The SAGE Handbook of Sport Management SAGE was founded in 1965 by Sara Miller McCune to support the dissemination of usable knowledge by publishing innovative and high-quality research and teaching content Today, we publish over 900 journals, including those of more than 400 learned societies, more than 800 new books per year, and a growing range of library products including archives, data, case studies, reports, and video SAGE remains majority-owned by our founder, and after Sara’s lifetime will become owned by a charitable trust that secures our continued independence Los Angeles | London | New Delhi | Singapore | Washington DC | Melbourne The SAGE Handbook of Sport Management Edited by Russell Hoye and Milena M Parent SAGE Publications Ltd Oliver’s Yard 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP SAGE Publications Inc 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd B 1/I Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area Mathura Road New Delhi 110 044 SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd Church Street #10-04 Samsung Hub Singapore 049483 Editor: Delia Martinez Alfonso Editorial Assistant: Matthew Oldfield Production Editor: Sushant Nailwal Copyeditor: Cenveo publisher services Proofreader: Cenveo publisher services Indexer: Cenveo publisher services Marketing Manager: Alison Borg Cover design: Wendy Scott Typeset by Cenveo publisher services Printed in the UK Introduction, conclusion and editorial arrangement © Russell Hoye and Milena M Parent 2017 Chapter © Russell Hoye 2017 Chapter © Mike Szymanski and Richard A Wolfe 2017 Chapter © Danny O’Brien and Lisa Gowthorp 2017 Chapter © Tracy Taylor 2017 Chapter © Packianathan Chelladurai and John J Miller 2017 Chapter © Eric MacIntosh 2017 Chapter © Dennis Coates and Pamela Wicker 2017 Chapter © Aaron C.T Smith 2017 Chapter 10 © Joanne MacLean 2017 Chapter 11 © Barrie Houlihan 2017 Chapter 12 © Bob Stewart 2017 Chapter 13 © Michael P Sam 2017 Chapter 14 © Simon C Darnell and David Marchesseault 2017 Chapter 15 © Katie Misener 2017 Chapter 16 © Kathy Babiak and Annick Willem 2017 Chapter 17 © Sally Shaw 2017 Chapter 18 © George B Cunningham 2017 Chapter 19 © Matthew Nicholson and Merryn Sherwood 2017 Chapter 20 © Dana Ellis 2017 Chapter 21 © T Bettina Cornwell 2017 Chapter 22 © Mike Weed 2017 Chapter 23 © Laurence Chalip 2017 Chapter 24 © Milena M Parent 2017 Chapter 25 © Graham Cuskelly 2017 Chapter 26 © Robin Ammon 2017 Chapter 27 © Stephanie Gerretsen and Mark S Rosentraub 2017 Chapter 28 © Daniel S Mason 2017 Chapter 29 © Aubrey Kent 2017 Chapter 30 © Greg Dingle 2017 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means, only with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers Library of Congress Control Number: 2016936604 At SAGE we take sustainability seriously Most of our products are printed in the UK using FSC papers and boards When we print overseas we ensure sustainable papers are used as measured by the PREPS grading system We undertake an annual audit to monitor our sustainability British Library Cataloguing in Publication data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-4739-0243-5 Contents List of Tables viii List of Figures ix Notes on the Editors and Contributors x Preface xviii PART I SPORT MANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTALS 1 Sport Management Russell Hoye and Milena M Parent Sport Governance Russell Hoye Strategic Management Mike Szymanski and Richard A Wolfe 24 Organizational Structure Danny O’Brien and Lisa Gowthorp 39 Human Resource Management Tracy Taylor 62 Leadership in Sport Management Packianathan Chelladurai and John J Miller 85 Organizational Culture Eric MacIntosh 103 Financial Management Dennis Coates and Pamela Wicker 117 Sport Marketing Aaron C.T Smith 138 10 Performance Management Joanne MacLean 160 PART II SPORT MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES AND ISSUES 181 11 183 Sport Policy and Politics Barrie Houlihan vi Contents 12 Regulating Sport Bob Stewart 201 13 Sports Development Michael P Sam 227 14 Sport for Development and Peace Simon C Darnell and David Marchesseault 241 15 Program Evaluation Katie Misener 259 16 Interorganizational Relationships in Sport: From Theory to Practice Kathy Babiak and Annick Willem 273 17 Gender Issues Sally Shaw 294 18 Diversity and Inclusion in Sport George B Cunningham 309 19 Sport and the Media Matthew Nicholson and Merryn Sherwood 323 20 Sport Brands and Consumers Dana Ellis 345 21 Sport Sponsorship and Endorsements T Bettina Cornwell 368 22 Sports Tourism Mike Weed 383 23 Event Bidding, Legacy, and Leverage Laurence Chalip 401 24 Event Management Milena M Parent 422 25 Volunteer Management Graham Cuskelly 442 26 Stadia Management Robin Ammon 463 27 The Economics of Sport Stephanie Gerretsen and Mark S Rosentraub 478 Contents vii 28 Industrial Relations in Sport Daniel S Mason 495 29 Corporate Social Responsibility Aubrey Kent 514 30 Sport, the Natural Environment, and Sustainability 531 Greg Dingle Index 559 List of Tables 6.1 Response categories of the Coaching Behavior Assessment System 6.2 Dimensions of leader behavior in sports 8.1 Organizational goals and means by type of organization 8.2 Distribution of property rights 8.3 Basic financial terms 11.1 Using the rational model to better understand sport policy implementation 11.2 Typical instrument choice and policy implementation 12.1 Types of regulations for not-for-profit service organizations 12.2 Motives for regulating commercial, cultural and social problems 12.3 Regulatory options for businesses and sport enterprises 12.4 Features of a sport cartel 15.1 Basic types of evaluations 15.2 Evaluation forms, typical issues, key approaches 23.1 Leverage vs impact: a paradigm shift 23.2 Leverage vs legacy: subtle (but important) differences 25.1 Volunteer management index 25.2 How you first became involved in voluntary work 25.3 Reasons for being a volunteer 29.1 Past 10 years of CSR in sport research (2006–2015) 30.1 Intersections between sustainability dimensions, and the ‘Five Capitals’ model of sustainable development 30.2 The Phase Model of Sustainability 30.3 Sport-ES publications (2008–2015) 30.4 Sport-ES publications in sport journals for the period 2008–2015 93 96 118 119 125 193 195 203 207 210 218 266 267 406 415 449 451 451 523 536 539 543 544 List of Figures 4.1 A functional organization design in a national sport organization 4.2 A divisional organization design in an endurance events and sport media company 4.3 A matrix organization design in a company specializing in sport facility architecture and construction 4.4 A network organization design in a specialist sport event management agency 4.5 The Australian sport system 4.6 AIS organizational structure 2009 4.7 AIS organizational structure 2011 6.1 Smith and Smoll’s Mediational Model of Leadership 6.2 Chelladurai’s Multidimensional Model of Leadership 10.1 The performance management process 16.1 Stakeholder mapping 20.1 Outline of the conceptual framework of brand equity in the team sport setting 21.1 Typical levels of sponsorship and the related aspects of communication 21.2 Olympic marketing revenues 23.1 A model for economic leverage of events 23.2 A model for social leverage events 23.3 A model for leveraging event bids 29.1 Carroll’s pyramid of CSR 29.2 What is NOT CSR in sport? 30.1 The three dimensions of sustainability: the conceptual foundations of the triple bottom line 43 44 45 46 52 53 53 92 95 163 279 355 369 369 407 410 413 516 518 536 562 INDEX in practice 518–23 research paradigms and summary findings 515–17 Correia, A 356 corruption 20, 133, 220, 377 Coryn, C.L 262 Costa, C 387, 390–1, 393, 407, 411, 429 cost-benefit analysis 235, 403–4 Côté, J 172 Cottingham, M 346 County Sport Partnerships (CSPs) 232 Cousens, L 46, 56, 62, 283 Crandall, R 329 Cravens, K 286 Crawford, D.A 54 Crawford Report 52–3 Crenson, M.A 188 criminal activity see illegal behavior criminalization 190 crisis communication 336 Crompton, J.L 117, 390–1, 403 Cronin, O 249 Crouch, G.I 395 crowd control 472–4 see also fan behavior crowd-in/crowd-out effect 129 Cullen, D 298 Culture Building Activities (CBA) 91 Culture Strength Assessment (CSA) 91 Cumiskey, K.J 349 Cunningham, G 6, 97, 171, 299, 302–3 Cuskelly, G 7, 10, 75, 444, 446–8, 450–1, 453–7, 459 customer relationship management (CRM) 147–8 cycling 183, 245, 281, 295 Daft, R.L 44 Daley, T 330 Dallas Cowboys 487, 496 Dallas Mavericks 332 Danish Institute for Sports Studies 19 Danylchuk, K.E 86–7, 234 Darcy, S 75, 446, 448, 457 Darnell, S Dashboards 164 Datta, L.E 268 Davidson, E.J 264 Davis, A 510 Dawson, L 300 De Knop, P 169 Deal, T.E 88 decentralization 50 Denver Broncos 479 Denver Rockets 501 Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) 16–17 departmentalization 40 DeSensi, J.T 313 Detroit Red Wings 105 Detroit Tigers 488 development of sport 227–9, 236–7 challenges 232–6 as policy design 229–32 Devine, A 282 DHL 378 Dickson, G 358 Dickson, T.J 75, 404–5 digital media 330–2, 334–8, 430–1 digital television see television subscription services DiMaggio, J 106 DiMaggio, P.J 278 Dingle, G disability 72, 187, 245, 248, 300, 305 see also diversity Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) process 252–3 discrimination 301–2, 313 D’Itri, M 172 diversity 63, 65, 72–4, 113, 253, 297, 299, 309–11, 318–19 definition of 310–11 focus on diversity and inclusion 311–13 intercultural management 110–11 models of 313–17 training 317–18 Dixon, M.A 63, 66, 171, 304 Doherty, A 12–13, 56, 86–7, 109, 170, 173, 281, 314–16, 318, 444, 457 Donavan, D.T 349 Donnelly, P 16 doping see drug taking Dowling, M 65 Down, J 27 Downward, P 385, 393–4 Drake Group 33 Drennan, J.C 375 Drucker, P.F 98 drug taking 4, 20, 113–14, 151, 155, 188, 190, 196, 202, 205, 207, 212–14, 220–2, 339 see also anti-doping drug-use regulation in international sport 212–14 Dunphy, D 538 Duth Federation for Professional Football Clubs 78 Dyck, C.B 252–3 Eagleman, A.N 302–3, 336–7 Eckrich, J 171–2 economics 28, 478–9, 491–2 changing nature of 482–9 definition of sports economics 479–81 future directions 489–91 Edmonton Oilers 488 education 3, 51, 53, 140, 185, 188, 192–4, 231–3, 243–5, 260, 268, 296, 388–9, 405, 443 Edwards, R 520 Eells, R.S.F 516 Egli, B 447 Ekins, P 535 El-Hodiri, M 485 Elliot, R 70 INDEX Ellis, D 7, 430 Ellison, N.B 332 Emirates 376 employee retention and motivation 74–6 endorsements 4, 48, 151, 368, 372–4 endurance sport 44 Engelberg, T 173, 455 England Athletics 16 English Premier League see Premier League Enjolras, B 129 entrepreneurs 166, 190, 248–9, 280, 295, 406, 482, 517 environment and sustainability 112, 206, 275–7, 431, 518, 520, 522, 524, 531–3, 547–9 conceptual foundations 534–40 green buildings and sustainability 469–70 key developments 540–6 Equality and Human Rights Commission 309 ESPN 34, 98, 324, 374, 482 ethical behavior 77–8, 206, 275–6, 319 evaluation politics and ethics 268–9 in marketing 151 in SDP 250–3 ethnicity 69, 72, 74, 111, 187, 300, 303, 305, 309–10, 415 see also diversity Europa League 70 European Association for Sport Management (EASM) 542 European Commission 19, 71, 328 European Council 11, 540 European Court of Justice 70, 186 European Football Championships 328 European Union (EU) 11, 70–1, 222 Television Without Frontiers Directive 328 EUROPOL 222 Evaluation Planning Incorporating Context (EPIC) model 265 Evens, T 337 event bidding 133, 402, 404, 411–13 event legacy and leverage 401–3 economic leverage 407–10 event economics debate 403–4 event leverage 406 extending leverage 411–14 future research 415–16 issues for the leveraging paradigm 414–15 legacy alternative 404–6 social leverage 410–11 event management 3, 422, 432–3 governance of organizing committee and stakeholders 422–7 human resource management 427–8 marketing, sponsorship, and branding 428–31 risk management 431–2 event sponsorship 370–1 experience sampling methodology (ESM) 32 FA Cup 474 