When you finish this chapter, you should: Identify the components of the communication process, explain the four steps in the AIDA model, describe the various integrative communication channels, explain the methods used to allocate the integrated marketing communications (IMC) budget, identify marketing metrics used to measure IMC success.
chapter seventeen integrated marketing communications Copyright © 2015 McGrawHill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGrawHill Education LEARNING OBJECTIVES LO 17-1 Identify the components of the communication process LO 17-2 Explain the four steps in the AIDA model LO 17-3 Describe the various integrative communication channels LO 17-4 Explain the methods used to allocate the integrated marketing communications (IMC) budget LO 17-5 Identify marketing metrics used to measure IMC success 172 Integrated Marketing Communications Results t s Cu s er om Co m m ch un an ic ne ati l o n Bing | Decode Jay-Z Case Study 173 Communicating with Consumers: The Communication Process Noise from the environment Sender (Firm) Transmitter encodes message Communications channel (Media) Receiver (Consumer) decodes message Feedback 174 • • Senders first must gain the attention A multichannel approach increases the likelihood the message will be received Courtesy Peapod Awareness 175 Interest • • After awareness comes persuasion The customer must want to further investigate the product/service ©2010 Dell Inc All Rights Reserved ©2010 Dell Inc All Rights Reserved 176 Desire blue jean images/Getty Images 177 Action Purchase is just one type of action… what other actions can IMC ask consumers to take? âBananaStock/PunchStock 17ư8 TheLaggedEffect âimage100/PunchStock Advertising does not always have an immediate impact Multiple exposures are often necessary It is difficult to determine which exposure led to purchase 179 check yourself • • What are the different steps in the communication process? What is the AIDA model? 1710 Search Engine Marketing Transit, an upscale sneaker store in New York City modeled after vintage New York City subway trains 1724 check yourself • • • Why is the objective-and-task method of setting an IMC budget better than the ruleof-thumb methods? How firms use GRP to evaluate the effectiveness of traditional media? How would a firm evaluate the effectiveness of its Google advertising? 1725 Glossary Clicks, as in mouse clicks, are used to assess the effectiveness of advertising expenditures Return to slide 1726 Glossary The click through rate (CTR) is the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions Return to slide 1727 Glossary The frequency of exposure is how often the audience is exposed to a communication within a specified period of time Return to slide 1728 Glossary Gross rating points (GRP) represents reach multiplied by frequency Return to slide 1729 Glossary The number of impressions is the number of times an ad appears in front of a user Return to slide 1730 Glossary The objective-and-task method determines the budget required to undertake specific tasks to accomplish communication objectives Return to slide 1731 Glossary Online couponing is a promotional Web technique in which consumers print a coupon directly from a site and then redeem the coupon in a store Return to slide 1732 Glossary Online referring is when consumers fill out an interest or order form and are referred to an offline dealer or firm that offers the product or service of interest Return to slide 1733 Glossary Reach is the percentage of the target population exposed to a specific marketing communication at least once Return to slide 1734 Glossary The return on investment (ROI) is the difference of the sales revenue and the advertising cost divided by the advertising cost Return to slide 1735 Glossary Rule-of-thumb methods use prior sales and communication activities to determine the present communication budget Return to slide 1736 Glossary Social media is media content distributed through social interactions Return to slide 1737 Glossary Web tracking software indicates how much time viewers spend on particular Web pages and the number of pages they view Return to slide 1738 ... methods used to allocate the integrated marketing communications (IMC) budget LO 1 7-5 Identify marketing metrics used to measure IMC success 172 Integrated Marketing Communications Results t s...LEARNING OBJECTIVES LO 1 7-1 Identify the components of the communication process LO 1 7-2 Explain the four steps in the AIDA model LO 1 7-3 Describe the various integrative communication channels LO 1 7-4 Explain... it Royalty-Free/CORBIS 1714 • • • • Growing element of IMC Includes e-mail and mcommerce Good for multicultural groups Database technology improves Courtesy Global Spec, Inc Direct Marketing