The thesis builds a theoretical framework for cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools, assesses the level and expressions of cooperative attitudes of parents’ students to secondary school head teachers. On that basis, proposes and experiments measures to improve the positive working attitude of student’s parents with thehead teachers, contributing to improving the quality of student education.
VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES COOPERATIVE ATTITUDES OF PARENTS TOWARDS HEAD TEACHERS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Major: Psychology Code: 62 31 04 01 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS HANOI - 2017 THIS WORK IS COMPLETED AT GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES MENTORS: Asso.Prof.,Ph.D., Phan Trong Ngo Asso.Prof.,Ph.D., Le Minh Nguyet Reviewer No.1: Asso.Prof.,Ph.D Do Hanh Phuc Reviewer No.2: Asso.Prof.,Ph.D Pham Thu Hoa Reviewer No.3: Asso.Prof.,Ph.D.Tran Thi Minh Hang The thesis is defended before the thesis appraisal board of the Academy at the Graduate Academy of Social Sciences at: hours, date month 2017 This thesis can be found at: - Library of Graduate Academy of Social Sciences - National Library of Vietnam PROLOUGE The imperativeness of the topic 1.1 Cooperation between the family, the school and society is a principle that ensures good conditions for all education activities of the young generation, creating a favorable and positive environment for psychological development of the children to enhance development of personality of secondary school in particular 1.2 In the process of cooperation between the family and the school, if the parents have a positive attitude of cooperation with high consensus, they will contribute to improve the effectiveness of the comprehensive education personality 1.3 In recent years, In Viet Nam, studies on the cooperation of parents to secondary school head teachers are still limited 1.4 Studying the cooperation of parents to head teachers will help us better and more comprehensively assess the reality, identify factors influencing the cooperation of parents to head teachers This will help educators, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders work out ways to improve the cooperation between parents and head teachers, contributing to improving the efficiency in the education This is an urgent and topical matter, of both theoretical and practical significance It is the practical significance and the imperativeness of the problemthat urges us to researches on the topic: “Cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools” Purpose and tasks of the research 2.1 Purpose of research The thesis builds a theoretical framework for cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools, assesses the level and expressions of cooperative attitudes of parents’ students to secondary school head teachers On that basis, proposes and experiments measures to improve the positive working attitude of student’s parents with thehead teachers, contributing to improving the quality of student education 2.2 Tasks of research 2.2.1 Overview of the research situation of domestic and foreign authors on attitudes and cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools 2.2.2 To study theories of attitudes and cooperative attitudes in psychology, on the basis of which to analyze, synthesize, generalize and develop the theoretical issues on cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools 2.2.3 To survey and evaluate the actual situation of cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools in the education of students; identify the factors that affect that situation 2.2.4 To propose and experiment with some measures to improve the positive working attitude of parents with secondary school teachers, contributing to improving educational effectiveness Subject and scope of research 3.1 Research subject The level and expressions of cooperative attitudes of student’s parents towards head teachers in secondary schools 3.2 Scope of research 3.2.1 Scope of research contents Studying the level and expressions of parent’s attitudes towards cooperation, manifested through the factors: cognition, emotion, and behavior of the parents in cooperative activities such as: student learning activities; Ethical education activities for students; Contribution for material and spiritual facilities to serve the educational work; Activities geared towards school development 3.2.2 Scope of research area and objects *Research area: The research is conducted at secondary schools: Ly Tu Trong secondary school, Thanh Hoa city; Hoang Chau Secondary school, Hoang Hoa, Thanh Hoa; Co Nhue Secondary School, Bac Tu Liem District, Hanoi; Chu Van An Secondary School, Tay Ho District, Hanoi *Scope of research objects: The study is conducted on 684 objects Of which, in the probe survey: 48 parents; in the official survey: 586 parents, 40 head teachers, 04 managing officers, students Approach and methodology 4.1 Approach 4.1.1 Operational approach 4.1.2 Approach by functional systems 4.1.3 Practical approach 4.2 Specific research methods 4.2.1 Methods of collecting information Documentary study method; Professional method; Product and activity study method; Questionnaire