Faccendini, S 15 563 Facebook 34, 68, 138, 153–4, 330, 332–3, 338, 361, 478–9 see also social media facilities 51–2 Fahey, N 48 Fairley, S 389, 393 fan behavior 219, 389, 472–4 fan bonds 132 fantasy leagues 140 Farmer, S.M 456 Farrell, J 453 FC Barcelona 111, 332–3, 488 FC Groningen 131 Fédération Internationale de Football Association see FIFA federation management associations (FMOs) 284 Federer, R 334 Fedor, D.B 456 feminism 187, 248, 253, 299 Ferguson, A 99 Ferkins, L 15, 55 Ferreira, A 162, 164 Fichman, M 97 Fidgeon, P 395 Fiedler, F.E 88 FIFA 4, 32, 78, 123, 133, 197, 219, 377, 519 Football For Hope 246 Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players 70–1 Women’s World Cup 479, 491 World Cup 3, 28, 69, 133, 328, 371, 374, 391, 396, 401, 429, 432, 472, 479, 486, 491 Filo, K 336, 360 financial crisis 203, 467 financial management 117–18, 134–5 financial concepts and theories 124–30 financing sport events 133 financing sport stadia 121, 130–2, 465, 486–8 and types of organization 118–24 Fink, J.S 297, 299, 302–3, 313–15, 318 Finley, C 505 Fiorentina 222 firearms 373 Fischer, E 361, 372–3, 377 Fitzgerald, M 391 Fitz-Gibbon, C.T 262 ‘five forces analysis’ approach 25, 30 Fizel, J.L 172 Fletcher, D 51, 77, 168–9, 175 Flores, A.J.G 408 food service management 466 Foot Locker 523 football see American football; Australian rules football; football (soccer) Football (Disorder) Act 219 football (soccer) 3, 12–13, 15–16, 48, 66, 71, 76, 78, 111, 121–2, 134, 170, 183, 204, 242, 246, 283, 303, 330, 411, 484, 489 see also individual teams and competitions fan behavior 219, 389 564 INDEX Football Association 16 Football Australia 309–10 Football for Peace 246 Ford, W.C 515 formalization of organizations 39, 41–2 Formula 183 Forster, J 10 Forsyth, D 66 Fort, R 131, 481, 499, 504–5 Fortunato, J.A 336 Foster, G 27 Foster, W.F 30 Four Ps 144–7 Fournier, D.M 261 Fox, A 132 Frame of Reference Questionnaire 88 franchises 88–9, 118, 120–3, 405, 485, 489, 491, 496, 500, 509 Franco, M 280 Frandale, E 166 Fredline, E 392 free agency 505–7, 509 Freeman, R.E 275, 537 free-to-air television 325, 327–8 Freiberg, A 221 French, J.P.R Jr 48 French Open 334, 376 Fried, G 117 Friedman, M 514–15, 537–8 Frisby, W 56, 253, 280, 285, 299–300 Frost, L 170 funding 65, 117, 119–21, 230 Funk, D.C 346, 357–8 Furniss, A.H 87 Furrer, O 25 gambling see betting Gaming Control Act 221 Gammon, S 384, 389, 405 Gandar, J.M 132 Gandy, O.H 334 Garcia, B 16 Garcia-del-Barrio, P 121 Garmin 377 Garrett, R 450 Gatorade 374 Gauthier, R 168, 263 Gay Games 302 Geeraert, A 10–12, 16 Gehrig, L 106 gender 69, 72–4, 87–8, 91, 148, 187, 189, 196, 245, 247–9, 251, 253, 294–5, 309–10, 314, 316, 336 see also diversity; feminism contemporary gender research in sport management 297–300 financial viability of women’s professional sports 491 intersectionality in sport management research 300–3 keeping research relevant 303–5 and neoliberalism 295–7 German Football Association 123 Gerrard, B 30, 120 Gerretsen, S Getz, D 425, 427 Gibson, H.J 384–6, 391–3, 396 Giggs, R 377 Gilbert, D 488 Girginov, V 113, 228 Gladden, J.M 355–7 Gladwin, T.N 537 Glaser, R 91 Glasgow Celtic 378 Glasgow Rangers 378 Gleyse, J 384 globalization 41, 65, 70, 249, 254, 288, 323, 334, 395 Glyptis, S.A 384 Godfrey, P.C 523–4 Gold Coast Titans 41 Goldberg-Glen, R.S 453 golf 3, 170, 183, 386–7, 397, 480 Goodwin, M 16 Google 63, 332, 478–80 Goussevskaia, A 25 Gove, S 26 governance 20–1, 56, 160, 194, 196–7, 277–8, 283–5, 305, 316, 518, 523–4 board-focused research 12–14 definition of 9–10, 54 and event management 422–7 government attempts to improve 16–19 independent monitoring of 19–20 inter-organizational-focused research 14–16 legitimacy of self-governance 10–12 sport governance structures 54–5, 166–7 Governance in Sport Working Group 11 governments 9–10, 139, 169, 197, 214, 227, 232, 235, 327–30, 424–5, 533 see also policy and politics American 215, 233 attempts to improve sport governance 16–19 Australian 51–2, 54 British 16, 131, 133, 219, 231, 233 Canadian 49 Dutch 413 motives 184–5 Norway 216 Spanish 488 Gowthorp, L Grady, J 371–2 Graefe, A.R 387, 390 Graham, J.A 304 Grand Slam tournaments Grange, P 73 Grassroots Soccer International 244 Grattan, A 249, 253 Green, B.C 230, 235, 391–2, 453 Green, M 16–17, 228 INDEX Green Sports Alliance 522 Greene, J 269 Greenwood, R 43, 47 Greyser, P 27 Griffiths, A 537–8 Grix, J 16–17 Grohs, R 378 Groll, M 10, 16 grooming standards 107–8 gross domestic product (GDP) 67, 235, 478 groupthink 319 Guba, E.G 260 Gudmundsson, S.V 76 Guest, D.E 62–3 Gunn, L 193 Güntert, S.T 428 Hackman, J.R 90 Hackman, M.Z 87 Hager, M.A 446 Halas, G 504 Hall, M.A 298 Hallmann, K 452 Hamil, S 15 Hamilton-Smith, E 388 Hamm, M 521 Hamm-Kerwin, S 444 Hammon, B 491 Handy, F 443 Hankins, D 332 Hannah, L 134 Hannus, A 98 Hansen, A 50 Hansen, H 168, 263 Hansmann, H 124 Hanstad, D.V 423 Hardy, C 274 Harman, A 457 Harms, G 452 Harris, R 46 Harrison, S.H 112 Hart, S.L 537 Hartzell, J.C 132 Harvard Business School 99 Harvey, D 295–6 Hassan, A 111 Hatry, H.P 260–1 Hautbois, C 394 Havaris, E.P 234 Hawkins, K 98 Hayes-Thomas, R 311 Hayhurst, L 248–9, 285 hazing 113–15 Heere, B 358, 425 Heggie, S 334 Heinemann, K 124 Henry, I 15 Herfindahl Index 127–8 565 Hernandez, A 29 Hertha BSC Berlin 132 High Performance Work System (HPWS) 62, 67 Higham, J.E.S 385–7, 392, 395 Hill, A.D 27 Hill, C.W 27 Hill, J 11 Hillary Commission 295–6, 298 Hillman, M 535 Hills, M.J 87 Hillsborough disaster 472 Hinch, T.D 385–7, 392, 395 Hinings, B 29 Hinings, C.R 43, 47 Hitt, M.A 26 HIV/AIDS 244–5, 282 Ho, C 62 hockey 489–90 Hockey Victoria 305 Hoeber, L 27 Hoehn, T 211, 328 Hoffman, A.J 538 Hogwood, B.W 193 Holcomb, T.R 27 Holden, D.J 265 Holmes, K 450 Holmes, R.M 27 Homeless World Cup 246 homelessness 246, 411, 518 Homma, K 406 homosexuality see sexuality hooliganism 219, 389 Horn, T.S 93 horse racing 220–2 Houlihan, B 6, 16, 51, 228, 230–2, 235 Houston Rockets 332 Houston Texans 120–1, 487 