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Ebook Microeconomic theory - Basic principles and extensions (11th edition): Part 1

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(BQ) Part 1 book Microeconomic theory - Basic principles and extensions has contents: Economic models, mathematics for microeconomics, preferences and utility, utility maximization and choice, income and substitution effects, demand relationships among goods, profit maximization,...and other contents.

This page intentionally left blank MICROECONOMIC THEORY This is an electronic version of the print textbook Due to electronic rights restrictions, some third party content may be suppressed Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience The publisher reserves the right to remove content from this title at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it For valuable information on pricing, previous editions, changes to current editions, and alternate formats, please visit www.cengage.com/highered to search by ISBN#, author, title, or keyword for materials in your areas of interest Microeconomic Theory Basic Principles and Extensions ELEVENTH EDITION WALTER NICHOLSON Amherst College CHRISTOPHER SNYDER Dartmouth College Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions, Eleventh Edition Walter Nicholson, Christopher Snyder VP/Editorial Director: Jack W Calhoun Publisher: Joe Sabatino Sr Acquisitions Editor: Steve Scoble Sr Developmental Editor: Susanna C Smart Marketing Manager: Nathan Anderson Sr Content Project Manager: Cliff Kallemeyn Media Editor: Sharon Morgan Sr Frontlist Buyer: Kevin Kluck Sr Marketing Communications Manager: Sarah Greber ª 2012, 2008 South-Western, Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher For product information and technology assistance, contact us at Cengage Learning Customer & Sales Support, 1-800-354-9706 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Abby, Nate, and Christopher To Maura This page intentionally left blank About the authors Walter Nicholson is the Ward H Patton Professor of Economics at Amherst College He received a B.A in mathematics from Williams College and a Ph.D in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Professor Nicholson’s primary research interests are in the econometric analyses of labor market problems, including welfare, unemployment, and the impact of international trade For many years, he has been Senior Fellow at Mathematica, Inc and has served as an advisor to the U.S and Canadian governments He and his wife, Susan, live in Naples, Florida, and Amherst, Massachusetts Christopher M Snyder is a Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College He received his B.A in economics and mathematics from Fordham University and his Ph.D in economics from MIT He is Research Associate in the National Bureau of Economic Research, a member of the Industrial Organization Society board, and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Industrial Organization and Review of Industrial Organization His research covers various theoretical and empirical topics in industrial organization, contract theory, and law and economics Professor Snyder and his wife Maura Doyle (who also teaches economics at Dartmouth) live within walking distance of campus in Hanover, New Hampshire, with their three school-aged daughters Professors Nicholson and Snyder are also the authors of Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application (Cengage Learning, 2010) vii This page intentionally left blank 392 Part 4: Production and Supply FIGURE 11.5 The Substitution and Output Effects of a Decrease in the Price of a Factor When the price of labor falls, two analytically different effects come into play One of these, the substitution effect, would cause more labor to be purchased if output were held constant This is shown as a movement from point A to point B in (a) At point B, the cost-minimizing condition (RTS ¼ w/v) is satisfied for the new, lower w This change in w/v will also shift the firm’s expansion path and its marginal cost curve A normal situation might be for the MC curve to shift downward in response to a decrease in w as shown in (b) With this new curve (MC ) a higher level of output (q2) will be chosen Consequently, the hiring of labor will increase (to l2), also from this output effect k per period Price MC MC′ k1 k2 A C q2 B P q1 l1 l2 (a) The isoquant map l per period q1 q2 Output per period (b) The output decision other than q1 will be chosen Figure 11.5b shows what might be considered the ‘‘normal’’ case There, the fall in w causes MC to shift downward to MC Consequently, the profitmaximizing level of output rises from q1 to q2 The profit-maximizing condition (P ¼ MC) is now satisfied at a higher level of output Returning to Figure 11.5a, this increase in output will cause even more l to be demanded as long as l is not an inferior input (see below) The result of both the substitution and output effects will be to move the input choice to point C on the firm’s isoquant map Both effects work to increase the quantity of labor hired in response to a decrease in the real wage The analysis provided in Figure 11.5 assumed that the market price (or marginal revenue, if this does not equal price) of the good being produced remained constant This would be an appropriate assumption if only one firm in an industry experienced a fall in unit labor costs However, if the decline were industry wide, then a slightly different analysis would be required In that case, all firms’ marginal cost curves would shift outward, and hence the industry supply curve (which as we will see in the next chapter is the sum of firm’s individual supply curves) would shift also Assuming that output demand is downward sloping, this will lead to a decline in product price Output for the industry and for the typical firm will still increase and (as before) more labor will be hired, but the precise cause of the output effect is different (see Problem 11.11) Cross-price effects We have shown that, at least in simple cases, @l/@w is unambiguously negative; substitution and output effects cause more labor to be hired when the wage rate falls From Figure 11.5 it should be clear that no definite statement can be made about how capital usage responds to the wage change That is, the sign of @k/@w is indeterminate In the simple two-input case, a fall in the wage will cause a substitution away from capital; that Chapter 11: Prof it Maximization 393 is, less capital will be used to produce a given output level However, the output effect will cause more capital to be demanded as part of the firm’s increased production plan Thus, substitution and output