survey method; In-depth interview; Case study method; Observation method 4.2.2 Pedagogic experiment methods 4.2.3 Method of processing data by mathematical statistics Contributions of the thesis 5.1 Theoretical contributions The thesis helps clarify the concept of parents’ attitudes toward cooperative activities towards head teachers, the concepts, structures, levels of manifestation of cooperative attitudes with head teachers, at the same time manipulates the concepts into indicators that can be measured in practice 5.2 Practical contributions Determines the status of the levels and manifestations of cooperative attitude of the parents towards head teachers through the factors of cognition, emotion and behavior; identifies the factors that affect that situation Proposes positive measures to improve the positive cooperation of parents with head teachers, contributing to improving the effectiveness in education Theoretical and practical significance 6.1 Theoretical significance Theoretically, the research outcomes contribute to clarify and enrich theories on attitudes, cooperative attitudes, and cooperative attitude of parents towards head teachers in pedagogical psychology as well as in pedagogic, they are also theoretical material in the training and development of teachers, in the study of psychology and pedagogic science 6.2 Practical signification - The research outcomes provide a system of feedback on the status of parents’ cooperation with secondary school level teachers in student education activities, helping educational administrators evaluate and strategically improve the efficiency of cooperation - The measures proposed and verified experimentally will be reference materials for educational administrators as well as students’ parents and head teachers to apply and to enhance the effectiveness of cooperation in education of students Structure of the thesis Apart from the introduction and conclusions, recommendations and references, the thesis structure consists of chapters Chapter 1: An overview of the research on cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools Chapter 2: Theory of cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools Chapter 3: Organization and method of research on cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools Chapter 4: Research findings on cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools CHAPTER AN OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH ON COOPERATIVE ATTITUDES OF PARENTS TOWARDS HEAD TEACHERS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS 1.1 Studies on cooperative attitude in the world 1.1.1 Studies on attitudes and cooperative attitudes *Approach to the study of attitude with personal choices W.I Thomas and F.Znaniecki (1918) were the first to introduce the term ”attitude” when studying the adaptation of Poles to the social environment, to the replacement of old values by new values that is mainly a matter of attitude A.Ph Lagiurski (1924) proposes to study the attitudes of people with the impact on the surrounding environment, including the natural world, the work products and other individuals; social groups, spiritual values such as sciences and arts Also using this approach were a number of authors such asV.N Miaxisev (1973); Ph.Lomov (2000) According to some, attitude is a system of complete, selective, sensible personal relationships between personality and different aspects of objective reality Attitude has a guiding role in values, connections, bonding, emotion, aversion, interest, and other aspects of personality He said that the most common concept of personality is the concept of "personal subjective attitudes" In addition, there is D.N.Uznatze's "Theory of attitude" (1901) and V.A.Iadov's "Theory of positioning" (1979) D.N.Uznatze states that attitude is a state of readiness towards a certain activity, which is the basis of selective, oriented positivity of the subject *Approach of attitude study in relation with cognition Representing this approach is Leon Festinger's Theory of cognitive dissonance (1957) and Heider's Balance theory (1958), which interpreted the relationship between attitudes They were on the epistemological perspective to emphasize the role of the cognitive component in explaining the formation and changes of attitudes and to give prominence to unity, integrity, balance, stability, harmony and consistency of attitude Understanding new information that conflicts with existing emotions and behaviors will inevitably change attitudes * Approach of functional and behavioral research in attitude study In 1934, R.T.La Piere proved that sometimes, what we say is very different from what we He concluded: “In many social situations, the data obtained through questionnaires are not reliable; Attitude in general must be studied by observing reality” G.P.Allport (1935) argued that attitudes play a decisive role in influencing human behavior G.P.Allport is recognized by many psychologists, but the limitation of Allport's notion is that it does not address the role of social environment, needs, motives in the process of attitude formation In addition, A Wichker (1969) also came up with a surprising conclusion: "People’s attitudes predict almost nothing about their