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Bài giảng Chapter 5: Binary image analysis

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Cấu trúc

  • Chapter 5 Binary Image Analysis

  • Binary Images

  • Uses: Industrial Inspection

  • Uses: Document Analysis, Text Recognition

  • Uses: Medical/Bio Data

  • Uses: Blob Tracking & Motion Analysis

  • Uses: Shape Analysis, Free-Viewpoint Video

  • Uses: Intensity Based Detection

  • Uses: Color Based Detection

  • Issues

  • Outline of Today’s Lecture

  • Thresholding

  • Thresholding

  • Thresholding

  • Selecting Thresholds

  • A Nice Case: Bimodal Intensity Histograms

  • Not so Nice Cases…

  • Slide Number 18

  • Algorithm

  • Effects

  • Local Binarization [Niblack’86]

  • Effects

  • Effects

  • Additional Improvements

  • Least squares and Projections

  • Linear least-squares using normal equations

  • Surface Fitting

  • Surface Fitting

  • Result Comparison

  • Result Comparison

  • Outline of Today’s Lecture

  • Cleaning the Binarized Results

  • Z2 and Z3

  • Basic Set Theory

  • Logic Operations

  • Example

  • Structuring Element (SE)

  • Slide Number 38

  • Morphological Operators

  • Dilation

  • Dilation

  • Dilation

  • Dilation

  • Erosion

  • Erosion

  • Slide Number 46

  • Erosion

  • Effects

  • Effects

  • Useful

  • Opening

  • Opening

  • Opening

  • Opening

  • Opening

  • Effect of Opening

  • Effect of Opening

  • Closing

  • Closing

  • Closing

  • Closing

  • Closing

  • Effect of Closing

  • Example Application: Opening + Closing

  • Morphological Boundary Extraction

  • Morphology Operators on Grayscale Images

  • Outline of Today’s Lecture

  • Connected Components Examples

  • Connected Components Labeling

  • Slide Number 70

  • Connectedness

  • Sequential Connected Components

  • Sequential Connected Components

  • Application: Blob Tracking

  • Slide Number 75

  • Slide Number 76

  • Application: Segmentation of a Liver

  • Summary: Binary Image Processing

  • References and Further Reading

Nội dung

Lecture with the content fast to compute, easy to store, simple processing techniques, can be very useful for constrained scenarios; hard to get “clean” silhouettes, noise is common in realistic scenarios, can be too coarse a representation, cannot deal with 3d changes....

Chapter – Binary Image 5-1 Chapter Binary Image Analysis Bastian Leibe, RWTH Aachen University Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-2 Binary Images • Just two pixel values • Foreground and background • Regions of interest (ROI) Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-3 Uses: Industrial Inspection Department of Mechatronics R Nagarajan et al “A real time marking inspection scheme for semiconductor industries“, 2006 Chapter – Binary Image 5-4 Uses: Document Analysis, Text Recognition Handwritten digits Natural text (after detection) Scanned documents Department of Mechatronics Source: Till Quack, Martin Renold Chapter – Binary Image 5-5 Uses: Medical/Bio Data Source: D Kim et al., Cytometry 35(1), 1999 Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-6 Uses: Blob Tracking & Motion Analysis Frame Differencing - = Source: Kristen Grauman Background Subtraction - = Source: Tobias Jäggli Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-7 Uses: Shape Analysis, Free-Viewpoint Video Silhouette Blue-c project, ETH Zurich Medial axis Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-8 Uses: Intensity Based Detection • Looking for dark pixels… fg_pix = find(im < 65); Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-9 Uses: Color Based Detection • Looking for pixels within a certain color range… fg_pix = find(hue > t1 & hue < t2); Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-10 Issues • How to demarcate multiple regions of interest?   Count objects Compute further features per object • What to with “noisy” binary outputs?   Holes Extra small fragments Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-65 Morphological Boundary Extraction • Definition  First erode A by B, then subtract the result from the original A β(A) = A − (A B) • Effects  If a 3x3 structuring element is used, this results in a boundary that is exactly pixel thick Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-66 Morphology Operators on Grayscale Images • Dilation and erosion typically performed on binary images • If image is grayscale: for dilation take the neighborhood max, for erosion take the Original Dilated Eroded • In dilation, image becomes lighter, and dark details are reduced • In erosion, image becomes darker, and light details are reduced Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-67 Outline of Today’s Lecture • Convert the image into binary form  Thresholding • Clean up the thresholded image  Morphological operators • Extract individual objects  Connected Components Labeling Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-68 Connected Components Examples Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-69 Connected Components Labeling • Goal: Identify distinct regions Binary image Department of Mechatronics Connected components labeling 5-70 Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image Chapter – Binary Image 5-71 Connectedness • Which pixels are considered neighbors? 4-connected Department of Mechatronics 8-connected Chapter – Binary Image 5-72 C Peorm cepputtuearlVain sidon SeW nsSor1y3/A1u4gmented Computing Sequential Connected Components Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-73 Sequential Connected Components • Process the image from left to C Peorm cepputtuearlVain sidon SeW nsSor1y3/A1u4gmented Computing right, top to bottom: 1.) If the next pixel to process is i.) If only one of its neighbors (top or left) is 1, copy its label ii.) If both are and have the same label, copy it iii.) If they have different labels − Copy the label from the left − Update the equivalence table iv.) Otherwise, assign a new label • Re-label with the smallest of equivalent labels Department of Mechatronics 5-74 Chapter – Binary Image Application: Blob Tracking Absolute differences from frame to frame Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-75 Thresholding Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-76 Eroding Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-77 Application: Segmentation of a Liver Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-78 Summary: Binary Image Processing • Pros    Fast to compute, easy to store Simple processing techniques Can be very useful for constrained scenarios • Cons     Hard to get “clean” silhouettes Noise is common in realistic scenarios Can be too coarse a representation Cannot deal with 3D changes Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-79 References and Further Reading • More on morphological operators can be found in  R C Gonzales, R E Woods, Digital Image Processing Prentice Hall, 2001 • Online tutorial and Java demos available on  http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/ Department of Mechatronics ... Mechatronics Image Source: http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/ Chapter – Binary Image 5-13 Thresholding Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-14 Thresholding • Load trees • Binary_ Image. . .Chapter – Binary Image 5-2 Binary Images • Just two pixel values • Foreground and background • Regions of interest (ROI) Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-3 Uses:... Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-7 Uses: Shape Analysis, Free-Viewpoint Video Silhouette Blue-c project, ETH Zurich Medial axis Department of Mechatronics Chapter – Binary Image 5-8 Uses:

Ngày đăng: 10/01/2020, 21:05

