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Summary of Doctoral thesis in Journalism studies: Professional Vietnamese journalists’ contemporary qualities - Approaching from the perspective of Ho Chi Minh

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Ho Chi Minh''s perspective is a system, bringing together his basic views on each field of activity, as well as the basic qualities of the subject in each of these areas of activity. Therefore, approaching from the Ho Chi Minh ideological point of view about professional quality of journalists, it can be understood that from the basic point of view in Ho Chi Minh''s thought about journalists'' professional quality will be studied as the focus of this thesis.

1 Ministry of Education and Training Hochiminh Academy of National Politics Academy of Journalism and Communication NGUYỄN THÙY VÂN ANH PROFESSIONAL VIETNAMESE JOURNALISTS’ CONTEMPORARY QUALITIES - APPROACHING FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF HO CHI MINH Professional : Journalism Major : Journalism Code : 32 01 01 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS IN JOURNALISM STUDIES HÀ NỘI – 2019 The thesis is completed at Academy of Journalism and Propaganda Instructor: Associate Professor PhD Nguyễn Văn Dững Thesis Committee member 1: Associate Professor Ph.D Đinh Văn Hường Thesis Committee member 2: Associate Professor PhD Đỗ Chí Nghĩa Thesis Committee member 3: PhD Nguyễn Tuấn Phong The thesis could be searched at: National Library, Academy of Journalism and Communication Library - Hochiminh Academy of National Politics INTRODUCTION The urgency of the topic Overall, the world’s press in recent decades has been volatile, reflecting the global situation in a multi-colored picture Journalism in developed countries like the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, are entangled in national and international issues, heading in the direction of symbiosis, spreading along with social networks (social media), accelerating the power of community opinion in social monitoring and criticism against major national policy decisions in international relations Recently, it can be seen that the US press in the 2016 presidential election has appeared with unpredictable metamorphosis, driven by group interests, which contradicts the traditional journalism practice - professionalism, objectivity and honesty in information on domestic issues Unlike some countries, professional journalists in the United States are not allowed to join the political party, to show "professionalism" in the information However, American media, generally in the campaign, are obviously swept into the group interest of the candidates, while, in international affairs, the country's press has more diverse information, in which critical elements for path-finding become clearer The European press is significantly different from the American one, for the diversity in angles when demonstrating the EU, NATO situation as well as regional and world issues, of which the most obvious is information of the Ukrainian crisis, Middle East conflict - North Africa Regarding issues within internal EU, the continent's press has shown embarrassment in the development trend, especially Brexit, immigration issues or relations with Russia; including the Middle East - North Africa Overall, there is still a flow of information that cannot be overlooked is the flow of Russian opinion of all over Europe, especially the United States Thus, even though we consider ourselves "objective, honest", Western newspapers are always drawn into political trends and currents of political forces The American press is "stuck" between the power crisis of the two parties Democrat and Republican, between the Democratic Party and President D Trump, since the 2016 election Right next to us, the Chinese press has always made itself as political and pioneer leadership tools of the Party of China in domestic and foreign issues However, at the same time, the nationalistic journalism in this press always shows the "tone" of "contemporary Chinese characteristics", which is aggressive and supercilious in the style of "highway hero ” 4 Thus, through a general overview of the world’s press and some other countries, raised questions: Who is a professional journalist and what motivates them to work? In other words, the model of journalistic career or viewpoints on contemporary journalist quality both expresses the traditional, regional or indigenous characteristics in such a clear way, whether in developing or developed countries, in Europe - America or Asia In Vietnam, during the period of reform, the Vietnamese press has made considerable accomplishments, contributing significantly to the success of the national development and international integration The Vietnamese press has experienced a rapid growth in terms of quantity, types, publications, staffing, audience, infrastructure facilities, press technology, financial capacity and expanding social impact Topical events and news are up-to-date minute by minute, Worrying issues, citizens’ opinion have been addressed by the press, attracting the social resources with the participation of institutions and systems, deservedly representing the voice of the people, a bridge connecting Vietnam with international friends, becoming the critical tool in national branding and positive image of Vietnam on the global stage Today, thanks to the influence of the scientific and technological revolution in the world, the communication environment changes rapidly; In particular, digital technology serves as a cornerstone and increasingly dominate the characteristics of this environment Like fish need to adapt to the water environment, contemporary newspapers in general and Vietnamese newspapers in particular are changing in accordance with the new media environment On the other hand, in this new media environment, their journalists and practitioners are also posing problems both in terms of advantages and challenges In addition, the fast-growing social media are attracting residents and pulling user community into its forum and influence Communication environment is changing Technology is changing The public and press market share are changing Professional activities of professional journalists and citizenship journalists are changing Every human behavior in the society is changing In particular, political mindset and activities are changing, making the social machine no longer the same A recent issue, in May 2018, the National Assembly session of XIV prepared to pass the Bill on Special Administrative Region - Economic, as a legal corridor to develop Van Don special zones (Quang Ninh) , Phu Quoc (Kien Giang) and Van Phong (Khanh Hoa) The story seemed