Howard, D.R 117, 120 Howlett, M 189 Hoye, R 4–5, 10, 74–5, 89–90, 173, 446–8, 450–1, 455–7, 459 Hrebiniak, L.G 25 Huber, D 130 Hudson, I 390 Hudson, S 391, 395 Huebner, T.A 262 human brands 372–3 human resource management 62–5, 78–9, 103, 110–11, 160, 163, 168–9, 264, 270, 432, 445–6, 459 conduct, ethical behavior and collective bargaining 77–8 and event management 427–8 investing in workforce 74–6 managing for performance 76–7 recruitment and selection 68–74 sporting context 65–8 human rights 208 Hunt, J 74 566 INDEX Hunter, ‘Catfish’ 505 Hurricanes Super 15 300 Huselid, M.A 62–3 Husin, S 170 Hutchins, B 326, 337 Hutchinson, R 535 Huxham, C 282 Hylton, K 229, 235 hyper-commercialism 324 Iachini, A.L 264 Ibsen, B 445 Idle, C 15 illegal behavior 29, 77–8, 151, 229, 242, 431 inclusion 311–13 see also diversity industrial relations in sport 495–7, 510–11 collective bargaining in professional team sport 498–9 emergence of players’ associations 497–8 factors influencing the collective bargaining process 500–5 industry influences 508–10 IndyCar 407–8 information technology 28–9, 33–4, 41, 49, 56, 288 infrastructure 3, 67 injuries 207–8, 216, 220, 471–2, 474 see also violence Inoue, Y 172, 524–5 input-output analysis 403–4 Instagram 154, 330, 332, 361 institutional theory 277–8 insurance 78, 216 intellectual property 203 intercultural management 110–11 interest groups 50 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 532 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 496 International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) 10 International Basketball Federation 309 International Centre for Sport Security 222 International Competition Network 329 International Cricket Council 211 International Cycling Union (ICU) International Federation of Football Associations see FIFA International Labour Organisation (ILO) 442–5 International Olympic Committee (IOC) 4, 10, 69, 72–3, 123, 133, 186, 188–9, 197, 212, 242–3, 274, 309, 377, 401–2, 423, 519, 540–1 International Rugby Boards 246 International Rugby Union 66 International Tennis Federation 334 International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 534–5 International Working Group on Women and Sport 294 Internet 41–2, 120, 139–40, 146, 153, 324–5, 327, 331, 423, 432, 475, 482 see also social media interorganizational relationships 273–5, 286–9 key concepts 278–86 theoretical perspectives and developments 275–8 Iosifidis, P 337 ITM Cup 70 Jackson, S.J 330–1 James, J 357–8 James, L 334, 521 James, M 450 Jeanes, R 249 Jenkins, D 97 Jenkins-Smith, H 191 Jenner, J.R 453 Jennings, A 33 Jeter, D 106, 338 Job Diagnostic Survey 90 John, P 188 Johnson, A 49 Johnson, B 212 Johnson, S 27 Johnson & Johnson 32 Johnston, M.E 453 joint ventures 217, 276, 282, 284, 500 Jones, B.D 189, 549 Jones, C 331, 347 Jones, P 29 Jordan, M 155, 372 Joyce, W.F 25 junk food 373–4 see also sugar-rich foods Juravich, M 520 Juventus 222 Kaiser, S 423 Kane, M.J 299, 302–3, 387–8, 392, 396 Kanemasu, Y 70 Kang, S.J 392 Kansas City Royals 474 Kaplan, R.S 286 Kaplanidou, K 392, 422–3 Kapoor, D 243 Karadakis, K 423 Karg, A 336 Kasimati, E 390–1 Kaspar, R 423 Kay, T 193 kayaking 387–8 Kearns, K 128 Keat, R 235 Keating, J.W 96–7 Keidel, R.E 98 Keller, K.L 345, 348–57 Keller, R.H 75 Kellett, P 75, 411 Kelloway, K.E 97 Kenis, P 284 Kenow, L 93 INDEX Kent, A 8, 86, 88–9, 518, 520, 524–5 Kerr, A 334 Kerwin, S 422–3 Kets de Vries, M.F.R 48 Kihl, L 49, 56, 263, 266 Kikulis, L.M 47, 49, 56 Kim, M 97, 448, 452–3, 455, 457 Kim, S 302 Kim, Y.K 457 King, L 450 Kingdon, J 189–90 Kirsch, F 330 Kleiber, D.A 450 Klenk, C 448 Klesh, J.R 97 Knight, P 368, 515 Knill, C 186, 192 Knoben, J 283 Knoke, D 451, 453 Knoppers, A 298–9 Koesters, T 346 Kolb, D.M 299–300, 302 Kolodinskiy, R.W 126–7 Konrad, A.M 74, 311 Kontinental Hockey League 71 Koss, J.O 522 Kottke, J.L 317 Kowaleski, S 506 Kramer, M 515, 517, 525, 549 Krautmann, A.C 481 Krieger, J 425 Kristiansen, E 423, 425–6, 428 Kuga, D.J 97 Kunkel, T 353 Kuper, S 134 Kurtzman, J 385 Kwon, H.H 97 La Liga 122, 332 La Masia 111 labor exemption 501–2 labor relations 518 Laev, M 98 Lafontaine, P 521 Lagae, W 263 Lago, U 123 Lamb, R.P 132 Lamoriello, L 105 Lancefield, D 328 Larry Bird Exception 508 Laub, J 90 Laureus World Sports Awards 244, 517 LaVoi, N.M 300–3 Lawrence, T.B 274 Lawwell, P 48 Lazio 222 Leader–Member Exchange Theory (LMX) 86, 89–90 567 Leadership Behavior Questionnaire (LBQ) 91 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) 470 leadership in sports management 85–6, 98–9, 174 leadership in elite sports 94–8 leadership in youth sports 91–4 and organizational culture 103–7, 115 organizational leadership 86–91 Leadership Orientation Survey 88 Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS) 95–8 Leberman, S.I 300–1 LeBron James Family Foundation 521 Lechner, C 76 Lee, A 301 Lee, S 302, 353 Leech, R 234 Leeds, M.A 506 legislation 77, 183, 201, 214–17, 219–22, 491, 499–502 see also policy and politics antitrust law 28, 183, 235, 483, 498, 500–2, 510 media 327–30 Lemke, W 242 Lepp, A 391, 396 L’Etang, J 335 Leukemia Foundation 373 leveraging legacies 415 Levermore, R 66 Levido, B 295 Leyns, A 395 LGBT see sexuality Li, M 172 Liang, J 15 Liao-Troth, M.A 456 licensing agreements 371–2 Liden, R.C 90 life after sport 75–6 likeability 349 Lim, J 457 Lincoln, Y.S 260 Lindsey, I 230–2, 249, 253, 282 LinkedIn 68 Linnenluecke, M.K 537–8, 548 Linseman, K 501 Lipsky, M 194 live streaming 4, 120 Liverpool FC 333 living standards 210 Lock, D 336 Lohman, M 264 London Marathon 384 Long, J.G 122, 130–2 Los Angeles Dodgers 466, 506 Los Angeles Kings 332 lotteries 133, 185–6, 487–8 Love, A 302 Love, K 339 Lovell, J 396 568 INDEX Lowi, T 185–6 Lukes, S 188 Lyberger, M.R 347, 350, 354 Lyle, J 172 Lynch, M 333–4 Ma, S.C 426 Ma, S.M 426 MacAloon, J.J 405 MacDonald, D 427 MacIntosh, E 5, 109, 112–13, 425 MacLean, J 5, 46, 56, 167–8, 171–2 Macris, L.I 234 Madella, A 168 Madrigal, R 370 Maennig, W 133 Magic Bus 244 Maguire, P 