(BQ) Part 2 book Textbook of diagnostic microbiology presents the following contents: Laboratory identification of significant isolates, aboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases an organ system approach to diagnostic microbiology.
Trang 1Virulence Factors and Pathogenicity
Infections Caused by Leptospires
Clinically Significant Species
Borrelia recurrentis and Similar Borreliae Borrelia burgdorferi
■ TREPONEMESGeneral CharacteristicsClinically Significant Species
Treponema pallidum subsp pallidum
Other Treponemal Diseases
After reading and studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1 Describe the general characteristics of the genera of spirochetes
2 List the risk factors associated with Borrelia spp endemic relapsing
fever infection
3 Describe the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of Borrelia
spp infection, including high-risk factors
4 Compare the causative agents and arthropod vectors of relapsing
fever and Lyme disease
5 Describe the laboratory diagnosis of relapsing fever and how it
differs from the diagnosis of other spirochete diseases in the United
8 Discuss the epidemiology of leptospirosis in the United States
9 Evaluate the diagnostic tests used to identify Treponema pallidum in the clinical laboratory
10 Describe the two-tiered approach to laboratory diagnosis of Lyme disease
Case in Point
A 29-year-old man arrived at a local medical clinic in Los Angeles
complaining of diarrhea, fever, chills, muscle aches, and
head-aches He had returned 2 days earlier after competing in the
Eco-Challenge in Malaysian Borneo During the competition, he
had completed various events, including mountain biking,
caving, climbing, jungle trekking, swimming, and kayaking in
fresh and salt water He was still recovering from multiple
abra-sions from the jungle trekking and mountain biking While
kaya-king the Segama River, his kayak capsized and he had
inadvertently swallowed several mouthfuls of river water His two
teammates were on doxycycline as malaria prophylaxis before
and during the race Neither of them became ill
Issues to Consider
After reading the patient’s case history, consider:
■ Risk factors for acquiring infectious disease for the
■ Agents that cause influenza-like illness and methods to identify or rule out those agents
■ Effective prophylaxis, if available, for influenza-like illness
■ Empiric therapy options
Key TermsChancre
Endemic relapsing feverEndemic syphilisEpidemic relapsing feverErythema migrans (EM)Gummas
Jarisch-Herxheimer reactionLeptospirosis
Lyme borreliosisPinta
Endemic Relapsing feverRapid plasma reagin (RPR) test
SpirochetesSyphilisVenereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) testWeil disease
Trang 2are very close together, so the organism may appear to be a chain
of cocci One or both ends of the organism have hooks rather than tapering off Their motion is rapid and rotational Histori-
cally, pathogenic organisms were identified as Leptospira rogans and saprophytes were categorized as Leptospira biflexa More than 200 different serovars (serotypes) of L interrogans
inter-sensu lato have been reported Although genetic typing has lished relatedness based on nucleic acid similarities and is taxo-nomically correct, serogroup-based nomenclature continues to be preferred by scientists and physicians
estab-Electron microscopy reveals a long axial filament covered by
a very fine sheath, similar to treponemes and borreliae All species have two periplasmic flagella The organisms cannot be readily stained, but they can be impregnated with silver and visualized Unstained cells are not visible by bright field micros-copy but are visible by dark field, phase contrast, and immuno-fluorescent microscopy Leptospires are obligately aerobic and can be grown in artificial media such as Fletcher’s semisolid, Stuart liquid, or Ellinghausen-McCullough-Johnson-Harris (EMJH) semisolid media
Virulence Factors and PathogenicityLeptospiral disease in the United States is caused by more than
20 different serovars, the most common of which are
Icterohaem-orrhagiae, Australis, and Canicola Some serovars of L gans sensu lato and L biflexa sensu lato are pathogenic for a wide
interro-range of wild and domestic animals and humans, but mechanisms
of pathogenicity are not well understood Factors that may play
a role in pathogenicity include reduced phagocytosis in the host,
a soluble hemolysin produced by some virulent strains, mediated sensitivity to leptospiral antigen by the host, and small amounts of endotoxins produced by some strains The clinical findings in animals with leptospirosis suggest the presence of endotoxemia
cell-Infections Caused by LeptospiresLeptospires present in water or mud are most likely to enter the human host through small breaks in the skin or intact mucosa The initial sites of multiplication are unknown Nonspecific host defenses do not stop multiplication of leptospires, and leptospi-remia occurs during the acute illness Late manifestations of the disease may be caused by the host’s immunologic response to the infection
The incubation period of leptospirosis is usually 10 to 12 days but ranges from 3 to 30 days The onset of clinical illness is usually abrupt, with nonspecific, influenza-like constitutional symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, severe myalgia, and malaise The subsequent course is protean, frequently biphasic, and often results in hepatic, renal, and central nervous system involvement The major renal lesion is an interstitial nephritis with associated glomerular swelling and hyperplasia that does not affect the glomeruli The most characteristic physical finding
is conjunctival suffusion, but this is seen in less than 50% of
patients Severe systemic disease (Weil disease) includes renal
failure, hepatic failure, and intravascular disease and can result
in death Duration of the illness varies from less than 1 week to
3 weeks Late manifestations can be caused by the host’s nologic response to the infection In patients with a leptospiral bacteremia, immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies are detected
immu-The order Spirochaetales contains two families:
Leptospi-raceae and Spirochaetaceae The family LeptospiLeptospi-raceae
contains the genus Leptospira, and the family
Spirochae-taceae contains Borrelia and Treponema These three genera
include the causative agents of important human diseases such
as syphilis, zoonoses (transmitted from animals to humans) such
as leptospirosis, and vector-borne diseases such as Lyme
bor-reliosis or Lyme disease and relapsing fever.
The spirochetes are slender, flexuous, helically shaped,
uni-cellular bacteria ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 µm wide and from 5 to
20 µm long, with one or more complete turns in the helix They
differ from other bacteria in that they have a flexible cell wall
around which several fibrils are wound These fibrils, termed the
periplasmic flagella (also known as axial fibrils, axial filaments,
endoflagella, and periplasmic fibrils), are responsible for motility
A multilayered outer sheath similar to the outer membrane of
gram-negative bacteria completely surrounds the protoplasmic
cylinder (the cytoplasmic and nuclear regions are enclosed by the
cytoplasmic membrane–cell wall complex and periplasmic
fla-gella) The spirochetes exhibit various types of motion in liquid
media They are free-living, or survive in association with animal
and human hosts as normal biota or pathogens In addition, they
can use carbohydrates, amino acids, long-chain fatty acids, or
long-chain fatty alcohols as carbon and energy sources
Metabo-lism can be anaerobic, facultatively anaerobic, or aerobic,
depending on the species Treponema reproduce via transverse
fission, whereas Leptospira and Borrelia divide by the more
common binary fission
General Characteristics
Organisms of the genus Leptospira are tightly coiled, thin,
flex-ible spirochetes, 0.1 µm wide and 5 to 15 µm long (Figure 23-1)
In contrast to both Treponema and Borrelia organisms, the spirals
FIGURE 23-1 Dark field image of Leptospira
interrogans sero-type Sejroe Wolffi 3705 The tight coils and bent ends are
characteristic of this organism (×1000) (Courtesy State Labo-ratories Division, Hawaii Department of Health.)
Trang 3Isolation and Identification
Isolation of leptospires is accomplished by direct inoculation of
1 to 2 drops of freshly drawn blood or CSF into laboratory media such as Fletcher, Stuart, or EMJH, and incubating the media in the dark at room temperature Urine can also be cultured and is most productive after the first week of illness Several dilutions should be used (undiluted, 1 : 10, and 1 : 100) and/or filtered (0.45 µm) to minimize the effects of inhibitory substances Tubes are examined weekly for evidence of growth such as turbidity, haze, or a ring of growth A drop taken from a few millimeters below the surface is examined by dark field microscopy for tightly coiled, rapidly motile spirochetes, with hooked ends Serotypes have historically been identified by microscopic agglu-tination testing using sera of defined reactivity; however, other methods such as pulsed field gel electrophoresis and 16s rRNA DNA sequencing are also being investigated
in culture, so performance is typically limited to confirmatory laboratories
Antimicrobial SusceptibilitySusceptibility testing of leptospires is not normally performed in the clinical laboratory; leptospires have been shown to be sus-ceptible in vitro to streptomycin, tetracycline, doxycycline, and the macrolide antimicrobials in vitro Although treatment data are too sparse to be definitive, penicillin is considered beneficial and alters the course of the disease if treatment is initiated before the fourth day of illness Doxycycline appears to shorten the course
of the illness in adults and reduce the incidence of convalescent leptospiruria
within 1 week after onset of disease and may persist in high
titers for many months Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies are
usually detectable 1 month or more after infection Convalescent
serum contains protective antibodies
Leptospirosis is a zoonoses primarily associated with
occupa-tional or recreaoccupa-tional exposure Working with animals or in
rat-infested surroundings poses hazards for veterinarians, dairy
workers, swine handlers, slaughterhouse workers, miners, sewer
workers, and fish and poultry processors In the United States,
most cases of leptospirosis disease result from recreational
expo-sures In California residents, 59% of leptospirosis cases were
acquired during freshwater recreation from 1982 to 2001; in the
last 5 of those years, the rate was 85% Leptospirosis ceased to
become a nationally notifiable disease in 1995 Leptospirosis is
still reportable in Hawaii, and from 1999 to 2008, Hawaii
aver-aged 20 confirmed cases annually Cases are likely unrecognized
nationwide and also go unreported in Hawaii
In the natural host, leptospires live in the lumen of renal
tubules and are excreted in the urine Dogs, rats, and other rodents
are the principal animal reservoirs Hosts acquire infections
directly by contact with the urine of carriers or indirectly by
contact with bodies of water contaminated with the urine of
car-riers Leptospires can survive in neutral or slightly alkaline
waters for months Protective clothing (boots and gloves) should
be worn in situations involving possible occupational exposure
to leptospires Control measures include rodent elimination and
drainage of contaminated waters Vaccination of dogs and
live-stock has been effective in preventing disease but not the initial
infection and leptospiruria Short-term prophylaxis consisting of
weekly doxycycline may be appropriate in high-risk groups with
expected occupational exposure
Laboratory Diagnosis
Specimen Collection and Handling
During the acute phase (first week) of the disease, blood or
cere-brospinal fluid (CSF) should be collected Optimal recovery
occurs if fresh specimens are inoculated directly into laboratory
media Urine can also be collected, but yield is much higher after
the first week of illness, and shedding can occur intermittently
for weeks
Microscopic Examination
Although direct demonstration of leptospires in clinical
speci-mens during the first week of the disease by special stains, dark
field, or phase contrast microscopy is possible, it is not
recom-mended Direct demonstration is only successful in a small
percentage of cases, and false-positive results may be reported
✓ Case Check 23-1
Leptospires are present in water and mud contaminated by the urine of
reservoir animals The Case in Point describes significant and repeated
exposure risk that should be reported to the primary health provider on
presentation Otherwise, the initial clinical impression might resemble
influenza, especially if presentation occurs during periods of high
influ-enza activity.
✓ Case Check 23-2
At least two deaths occurred in 2009, when confusion with pandemic influenza delayed appropriate antimicrobial therapy in patients with severe leptospirosis The Case in Point describes two teammates who were on doxycyline for malaria prophylaxis, which is also effective against many bacterial agents, including Leptospira Adherence to this preventive
medicine likely contributed to disease avoidance in these individuals.
Borreliae General Characteristics
The genus Borrelia comprises several species of spirochetes that
Trang 4an adequate immune response The disease recurs several days
to weeks later, following a less severe but similar course The spirochetemia worsens during the febrile periods and wanes between recurrences
Relapsing fever can be tick-borne (endemic relapsing fever) or louse-borne (epidemic relapsing fever) The tick-borne bor-
reliae are transmitted by a large variety of soft ticks of the genus
Ornithodoros Species-specific borreliae often bear the same epithet as their vectors (e.g., Ornithodoros hermsii transmits Borrelia hermsii) Tick-borne borreliae are widely distributed
throughout the Eastern and Western hemispheres, and sion to a vertebrate host takes place via infected saliva during tick attachment
transmis-Louse-borne fever is transmitted via the body louse, Pediculus humanus, and humans are the only reservoir The borreliae infect
the hemolymph of the louse Unlike tickborne disease, sion of the louse-borne disease occurs when infected lice are crushed and scratched into the skin rather than through the bite
transmis-of an infected arthropod Relapsing fever is best prevented by control of exposure to the arthropod vectors For tick-borne relapsing fever, exposure control includes wearing protective clothing, rodent control, and the use of repellents For louse-borne relapsing fever, control is best achieved by good personal and public hygiene, especially improvements in overcrowding and delousing
Laboratory Diagnosis
Microscopic Examination Diagnosis of borreliosis is readily made by observing Giemsa- or Wright-stained blood smears of blood taken during the febrile period Relapsing fever
is the only spirochetal disease in which the organisms are visible
in blood with bright-field microscopy The appearance of the spirochete among the red cells is characteristic (Figure 23-2)
Isolation and Identification Borreliae can be recovered using Kelly medium or animal inoculation (involving suckling
Swiss mice or suckling rats), but it is rarely attempted B rentis, B hermsii, Borrelia parkeri, Borrelia turicatae, and Bor- relia hispanica have been successfully cultivated Antigenic
recur-variation in the spirochetes that cause relapsing fever makes the serodiagnosis of their diseases difficult and impractical
Antimicrobial Susceptibility
Borreliae are susceptible to many antimicrobial agents; however, tetracyclines are the drugs of choice because they reduce the relapse rate and rid the central nervous system of spirochetes Studies indicate that up to 39% of patients treated with antimi-crobial agents experience fever, chills, headache, and myalgia believed to be caused by the sudden release of endotoxin from
the spirochetes, a condition referred to as Jarisch-Herxheimer
FIGURE 23-2 Appearance of Borrelia recurrentis (arrows) in
blood (Giemsa stain, ×850)
properties and host ranges Most species cause relapsing fever,
with the notable exception of Lyme borreliosis, which is caused
by several species in the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex
All pathogenic Borrelia are arthropod-borne.
The borreliae are highly flexible organisms varying in
thick-ness from 0.2 to 0.5 µm and in length from 3 to 20 µm The
spirals vary in number from 3 to 10 per organism and are much
less tightly coiled than those of the leptospires (Figure 23-2)
Unlike the leptospires and treponemes, the borreliae stain easily
and can be visualized by bright field microscopy Electron
microscopy shows the same general features as are seen with the
treponemes—long, periplasmic flagella (15 to 20/cell) coated
with sheaths of protoplasm and periplasm The borreliae are
typi-cally cultivated in the clinical laboratory using Kelly medium
Clinically Significant Species
A number of borreliae, including Borrelia recurrentis and
Bor-relia duttonii, cause relapsing fever The complex B burgdorferi
sensu lato causes a spectrum of syndromes known as Lyme
Borrelia recurrentis and
Similar Borreliae
Virulence Factors
As the disease name suggests, relapsing fever is characterized by
acute febrile episodes that subside spontaneously but tend to
recur over a period of weeks Borrelia spp responsible for this
disease first evade complement by acquiring and displaying
sup-pressive complement regulators, C4b-binding protein and factor
H The relapses are potentiated by antigenic variation; the
bor-reliae systematically change their surface antigens, thereby
ren-dering specific antibody production ineffective in completely
clearing the organisms
Clinical Manifestations
After an incubation period of 2 to 15 days, a massive
spiro-chetemia develops and remains at varying levels of severity
during the entire course of relapsing fever The infection is
accompanied by sudden high temperature, rigors, severe
head-ache, muscle pains, and weakness The febrile period lasts
about 3 to 7 days and ends abruptly with the development of
Trang 5and symptoms are consistent with Lyme disease, a convalescent serum should be obtained and tested.