behavior." And A.W.Wichker, Icek Ajzen (1977) and Martin Fishbein (1982) conducted 27 experiments, of which 26 experiments shown that if the attitude is determined for a specific behavior, “what we say” and ”what we do” are consistent with each other Hiebsch, H., Vorwerg, M (1992) studied the function of attitudes in personal collaboration with social groups The author argued that the attitude of the individual depended on the particular group, and when studying attitudes, attention should be paid not only on the individual, but on the social aspect as well * Approach of studying the structure of attitude That the study of attitudes consists of three components: cognition, emotion and behavior, proposed by M Smith (1942) and later by Krech, Crutchfield & Ballachey (1962), is widely accepted by psychologists: Cognition; Emotion, Behavior In addition, some of the authors studied the three-component attitude: cognition, emotion and behavior, such as P.N.Sikhirev (1973), Fishbein & Ajzen (1980), E Willson T.D.Akert (1998) According to some authors, the three components are interactively related Later on, Eagly & Chaiken (1998), Fazio (2000) studied attitudes in the work environment and also based on three components: cognition; emotion and behavior According to some authors, the three interactions have a reciprocal interaction with each other, which determines the attitude of the subject * Approach of attitude measurement method Since the 1930s, attitudinal studies have focused on the development of attitudinal measures which are quite accurate: Likert (1932), Triandis (1964), Miaxisev (1973) Recently, behavioral studies have suggested the famous "the bogus pipeline" method of Edward Jones and Harold Sigall (1971) The authors used this method by selecting two randomized groups to participate in their experiments, then assigned a group to answer with paper and pens; the other group will use a lie detector In subsequent experiments, some researchers have come to the conclusion that the information obtained using this method is very different from that obtained using conventional measurements 1.1.2 Studies on the cooperative attitude of students’ parents towards head teachers J.A.Comenxki (1670); N.K Crupxkaia; V.A.Xukhomlinxki (1970); A.X Mackarencô; A.I Xorokina (1979) The above studies focus on defining the roles, responsibilities and importance of schoolfamily collaboration in the education of students; the content, method, plan of cooperation However, some authors only focus on the collaboration between family, school and society in the education of students, while the problem of cooperative attitude of parents of students with the homeroom teacher in Educational work, in one aspect or another, has almost never been mentioned by the authors 1.2 Studies on cooperative attitude in Vietnam 1.2.1 Studies on attitudes and cooperative attitudes - Studies from the aspect of social psychology Trinh Duy Luan, Thanh Le (2004), Tran Hiep (2004), Knud S Larsen & Le Van Hao (2010) Some authors have considered social attitudes as certain states of mind and nervous system; Show a readiness to react, organized, based on previous experience, to affect behavior The authors refer to the notion of "attitudes" to predict or explain human behavior, to examine the relationship between attitudes and behavior of individuals - Studies from the aspect of psychology Represented by some psychologists such as Pham Minh Hac, Le Duc Phuc, Nguyen Quang Uan, Nguyen Khac Vien, Le Ngoc Lan, Do Long, Vo Thi Minh Chi (2004), Dao Thi Oanh… According to some authors, attitude is one of the components that make up the personality structure of the individual, creating the specific properties of the subject Vu Dung (2004) pointed out that: Attitude has a great impact on human behavior towards the environment When the attitude is positive, people will be more aware of the necessity and their responsibility for protecting the environment 1.2.2 Studieson cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools - Studies from the aspect of sociology Le Ngoc Hung, in the book "Educational Sociology," mentions the types of relationship between family and school: cooperative relationships; exchange relationship, Professional-client relationship, in which the author especially emphasizes cooperation - Studies from the aspect of psychology Representatives of those following this research approach are Tran Trong Thuy (1970), Bui Van Hue (1994), Duong Thi Dieu Hoa (CB) (2012) emphasized the positive cooperation between the family core components acting as the driving force the willingness to react to the object of attitude Strong, positive emotion will promote stronger psychological readiness, stable emotions that create stability in attitude and vice versa *Behavioral manifestations: Behavior is a level of external manifestation of attitudes, a system of operations that express the degree of readiness of the cognitive choice, the state of emotion in attitudes, and the intensity, Behavioral actions affect the object of making the consciousness expressed, the emotion clear, through which we can recognize the attitude of the individual more clearly In a nutshell: The three manifestations of attitudes are intimately related, the unity of which