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Cải thiện dịch vụ gửi tiết kiệm tại ngân hàng angribank chi nhánh Lê Văn Lương

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TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS Agribank: Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development BIBV: Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam OCB : Orient Commercial Joint Stock Bank WB: World Bank ADB: The Asian Development Bank EIB: The European Investment Bank VND: Vietnam dong USD: US dollars EUR: Euro TABLES LIST The name of table Table 1: Results of raising capital in the form of deposits of Page 21 Bank for Agribank – Le Van Luong branch Table 2: Results of capital by the nature of deposits 22 Table 3: Results of saving service by maturity 23 Table 4: Results of individual deposit by currency 24 Table 5: SWOT of Agribank-Le Van Luong branch 36 Table 6: Comparison interest rate for individual 37 Table Comparison saving products for individual 39 CHART LIST The name of the chart Page Chart 2: Capital structure of deposit’s nature 23 Chart 3: Capital structure by maturity 24 Chart 4: Capital structure of individual currency 26 Chart 5: Age of customer 28 Chart 6: Monthly income 28 Chart 7: The reason to choose an saving service 29 Chart 8: Interest rate 30 Chart 9: Attractive promotion 30 Chart 10: Staff attitude 31 Chart 11: The number of customer will renew saving account 32 Université de Toulon & Thuong Mai University https://tmu.edu.vn/ Improving the saving service for individual customer at AgriBank-Le Van Luong Branch GROUP 17 Members Phan Ngoc Anh 10/04/1999 Phung Tu Uyen 19/10/1999 Quach Thi Trang 18/03/1999 Than Thi Hong Ngan 07/01/1999 Tran Quoc Dat 11/03/1999 The academic year The terms Thuong Mai University and Université de Toulon Instructor/Teacher: Tran Thi Thu Trang The company AgriBank-Le Van Luong Branch Instructor: Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan ACKNOWLEDGE First of all,we thank the Department of International Training of the University of Commerce,the team of teachers and the instructor-Mrs.Tran Thi Thu Trang who giving us good guideline for report,encouraging us always to deepen our research and accumulate knowledge to the understanding of the financial-banking and insurance world.We would also like to expand our deepest gratitude to all people who have directly and indirectly guided us in writing this report We would like to sincerely thank the entire team of Agribank Le Van Luong Branch for welcoming us and allowing us to carry out our project in the best condition and developing during the training period In particular,we want to show our grateful feeling to Mrs.Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan ,our company tutor throughout this project,who gave us the opportunity to internship in the bank and invaluable advice to us.We all attribute our progress over this period We perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone.We appreciate the value that we learned over the years and we will strive to apply those knowledge and experience to the best of our future PART I: INTRODUCTION OF REPORT 1.1 Report reasons Since the liberation and reunification of the country, the Vietnamese people have escaped from poverty and gradually rose to national construction and development With an open and integrated economy, Vietnam is gradually asserting itself and reaching out to the world People's lives have gradually improved, people no longer have to worry about famine, they have a full life and gradually tend to want to save money for their higher needs According to a recent survey, 70% of Vietnamese consumers spend most of their free time on savings This makes Vietnam the second-largest country in the world in terms of the number of people who prefer to save money, only behind the Philippines at 71% To meet the needs of the Vietnamese people, all banking savings activities were born As the largest commercial bank in Vietnam, Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank) in general and Agribank Le Van Luong in particular, are promoting and developing savings deposit activities This is also the first condition and the deciding factor for the existence and development of a bank is capital increase In fact, raising capital through savings deposit services is becoming increasingly difficult because of the fiercely competitive market between credit institutions and the diversity of products and services requiring banks to have strategies to attract customers to deposit at banks For the above reasons,we would like to choose the subject: ”Improving the savings service at Agriculture and Rural Development,Le Van Luong branch” 1.2.Objectives of the project: - Analyze of the current status of saving services for individual customer at Agribank-Le Van Luong branch - Find potential customer - Analyze competitor and assessing the business environment - Provide solutions to improve effective saving services to perform the growth target and stable capital of Agribank-Le Van Luong branch 1.3 Report Approach and Steps: Step 1: Research the company and topic - Create the group and share to find out about the bank and topic - Searching for the host institution and the topic - Establish the title of the project Step 2: Finding information of the bank - Contact the bank for document - Searching for individual savings base on date of the bank and make assessment - Summarize the