Antimicrobial Susceptibility
Early diagnosis and antimicrobial treatment are important for preventing neurologic, cardiac, and joint abnormalities that can occur late in the disease Doxycycline and amoxicillin are equally effective in treating early stages of Lyme disease without com-plications For refractile or late stages, prolonged treatment with ceftriaxone has been effective
Treponemes General CharacteristicsPathogenic treponemes are thin, spiral organisms about 0.1 to 0.2 µm in thickness and 6 to 20 µm in length They are difficult
to visualize with a bright field microscope because they are so thin, but they can be seen very easily using dark field microscopy The spirals are regular and angular, with 4 to 14 spirals per organism (Figure 23-3) Three periplasmic flagella are inserted into each end of the cell The ends are pointed and covered with
a sheath The cells are motile, with graceful flexuous movements
in liquid
Clinically Significant Species
The genus Treponema comprises four microorganisms that are pathogenic for humans—T pallidum subsp pallidum, the caus- ative agent of syphilis; T pallidum subsp pertenue, the causative agent of yaws; T pallidum subsp endemicum, the causative agent
of endemic syphilis; and Treponema carateum, the causative
agent of pinta The four pathogenic strains exhibit a high degree
of DNA homology and shared antigens At least six genic species have been identified in the normal microbiota, and they are particularly prominent in the oral cavity
nonpatho-Treponema pallidum Subsp pallidum
Virulence Factors
Treponema pallidum subsp pallidum has the ability to cross
intact mucous membranes and the placenta, disseminate
Binding factor H allows for complement evasion and immune
system suppression and might explain, in part, why IgM antibody
does not peak for 3 to 6 weeks In vitro, the organism can
stimu-late proinflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor and
interferons, which can be important in controlling disease but
may also contribute to inflammatory manifestations as untreated
disease progresses
Clinical Manifestations
Lyme borreliosis is a complex disease that can generally be
divided into three stages Early infection includes two stages,
the first of which is localized (stage 1) About 60% of patients
exhibit erythema migrans (EM), the classic skin lesion that
is normally found at the site of the tick bite It begins as a
red macule and expands to form large annular erythema with
partial central clearing, sometimes described as having a target
appearance Regional lymphadenopathy is common with minor
constitutional symptoms Stage 2 is early disseminated and
produces widely variable symptoms that include secondary skin
lesions, migratory joint and bone pain, alarming neurologic
and cardiac pathology, splenomegaly, and severe malaise and
fatigue Late manifestations, or late persistent infections (stage
3), focus on the cardiac, musculoskeletal, and neurologic
systems Arthritis is the most common symptom, occurring
weeks to years later
Organisms are transmitted via the bite of infected Ixodes ticks,
so most cases occur during June through September, when more
people are involved in outdoor activities and ticks are more
active Lyme disease was first described after an outbreak among
children in Lyme, Connecticut, in 1975 A total of 33,097 cases
were reported in the United States in 2011
At least three species of B burgdorferi sensu lato cause Lyme
disease (Lyme borreliosis) B burgdorferi sensu stricto occurs in
North America B garinii and B afzelii have been confirmed in
Asia, and all three species have caused disease in Europe
Protec-tive clothing and repellents should be worn in areas in which tick
exposure is intense Attached ticks should be removed
immedi-ately because pathogen transmission is associated with the length
of attachment
Laboratory Diagnosis
Specimen Collection and Handling The most common
and productive specimen collected for the laboratory diagnosis
of B burgdorferi sensu lato infection is serum for serology Other
tests have too many limitations (e.g., polymerase chain reaction)
or have not been adequately validated (e.g., urine antigen, CD57
Serologic Tests Diagnosis follows a two-tiered approach
in which the first step is an immunofluorescent antibody (IFA)
or enzyme immunoassay (EIA) screen Positive or equivocal
results are confirmed with IgM and/or just IgG Western blot,
depending on whether symptoms were present for longer than
30 days (IgG only) Western blot confirmation of IgM antibody
presence includes reactivity for two of the three following
bands—24, 39, and 41 kDa Confirmation of IgG antibody
pres-ence is acceptable when five of the scored bands are present—18, FIGURE 23-3pallidum. Two treponemes are shown adjacent to an erythro- Scanning electron micrograph of Treponema
Trang 6patients exhibit a biologic cure, losing serologic reactivity Another third remain latent for life but have reactive serology The remaining third ultimately develop tertiary or late syphilis, generally decades later Symptoms of tertiary syphilis include the
development of granulomatous lesions (gummas) in skin, bones,
and liver (benign tertiary syphilis), degenerative changes in the central nervous system (neurosyphilis), and syphilitic cardiovas-cular lesions, particularly aortitis, aneurysms, and aortic valve insufficiency Patients in the tertiary stage are usually not infec-tious In the United States and most developed countries, the tertiary stage of disease is not often seen because most patients are adequately treated with antimicrobial agents before the ter-tiary stage is reached
Congenital Syphilis Treponemes can be transmitted from
an infected mother to her fetus by crossing the placenta genital syphilis affects many body systems and is therefore severe and mutilating Early-onset congenital syphilis, onset at less than 2 years of age, is characterized by mucocutaneous lesions, osteochondritis, anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, and central nervous system involvement and occurs when mothers have early syphilis during pregnancy Late-onset congenital syphilis results following pregnancies when mothers have chronic, untreated infections Symptoms of late onset congenital syphilis occur after 2 years of age but generally are not apparent until the second decade of life Symptoms include interstitial keratitis, bone and tooth deformities, eighth nerve deafness, neu-rosyphilis, and other tertiary manifestations
Treponema pallidum subsp pallidum is an exclusively human
pathogen under natural conditions Syphilis was first recognized
in Europe at the end of the fifteenth century, when it reached epidemic proportions Two theories have been proposed concern-ing the introduction of syphilis to Europe The first theory sug-gests that Christopher Columbus’ crew brought the disease from the West Indies back to Europe The second theory suggests that the disease was endemic in Africa and transported to Europe via the migration of armies and civilians The venereal transmission
of syphilis was not recognized until the eighteenth century The causative agent of syphilis was not discovered until 1905.The incidence of syphilis in the United States dropped through the 1990s, and the fewest cases since reporting began in 1941 (31,618) was reached in 2000 However, since 2000 the disease has increased, peaking at 46,290 cases in 2008 The next 2 years saw only a slight decrease from the peak number of cases at 44,830 in 2009 and 46,042 in 2011 High-risk sexual behavior and coinfection with HIV continue to complicate syphilis control efforts Educating people about sexually transmitted diseases, including the proper use of barrier contraceptives, reporting each case of syphilis to the public health authorities for contact inves-tigation, and treating all sexual contacts of persons infected with syphilis are cornerstones of syphilis control efforts Sero-logic screening of high-risk populations should be performed, and to avoid congenital syphilis, pregnant women should have serologic examinations early and late in their pregnancy
Laboratory Diagnosis
Specimen Collection and Handling Lesions of primary and secondary syphilis typically contain large numbers of
throughout the body, and infect almost any organ system It has
also been postulated that antigenic variation of cell surface
pro-teins contributes to the organism’s ability to evade host immune
response and establish persistent infection
Clinical Manifestations
Treponema pallidum subsp pallidum causes syphilis The word
“syphilis” comes from a poem written in 1530 that described a
mythical shepherd named Syphilus who was afflicted with the
disease as punishment for cursing the gods The poem
repre-sented the compendium of knowledge at the time regarding the
Treponema pallidum subsp pallidum transmission normally
occurs during direct sexual contact with an individual who has
an active primary or secondary syphilitic lesion Consequently,
the genital organs—the vagina and cervix in females, and the
penis in males—are the usual sites of inoculation Syphilis can
also be acquired by nongenital contact with a lesion (e.g., on the
lip) or transplacental transmission to a fetus, resulting in
congeni-tal syphilis After bacterial invasion through a break in the
epi-dermis or penetration through intact mucous membranes, the
natural course of syphilis can be divided into primary, secondary,
and tertiary stages based on the clinical manifestations
Coinfec-tion with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can result in
variation of the natural course of the disease Furthermore, ulcers
caused by syphilis may contribute to the efficiency of HIV
trans-mission in populations with high rates of both infections Syphilis
has a wide variety of clinical manifestations, which gave rise to
the name the “great imitator.”
Primary Stage of Syphilis After inoculation, the
spiro-chetes multiply rapidly and disseminate to local lymph nodes and
other organs via the bloodstream The primary lesion develops
10 to 90 days after infection and is a result of an inflammatory
response to the infection at the site of the inoculation The lesion,
known as a chancre, is typically a single erythematous lesion
that is nontender but firm, with a clean surface and raised border
The lesion is teeming with treponemes and is extremely
infec-tious Because the chancre is commonly found on the cervix or
vaginal wall and is nontender, the lesion might not be obvious
The lesion can also be found in the anal canal of both genders
and remain undetected No systemic signs or symptoms are
evident in the primary stages of the disease
Secondary Stage of Syphilis Approximately 2 to 12
weeks after development of the primary lesion, the patient may
experience secondary disease, with clinical symptoms of fever,
sore throat, generalized lymphadenopathy, headache, lesions
of the mucous membranes, and rash The rash can present as
macular, papular, follicular, papulosquamous, or pustular and is
unusual in that it can also occur on the palms and soles All
secondary lesions of the skin and mucous membranes are highly
infectious The secondary stage can last for several weeks and
can relapse It might also be mild and go unnoticed by the patient
Tertiary Stage of Syphilis After the secondary stage
heals, individuals are not contagious; however, relapses of
sec-ondary syphilis occur in about 25% of untreated patients
Fol-lowing the secondary stage, patients enter latent syphilis, when
clinical manifestations are absent Latency within 1 year of
infec-tion is referred to as early latent, whereas latency greater than 1
year is late latent syphilis Approximately one third of untreated
Trang 7results Consequently, treponemal tests are also not useful in lowing therapy or detecting reinfection.
fol-The treponemal antigens used are spirochetes derived from rabbit testicular lesions Two commonly used treponemal test
methods are the Treponema pallidum–particulate agglutination
(TP-PA) Test (Fujirebio America, Fairfield, NJ) and EIAs The
TP-PA test uses gelatin particles sensitized with T pallidum
anti-gens Agglutination indicates the presence of anti-treponemal antibodies EIA kits are simple to perform, commercially avail-able, and comparable to other treponemal tests The fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) assay utilizes a fluorescent-labeled anti-human antibody that detects patient anti-treponemal antibodies bound to treponema affixed to a commer-cially prepared slide Because of subjectivity in reading the samples and the use of expensive fluorescent microscopy, the FTA-ABS test has become less frequently used in favor of the EIAs
Antimicrobial Susceptibility
Penicillin is the drug of choice for treating patients with syphilis
It is the only proven therapy that has been widely used for patients with neurosyphilis, congenital syphilis, and syphilis during pregnancy Resistant strains have not developed Long-acting penicillin such as benzathine penicillin is preferred Alter-native regimens for patients who are allergic to penicillin and not pregnant include doxycycline, tetracycline, and chlorampheni-col A typical Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction and exacerbation of cutaneous lesions can occur within hours following treatment.Other Treponemal Diseases
Three nonvenereal treponemal diseases—yaws, pinta, and endemic syphilis—occur in different geographic locations These treponematoses are found in developing countries in which hygiene is poor, little clothing is worn, and direct skin contact is common because of overcrowding All three diseases have primary and secondary stages, but tertiary manifestations are uncommon All diseases respond well to penicillin or tetracy-cline These infections are rarely transmitted by sexual contact, and congenital infections do not occur
spirochetes The surface of primary or secondary lesions is
cleaned with saline and gently abraded with dry, sterile gauze;
bleeding should not be induced Serous transudate is placed onto
a slide, diluting with nonbacteriocidal saline if the preparation is
too thick A coverslip is added and the slide is transported
imme-diately to a laboratory where dark field microscopy is performed
Oral lesions should not be examined because numerous
non-pathogenic spirochetes present in these specimens will lead to
misinterpretation Culture methods are not available and dark
field microscopy equipment and expertise are uncommon, so
serology is the normal basis of diagnosis
Microscopic Examination Organisms are too thin to be
observed by bright field microscopy, so spirochetes are
illumi-nated against a dark background Dark field microscopy requires
considerable skill and experience; however, demonstration of
motile treponemes in material from the chancre is diagnostic for
primary syphilis
Serologic Tests Serology is the primary method used for
the laboratory diagnosis of syphilis Two major types of serologic
tests exist, nontreponemal tests and treponemal tests Both have
lower sensitivities in the primary stage, but approach 100% in
the secondary stage of syphilis The treponemal tests retain a very
high sensitivity in the tertiary stage as well A coinfection with
HIV can result in false-negative serologic test results
Compari-sons between CSF and serum antibody responses can be helpful
in potential cases of neurosyphilis With congenital syphilis,
comparing antibody responses in the mother’s and baby’s serum
can aid diagnosis
The nontreponemal tests detect reaginic antibodies that
develop against lipids released from damaged cells Although
they are biologically nonspecific and known to react with
organ-isms of other diseases and conditions (causing false-positive
reactions), the nontreponemal tests are excellent screening tests
The antigen used is a cardiolipin-lecithin complex made from
bovine hearts
The two nontreponemal tests widely used today are the
Vene-real Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) and rapid plasma
reagin (RPR) tests These tests are inexpensive to perform,
dem-onstrate rising and falling reagin titers, and correlate with the
clinical status of the patient The VDRL test uses a cardiolipin
antigen that is mixed with the patient’s serum or CSF
Floccula-tion occurs in a positive reacFloccula-tion and is observed microscopically
The RPR test is more commonly used; it uses carbon particles
and is read macroscopically When mixed with a positive serum
on a disposable card, the black charcoal particles clump together
with the cardiolipin-antibody complexes The flocculation is
easily observed without a microscope Reactive or weakly reactive
sera should undergo titration and be tested with treponemal tests
The treponemal tests detect antibodies specific for treponemal
antigens Historically, they have been used to confirm positive
nontreponemal test results, although some laboratories use
reverse sequence syphilis screening In this strategy, automated
treponemal test–positive sera is tested with nontreponemal and a
second treponemal assay This algorithm resulted in higher
numbers of false-positives in five laboratories studied from 2006
to 2010, so the CDC continues to recommend the original
approach Treponemal tests are also helpful in the detection of
late-stage infections because the titers remain high and usually
Trang 8Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Lyme disease: resources for
clinicians: diagnosis, treatment, and testing, 2013 Available at:
http://www.cdc.gov/lyme/healthcare/clinicians.html Accessed June
30, 2013.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: 2010 sexually transmitted
syphilis.htm Accessed September 4, 2012.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Sexually transmitted
dis-eases treatment guidelines, 2010, MMWR 59(RR-12):1, 2010
Avail-able at: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6131a3 htm?s_cid=mm6131a3_w Accessed November 14, 2013.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Summary of notifiable
diseases—United States, 2011, MMWR 60(53):1, 2013 Available at:
http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6053a1.htm Accessed November 13, 2013.
Hawaii Department of Health Communicable Disease Division:
Com-municable disease report, September/October 2004 Personal
com-munication for 2004 leptospirosis data.
Kassutto S, Doweiko JP: Syphilis in the HIV era, Emerg Infect Dis
10:1471, 2004 Available at: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/10/8/ 03-1107_article.htm Accessed November 14, 2013.
Katz AR, et al: Leptospirosis in Hawaii, USA, 1999–2008, Emerg Inf
17/2/10-1109_article.htm Accessed November 14, 2013.
Levett PN: Leptospira In Versalovic J, et al, editors: Manual of clinical
microbiology, ed 10, Washington, DC, 2011, ASM Press, p 916.
Lo Y-C, et al: Severe leptospirosis similar to pandemic (H1N1) 2009,
Florida and Missouri, USA, Emerg Infect Dis 17:1145, 2011
Avail-able at: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/17/6/10-0980_article.htm Accessed November 14, 2013.
Meri T, et al: Relapsing fever spirochetes Borrelia recurrentis and
B duttonii acquire complement regulators C4b-binding protein and
factor H, Infect Immun 74:4157, 2006.
Radolf JD, et al: Treponema and Brachyspira, human host–associated spirochetes In Versalovic J, et al, editors: Manual of clinical micro-
biology, ed 10, Washington, DC, 2011, ASM Press, p 941.
Schriefer ME: Borrelia In Versalovic J, et al, editors: Manual of clinical
microbiology, ed 10, Washington, DC, 2011, ASM Press, p 924.
Sejvar JB, et al: Leptospirosis in “Eco-Challenge” athletes, Malaysian
Borneo, 2000, Emerg Infect Dis 9:702, 2003 Available at:
http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/9/6/02-0751_article.htm Accessed November 14, 2013.
Steere AC: Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease, Lyme borreliosis) In Mandell GL, et al, editors: Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s princi-
ples and practice of infectious diseases, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2010,
Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, p 3071.
Pinta, caused by T carateum, is found in the tropical regions of
Central and South America It is acquired by person to person
contact and is rarely transmitted by sexual intercourse Lesions
begin as scaling, painless papules and are followed by an
ery-thematous rash that becomes hypopigmented with time
Points to Remember
■ Spirochetes are slender, flexuous, helically shaped bacteria.
■ Leptospires are most likely to enter the human host through small
breaks in the skin or intact mucosa.
■ The incubation period of leptospirosis is usually 10 to 12 days but
ranges from 3 to 30 days after inoculation The onset of clinical
illness is generally abrupt, with nonspecific, influenza-like
consti-tutional symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, severe myalgia,
and malaise.
■ The pathogenic borreliae commonly are arthropod-borne (by a tick
or louse) and cause relapsing fever and Lyme disease.
are caused by immune evasion, including antigenic variation
During the course of a single infection, borreliae systematically
change their surface antigens.
■ During the febrile period, diagnosis of relapsing fever is readily
made by Giemsa or Wright staining of blood smears Relapsing
fever is the only spirochetal disease in which the organisms are
visible in blood with bright field microscopy.
■ Laboratory diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis caused by B burgdorferi
sensu lato is accomplished by a two-tiered serology Initial positive
or equivocal EIA results are confirmed with Western blot.
■ Treponemes can cross the placenta and be transmitted from an
infected mother to her fetus Congenital syphilis affects many body
systems and is therefore severe and mutilating All pregnant
women should have serologic testing for syphilis early in
Learning Assessment Questions
1 What are the general characteristics of spirochetes?
2 What risk factors are associated with Borrelia spp endemic
relapsing fever infection?
3 Which tickborne species of Borrelia is associated with a skin rash
or lesion?
4 What is the significance on infectious disease transmission of
finding partially engorged ticks attached to the skin?
5 What is the test of choice for the laboratory diagnosis of
relaps-ing fever borreliosis?
6 Name the four strains of the genus Treponema that are
patho-genic for humans.
7 What are the stages of a Treponema pallidum subsp pallidum
infection? Is the final stage usually seen in developed countries?
8 Where are most cases of leptospiroses contracted within the
United States, and why is this important when considering the
typical incubation period of the infection?
