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Hello? Yeah, this is The Net Café… You want to talk to Becca? Sorry, she’s not here … Sure, no problem Bye Aaron Harris! Oh! Hi, Becca Do you always answer the phone like that? Sometimes That’s not the way to answer the phone at work! You should say,” Thanh you for calling The Net Café.This is Aaron…” I know.” But what I said was OK, right? I was friendly Yes, but you were so informal! Custommers like friendly workers! We’re supposed to bbe friendly anh professional Oh, OK I mean it, Aaron I wouldn’t want to have to tell our boss about this You’d tell Ron I don’t answer the phone well enough? I will if I have to All right then! Don’t worry, sis I’ll be so professional that every will be happy! I hope so! OK, Aaron! Thank you for calling The Net Café This is Aaron How may I help you? Much better! Yes, Becca is available May I ask who is calling? …One moment, please Here you go It’s a customer She wants to talk to the manager Hello, this is Becca Harris …Oh! Hi, Mom! May I use your phone a minute? Sure Thank you for calling The Net Café This is Aaron How may I help you? Aaron, I’d like to speak to the manager I’m sorry, Becca is not available right now May I take a message? No, thanks I’ll call back later Goodbye Becca, why did you call Aaron? And why did you use a different voice? I wanted to see how Aaron answers the phone Sometimes he’s not very professional Did he a good job just now? (2:25) Yes, he was very professional and polite! I want to call him Jeff! What are you going to do? Don’t worry, Mia Aaron won’t even know it’s me Honey, aren’t you a little old to make prank calls? These aren’t prank calls They’re… tests Hello Net Café What specials will you have next week? Put him on speakerphone! OK! I’ll check for you, sir May I put you on hold? Sure Wow, becca, he’s very polite! Yes, he is I guess he really listened to me! Yeah Actually, it’s really cute I know! I want to call him next! Sure! So you, Jeff and Mia all called Aaron? But he didn’t know it was you? Right Aaron told me the café phone rang a lot last night Now I know why! I can’t believe you three made prank calls! They weren’t prank calls I wanted to test Aaron to see how he answers the phone I want to call him! … Hello? Is Becca there? I’m sorry, she’s not available right now Would you like to leave a message? Can you tell her Ella Pettis called? Sure Can you spell your last name for me? Hey! Amber? Is that you? Uh, no Oops! I can’t believe you had all those people call me! Well, you did a good job! Great Thank you for calling The Net Café What? Ron? Hah! Is this Jeff? Nick? Goodbye! You got another prank call? Funny! I can’t believe Becca told people to call me! Aaron, Ron just called my cell phone No, he didn’t Yes, he did! Look at the caller ID! He wants to know why you just up on him (5:23) Please subscribe! Buses 27,36,52 and 99 stop near the university of south florida Do any of those stop near Beach street? Leet’s see .no, they don’t Then you’ll have to transfer Buses 11 and 87 stop on Beach street Then you’ll have to take one op those first Hey!Bus 11 and Bus 52 both stop on market street Hi,claire! How was riding the bus? It was easy.Catching the bus and transferring was no problem How long did it take to get to school? It only took 30 minutes.When I drive,it sometimes takes tonger than that! So will you ride the bus all the time,now? Yes,I will! For the next two weeks! Hi,rita What can I get for you? I’ve been dreaming about a hot chocolate all day Well,I’m glad I can make your dream come true! Me,too! So how have you been? Good!It’s been nice spending more time with amber Year.It’s good you and amber are becoming better firiends Here’s your hot chocolate Thanks Amber and I have had our challenges But things are looking up now My mom and I weren’t always close I’m sad we didn’t become friends sooner But you’re close now? Oh,yes! Maybe one day amber will think of me as a good friend Mabe she already does (8:33) Amber,thanks for watching the store after school today No problem Ishould have gone to the post office yesterday But I didn’t.So thanks again for your help Sure Never wait till the last minute! So where are you going? I want to catch my mom before she leaves work I hope we can go get some coffee torether Sounds