constitutes a definite attitude of the subject 2.2.2 Cooperative attitude Definition of cooperative attitude Cooperative attitude is the readiness of the subject to react selectively to close, synchronized cooperation in activities, manifested through the cognition, emotions and behavior of subjects in specific situations and conditions in order to achieve common goals 2.2.22 Aspects of cooperative attitude manifestations Cognitive, Emotional, Behavioral manifestations in cooperative attitude 2.2.3 Cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools Definition ofcooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools Cooperative attitudeof parents towards head teachers in secondary schools is the readiness of the students’ parents and the head teachers to react selectively to close, synchronized cooperation in educational activities, manifested through the cognition, emotions and 11 behavior of parents towards in order to enhance the effectiveness of education of students Criteria for evaluation of cooperative attitude of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools The readiness in psycho-physiological reaction; Selectivity in cooperative attitudes; Stability and sustainability in cooperative attitudes; Subjectivity in cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools Aspects of manifestationsof parents’ cooperative attitude towards head teachers in secondary schools *Cognitivemanifestations of parents’ cooperative attitude towards head teachers in secondary schools Expressions of perceptions in the attitude of cooperation of parents of students with teachers of secondary school classes, concretely as follows: full, right and profound knowledge; Relatively full, correct, profound; Not yet complete, correct, profound; Inadequate, not right, not clear; Very little understanding, unclear understanding, deviation from the cooperation in student education *Emotionalmanifestations of parents’ cooperative attitude towards head teachers in secondary schools In this study, we examine the emotional expression of student’s parent’s cooperation attitude with the secondary school classroom teacher as follows: Very satisfied, very interested; Satisfied, interested; Normal or uncomfortable, very upset, indifferent, very indifferent to the values, interests, roles, responsibilities, content, methods used to exchange cooperation in the educational *Behavioralmanifestations of parents’ cooperative attitude towards head teachers in secondary schools Behavior in the cooperative attitude of the parents of the students with the head teachers shows intensity, the frequency of the operation as follows: Behavior performed in a very active way, very 12 positive; Active, positive; Voluntary, meet the requirements, follow; Perform passively, follow; Perform reluctantly, compulsively 2.3 Factors affecting the cooperative attitude of the parents towards head teachers in secondary schools The cooperative attitude of the students’ parents to the head teacher only actually takes place during the student's education and is influenced by many factors Through theoretical and practical studies, we find that the current factors that affect the cooperative attitude of the parents towards head teachers in secondary schools are: Factors that belong to the parents, such as: Parent's interest in investment for the education of the child, the educational backgrounds of the parents, family cultural tradition, family financial situation, the occupation of the parents; The factors that belong to the teacher: Cooperative capacity of the head teacher; Factors that belong to the school: The educational activity of the school; Social impacts 13 CHAPTER ORGANIZATION AND METHOD OF RESEARCH ON COOPERATIVE ATTITUDES OF PARENTS TOWARDS HEAD TEACHERS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS 3.1 Organization of research 3.1.1 Research contents Theoretical study Practical study 3.1.2 Selecting samples of research object The total number of objects examined in the present study was 684 In which, the survey sample was 48 parents; Official sample survey is: 586 parents, 40 head teachers, 04 managers, students 3.1.3 Study area The research is conducted at secondary schools: Ly Tu Trong secondary schools, Thanh Hoa; Hoang Chau secondary schools, Hoang Hoa, Thanh Hoa; Co Nhue secondary schools, Bac Tu Liem District, Hanoi; Chu Van An secondary schools, Tay Ho District, Hanoi 3.1.4 Steps to conduct research The topic was conducted from 05/2014 to 05/2017, including the following steps: + Step 1: Developing the theoretical framework of the topic + Step 2: Building and selecting research toolkit + Step 3: Testing and validating the research toolkit + Step 4: Data collection + Step 5: Proposing impact measures + Step 6: Conducting experiment + Step 7: Processing the collected data and writing the thesis 3.2 Evaluation criteria for the level of cooperative attitude of the parents towards head teachers in secondary schools 3.2.1 Evaluation Criteria 14 We base on the level of manifestation of the criteria for assessing cooperative behavior (chapter 2), based on the average of the three components: cognition, emotion and behavior manifested through educational activities 3.2.2 Evaluation scale for the level of