effects in this case work in opposite directions, and no definite conclusion about the sign of @k/@w is possible A summary of substitution and output effects The results of this discussion can be summarized by the following principle OPTIMIZATION PRINCIPLE Substitution and output effects in input demand When the price of an input falls, two effects cause the quantity demanded of that input to rise: the substitution effect causes any given output level to be produced using more of the input; and the fall in costs causes more of the good to be sold, thereby creating an additional output effect that increases demand for the input Conversely, when the price of an input rises, both substitution and output effects cause the quantity demanded of the input to decline We now provide a more precise development of these concepts using a mathematical approach to the analysis A mathematical development Our mathematical development of the substitution and output effects that arise from the change in an input price follows the method we used to study the effect of price changes in consumer theory The final result is a Slutsky-style equation that resembles the one we derived in Chapter However, the ambiguity stemming from Giffen’s paradox in the theory of consumption demand does not occur here We start with a reminder that we have two concepts of demand for any input (say, labor): (1) the conditional demand for labor, denoted by lc(v, w, q); and (2) the unconditional demand for labor, which is denoted by l(P, v, w) At the profit-maximizing choice for labor input, these two concepts agree about the amount of labor hired The two concepts also agree on the level of output produced (which is a function of all the prices): lP, v, wị ẳ l c v, w, qP, v, wÞÞ: (11:52) Differentiation of this expression with respect to the wage (and holding the other prices constant) yields @lðP, v, wÞ @l c ðv, w, qÞ @l c ðv, w, qị @qP, v, wị ẳ ỵ : @w @w @q @w (11:53) Thus, the effect of a change in the wage on the demand for labor is the sum of two components: a substitution effect in which output is held constant; and an output effect in which the wage change has its effect through changing the quantity of output that the firm opts to produce The first of these effects is clearly negative—because the production function is quasi-concave (i.e., it has convex isoquants), the output-contingent demand for labor must be negatively sloped Figure 11.5b provides an intuitive illustration of why the output effect in Equation 11.53 is negative, but it can hardly be called a proof The particular complicating factor is the possibility that the input under consideration (here, labor) may be inferior Perhaps oddly, inferior inputs also have negative output effects, but for rather 394 Part 4: Production and Supply arcane reasons that are best relegated to a footnote.15 The bottom line, however, is that Giffen’s paradox cannot occur in the theory of the firm’s demand for inputs: Input demand functions are unambiguously downward sloping In this case, the theory of profit maximization imposes more restrictions on what might happen than does the theory of utility maximization In Example 11.5 we show how decomposing input demand into its substitution and output components can yield useful insights into how changes in input prices affect firms EXAMPLE 11.5 Decomposing Input Demand into Substitution and Output Components To study input demand we need to start with a production function that has two features: (1) The function must permit capital–labor substitution (because substitution is an important part of the story); and (2) the production function must exhibit increasing marginal costs (so that the second-order conditions for profit maximization are satisfied) One function that satisfies these conditions is a three-input Cobb–Douglas function when one of the inputs is held fixed Thus, let q ¼ f (k, l, g) ¼ k0.25l 0.25g0.5, where k and l are the familiar capital and labor inputs and g is a third input (size of the factory) that is held fixed at g ¼ 16 (square meters?) for all our analysis Therefore, the short-run production function is q ¼ 4k0.25l 0.25 We assume that the factory can be rented at a cost of r per square meter per period To study the demand for (say) labor input, we need both the total cost function and the profit function implied by this production function Mercifully, your author has computed these functions for you as C ðv, w, r, qÞ ẳ q2 v 0:5 w 0:5 ỵ 16r (11:54) and PP, v, w, rị ẳ 2P v0:5 w0:5 À 16r: (11:55) As expected, the costs of the fixed input ( g) enter as a constant in these equations, and these costs will play little role in our analysis Envelope results Labor-demand relationships can be derived from both of these functions through differentiation: @C q v 0:5 wÀ0:5 ¼ 16 @w (11:56) @P ¼ P vÀ0:5 wÀ1:5 : @w (11:57) l c v, w, r, qị ẳ and lP, v, w, rị ẳ These functions already suggest that a change in the wage has a larger effect on total labor demand than it does on contingent labor demand because the exponent of w is more negative in the total demand equation That is, the output effect must also play a role here To see that directly, we turn to some numbers 15 In words, an increase in the price of an inferior reduces marginal cost and thereby increases output But when output increases, less of the inferior input is hired Hence the end result is a decrease in quantity demanded in response to an increase in price A formal proof makes extensive use of envelope relationships The output effect equals  c 2  c 2   @l c @q @l c @ P @l c @l @l @q @l @ P ¼À Á Á , Á Á Á À ¼ ¼ ¼À @q @w @q @w @P @q @q @q @P @P @P where the first step holds by Equation 11.52, the second by Equation 11.29, the third by Young’s theorem and Equation 11.31, the fourth by Equation 11.52, and the last by Equation 11.29 But the convexity of the profit function in output prices implies the last factor is positive, so the whole expression is clearly negative Chapter 11: Prof it Maximization 395 Numerical example Let’s start again with the assumed values that we have been using in several previous examples: v ¼ 3, w ¼ 12, and P ¼ 60 Let’s first calculate what output the firm will choose in this situation To so, we need its supply function: qP, v, w, rị ẳ @P ẳ 4Pv0:5 w0:5 : @P (11:58) With this function and the prices we have chosen, the firm’s profit-maximizing output level is (surprise) q ¼ 40 With these prices and an output level of 40, both of the demand functions predict that the firm will hire l ¼ 50 Because the RTS here is given by k/l, we also know that k/l ¼ w/v; therefore, at these prices k ¼ 200 Suppose now that the wage rate rises to w ¼ 27 but that the other prices