good.Have fun! Ok See you tomorrow,greg Mom! Oh!Hi,honey What are you doing? I was just wondering if you’d like to get some coffee Sure! Mom,you’re so funny! You’re too nice I’m glad we’re friends,Mom Really? Yes.I hope some day I can be a great mom like you Thanks,amber It’s so nice to hear you say that I like spending time with you It’s too bad we didn’t spend more time together before now I feel the same way So how was school today? Ok.I saw ryan He asked me to go see a movie with him What did you say? Well,I remembered what Mia told me… But we need to be wise about what we try I’ve tried being friends with ryan And it’s not wise So I told him “no” I’m glad you haven’t had second thoughts about breaking up with ryan I feel bad about not talking to him much anymore But I know that’s what is best for me Have you been able to make some new friends this year Oh,yeah! There’s this girl,Judy She’s so much fun I’m glad you’re making new friends I’m impressed with hith how Much you’ve changed this year Well, I’ve done some things Ishould’t… Saying you’re sick when you’re not isn’t wrong? Oh That I felt really guilti about that But then you did the right thing And learned from your mistake And now Liz and I are really good friends! Working at the stop ‘n’ shop has been Really good for you I regret I didn’t something like that When I was your age It’s been fun The break-in really shook me up, though I want you to know that I’m sorry I didn’t trust you I know, Mom But I was so impressed With how you responded Well… You’ve all given me a scond chance before I gust it’s my turn I forgive you You’re a great daughter, Amber Really, No regrets, huh? Well, maybe one What? You’re so special I regret We didn’t have more children! Yeah! A brother would have been cool! Well, maybe jeff and Mia Will have a little boy one day You can play with him Yeah, right! Aeron, can you give me that lemon? Sure What’s the lemon for? I’m making a sauce for the salmon Oh, that sounds geat Claire will love it! Well, let’s hope she loves you! Oh, right Do you think she does? I hope so You two would be cute together Aaron, the salmon is great You have to give me the recipe Sure Claire, I And how did you cook the vegetables? They’re delicious! Oh, I just steamed them Claire, I Aaron, I’m glad you Asked me over for dinner Thank you Thanks for coming I need to talk to you about something OK What? There’s this guy I really like… Yes? We’re becoming close friends We are I mean I’m sure you are I think this guy likes me, too He does I mean I’m sure he does Do you think I should tell him how I feel? Yes! Really? OK I’ll talk to Graham tomorrow Thanks, Aaron You’re great friend! Thanks… who’s Graham? All of these universities look good, Aaron That’s because these Catalogs make them all look good How can I know which university best for me? You should talk to more people about this They’ll have some good ideas for you I will, but not yet I don’t know if I’ll get in to any of these schools I’m sure you will Thanks, Jeff What about this school? Westside University? I like Westside because they have a new computer lab Are the academics good at Westside? They’re Ok I also like the University of South Florida It’s close to home And that’s where Claire goes to school Yeah I still can’t belive she likes someone else I’m sorry, Aaron I’ll be Ok Come in! Hi, Claire 10 Needing a word of joy and cheer It’s up to you It’s up to me To be there when we see a need It’s up to you It’s up to me To reach out with a loving hand To be the one who understands It’s up to you It’s up to me To be there when we see a need It’s up to you It’s up to me To reach out with a loving hand To be the one who understands You understands I understands To be the one who understands Can I Pay with a credit card? How much is the computer? It’s 2,000 Can I pay with a credit card? I don’t know Ask the salesman What I ask him? Ask him, “Can I pay with a credit card?” Oh,OK I will ask him What did he say? 28 Can I pay with a credit card? Yes,you can pay with a credit card Great! Rich(adj) Kyle must be rich.He just bought a new sports car! The earlietr you start the better The earlier you start, the better Do you have any money? (1:26:04) Andrea Gabe Kelly’s dad gave gave her a grand party for her 16th birthday Hector plans to stay in