just to wait for the National Assembly to press the button, and immediately social media are flared with social criticisms, mainly opposed to this bill Meanwhile, our "mainstream press" has hardly any voices - because as the communication department of the organization, when the organization has not turned on "green light", the press has to keep silent 5 So, to awaken, convey to the public who counteracts special economic zone between 2018, on the occasion of the National Assembly session being conducted, the main and only focus is social media This is an issue that needs attention of the communication department of socio-political organizations, which is the issue that needs to be researched about the role of journalism and journalists in the current communication environment; including the notion of professional quality of journalists in Vietnam in particular, in the world in general Therefore, the notion of professional quality of journalists is either changing according to the spiral of socio-economic issues in the new media and context; or need studying under the perspective of journalist career qualities, with a new theory; operating in combination and inheriting tradition - modernity horizontally and vertically On the other hand, the reality shows that the press approach needs to be more diversified - the press is not only a political ideological tool, but also a constructive social institution - in accordance with the Prime Minister's message Nguyen Xuan Phuc stated whether it was necessary to build a constructive government In this context, the role of the journalist - the topics revolving around journalistic activities become even more important Who are they and need to be? Are they just soldiers on the ideological-cultural front, the impulse to lead the revolutionary career of the Party? Or are they social mobilizers, connecting communities in close relationships with newspapers and social media? So, with journalists in the new media environment, they need to be campaigners and communicators to be able to complete social titles and social responsibilities? It can be said that the press of the contemporary world in general and the Vietnamese press in particular have been posing both basic and urgent issues related to journalists and professional quality of journalists needing to study Save it seriously Therefore, studying the professional quality of Vietnamese journalists in the current context is an urgent task On the other hand, because of the nature of the journalistic nature that is closely related to politics, it is difficult for journalists to have a quality of professionalism that separates the political and indigenous culture of each country In order to contribute to the understanding of the issue of professional quality journalists, graduate students choose this research problem, with an approach from the basis of Ho Chi Minh thought perspective; perhaps it is a new approach but suitable for Vietnamese circumstances and conditions Ho Chi Minh is the former president and outstanding leader of the Vietnamese Communist Party and the contemporary Vietnamese revolution Ho Chi Minh left thousands of press works with not only valuable content, but also artistic value to revolutionize newspapers From the practical experience of the activity, he summarized and generalized and raised the values imagined in the press works themselves from events and current affairs And he left the ideology as a torch to enlighten and encompass the revolution of Vietnam, continuing to serve as a guideline for development In particular, there is Ho Chi Minh thought about journalism in general and journalists' professional qualities in particular President Ho Chi Minh was the founder of the revolutionary press in Vietnam and also a great journalist His journalistic career was closely linked to the revolutionary cause He often considers the media and journalists as part of the revolutionary cause, a sharp weapon in the struggle for revolution Growing up from the revolutionary process, he became an exemplary professional journalist, creating a unique Ho Chi Minh style of journalism In his opinion, the professional qualities of journalists are reflected in politics, fighting, party and scientific nature, ethical style, artistic lifestyle using the language, presentation in the working process In order to fulfill their glorious tasks, journalists need to cultivate revolutionary qualities, firmly grasping the policy and guidelines of the Party and the Government; closer to reality and to the mass These professional qualities, according to Ho Chi Minh's thought, are the thread of red throughout his view of journalists It is important to adopt and promote those ideas in order to become a fighter on the cultural front, facing extremely complex situations in the present real world Therefore, it is the right direction to study to deeply appreciate the views of Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on journalists, to understand the current situation of Vietnamese journalists in order to specify and build the professional qualities of journalists in the period of promoted industrialization and modernization of the country Since the Seventh Congress (6 -1991), our Party has always affirmed MarxismLeninism, Ho Chi Minh’s Thought is the foundation of thought and the guideline for the action of the Party and the people of Vietnam The X, XI, and XII Legislatures requested "holding campaigns on Learning and Following Ho Chi Minh's Moral Example, to show that researching, propagating, learning and following Ho Chi Minh's moral example is of considerable necessity, also one of the important tasks of the Party's ideological, theoretical and media work, meeting urgent and essential requirements It holds a long-term meaning for the revolutionary cause of the Party and our people 7 All the above reason considered, the topic of professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists - approaching from the point of view of Ho Chi Minh’s perspective is high in practicality, urgency and topicality Ho Chi Minh's perspective is a system, bringing together his basic views on each field of activity, as well as the basic qualities of the subject in each of these areas of activity Therefore, approaching from the Ho Chi Minh ideological point of view about professional quality of journalists, it can be understood that from the basic point of view in Ho Chi Minh's thought about journalists' professional quality will be studied as the focus of this thesis The hypothesis of the research From this way of address, there comes the following hypothesis: Firstly, in the current situation of changing media and press environment, how is the issue of professional quality of