaea Orphism 234 Prometheus 130, 228, 283, 315, 353 Themis 353 Uranus 34, 96, 98, 136, 138, 352 Zeus 374 tombs See graves and tombs trade xi, xiv, xv, xviic, 353 Abdera Aegina Aenus Aeolis Al Mina 25 Amphipolis 28 Antioch 32 Aphrodite 33 Apollonia 36 archaeology 39 aristocracy 45 Asia Minor 52 Bactria 64 black peoples 67 Black Sea 67 bronze 69 Byblos 71 Chersonese 84 coinage 87 colonization 88 Corcyra 89–90 Corinth 91 Cyclades 96 Cyprus 99 Cyrene (1) 100 Cyzicus 101 Dorian Greeks 116 Early Mediterranean Trade Routes 354m education 117 Egypt 118 Ephesos 122 Epidamnos 124 Eretria 125 Etruscans 127 Europe and Asia 130 gold 138, 139 geography of Greece 140 Hellespont 149 Hesiod 155 Ionia 167 Ionian Revolt 169 Italy 171 Jason (1) 174 Kypselos 186 Lefkandi 190 Lelantine War 190 Lesbos 190 Sea of Marmara 200 Massalia 201–202 Megara (1) 206 Miletus 209 Mycenaean civilization 216 Naukratis 222 Peloponnese 244 Peloponnesian War 246 Periander 252 Pheidon 259 Phocaea 264 Phoenicia 265 Piraeus 268 Pithecusae 269 Poseidon 276 Poseidonia 277 pottery 279 Rhodes 294 Samos 299 ships and seafaring 311 silver 314 Sinope 314 Sparta 326, 328 Sybaris 331 Index Taras 334 tyrants 357 tragedy xv, 128–129, 338, 339 trepanning 204 triglyphs 41 trireme 362, 363 Triton 276 Troilus 4, 355 Trojan War xviic, 355 Achilles Aeschylus 10 Agamemnon 13 Agathon 14 Ajax (1) 16 Ajax (2) 16 Andromache 31 Apollo 36 Asia Minor 52 Atreus 61 black peoples 66 Cassandra 77 Diomedes 113 epic poetry 123 Euripides 129 Hector 146 Helen of Troy 146 Hera 151 Herakles 153 Herodotus 154 Homer 159–160 Iphigeneia 169 Klytemnestra 182 Kratinus 185 Laocoön 188 Memnon 207 Menelaus 208 Mycenaean civilization 218 myth 219 Neoptolemos 224 Nestor 224 Odysseus 227 Paris 239 Parthenon 240 Patroklos 241–242 Penelope 251 Philoktetes 263 Polyphemos 275 Priam 282 Pylos 287 Seven against Thebes, the 309 Sophokles 323 Sparta 325 Stesichorus 329, 330 Telemachos 336 Troilus 355 Troy 356 warfare, land 359 Zeus 374 The Trojan Women (Euripides) xixc, 128, 129, 146 Troy 356 Agamemnon 13 Ajax (2) 16 Apollo 36 Apollodorus of Athens 36 archaeology 38 Asia Minor 53 Cassandra 77 Euripides 129 fate 132 Hector See Hector Hecuba 129, 146, 146, 239, 282, 355 Helen of Troy See Helen of Troy Iphigeneia 169 Klytemnestra 182 Laocoön 188 Memnon 207 Mycenae 216 Mycenaean civilization 218 Neoptolemos 224 Odysseus 227, 228 painting 236 Paris See Paris Penelope 251 Philoktetes 263 Priam See Priam Trojan War See Trojan War Zeus 374 tunic 86, 86 Typhon 136, 356–357, 374 tyrants xi, xviiic, xixc, xxc, 357 See also specific headings, e.g.: Peisistratus Agathokles 14, 14, 137, 288, 313, 333, 352, 357 Alcaeus 17 Alcibiades 19 aristocracy 45 Chilon 84 Corinth 91 Delphi 107 democracy 109 Dionysius (1) See Dionysius (1) Ephesos 122 Gela 137 Gelon See Gelon Halicarnassus 143 Hieron (1) See Hieron (1) Hippias (1) See Hippias (1) Hipponax 158 Ionian Revolt 169 Kleisthenes (1) 179 Kleisthenes (2) 179, 180–181, 221, 313, 357 Kypselos xviiic, 91, 186, 252, 357 laws and law courts 188 Megara (1) 206 Miletus 209 Mytilene 219 Naxos (2) 223 Peisistratus 