remain unchanged The firm’s supply function (Equation 11.58) shows that it will now produce q ¼ 26.67 The rise in the wage shifts the firm’s marginal cost curve upward, and with a constant output price, this causes the firm to produce less To produce this output, either of the labor-demand functions can be used to show that the firm will hire l ¼ 14.8 Hiring of capital will also fall to k ¼ 133.3 because of the large reduction in output We can decompose the fall in labor hiring from l ¼ 50 to l ¼ 14.8 into substitution and output effects by using the contingent demand function If the firm had continued to produce q ¼ 40 even though the wage rose, Equation 11.56 shows that it would have used l ¼ 33.33 Capital input would have increased to k ¼ 300 Because we are holding output constant at its initial level of q ¼ 40, these changes represent the firm’s substitution effects in response to the higher wage The decline in output needed to restore profit maximization causes the firm to cut back on its output In doing so it substantially reduces its use of both inputs Notice in particular that, in this example, the rise in the wage not only caused labor usage to decline sharply but also caused capital usage to fall because of the large output effect QUERY: How would the calculations in this problem be affected if all firms had experienced the rise in wages? Would the decline in labor (and capital) demand be greater or smaller than found here? SUMMARY In this chapter we studied the supply decision of a profitmaximizing firm Our general goal was to show how such a firm responds to price signals from the marketplace In addressing that question, we developed a number of analytical results • To maximize profits, the firm should choose to produce that output level for which marginal revenue (the revenue from selling one more unit) is equal to marginal cost (the cost of producing one more unit) • If a firm is a price-taker, then its output decisions not affect the price of its output; thus, marginal revenue is given by this price If the firm faces a downwardsloping demand for its output, however, then it can sell more only at a lower price In this case marginal revenue will be less than price and may even be negative • Marginal revenue and the price elasticity of demand are related by the formula   MR ¼ P þ , eq, p where P is the market price of the firm’s output and eq, p is the price elasticity of demand for its product • The supply curve for a price-taking, profit-maximizing firm is given by the positively sloped portion of its marginal cost curve above the point of minimum average variable cost (AVC) If price falls below minimum AVC, the firm’s profit-maximizing choice is to shut down and produce nothing • The firm’s reactions to changes in the various prices it faces can be studied through use of its profit function, P(P, v, w) That function shows the maximum profits 396 Part 4: Production and Supply that the firm can achieve given the price for its output, the prices of its input, and its production technology The profit function yields particularly useful envelope results Differentiation with respect to market price yields the supply function, whereas differentiation with respect to any input price yields (the negative of ) the demand function for that input • Short-run changes in market price result in changes to the firm’s short-run profitability These can be measured graphically by changes in the size of producer surplus The profit function can also be used to calculate changes in producer surplus • Profit maximization provides a theory of the firm’s derived demand for inputs The firm will hire any input up to the point at which its marginal revenue product is just equal to its per-unit market price Increases in the price of an input will induce substitution and output effects that cause the firm to reduce hiring of that input PROBLEMS 11.1 John’s Lawn Mowing Service is a small business that acts as a price-taker (i.e., MR ¼ P ) The prevailing market price of lawn mowing is $20 per acre John’s costs are given by total cost ẳ 0:1q ỵ 10q ỵ 50, where q ¼ the number of acres John chooses to cut a day a How many acres should John choose to cut to maximize profit? b Calculate John’s maximum daily profit c Graph these results, and label John’s supply curve 11.2 Universal Widget produces high-quality widgets at its plant in Gulch, Nevada, for sale throughout the world The cost function for total widget production (q) is given by total cost ¼ 0.25q2 Widgets are demanded only in Australia (where the demand curve is given by qA ¼ 100 À 2PA) and Lapland (where the demand curve is given by qL ¼ 100 À 4PL); thus, total demand equals q ẳ qA ỵ qL If Universal Widget can control the quantities supplied to each market, how many should it sell in each location to maximize total profits? What price will be charged in each location? 11.3 The production function for a firm in the business of calculator assembly is given by pffi q ¼ l, where q denotes finished calculator output and l denotes hours of labor input The firm is a price-taker both for calculators (which sell for P) and for workers (which can be hired at a wage rate of w per hour) a b c d e What is the total cost function for this firm? What is the profit function for this firm? What is the supply function for assembled calculators [q(P, w)]? What is this firm’s demand for labor function [l(P, w)]? Describe intuitively why these functions have the form they 11.4 The market for high-quality caviar is dependent on the weather If the weather is good, there are many fancy parties and caviar sells for $30 per pound In bad weather it sells for only $20 per pound Caviar produced one week will not keep until the next week A small caviar producer has a cost function given by Chapter 11: Prof it Maximization 397 C ẳ 0.5q2 ỵ 5q ỵ 100, where q is weekly caviar production Production decisions must be made before the weather (and the price of caviar) is known, but it is known that good weather and bad weather each occur with a probability of 0.5 a How much caviar should this firm produce if it wishes to maximize the expected value of its profits? b Suppose the owner of this firm has a utility function of the form pffiffiffi utility ¼ p, where p is weekly profits What is the expected utility associated with the output strategy defined in part (a)? c Can this firm owner obtain a higher utility of profits by producing some output other than that specified in parts (a) and (b)? Explain d Suppose this firm could predict next week’s price but could not influence that price What strategy would maximize expected profits in this case? What would expected profits be? 11.5 The Acme Heavy