253 Mahony, D.F 346, 359 Major League Baseball (MLB) 26, 30, 73, 106, 118, 121–2, 309, 338, 356, 374, 463, 467, 474, 490, 501, 503–5, 507–8, 520 Major League Baseball Players’ Association (MLBPA) 497–8, 505–6, 508 Major League Soccer (MLS) 70, 73, 121–2, 310, 463, 520 Mallen, C 532–3, 540–3, 546–7, 549 Mallett, C 172 Malone, C 372 Management by Objectives 164 Manchester City FC 334, 467, 488 Manchester United FC 99, 324, 372, 480, 490 MUTV and MUTV Online 331–2 Mandela, N 517, 526 Mandella, A 62 Mannell, R.C 450 manufacturing 3–4, 41–2 Manziel, J 371–2 Marano, V 278 Marchesseault, D marginal revenue product 502–3 Marginal Revenue Product 506, 510 market failure 206 market research 142–3 marketing 40, 42, 98, 156, 331, 350, 352, 360–1, 375, 408, 412, 429, 432–3 ambush marketing 430 branding see brands definition of 138–9 and the digital revolution 152–3 ethics 151 and event management 428–30 future research 155 and social media 153–4 and social responsibility 152 see also corporate social responsibility sponsorship see sponsorship to the sport consumer 140–1, 148–9 see also consumers sport marketing process 141–8 sport markets 139–40 marketing mix 144–8, 356, 429 marketization 190 Markowitz, H.M 129 Maroco, J 356 martial arts 216, 248 Mascarenhaas, M.V.M 408 Maslyn, J.M 90 Mason, D 8, 30, 120 Masumoto, N 406 match-fixing 190, 196, 487 Mathare Youth Sport Association 248 Mauws, M.K 30 Maxwell, H.D 299, 303 McCluskey, J.J 481 McConnell, A 425 McCullough, B.P 302, 533 McDonald, I 281 McDonald’s 485 McDonnell, I 46 McGraw, P 27, 66, 445 McIntyre, B 326 McIntyre, N 455 McNally, D 506 McSherry, M 533 Meadows, D.H 535 Meadows, D.L 535 medals 51–2, 72, 185, 231 media 3–4, 29, 42, 67, 77, 98, 139–40, 146, 154, 174, 184, 210, 218, 279–80, 285, 299, 301, 338–9, 374–5, 407, 409, 413–14, 426–7, 430, 482, 501 see also social media access 326–35 definition of 323–4 economy 324–6 research 335–8 Mediational Model of Leadership 91–3, 96, 98 medicine see sport medicine mega-events 68, 243, 280, 283, 371, 394, 396, 429, 402, 412 see also individual events Meglino, B.M 106 Melton, E.N 304 membership fees 47, 120, 128–9 merchandise 119–20, 133, 138, 140, 144, 349, 359, 376–9, 431, 482, 485 mergers 56, 217, 276, 282 Messersmith, A 506 Messi, L 483 Metochi, M 62 Meyer, J.P 97, 454–5 Meyerson, D.E 299–300, 302 Mia Hamm Foundation 521 Michie, J 62 Microsoft 478 Midnight Basketball 242 Mikosza, J 337 Mill, J.S 208, 483 INDEX Millan, A 376 Millar, P 75 Millennium Development Goals 242, 442 Miller, J Miller, L.K 336 Miller, M 497–8 Mills, B 520 Milne, G.R 355–7 Minderhoud, P 71 Ming, Y 377 Minikin, B 67, 75 Mintzberg, H 25–6, 43, 46 Misener, K 6, 56, 170, 281, 444 Mittelhammer, R.C 481 modernization 247 Moliterno, T.P 26 Molnar, G 70 Monday Night Football 482 Montreal Expos 506 Moon, B.K 247 Moore, M.E 74 Moore, N 66 Morris, L.L 262 Morris, W.C 88 Morrison, V 66 Morrow, S 15 Moscardo, G 535 mothers 300–1 Mott, P.E 88 Mountain2Mountain 245 Mowday, R.T 453–4 MSV Duisburg 132 Muir, A 69 Mullin, B 27 multiculturalism 313 Multidimensional Model of Leadership 94–6, 98 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) 86–7, 97 multiple streams (MS) framework 189–90 Murphy, K 172 Musa, G 170 MySpace 68 Nadim, A 29 Nag, R 26 Nagel, M.S 371–2 Nagel, S 68–9, 447–8 Nakaima, A 266 naming rights 370, 466–8 NASCAR 122, 338, 374 National Basketball Association (NBA) 3, 27, 70, 73, 75, 132, 326, 330, 334, 336, 339, 352, 357, 374, 377, 463, 467, 487–8, 491, 501, 507–8, 510, 519–20, 525–6 National Basketball League 70 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) 27, 32, 48, 87, 171–2, 217–18, 296, 304, 314, 318 Women Coaches Academy 299 569 National Football League (NFL) 11, 27, 70–1, 73, 112–13, 118, 120–1, 329–30, 334, 339, 374, 376, 463, 466–7, 473–5, 481–2, 487, 491, 496, 501–2, 506–7, 510, 525 Personal Conduct Policy 77–8 National Football League Players’ Association (NFLPA) 497, 502 National Hockey League (NHL) 70, 105, 332, 356, 463, 467, 488, 507–10, 519–20, 522 National Hockey League Players’ Association (NHLPA) 508–10, 519 National Labor Relations Act 499 National Labor Relations Board 499 National Lacrosse League 70 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) 4, 8, 72–3, 123, 184, 186, 294, 300, 369, 393–4 National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) 522 National Rugby League (NRL) 41, 70 National Sport Governing Bodies 166–7, 184, 194, 401 National Sport Organizations (NSOs) 47, 49, 51, 53–4, 56, 67, 73, 75, 168, 228, 230, 232, 234, 263, 281, 294, 304, 401 see also individual organizations National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) 491 nationalism 72 Nauright, J 385 NBAization 28, 31, 33–4 Neale, W.C 122, 484–5 Neely, A 165 neo-colonialism 248 neo-liberalism 202, 247, 249, 303, 305 and gender 295–7 neo-Marxism 187 neo-pluralism 187 netball 42, 70 Netball Queensland 42 network administrative organizations (NAOs) 284 Neufeind, M 428 Neumeier, M 347, 350 New England Patriots 330, 374 New Jersey Devils 105 New York Mets 309 New York Yankees 106, 122, 359, 490–1, 505 Newcomer, K.E 260, 268 Newland, B 425, 453 Next Steps 233 NFK Surf Festival 91 NGOization 243 Nguyen, S.N 533 Nice Declaration 11 Nicholls, J.G 94 Nichols, G 69, 444, 446, 450 Nicholson, M 5, 7, 232, 334 Nicol, L 425 Nielsen Corporation 482 Nike 98, 155, 348, 368, 372, 376 Nishii, L.H 311 Noll, R.G 328, 481, 496–7 570 INDEX non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 243, 246, 252, 282, 540 see also individual organizations Nordic World Ski Championships 69 North American Society for Sport Management (NASM) 542 Norton, D.P 286 nostalgia 352–3, 384, 389 Numerato, D 14 NZ Cycling 295 Oakland A’s 505 Oakland Raiders 510 obesity 373 O’Brien, D 5, 49, 408, 426, 450 Oldham, G.R 90 Oliver, C 274, 281 Oliver, P 73 Olympic Aid 251 Olympic Games 3, 16, 19, 51–2, 69, 72, 77, 139, 183–5, 188–90, 197, 212, 217, 274, 280, 328, 335, 369–71, 378, 390–2, 396, 401–2, 404, 413, 423, 429–30, 432, 457, 474, 