cooperative attitude of the parents towards head teachers in secondary schools we use a scale of (5 levels) Level 5: The parents have a "very positive cooperative attitude", showing the very selective, very stable and persistently responsive readiness for cooperation in student education activities, manifested in all three components, cognition, emotion and behavior Level 4: “Positive cooperative attitude”, indicating a high selective, stable and sustainable readiness in response, manifested in all three components: cognition, emotion and behavior Level 3: At this level, the "average level of cooperative attitude", represents a selective, relatively stable and sustainable availability of response, expressed in all three components: cognition, emotion and behavior Level 2: Parents have a “negative attitude of cooperation”, showing a low level of readiness for response, less stable and sustainable, manifested in all three components: cognition, emotion and behavior Level 1: This is a “attitude very negative attitude”, a very selective, unstable and persistent response readiness, expressed in all three components: cognition, emotion, and behavior 3.3 Research methodologies The thesis uses a combination of the following research methods: Documentary Research Methods; Professional solution; Observation method; Questionnaire survey method; In-depth interview method; Product research methodology; Case study method; Experimental method of pedagogy; Method of processing mathematical 15 statistics To determine the scale, we rely on the standard distribution to calculate the average score and divide it into five levels as follows: Level 1, Very negative cooperative attitudes: 1.0 - 2.09 points Level 2, Negative cooperative attitudes: 2.1 - 2.74 points Level 3, Average cooperative attitudes: 2.75 - 3.05 points Level 4, Positive cooperative attitudes: 3.06 - 3.7 points Level 5, Very positive cooperative attitudes: 3.71 - points 16 CHAPTER RESEARCH FINDINGS ON COOPERATIVE ATTITUDES OF THE PARENTS WITH THE HEAD TEACHERS INSECONDARY SCHOOLS 4.1 The situation of cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers in secondary schools 4.1.1 General assessments of cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers in secondary schools General assessments of cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers in secondary schools Table 4.1 General assessments of cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teacher Percentages (%) of the levels Contents AP SD Cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head 2.96 0.66 2.45 30.9 49.7 15.8 1.15 teachers in students’ academic activities Cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers in moral 2.85 0.69 4.4 38.2 38.3 18.0 1.1 education activities for students Cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers in material and 2.77 0.72 8.7 58.0 20.7 12.0 0.6 spiritual contributions to education Cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers in activities 2.72 0.73 9.1 52.8 23.9 13.8 0.4 towards the development of the schools 44.9 33.1 Total 2.82 0.70 6.13 14.9 0.81 7 17 The outcomes from Table 4.1 shows that the cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers reached level 3- average cooperative attitudes, with AP: 2.82; SD: 0.70 There are 263 parents exhibiting cooperative attitudes of level 2, equal to 44.97%; 195 parents exhibiting level 3, equal to 33.17% When considering the correlation among the aspects of cooperative attitudes in the activities we found that there is a relatively close positive correlation at the statistically significant probability level with P < 0.05 Having in-depth studies on the activities, we found that there exist differences among cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers, manifesting in average points and the percentages of levels Cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers in students’ academicactivities seems to be the most positive compared to other activities (AP: 2.96), the second position is the moral education activities (AP: 2.85); followed by the cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers in material and spiritual contributions to education (AP: 2.77), Cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers in activities towards the development of the schools is at the lowest position (AP: 2.72) If a comparison between the parents group demonstrates a cooperative level and a level we see, the percentage of level tends to increase from student learning activity to activity oriented To the development of the school; The % level is the opposite, with a gradual decline from student learning activities to activities leading to school development 4.1.2 Aspects of expressing cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers in secondary schools Cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers in secondary schools manifesting in cognition in activities The outcomes, Cognition of the parents with the head teachers in educational activities reaches level with relatively high average 18 points: 3.02 In terms of the percentages, parents of level and account for 78,02% of surveyed people(Level 2: 43.77%; Level 3: 34.25%); Level and considerably account for 16.28% Having in-depth studies, we