information Step 3: Getting the bank business - Learning from the tutor the process of mobilizing saving - Find out the savings service information in the others banks - Compare the savings service for individual customer of banks together - Summarize the information Step 4: Conducting survey - Preparing customer survey by questionnaire - Launching the survey with client inside and outside the bank - Collecting and analyzing the survey result Step5: Proposal for a solution - Making a list of solution base on the survey result to search for potential customer Step 6: Completing the project - Make a summary of the result and completing of the final report 1.4.Report Structure The project of my group is divided into parts: Part I: Introduction Part II: Introduction for Agribank Le Van Luong branch and savings service at Agribank Le Van Luong branch: Part III: Survey's result and findings of report's issue Part IV: Project’s result PART II: INTRODUCTION OF AGRIBANK LE VAN LUONG BRANCH AND SAVINGS SERVICE AT AGRIBANK LE VAN LUONG BRANCH 2.1 Introduction of the bank: 10 2.1.1 Overview about Agribank: measures rather than using deposit rates.But banks may not always use measures to increase deposit rates Because, with positive real interest rate mechanism, raising interest rates must inevitably raise the lending rate to ensure profitable business, while demand for products increase slowly, with the cost of production circulation, management and sales, organizations can not be lower, it is clear they won’t bear the cost of the increasing use of capital or lending rate of the bank which certainly has limited control.Therefore, to solve this difficult problem, to raise interest rates, we should ensure the following principles: - Banks should be profitable: this principle must be put first because this is the guiding principle to ensure the existence of every bank - Capital mobilizing interest rates must be higher than expected (positive) inflation rates to encourage people to deposit instead of accumulating gold and foreign currencies - Term interest rate must be higher than demand interest rate; Short-term interest rates must be lower than long-term interest rates - Increasing interest rates must occur naturally thanks to the invisible hand of the market economy (this is the nature of the negotiable interest rate mechanism because it reflects the honest relationship between supply and demand capital) - Ensuring that the production and business process of enterprises, especially State enterprises, has favorable development conditions; banks charge interest rates and make loans that the current conditions of the 42 business can accept for profit - According to the negotiated interest rate mechanism, the Bank should give priority to large and close customers in order to attract more stable capital sources.Depending on the bank's capital needs in each period, the Bank should have flexible interest rates policy * Strengthening and perfecting marketing policies to contribute to attract and expand customers in increasing deposits a)Strengthening propaganda and advertising Today, the expansion of the banking system through advertising and propaganda is a very necessary job.With the motto: "every customer is a companion of the bank", "we are your development", banks must so that people will know about their activities, so people can be interested in dealing with banks For now, when it comes to bank many people not know is when they send money to the bank, how much interest rate they will receive, with what benefits, what incentives Or if they knew, they would not know what to and how to it This is a very important factor that has direct impact on the behavior of deposit of bank customers Banks should promote and diversify forms of advertising and banking activities such as: - Multiplying posters posted at the offices, transactions of commercial banks and meeting points with advertising content on other publications and souvenirs - Participate in financial programs that attract public attention along with the promotion of products and services and other utilities b) Completing customer policies 43 Heavily affected by the saying "customer is god", a boss of a successful business has taken that as a guideline for his business.More than ever, customers have always praised their ego with a desire to serve them wholeheartedly and thoughtfully on the basis of ensuring their best interests, and that is also an important decision to make relationship , transactions with banks.Therefore, we can confirm that a successful bank is a good capture bank and can address this important point * Improve human resources, promote business activities Organizing the participation of employees in professional classes, especially raising capital, improving knowledge of business processes of employees and executive management capacity of the leaders and promptly having appropriate reward and reward mechanisms suitable to stimulate comprehensive development resources * Modernizing technology, upgrading infrastructure and improving staff - Modernizing technology for the Bank: With the trend of international integration and technological growth in the current economy, the victory in the future competition belongs to banks with higher technological level than competitors.Banking technology has a direct impact on quality, overall business results and above all, capital mobilization Developing payment systems