9 Compare the difference(s) between treponemal and mal tests for syphilis.
nontrepone-10 What is the recommended methodology for laboratory diagnosis
of Lyme borreliosis?
and Similar Organisms
Donald C Lehman and Connie R Mahon *
After reading and studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1 List the members of the family Chlamydiaceae
2 Discuss the unique growth cycle of Chlamydia, describing
elementary and reticulate bodies
3 Compare and contrast Chlamydia and Rickettsia and distinguish
them from other bacteria and viruses
4 Discuss the most important human diseases caused by the
Chlamydia, Chlamydophila, and Rickettsia, species and similar
5 Describe the modes of transmission for each species of Chlamydia,
Chlamydophila, Rickettsia, and similar microorganisms
6 Compare the epidemiology and pathogenesis of the serovars of
Chlamydia trachomatis
7 Evaluate the available assays for the laboratory diagnosis of
C trachomatis and Chlamydophila pneumoniae infections
8 Discuss the problems with serologic cross-reactivity among the rickettsial species
9 For the following human rickettsial diseases, link the causative agent and compare the mode of transmission to humans:
A 7-day-old newborn girl was brought by her grandmother to
the emergency department of a large city hospital She had been
discharged 3 days after birth, with the last nursing note
indicat-ing that the child was “fussy.” The child presented to the
emer-gency department with a fever of 39° C, loss of appetite, a
profuse yellow discharge from the right eye, and general
irritabil-ity Medical history revealed the mother to be a 17-year-old
intravenous drug abuser with no prenatal care, who had a
vaginal delivery in the parking lot of a local hospital Eye charge and cell scrapings were cultured Routine bacterial cul-tures were negative; however, a rapid nucleic acid amplification test was diagnostic
dis-Issues to Consider
After reading the patient’s case history, consider:
■ The various organisms that can be recovered from tive material from newborns
exuda-■ The clinical infections and disease spectrum associated with these organisms
■ How these organisms are transmitted and the risk factors associated with the diseases produced
Trang 10of Chlamydia exist, but they are rarely isolated from humans
The creation of a second genus was somewhat controversial and
is still being debated Therefore, readers may find both taxonomic classifications in published literature
The term rickettsiae can specifically refer to the genus ettsia or it can refer to a group of organisms included in the order
Rick-Rickettsiales There has been significant reorganization in the order Rickettsiales in recent years The order includes the fami-lies Rickettsiaceae and Anaplasmataceae The family Rickettsia-
ceae includes the genera Rickettsia and Orientia The family Anaplasmataceae includes the genera Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Cowdria, Neorickettsia, and Wolbachia As a result of this reorganization, Coxiella has been removed from the family
Chlamydiaceae General Characteristics
As shown in Table 24-2, initial differentiation of the Chlamydia
spp was based on selected characteristics of the growth cycle, susceptibility to sulfa drugs, accumulation of glycogen in inclu-sions, and DNA relatedness Table 24-2 also lists additional prop-erties of the Chlamydiaceae species that have helped further differentiate the three human species on the basis of natural host, major diseases, and number of antigenic variants (i.e., serovars)
The genus Chlamydia is in the family Chlamydiaceae;
members of the family share selected characteristics
genus Chlamydia, four species were previously recognized—
C pecorum, C pneumoniae, C psittaci, and C trachomatis All
except C pecorum have been associated with human disease
Based on analysis of 16S and 23S rRNA gene sequences, a
revised taxonomic classification has been accepted The family
Chlamydiaceae now consists of two genera: (1) Chlamydia
to include C trachomatis; and (2) Chlamydophila to include
C pneumoniae, C psittaci, and C pecorum Other named species
Reiter syndromeReticulate body (RB)Trachoma
TABLE 24-1 Comparative Properties of Microorganisms
Obligate intracellular parasites − + + − + Peptidoglycan in cell wall + + − − − Growth on nonliving medium + − − + −
Sensitivity to antimicrobial agents + + + + − Sensitivity to interferon − + − − + Binary fission (replication) + + + + −
+, Characteristic is present; −, characteristic is absent.
TABLE 24-2 Initial Differentiation of Chlamydiaceae Species
Inclusion morphology Round, vacuolar Round, dense Variable shape, dense Glycogen in inclusions + − −
Elementary body morphology Round Pear-shaped Round
Sulfa drug sensitivity + − −
DNA relatedness (against C pneumoniae) 10% 100% 10%
Natural hosts Humans Humans Birds, lower animals Major human diseases Sexually transmitted diseases
Trachoma Lymphogranuloma venereum
Pneumonia Pharyngitis Bronchitis
Pneumonia FUO Number of serovars 20 1 10
FUO, Fever of unknown origin; +, characteristic is present; −, characteristic is absent.
Trang 11separated C trachomatis into 20 serovariants, or serovars (Table24-3) The trachoma biovar includes serovars A through K Serovars A, B, Ba, and C are associated with the severe eye infection trachoma, whereas serovars D through K, Da, Ia, and
Ja are associated with inclusion conjunctivitis, a milder eye tion, and urogenital infections Serovars L1, L2, L2a, L2b, and L3
infec-are associated with lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), an
Chlamydiae are deficient in energy metabolism and are
there-fore obligate intracellular parasites Their unique growth cycle
involves two distinct forms, an elementary body (EB), which is
infectious, and a reticulate body (RB), which is noninfectious
The growth cycle (Figure 24-1) begins when the small EB infects
the host cell by inducing energy-requiring active phagocytosis
In vivo, host cells are primarily the nonciliated, columnar, or
transitional epithelial cells that line the conjunctiva, respiratory
tract, urogenital tract, and rectum During the next 8 hours, they
organize into larger, less dense RBs, which divert the host cell’s
synthesizing functions to their own metabolic needs and begin to
multiply by binary fission About 24 hours after infection, the
dividing organisms begin reorganizing into infective EBs At
about 30 hours, multiplication ceases, and by 35 to 40 hours, the
disrupted host cell dies, releasing new EBs (Figure 24-2) that can
infect other host cells, continuing the cycle
The EB has an outer membrane similar to that of many
gram-negative bacteria The most prominent component of this
mem-brane is the major outer memmem-brane protein (MOMP) The MOMP
is a transmembrane protein that contains both species-specific
and subspecies-specific epitopes that can be defined by
monoclo-nal antibodies The chlamydial outer membrane also contains
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) This extractable LPS, with
ketode-oxyoctonate, is shared by most members of the family and is the
primary antigen detectable in genus-specific tests and serologic
assays for the chlamydiae
Chlamydia trachomatis
C trachomatis has been divided into three biovars—trachoma,
lymphogranuloma venereum, and mouse pneumonitis (renamed
30 hours
Multiplication cessation
35 to 40 hours
Elementary body
FIGURE 24-2 Elementary bodies and cells in Chlamydia
Microtrak, Palo Alto, CA.)
Trang 12C trachomatis is unique in that it carries 10 stable plasmids
whose function is currently unknown This unique characteristic
is a major reason for the applications of nucleic acid
amplifica-tion by polymerase chain reacamplifica-tion (PCR) assay and identificaamplifica-tion
by hybridization
Clinical Infections
Trachoma C trachomatis causes the chronic eye infection
trachoma (Figure 24-3), the number one cause of preventable
blindness in the world Trachoma is associated with serotypes A,
B, Ba, and C These serovars are most frequently found near the
equator and are seen in climates with high temperature and high
humidity; they are not commonly seen in the United States
These serovars produce a chronic infection resulting in scarring
and continual abrasion of the cornea as the eyelid turns
down-ward todown-ward the cornea and, if left untreated, infection generally
ends in blindness in adults The World Health Organization
FIGURE 24-3 Conjunctival scarring and hyperendemic
blind-ness caused by Chlamydia trachomatis in ocular infections FIGURE 24-4 Inguinal swelling and lymphatic drainage caused
by Chlamydia trachomatis serovars L1 , L 2a , L 2b , or L 3 —that is, lymphogranuloma venereum
TABLE 24-3 Human Diseases Caused by Chlamydiaceae Species
D, Da, E, F, G, H, I, Ia, J, Ja, K Inclusion conjunctivitis (adult and newborn)
Nongonococcal urethritis Cervicitis
Salpingitis Pelvic inflammatory disease Endometritis
Acute urethral syndrome Proctitis
Epididymitis Pneumonia of newborns Perihepatitis (Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome)
L1, L2, L2a, L2b, L3 Lymphogranuloma venereum
Pharyngitis Influenza-like febrile illness
Endocarditis Abortion
*Predominant serovars associated with disease.
estimates that 1.3 million people are blind because of trachoma Prevention includes either or both antimicrobial treatment and a simple surgical procedure on the eyelid
Lymphogranuloma Venereum C trachomatis serovars
L1, L2, L2a, L2b, and L3 cause LGV, a sexually transmitted disease (STD); these serovars are more invasive than the others In LGV, patients have inguinal and anorectal symptoms (Figure 24-4) The serovars causing LGV are able to survive inside mononu-clear cells The bacteria enter the lymph nodes near the genital tract and produce a strong inflammatory response that often
results in bubo formation and subsequent rupture of the lymph
node LGV is uncommon in the United States and is usually seen
in immigrants from and returning travelers to countries in which the disease is endemic, typically the tropics and subtropics The LGV serovars have also been linked to Parinaud oculoglandular conjunctivitis
Trang 13Pneumocystis The incubation period is variable, but symptoms
generally appear 2 to 3 weeks after birth
Other Urogenital Diseases C trachomatis infections in
adult men include nongonococcal urethritis (NGU), epididymitis,
and prostatitis Serovars D through K are associated with these
clinical infections, which can be persistent and subclinical, as
well as acute and demonstrable Between 45% and 68% of female
partners of men with Chlamydia-positive NGU yield chlamydial
isolates from the cervix Approximately 50% of current male
partners of women with a cervical chlamydial infection are also
infected The same serovars can produce a conjunctivitis in males
and females
Infections in adult women include urethritis, follicular
cervi-citis (leukorrhea hypertrophic cervical erosion), endometritis,
proctitis, salpingitis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and
perihepatitis Reiter syndrome (urethritis, conjunctivitis,
poly-arthritis, and mucocutaneous lesions) in adults is believed to be
caused by C trachomatis Salpingitis can lead to scarring and
dysfunction of the oviductal transport system, resulting in
infer-tility or ectopic pregnancy In the United States, this is a major
cause of sterility Most infections in women and men can remain
asymptomatic, which facilitates the spread of the bacteria by
unprotected sexual contact
C trachomatis is the most common sexually transmitted
bac-terial pathogen in the United States In 2011, a total of 1,412,791
cases of genital infections were reported, but many infections are
undiagnosed, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) estimates that 2 to 3 million new cases occur annually in
the United States The number of reported cases has been
increas-ing by over 5% annually since 1997 Only genital warts, caused
by the human papillomavirus, is a more common sexually
trans-mitted disease in the United States Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a
distant third, with 321,849 confirmed cases in 2011 and an
esti-mated 600,000 new cases annually The reported rate of
chla-mydial infections in women increased from 496.5 cases/100,000
women in 2005 to 610.6 cases/100,000 women in 2010, an
increase of about 23% The rate in males was 233.7 The CDC
attributes the higher rate in women and the continued increase in
the reported national C trachomatis infection rate in women to
improved screening, increased use of nucleic acid amplification
tests, better reporting, and ongoing high burden of disease
Chlamydial Infection in the Newborn Traveling
through an infected birth canal, infants can be infected with
Chlamydia spp Chlamydial infection in an infant delivered by
cesarean section is rare, and infection from seronegative mothers
has not been reported Infants suffering from chlamydial
infec-tion can experience conjunctivitis, nasopharyngeal infecinfec-tions,
and pneumonia Table 24-4 shows selected features associated
with neonatal inclusion conjunctivitis The portal of entry is
ocular or aspiration, with colonization of the oropharynx being
a necessary event before infection Between 20% and 25% of
neonates born to Chlamydia culture–positive mothers develop
conjunctivitis, 15% to 20% develop nasopharyngeal infection,
and 3% to 18% develop pneumonia Otitis media is a less
fre-quent infection Infants born in the United States receive
prophy-lactic eyedrops, generally erythromycin, to prevent eye infections
by C trachomatis and N gonorrhoeae.
Clinically, it is believed that pneumonia in infants younger
than 6 months is associated with C trachomatis, unless proven
otherwise This pneumonia also can occur as a mixed
infec-TABLE 24-4 Inclusion Conjunctivitis in the Neonate
Caused by Chlamydia trachomatisCharacteristic Comments
Incubation period 4-5 days Signs Edematous eyelids Discharge Copious, yellow Course Untreated, weeks to months Complications Corneal panus formation, conjunctival scarring
✓ Case Check 24-1
In the Case in Point, the neonate presented with conjunctivitis and symptoms of pneumonia The signs and symptoms along with the neo- nate’s history are suggestive of C trachomatis infection.
• Knowledge of the population at risk
• Capability and facilities available for testing
• Cost of assays
• Ability to batch specimen types
• Experience of laboratory scientistPrevalence in the population to be tested is an important cri-terion in determining which method or combination of methods should be used For any assay, the positive predictive value increases (assuming optimum technical conditions) when the prevalence of the disease in the population is high The type of specimen selected for laboratory processing depends on the symptoms of the patient and the clinical presentation Regardless
of the source, however, the specimen should consist of infected epithelial cells and not exudate First-void urine and vaginal swab specimens are excellent for detecting infection Dacron, cotton, and calcium alginate swabs can be used, but it should be noted that toxicity has been associated with different lots of each, which
is a concern if culture is attempted Furthermore, it is important
to remember that swabs with plastic or metal shafts are superior
to those with wooden shafts, which are toxic to cells Table 24-7
lists the optimum specimens for detection of Chlamydia spp in
patients with a variety of clinical manifestations
Direct Microscopic Examination Direct specimen ination by cytologic methods primarily involves trachoma and inclusion conjunctivitis (Figure 24-5) Investigators have esti-mated this method as almost 95% sensitive, but it is technically demanding and influenced by the quality of the specimen and
Trang 14exam-TABLE 24-5 Appropriate Chlamydia trachomatis Assays for Selected Patient Population
Patient Population
Legal Applicability (Rape or Child Abuse?) Test of Cure Low Risk High Risk Eye Throat Low Risk High Risk
Culture A/B A B A A/B B Yes Yes
A, Most useful, stands alone; B, probable, but needs verification or complementary assay recognizing different Chlamydia trachomatis macromolecules,
i.e., LPS (EIA) vs MOMP (DFA) or competition assay for DNA probes; CFI, complement fixation; DFA, direct fluorescent antibody; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; IUO, investigational use only; LGV, lymphogranuloma venereum; MIF, microimmunofluorescence; MOMP, major outer membrane protein; NA, not available; OIA, optical immunoassay; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; SDA, strand displacement amplification; TMA, transcription-mediated amplification.
*A low-risk population is defined as one with a <5% incidence, such as in an obstetrics-gynecology or family practice patient group (e.g., birth control, annual gynecologic examination) A high-risk population is defined as one with a >10% incidence, such as those in sexually transmitted disease clinics, university or college student health centers, and emergency department patients.
TABLE 24-6 Detection Capabilities of Various Methods for Chlamydia trachomatis
Nonculture, nonamplified
DFA 70-95 92-98 73-98 95-99 + + − + False ± Staphylococci Screen only; experience
in FA needed EIA 72-95 90-99 45-92 95-99 + − LA LA False ± Streptococci, GC,
Verify with complementary assay
DFA, Direct fluorescent antibody; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; FA fluorescent antibody; LA limited availability; NPV, negative predictive value; PCR, polymerase
chain reaction; PPV, positive predictive value; SDA, strand displacement amplification; SENS, sensitivity; SPEC, specificity; TMA, transcription-mediated
*Range—low to high prevalence as described in the text.
difficult to use with large numbers of specimens, it does offer
rapidity in selected cases, particularly in detecting ocular
infec-tion in newborns When direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) testing
is used for endocervical or urethral specimens, the sensitivity is
80% to 85% Characteristic fluorescence of EBs is suggestive,
but verification by alternative methods using a different epitope
is needed Direct specimen examination offers one additional
important advantage—it allows for immediate quality control of
the specimen, revealing whether columnar epithelial cells are present Figure 24-6 shows inclusion bodies demonstrated by direct examination of cytologic stains of endocervical smears
Cell Culture Until the development of PCR assays, mydial cell culture was considered the gold standard for detect-
chla-ing C trachomatis infection; however, cell culture usefulness has
been limited because of the inherent technical complexity, time and specimen handling requirements, expense, and labile nature
Trang 15Fluorescein-labeled monoclonal antibodies can be used to detect the chlamydial inclusions Alternatively, iodine or Giemsa stain can be used, but these methods are less sensitive and spe-cific (Figure 24-7) There are a number of commercially available fluorescent antibodies Some researchers use species-specific monoclonal antibodies that bind to the MOMP, whereas others prefer the family-specific antibody, which binds to an LPS com-ponent Monoclonal antibodies against the MOMP are reported
to offer the brightest fluorescence, with consistent bacterial phology and less nonspecific staining than monoclonal antibod-ies against the LPS
mor-Immunoassays The most commonly used rapid antigen
assay for the detection of C trachomatis is the enzyme
immu-noassay (EIA) Depending on the manufacturer, the EIA detects the outer membrane LPS chlamydial antigen or the MOMP Many commercial kits are available, all having similar advan-tages These include the ability to do the following: screen large volumes of specimens, obtain objective results, have test results available in 3 to 5 hours, and use various specimen types EIAs, however, are not recommended for testing urine or vaginal swab specimens A summary of the published sensitivity, specificity, and negative and positive predictive values, as well as test speci-mens, is listed in Table 24-6 However, none of them equals the sensitivity of culture, and most are significantly less sensitive Discrepancies in sensitivity could be based on differences in sample size, disease prevalence, population characteristics, col-lection sampling techniques, and laboratory standards One addi-tional caution must be observed when EIA is used for chlamydial antigen detection A positive result must be considered prelimi-nary and should be verified, because antigen detection methods may give a false-positive result when used in low-prevalence (<5%) populations Because of these limitations, the CDC con-
siders EIAs substandard for the detections of C trachomatis, and
of the organism Even under the most stringent and optimal
conditions, isolation of chlamydiae is only approximately 80%
sensitive Cell lines commonly used for the detection of
chla-mydiae include McCoy, HEp-2, HeLa, and buffalo green monkey
kidney The cell lines are grown on coverslips in 1-dram shell
vials or on the surface of multiwell cell culture dishes containing
cell culture media with cycloheximide Because multiple blind
passes are not necessary to maximize the isolation rate in a
1-dram vial, the shell vial technique (see Chapter 29) has been
found to be more sensitive than the microwell method The
speci-men is centrifuged onto the cell monolayer and incubated for
TABLE 24-7 Appropriate Specimens for Detection of Chlamydial Infections
Inclusion conjunctivitis and trachoma Conjunctival swab, scraping with
spatula or tears
Specimen collection in neonates is difficult Urethritis Urethral swab In males, >4 cm; do not use discharge Epididymitis Epididymis aspirate
Cervicitis Endocervical swab Remove exudate first.
Salpingitis Fallopian tube (lumen) or biopsy
Lymphogranuloma venereum Bubo or cervical lymph node aspirate
Infant pneumonia Throat swab, nasopharyngeal aspirate,
or lung tissue Sexually transmitted disease, male sex
Urine Noninvasive diagnostic procedure;
EIA antigen detection is 80% accurate, PCR, 98%
Psittacosis Sputum, lung tissue
Chlamydophila pneumoniae pneumonia
or pharyngitis
Sputum, throat swab, or lung tissue Tissue culture isolation and direct
immunofluorescence are relatively new and need further evaluation.
Sexually transmitted disease, result
Rectal, vaginal swabs May be used for supplemental
information and in clarifying previous isolates or diagnostic dilemmas
EIA, Enzyme immunoassay; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.
