Chapter 6: Consumer behavior. After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Articulate the steps in the consumer buying process, describe the difference between functional and psychological needs, describe factors that affect information search, discuss postpurchase outcomes, list the factors that affect the consumer decision process, describe how involvement influences the consumer decision process.
chapter six consumer behavior Copyright © 2015 McGrawHill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGrawHill Education LEARNING OBJECTIVES LO 6-1 LO 6-2 LO 6-3 LO 6-4 LO 6-5 LO 6-6 Articulate the steps in the consumer buying process Describe the difference between functional and psychological needs Describe factors that affect information search Discuss postpurchase outcomes List the factors that affect the consumer decision process Describe how involvement influences the consumer decision process 62 The Consumer Decision Process Need Recognition Psychological needs ©Digital Vision/PunchStock Royalty-Free/CORBIS Functional needs 63 The Consumer Decision Process Search for Information Courtesy of 64 Factors Affecting Consumers’ Search Process Perceived Benefits Perceived Costs 65 The Locus of Control Internal Locus of Control = more search activities Royalty-Free/CORBIS External Locus of Control = Fate, external factors ©Comstock/JupiterImages 66 Actual or Perceived Risk 67 The Consumer Decision Process Evaluation of Alternatives: Attribute Sets 68 The Consumer Decision Process Evaluation of Alternatives: Evaluate Criteria Digital Vision/Getty Images What are some of the features of a vacation that would be in your evaluative criteria? 69 The Consumer Decision Process Evaluation of Alternatives: Consumer Decision Rules Cheerios 10 Post Kashi 10 If the consumer makes 8.2 a decision using a compensatory decision rule, which cereal will they 7.1 choose? If the consumer makes a decision based only on 7.2 Natural or Organic claims, which cereal will they choose? All photos: ©M Hruby 610 Glossary A consumer’s evoked set comprises the alternative brands or stores that the consumer states he or she would consider when making a purchase decision Return to slide 630 Glossary Extended problem solving occurs during a purchase decision that calls for a lot of effort and time Return to slide 631 Glossary Functional needs pertain to the performance of a product or service Return to slide 632 Glossary Habitual decision making describes a purchase decision process in which consumers engage little conscious effort Return to slide 633 Glossary Impulse buying is a buying decision made by customers on the spot when they see the merchandise Return to slide 634 Glossary Involvement is the consumer’s degree of interest in the product or service Return to slide 635 Glossary Limited problem solving occurs during a purchase decision that calls for, at most, a moderate amount of effort and time Return to slide 636 Glossary Perception is the process by which we select, organize, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world Return to slide 637 Glossary Psychological needs pertain to the personal gratification consumers associate with a product and/or service Return to slide 638 Glossary Retrieval sets are the brands or stores that can be readily brought forth from memory Return to slide 639 Glossary Ritual consumption is a pattern of behaviors tied to life events that affect what and how we consume Return to slide 640 Glossary Shopping goods/services are products or services for which consumers will spend time comparing alternatives Return to slide 641 Glossary Situational factors are factors specific to the situation Return to slide 642 Glossary Specialty goods/services are products or services toward which the customer shows a strong preference and for which he or she will expend considerable effort to search for the best suppliers Return to slide 643 Glossary Universal sets include all possible choices for a product category Return to slide 644 ...LEARNING OBJECTIVES LO 6-1 LO 6-2 LO 6-3 LO 6-4 LO 6-5 LO 6-6 Articulate the steps in the consumer buying process Describe the difference between functional... postpurchase outcomes List the factors that affect the consumer decision process Describe how involvement influences the consumer decision process 62 The Consumer Decision Process Need Recognition Psychological... ©Digital Vision/PunchStock Royalty-Free/CORBIS Functional needs 63 The Consumer Decision Process Search for Information Courtesy of 64 Factors Affecting Consumers’ Search Process Perceived