242 Periander 44, 90, 91, 186, 252, 252, 310, 357 Persian Wars 257 Pheidon 44, 231, 260–261, 326 Pittacus 269 Polycrates See Polycrates Rhodes 294 Seven Sages, the 310 Sicily 312, 313 Sikyon 313 Solon 321 Timoleon 352 Tyrtaeus 195, 208, 213, 327, 358 U Underworld 143, 177–178 See also Hades Uranus Aphrodite 34 Cronus 96 Cyclops 98 Gaea 136 Giants 138 Titans 352 V vases boxing 69 Cassandra 77 clothing 86 homosexuality 160, 161 Mycenaen 360 pottery 280, 281 symposium 331 Theseus battles Minotaur 346 Ventris, Michael 192 Venus 34 Venus de Milo xii, 34, 96, 207 Vergil vessels (ceramic) See pottery virtue 330–331 vivisection (human) 205 votive offering 282 Vulcan 151 W war 43, 56, 57, 211, 318 See also specific headings, e.g.: Corinthian War warfare, land 359–362 See also specific headings, e.g.: Lelantine War Alexander the Great 22–24 cavalry See cavalry Chaironeia 81, 82 chariots 83–84 Demosthenes (2) 112 Euboea 127 Leuktra 191 Marathon 199–200 Persian Wars 257–259 Plataea, Battle of xviiic, 45, 259, 269, 270–271 Thermopylae 344–345 warfare, naval xviiic, 362–364 See also ships and seafaring Artemision 50–51 Cyzicus 101–102 Euboea 127–128 Long Walls, the 193 Peloponnesian War 244–250 Persian Wars 257–259 Salamis (1) 297–298 warfare, siege 244, 364–365 warships 311, 362–363 water supplies xiv 411 weapons bronze 69, 70 catapult 364–365 cavalry 79 hoplite 163–164 iron 170 pike 361 spear 163–164 warfare, land 360 white-ground technique (pottery) 281 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim xii wine xv, 365 Aegina Akragas 17 Alcaeus 18 Anacreon 28 Archilochos 40 centaurs 80 Chios 85 Cyclades 96 Demetrius Poliorketes 109 Etruscans 127 food and meals 132 Ion (2) 167 Jews 176 Knidos 183 Massalia 202 Polyphemos 275 satyrs 302 symposium 331, 332 theater 338 Thrace 348 timber 351 trade 353 women xvi, 366, 367 See also specific headings, e.g.: Penelope abortion 66 Achilles Adonis Alcibiades 18 Alexander the Great 22 Amazons 27 archon 43 Argos 44 Aristophanes 46–47 Artemis 50 Athena 57 Athenspasia 54 beauty ideal of 366 birth control 66 caryatid 77 Chalcidicë 82 Corinna 68, 90 council 93 Electra 119 Eleusinian Mysteries 120 Epicureanism 124 Erinna 126 festival for food and meals 132 funeral customs 134 Hera 151 Herodotus 155 heterosexuality 156 homosexuality 160–162 412 Index women (continued) Jason (1) 174 kinship 179 maenads 198 marriage See marriage Minoan civilization 211 names 221 Neoptolemos 224 Olympic Games 231 Peloponnesian War 247 prostitutes See prostitutes Pythagoras 289 Samothrace 301 Sappho See Sappho Semonides 309 slaves 317 Sparta 327 sport 329 Stoicism 330 symposium 331 Teiresias 336 theater 339 Works and Days (Hesoid) xviic, 55, 155 wrestling 367, 368, 368 Ajax (1) 16 boxing 68 Croton 96 education 117 gymnasium 141 Hermes 153 Olympic Games 231 pankration 238 Peleus 242 pentathlon 251 Pindar 267 sport 329 writing 368–369 See also alphabet; Linear B Byblos 71 education 117 laws and law courts 188 Linear A 211, 368 Linear B 192 Minoan civilization 211 Mycenaean civilization 217 X Xanthippus 370 Alcmaeonids 20 Anacreon 