Trang 16(BD Diagnostic Systems, Sparks, MD), are commercially able Although commercial tests differ in their amplification methods and target nucleic acid sequences, the increased sensi-tivity of NAATs is ascribed to their ability to produce positive signals from as little as a single copy of the target DNA or RNA All three commercial systems offer the ability to simultaneously
avail-detect N gonorrhoeae infection Because of improvements
in the NAATs, confirmation of positive results is no longer recommended
Nucleic Acid Hybridization and Amplification Assays
The newest advances in Chlamydia spp identification have dealt
with the detection of nucleic acids Initially, only one probe was
commercially available, a nonisotopically labeled DNA probe
that detected C trachomatis rRNA (PACE 2; Gen-Probe, San
Diego, CA) in urogenital specimens The sensitivity, specificity,
and positive and negative predictive values are higher than those
reported for EIA and cultures DNA probe assays can have the
added advantage of detecting two STDs in one sample—
gonorrhea and C trachomatis infection.
Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) have become the
preferred diagnostic method for C trachomatis genital
infec-tions They offer several advantages including U.S Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) approval to detect C trachomatis in
endocervical swabs from women, urethral swabs from men, and
urine from men and women Results can be obtained quickly and
testing is less technically demanding than culture However, no
NAAT has been approved for use on conjunctival,
oropharyn-geal, or rectal specimens
NAATs amplify and detect organism-specific DNA or RNA
sequences In-house PCR tests and FDA-approved systems for
the detection of C trachomatis in clinical specimens, such as the
PCR-based Roche Amplicor (Roche Molecular Systems,
India-napolis), APTIMA transcription-mediated amplification assay
(Gen-Probe), and ProbeTec strand displacement amplification
FIGURE 24-6 A, B, Cytologic examination of endocervical specimens demonstrating inclusion
In the Case in Point, the diagnosis of C trachomatis infection was
con-firmed by a nucleic acid amplification test These assays are generally rapid and highly sensitive and specific.
Antibody Detection Serologic assays can be used in the
detection of C trachomatis infections Historically, these were
thought to be limited and problematic Many individuals have chlamydial antibodies from previous infections, and because chlamydial infections tend to be localized, they do not cause the traditional fourfold rise in antibody titer between acute and con-valescent specimens Serologic testing of uncomplicated genital
Trang 17Reporting Results
With such great latitude in current testing choices, it is important for each laboratory to clearly report and define results Some key points in the development of an approach to ordering and report-
ing results of tests for C trachomatis and related organisms in a
patient specimen are as follows:
• Agreeing in advance with the obstetrics-gynecology and emergency departments on which organisms are associated with which clinical syndrome and then testing accordingly, using profiles
• Reporting which tests were and were not performed for each patient profile
• Reporting unusual observations Pure isolates of nas, Haemophilus, Neisseria meningitidis, and yeast are not
Pseudomo-normal, and the physician needs to be aware of their presence
Chlamydophila pneumoniae
Chlamydophila pneumoniae was formerly known as Chlamydia
sp., strain TWAR; it was originally identified in 1965 from a conjunctival culture of a child (TW) enrolled in a Taiwan tra-choma vaccine study In 1983, at the University of Washington,
a similar organism was isolated in HeLa cells from a pharyngeal
specimen of a college student (AR) Today, C pneumoniae is
recognized as an important respiratory pathogen It is known to
be a cause of acute respiratory disease, pneumonia, and gitis It also has been isolated from patients with otitis media with effusion, pneumonia with pleural effusion, and aseptic pharyngi-
pharyn-tis Infection with C pneumoniae has been established as a risk
factor for Guillain-Barré syndrome, an immunologically ated neurologic disease There also appears to be a relationship
medi-between sarcoidosis and C pneumoniae, but considerable work
needs to be done to establish the existence and degree of this
relationship To date, only a single C pneumoniae serovar has
been found
C pneumoniae has been implicated as a possible factor in
asthma and cardiovascular disease The organism has been lated from atherosclerotic tissue, but its possible pathogenic role remains under investigation Association of this organism with other vascular diseases, such as abdominal aortic aneurysm, has also been considered Because of the evidence implicating
iso-C pneumoniae with the development or outcome of
cardiovas-cular disease, antimicrobial therapy was recommended for ing vascular disease by up to 4% of physicians in the United States, according to a 1999 survey Results from clinical studies, however, have not shown benefits of antimicrobial therapy in individuals with coronary heart disease Furthermore, results suggest that conventional antimicrobial therapy may not eradi-cate the organism or reduce mortality in these patients, although
treat-C pneumoniae remains a potential risk factor in cardiovascular
Clinical Infections
Although probably 90% of infections are asymptomatic or mildly
symptomatic, infection with C pneumoniae is thought to be
fairly common, with an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 cases/year
in the United States In some populations, antibodies have been
infections and screening of asymptomatic individuals is not
rec-ommended Currently, the interpretation and significance of
sero-logic assays are being reevaluated, and serosero-logic testing is
growing as a complementary diagnostic tool in certain situations,
such as the following:
• With microimmunofluorescence (MIF), when a specific IgM
response to a different serovar of C trachomatis is observed,
new infections can be diagnosed in patients who have had
previous infections with other serovars
• Ascending infections by C trachomatis involving the
fallo-pian tubes and other organs of the upper female genital tract
are almost never detected by endocervical cultures Hence,
patients at risk for chronic infections would be missed with
the standard screening methods using a cervical swab
Sero-logic testing of women with subfertility has been proposed as
a screening test
• Complement fixation (CF) detects family-reactive antibody,
including elevated levels of antibody in systemic infections,
such as LGV Diagnosis of LGV is supported by CF titers of
1 : 64 or more (Table 24-8) It must be noted, however, that
CF generally is not useful in nonsystemic chlamydial
con-junctivitis or routine urogenital tract infections
The MIF is considered the method of choice for detecting
antibodies to C trachomatis MIF detects antibodies to
chla-mydial EBs; these antibodies are serovar-specific antibodies
Hence, high levels of chlamydial IgM by MIF are diagnostic of
systemic C trachomatis infection in infants Same-day diagnosis
is possible; therefore, IgM MIF is the method of choice for
diag-nosis of C trachomatis pneumonia in infants, preferable even to
culture Furthermore, infants with inclusion conjunctivitis
nor-mally do not have detectable IgM antibodies unless they have a
systemic infection Chlamydial IgG is generally not useful in
infants, because rising titers are seldom observed, and when high
titers are detected they probably reflect maternal antibody EIA
and complement fixation methods have also been described to
detect antibodies to C trachomatis.
TABLE 24-8 Detection of Chlamydia Species by
Various Serologic Methods
A/C, Acute/convalescent sera; CFI, complement fixation (using LPS common
to all members of the Chlamydiaceae); MIF, microimmunofluorescence.
Trang 18and bronchitis but is rarely accompanied by sinusitis Fever is relatively uncommon, and radiographs show isolated pneumoni-
tis C pneumoniae is recognized as the third most common cause
of infectious respiratory disease It accounts for approximately 10% to 15% of community-acquired cases of pneumonia The mode of transmission, incubation period, and infectiousness of
C pneumoniae infections are still largely unknown No animal
reservoir or vector is known Table 24-10 summarizes situations and/or populations at risk that would benefit from the detection
of C pneumoniae, usually by serologic methods.
Laboratory Diagnosis
Specimens collected for the detection of C pneumoniae include
sputum, bronchial lavage fluid, nasopharyngeal aspirates, throat washings, and throat swabs (Table 24-7) C pneumoniae may be
cultured on selected cell lines and visualized with conjugated monoclonal antibodies Human lines and HEp-2 from the human respiratory tract are the most sensitive Monoclonal
fluorescein-antibodies specific for C pneumoniae are used to identify
inclu-sions in cell culture It should be noted that a family-reactive
monoclonal antibody can identify C pneumoniae inclusions but
cannot differentiate this organism from the other chlamydiae
Attempts to culture C pneumoniae, if undertaken, should take into account the organism’s lability C pneumoniae seems to be considerably more labile than C trachomatis, although its viabil-
ity is relatively stable at 4° C An indirect fluorescent antibody
method has been reported for detecting C pneumoniae in
respira-tory secretions; the antibody reacts with the MOMP (Figure24-8) This same antibody can be used to identify infected cell culture monolayers
Given the difficulty of and lack of standardization for isolation
of C pneumoniae, serologic tests have been the method of choice
for diagnosis A CF test had been the traditional assay most often
used for C pneumoniae detection, but it is rarely used today The
present method of choice is the MIF assay, which is more tive and specific than CF Furthermore, it does not cross-react
sensi-with C trachomatis and C psittaci MIF also can distinguish an
IgM from an IgG response Single-titer evaluations, although not diagnostic, may be suggestive An IgM titer greater than 1 : 32 or
an IgG single titer greater than 1 : 512 may suggest C moniae as a recent causative agent, warranting further evaluation
pneu-An IgG titer of 1 : 16 or higher but less than 1 : 512 is evidence
of past infection or exposure
antibody detectable in children younger than 5 years It is thought
that the attack rate is highest between the ages of 6 and 20 years,
with a particular emphasis in college-age students Unlike viral
respiratory diseases, there seems to be no seasonal incidence,
although some Scandinavian data have indicated the possibility
of epidemics every 4 to 6 years Reinfection with C pneumoniae
appears to be common and can be milder or more severe than the
initial infection The epidemiologic and clinical features of
C pneumoniae are listed in Table 24-9
The clinical picture in college-age students, although it may
be varied, is a biphasic clinical course C pneumoniae infection
results in prolonged sore throat (5 to 7 days) and hoarseness,
followed by flulike lower respiratory tract symptoms (8 to 15
days) Because of its striking clinical similarity to bacterial
phar-yngitis, the result of a streptococcal antigen test often is thought
to be falsely negative The second phase of the biphasic illness
often results in pneumonia (approximately one in nine infections)
TABLE 24-9 Summary of Key Epidemiologic and
Clinical Features of Chlamydophila
pneumoniae Infections
Almost no antibody detectable
before 5 years of age
Antibodies present in >50% of
Attack rate highest between the
ages of 6 and ≈25 yr, often
Biphasic illness—prolonged sore throat, crouplike hoarseness, followed by lower respiratory (flulike) symptoms
Pneumonia and bronchitis, rarely accompanied by sinusitis Fever relatively uncommon Chest radiograph shows isolated pneumonitis
One in nine infections results in pneumonia.
Sarcoidosis, cardiovascular relationships (?)
TABLE 24-10 Evaluating for Chlamydophila pneumoniae
Pneumonias requiring hospitalization (age
6-20 yr)
C pneumoniae–specific IgM and IgG: acute
and convalescent, use MIF IgM, single visit
12% antibody prevalence Pharyngitis in college students 9% antibody prevalence
Retrospective, undiagnosed outbreaks in
young adults, college, or military
CF or MIF, IgG-specific Serious pneumonia, undiagnosed; clinically
presents like Mycoplasma pneumoniae
respiratory pathogens (i.e., Mycoplasma pneumoniae), establish cause and impact
on diagnosis-related group reimbursement
CF, Complement fixation; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M; MIF, microimmunofluorescence.
Trang 19physicians need to know the tests that are most appropriate for differentiating these microorganisms.
Isolation of C psittaci in culture, although diagnostic, is
difficult, dangerous, and not routinely used or recommended
Therefore, almost all diagnoses of C psittaci are based on
sero-logic evaluation A single antibody titer greater than 1 : 32 is suggestive of acute illness in a symptomatic patient during an outbreak of psittacosis The rise in antibodies is usually not demonstrable until the acute illness is over, however, and it
is often weak or absent if appropriate antimicrobial therapy is given This is most often a so-called rule-out disease If
C pneumoniae– and C trachomatis–specific IgG and IgM are
not detected by MIF and a fourfold rise in chlamydiae antibodies
is detected by CF, then C psittaci should be strongly suspected
A good history is paramount in evaluating bird exposure, bation time, and disease process The results of PCR-based assays have been published, but lack of a gold standard for comparison has made evaluation difficult No commercially prepared NAATs are available
incu-Rickettsiaceae and Similar Organisms
The genera Rickettsia and Orientia belong to the family
Rickett-siaceae Most members of the rickettsial group are borne, obligately intracellular pathogens that can grow only in the cytoplasm of host cells These bacteria have become extremely well adapted to their arthropod hosts The primary hosts usually have minimal or no disease from their rickettsial infection The arthropod host allows rickettsiae to persist in nature in two ways First, rickettsiae are passed through new generations of arthro-pods by transovarial transmission Because of this mechanism, arthropods are not only vectors for rickettsioses but also reser-voirs Second, arthropods directly inoculate new hosts with rick-ettsiae during feeding An exception to this pattern occurs with
arthropod-Rickettsia prowazekii In this case, the arthropod vector, the body
louse, can die of the rickettsial infection, and humans act as a natural reservoir
Rickettsiae are short, nonmotile, gram-negative bacilli about 0.8
to 2.0 µm × 0.3 to 0.5 µm in size The members of the genus
Rickettsia have not been grown in cell-free media but have been
grown in the yolk sacs of embryonated eggs and several
mono-layer cell lines Rickettsia spp are divided into three groups
according to the types of clinical infections they produce The
typhus group contains only two species, R prowazekii and
R typhi The spotted fever group includes a number of species generally recognized as human pathogens, such as R rickettsii,
R conorii, and R africae The transitional group contains
R akari, R australis, and R felis Because the infective aerosol dose is low, R rickettsii, R prowazekii, R typhi, and R conorii
are considered potential bioterror agents
Spotted Fever Group
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever The most severe of the rickettsial infections, Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is
caused by R rickettsii It was first described in the western
United States during the latter part of the nineteenth century It
Two antibody response patterns have been identified for
C pneumoniae infections In the primary response, most often
seen in adolescents, university students, and military trainees,
CF antibodies usually appear first By MIF, C pneumoniae–
specific IgM does not appear until 3 weeks after onset of
symp-toms, and often C pneumoniae–specific IgG does not reach
diagnostic levels for 6 to 8 weeks Therefore, the traditional
convalescent serum obtained approximately 14 to 21 days after
onset does not contain MIF-detectable C pneumoniae antibody
In contrast, during reinfection, a CF antibody change is not
detected, but by MIF, an IgG titer of 1 : 512 or more can appear
within 2 weeks IgM levels may be detectable but are low
Currently, no commercial kits are FDA-approved Laboratories
wishing to use MIF for C pneumoniae must develop their own
in-house protocols Recently, some partially automated
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) have become
commer-cially available, but they too are not yet FDA-approved Studies
have shown a concurrence between the ELISAs and MIF test
results The ELISAs have major advantages, namely being less
time-consuming, and the method does not rely on the quality
of the fluorescent microscope used or the experience of the
laboratory scientist
Chlamydophila psittaci
Chlamydophila psittaci is the cause of psittacosis among
psitta-cine birds, also known as ornithosis or parrot fever The former
mammalian C psittaci strains that cause feline conjunctivitis,
rhinitis, and respiratory infections among cats, guinea pig
con-junctivitis, and abortion among ruminants have been replaced in
three new species—Chlamydophila felis, Chlamydophila caviae,
and Chlamydophila abortus, respectively Diagnosis of
psittaco-sis is usually based on a history of exposure to psittacines and a
fourfold rise in antibody to the chlamydial group LPS antigen
In the United States, fewer than 50 cases of C psittaci are
reported annually Retrospective serologic testing of sera from
patients with acute respiratory disease have shown that many
people previously thought to have C psittaci infections because
of transient bird exposure were actually infected with C
pneu-FIGURE 24-8 Chlamydophila pneumoniae detection from
direct sputum smear using fluorescent-labeled monoclonal
antibody, highlighting cytoplasmic inclusion (×400) (Courtesy
DAKO Reagents, Carpinteria, CA.)
Trang 20disseminated intravascular coagulation The mortality rates for untreated or incorrectly treated patients can be as high as 20%, although correct antimicrobial therapy with tetracycline or chlor-amphenicol lowers the rates to 3% to 6%.
Boutonneuse Fever Boutonneuse fever, also known as
Mediterranean spotted fever, caused by R conorii, occurs in France, Spain, and Italy R conorii also causes Kenya tick typhus,
South African tick fever, and Indian tick typhus Like the agent for RMSF, this rickettsia is tick-borne, and its reservoirs include ticks and dogs
Boutonneuse fever is also clinically similar to RMSF The rash involves the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, just
as in RMSF The rash of boutonneuse fever, however, also involves the face Also in contrast with RMSF, this disease is characterized by the presence of taches noires (black spots) at the primary site of infection Taches noires are lesions caused by the
introduction of R conorii into the skin of a nonimmune person
As the organism spreads to the blood vessels in the dermis, damage occurs to the endothelium Edema secondary to increased vascular permeability reduces blood flow to the area and results
in local necrosis
Typhus Group
The typhus group of rickettsiae includes the species R typhi (endemic typhus, also referred to as murine typhus) and R
prowazekii (epidemic louse-borne typhus and Brill-Zinsser
disease) Generally, the typhus rickettsiae differ from the other
rickettsial groups in that they replicate in the cytoplasm of the host cell and cause cell lysis, thereby releasing the rickettsiae Other rickettsiae pass directly through an uninjured cell
Murine Typhus The arthropod vector for R typhi is the oriental rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis, and the rat (Rattus exulans)
is the primary reservoir Apparently, the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, can also harbor the organism Because this flea infests a
large number of domestic animals, it may be an important factor
in the persistence of infection in urban areas
The rickettsiae also survive in nature, to a lesser extent, by transovarial transmission When a flea feeds on an infected host, the rickettsiae enter the flea’s midgut, where they replicate in the epithelial cells They are eventually released into the gut lumen Humans become infected when fleas defecate on the surface of the skin while feeding The human host reacts to the bite by scratching the site, allowing direct inoculation of the infected
feces into abrasions R typhi can also be transmitted to humans
directly from the flea bite itself
In the 1940s, approximately 5000 cases of murine typhus were reported annually in the United States Rigid control measures have reduced that number to fewer than 100 cases annually The disease essentially occurs only in southern Texas and southern California in this country but continues to be a problem in areas of the world in which rats and their fleas are present in urban settings As is the case with RMSF, the clinical course of endemic typhus includes fever, headache, and rash Unlike RMSF, endemic typhus does not always produce a rash; only about 50% of those infected will have
a rash When the rash is present, however, it usually occurs
on the trunk and extremities Rash on the palms of the hands occurs rarely Complications are rare, and recovery usually occurs without incident
infectious nature of the disease, when they infected laboratory
animals with the blood of infected patients The nature of the
agent was a mystery, because no bacteria were apparent on direct
examination or on culture However, researchers had to discount
a viral cause, because the agent was not filterable The organism
was first seen using light microscopy in 1916
RMSF is a zoonosis, and humans typically acquire the
infec-tion by tick bites Ticks are the principal vector and reservoir for
RMSF The most common tick vectors are Dermacentor
varia-bilis (Figure 24-9) in the southeastern United States and
Derma-centor andersoni in the western part of the country Other species
of ticks, however, can be vectors Ticks transmit the organism
into humans via saliva, which is passed into the host during the
tick’s feeding Once in the host tissue, the rickettsiae are
phago-cytosed into endothelial cells (cells that line blood vessels),
where they replicate in the cytoplasm of the host cell Replication
in the nucleus also occurs The rickettsiae pass directly through
the plasma membranes of infected cells into adjacent cells
without causing damage to the host cells The rickettsiae are
spread throughout the host hematogenously and induce vasculitis
in internal organs, including the brain, heart, lungs, and kidneys
Clinically, the patient experiences flulike symptoms for
approximately 1 week, which follows an incubation period of
approximately 7 days The symptoms include fever, headache,
myalgia, nausea, vomiting, and rash The rash, which may be
hard to distinguish in individuals of color, begins as
erythema-tous patches on the ankles and wrists during the first week of
symptoms The rash can extend to the palms of the hands and
soles of the feet but normally does not affect the face The
macu-lopapular patches eventually consolidate into larger areas of
Once disseminated, the organisms cause vasculitis in
the blood vessels of the lungs, brain, and heart, leading to
pneumonitis, central nervous system manifestations, and
myo-carditis The patient experiences symptoms secondary to
vascu-litis, including decreased blood volume, hypotension, and
FIGURE 24-9 Dorsal view of Dermacentor
variabilis, the Amer-ican dog tick, a vector for Rocky Mountain spotted fever
(×20,000) (Courtesy Janice Carr, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.)