journalists in the world and in Vietnam? And what does this recognition mean for contemporary practice - professional practice of journalists? Secondly, in which of his writings did Ho Chi Minh raise the basic points of view on the journalist's quality of career? And what these views mean in the perception and behavior of contemporary Vietnamese journalists? Thirdly, on the basis of Ho Chi Minh's ideological views on journalistic quality, whether to model Vietnamese journalists' professional qualities, as well as contribute to perfecting it through reality is moving with the influence of the new media environment, in the context of Vietnam integrating into the globalization process? Fourthly, the realization of the professional quality model of Vietnamese contemporary journalists is setting out what requirements, conditions and solutions to optimize the journalists' operating capacity in the current conditions now on? Purposes and objectives 3.1 Purposes In the thesis, the theoretical framework is built for the professional qualities of journalists approaching from the point of view of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology On that basis, we carry out survey on the situation, analyze the problems posed and propose solutions to make a contribution to improving the theoretical and practical model of contemporary Vietnamese journalistic profession, as well as realizing it to contribute to optimizing the current capacity of Vietnamese journalists, as well as in the future 3.2 Objectives of research In order to achieve the above objectives, the thesis focuses on the following main tasks: • Provide an overview of domestic and foreign research projects related to the research problem of the topic, on the basis of finding out the "gaps" that need to continue research in relation to the objectives and tasks of the thesis judgment; • Systematize relevant theoretical issues, Marxist, Angeren and Leninist views on research issues - the professional qualities of journalists; • Develop a theoretical framework for journalists' professional qualities of journalists from the perspective of Ho Chi Minh (HCM) This is considered the most important task of this project • Conduct actual survey of awareness, attitudes and behaviors of Vietnamese journalists on the basis of ideological viewpoint of HCM on the professional qualities of journalists; which is acceptable and unacceptable • Propose the current model of professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists’ development under Ho Chi Minh's ideology in the context of new media environment, new circumstances and conditions of the national development process in globalization and international integration; • Propose conditions and solutions to ensure the realization of this model; make scientific recommendations to improve and realize the current model of the professional qualities of journalists in Vietnam according to HCM ideology; • The thesis also proposes the following feasible research directions on the professional qualities of journalists in Vietnam Subjects and scope of research 4.1 The subject of research The subject of research is the issue of professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists with an approach from the point of view of Ho Chi Minh 4.2 Scope and survey respondents * Research scope of the topic Content: From the Party's point of view, "Ho Chi Minh's thought is a comprehensive and profound system of views on the fundamental issues of the Vietnamese revolution", so the topic is only limited to important research basic points in Ho Chi Minh's thought about journalist qualities; on the basis of surveying the status of Vietnamese journalists' qualities; based on the basic views in Ho Chi Minh's thought that proposed models and conditions to completely build and perfect the model of professional Vietnamese journalists' contemporary qualities Time: The time restriction is set from 2001 to present because this is the time of the 9th Congress (April 2001, when our Party gave a full definition of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology and issued Directive 23 (3/2003) on "Promoting, researching, propagating and educating about Ho Chi Minh’s Thought"; The X and the XI legislatures had both Directives (06 and 03) on "Organizing the Campaign" to study and follow Ho Chi Minh's moral example The issue of professional quality of journalists in the socialist-oriented market economy has become a deeply social concern, attracting more attention from the society The subjects of the survey: - The first group, surveys on Ho Chi Minh's works to systemize his views and ideas on the professional qualities of journalists This group of subjects is Ho Chi Minh Collection (mainly 15 volumes, the National Political Publishing House, 2011); monographs, research topics, scientific articles published in the past 10 years - The second group, surveys on perceptions, attitudes and behaviors of Vietnamese journalists on the professional qualities of journalists following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, to describe the realistic picture of the professional qualities of journalists in Vietnam today Theoretical background and research methodology 5.1 Theoretical background The thesis is studied based on the theoretical basis: Firstly, foreign views and theories about journalism and state prevention and control This issue is mainly shown in the research overview of the thesis Secondly, the viewpoint of Marxist-Lenin about the professional qualities of journalists, from the viewpoint, concept, concept, structure, criteria system to the influencing factors Thirdly, the views of Ho Chi Minh thought on journalism and state prevention and control; Next is the views of the Communist Party of Vietnam on press and the professional qualities of journalists 10 Fourth, a number of specialized journalism-media theory, in which the notions of its active subject - the journalist These theories can be approached in a number of Vietnamese journalistic works published in the past ten years To carry out the research tasks appropriate for time and situation above in order to achieve the research objectives of the thesis suitable to specific condition and issue, we use the following research methodology: - Method of document research, which may be called as theoretical research, used to study research related to the professional qualities of journalists and to systematize theoretical issues and designate theoretical framework for the issue of journalistic qualities in the view of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology - Methods of collecting quantitative information, including: + Interview and Questionnaire Anket method: This is the main method of