486, 491, 519, 540 see also International Olympic Committee; National Olympic Committees; Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games 1972 Munich 431 1976 Montreal 51 1996 Atlanta 212 2000 Sydney 52, 409 2008 Beijing 337, 426 2012 London 54, 133, 394, 402, 405 2016 Rio 133 bidding for 133, 402, 412 see also event bidding Winter Games see Winter Olympic Games Olympic Partners’ program see TOP program Olympic Sports Organizations (OSOs) 62, 67, 168–9 Olympique Lyon 134 Ontario Universities Athletics Association (OUAA) 87 Ontario Women’s Interuniversity Athletic Association (OWIAA) 87 Oosterom-Staples, H 71 organizational culture 30–1, 103–4, 114–15, 160, 163, 169, 269, 299–300, 313–14, 327 intercultural management 110–11 key concepts 104–7 scholarship in sport 112–14 steering through value-based management 109–10 symbolism and surroundings 107–9 as a toolkit 111–12 organizational design 42–7 organizational leadership intercollegiate athletes 86–8 in professional baseball teams 89 professional sports franchises 88–9 in recreation administration 91 in volunteer sport organizations 89–91 Organizational Leadership Assessment (OLA) 90 organizational structure of the Australian high-performance sport system 51–4 basic tenets of 40–2 definition of 39 as driver of high performance 50–1 future research 56–7 power, politics and change 48–50 principles for managing 48 research findings on 47 sport governance structures 54–5 unique features of the design of sports organizations 42–7 Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (OCOG) 284, 402, 424, 540 Ortiz, C 374 Ortiz, D 339 Osborne, A 333 Østerlund, K 69, 448 Otley, D 162, 164, 170 O’Toole, W 46 Owen, J.M 265–6 Paauwe, J 166 Packard, K.O 548 Palmer, F 301 Pan American Games 133, 432 Pant, N 30 paragliding 387 Paralympics 69, 394 Winter Games 75, 402 Paramio-Saleines, J.L.P 515 Parent, M.M 7, 39, 49, 98, 112–13, 284, 423–8 Park, S 97, 455 Parkin, S 534–5 Parmentier, M.A 361, 372–3, 377 Parmigiani, A 281 Parris, D.L 90–1 Parrish, B 538 Parsons, T 43 Participatory Action Research (PAR) 253 partnerships 273, 275–6, 279–80, 283–6, 288, 397 see also interorganizational relationships; sponsorship public–private partnerships 117, 130–1, 274, 283, 287 passion 27–8, 30–3, 264, 517 Pastore, D.L 297, 313–15 Paterson, T.J 87 Patrick, D 338 patriotism 72 Pauline, G 425–6 pay-per-view 120, 146, 325 payroll taxes 507–8 Peachey, J.W 87, 90–1 Pearce, J.L 447 Pearson, G 220 Peattie, K 539 Pennington-Gray, L 386 INDEX pensions 78, 499 Perceived Athletic Organizational Effectiveness Index 88 performance management 76–7, 160, 174–5 definition of 161–3 literature review 168–73 measuring and managing 166–8 principles extending from 173–4 theoretical concepts 161–6 performance-enhancing drugs see drug taking Periera, E.C.S 408 Perkins, L 13–14 Pessoa, N 280 Peters, M 425 Petrick, J.F 386 Petrosino, A 262 Pettitte, A 106 Pfahl, M 533 Pfeffer, J 454 PGA Tour 519 Philadelphia Eagles 112, 520, 524 philanthropy 518 Phillips, N 274 Piehler, R 349 Pielke, R 33 Pieters, M 283 Pigeassou, C 384 Pires, G.M.V.S 408 Pisano, G 26 Pittsburgh Pirates 466 Pittsburgh Steelers 73, 468 player agents see agents player trading 66, 120 players’ associations 497–8 see also industrial relations in sport Player’s Tribune 338–9 playground movement 242 Pocecco, E 425 policy and politics 183, 197–8, 214 see also governments; legislation actors and institutional content 186–7 characteristics of the sport policy sub-sector 184–5 definition of 185–6 evaluation politics and ethics 268–9 frameworks for analysis of 187–91 gender relations as political 304–5 implementation and evaluation 191–5 and media 327–30 sport development as policy design 229–32 sport policy evaluation 195–7 Pope, N 10 Porter, L.W 453 Porter, M 25, 30, 515, 517, 525, 549 Poth, C 261 Pouwels, M 283 poverty 245–6 Powell, W.W 278 571 Power, M 233 Premier League 3, 16, 65, 71, 120–1, 131, 185, 333, 370, 480, 484–5, 491 Premiership Rugby 309–10 Prensky, D 451 Press Councils 202 Preuss, H 390–1, 404 pride 3, 160 Pride Football Australia 309 privatization 190 product 28, 30–3 professionalization 17, 30, 63, 395, 446 program evaluation 259–60, 270 evaluation politics and ethics 268–9 the evaluation process 264–8 foundations of 260–1 implications for practitioners 269–70 and performance measurement 261 role of theory in 261–3 in sport management 263–4 promotion 147, 149, 156, 323, 369, 375 see also sponsorship property rights 119 protectability 349–50 Provan, K.G 283–4 Psychological Commitment to Team (PCT) scale 358 Psychological Continuum Model (PCM) 357–8 Public Health Campaigns (PHCs) 244 public relations 172, 326, 330–1, 334–6, 374, 405, 511, 520 see also media Public Service Announcements (PSAs) 244 public shaming 203 public–private partnerships 117, 130–1, 274, 283, 287 Putler, D.S 27, 33 Pyun, D.Y 97 quality of life 210 Quatman, C 283 Quirk, J 131, 485, 505 quotas 72–4, 305 see also diversity race 72–3, 248–9, 298, 300, 303–4, 309–10, 312, 314, 335 see also diversity Racial and Gender Report Card (RGRC) 73 Racing Act 220 Ramesh, R 189 Ramshaw, G 389 Randers, J 535 Raven, B 48 Ravlin, E.C 106 Real Madrid 111, 332–3, 372, 490 recruitment and selection 68 athletes as employees 69–72 diversity and quotas 72–4 volunteers 68–9 Red Cross Blood Donation 373 Reebok 377 572 Reeves, D 504 refugee camps 252 regulation of sport 201–2, 210–12, 222–3 boxing controls 214–17 constructing appropriate regulatory regimes 209–10 drug-use regulation in international sport 212–14 evaluating regimes 221–2 horse racing 220–1 making good regulations 207–9 reasons for 205–7 risk and regulation 205 self-regulation 217–20 soft and hard regulations 203–5 sources of 202–3 Reinhardt, F 548 Reio, T 455 Related Party Transactions 498–9 religion 303, 309–10, 451 resource dependence theory 276–7 resource-based view (RBV) 25–6, 30, 33 retail Reuber, A.R 372–3 revenue sharing 504–5 Rich, R.E 311 Ridge, J.W 27 Ridinger, L.L 346 Riemer, H.A 297 Right