Bài giảng môn Phương pháp kiểm tra và đánh giá học tập: Chapter 3 presents about objective testing. This chapter include contents as: Subjective and objective testing, objective tests, general principles of multiple choice items, important guidelines of multiple choice items, components of multiple choice items.
Trang 1Chapter 3:
Objective testing
| Subjective & Objective testing eee©
Il Objective tests ce
Ill General principles of multiple choice item® @ @ @ IV Important guidelines of multiple choice iors
Trang 2l Subjective & Objective testing
Subjective & Objective terms the scorin methods
v All tests subjectively constructed by the test writer
Y Objective tests: only one correct answer + scored mechanically by computer
Trang 3v Reading, vocabulary & grammar objectiv methods
v Writing & speaking > subjective methods v Objective tests > requiring more careful
v Pro Duong Thieu Tong:
+ reliability of obj tests: test writers
+ reliability of subj tests: test markers
Trang 4Some criticism
(1) Obj tests: simpler to answer than subj tests + the degree of difficulty determined by the test
+ no indication that all objective tests - easy
+ carefully selected and constructed & rewritten where necessary
+ setting the pass-mark or the cutting - off point depending on the testers subjective judgment or on a particular external situation
Trang 5(2) the multiple choice type encourages guessing
+ four or five alternatives for each item >
sufficient to reduce the possibility of guessing
+ In reality, candidates rarely make wild guess;
Trang 6Prof Duong Thieu Tong seoe
x_ |f Sts don't prepare well for the test & the |tésts
Trang 7v Obj tests: gram., voc.& phonology
x A poor objective test: poor written items, irrelevant areas or skills (as they are
testable), not communicative skills Y Objective tests cannot
- test students’ ability to communicate - evaluate their actual performance
Trang 8lil General principles of multiple choice items
v One of the most widely useful types of items v The most time-consuming item to construct Y Not testing language as communication
v A useful means of teaching & testing various learning situation (esp gram & vocabulary not ability to use the language)
Y Measuring Sts’ ability to recognize correct grammatical forms~> helping both T &Ss to
Trang 9The number of options
- public tests: 5 options
Trang 10The number of opftions^ varying - the level of difficulty
- the language areas being tested - the purpose of the test
Multiple choice items
Trang 11IV Important guidelines
of multiple choice items
(1) Each item: only one absolutely correct answer
(2) Only one feature at a time: being tested (3) Each option: grammatically correct when
Trang 12(4) a grammar item not contain other
grammatical features as difficult as th area being tested, and a vocabulary
Trang 13V Components of multiple choice items
1 The stem
2 The correct option
Trang 141 The stem
v the primary purpose: to present the problem clearly and concisely
v The forms (i) incomplete sentence, (ii) a complete statement; & (ili) a question
Trang 152 The correct option
(a) avoid confusing students by having a different number of correct options for each item
Trang 163 The distractors
Y Each distractor must be: - attractive & plausible
- grammatically correct when standing by itself vx _ Plausible distractors best based on:
(a) mistakes in the students’ own written work;
(bo) their answers in previous tests;
(c) teacher's experience; &