Trang 21mite (chigger) bite The incubation period is about 10 days, after which a papule forms at the site of inoculation The papule pro-gresses to a pustule and then to an indurated eschar The patient becomes febrile as the rickettsiae are disseminated throughout the body via the bloodstream The patient also experiences head-ache, nausea, and chills Unlike RMSF, the rash of rickettsialpox appears on the face, trunk, and extremities and does not involve the palms of the hands or soles of the feet Rickettsialpox symp-toms resolve without medical attention.
Scrub typhus is a disease that occurs in India, Pakistan, Burma,
eastern Russia, Asia, and Australia The causative agent is entia (formerly Rickettsia) tsutsugamushi The vector is the chigger, Leptotrombidium deliensis, and the main reservoir is the
Ori-rat The bacteria are transmitted transovarially in chiggers
The transmission of O tsutsugamushi to the human host is
followed by an incubation period of approximately 2 weeks A tache noire, similar to that of boutonneuse fever, forms at the site
of inoculation The normal rickettsial symptoms of fever, ache, and rash are also present The rash starts on the trunk and spreads to the extremities Unlike the case with RMSF, the rash does not involve the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, and the face is also not involved Without treatment, mortality approaches 30%
head-Laboratory Diagnosis of Rickettsial Diseases
Because of their infectious nature, isolation of the rickettsiae is not recommended and should only be attempted by biosafety level 3 laboratories If culture is attempted, blood should be col-lected as early in the disease as possible The immunohistochemi-cal detection of rickettsiae is an established method for diagnosis
of these infections Monoclonal antibodies directed against the spotted fever or typhus group have been used, but no antibody is commercially available PCR assays have also been described, but they too are not readily available
Typically, serologic assays are the only laboratory tests formed for the diagnosis of rickettsial diseases Unfortunately, these methods can only confirm a diagnosis in convalescent speci-mens and offer little help in diagnosing acute infections that could guide antimicrobial therapy The immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) test is considered the gold standard method for antibody detection Because of cross-reactivity among members of the same groups (spotted fever and typhus), generally only group-specific antibody is available Antibodies to certain rickettsial species are known to cross-react with bacteria in the genus
per-Proteus This gave rise to the Weil-Felix agglutination test
Because the assay does not use rickettsial antigen, it is nonspecific and rarely used in the United States However, because of its low cost, it is used in some other countries An agglutination test using latex beads coated with rickettsial antigens is commercially avail-able for the diagnosis of RMSF (Panbio, Baltimore)
Ehrlichiosis was first noted in France in the 1930s when dogs infected with brown dog ticks became ill and died Postmortem examination revealed rickettsial-like inclusions in the monocytes
Louse-Borne Typhus Louse-borne (epidemic) typhus is
caused by R prowazekii The vectors include the human louse
(Pediculus humanus; Figure 24-10), squirrel flea (Orchopeas
howardii), and squirrel louse (Neohaematopinus sciuriopteri)
The reservoirs are primarily humans and flying squirrels located
in the eastern United States The louse often dies of its
rickettse-mia, unlike vectors of other rickettsiae
Louse-borne typhus is still found commonly in areas of Africa
and Central and South America where unsanitary conditions
promote the presence of body lice As seen during World War
II, epidemic louse-borne typhus can recur even in developed
countries when sanitation is disrupted More than 20,000 cases
were documented during the 1980s, with the vast majority
origi-nating in Africa Louse-borne typhus is similar to the other
Lice are infected with R prowazekii when feeding on infected
humans The organisms invade the cells lining the gut of the
louse They actively divide and eventually lyse the host cells,
spilling the organisms into the lumen of the gut When the louse
feeds on another human, it defecates, and the infected feces are
scratched into the skin, just as in murine typhus The disease
progression is similar to that of RMSF, including involvement of
the palms of the hands and soles of the feet with the rash Unlike
the case with RMSF, the face may also be affected by a rash The
mortality rates for untreated patients can approach 40%, although
mortality rates in treated patients are very low
Brill-Zinsser disease, also called recrudescent typhus, is seen
in patients who previously had louse-borne typhus R prowazekii
lies dormant in the lymph tissue of the human host until the
infection is reactivated Brill-Zinsser disease is a milder disease
than louse-borne typhus, and death is rare Patients with latent
infections constitute an important reservoir for the organism
Transitional Group
Rickettsialpox Caused by R akari, the reservoir is the
common house mouse, and the vector is the mouse mite
Liponys-soides sanguineus Rickettsialpox occurs in Korea and the
Ukraine and in the eastern United States, including the cities of
New York, Boston, and Philadelphia The infections occur in
crowded urban areas where rodents and their mites exist
Rickettsialpox has similarities to RMSF but is a milder
infec-FIGURE 24-10 The female head louse, Pediculus humanus,
which is a vector for Rickettsia
prowazekii, the agent of epi-demic typhus (×40) (Courtesy Dr Dennis D Juranek, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.)
Trang 22sensitive (29%) The bacteria are primarily found in monocytes Antigen detection in tissues such as bone marrow, liver, and spleen has been described Again, the sensitivity is low (40%), and cross-reaction with other species has been noted This leaves NAATs as the most frequently used method for direct detection
of E chaffeensis The bacteria have also been isolated from
peripheral blood in cell monolayers Most cases of HME are diagnosed retrospectively by serologic testing; IFA is the most widely used method
Anaplasma Anaplasma phagocytophilum, formerly known as Ehrlichia
phagocytophilum, causes a disease referred to as human
granu-locytic anaplasmosis (HGA) The disease is identical to that
which Ehrlichia equi causes in horses and Ehrlichia philum causes in ruminants All three of these organisms are now classified as A phagocytophilum The incubation period for HGA
phagocyto-is 5 to 11 days The symptoms closely resemble those of HME; less than 11% of infected individuals have a rash
HGA is not a reportable disease in all states, so the number
of cases is probably underreported In Wisconsin and necticut, the average annual incidence ranges from 24 to 58 cases/100,000 people Cases have increased steadily from 348 cases in 2000 to 1761 cases in 2010 As of 2010, over 7000 cases were reported nationwide Most cases are identified in the upper Midwest and Northeast United States Natural hosts include deer,
Con-rodents, horses, cattle, and humans Tick vectors include Ixodes scapularus and I pacificus.
As with HME, staining of peripheral blood and buffy coats can be used to diagnose HGA The morulae are found in granu-locytes (Figure 24-11), and the sensitivity is about 60% because
of a large number of infected white blood cells Diagnosis can also be made by direct antigen detection, NAATs, and isolation
in cell cultures IFA serologic kits are available for the detection
of antibodies to A phagocytophilum.
Coxiella burnetii is the only species in the genus This organism
differs in several ways from many members of the families
Rick-ettsiaceae and Anaplasmataceae For example, although C netii is an obligate intracellular parasite, it develops within the
bur-phagolysosomes of infected cells The acidic environment
acti-vates its metabolic enzymes Spore formation by C burnetii
allows it to survive harsh environmental conditions In addition,
C burnetii is generally not transmitted by arthropods, although
it is known to infect more than 12 genera of ticks and other arthropods The bacteria can infect fish, birds, rodents, livestock, and other mammals
C burnetii is the causative agent of Q (query) fever, a disease
found worldwide Q fever is highly contagious and, as such, is considered a potential bioterror agent (see Chapter 30) Most infections are spread by the inhalation of dried birthing fluids The ingestion of unpasteurized milk is also a recognized risk factor Acute Q fever generally has an abrupt onset of an undifferentiated febrile disease consisting of high fever that can be accompanied by headaches, myalgia, arthralgia, cough and, rarely, a rash Patients may present with elevated liver enzyme levels, increased erythrocytic sedimentation rate, and thrombocytopenia Because of the rapid dissemination of the
named Rickettsia canis They were obligately intracellular,
arthropod-borne, gram-negative coccobacilli They differ from
the other members of the rickettsiae in that they multiply in the
phagosomes of host leukocytes and not in the cytoplasm of
endo-thelial cells
Because these organisms grew within host cell vacuoles, they
were reclassified into a new genus, Ehrlichia, in 1945 The
ehrlichiae have a developmental cycle similar to that of the
chla-mydiae The infective form of the organism is the EB, which
replicates in the phagosome and prevents phagolysosome
forma-tion These bodies give rise to inclusions with initial bodies
inside As the inclusions mature, they develop morulae
(mulberry-like bodies; Figure 24-11) Morulae are round to oval
clusters of bacteria 1 to 3 µm in diameter As the host cell
rup-tures, the morulae break into many individual EBs, which
con-tinue the infective cycle
Ehrlichia chaffeensis causes human monocytic ehrlichiosis
(HME), which occurs in the United States, Europe, Africa, and
South and Central America In the United States, most cases are
found in the southeastern and south central states, as well as in
the Mid-Atlantic states Oklahoma, Missouri, and Arkansas
account for about 35% of the cases Ehrlichia ewingii produces
a disease indistinguishable from E chaffeensis, and no currently
available serologic test can distinguish these agents Ehrlichiosis
cases have increased from about 200 in the year 2000 to 961 in
2008, although cases may be underreported Reported cases
decreased to 740 in 2010 A total of 6100 cases were reported
through 2010 Natural hosts of the organism include dogs and
deer, as well as humans, with the lone star tick (Amblyomma
americanum) being the primary vector.
Many patients with HME may experience asymptomatic
infection The organism has an incubation period of 5 to 10 days
Patients often experience high fever, headache, malaise, and
myalgia Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, joint pain, and
con-fusion are rarely present As many as 67% of the pediatric
patients infected with E chaffeensis have a rash; however, adults
rarely experience a rash Patients may also have evidence of
leukopenia and neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and elevated
liver enzyme levels Patients can experience severe
complica-tions, including toxic shock–like syndrome, central nervous
system involvement, and adult respiratory distress syndrome
Mortality rates are approximately 2% to 3%
Direct staining (Giemsa or Wright) of peripheral blood smears
or buffy coats for morulae can be used for diagnosing
E chaffeensis infections; however, this method is not very
FIGURE 24-11 Anaplasma morula (arrow) in an infected white
blood cell (×1000)
Trang 23Beninati T, et al: First detection of spotted fever group rickettsiae in
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Summary of notifiable
diseases—United States, 2011, MMWR 60(53):1, 2013 Available at:
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bacteria, a number of tissues can be infected, resulting in a
chronic disease The cardiovascular system is most susceptible
The laboratory diagnosis of Q fever can be made by direct
immunofluorescence assays of infected tissue,
immunohisto-chemistry However, with the exception of heart tissue in cases
of endocarditis, infected tissue contains low numbers of bacteria
NAATs, such as the PCR assay, have also been successful in
diagnosing infections; whole blood and buffy coats are often
successful in detecting the organism C burnetii is highly
conta-gious; isolation in cell cultures should be attempted only in
bio-safety level 3 facilities Several serologic assays have been
described for detecting antibodies in acute and chronic cases IFA
is the method of choice EIA kits are commercially available and
have sensitivities and specificities comparable to those of IFA
Learning Assessment Questions
1 What organisms should be considered as possible causes of
neonatal conjunctivitis?
2 What stains should be performed on the discharge or
conjunc-tival scraping for microscopic examination?
3 For the infant described in the Case in Point, what other clinical
conditions could be due to the causative organisms?
4 What STD is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes L1, L 2 ,
7 What is psittacosis or ornithosis?
8 What is the most common laboratory method used to diagnose
rickettsial diseases? Explain.
9 What cells do the Ehrlichia and Anaplasma species typically infect
in humans?
10 How does Coxiella burnetii differ from the Rickettsia spp.?
Points to Remember
■ Chlamydiae and rickettsiae are obligate intracellular organisms.
bacterial pathogen, and certain serovars are associated with
tra-choma, which can result in blindness.
■ NAATs are better assays for the diagnosis of C trachomatis
infec-tions than cultures.
pathogen considered responsible for many cases of
community-acquired pneumonia It has also been linked to chronic illnesses
such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and stroke.
parrot fever or ornithosis This bacterium produces lower
respira-tory tract infections in humans.
■ The Rickettsia spp are important human pathogens responsible for
a number of diseases including Rocky Mountain spotted fever,
rickettsialpox, and typhus.
■ The Rickettsia, Orientia, Ehrlichia, and Anaplasma are typically
transmitted to humans by the bites of arthropods.
cells: mononuclear cells and granulocytes, respectively.
often transmitted by inhalation of dried birthing fluids The
inges-tion of unpasteurized milk is also a risk factor.
Donald C Lehman and Connie R Mahon *
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma Species
Other Mycoplasma Species
Specimen Collection and Transport
Direct Examination
CultureSerologic Diagnosis
After reading and studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1 Describe the general characteristics of the mycoplasma and how
they differ from other bacterial species
2 Name the clinical specimens from which the mycoplasma species are
most likely to be isolated
3 Compare the clinical diseases caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae,
Mycoplasma hominis, and Ureaplasma urealyticum
4 Compare the pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae with
that caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae
5 Identify the preferred stain for demonstration of the mycoplasmas
6 Discuss the possible roles of M hominis and U urealyticum in
infections of low-birth-weight and high-risk neonates
7 Discuss the clinical manifestations of other Mycoplasma spp in immunocompromised patients
8 Analyze the diagnostic methods appropriate for the detection and identification of mycoplasmal and ureaplasmal infections
9 Discuss the use of serologic assays for diagnosing M pneumoniae infections
10 Name two selective media for the detection of the mycoplasmas
11 Explain the effects of antimicrobial therapy on mycoplasmal infections
12 Provide recommendations for the proper interpretation and reporting for Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma
*My comments are my own and do not represent the view of the Health Resources
and Services Administration of the Department of Health and Human Services.”
Case in Point
A premature male infant in the neonatal intensive care unit, who
weighed 1.5 lb at birth (low birth weight), developed signs of
meningitis, and a lumbar puncture was performed Results of a
white blood cell count of the cerebrospinal fluid were negative,
the Gram stain was reported as “no organisms seen,” and
routine culture at 3 days was “no growth.” The infant was still
symptomatic at this time, and the pediatric infectious disease
physician, after consultation with the microbiology laboratory,
performed another spinal tap and ordered additional cultures
An organism was recovered by the laboratory
Issues to Consider
After reading the patient’s case history, consider:
■ The cause of meningeal infections in the given patient
Pleuropneumonia-like organism (PPLO)
Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU)
Primary atypical pneumoniaT-strain mycoplasma
This chapter discusses a group of organisms once thought
to be viruses because of their size Mycoplasmas are the smallest self-replicating organisms in nature This group
of bacteria belongs within the class Mollicutes Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma are the two genera in the family Mycoplasmataceae
At least 16 species of mollicutes have been isolated from humans
Although there are numerous species of Mycoplasma and
Trang 25aerobic M pneumoniae and the more rapidly growing plasma hominis The mollicutes produce small colonies ranging
in size from about 15 µm to over 300 µm in diameter plasma spp often grow embedded beneath the surface of solid
Myco-media; therefore, transferring colonies with a loop is ineffective
On solid media, some species (e.g., M hominis) form colonies
with slightly raised centers giving the classic fried egg ance (Figure 25-1) In the laboratory, mycoplasmas are common and hard to detect contaminants of cell cultures
appear-FIGURE 25-1 Typical large Mycoplasma colony showing fried
egg appearance (Courtesy Bionique Testing Laboratories, Saranac Lake, NY.)
Ureaplasma identified in plants and animals, the following
species are the most significant human pathogens (Table 25-1):
• Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which causes respiratory disease
• Mycoplasma hominis, associated with urogenital tract disease
• Ureaplasma urealyticum, associated with urogenital tract
General Characteristics
Mycoplasmas are pleomorphic organisms that do not possess a
cell wall, a characteristic that makes them resistant to cell wall–
active antibiotics such as the penicillins and cephalosporins
Because of the permanent absence of a cell wall, they were
originally grouped under the general term cell wall–deficient
bacteria They are not, however, classified as L-forms, which
are bacteria that have temporarily lost their cell wall as a result
of environmental conditions The mollicutes, a common name
used to describe members of the class Mollicutes, are
character-ized by permanently lacking a cell wall They range in size for
coccoid forms from approximately 0.2 to 0.3 µm in diameter to
tapered rods of approximately 1 to 2 µm in length and 0.2 to
0.3 µm in diameter Eight genera and over 200 species of
mol-licutes have been described Table 25-2 compares features of
three genera known to be pathogenic for humans
Mollicutes are generally slow-growing, highly fastidious,
fac-ultative anaerobes requiring complex media containing
choles-terol and fatty acids for growth; important exceptions include
TABLE 25-1 Divergent Ecosystems Inhabited by Genera of the Class Mollicutes
+, Present in ecosystem; −, rarely associated with ecosystem.