Paris, so he is looking for a hotel Grand (adj) Hotel(n) Floor(n) Balcony(n) Banquet(n) grand(adj) Comfortable(adj) Floor(n) Balcony (n) How many floors does the hotel have ? Floor Balcony(n) Banquet (n) Restaurant (n) Banquet (n) calendar phrase 29 I’ll pay for you Marie, you want a tea ? No, Jonh I forgot my money Oh, I’ll pay for you No, that’s OK No, I’ll pay for you But I’m not thirsty Come on I’ll pay for you What you want? Thanks, john! (end) What time does the show star? It starts at 10 What time does the flight leave? It leaves at What’s this? This is a computer Are you hungry? Yes,I’m starving Are you allergic to anything? Yes,I’m allergic to cats How was the trip? It was so fun! When is your birthday? January 1st Where is the closest train station? Over there Where is the closest restaurant? There is one over there Where is it? 30 I don’t know where it is Do you have a lot money? No,I don’t Do you want to see a movie tonight? Sure,sounds good What’s the date today? Today is May 1st Do you want coffee or tea? Coffee,please Do you drink coffee? No,I don’t Are you thirsty? Alittle Do you want something to drink? Some tea would be great! What you want to eat? Some fruit? Do you like indian food? I love Indian food! Do you drive a car? Yes.It’s a truck Are you ok? Yeah, I’m fine Do you feel sick? No,I feel fine Are you sick? Yeah, I have a slight cold How you fell today? 31 I feel great today When are you leaving? I’m leaving on Monday What time are you leaving? I’m leaving at o’clock Where are your friends? They went to the restaurant Where there a lot of people there? No,only like 10 What are you looking at? I’m looking at a map of the city? What are you watching the TV Do you know what this thing is? No, I don’t Is it going to be sunny today? No,the forecast says it is going to be rainy How old are you? Im 21 years old Do you often go abroad? Several times a years Have you ever been to the USA Not yet Are you ready for shopping now? Yes,but a little later How did you get here? By taxi What you usually in the mornings? I usually prepare for my work 32 How I get to the station? Just go along the street and then turn left Can we discuss it now? Sure Where are you from? I’m from India What kind of books you prefer to read? I like modern literature What are you keen on? I’m keen on music and reading Do you live in a house or a flat? I live in a house Will it be hot tomorrow? I think so, yes Is this seat taken? Sorry, it’s taken How’s life? Not too bad.you? Do you like listening to music? It’s my passion I often listen to music when I other things Won’t you come and see me tomorrow? I’d be glad to Can you talk to me now? Ok, good Could you tell me the time, please? It’s o”clock in the afternoon Is this your bag? No, it isn’t 33 What are you fond of? I’m fond of sport Have you ever been to America? I’ve been three times Can you call me? Ok, no problem Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, I Ihave brothers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08Hn55cqH-A Hi, Becca Hey, Claire! Good to see you! Where were you this weekend? What? We talked about taking in a movie On Saturday, remember? But you never came over Oh, right Sorry about that Claire? Is something bothering bothering you? Um It’s OK You don’t have to share if you don’t want to Well You know we just found out Aaron’s going to college? Yes I was sad all weekend! I’m really going to miss Aaron Really? 34 Yes He’s such a good friend! But you have a boyfriend I know Graham is great! But But what? Do you like Aaron better than Graham? Would you rather date Aaron? Oh! I didn’t mean that Claire, can I ask you something? Sure What don’t you like about Aaron? What? Aaron’s a great guy! I like him a lot Then why don’t you want to date him? I don’t know I never thought about that before Oh! I prefer older guys, Anyway, I don’t think Aaron is interested in me Hi, Becca Hi, Claire Oh Hi, Aaron! We were just talking about you! Oh, really? Yes I’m excited for you About going to college? Yes We’ll miss you But I know this is the best thing for you I guess so 35 Will you miss Becca, too? Miss Becca? Why? Becca, are you going somewhere? Maybe I might move to Atlanta (2:02) To work at Net Café headquarters Really? Wow! Don’t you like working here? (2:05) I Of course, I dislike some