found differences in the levels of cognition in the parental cooperative attitudes with classroom teacher in each educational activity Specifically, for parental cognition in students’ academic activities, the average point is quite high: 3.13 ranking the first place; For moral education, the average point is: 3.07; For material and spiritual contributions for education, the point is: 2.95; At the lowest position is cognition of the parents with the head teachers in activities towards the development of the schools, AP: 2.93 Cooperative attitudes of parents with the head teachers in secondary schools manifesting in emotions in the activities The in-depth analysis on levels of emotional expressions of parents in cooperation with the head teachersin different activitiesshows no uniformity The academic activities have higher level of satisfaction, average point 3.02, ranking the first place; The percentages % of level 4, level are quite high, over 21.1 % Next is moral education, with AP: 2.90 Emotions of parents show less satisfaction, less attention to the following: material contribution, the sense of service for education and activities towards the development of the school (AP: 2.72; AP: 2.61 top of 2nd level) Of which, percentage of level and level are low, more than 12.0%; Level 1% is also remarkable, more than 8.5% Cooperative attitudes of parents with the head teachers in secondary schools manifesting in behaviour Cooperative behaviours of parents with the headteachers mainly reach level 2, average point 2.61 The percentage % of level is quite high: 49.22%, higher than level by (42.22% - 30.67% = 18.55%), higher than level by (49.22 - 12.3% = 36.92%) Besides, the percentage % allocating at level is significant with 7.32%; meanwhile, 19 level only accounts for a small part, 0.47% This difference is statistically valid with P < 0.05 Comparison of correlations between facets of cooperative attitudes: cognition, emotions, and behaviours (table 4.13) we can see the positive correlations, manifesting in averagepoints andparentages allocating at levels Among those correlations, the average point of cognition is higher than that of the emotions and behaviours Specifically, average point of cognition is 3.02 > average point of emotions 2.81 > average point of behavior 2.61 4.2 Factors influencing cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers in secondary school Table4.18 Factors influencing cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers in secondary school T No Percentages % Factors Parents’ investment in the education of the children Educational background of the students’ parents Family cultural traditions; Family economic condition Occupation of students’ parents Educational activities of the school Cooperative capacity of head teacher Other social impacts AP SD 3.1 0.82 0.7 37.9 38.1 22.7 0.7 3.8 0.85 1.2 34.8 38.1 24.6 1.4 2.87 0.83 1.0 29.7 43.0 24.4 1.9 3.6 0.78 0.3 31.9 50.3 15.4 2.0 3.68 0.9 1.7 33.6 40.3 20.8 3.6 3.12 0.85 1.4 37.4 42.1 17.4 1.7 3.18 0.84 1.0 41.1 41.1 14.2 2.6 2.77 0.83 0.7 42.5 33.1 20.0 3.8 20 In general, all the factors analyzed have a certain effect on the attitude of parental cooperation with the head teachers in secondary school in education (all elements have AP > 2.77) Among the factors evaluated, the most influential factors were the parents’ educational background (AP: 3.8; SD: 0.85); occupations of the parents (AP: 3.68; SD: 0.9); Family economic condition (AP: 3.6, SD: 0.73) Next are the teacher and school head teachers: Educational requirements provided by the school and head teacher (AP: 3.18, SD: 0.83); Cooperative teacher capacity (AP: 3.18; SD: 0.84); The parent's investment interest in the children’s learning (AP: 3.1; SD: 0.82) Factors: Family cultural tradition (AP: 2.87; SD: 0.83) and social impact is considered by parents to be a minor influence on the attitude of cooperation 4.3 Experimental results of impact measures 4.3.1 Experimental results of impact measures of cognition in 4.3.4 The overall result of the change in the parent’s cooperative attitudes with the head teachers in pre- and postexperimental impacts in education Results are shown in Figure 4.4 2,97 2,85 2,78 1,95 1,81 1,75 AP Emotion 2,22,152,1 AP Behavior Befor impact AP Cognition After After impact V1 impact V2 21 Figure: 4.4 The cooperative attitudes of the parents before and after the experiment Comparing the results before and after the experimental impact, we can see that the cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teacher have made quite a good progress in the point The average score for the cooperative attitude scale has increased from 1.83 (level 1) to 2.15 (level 2) after impact of the first round, to 2.86 after the second round (level 3) The mean difference before and after experiment is 1.03 This is shown in detail in all three components of the scale: cognition, emotion and behavior, in which the cognitive component average scores change the most (see Figure 4.4) A deeper analysis of the results showed that the same empirical effect is observed, but the level of development manifesting in cooperative attitude of the parents is uneven The cognitive component had the most dramatic increase, the mean score increased from 1.95 before