TABLE 25-2 Pathogens in the Class Mollicutes
Lack of cell wall induced in hypertonic
solution and penicillin, lysozyme, or salts − − − Exists in nature as free-living organism − − +
Other shared characteristics Smaller than other bacteria; close in size to myxoviruses
Smaller genome than other bacteria Lower guanidine-to-cytosine (G/C) ratio than most bacteria Limited metabolic activity (i.e., fastidious)
Many mollicutes contain DNase.
Trang 26military personnel Epidemics are known to occur in these lations Infection is not considered seasonal, but many cases occur in autumn and early winter Outbreaks also have been noted when adolescents return to school in the fall Transmission
popu-is probably through aerosol droplet spray produced while coughing
Many infections are completely asymptomatic or very mild The most common presentation is tracheobronchitis; however, about one third of infected patients demonstrate clinically appar-ent pneumonia (Figure 25-4) The incubation period is usually 2
to 3 weeks, and early symptoms are nonspecific, consisting of headache, low-grade fever, malaise, and anorexia Sore throat, dry cough, and earache are accompanying symptoms Extrapul-monary complications, including cardiovascular, central nervous system, dermatologic, and gastrointestinal problems, are rare
occurrences M pneumoniae is not associated with infections
of the urogenital tract It has, however, been implicated as a
FIGURE 25-2 Electron micrographs showing effect of Mycoplasma
pneumoniae on ciliated tra-cheal cells A, Infected animal model B, Uninfected animal model (×20,000)
FIGURE 25-3 Electron micrograph of Mycoplasma
trachea (×100,000) c, Cilia; mv, microvilli; m, mycoplasma
The first Mycoplasma was isolated in the late 1800s from a
cow with pleuropneumonia Later, a mycoplasma was isolated
from humans and was referred to as a pleuropneumonia-like
organism (PPLO) and the Eaton agent, after the researcher who
first isolated it from humans This human isolate became known
as Mycoplasma pneumoniae The mycoplasmas adhere to the
epithelium of mucosal surfaces in the respiratory and urogenital
tracts and are not eliminated by mucous secretions or urine flow
epithelial cells before and after M pneumoniae adherence Figure
25-3 is an electron micrograph demonstrating the shape of
M pneumoniae and its orientation of attachment Mycoplasma
spp indigenous to humans are listed in Table 25-3 The human
mycoplasmas are susceptible to adverse environmental
condi-tions, such as heat and drying Transmission of mycoplasmas and
ureaplasmas in humans can occur via direct sexual contact, from
mother to child during delivery or in utero, and by respiratory
secretions or fomites in cases of M pneumoniae infections.
Clinical Infections
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Mycoplasma pneumoniae may cause bronchitis, pharyngitis, or
a relatively common respiratory infection known as primary
atypical pneumonia, or walking pneumonia The clinical
mani-festations resemble those caused by Chlamydophila pneumoniae
The disease differs from the typical pneumonia caused by
Strep-tococcus pneumoniae in that it is milder, has a higher incidence
in young adults, and is not seasonal M pneumoniae does not
occur as a normal commensal; therefore, its isolation is always
significant and pathognomonic M pneumoniae causes
approxi-mately 20% of reported pneumonias in the general population
and up to 50% in confined populations, such as those in military
settings School-age children and young adults are especially
susceptible to infection Clinical disease is uncommon in very
young children and older adults Other groups at risk include
closed-in populations such as prisoners, college students, and
Trang 27disease In addition, it has been reported that among sexually active individuals, the rate of colonization is directly related to the number of sexual partners Higher rates of colonization have been noted in adults of lower socioeconomic status The organ-isms do not persist in infants colonized at birth Table 25-4 summarizes the known association of genital mollicutes with urogenital and newborn diseases.
Mycoplasma hominis is found in the lower genitourinary
tracts of approximately 50% of healthy adults and has not been
reported as a cause of nongonococcal urethritis (NGU)
Ure-thritis in males not caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae The
organ-ism may, however, invade the upper genitourinary tract and cause salpingitis, pyelonephritis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or
postpartum fevers Ureaplasma parvum (U urealyticum biovar 1) and U urealyticum (U urealyticum biovar 2) do not cause
disease in the female lower genital tract but have been associated with approximately 10% of cases of NGU in men, as well as with
upper female genitourinary tract disorders The role of U parvum
in NGU has been questioned U urealyticum has been recovered
from more than 60% of normal sexually active females and has been associated with reproduction disorders, chorioamnionitis, congenital pneumonia, and the development of chronic lung disease in premature infants Although it is not a primary cause
of chronic lung disease, U urealyticum is a common organism
isolated from tracheal aspirates of low-birthweight infants with respiratory disease; 14% of infections were in newborns deliv-ered by cesarean section, thus indicating that infection occurred
in utero and not during passage through the birth canal
M hominis and Ureaplasma spp can be transmitted to the
fetus at delivery and have been recovered from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of certain high-risk newborns, including preterm and low-birthweight babies (see Table 25-4) In particular, U parvum
has been linked to respiratory distress in premature infants It has been recommended that culture for these organisms be attempted when the CSF specimen from a newborn with evidence of men-ingitis is negative for bacteria on Gram stain and routine bacte-
co-infection or cofactor in epidemic group A meningococcal
meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis) and infant pneumonitis.
Mycoplasma hominis and
Ureaplasma Species
Although the mollicutes do not cause vaginitis, both M hominis
and U urealyticum are associated with infections of the
urogeni-tal tract and might play a role in bacterial vaginosis They are,
however, frequently isolated from asymptomatic sexually active
individuals, making interpretation of a positive culture difficult
Because they are opportunistic pathogens, the immune status of
FIGURE 25-4 Typical chest radiograph of a patient with a
3-week course of atypical pneumonia Note nonspecific inter-stitial pneumonia and a patchy infiltrate delineated by a
feathery outline
TABLE 25-3 Mycoplasma Species Indigenous to Humans
Urogenital tract Uncommon
peripheral zone Urogenital tract Common (9% to 50% women)
30% to 50% men)
Tiny, spherical, fried egg, granular
*Relative sizes: large, >100 nm; small, 50-100 nm; tiny, <50 nm.
Trang 28TABLE 25-4 Summary of Association of Genital Mollicutes with Urogenital and Newborn Diseases
Disease, Target Population Mycoplasma hominis Ureaplasma urealyticum Comments
Nongonococcal urethritis None Strong Ureaplasmas cause some cases, but the proportion
is unknown.
Prostatitis Weak None An association with a few cases of chronic disease
has been reported; a causal relation is unproven Epididymitis None None Mycoplasmas are not an important cause.
Reiter disease None None The role of ureaplasmas should be studied.
Bartholin gland abscess Weak None M hominis may cause some disease but is not an
important cause.
Vaginitis and cervicitis None None M hominis is often associated with disease, but a
causal relation is unproven.
Pelvic inflammatory disease Strong Weak M hominis causes some cases, but the proportion
Urinary calculi None Weak Ureaplasmas cause calculi in male rats, but no
convincing evidence exists that they cause natural human disease.
Pyelonephritis Strong None M hominis causes some cases.
Involuntary infertility None Weak Ureaplasmas are associated with altered motility
of sperm.
Repeated spontaneous abortion
and stillbirth
None Weak Maternal and fetal infections have been associated
with spontaneous abortion, but a causal relation is unproven.
Chorioamnionitis None Strong An association exists, but a causal relation is unproven Low birth weight None Strong An association exists, but a causal relation is unproven Neonatal infections, including
sepsis, pneumonia, meningitis
Strong Strong Further clarification is needed, but importance is
growing in a selected prenatal population.
Neonatal period, particularly
preterm delivery, very low
birth weight; clinical signs
compatible with meningitis
(CSF), pneumonia (trachea),
sepsis (blood)
Strong Strong These findings need further clarification because most
neonatal infections resolve without therapy, but in low socioeconomic groups the diagnostic workup of newborns should include CSF and blood cultures for detection of mycoplasmas This includes low-birth- weight and preterm newborns, in whom traditional CSF cell counts and cultures would be negative.
CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.
✓ Case Check 25-1
In the Case in Point, the cerebrospinal fluid was culture negative for the
more common cause of neonatal meningitis: group B Streptococcus,
Escherichia coli, and Listeria monocytogenes Both M hominis and U
urealyticum have been isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of
low-birth-weight infants Because of the absence of a cell wall, these bacteria do
not Gram stain, so the lack of bacteria seen in a direct Gram stain
sup-ports the diagnosis.
Other Mycoplasma SpeciesMycoplasma genitalium, first isolated in 1980, has been associ-
ated with NGU, cervicitis, endometriosis, and PID There is
evidence linking M genitalium to some cases of tubal sterility
Its prevalence is not known, but it may be primarily a resident
of the gastrointestinal tract that occurs secondarily in the urinary or respiratory tracts Using polymerase chain reaction
genito-(PCR) assays, M genitalium has been found more frequently in
urethral samples taken from men with acute NGU than in those from men without urethritis
Mycoplasma fermentans has been noted as a likely
oppor-tunistic respiratory pathogen It is not known how often
M fermentans occurs in the respiratory tracts of healthy children,
but it has been detected in throats of patients with lower tory tract infection, in some of whom a specific causative agent
respira-was not identified Other groups of patients from whom M mentans has been recovered include adult patients with respira-
fer-tory illness and those with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS) M fermentans has been isolated from tissue in patients
In immunocompromised individuals, bacteremia and invasive
disease of the joints and respiratory tract caused by mycoplasmal
species have occurred U urealyticum has been reported to cause
chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and cystitis in
hypogammaglobulinemic patients Mycoplasma isolates have
been intermittently associated with patients with endocarditis,
sternal wound infections, and arthritis
Trang 29and wooden shafts should be avoided because of possible tory effects Most references recommend that swabs be made of Dacron polyester or calcium alginate with aluminum or plastic shafts and that swabs be removed when the sample is placed in
inhibi-a trinhibi-ansport medium On inhibi-arrivinhibi-al in the linhibi-aborinhibi-atory, the specimens should be frozen at −70° C if plating within 24 hours is not possible
Direct ExaminationBecause they lack a cell wall, the mollicutes will not be visible
by Gram staining A DNA fluorescent stain (e.g., acridine orange) can be used, but this is not specific for the mollicutes Antigen detection assays have been used but are generally low in sensitiv-ity and are not recommended The PCR assay has been described for the detection of many mollicutes with varied results Patients
with M pneumoniae infections can persistently harbor the
organ-ism for varied lengths of time after the acute infection Therefore,
it is difficult to interpret a positive PCR result No commercial kits are currently available
Several media have been developed for the recovery of licutes, and no single medium is suitable for all species isolated from humans Penicillin can be added to minimize bacterial con-
mol-tamination SP4 broth and agar are ideal for M pneumoniae and
M hominis M pneumoniae and M genitalium require glucose (their major energy source), M hominis requires arginine, and Ureaplasma spp require urea Ureaplasma spp also require
media to have a pH near 6.0 (Shepherd’s 10B arginine broth) It
is difficult to maintain Ureaplasma spp in culture because death
occurs rapidly when the urea is depleted, and the bacteria are sensitive to changes in pH because of urea utilization Because mycoplasmas do not produce turbidity in broth media, a pH indicator such as phenol red should be added to detect growth
A8 agar can be used as a solid medium to recover M hominis and Ureaplasma spp.
Recovery of mycoplasma from blood can be performed by placing uncoagulated blood into mycoplasmal broth media A
with and without AIDS who died of systemic infection M
fer-mentans has also been isolated from synovial fluid of patients
with rheumatoid arthritis M penetrans has been demonstrated
in urine of homosexual males with human immunodeficiency
virus-associated disease M salivarium has been recovered from
culture or detected by PCR assay in synovial fluid from patients
with rheumatoid arthritis; however, the significance of this
organ-ism in this disease condition is unclear
Laboratory Diagnosis
Because recovery from culture is difficult (sensitivity ≅ 40%),
isolation of M pneumoniae from respiratory sites is infrequently
attempted Growth may take several weeks, and technical
exper-tise is necessary M hominis and Ureaplasma spp are less
strin-gent in their growth requirements but require cholesterol for
synthesis of plasma membranes M hominis is the only species
that will grow on sheep blood and chocolate agars Diagnosis of
M pneumoniae infection is usually established serologically,
tra-ditionally with acute and convalescent sera collected 2 to 3 weeks
apart to demonstrate a fourfold rise in titer A representation of
classic clinical and corresponding diagnostic manifestations of
M pneumoniae is shown in Table 25-5 As noted, many of the
early symptoms are nonspecific, and a thorough understanding
of the disease process is necessary for interpretation of serum
and culture results
Specimen Collection and Transport
Specimens for mycoplasmal culture include body fluids such as
blood, sputum, synovial fluid, CSF, amniotic fluid, and urine, as
well as wound aspirates and nasopharyngeal, cervical, and
vaginal swabs Tissue samples may also be submitted for culture
Because of the lack of a cell wall, all mycoplasmas are extremely
sensitive to drying and heat Ideally, specimens should be
inocu-lated at bedside If this is not possible, specimens should be
delivered immediately to the laboratory in a transport medium,
such as SP4 (sucrose phosphate buffer, Mycoplasma base, horse
serum [20%], and neutral red) or Shepard’s 10B broth or 2SP,
which are designed for the mycoplasma Cotton-tipped swabs
TABLE 25-5 Major Clinical and Corresponding Diagnostic Manifestation of Mycoplasma pneumoniae
With antimicrobial treatment 104° F 104° F 102° F 100° F Absent
Without antimicrobial treatment 104° F 100° F Absent Absent Absent
Chest radiograph +2 +3 +2 +2 +1
Mycoplasma culture with or without antibiotic treatment + + + + + +
Complement fixation (titer) ≤8 8 32 64 256 256 128 Mycoplasma-specific Ig
Trang 30Commercial culture media and kits for the detection and recovery of mycoplasmal organisms have been developed and are available in Europe, and a few are now sold in the United States Such products may detect, quantify, identify, and deter-mine the antimicrobial susceptibility of genital mycoplasmas
from urogenital specimens and M pneumoniae from respiratory
Isolation and Identification
Once inoculated, broth media should be placed at 37° C under atmospheric conditions, whereas solid agar media may be incu-bated in an environment of room air enhanced with 5% to 10%
CO2, or in an anaerobic atmosphere of 95% N2 with 5% CO2 Incubation in a candle jar is adequate
M hominis and Ureaplasma spp colonies may appear within
2 to 4 days, whereas M pneumoniae may take 21 days or longer
ratio of 1 : 10 (blood to broth) and 10 mL of blood for adults is
recommended Sodium polyanethol sulfonate (SPS), an additive
often found in commercial blood culture media, is inhibitory to
mycoplasma The addition of 1% (wt/vol) of gelatin may help
overcome the inhibitory effect of SPS; nevertheless, the use of
commercial blood culture media, whether or not used in
auto-mated instruments, is not recommended Figure 25-5 presents
a schematic representation of media and methods used in the
traditional procedures for isolation and identification of
Mycoplasma spp.
Fluids should be centrifuged and the pellet resuspended in a
small volume of liquid for media inoculation It is important that
specimens be diluted in broth up to 10−3 before plating each
dilu-tion This helps minimize the inhibitory effects of antimicrobial
agents, antibodies, and other inhibitors that may be present in the
(not M pneumoniae)
*SP4, Sucrose phosphate buffer, Mycoplasma base, fetal bovine serum (20%), phenol red Medium stabilizes and
decontaminates specimen Storage at –70° C for repeat testing is recommended.
† Thin colony periphery Examine with stereomicroscope using ×20 to ×60 magnification.
‡ Color change: positive, yellow color with no gross turbidity; negative, red color.
§ GP–RBC–HAD = Guinea pig red blood cell hemadsorption b-Hemolysis test for presumptive identification of
Mycoplasma pneumoniae may be used in lieu of GP–RBC–HAD.
NOTE: Methylene blue or Dienes stain can be used for detection of Mycoplasma spp on SP4 agar; plate immunofluorescence
using labeled antibody can be used for identification.
Inoculate transport medium onto SP4 agar and incubate at 35° to 37° C
in CO 2 ; perform weekly microscopic observation for small (10 to 100 µm), grainy colony with thin “apron,” †
hold 4 weeks before reporting as negative Incubate SP4 broth
at 35 ° to 37° C (no CO 2 )
Trang 31✓ Case Check 25-2
In the Case in Point, an infection caused by U urealyticum would
produce an alkaline shift in media containing urea in about 24 hours If the infection was caused by M hominis, an alkaline shift would occur
in media containing arginine in 24 to 72 hours.