the thesis It is used for questionnaire survey with 400 journalists on the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists nowadays to support and clarify the conclusion The results obtained in the in-depth interview method serve as a practical basis for the research This method seeks to understand the real picture of the journalists' awareness, attitude and behavior following the professional qualities of journalists Regarding the questionnaires, we base on the selected sample, based on actual conditions and current press appearance - Statistical classification method: It is used for statistics and classification of violation cases in the professional qualities of journalists in the surveyed time and places To conduct this method, we base on document of press management organization (Breau of Journalism, Ministry of Information and Communication) together with reviewing on some related resource, especially “Journalist & Public discussion” Newspaper - Methods of collecting qualitative information, including: - The in-depth interview method was used to interview 17 journalists working in different newspapers In-depth interviews were conducted in a group of news agencies that selected the survey anket, including job positions in the press agency - from the Editorial Board, professional departments and departments; At the same time, the author also interviewed the authorities in the leadership and press management apparatus to refer to the perspective on research issues - Press facility theory; Ta Ngoc Tan Chief editor; Publisher of Culture and Communication; H 1992; Press theoretical basis; Nguyen Van Dung; Information and Communication Publishing House; H 2018 (reprinted) Media theory base Communication; Many authors; Publishing House of VNU; H 2005; Press theoretical basis; Nguyen Van Ha; National University of HCM City Publishing House; 2011; Press theoretical basis - General characteristics and style; Ha Minh Duc; Publishing House of VNU; H.2006; Press monitoring and social criticism in Vietnam; Nguyen Van Dung Chief editor; Publishing House of VNU; H 2017; 11 the professional qualities of journalists approach from the perspective of Ho Chi Minh thought + Group discussion method, mainly implemented in the journalism students' classes in two training institutions, Hanoi Academy of Journalism and Communication, Hanoi University of Social Sciences and Humanities; mainly learn about the awareness and attitudes of future young reporters on the access to the professional qualities of journalists from the perspective of Ho Chi Minh thought Each of our training institutions organizes two group discussions in classes; Each class thus divided into groups discussing the topic yet + Regarding the method of selecting survey samples, researcher uses the systematic random sample principle - convenient That is, based on the classification of press lines, the status of press agencies are distributed across the country, researcher randomly selects, which is convenient for that system to collect quantitative and qualitative information (mainly questionnaire delivery and in-depth interviews) In addition, to a certain extent, we use other methods such as observation (combined in the interview process, identifying behaviors of the target group, testing the information integrity, further illustrating the process of conducting research); systematization (systematizing the concepts related to the topic), fieldwork (survey, field work to press agencies and subjects using the press to understand the concept of journalistic ethics), research into history (study of the history of professional qualities of journalists), comparison (comparison of opinions on professional qualities of journalists, comparison of professional ethics of journalists); Analysis, synthesis (used to analyze, evaluate, synthesize the results obtained) New contributions to the science of the thesis The thesis has the following contributions: • Study the background of journalistic qualities following Ho Chi Minh’s thought and use it to understand the current situation of professional journalists in Vietnam This study will not look new at first, but reassembling the research results under the theoretical model will give us new results Perhaps it may be a new way of making, both inheriting meaning and summarizing the theoretical and practical issues that form the theoretical framework for the seemingly familiar problem • Propose a system of feasible solutions and recommendations to improve the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists, especially the current model of Vietnamese journalists Provide a guideline for the criteria, build a program for raising the professional qualities of journalists of a number of press agencies nowadays 12 Scientific and practical significance of the thesis 7.1 Scientific significance The thesis is the first scientific study to basically and comprehensively study the status quo of Vietnamese journalists - with an approach from the point of view of Ho Chi Minh Therefore, the thesis contributes to the basis of Vietnamese journalistic theory in general and the theory of professional qualities of journalists in particular, as well as build up the scientific basement for policies, legal of contemporary press development 7.2 Practical significance • Firstly, the findings of the dissertation can help journalists, policymakers, and managers to provide a realistic basis for building and improving the professional qualities of journalists in Vietnam ● Secondly, these research results give journalists a comprehensive and deeper look at their practices, roles and ways of enhancing their professional qualities in the present ● Thirdly, the thesis is a helpful reference for journalists to learn and follow Ho Chi Minh's moral example, contributing to the development of contemporary Vietnamese press • Fourthly, the research results of the thesis can be used as a source for teaching, researching journalism in general and professional journalist qualities in particular for researchers and teachers, educators and learners, especially in the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, contributing to improving the quality of training of Vietnamese journalists today The structure of the thesis In addition to the Introduction, Research Overview, Conclusion, List of works of the author, List of references and Annex, the thesis is structured in chapters: Chapter Overview of thesis subject Chapter Scientific-practical basis of the issue of the professional qualities of journalists in view of Ho Chi Minh's thought Chapter Basic views in Ho Chi Minh's thought about Vietnamese journalists’ professional qualities Chapter 4: Current status of professional quality of