to Play 522 Ringuet-Riot, C 447 risk management 40, 126, 205, 314, 431–2, 470–2 Ritchie, J.R 395 Ritchie, W.J 126–7 rival leagues 509–10 Rivera, M 106 Rivera-Santos, M 281 Roberson, Q.M 311 Robinson, L 67, 75 Robinson, T 384 Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series 44 Rockström, J 534 Roddick, A 515 Rodriguez, P 123, 134 Rogers, P 262, 265–6 role models 204, 229, 244, 300 Rooney, D 73 Rooney Rule 73 Roppolo, Joseph 309 Rosado, A 356 Rose, D.S 264 Rosen, S 481 Rosentraub, M 7, 117, 122, 131 Ross, S.D 349, 352–3, 356, 455 Ross, S.F 501 Rossi, G 15 Roth, K 538 Rotherham, I.D 426 Rottenberg, S 483, 503 INDEX Rousseau, D.M 456 Rowe, D 326 Roxas, B 538 Rozelle Rule 502 rugby 41, 66, 70, 331, 489 rugby union 66, 70, 75, 395 Rumelt, R.P 25 Rundio, A 425 Russell, K.C 356 Ryan, K 269 Sabatier, P 188, 190–1, 194 Sack, A.L 29, 49 Sagas, M 97 Sage, G.H 284 Sakires, J 170 Salancik, G.R 454 salary caps 70–1, 484, 499, 502, 507–8 Sale, A 220 Sales, X 170 Salick, R 91 Sam, M 6, 234–6 Sams, M 301 Samuels, M 269 San Antonio Spurs 491 San Diego Padres 490 San Francisco 49ers 467, 470, 474 sanctions 203, 213 Sanders, W.G 39 Sanderson, A 481 Sartore, M.L 302 Sashkin, M 88, 91 Scale of Coaching Performance (SCP) 171 scandals 4, 324 Scanlan, T.K 455–6 Schade, M 349 Scheerder, J 11–12, 127 Scheiber, S 425 Schein, E 104 Schendel, D 25 Scherer, J 330–1 Schlenker, K 405 Schlesinger, T 68–9, 447–9, 455 Schmidt, G.W 455–6 Schnitzer, M 425 Schofield, T 73, 299 Schokkaert, J 71 Schramm, T 496 Schulenkorf, N 252, 405 Schull, V 49 Schultz, P.W 534 Schuwalow, P 170 Scott, D.K 88, 98, 549 Scott, W.R 43 Scully, G.W 481, 503 Sear Directors Cup 88 seat licenses 120–1 Seattle Seahawks 333–4, 374, 479 INDEX security 120, 431–2 Séguin, B 284, 424 Seha, A.M 296 Seippel, O 445 Seles, M 474 Self-Assessment for Nonprofit Governing Boards Scale (SANGBS) 89–90 self-determination theory (SDT) 94 self-governance 10–12 self-regulation 202–3, 211, 217–20 Serena Williams Fund 521 sexuality 72, 298, 300–5, 309–10, 312, 318, 330, 335 see also diversity Shanahan, B 105 Shank, M.D 347, 350, 354 Shanks, C 332 Sharma, S 538 Shaw, S 6, 49, 299–300, 316 Sheehan, M 62 Shepherd, M 444 Sherman Act 329, 500, 502 Sherwood, M 7, 334 Shilbury, D 13–15, 24, 26, 30, 34, 55, 57, 235, 280 Shonk, D.J 280 Shore, L.M 311 Shrivastava, P 537 Shuen, A 26 Shufflebeam, D.L 260 Silk, M 41 Simmons, R 123 Simon, H.A 232 Simons, J.P 455–6 Sina Weibo 333 Singh, C 172 Singh, V 297 Sirmon, D.G 26 skiing 386–7, 395, 397, 548 Skille, E.Å 423 Skinner, J 455 Skinner, T 173 Skirstad, B 426 Sky 331–2 Slack, T 27, 29–30, 39, 47, 49, 56, 62, 98, 298, 532 Slesinger, L.H 89 Sloane, P.J 484 Smart, D.L 27, 30, 89 smartphones 3, 140, 145, 152, 154, 325, 482 Smith, A 5, 228, 234, 396, 411, 483, 517, 523 Smith, C.A 97 Smith, P 337 Smith, R.E 91–2, 96 Smith-Swan, S 428 Smoll, F.L 92, 96 Smythe, L 15, 55 Snapchat 332, 361 snowboarding 386 Snyder, M 452 soccer see football (soccer) 521 573 Soccer Aid 245 social media 3–4, 29, 56, 68, 77, 79, 107, 140, 327, 330–8, 423, 430–1, 482 and branding 360–1 and marketing 153–4 and sponsorship 372, 376, 379 social responsibility see corporate social responsibility socialization 410–11 Sofield, T.H.B 384–5 softball 491 Sotiriadou, K 235, 287 Soucie, D 168 Spaaij, R 303, 316 Sparvero, E 520, 525 Special Event Volunteer Motivation Scale (SEVMS) 453 Spence, K 109 sponsorship 4, 10, 20, 32, 40, 42, 48, 67, 117, 128–9, 133, 138–40, 146, 155–6, 230, 268–9, 279–81, 283, 285, 302, 326, 331, 335, 354, 368, 374–5, 402, 423, 427, 431, 433 communication integration 374–7 definition of 368–9 and event management 429–30 event sponsorship 370–1 future research 377–8 individual-level 372–4 see also endorsements league-level 369–70 licensing agreements 371–2 managerial implications 378–9 and marketing 149–51 and social media 372, 376, 379 team-level 370 venue sponsoring/naming rights 370, 466–8 Spoor, J 74 Sport and Recreation New Zealand see Sport New Zealand Sport Canada 167 Sport Commitment Model (SCM) 455–6 Sport England 17, 194, 305, 445 Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) 241–2, 253–4, 282 critical issues for managers 246–50 ethical practice in 250–3 institutionalizing 242–6 sport governance see governance Sport in Action 245 Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ) 542 sport medicine 40, 50–2 Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) 97 Sport New Zealand 19, 305 Women in Governance program 299 sport science 50–2 sport tourism see tourism Sports Broadcasting Act 329, 501 Spracklen, K 316 Sridharan, S 266 574 INDEX stadia management 122, 474–6 construction 464–5 crowd control 472–4 event operations 468–9 facility expansion 463–4 financing sport stadia 121, 130–2, 465, 486–8 green buildings and sustainability 469–70 revenue streams 370, 466–7 risk management 470–2 staffing 467–8 Stadtmann, G 132 stakeholders 29–34, 49–51, 107, 129, 140–2, 168, 243, 247, 249, 259, 263–5, 268, 270, 274–5, 278–80, 285, 318, 347, 412, 414, 426–7, 430, 432–3, 464, 475, 514, 517, 525, 537, 547 and event management 422–7 Stalker, G 43 State Institutes of Sport (SIS) 52 State Sporting Organizations (SSOs) 51–2 see also individual organizations Steers, R.M 453 Steffen, W 534 Steinmo, S 187 Stephens, J 390, 392 Stern, David 28 steroid 212 Stevens, J 75, 283, 532 Steward, A.D 303 Stewart, B 5–6, 117, 396 stock exchange 120 Stoldt, G.C 336 Storm, R.K 134 Stotlar, D 468 strategic human resource management (SHRM) 62–3, 66 strategic management 28–9, 277 definition of 24–6 future research 30–3 implications for practitioners 33–4 studies of 29–30 Sturm, D 337 subsidies 122, 128 substance use see drug taking sugar-rich foods 4, 222–3 see also junk food Super Bowl 333–4, 374, 474, 479 Super League 70 surfing 41–2, 91 Surftech 41–2 Surujlal, J 172 Sutton, W.A 355–7 Swanson, S 88–9 Swindon Town 330 Swinnen, J.F 71 SWOT analysis 141 Sydney Rangers 309 Sydney Scoreboard 72, 294 symbolism 107–9 Szymanski, M Szymanski, S 121, 123, 134, 