Equipment School teaches students how to drive construction machinery The number of students that the school can educate per week is given by q ¼ 10 min(k, l )r, where k is the number of backhoes the firm rents per week, l is the number of instructors hired each week, and g is a parameter indicating the returns to scale in this production function a b c d e Explain why development of a profit-maximizing model here requires < g < Supposing g ¼ 0.5, calculate the firm’s total cost function and profit function If v ¼ 1000, w ¼ 500, and P ¼ 600, how many students will Acme serve and what are its profits? If the price students are willing to pay rises to P ¼ 900, how much will profits change? Graph Acme’s supply curve for student slots, and show that the increase in profits calculated in part (d) can be plotted on that graph 11.6 Would a lump-sum profits tax affect the profit-maximizing quantity of output? How about a proportional tax on profits? How about a tax assessed on each unit of output? How about a tax on labor input? 11.7 This problem concerns the relationship between demand and marginal revenue curves for a few functional forms a Show that, for a linear demand curve, the marginal revenue curve bisects the distance between the vertical axis and the demand curve for any price b Show that, for any linear demand curve, the vertical distance between the demand and marginal revenue curves is À1/b Ỉ q, where b (< 0) is the slope of the demand curve c Show that, for a constant elasticity demand curve of the form q ¼ aPb, the vertical distance between the demand and marginal revenue curves is a constant ratio of the height of the demand curve, with this constant depending on the price elasticity of demand d Show that, for any downward-sloping demand curve, the vertical distance between the demand and marginal revenue curves at any point can be found by using a linear approximation to the demand curve at that point and applying the procedure described in part (b) e Graph the results of parts (a)–(d) of this problem 11.8 How would you expect an increase in output price, P, to affect the demand for capital and labor inputs? a Explain graphically why, if neither input is inferior, it seems clear that a rise in P must not reduce the demand for either factor b Show that the graphical presumption from part (a) is demonstrated by the input demand functions that can be derived in the Cobb–Douglas case c Use the profit function to show how the presence of inferior inputs would lead to ambiguity in the effect of P on input demand 398 Part 4: Production and Supply Analytical Problems 11.9 A CES profit function With a CES production function of the form q ẳ kq ỵ l q ịg=q a whole lot of algebra is needed to compute the profit function as P(P, v, w) ẳ KP1/(1g)(v1s ỵ w1s)g/(1s)(g1), where s ẳ 1/(1 À r) and K is a constant a If you are a glutton for punishment (or if your instructor is), prove that the profit function takes this form Perhaps the easiest way to so is to start from the CES cost function in Example 10.2 b Explain why this profit function provides a reasonable representation of a firm’s behavior only for < g < c Explain the role of the elasticity of substitution (s) in this profit function d What is the supply function in this case? How does s determine the extent to which that function shifts when input prices change? e Derive the input demand functions in this case How are these functions affected by the size of s? 11.10 Some envelope results Young’s theorem can be used in combination with the envelope results in this chapter to derive some useful results a b c d Show that @l(P, v, w)/@v ¼ @k(P, v, w)/@w Interpret this result using substitution and output effects Use the result from part (a) to show how a unit tax on labor would be expected to affect capital input Show that @q/@w ¼ À@l/@P Interpret this result Use the result from part (c) to discuss how a unit tax on labor input would affect quantity supplied 11.11 Le Chaˆtelier’s Principle Because firms have greater flexibility in the long run, their reactions to price changes may be greater in the long run than in the short run Paul Samuelson was perhaps the first economist to recognize that such reactions were analogous to a principle from physical chemistry termed the Le Chaˆtelier’s Principle The basic idea of the principle is that any disturbance to an equilibrium (such as that caused by a price change) will not only have a direct effect but may also set off feedback effects that enhance the response In this problem we look at a few examples Consider a price-taking firm that chooses its inputs to maximize a profit function of the form P(P, v, w) ¼ Pf (k, l) À wl À vk This maximization process will yield optimal solutions of the general form qÃ(P, v, w), lÃ(P, v, w), and kÃ(P, v, w) If we constrain capital input to be fixed at k in the short run, this firm’s short-run responses can be represented by qs ðP, w, kÞ and l s ðP, w, kÞ a Using the definitional relation qÃ(P, v, w) ¼ qs(P, w, kÃ(P, v, w)), show that  à 2 @k s @q @q @P ẳ ỵ : @k @P @P @v Do this in three steps First, differentiate the definitional relation with respect to P using the chain rule Next, differentiate the definitional relation with respect to v (again using the chain rule), and use the result to substitute for @q s =@k in the initial derivative Finally, substitute a result analogous to part (c) of Problem 11.10 to give the displayed equation b Use the result from part (a) to argue that @qà =@P ! @q s=@P This establishes Le Chaˆtelier’s Principle for supply: Long-run supply responses are larger than (constrained) short-run supply responses c Using similar methods as in parts (a) and (b), prove that Le Chaˆtelier’s Principle applies to the effect of the wage on labor demand That is, starting from the definitional relation l Ã(P, v, w) ¼ l s(P, w, kÃ(P, v, w)), show that @l Ã=@w @l s =@w, implying that long-run labor demand falls more when wage goes up than short-run labor demand (note that both of these derivatives are negative) d Develop your own analysis of the difference between the short- and long-run responses of the firm’s cost function [C (v, w, q)] to a change in the wage (w) 11.12 More on the derived demand with two inputs The demand for any input depends ultimately on the demand for the goods that input produces This can be shown most explicitly by deriving an entire industry’s demand for inputs To so, we assume that an industry produces a homogeneous good, Q, under constant returns to scale using only capital and labor The demand function for Q is given by Q ¼ D(P), where P is the market price of the good being produced Because of the constant returns-to-scale assumption, P ¼ MC ¼ AC Throughout this problem let C(v, w, 1) be the firm’s unit cost function Chapter 11: Prof it Maximization 399 a Explain why the total industry demands for capital and labor are given by K ¼ QCv and L ¼ QCw b Show that @K ẳ QCvv ỵ D C v @v and @L ẳ QC ww ỵ D C w : @w Àw C vw v and Cww ¼ c Prove that C vv ¼ Àv C vw : w d Use the results from parts (b) and (c) together with the elasticity of substitution defined as s ¼ CCvw/CvCw to show that @K wL rK D K @L vK rL D L2 ẳ ỵ and ẳ ỵ : @v Q vC @w Q wC Q Q e Convert the derivatives in part (d) into elasticities to show that eK, v ¼ sL r ỵ sK eQ , P and eL, w ẳ sK r ỵ sL eQ , P , where eQ , P is the price elasticity of demand for the product being produced f Discuss the importance of the results in part (e) using the notions of substitution and output effects from Chapter 11 Note: The notion that the elasticity of the derived demand for an input depends on the price elasticity of demand for the output being produced was first suggested by Alfred Marshall The proof given here follows that in D Hamermesh, Labor Demand (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993) 11.13 Cross-price effects in input demand With two inputs, cross-price effects on input demand can be easily calculated using the procedure outlined in Problem 11.12 a Use steps (b), (d), and (e) from Problem 11.12 to show that eK, w ẳ sL r ỵ eQ , P ị and eL, v ẳ sK r ỵ eQ , P Þ: b Describe intuitively why input shares appear somewhat differently in the demand elasticities in part (e) of Problem 11.12 than they in part (a) of this problem c The expression computed in part (a) can be easily generalized to the many-input case as exi , wj ¼ sj Aij ỵ eQ, P ị, where Aij is the Allen elasticity of substitution defined in Problem 10.12 For reasons described in Problems 10.11 and 10.12, this approach to input demand in the multi-input case is generally inferior to using Morishima elasticities One oddity might be mentioned, however For the case i ¼ j this expression seems to say that eL , w ẳ sL (ALL ỵ eQ , P), and if we jumped to the conclusion that ALL ¼ s in the two-input case, then this would contradict the result from Problem 11.12 You can resolve this paradox by using the definitions from Problem 10.12 to show that, with two inputs, ALL ẳ (sK/sL) ặ AKL ẳ (sK/sL) ặ s and so there is no disagreement 11.14 Profit functions and technical change Suppose that a firm’s production function exhibits technical improvements over time and that the form of the function is q ¼ f (k, l, t) In this case, we can measure the proportional rate of technical change as @ ln q ft ¼ f @t (compare this with the treatment in Chapter 9) Show that this rate of change can also be measured using the profit function as @ ln q PðP, v, w, tÞ @ ln P ¼ Á : @t Pq @t That is, rather than using the production function directly, technical change can be measured by knowing the share of profits in total revenue and the proportionate change in profits over time (holding all prices constant) This approach to measuring technical change may be preferable when data on actual input levels not exist 400 Part 4: Production and Supply 11.15 Property rights theory of the firm This problem has you work through some of the calculations associated with the numerical example in the Extensions Refer to the Extensions for a discussion of the theory in the case of Fisher Body and General Motors (GM), who we imagine are deciding between remaining as separate firms or having GM acquire Fisher Body and thus become one (larger) firm Let the total surplus that the units generate together be SxF , xG ị ẳ xF1/2 þ axG1/2 , where xF and xG are the investments undertaken by the managers of the two units before negotiating, and where a unit of investment costs $1 The parameter a measures the importance of GM’s manager’s investment Show that, according to the property rights model worked out in the Extensions, it is p efficient for GM to acquire Fisher Body if and only if GM’s manager’s investment is important enough, in ffiffi particular, if a > SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING Hart, O Firms, Contracts, and Financial Structure Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1995 Samuelson, P A Foundations of Economic Analysis Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1947 Discusses the philosophical issues addressed by alternative theories of the firm Derives further results for the property rights theory discussed in the Extensions Early development of the profit function idea together with a nice discussion of the consequences of constant returns to scale for market equilibrium Pages 36–46 have extensive applications of Le Chaˆtelier’s Principle (see Problem 11.11) Hicks, J R Value and Capital, 2nd ed Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1947 The Appendix looks in detail at the notion of factor complementarity Mas-Colell, A., M D Whinston, and J R Green Microeconomic Theory New York: Oxford University Press, 1995 Provides an elegant introduction to the theory of production using vector and matrix notation This allows for an arbitrary number of inputs and outputs Sydsaeter, K., A Strom, and P Berck Economists’ Mathematical Manual, 3rd ed Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2000 Chapter 25 offers formulas for a number of profit and factor demand functions Varian, H R Microeconomic Analysis, 3rd ed New York: W W Norton, 1992 Includes an entire chapter on the profit function Varian offers a novel approach for comparing short- and long-run responses using Le Chaˆtelier’s Principle BOUNDARIES OF THE FIRM Chapter 11 provided fairly straightforward answers to the questions of what determines the boundaries of a firm and its objectives The firm is identified by the production function f (k, l ) it uses to produce its output, and the firm makes its input and output decisions to maximize profit Ronald Coase, winner of the Nobel Prize in economics in 1991, was the first to point out (back in the 1930s) that the nature of the firm is a bit more subtle than that The firm is one way to organize the economic transactions necessary for output to be produced and sold, transactions including the purchase of inputs, financing of investment, advertising, management, and so forth But these transactions could also be conducted in other ways: Parties could sign long-term contracts or even just trade on a spot market; see Coase (1937) There is a sense in which firms and spot markets are not just different ways of organizing transactions but polar opposites Moving a transaction within a firm is tantamount to insulating the transaction from short-term market forces, eliminating price signals, by placing