today’s Vietnamese journalists 13 Chapter 5: Complete model of current Vietnamese journalists’ professional quality model according to Ho Chi Minh thought Chapter 1: Research Overview In an overview of the works related to the subject matter of the research, we found that the articles are focused on three main trends, including the direction of research on the professional qualities of journalists; research on the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists in particular; research on Ho Chi Minh’s thought about the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists and solutions to improve the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists 1.1 Research on thesis subject 11.1 Research on the professional qualities of journalist Research on the history of the professional qualities of journalists The research works in this direction are focused on the cause, the time when the journalistic ethical code was created Research on the role of the professional qualities of journalists When investigating the role of professional qualities of journalists, at different levels of intensity, the researchers asserted that professional qualities play an important and even determining role in the success of the journalism The main reasons given for this explanation are that professional qualities lay a good foundation for the successful journalism, closely linked to professional competence; a new context in which only journalists of good professional qualities can meet its requirement Research on the professional qualities journalists need The professional qualities of journalists are reflected in legal documents in line with the professional codes and standards of journalists in the world and in Vietnam Articles, research papers on the qualities required for journalists, are derived from the author's point of view, based on documents that regulate the professional qualities of journalists Common points in some of the most general professional qualities of journalists should be honesty, objectivity, bravery, loyalty to the country, love for the job, eagerness to learn Research on the professional qualities of journalists’ relations with stakeholders The professional qualities of journalists are also reflected in their relationships with stakeholders such as readers, editors, etc The research works on this issue 14 may stem from the systemic approach, which goes from the whole relationship to each relationship component or from a case study approach that delves into some specific relationships of journalists 1.1.2 Research on the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists Legal documents on the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists The provisions on the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists are concretized in documents such as the Press Law, ethical codes Professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists through the example of journalists The works referred to the example of Vietnamese journalists emphasize two main aspects: professional competence and professional qualities In particular, professional qualities are always important The names mentioned are all prime examples of journalists in the eyes of international friends and in Vietnam Characteristic professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists Research on the characteristic professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists, the authors approach from two main perspectives: the overall approach and the typical approach 1.1.3 Research on Ho Chi Minh’s thought about the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists and solutions to improve the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists Research on Ho Chi Minh’s thought about the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists Ho Chi Minh's ideology, along with Marxism-Leninism, is the foundation of thought and a guideline for the action of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the revolutionary cause of the Vietnamese people President Ho Chi Minh emphasized that when it came to the press, we must first discuss about journalists and their professional qualities Research on solutions to improve the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists Systematic generalization the theoretical and practical quality of journalists These are the perspectives of Marxism-Lenin, Communist Party of Vietnam and the State of Vietnam for journalists, about the professional qualities of journalists in Vietnam; 15 -Survey of the situation, point out the strengths, advantages, limitations, defects in the model and practical qualities of the Vietnam's contemporary journalists team, the cause and the status On the basis of accessing Ho Chi Minh thought about the professional qualities of journalists; Pursuant to the new context of the international situation, domestic, environmental and new conditions of press activities to propose model and conditions of build up, perfect model of professional qualities of journalists Vietnam in the new situation * Summary Thus, through the overview of the works in and outside the country, we realize that the issue of professional ethics in journalism receives a lot of attention of domestic and foreign research In the first direction, although there is no research on the system of professional qualities of journalists, the authors have provided useful resources so that we can study about basic theoretical issues on the professional qualities of journalists The second trend is the helpful suggestions for us to carry out research on the current situation of professional journalism in Vietnam The third trend supports us in the process of proposing solutions to improve the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists However, in all three of these trends, the works are only focused on one or some certain aspects of content, sometimes ending with brief generalizations that are not systematic about reality, solutions for Vietnamese journalists in the period of industrialization and modernization with the current trend of integration and globalization In particular, we have also found that there is not yet a complete research and systematic work on the application of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology to understand the current situation of Vietnamese journalism Thus, we define the work that needs to be continue to research the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists is the study of professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists currently approaching from the perspective of Ho Chi Minh Starting from Ho Chi Minh's founded view on the professional qualities of journalists, we investigate the current situation