481, 484 Tacon, R 69 Tainsky, S 263, 520 Tapp, A 359 Targeted Sports Participation Growth Programme 234 Tashman, P 278 Taylor, J 250 Taylor, P 450 Taylor, T 5, 62, 66, 68, 75, 303, 432, 445–6, 448, 457 Team Association Model 352–3 Team Brand Association Scale 352–3 Team Nonprofit Score (TNS) rating system 525 technology 51, 65, 79, 140–1, 145, 154, 274, 432 see also information technology and marketing 152–3 Teece, D.J 25–6, 33 Tejerson, S 297 television broadcasts 3, 28, 120, 122 see also broadcast rights television subscription services 3, 41, 140, 146, 327–8, 337 tennis 3, 374, 474, 480 terrorism 431 Terwiel, F.A 75 Thapa, B 387, 390 Thelen, K 187 Theodoraki, E 424 Thibault, L 29, 47, 56, 274, 280, 285 Thomas, H 25 Thomas, S 491 Thomson, A 405 Thorpe, I 301 Thurston, A 194 ticket sales 28 Tiger Woods Foundation 521 Tijoriwala, S.A 456 tobacco 4, 223, 327, 373–4, 377, 465 Tolzen, A 98 Toohey, K 432 TOP program 274, 369, 402 Toronto Blue Jays 498 Toronto FC 520 Toronto Maple Leafs 105, 107, 520 Toronto Marlies 520 Toronto Raptors 520 Tosun, J 186, 192 Tottenham Hotspur FC 66 Tour de France 212, 396, 411 tourism 3, 149, 184, 187, 235, 280, 383–5, 408–9, 416, 429 future research 396–7 impacts of 389–93 managing 393–6 understanding 385–9 Trail, G.T 448, 457 transaction cost theory 276 transgender see sexuality transparency 29–34 Trenberth, L 66–7 INDEX Trendafilova, S 533, 547 triathlons 44, 232, 373, 401, 425 Trice, H.M 107 Tricker, B 9–10 Trochim, W 260 trolling 332 True, J.L 189 trust 89, 166, 276, 285–7, 357 Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport 305 Tuckman, H.P 128–9 Turner, B.A 172 Turner, P 280 Twenty20 cricket league 337 Twitter 3, 34, 68, 153–4, 324, 332, 335, 338, 361, 376 see also social media Twynam, G.D 453 Uchiumi, K 15 UEFA 123, 328 Champions League 70, 328–9, 352 Financial Fair Play rules 70–1, 123 Home Grown rule 71 Uggla, H 372, 378 Uhlir, G.A 296 UK Athletics (UKA) 16–17 UK Sport 17 Union of European Football Associations see UEFA United Nations 242–3, 247, 442, 533, 535, 540 United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) 244–5, 274, 521 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 246 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 519, 532 United Negro College Fund (UNCF) 523 US Census Bureau 312 US Court of Appeals 502 US Green Building Council (USGBC) 469–70 US Open 374 US Supreme Court 502 vaccination 244 Vallerand, R.J 32, 94 value-based management 109–10 van der Heijden, J 188 Van Hoecke, J 169 Van Waarden, F 186 Van Yperen, N.W 456 Vancouver Canucks 332 Vangen, S 282 Varley, P 387–8, 392 Vaske, J.J 386–7, 390 Vaughn, E 371–2 Vermillion, M 336 Vick, Michael 29 Vinnicombe, S 297 violence 202, 214, 297, 473–4 Visa 32, 377 volunteers 13, 40, 62, 65, 75, 91, 129, 140–1, 155, 160, 173, 228, 233, 279, 309, 427–8, 442–3, 457–9 continuity theory 448–50 definition of 443–4 motivation and satisfaction 450–3 organizational commitment 453–6 organizational leadership 89–91 psychological contract 456–7 recruitment and retention 447–8 recruitment and selection 68–9 understanding sport volunteers 444–5 volunteer board of directors 47 volunteer management 40, 42, 445–7 Vos, S 68 Waddington, I 426 Wadsworth, M 443 Waldman, D 90 Walker, M 518 Walker, N.A 304 Walmart 480 Walsh, B 27 Walsh, K 214 Walsh, T 300 Walters, G 281–2, 515 Walton, C.C 516 Wang, P.Z 452 Warner, S 75, 453 Weber, K 389 Weber, M 43 Weed, M Weed, M.E 383–5, 387, 389–90, 392, 394–6, 405 Weeks, C.S 375 Weese, W.J 91, 168 Wehner, T 428 Weible, C 190–1, 194 Weimar, D 132 Weiss, C.H 262, 268 Welford, J 16 Welford, R 523–4 Wenner, L 335 West Ham FC 491 Westerbeek, H.M 517, 523 White, A 228, 235 Wholey, J.S 260 Wicker, P 5, 128, 445 Wiersema, M.F 26 Wiesner, R 538 Wi-Fi 153, 466 Willem, A Williams, J.M 93 Williams, P 395 Williams, S 521 Williamson, O 276 Wilpon, J 309 Wilson, A 76–7 Wilson, J.Q 186 575 576 INDEX Wilson, R 339, 392 Winand, M 127, 169 Windsor, D 515 Winfree, J 89, 117, 122, 131, 481 Winning Women 295–6, 298 Winter Olympic Games 401 2010 Vancouver 75, 108, 402 2014 Sochi 549 Wolfe, R 5, 89, 285, 517–19 Wolfe, Richard 27, 33 Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) 73, 374, 491, 519 Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation 294, 298 Women’s Sport Foundation 294 Womensport and Recreation Association 298 Woods, T 521 World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) 10, 77, 186–7, 212–14 World Athletics Championships 540 World Bank 535, 548 World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) 535, 537, 540 World Cup (cricket) 244, 300 World Cup (football/soccer) see FIFA, World Cup World Cup (rugby) 69, 242, 474 World Equestrian Games 371 World Health Organization 245 World Hockey Association (WHA) 501, 509–10 World Masters Games 423 World Meteorological Organization 532 World Series 487, 490 Worstschek, H 113 Wright, P.M 27 Wu, J.H 426 Yammarino, F 90 Yanity, M 337 Yiu, P 132 YMCA/YWCA 167, 193 Youth Olympic Games 425 youth training 76, 192, 228–9, 236, 244, 261, 268, 274, 373–4 leadership in youth sports 91–4 YouTube 138, 330 Zahariadis, N 190 Zakus, D.H 173, 447, 455 Zaleznick, A 48 Zauher, J 385 Zeigler, J 212 Zhang, J.J 452–3 Ziakas, V 411 Ziets, M 130 Zimbalist, A 122, 131–3, 506 Zimmerman, D 131 Zimmerman, M.A 265 Zink, R 387–8, 392 Zintz, T 127 Zuber, R.A 132 Zuckerberg, M 332 ... He is the editor of the Journal of Sports Economics and on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Sport Finance, the Journal of Sport Management, Public Choice and several other... This Handbook of Sport Management draws together into one volume the current research on the major topics relevant to the field of sport management and is written by the world’s leading sport management. .. their product, THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF SPORT MANAGEMENT the fact the profitability of any one producer (i.e club) is dependent on the number and quality of other producers that exist, and the need for