it inside a more durable institution This presents a puzzle Economists are supposed to love markets—why are they then so willing to take the existence of firms for granted? On the other hand, if firms are so great, why is there not just one huge firm that controls the whole economy, removing all transactions from the market? Clearly, a theory is needed to explain why there are firms of intermediate sizes, and why these sizes vary across different industries and even across different firms in the same industry To make the ideas in the Extensions concrete, we will couch the discussion in terms of the classic case of Fisher Body and General Motors (GM) mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 11 Recall that Fisher Body was the main supplier of auto bodies to GM, which GM would assemble with other auto parts into a car that it then sold to consumers At first the firms operated separately, but GM acquired Fisher Body in 1926 after a series of supply disruptions We will narrow the broad question of where firm boundaries should be set down to the question of whether it made economic sense for GM and Fisher Body to merge into a single firm E11.1 Common features of alternative theories A considerable amount of theoretical and empirical research continues to be directed toward the fundamental question of the nature of the firm, but it is fair to say that it has not pro- EXTENSIONS vided a ‘‘final answer.’’ Reflecting this uncertainty, the Extensions present two different theories that have been proposed as alternatives to the neoclassical model studied in Chapter 11 The first is the property rights theory associated with the work of Sanford Grossman, Oliver Hart, and John Moore The second is the transactions cost theory associated with the work of Oliver Williamson, co-winner of the Nobel Prize in economics in 2009.1 The theories share some features Both acknowledge that if all markets looked like the supply–demand model encountered in principles courses—where a large number of suppliers and buyers trade a commodity anonymously—that would be the most efficient way to organize transactions, leaving no role for firms However, it is unrealistic to assume that all markets look that way Three factors often present—uncertainty, complexity, and specialization—lead markets to look more like negotiations among a few market participants We can see how these three factors would have operated in the GM–Fisher Body example The presence of uncertainty and complexity would have made it difficult for GM to sign contracts years in advance for auto bodies Such contracts would have to specify how the auto bodies should be designed, but successful design depends on the vagaries of consumer taste, which are difficult to predict (after all, large tail fins were popular at one point in history) and hard to specify in writing The best way to cope with uncertainty and complexity may be for GM to negotiate the purchase of auto bodies at the time they are needed for assembly rather than years in advance at the signing of a long-term contract The third factor, specialization, leads to obvious advantages Auto bodies that are tailored to GM’s styling and other technical requirements would be more valuable than ‘‘generic’’ ones But specialization has the drawback of limiting GM to a small set of suppliers rather than buying auto bodies as it would an input on a competitive commodity market Markets exhibiting these three factors—uncertainty, complexity, and specialization—will not involve the sale of perfect long-term contracts in a competitive equilibrium with large numbers of suppliers and demanders Rather, they will often involve few parties, perhaps just two, negotiating often not far Seminal articles on the property rights theory are Grossman and Hart (1986) and Hart and Moore (1990) See Williamson (1979) for a comprehensive treatment of the transactions cost theory Gibbons (2005) provides a good summary of these and other alternatives to the neoclassical model 402 Part 4: Production and Supply in advance of when the input is required This makes the alternative theories of the firm interesting If the alternative theories merely compared firms to perfectly competitive markets, markets would always end up ‘‘winning’’ in the comparison Instead, firms are compared to negotiated sales, a more subtle comparison without an obvious ‘‘winner.’’ We will explore the subtle comparisons offered by the two different theories next E11.2 Property rights theory To make the analysis of this alternative theory as stark as possible, suppose that there are just two owner-managers, one who runs Fisher Body and one who runs GM Let S(xF, xG) be the total surplus generated by the transaction between Fisher Body and GM, the sum of both firm’s profits (Fisher Body from its sale of auto bodies to GM and GM from its sale of cars to consumers) Instead of being a function of capital and labor or input and output prices, we now put those factors aside and just write surplus as a function of two new variables: the investments made by Fisher Body (xF) and GM (xG) The surplus function subtracts all production costs (just as the producer surplus concept from Chapter 11 did) but does not subtract the cost of the investments xF and xG The investments are sunk before negotiations between them over the transfer of the auto bodies The investments include, for example, any effort made by Fisher Body’s manager to improve the precision of its metal-cutting dies and to refine the shapes to GM’s specifications, as well as the effort expended by GM’s manager in designing and marketing the car and tailoring its assembly process to use the bodies Both result in a better car model that can be sold at a higher price and that generates more profit (not including the investment effort) For simplicity, assume one unit of investment costs a manager $1, implying that investment level xF costs Fisher Body’s manager xF dollars and that the marginal cost of investment for both parties is Before computing the equilibrium investment levels under various ownership structures, as a benchmark we will compute the efficient investment levels The efficient levels maximize total surplus minus investment costs, SðxF , xG Þ À xF À xG : (i) The first-order conditions for maximization of this objective are @S @S ¼ ¼ 1: @xF @xG (ii) The efficient investment levels equalize the total marginal benefit with the marginal cost Next, let’s compute equilibrium investment levels under various ownership structures Assume the investments are too complicated to specify in a contract before they are undertaken So too is the specification of the auto bodies themselves Instead, starting with the case in which