Mycoplasma-like colonies are stained with the Dienes or
methy-lene blue stain Staining is performed by placing a small block
of the agar on a glass slide, covering the colony with the stain,
adding a coverslip, and examining the agar microscopically
under low power M hominis has a typical fried egg appearance,
with the periphery staining a light blue and the center dark blue
colony presentation on primary isolation when examined with a
stereomicroscope (Figure 25-7)
Although not conclusive, growth rate, body site recovered
from, and colony appearance can aid in the identification of
mycoplasma Glucose utilization in SP4 broth will cause an acid
shift producing a yellow color, whereas arginine metabolism will
produce a rise in pH, changing the indicator to a deeper red color
In 10B broth, urea or arginine utilization will increase the pH,
changing the pH indicator from orange to deep red A
slow-growing mycoplasma from a respiratory specimen producing a
yellow color in SP4 broth is likely M pneumoniae Production
of an alkaline reaction in 10B broth after overnight incubation of
a urogenital specimen is suggestive of U urealyticum, whereas
an alkaline shift in media with arginine within 24 to 72 hours is
mono-M pneumoniae antibody is flooded on colonies on the plate;
the plate is then washed and examined for immunofluorescence The Chen assay is a fluorochrome method used to identify
Mycoplasma-infected cell cultures It uses a DNA fluorochrome stain (Hoechst 33258), which highlights Mycoplasma spp as
small ovoid bodies distributed throughout the glacial acetic acid–fixed cell culture Figure 25-8 shows Vero cells (a monkey
kidney cell line) artificially infected with Mycoplasma orale
(see Figure 25-8, A ) and M salivarium (see Figure 25-8, C) Note the differences in morphotypes and distribution Vero cell nuclei, which are rich in DNA, fluoresce with Hoechst 33258 stain in the negative control (see Figure 25-8, B) and in the infected cell cultures This method offers a unique way for diag-nostic and clinical virology laboratories to perform quality control on their continuous cell cultures The characteristic of guinea pig red blood cells (0.4% in saline) adhering to colonies
of M pneumoniae and not M hominis is another standard assay
that helps distinguish the two species Furthermore, guinea pig cells do not adhere to large-colony mycoplasma, which are common inhabitants of the upper respiratory tract PCR-based assays have also been described
Ureaplasma spp., once called T-strain mycoplasma (T for
“tiny”), form extremely small colonies that are difficult to see with the naked eye; hence, mycoplasmal cultures on solid media should always be examined with a stereomicroscope Figure 25-9
shows M hominis and U urealyticum grown on New York City
agar Urease activity of ureaplasma may be detected on solid agar containing urea and manganese chloride (U9B urease color test medium) Urease-positive colonies are a dark golden-brown color because of the deposition of manganese dioxide
Both M hominis and U urealyticum require cholesterol for
synthesis of plasma membranes and other undetermined growth factors; fetal calf serum (20% vol/vol) is the traditional nutrient
source Although uncommon, extragenital M hominis infections
are emerging; this organism should be considered whenever many polymorphonuclear cells are seen on Gram stain but there
is no growth on routine bacterial culture M hominis grows well
anaerobically and will appear as pinpoint (0.05 mm), clear, tening, raised colonies on Columbia colistin–nalidixic acid agar
glis-or anaerobic blood agar (Centers fglis-or Disease Control and tion formula) in 48 hours Under these anaerobic conditions, the colonies do not display the fried egg morphology feature The anaerobic plate should be examined using oblique light Those colonies that do not Gram stain should be subcultured to A7 medium, on which they demonstrate typical fried egg growth and stain positive with Dienes or methylene blue stain if they are
Trang 32Preven-out the infection or suggest additional evaluations The cold agglutinin antibody titer had been used for many years as an indicator of primary atypical pneumonia but is insensitive and
nonspecific for M pneumoniae Approximately 50% of patients
with primary atypical pneumonia produce a detectable cold agglutinin antibody titer This assay is no longer recommended
for the diagnosis of M pneumoniae infection.
Previously, the most commonly used technique for
demon-stration of M pneumoniae–specific antibodies was the
micro-method complement fixation assay, which was time-consuming and had inherent technical problems Several commercially available enzyme immunoassays and microimmunofluorescence assays are now available for the detection of serum antibodies and, in some cases, detect IgM or IgG Table 25-6 highlights selected features of these immunologic assays and other methods Detection methods were added for comparative analysis and completeness It is important to remember that demonstration of
a significant rise in antibody titer in conjunction with culture isolation is preferable for definitive diagnosis Serologic methods
are available for M hominis and U urealyticum but are generally
performed only by reference laboratories and are not mended for routine diagnosis
recom-Antimicrobial SusceptibilityBecause they lack a cell wall, the mollicutes are inherently resis-tant to the β-lactams—penicillins and cephalosporins—as well
Serologic Diagnosis
Because of the inherent difficulties of cultures and interpretations
of a positive PCR assay, M pneumoniae has historically been
diagnosed by serologic methods Optimally, serum samples for
serologic testing should be collected at the onset of symptoms
and 2 to 3 weeks later for acute and convalescent measurements;
however, this often is not practical With newer methods, single
serum samples collected during the course of the disease can rule
FIGURE 25-8 Identification of Mycoplasma-infected cell culture using DNA-fluorochrome stain
FIGURE 25-9 Mixed isolation of Mycoplasma hominis and
Ureaplasma urealyticum showing why U urealyticum was
originally called “T” for tiny strain (arrow) (×40)
Trang 33Interpretation of Laboratory Results
M pneumoniae detected by any method from pulmonary or
non-pulmonary specimens should be considered significant and a pathogen The high sensitivity of PCR means that a positive result must be correlated with the clinical picture Interpretation
of M hominis isolation is not as obvious; differentiation from
colonization and infection requires detailed clinical analysis and potentially repeat cultures Isolation from a normally sterile site
is significant
U urealyticum is the most difficult to assess In urogenital
specimens, it has been reported to colonize up to 70% of men and 45% of women with no apparent infection Its isolation is not indicative of pathogenicity, and it is incumbent on the labora-tory to educate the physician, usually including a statement with culture results suggesting its potential for colonization versus pathogenicity In these specimens, quantification is important
In sterile specimens, particularly CSF isolates, it is reasonable to assume that isolation is significant
Respiratory specimens received in the laboratory often provide limited clinical information Specimens are processed and inoculated onto the appropriate media given the most likely candidate for the disease, clinical presentation, age of patient, and seasonability, recognizing that there is a certain predictability with selected pathogens Table 25-7 presents laboratory methods used to diagnose infections caused by several pathogens—
Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Legionella, mycobacteria, fungi, and
viruses—in various age groups All respiratory specimens should
be stored at −70° C Acute sera should also be stored frozen for
as sulfonamides, trimethoprim, and rifampin M pneumoniae has
remained susceptible to the tetracyclines, newer
fluoroquino-lones, and the macrolides (e.g., erythromycin) However, there
have been scattered reports of high-level macrolide resistance
Because of side effects, tetracycline is used only for the treatment
of adults M hominis, which is more resistant than M
pneu-moniae, is usually resistant to erythromycin but susceptible to
clindamycin and lincomycin, whereas U urealyticum is
gener-ally resistant to clindamycin and lincomycin and sensitive to
erythromycin Both organisms are often sensitive to tetracycline,
but high-level resistance is emerging and is common in some
geographic areas
Standard methods have not been developed for susceptibility
testing of mycoplasma, and protocols have varied considerably
among laboratories The agar dilution has been regarded as the
reference method; however, because of the high degree of
techni-cal expertise required and the few mycoplasmal isolates, this
assay is not offered by most hospital laboratories The broth
microdilution is the most commonly used method to determine
minimal inhibitory concentrations With antimicrobial resistance
reportedly increasing, the availability of newer, broad-spectrum
antimicrobials, and the emergence of more infections caused by
the mycoplasma, antimicrobial susceptibility testing methods are
being reevaluated Because of the variable susceptibility pattern
of M hominis, antimicrobial susceptibility testing is usually
rec-ommended for clinically significant isolates; these isolates should
be forwarded to a reference laboratory M pneumoniae has a
more predictable sensitivity pattern, so antimicrobial
susceptibil-TABLE 25-6 Comparative Features of Various Laboratory Methods Used to Detect Mycoplasma pneumoniae,
Mycoplasma hominis, and Ureaplasma urealyticum
Culture Traditionally difficult Method of choice, but must
differentiate infection from colonization
Method of choice using urease detection, but must differentiate infection from colonization Indirect
Complement fixation Traditional assay but <50%
seroconvert; need fourfold rise between acute and convalescent sera >32 single titer may be suggestive Immunofluorescent
Measures IgG and IgM separately Measures IgG and IgM separately;
not recommended Latex agglutination IgM/IgG IgG only
Enzyme immunoassay Method of choice
M pneumoniae reactive IgM, IgG,
and IgA, but IgM may remain elevated for 1 yr
IgG, Immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M.
Trang 34Cuccuru MA, et al: PCR analysis of Mycoplasma fermentans and M
penetrans in classic Kaposi’s sarcoma, Acta Derm Venereol 85:459,
Cultrera R, et al: Molecular evidence of Ureaplasma urealyticum and
Ureaplasma parvum colonization in preterm infants during
respira-tory distress syndrome, BMC Infect Dis 6:166, 2006.
Dhawan B, et al: Evaluation of the diagnostic efficacy of PCR for
Urea-plasma urealyticum infection in Indian adults with symptoms of
genital discharge, Jpn J Infect Dis 59:57, 2006.
Shyh-Ching L, et al: Mycoplasma penetrans infections and
seroconver-sion in patients with AIDS: identification of major mycoplasmal
antigens targeted by host antibody response, Immunol Med Microbiol
■ The most significant species of Mycoplasmataceae include M
pneumoniae, M hominis, and Ureaplasma spp., although others
are beginning to be recognized as opportunistic pathogens.
com-monly diagnosed by culture, although polymerase chain reaction
technology is also available.
■ Because of the lack of a cell wall, the mycoplasmas are inherently
resistant to the β-lactam antibiotics.
Learning Assessment Questions
1 From what source did the infant described in the Case in Point
likely acquire the infection?
2 Would routine prenatal culture of the mother have yielded this
3 Why was the Gram stain negative?
4 How does primary atypical pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma
pneumoniae differ from pneumonia caused by Streptococcus
5 Name the four common species of mollicutes associated with the
genitourinary tracts of humans.
TABLE 25-7 Laboratory Detection of Frequent Respiratory Pathogens
Newborn 1, 3, 4 Pneumonia, aseptic
Tracheal suction Gram Traditional, plus
mycoplasmal Grade school 2, 4 Atypical pneumonia Fall Sputum Gram, acid-fast
Traditional, plus mycoplasmal
EIA, mycoplasmal, IgM
College student 1, 2 Biphasic disease with
pharyngitis and later, bronchitis
Spring? Sputum DFA Cell culture,
EIA, mycoplasmal IgM
Gomori methenamine silver, toluidine blue, and/or calcofluor white
Traditional plus fungal, acid-fast bacillus
1, Chlamydophila pneumoniae; 2, Mycoplasma pneumoniae (outbreak); 3, Mycoplasma hominis; 4, viral (outbreak): adenovirus, respiratory virus, influenza
(seasonal); 5, other—acid-fast bacilli, fungus, Legionella, or Pneumocystis pneumonia; 6, Streptococcus pneumoniae; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; DFA, direct
fluorescent antibody; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M.
6 What special stain is used on suspected colonies of Mycoplasma?
7 What culture media are used to isolate Mycoplasma pneumoniae,
M hominis, and Ureaplasma urealyticum?
8 Why is cold agglutinin titer not a useful diagnostic tool for M pneumoniae?
9 What current serologic assays are available to demonstrate M pneumoniae antibodies?
10 Why are the mollicutes universally resistant to penicillin?
Trang 35Slowly Growing Species
Rapidly Growing Species
Skin TestingSerology
After reading and studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1 Compare the general characteristics of mycobacteria to those of
other groups of bacteria
2 Discuss the clinical significance of nontuberculous mycobacteria
3 Discuss the safety precautions to be followed while working in a
mycobacteriology laboratory
4 Describe the appropriate specimen collection and processing
procedures to recover mycobacteria from clinical samples
5 Justify the digestion and decontamination of certain clinical
specimens for the isolation of mycobacteria
6 Describe the principles and procedures for the stains used to
demonstrate mycobacteria in clinical samples and isolates
7 Compare the different culture media used for the isolation of mycobacteria
8 Discuss the different tests used to identify mycobacteria
9 Compare continuous monitoring systems to those of conventional media for detecting mycobacterial species in clinical samples
10 Develop a protocol for the isolation and identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from a sputum specimen
11 Discuss the clinical disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
12 Describe the use of the tuberculin skin test
Case in Point
A 56-year-old white man came to the emergency department
complaining of fatigue and weight loss (10 lb) over the past 12
months The patient also complained of a cough for 3 months
that produced red-tinged sputum He indicated a history of
night fever and chills but denied dyspnea or chest pain The
patient had a family history of pulmonary tuberculosis from his
original home in Mexico He reported that his last purified
protein derivative (PPD) skin test, approximately 5 years ago, was
negative Vital signs included temperature of 36.5° C (97.7° F),
pulse of 63 beats/m, respirations 15/m, and blood pressure
infiltrate in the right upper lobe A computed tomography scan
of the chest showed a nodular patchy opacity in the right upper lobe The patient was admitted for further evaluation A PPD skin test showed a 10- × 7-mm induration Three sputum samples were obtained over a 3-day period for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smears and culture Direct smears on all three samples were reported as no organisms seen Processed samples were inoculated onto Löwenstein-Jensen medium and into BACTEC 12B bottles After 12 to 14 days of incubation, the BACTEC bottles from all three specimens were positive Stained smears
of the bottles revealed AFB by Kinyoun stain Polymerase chain reaction DNA amplification for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Trang 36General CharacteristicsMycobacteria are slender, slightly curved or straight, rod-shaped organisms 0.2 to 0.6 µm × 1 to 10 µm in size They are nonmotile and do not form spores The cell wall has extremely high lipid content; thus, mycobacterial cells resist staining with commonly used basic aniline dyes, such as those used in the Gram stain,
at room temperature Mycobacteria take up dye with increased staining time or application of heat but resist decolorization with
acid-ethanol This characteristic is referred to as acid fastness—
hence, the term AFB—and is a basic characteristic in ing mycobacteria from most other genera
distinguish-Mycobacteria are strictly aerobic, but increased carbon dioxide (CO2) will enhance the growth of some species The pathogenic mycobacteria grow more slowly than most other bac-teria pathogenic for humans The rapidly growing species gener-ally grow on simple media in 2 to 3 days at temperatures of 20° C
to 40° C Most mycobacteria associated with disease require 2 to
6 weeks of incubation on complex media at specific optimal temperatures One of the mycobacteria pathogenic for humans,
M leprae, fails to grow in vitro.
Clinical Significance of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex
The MTB complex consists of M tuberculosis, M bovis
(including the vaccination strain bacillus Calmette-Guérin), M
BOX 26-1 Usual Clinical Significance of
Mycobacterium Species Isolates
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycobacterium bovis Mycobacterium ulcerans
Often Pathogen, Potential Pathogen
Mycobacterium avium complex Mycobacterium kansasii Mycobacterium marinum Mycobacterium haemophilum Mycobacterium xenopi Mycobacterium genavense Mycobacterium abscessus subsp abscessus Mycobacterium chelonae
Usual Saprophyte, Rare Pathogen
Mycobacterium gordonae Mycobacterium flavescens Mycobacterium gastri Mycobacterium nonchromogenicum Mycobacterium terrae
Mycobacterium phlei Mycobacterium smegmatis Mycobacterium vaccae Mycobacterium thermoresistibile
The genus Mycobacterium is composed of approximately
100 recognized and proposed species The most familiar
of the species are MTB and Mycobacterium leprae, the
causative agents of tuberculosis (TB) and Hansen disease
(leprosy), respectively Both diseases have long been associated
with chronic illness and social stigma TB remains a major
cause of morbidity and mortality in the world today Also, the
growing number of immunocompromised patients worldwide
has led to a resurgence of TB and diseases caused by
nontuber-culosis mycobacteria (NTM), or mycobacteria other than
M tuberculosis.
In addition to TB and Hansen disease, Mycobacterium spp
produce a spectrum of infections in humans and animals A large
group of mycobacteria, excluding the M tuberculosis complex
and M leprae, normally inhabit the environment and can cause
disease that often resembles TB in humans These organisms are
sometimes referred to as atypical mycobacteria or mycobacteria
other than the tubercle bacillus (MOTT) The term
nontubercu-lous mycobacterium is used here Box 26-1 shows the usual
clinical significance of Mycobacterium spp isolates.
Epidemiologic changes have led to challenges in the
myco-bacteriology laboratory, including rapid identification of all
clini-cally significant mycobacteria and antimicrobial susceptibility
testing of Mycobacterium spp Fortunately, new developments in
the field of clinical mycobacteriology are helping meet these
challenges Rapid methods may eliminate the need for lengthy
culturing for isolation and protracted biochemical methods of
identification Future developments in the application of
molecu-lar biology to mycobacteriology may further diminish the time
required for identification, increase accuracy and reproducibility,
ease performance, and reduce cost
PhotochromogenicPott diseasePurified protein derivative (PPD)
ScotochromogenicZiehl-Neelsen stain
antituberculosis regimen of isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide,
and ethambutol was recommended
Issues to Consider
After reading the patient’s case history, consider:
■ What might be significant about this patient’s family
■ What are the characteristic symptoms of tuberculosis
■ What is the typical length of time for a culture to yield
pathogenic Mycobacterium
Trang 37response is less organized, and no granuloma is formed Without granuloma or necrosis, lesions may heal without obvious pathol-ogy With necrosis, a caseous material may be present at the site
of the primary lesion as a result of solid or semisolid amorphous material laid down at the site of necrosis After healing of first-degree infection, the bacilli are not totally eradicated but can remain viable in granulomas for months or years In infected individuals, there is a potential for reactivation of TB
Clinical diagnosis of primary TB is usually limited to signs
and symptoms and a positive PPD skin test Children may
dem-onstrate a nonproductive cough and fever, with or without ness of breath; these symptoms are unusual in adults Chest radiographs are usually normal although, rarely, there may be infiltrates without cavitation in the anterior segment of the upper, middle, or lower lobe, with hilar or paratracheal lymphadenopa-thy Along with these limited clinical findings, patients with primary TB can have a paucity of bacteriologic findings If sputum or bronchial washings are cultured during the primary infection, the yield is only 25% to 30% positive
short-A small percentage of individuals who are infected with TB develop progressive (active) pulmonary disease, usually from a failed cellular immune response and hence a failure to stop mul-tiplication of the bacilli In young children or older adults who are primarily infected, and in people with an underlying immu-nodeficiency, massive lymphohematogenous dissemination may occur and lead to meningeal or miliary (disseminated) TB In addition, 10% of young adults may progress to active disease from their primary infection This will resemble reactivation TB
in older adults; the only way to differentiate it is by finding a positive PPD in a previously negative individual
africanum, M canettii, and M microti M africanum has been
associated with human cases of TB in tropical Africa, and M
microti has been linked to TB in immunocompetent and
immu-nocompromised individuals The latter three species are rarely
encountered in the United States
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
MTB was first described by Robert Koch in 1882; however, TB
is one of the oldest documented communicable diseases In 2011,
the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 12 million
people worldwide suffered from TB; this is a decrease of 36%
since 1990 However, as many as one third of the world’s
popula-tion might be harboring the bacteria There were an estimated 8.7
million new cases and 1.4 million deaths in 2011 In the United
States, before 1985, the number of TB cases continually declined
at a rate of about 5%/year In 1985, this decline ended, and the
number of documented TB cases annually in the United States
increased until the early 1990s The increase in the early 1980s
could be attributed to several factors, including the acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic, which increases
a person’s risk for TB, and greater spread among inhabitants of
closed environments, such as nursing homes, correctional
facili-ties, and shelters for the homeless In the 1990s, the U.S Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) allocated additional
funds for public laboratories to improve identification and
sus-ceptibility testing of mycobacteria As a result, the U.S incidence
of TB again steadily declined, from a high of 26,673 in 1992 to
10,528 (a rate of 3.4/100,000) in 2011 Asians, for the first time,
exceeded all other racial or ethnic groups with the largest
per-centage of total cases (30%) Currently, in the United States,
more cases are associated with foreign-born individuals from
endemic areas than with U.S.-born individuals
Primary Tuberculosis
After exposure to M tuberculosis, whether a person develops TB
is determined by his or her cellular immune response, amount of
exposure, and virulence of the strain TB is usually a disease of
the respiratory tract Tubercle bacilli are acquired from persons
with active disease who are excreting viable bacilli by sneezing
or talking Airborne droplets containing bacteria, 1 to 5 µm in
size, enter the respiratory tract of an exposed individual and reach
the lung alveoli M tuberculosis cells are phagocytized by
alveo-lar macrophages and are capable of intracellualveo-lar multiplication
In a person with adequate cellular immunity, T cells arrive within
4 to 6 weeks owing to macrophage-activating polypeptides
termed lymphokines This enables the macrophage in the area of
infection to destroy the intracellular mycobacteria There is then
a regression and healing of the primary lesion and any
dissemi-nated foci of infection by the M tuberculosis organisms.