the impact to 2.20 after the first effect, to 2.97 after the second round effect Next to the emotional component, the average score increased from 1.81 before impacted 2.15 after round impact, to 2.85 after round impact The less increase was the behavioral component in the cooperative attitude, the average score increased from 1.75 to 2.10 after the first round effect, to 2.78 after the second round impact 22 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions 1.1 Cooperative attitudes of the parents with head teachers in secondary school in education menthe selective response of students’ parents and the head teachers to the close and comprehensive coordination of the educational activities exposed externally via parental cognition, emotion and behavior to improve the education of students 1.2 The research results show that the cooperative attitudes of the parents with the head teachers of the junior-class teachers in the educational work reaches level 3, the level of the average level of cooperation, the expression of the cognitive and emotional components is at level behavioral expressions achieve the level 1.3 The cooperative attitude of the student's parent to the classroom teacher in the learning activity of the student is more positive than the other activities; The lowest is the activity towards the development of the school There is a significant difference in the level of co-operation between the parents of the student and the classroom teacher in terms of the student's academic performance; Among them, the parents have better and better-off children, positive cooperative attitude than parents with average and poor children The cooperative behavior of parents of students in the classroom is also different The level of cooperative behavior of parents with children in grades and is more positive than in grades and 9.There is a difference in the level of co-operative behavior of the parents with the head teachers according to the parent’s occupation, in which the parents being officials and civil servants tend to have more positive attitudes than parents of other groups There is a strong correlation between the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components of parent-student cooperation with the head teachers in education In particular, cognitive changes have important 23 implications for the emotional and behavioral components of attitudes as well as changes in parent-student cooperation with the head teachers 1.4 There are a number of factors that influence the cooperative attitudes of parents with the secondary school teacher in education In particular, the factors of educational background and occupations of the parents are the two factors that the parents consider to have the most impacts The least influential factor is the social impact 1.5 Experimental results show that measures of training, exchange, participation; measures of organize the experience activities simultaneously affect the three expressions, namely cognition, emotion and behavior In particular, the cognitive and emotional components change faster than the behavioral ones Recommendations 2.1.Education management agencies, school administrators are required to proactively implement measures that can help parents improve their awareness on values and benefits of the cooperation, then enhance their awareness on their roles and responsibilities in cooperation with the schools and head teachers in educational work It is essential to organize seminars on cooperation in education, invite psychological experts to discuss and raise the understanding of psychological knowledge of school age, contents and methods of education for secondary school pupils for parents 2.2 Parents should enhance their awareness on their roles and responsibilities, proactively cooperate with the head teachers in educational work master the content and methods of education, methods of human learning, avoiding the thoughts of totally entrusting to the school or setting educational requirements on their own, which are against the educational objectives and tasks of the school 24 LIST OF PUBLISHED ARTICLES RELATED TO THE THESIS Cao Xuan Hai (2017), Cooperative Behavior of Parents with Secondary School Teacher in Education, Journal of Education, Page 2page 5, Special Issue 03/2017 - ISSN 2354 - 0753 Cao Xuan Hai (2017), Parents' cognition of Working with Secondary School Teacher in Education, Journal of Social Psychology, Issue 03 / 2017- ISSN 0866 - 8019 Cao Xuan Hai (2017), Cooperative Behavior of Parents with Secondary School Teachers in Educational Work, Journal of Social Psychology, Issue 05 / 2017- ISSN 0866 - 8019 ... attitude 2.2.3 Cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools Definition ofcooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools Cooperative. .. findings on cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools CHAPTER AN OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH ON COOPERATIVE ATTITUDES OF PARENTS TOWARDS HEAD TEACHERS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. .. on cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary schools 2.2.3 To survey and evaluate the actual situation of cooperative attitudes of parents towards head teachers in secondary