of professional ethics of Vietnamese journalists, pointing out success stories, limitations, weaknesses and analyze the reason for this situation to propose a system of solutions to improve the professional ethics of today’s Vietnamese journalists From that point of view, we can state that: This research direction does not coincide with any published scientific works Chapter2 Scientific-practical basis of the issue of the professional qualities of journalists in view of Ho Chi Minh's thought 2.1 Basic concepts used in the thesis 16 2.1.1 Quality and career Accordingly, qualities (ethics) include: "social" (ethical) qualities, politics, worldview, beliefs, ideals and views, political attitudes, labor attitudes especially the social value; "personal" or ethical qualities, personality characteristics (temperament, ); personal will qualities: purpose, decisiveness, perseverance, endurance ; behaviors or manners ” Occupation is a concept often mentioned in the life of social life The concept of career is quite diverse with different social contexts In the Dictionary explaining linguistic terms, career concepts mean words and expressions specific to the language of groups of people from the same profession or the same field 2.1.2 Journalism and journalists In this thesis, we view journalists as people engaged in journalistic activity (investigating, collecting, presenting information as a story or news) and working in the media (from newspapers, magazines, radio, television and the internet) Journalists include reporters, editors, office clerks, editors, deputy editors; they work in press agencies such as news agencies, press and radio stations and television stations in the central and local areas 2.1.3 Professional qualities of the press This concept has been mentioned by researchers in country and abroad Referring to domestic and foreign definitions, based on the research objectives of the thesis, we perceive the professional qualities of journalists as the journalist's perceptions, attitudes and behaviors expressed in the course of their work 2.2 Theoretical and legal basis of building up professional qualities of journalists 2.2.1 Marxist-Leninist theoretical basis on the professional qualities of the journalists Political qualities of journalists Ethical qualities Professional qualities The knowledge, practical experience of journalists 2.2.2 The views of the Communist Party of Vietnam on journalism and the professional quality of journalists Viewpoint of the Communist Party of Vietnam 17 State law and regulations of Vietnam Journalists Association 2.3 PRACTICAL BASIS ON CONSTRUCTION OF PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF JOURNALISTS 2.3.1 Impacts of objective application on current newspapers and journalists 2.3.2 Current situation of newspapers and journalists in Vietnam Chapter Basic views in Ho Chi Minh's thought about Vietnamese journalists’ professional qualities 3.1 HO CHI MINH'S VIEWPOINT REVOLUTIONARY JOURNALISTS ON THE ROLE OF 3.1.1 The journalist is an ambusher, pioneering on the Party's ideological front 3.1.2 Journalists are culturalist for the people, serving the people 3.1.3 Journalists are pioneering soldiers in the example of good people, good deeds and fighting against negative, anti-enemy types 3.2 HO CHI MINH'S VIEWPOINTS ON THE PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF JOURNALISTS 3.2.1 Political and ideological qualities Ho Chi Minh concretized the political qualities of a journalist by identifying the mission of the press is to serve the people, to propagate and explain the Government and Party's opinion and policies Journalists must have a fighting spirit; clearly define the Party's strategic lines; must try to study politics, raise ideas, stand firm on the political position of the proletariat class 3.2.2 Moral qualities, the lifestyle of journalists Ho Chi Minh stated common moral standards that are common to all classes of people, including revolutionary journalists: "Loyal to the Party"; "Loyal to the country, hospitable to people"; "In need, Economy, Transparency, Integrity"; "Knowing to win individualism, selfishness"; "Knowing to put national and collective interests above personal interests"; "Humble, honest, brave"; "Solidarity and charity" 3.2.3 Expertise qualities, cultural knowledge and living experience of journalists 18 The professional quality of journalists is reflected in the sensitivity of discovery, the thinking of analyzing issues with topical issues, and the ability to write that thinking independently Spirit's acumen is directly proportional to the wisdom of the mind Journalists must write honestly because truth is power, belief In particular, journalists need to practice professional writing skills They need to be in fast style, respect the truth, accurate and careful on form and content writing CHAPTER 4: THE CURRENT SITUATION OF PROFESSTIONAL QUALITY OF VIETNAMESE JOURNALIST NOWADAYS 4.1 APPROACHING METHODOLOGY TO SURVEY THE CURRENT SITUATION OF PROFESSTIONAL QUALITY OF VIETNAMESE JOURNALIST NOWADAYS 4.1.1 Approaching method Systematic theory method Press functional method 4.1.2 Survey method 4.2 RESULTS OF SURVEY AND PRCTICAL RESEARCH 4.2.1 Political and ideological qualities The survey results indicate that there is no perfect consistency between the journalist's awareness, attitude and political behavior Sometimes, these indicators are not proportional to each other 4.2.2 Moral qualities, the lifestyle of journalists The results of the survey show that there is no consistency between the speeches (or awareness and attitudes) and the actions of the journalists in their operational process This is true of some journalist’s judgments or evaluations when giving some phenomena in reality They can not overcome temporary "temptations" in spite of their knowledgeable about journalist morality Being intrigued by immediate benefits lead themselve aside from their duties, turning to be “do as I say, not as I do” person as the result of the fact that they could not resist the temptation of material life 4.2.3 Expertise qualities, cultural knowledge and living experience of journalists To a certain extent, almost journalists have a harmonious combination of awareness, behavior and attitudes in expertise qualities With the right understanding of required professional qualities, with a whole-hearted progressive and serious attitude, and with a passion for journal profession, journalists have been flexible and skillful in using their professional knowledge to create quality press works 4.2.4 Causes of the situation Cause of the advantage The causes of the limitations Conclusion of chapter Vietnamese journalists have many advantages in professional quality such as preserving