28 Miltiades 210 Mycalë 215 ostracism 235 Perikles 253 Persian Wars 259 Xenophanes 370–371 Parmenides 239 prophecy and divination 284 religion 292, 293 Zeus 374 Xenophon xvi, xxc, 371–372 Agesilaos 15 Alcibiades 18 cavalry 78 Corinthian War 92 Cyrus (1) 101 homosexuality 160, 162 hoplite 164 Kritias 185 Leuktra 191 Peloponnesian War 245 Potidaea 278 Socrates 319, 320 Sparta 325 Theramenes 344 Thucydides (1) 350 Xerxes (king of Persia) 372 Abdera Aegina Aeschylus 10 Alexander the Great 22, 24 Argos 44 Aristides 45 Artemision 50, 51 Athens 59, 60 black peoples 66 Corinth 91 Darius (1) 104 Demokritos 110 Gelon 137 Halicarnassus 143 Herodotus 154 Jews 175 Megara (1) 206 Olynthos 232 Persian Wars 257–258 Plataea 269 Plataea, Battle of 270 Salamis (1) 297, 298 Samos 299 Sestos 309 Simonides 314 Thebes 340 Themistokles 342 Thermopylae 344, 345 Xanthippus 370 Z Zagreus 234 Zaleucus 188 Zanclë 373 Chalis 83 colonization 88 Cumae 97 Himera 157 Rhegium 293 Zeno 330 Zeus 189, 373–374 Adonis Aegina Alexander the Great 22 Alexandria (1) 25 Aphrodite 33 Apollo 35 Ares 43 Artemis 49 Artemision 51 Asklepios 51 Athena 56, 57 Atlas 61 Bellerophon 65 black peoples 67 Bosporus 68 bronze 70 Cadmus 73 Callimachus 75 Calypso 75 Castor and Polydeuces 77 centaurs 80 coinage 88 Crete 95 Cronus 96 Cyclops 98 Demeter 108 Dionysus 114 Dodona 115 Eleusinian Mysteries 120 Elis 120 Epirus 125 Europa 129–130 fate 132 Ganymede 136 Giants 138 Hades 143 Helen of Troy 146 Helios 147 Hephaistos 150 Hera 151 Herakles 152, 153 Hermes 153 Hesiod 155 Hestia 156 Hippolytus 158 homosexuality 163 Io 167 Ixion 173 Jason (1) 174, 175 Jews 176 kinship 179 Klytemnestra 182 Leda 189 Locri 192 magic 198 Memnon 207 Minos 212 Muses 212 Nemean Games 223 Neoptolemos 224 Nikë 224 Niobë 225 nymphs 226 Odysseus 228 Olympia 230 Olympic Games 231 Mt Olympus 232 Orphism 234 Parthenon 240 Peleus 242 Pelops 250 Pergamon 252 Persephone 255 Perseus (1) 255 Pheidias 260, 261 Phoenicia 265 Pindar 267 Polykleitos 274 Poseidon 275 Praxiteles 281 Priam 282 Prometheus 283 prophecy and divination 283 religion 291, 292 sacrifice 297 Salamis (2) 299 sculpture 305, 306 Selinus 308 Seven Wonders of the World, the 310 Sisyphus 315 Syracuse 333 Tantalus 334 Teiresias 336 timber 351 Titans 352 Typhon 356, 357 Zeus, Temple of Akragas 17 Dodona 115 Herakles 153 Nemean Games 223 Pelops 250 Syracuse 333 ... such as this Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World, are necessary and valuable for the same reason The original format of David Sacks’s Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World has not been altered... Battles of Thermopylae and Artemision The Persians occupy Attica and sack the Acropolis in Athens The Greeks defeat the Persians at the Battle of Salamis The Greeks defeat the Persians at the Battles... in the second half of the fifth century B.C.E., remains partially standing today The most famous of these buildings is the PARTHENON, the temple of ATHENA Parthenos (the maiden) In terms of natural

Ngày đăng: 03/09/2020, 15:12

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