Fisher Body and GM are separate firms, they must bargain over the terms of trade of the auto bodies (prices, quantities, nature of the product) when they are needed There is a large body of literature on how to model bargaining (we will touch on this a bit more in Chapter 13 when we introduce Edgeworth boxes and contract curves) To make the analysis as simple as possible, we will not solve for all the terms of the bargain but will just assume that they come to an agreement to split any gains from the transaction equally.2 Because cars cannot be produced without auto bodies, no surplus is generated if parties not consummate a deal Therefore, the gain from bargaining is the whole surplus, S(xF, xG) The investment expenditures are not part of the negotiation because they were sunk before Fisher Body and GM each end up with SðxF , xG Þ=2 in equilibrium from bargaining To solve for equilibrium investments, subtract Fisher Body’s cost of investment from its share of the bargaining gains, yielding the objective function SðxF , xG Þ À xF : (iii) Taking the first-order condition with respect to xF and rearranging yields the condition   @S ¼ 1: (iv) @xF The left side of Equation iv is the marginal benefit to Fisher Body from additional investment: Fisher Body receives its bargaining share, half, of the surplus The right side is the marginal cost, which is because investment xF is measured in dollar terms As usual, the optimal choice (here investment) equalizes marginal benefit and marginal cost A similar condition characterizes GM’s investment decision:   @S ¼ 1: (v) @xG In sum, if Fisher Body and GM are separate firms, investments are given by Equations iv and v If instead GM acquires Fisher Body so they become one firm, the manager of the auto body subsidiary is now in a worse bargaining position He or she can no longer extract half of the bargaining surplus by threatening not to use Fisher Body’s assets to produce bodies for GM; the assets are all under GM’s control To make the point as clear as possible, assume that Fisher Body’s manager obtains no bargaining surplus; GM obtains all of it Without the prospect of a return, the manager will not undertake any investment, implying xF ¼ On the other hand, because GM’s manager now obtains the whole surplus S(xF, xG), the objective function determining his or her investment is now SðxF , xG Þ À xG : 2 (vi) This is a special case of so-called Nash bargaining, an influential bargaining theory developed by the same John Nash behind Nash equilibrium Chapter 11: Prof it Maximization yielding first-order condition @S ¼ 1: @xG (vii) When both parties were in separate firms, each had less than efficient investment incentives (compare the first-order conditions in the efficient outcome in Equation ii with Equations iv and v) because they only obtain half the bargaining surplus Combining the two units under GM’s ownership further dilutes Fisher Body’s investment incentives, reducing its investment all the way down to xF ¼ 0, but boosts GM’s, so that GM’s first-order condition resembles the efficient one Intuitively, asset ownership gives parties more bargaining power, and this bargaining power in turn protects the party from having the returns from their investment appropriated by the other party in bargaining.3 Of course there is only so much bargaining power to go around A shift of assets from one party to another will increase one’s bargaining power at the expense of the other’s Therefore, a trade-off is involved in merging two units into one; the merger only makes economic sense under certain conditions If GM’s investment is much more important for surplus, then it will be efficient to allocate ownership over all the assets to GM If both units’ investments are roughly equally important, then maintaining both parties’ bargaining power by apportioning some of the assets to each might be a good idea If Fisher Body’s investment is the most important, then having Fisher Body acquire GM may produce the most efficient structure More specific recommendations would depend on functional forms, as will be illustrated in the following numerical example E11.3 Numerical example For a simple numerical example of the property rights theory, let SðxF , xG ị ẳ xF1/2 ỵ xG1/2 The first-order condition for the efficient level of Fisher Body’s investment is À1/2 x ¼ 1, F implying xFà ¼ 1/4 Likewise, xGà ¼ 1/4 Total surplus subtracting the investment costs is 1/2 If Fisher Body and GM remain separate firms, half the surplus from each party’s investment is ‘‘held up’’ by the other party Fisher Body’s first-order condition is À1/2 ¼ 1: x F implying xF ¼ 1/16 Likewise, xG ¼ 1/16 Thus, parties are underinvesting relative to the efficient outcome Total surplus subtracting investment costs is only 3/8 If GM acquires Fisher Body, the manager of the auto body unit does not invest (xF ¼ 0) because he or she obtains no The appropriation of the returns from one party’s investment by the other party in bargaining is called the hold-up problem, referring to the colorful image of a bandit holding up a citizen at gunpoint Nothing illegal is happening here; hold up is just a feature of bargaining 403 bargaining surplus The manager of the integrated firm obtains all the bargaining surplus and invests at the efficient level, xGà ¼ 1/4 Overall, total surplus subtracting investment costs is 1/4 Combining the firms decreases Fisher Body’s investment and increases GM’s, but the net effect is to make them jointly worse off; therefore, the firms should remain separate If GM’s investment were more important than Fisher Body’s, merging them could be efficient Let Sðx , x Þ ẳ x1/2 ỵ ax1/2 , F G F G where a allows the impact of GM’s investment on surplus to vary One of the problems at the end of this chapter asks you to show that having GM’s manager own all assets is more efficient than keeping the firms separate for high enough a, in particular, pffiffi a > E11.4 Transaction cost theory Next, turn to the second alternative theory of the firm—the transaction cost theory As discussed previously, it shares many common elements with the property rights theory, but there are subtle differences With the property rights theory, the main benefit of restructuring the firm was to get the right incentives for investments made before bargaining With the transaction cost theory, the main benefit is to reduce haggling costs at the time of bargaining Let hF be a costly action undertaken by Fisher Body at the time of bargaining that increases its bargaining power at the expense of GM We loosely interpret this action as ‘‘haggling,’’ but more concretely it could be a costly signal such as was seen in the Spence education signaling