In many exposed individuals, the immune system does not
eliminate the bacteria The pathologic features of TB are the
result of a hypersensitivity reaction to mycobacterial antigen If
there is little antigen and a strong hypersensitivity reaction, a
hard tubercle or granuloma may be formed The granuloma is an
organization of lymphocytes, macrophages, fibroblasts, and
cap-illaries With granuloma formation, healing occurs, as well as
fibrosis, encapsulation, and calcification, with scar formation as
a reminder of the past infection If the antigen load and
hyper-✓ Case Check 26-1
A positive PPD skin test only indicates past exposure to M tuberculosis;
it does not imply a recent infection In the Case in Point, the patient reported a negative skin test about 5 years ago, thus establishing a negative baseline During his current evaluation, he exhibited a positive skin test, indicating exposure and subsequent immune response some time in the last 5 years.
no symptoms, but most patients eventually have cough, chest pain, and productive sputum Hemoptysis, indicating cavitation
Trang 38pleural fluid, but cultures may be positive in 20% to 50% of cases; pleural biopsies offer a higher yield of microbiologic diagnosis.
Lymphadenitis is usually a disease of children, appearing as painless head or neck swellings Lymph node involvement, par-ticularly mediastinal, has been a common extrapulmonary mani-festation in patients with AIDS Genitourinary TB can involve the kidneys and genital organs Renal TB accounts for 2% of all cases of TB and manifests as typical urinary tract symptoms and sterile pyuria Cultures may be positive in up to 80% of cases Male genital TB usually appears as a scrotal mass and frequently occurs along with renal TB In men and women, hematogenous spread is generally the source of genitourinary TB Skeletal TB
of the spine is referred to as Pott disease Back pain is the most
common characteristic Cultures of bone and tissue are needed
to confirm the diagnosis Peripheral skeletal bones and joints also may be involved, with the hip and knee being the most common sites
Meningitis caused by M tuberculosis is usually the result of
a rupture of a tubercle into the subarachnoid space and not usually via hematogenous spread In childhood, it occurs rarely after primary pulmonary infection Most infections occur at the base of the brain; patients may develop very thick, gelatinous, masslike lesions there With more chronic disease, a fibrous mass may surround cranial nerves Involvement of arteries can cause infarctions Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination usually reveals an elevated protein level, decreased glucose level, and a predominance of lymphocytes
Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Colonies of this slowly growing species are typically raised, with
a dry, rough appearance The colonies are nonpigmented and classically described as being buff-colored (Figure 26-1) Elaboration of cord factor can result in characteristic cord forma-tion Optimal growth occurs at 35° C to 37° C
Biochemically, M tuberculosis is characteristically positive
for niacin accumulation, reduction of nitrate to nitrite, and duction of catalase, which is destroyed after heating (heat-stable, catalase-negative) Isoniazid-resistant strains may not produce
pro-catalase at all M tuberculosis is inhibited by nitroimidazopyran
or p-nitroacetylamino-β-propiophenone (NAP) This species can
be distinguished from M bovis by the inhibition of M bovis by
thiophene-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide (T2H) and dase activity
pyrazinami-with increased linear densities extending to the hilum;
thick-walled cavities without air-fluid levels usually are found in apical
or posterior segments of the upper lobe or superior segment of
the middle lobe of the lung If there is bronchogenic spread of
the bacilli, multiple alveolar densities will be seen; rarely is there
enlargement of the lymph nodes
In chronic disease, fibrosis, loss of lung volume, and
calcifica-tions will be demonstrated The PPD skin test may be negative
in up to 25% of these cases; diagnosis is confirmed by stained
smear and culture of sputum, gastric aspirates, or bronchoscopy
specimens Fiberoptic bronchoscopy has been found to yield a
95% recovery of the bacteria; postbronchoscopic sputa are also
usually positive In any case of pulmonary TB disease, there can
be complications if diagnosis and treatment are delayed These
include empyema, pleural fibrosis, massive hemoptysis, adrenal
insufficiency (rare), and hypercalcemia (up to 25% of cases) In
patients with AIDS and TB with drug-resistant bacilli, the risk of
progression to disease from infection is quite high, although the
clinical findings may vary from those in the non-AIDS patient
with reactivation TB The diagnosis is usually made by stained
smears and culture, with a rate of sensitivity similar to that in the
non-AIDS patient
Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis
Extrapulmonary TB occurred much less commonly than
pulmo-nary TB (<15%) before the AIDS epidemic; however, as cases
of pulmonary TB in the United States declined, the number of
cases of extrapulmonary TB remained constant Cases of
extra-pulmonary disease are a common presentation in individuals with
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, although it is
most often in association with pulmonary disease
Miliary TB refers to the seeding of many organs outside the
pulmonary tree with AFB through hematogenous spread This
usually occurs shortly after primary pulmonary disease but can
take place at any point in the course of acute or chronic TB The
most common sites of spread of M tuberculosis are the spleen,
liver, lungs, bone marrow, kidney, adrenal gland, and eyes,
usually in that order of occurrence Other forms of
extrapulmo-nary TB include pleural, lymphadenitis, gastrointestinal (GI),
skeletal, meningeal, peritoneal, and genitourinary infections
Almost any organ of the body can be infected by M tuberculosis;
additional uncommon manifestations include peritonitis,
cutane-ous TB, laryngitis, otitis, involvement of the adrenal glands and
eyes, and breast infections
Overall, children account for most cases of miliary TB, but it
is also a common form of TB in HIV-infected individuals The
mortality is 20% or higher in most studies; the finding of
men-ingitis is an extremely poor prognostic indicator Up to 70% of
HIV-infected patients may have extrapulmonary TB alone or,
usually, in combination with pulmonary disease The most
common extrapulmonary sites in this population are lymph nodes
(especially mediastinal), genitourinary tract, and the abdominal
cavity Bacteremia is not uncommon
Pleurisy, an unexplained pleural effusion with mononuclear
pleurocytosis, manifests as cough, fever, and chest pain,
resem-bling the presentation of bacterial pneumonia; it occurs in about
5% of all cases of TB In endemic areas, pleurisy presents in
young persons; in the United States, middle-aged to older persons
are most affected Resolution is common AFB are rarely seen in FIGURE 26-1stein-Jensen medium Mycobacterium
Trang 39tuberculosis growing on Löwen-MDR-TB requires an extended treatment period compared with drug-susceptible isolates For cases of resistance to isonia-zid or rifampin, second-line antituberculosis drugs may include aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones In communities in which
at least 4% of the isolates are drug-resistant, a regimen of four drugs is usually recommended With the numbers of cases of
MDR M tuberculosis increasing, newer agents are being tested
in vitro to determine their efficacy
Mycobacterium bovis
Mycobacterium bovis produces TB primarily in cattle but also in
other ruminants, as well as in dogs, cats, swine, parrots, and humans The disease in humans closely resembles that caused by
M tuberculosis and is treated similarly In some areas of the
world, a significant percentage of cases of TB are caused by
M bovis, but in the United States the number of isolates of this
organism is very low
M bovis is closely related taxonomically to M tuberculosis and belongs to the M tuberculosis complex It grows very
slowly on egg-based media, producing small, granular, rounded, nonpigmented colonies with irregular margins after 21 days
of incubation at 37° C On Middlebrook 7H10 medium,
colo-nies are similar to those of M tuberculosis but slower to mature Most strains of M bovis are niacin-negative, do not
reduce nitrate, and do not grow in the presence of T2H,
char-acteristics that distinguish the species from most strains of M tuberculosis.
Clinical Significance of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria
Most NTM are found in soil and water They have been monly implicated as opportunistic pathogens in patients with underlying lung disease, immunosuppression, or percutaneous trauma AIDS has contributed greatly to the incidence and aware-ness of NTM disease Chronic pulmonary disease resembling TB
com-is the usual clinical presentation associated with these organcom-isms, although a few species are more often associated with cutaneous infections Infections caused by the NTM are not considered transmissible from person to person
Slowly Growing Species
Mycobacterium avium Complex
Epidemiology Mycobacterium avium and M
intracellu-lare are part of the Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC)
These organisms are common environmental saprophytes and have been recovered from soil, water, house dust, and other environmental sources Certain areas, such as coastal marshes,
have higher concentrations of the organism M avium is a cause
of disease in poultry and swine, but animal to human sion has not been shown to be an important factor in human disease Environmental sources, especially natural waters, seem
transmis-to be the reservoir for most human infections Moreover, there appears to be a close association between many of the organisms that cause disease in humans and those commonly found in animals, suggesting that some infections may qualify as a zoo-nosis A large increase in MAC infections occurred in the past
The treatment of TB involves the use of more than one
antimy-cobacterial agent For pulmonary TB, treatment typically involves
a 9-month course of therapy with isoniazid and rifampin, usually
once per day the first month and twice a week thereafter Many
regimens also include a 2- to 8-week initial course of
streptomy-cin or ethambutol Most individuals clear their sputum of AFB
within the first 2 months Pyrazinamide (PZA) may be added to
the regimen if there is a suspicion of lowered cellular immunity
and a need to obtain bactericidal levels of antimycobacterial
activity intracellularly in macrophages PZA is usually
recom-mended for a shorter course, initially along with isoniazid and
Multidrug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
The incidence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB in the United
States decreased from 2.5% of isolates in 1993 to 1.3% in 2011
Since 1997, the percentage of U.S.-born patients with MDR-TB
has remained low, less than 1.0% However, of the total number
of reported MDR-TB cases, the proportion occurring in
foreign-born persons increased from 25.5% in 1993 to 82% in 2011
Within any population of M tuberculosis, resistance to a
single agent can develop at a fairly well-defined rate For example,
with isoniazid and streptomycin, the chance that a resistant
isolate will develop is approximately 1 in 106 The rate of
spon-taneous mutation of resistance to both drugs in one cell is the
product of the rates of resistance to the individual drugs or 1 in
1012 In a patient with pulmonary TB, the pulmonary cavity may
contain 107 to 109 bacterial cells Random drug resistance has a
good likelihood of developing when only one antimycobacterial
agent is used or if the patient is on multidrug therapy and fails
to complete the course of medication Therefore, the use of
com-bination therapy (i.e., two or more drugs) to treat mycobacterial
infections is common
Risk factors for drug resistance may include previous
treat-ment for TB, residence in an area endemic for drug resistance,
or close contact with an individual who is infected with MDR-TB
Drug resistance is usually acquired by spontaneous mutations as
a result of the inappropriate use of antimicrobial agents to treat
M tuberculosis and the lack of patient compliance If compliance
is an issue, directly observed therapy is recommended to ensure
proper treatment Otherwise, resistance may be assumed and
tested for in vitro
MDR-TB is defined as resistance to at least isoniazid and
rifampin, drugs recognized as the primary treatments for drug
susceptible M tuberculosis Extensively drug-resistant TB
(XDR-TB) is defined as resistance to isoniazid and rifampin
plus resistance to any fluoroquinolone and at least one of three
injectable second-line anti-TB drugs—the aminoglycosides
ami-kacin, kanamycin, or capreomycin In the United States, 6
cases of XDR-TB were reported in 2011, bringing the total
to 12 since 2008 Of the 12 XDR-TB cases, 11 were in
foreign-born persons Clusters of XDR-TB have been reported in other
areas of the world Because of the threat of MDR-TB and
XDR-TB, it is important for laboratories to identify
Mycobac-terium spp rapidly and perform antimicrobial susceptibility
testing so that appropriate therapy can be administered as
Trang 40The significance of in vitro tests for predicting clinical response and recommendations for testing individual isolates have yet to
M avium subsp paratuberculosis or M avium subsp silvaticum
M avium subsp paratuberculosis is difficult to cultivate because
of its very slow growth rate (3 to 4 months) and its need for a mycobactin-supplemented medium for primary isolation Myco-bactin is an iron-binding hydroxamate compound produced by other mycobacterial species
Mycobacterium kansasii
Epidemiology Mycobacterium kansasii is second to MAC
as the cause of NTM lung disease In the United States, most
cases of M kansasii infections have been reported from the
southern states of Texas, Louisiana, and Florida; from Illinois
and Missouri in the Midwest; and from California M kansasii
strains have been isolated from water, but the natural source of human infection is not clear As with other NTM, infections are not normally considered contagious from person to person
Clinical Infections The most common manifestation is chronic pulmonary disease involving the upper lobes, usually with evidence of cavitation and scarring Extrapulmonary infec-tions, including lymphadenitis, skin and soft tissue infections, and joint infection, have been reported occasionally Dissemi-
nated M kansasii infection rarely occurs in immunocompetent
individuals but has been reported in severely mised patients, particularly those with AIDS
immunocompro-When tested in vitro using the current drug concentrations
recommended for M tuberculosis, most strains of M kansasii
are susceptible to rifampin and ethambutol, partially resistant to isoniazid and streptomycin, and resistant to pyrazinamide For
treatment of pulmonary disease caused by M kansasii, a
multi-drug regimen of isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol is currently recommended
Laboratory Diagnosis M kansasii is a slow-growing
organism that appears as long rods with distinct crossbanding
M kansasii has an optimal growth temperature of 37° C, and
colonies appear smooth to rough, with characteristic wavy edges and dark centers when grown on Middlebrook 7H10 agar Some cording can usually be seen with low-power magnification Colo-
nies are photochromogenic (Figure 26-2), meaning that they form a pigment when exposed to light but are nonpigmented in the dark With prolonged exposure to light, most strains form dark red crystals of β-carotene on the surface of and inside the
colony Scotochromogenic (produce pigment in light and dark) and nonchromogenic strains are rarely isolated Most strains are
strongly catalase-positive (>45 mm in semiquantitative test); strains that are low catalase producers (<45 mm) are less com-monly isolated
Characteristics that distinguish this species are a growth
rate similar to that of M tuberculosis at 37° C, strong
patients with AIDS MAC is now the most common NTM
causing TB in the United States
Clinical Infections Pulmonary disease resulting from
MAC infection presents a clinical picture similar to that of TB—
cough, fatigue, weight loss, low-grade fever, and night sweats
Radiologic examination demonstrates cavitary disease in most
patients, whereas solitary nodules or diffuse infiltrates may be
observed in others Disseminated disease is common, usually
occurring in immunocompromised patients or patients with
hematologic abnormalities MAC infections are the most common
systemic bacterial infection in patients with AIDS The loss of
CD4+ T cells reduces the activation of the macrophage to kill
MAC organisms
The clinical outcome of MAC lung disease is unpredictable,
so the management of affected patients can be difficult
Obser-vation, therapy for underlying pulmonary disease (e.g.,
bron-chodilators, broad-spectrum antimicrobials, smoking cessation),
and periodic sputum cultures may be all that is required for
most patients For patients with significant symptoms and
advanced or progressive radiographic disease, multidrug therapy
is indicated For children with cervical lymphadenitis from
MAC, excisional surgery without chemotherapy is usually
suc-cessful A combination of surgical excision and chemotherapy
is the usual treatment for adults with localized nonpulmonary
disease Most cases of disseminated disease in
immunosup-pressed patients without AIDS respond to multidrug regimens
Multidrug therapy consisting of ethambutol, rifampin (or
rifabu-tin), clofazimine, and an aminoglycoside has resulted in
symp-tomatic and clinical improvement in most (but not all) patients
with AIDS
Laboratory Diagnosis Because the two species in the
MAC are so similar, most laboratories do not distinguish between
them but report isolates of both species as MAC On primary
isolation media, these organisms grow slowly, producing thin,
transparent or opaque, homogeneous smooth colonies A small
proportion of strains may exhibit rough colonies Usually the
colonies are nonpigmented, but they may become yellow with
age Rarely are the colonies pigmented from the onset of
detect-able growth Optimal growth temperature is 37° C
On microscopic examination, the cells are short,
coccobacil-lary, and uniformly stained, without beading or banding Long,
thin, beaded bacilli resembling Nocardia spp may be seen in
stains of very young cultures or under certain other conditions
MAC species are inactive in most physiologic tests used to
iden-tify the mycobacteria Exceptions are the production of a
heat-stable catalase and the ability to grow on media containing 2 µg/
mL of T2H Nucleic acid probes are available for the
identifica-tion of MAC and the two individual species
Susceptibility Testing In laboratory tests, members of the
MAC are generally resistant to the relatively low concentrations
of anti-TB drugs currently used for testing M tuberculosis
Treat-ment recommendations have been based largely on empiric data
rather than in vitro susceptibility testing For this reason, routine
agar dilution susceptibility testing with the anti-TB agents, as
currently performed for testing M tuberculosis, is not
recom-mended for MAC isolates Currently, the usefulness of testing at
higher drug concentrations than those used for M tuberculosis
or determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) is
being evaluated In vitro susceptibility studies using
combina-tions of drugs have shown significant synergism between drugs