and promoting the inherent traditions of revolutionary journalism according to Ho 19 Chi Minh ideology In the new era, Vietnamese journalists are always keen on training and developing digital skills to meet the development requirements of the world and the demands of modern readers The majority of journalists have their good professional qualities, and are worthy of being soldiers on the cultural and ideological front, with "bright mind, integrity, sharpness” as the journalist Huu Tho said It is the relative unity between the political qualities, the moral qualities and professional qualities of journalists that create the professional quality of journalists Along with the advantages, Vietnamese journalists have been also revealed limitations in their awareness, attitude and actions in their professional qualities Through the surveys and in-depth interviews, journalists have frankly acknowledged their shortcomings and their colleagues’s Accordingly, although these restrictions exist only in a part of journalists, it is still very worryin It can lose the confidence of the society and affect the reputations of true journalists, and moreover create unpredictable consequences because of the fact that the press is the voice of the people In the process of doing the survey and analyzing the survey results, we have found that the journalists' self-assessments and journalist's assessment of their colleagues are very accurate The overall picture of these above assessment on the professional quality is gloomy partly That also reflects their awareness and serious attitude in responding to the survey At the same time, they also show their honesty, care, progressiveness to contribute for improving professional qualities in genernal In some cases, the expression of political qualities, moral qualities and professional qualities in journalists on the aspects of awareness, behaviors and attitudes are uneqyal Therefore, moral quality is the expression with the lowest average value Chapter Current status of professional quality of today’s Vietnamese journalists 4.1 General investigation, field survey on professional quality of today’s Vietnamese journalists 4.1.1 Approaching method Systematic theory method Press function method 4.1.2 Field survey method 4.1.3 The content of the investigation , the field survey 4.2 Survey results, field survey 4.2.1 Political qualities 4.2.2 Ethical qualities 4.2.3 Professional qualities of journalists 4.2.4 The cause of situation 20 Advantages Cause of limitations Chapter 5: Complete model of current Vietnamese journalists’ professional quality model according to Ho Chi Minh thought 5.1 VIEWPOINTS OF CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETE MODEL OF PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF VIETNAMESE JOURNALISTS 5.1 Approaches 5.1.2 New policy of the Party and State on Vietnamese press 5.2 PROPOSED MODEL OF BUILDING AND IMPLEMENTING PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF VIETNAMESE JOURNALISTS FOLLOWING THE HO CHI MINH VIEWPOINT 5.3 CONDITIONS FOR MODEL 5.4 RECOMMENDATION MANAGEMENT ON PRESS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF STATE 5.4.1 Recommendation to Party, Government 5.4.2 Recommendation to Vietnam journalist association 5.4.3 Recommendation to Press agencies 5.4.4 Recommendation to journalists training academies 5.4.5 Recommendation to journalists CONCLUSION Researching the professional qualities of journalists is one of the issues raised by many domestic and foreign researchers In addition to the achievements, these studies also have a lot of "vacant land for continuing research At certain levels, some works covered a number of minor aspects of our research However, through the review of the study, we affirm that the derivation from the approach of Ho Chi Minh’s thought to understand the professional qualities of journalists in today’s Vietnam is a new research direction without coincidence with any previous works The professional qualities of journalists are harmoniously and uniformly expressed through their political qualities, moral qualities and professional 21 qualities, through the perception, attitudes and behaviors of each journalist The red thread was in the thought of the journalists of Karl Marx, Engels, V.Lennin and Ho Chi Minh as revolutionary journalists Their revolutionary qualities are the guide, the basis of all journalistic activities The ultimate purpose of the press is to serve the people, for the benefit of the people It is a dialectical thinking flow in the museum of ideology, political theory that the great journalist leaders left for humanity Ho Chi Minh's whole life is a shining example of revolutionary press activities to be followed by Vietnamese journalists Although not systemized into the theoretical system of press statement and journalists, his speeches, articles, instructions are the priceless treasures of press and journalists for us Each sentence and word in his legacy is a reminder to Vietnamese journalists in any circumstances who have to pay attention to cultivate revolutionary virtues, train, improve political qualities, actively learn, to develop their professional qualifications and skills, to take control of their press works On that basis, the journalist becomes a powerful force, always listening and becoming a voice, expressing the thoughts and aspirations of the people To achieve that, journalists must live in the people, understand, sympathize and always for the people, for the country In harmony with the atmosphere of the world, Vietnam also entered the modern stage of integration and globalization The dynamic transformation of economy, politics, society, culture, education and all aspects of life under the influence of the 4.0 revolution has brought many opportunities and challenges to all fields, including the press With the rapid increase in both quantity and quality, the Vietnamese press has affirmed its position in the process of building and developing the country In addition, the press of our country also revealed the limitations and somewhat embarrassing mistakes and challenges of the present Among those, giving false information, causing serious consequences, losing the trust of the public is the most worrying matter To become the driver of the Vietnamese press, journalists are the team that decides whether it may make or break With the fast and strong growth in quantity and quality, the Vietnamese journalists deserve to be soldiers on the cultural front, in the new era Journalism is a glorious career with no fewer difficulties, challenges and danger In the face of all temptations, most of them retain the revolutionary quality, with clear mind and cold head in a hot heart Every day, every hour, they