things about it, too Well, that will be true of any job Right But I don’t want to work here forever Lunderstand And you could probably Learn a lot at headquarters True But will I like it? I’m not sure Do you prefer working with customers or in an office? I don’t khow I never worked in an office Oh I’d rather work with customers I don’t like sitting at desk all day! That’s one difference between you and me! You’ll spend lots of time at a desk in college, Aaron! True Hey Becca If you leave, can I manage The Net Café? Hi, guys 36 Hi, Rita Can I help you? No I just needed five minutes away from work Jeff can be really serious sometimes I khow what you mean Maybe Brazil would be nice Greg, I thought we weren’t telling people yet Telling people what? Oh Nothing Why you two look so nervos? Nervous? We’re not nervous What is going on?! Do you want to tell her or should I tell her? You tell her I think you should Then why did you ask if I should_ Guys! One of you had better tell me, or I will be very disappointed OK, We’ll tell you Wildife Magazine offered Greg a job in Brazil What?! I sent them pictures from our trip I just hoped they’d like them And they did! That’s great, Greg! But you two really want to live in Brazil? It would be a big change I’ve never thought of leaving the U.S 37 But it would be an adventure And you khow I like a good adventure We’re not sure if we’re going or not Aargh! I don’t want to play anymore I hate this game!(6;34) I wwant to go college But I still have so many questions to answer Like what ? Hi, becca Hey, Claire! Good to see you! Where were you this weekend? What? We talked about taking in a movie On Saturday, remember? But you never came over Oh, right Sorry about that Claire? is something bothering you? Um… It’s ok You don’t have to share if you don’t want to Well… You know we just found out Aaron’s going to college? Yes I was sad all weekend! I’m really going to miss aaron Really? 38 Yes he’s such a good firend! (0:39) But you have a boyfriend I know Graham is great! But… But what? Do you like Aaron better than Graham Would you rather date Aaron? Oh! I didn’t mean that Claire, can I ask you something? Sure What don’t you like about Aaron? What? Aaron’s a great guy! I like him a lot Then why don’t you want to date him? I don’t know I never thought about that before Oh! I prefer older guys Anyway, I don’t think Aaron is interested in me Hi, Beeca Hi, Claire Oh Hi, Aaron! We were just talking about you! Oh, really? Yes I’m excited for you About going to college? Yes We’ll miss you but I know this is the best thing for you (1:47) 39 I guess so Will you miss Becca, too? Miss Becca? Why? Becca, are you going somewhere? Maybe I might move to Atlanta to work at Net Café headquarters Really? Wow! Don Well, that will be true of any job Right But I don’t want to work here forever Hi, Bacca Hey, Claire! Good to see you! Where were you this weekend? What? We talked about taking in a movie On Saturday, remember? But you never came over Oh, right Sorry about that Claire? Is something bothering you? Um… It’s OK You don’t have to share if you don’t want to Well… You know we just found out Aaron’s going to college? Yes I was sad all weekend! I’m really going to miss Aaron Really? Yes He’s such a good friend! 40 But you have a boyfriend I know Graham is great! But… But what? Do you like Aaron better than Graham? Would you rather date Aaron? Oh! I didn’t mean that (1:00) Claire, can I ask you something Sure What don’t you like about Aaron? What? Aaron’s a great guy! I like him a lot Then why don’t you want to date him? I don’t know I never thought about that before Oh! I prefer older guys Anyway, I don’t think Aaron is interestinged in me Hi, Becca Hi, Claire Oh Hi, Aaron! We were just talking about you ! Oh, really? Yes I’m excited for you About going to college? Yes We’ll miss you But I know this is the best thing for you I guess so 41 Will you miss Becca,too? Miss Becca? Why? Becca, are you going somewhere? Maybe I might move to Atlanta To work at Net Café headquarters Really? Wow! Don’t you like working here? I Of course I dislike some things about it, too Well,that will be true of any job Right But I don’t want to work here forever I understand And you could probably Learn a lot at headquarters 2:28 42

Ngày đăng: 14/02/2020, 14:59