game in Chapter 8, or it could represent bargaining delay or an input supplier strike GM can take a similar haggling action, hG Rather than fixing the bargaining shares at 1/2 each, we now assume a(hF, hG) is the share accruing to Fisher Body and À a(hF, hG) is the share accruing to GM, where a is between and and is increasing in hF and decreasing in hG For simplicity, assume that the marginal cost for one unit of the haggling action is $1, implying a haggling level of hF costs Fisher Body hF dollars and of hG costs GM hG dollars To abstract from some of the bargaining issues in the previous theory, assume that investments are made at the time of bargaining rather than beforehand, so that in principle they can be set at the efficient levels xFà and xGà satisfying Equation ii The efficient outcome is for investments to be set at xFà and xGà and for parties not to undertake any haggling actions: hF ¼ hG ¼ Haggling does not generate any more total surplus but rather reallocates it from one party to another If Fisher Body and GM are separate firms, they will undertake some of these actions, much like the prisoners were led to fink on each other in equilibrium of the Prisoners’ Dilemma in Chapter when it would have been better for the two of them to remain silent Fisher Body’s objective function determining its equilibrium level of haggling is aðhF , hG ịẵSxF , xG ị xF xG À hF , (viii) 404 Part 4: Production and Supply where it is assumed the parties naturally would agree on the investments maximizing their joint surplus Fisher Body’s first-order condition is, after rearranging, @a ẵSxF , xG ị xF À xGà Š ¼ 1: @xF (ix) Similarly, GM will have first-order condition @a ẵSxF , xG ị xF À xGà Š ¼ 1: @xG (x) The main point to take away from these somewhat complicated conditions is that both parties will engage in some wasteful haggling if they remain separate If instead GM acquires Fisher Body and they become one firm, assume this enables GM to authorize what investment levels should be undertaken without having to resort to bargaining This rules out haggling; therefore, hF ¼ hG ¼ 0, a savings with this organizational structure In many accounts of the transactions cost theory, that is the end of the story Combining separate units together in the same firm reduces haggling, and thus firms are always more efficient than markets when haggling costs are significant The trouble with stopping there with the model is that there is no trade-off associated with firms: In theory, one large firm should operate the entire economy, which is certainly an unrealistic outcome One way to generate a trade-off is to assume that there is drawback to having one party (here GM) make a unilateral decision One natural drawback is that GM may not choose the efficient investment levels, either because it lacks valuable information to which the manager of the auto body unit is privy or because the manager of the merged firm makes the investment for his or her own benefit rather than to maximize joint surplus Letting ~ xF and ~ xG be the investment levels authorized by the manager of the merged firm, total surplus as a result of the merger is Sð~ xF , ~ xG Þ À ~ xF À ~ xG , (xi) compared with total surplus when the firms remain separate, SðxFà , xGÃ Þ À xFà À xGà À hF À hG : (xii) The trade-offs involved in different firm structures are apparent from a comparison of these equations: Giving GM the unilateral authority to make the investment decision avoids any haggling costs but may result in inefficient investment levels Whether it is more efficient to keep the firms separate or to merge the two units together and have one manager control them depends on the significance of the investment distortion relative to the haggling costs, which in turn depends on functional forms E11.5 Classic empirical studies Early empirical studies of these alternative theories of the firm were not designed to distinguish between these specific theories (or additional alternatives) The focus was instead on seeing whether the conditions pushing input markets away from perfect competition toward negotiated sales—uncertainty, complexity, and specialization leading to few bargaining parties—could help explain the decision to have a transaction occur within the boundaries of a firm rather than having it occur between separate parties Monteverde and Teece (1982) surveyed engineers at U.S auto manufacturers about more than 100 parts assembled together to make cars, asking them how much engineering effort was required to design the part and whether the part was specialized to a single manufacturer The authors found that these variables had a significant positive effect on the decision of the manufacturer to produce the part in house rather than purchasing from a separate supplier Masten (1984) found similar results in the aerospace industry Anderson and Schmittlein (1984) found that proxies for complexity and specialization could help explain why some electronic components were sold by sales representatives employed by the manufacturers themselves and some by independent operators References Anderson, E., and D C Schmittlein ‘‘Integration of the Sales Force: An Empirical Examination.’’ Rand Journal of Economics (Autumn 1984): 385–95 Coase, R H ‘‘The Nature of the Firm.’’ Economica (November 1937): 386–405 Gibbons, R ‘‘Four Formal(izable) Theories of the Firm?’’ Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (October 2005): 200–45 Hart, O Firms, Contracts, and Financial Structure Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1995 Masten, S E ‘‘The Organization of Production: Evidence from the Aerospace Industry.’’ Journal of Law and Economics (October 1984): 403–17 Monteverde, K., and D J Teece ‘‘Supplier Switching Costs and Vertical Integration in the Automobile Industry.’’ Bell Journal of Economics (Spring 1982): 206–13 Williamson, O ‘‘Transaction Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations.’’ Journal of Law and Economics (October 1979): 233–61 This page intentionally left blank ... Cook/Plan-It Publishing Cover Designer: Red Hangar Design LLC Cover Image: ª Jason Reed/Getty Images Library of Congress Control Number: 2 011 928483 ISBN -1 3 : 97 8 -1 1 1- 1 -5 255 3-8 ISBN -1 0 : 1- 1 1 1-5 255 3-6 ... Preferences 10 2 The Many-Good Case 10 6 Summary 10 6 Problems 10 7 Suggestions for Further Reading 11 0 Extensions: Special Preferences 11 2 CHAPTER Utility Maximization and Choice 11 7 An Initial... Game Theory 2 51 Competitive Markets 407 CHAPTER 12 PART Preferences and Utility 89 Utility Maximization and Choice 11 7 Income and Substitution Effects 14 5 Demand Relationships among Goods 18 7

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