rolled in every corner, illustrating the real life of the Vietnamese people in an objective and true way They always carry out their tasks, no matter how hard they are People and public opinion always see them in a positive light - the most loyal, enthusiastic and bravest "secretary of the era” 22 In the countless examples of journalists, though not many, but a part of journalists are corrupt, breaching the codes of ethics This has caused an unpredictable and extremely dangerous predicament not only to individual journalists in Vietnam in particular, the press in Vietnam in general but also to the development process of the country Therefore, the limitations need to be resolved thoroughly from the root to bring the bright picture of the revolutionary press to our country The deterioration in journalists manifests itself in different aspects and levels It may be their incomplete perception, even their misconceptions about the professional qualities they themselves need It may also be a non-cooperative attitude, not strictly enforcing professional quality conventions, even though the journalists understand it well More than that, there are clever ploys in the process of being tempted into the immediate personal interests, forgetting the interests of the collective, of the nation, even "diverting themselves" to the opposite polar The figures on the press’s fines in the past 10 years are an alert to the degradation of professional qualities of journalists in our country The picture of the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists through the survey with an approach from the perspective of Ho Chi Minh’s thought shows that the bright areas still predominate over dark areas That allows us to believe in a future with a team of professional journalists Vietnam of modern and international level However, we also need to pay special attention to the limitations and phenomena of corrupt journalists All the forces in society, especially the journalists themselves, have to join hands, actively push back these shortcomings It is not a job that last a day to be a success, but a long, persistent and consistent process The process of repelling these defects will surely be faced with many difficulties from the enemy, the moments of embarrassment, and temptations of the immediate material interests Therefore, in order to be successful, the cultivation, training and mistake correction must be made in the light of reason and solid practice From the point of view of Ho Chi Minh on the professional qualities of journalists and the current situation of Vietnamese journalists, we align dynamic models of professional qualities of journalists with the requirements of contemporary Vietnamese journalists evaluated feasible by the experts With the cognitive, attitudinal and behavioral components attached to each group of qualities (political qualities, ethical qualities, professional qualities), this model is based on the framework of professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists outlined by us The training process of journalists takes place in each cognitive element, attitudes and behaviors in each subgroup of professional qualities and among its dialectical effects Coherent ties keep journalists harmonizing all qualities so that they can have good professional qualities The inevitable result of this practice is the quality of the press work From the acquisition and development of Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on journalists, the essence of the 23 Vietnamese journalist's professional qualification model proposed in this thesis is the harmonious combination, the traditional and modern nature of a journalist Promoting the tradition of Vietnamese revolutionary journalism in the modern context is not a simple matter That requires the journalist to have good mind and heart But the mind and the heart of the modern age mean their working hard to overcome all the sophisticated challenges and barriers in today's flat world It can be said that the choice and firm belief in journalism in modern times has been a courageous thing to journalists Keeping walking till the end of the road is a great honor In addition to proposing the journalist's professional qualities as the continuation, development and summing up of contemporary Vietnamese journalists' needs for the theoretical foundations, we particularly note about joining hands with participation of all parties involved in the process of training, improving the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists The consistent, favorable and strict management from agencies will simultaneously create a good legal corridor for journalists and also the place pointing them to the limitations and mistakes which need repairing The activeness of the journalists themselves will be a decisive factor in the improvement of their professional qualities The trust and love of the people, the public will be the most valuable motivation, creating a invaluable source of strength for journalists to take a firm step on their path 10 Within the framework of a thesis, despite the desire to solve many problems, we still have to focus on the main objective set to study the current situation of the professional qualities of journalists in Vietnam - From the point of view of Ho Chi Minh’s thought There are many directions for further research into the qualities of Vietnamese journalists in a longer time frame, such as studying each component of the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists - approach from the point of view of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology (research and proposal on regulations of political qualities, qualifications of Vietnamese journalists - approach from Ho Chi Minh’s perspective ); factors affecting the professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists; conditions to ensure the development of professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists; criteria for assessing professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists… ... qualities of Vietnamese journalists is the study of professional qualities of Vietnamese journalists currently approaching from the perspective of Ho Chi Minh Starting from Ho Chi Minh' s founded... that from the basic point of view in Ho Chi Minh' s thought about journalists' professional quality will be studied as the focus of this thesis The hypothesis of the research From this way of address,... activity, as well as the basic qualities of the subject in each of these areas of activity Therefore, approaching from the Ho Chi Minh ideological point of view about professional quality of journalists,

Ngày đăng: 08/01/2020, 10:03

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