will provide an opportunity to use money optimally and have a direct impact on the efficiency of capital mobilization Because when the payment is completed, especially cashless payment, it will reduce the amount of cash in circulation, therefore, the Bank should be equipped with all technical facilities and programs software built44for performing synchronous transactions; meet the requirements of the Bank's operating procedures and better exploit the database during the operation process; exploit ATM card program being used ; Minimize manual labor in professional activities and improve the level of information for all Bank staff and employees so that the Bank can apply the information technology - Upgrading facilities for the Bank: A spacious, clean office with a modern working facility will help depositors feel more secure and comfortable when dealing with banks All of the transaction offices have a relatively convenient location, good facilities, services that have been strictly modified and more modern, but also because it is located in a narrow location, there are slightly small departments.Banks need to find ways to expand 45 PART IV: Project’s result 4.1 Difficulties Firstly, when we are choose the subject of the group, we have difficulties because each person has an different idea and we lack of experience It makes us watse a lot of time to research each idea to find a solution This slows the progress of the first steps and negatively influences the following tasks To solve problems like this, it is necessary to research to fully understand the strengths, weaknesses of each idea, and each member must also listen to other opinions to properly follow the group's schedule Secondly, In carrying out a survey on the quality of some package of the saving service at Bank the customers who answer questions in a way are not honest, it influences the outcome of the survey which is different with in real We encouraged the survey by giving small gifts or promotions to customers who answer questions It is also necessary to propose a questionnaire with questions close to reality, interesting for clients to answer As we are still in training and not have enough know-how in banking, the proposal solutions for the project lack professionalism and pragmatism It is necessary to increase the exchanges, the acquisition of the experiences of the intern tutor 4.2 Lesson learned 4.2.1 Experience gained 46 When there are problems, we have found a good solution, we can choose a lot of ways to overcome and this becomes our experiences: - Team-work: In order to work effectively, we cannot something by ourselves but need a team Thanks to the power of teamwork, our team members have learned a lot from each other from the way they work,create ideas, plans or work attitudes From this, we will know the strengths and weaknesses of each person to assign the job properly - Lack of information: in the process of work, we not have enough information necessary, those of the product in Agribank or competitors We have searched on the Internet, in student reports, the professor's research it helps us a lot to continue and complete our report - Know well the competition and the market: we think we must know its role and which of competitors, the strengths, weak points of each to have solutions, suitable strategies And sometimes you can learn from its competition This helps companies save time and money - To properly carry out an inquiry: customers not have much time to complete the questionnaires, how can we attract them and respond carefully? We have sent the surveys on the internet for the people have knowledge, and with the clients to the branch, we give inquiries when we wait to the operations And this is very effective - To have the best result, one must something to promote all the possibilities of a person, and so we have done that all stages together, for each can give his idea of the problem When we have disputes, we review the problem and examine all the ideas of the other members to find a better solution 4.2.2 Lesson for ourselves Knowledge 47 - Knowledge of the professional working environment - Knowledge of banking products and services Expertise - Make the project plan - Collect and analyze the necessary information - Use computer techniques (Word, Excel, Power Point, and SPSS) - Manage working time 4.2.3 Contributing to the bank During the course of the internship at the bank, we are made inquiries and study of customers of the bank Agribank We have collected a lot of useful customer information According to surveys, we know that customers not satisfy with the services of the bank Some main reasons for not satisfying: - Products not fit customer needs - The attitude of the employee is not well To solve these problems, we believe that the bank must invest surveys to understand customer needs with the way of permanent So the bank can bring good quality products that suit the needs of each customer Not only innovation and product change, the bank should pay attention to the attitude of the employee The employee's attitude is an important part of building the image of the bank and bringing satisfaction to customers when employees have a good service attitude Banks should have strict rules for staff and there is regular contact between the bank and customers We hope that these tips can help the bank to improve 48 CONCLUSION The thesis goes from researching theoretical issues to practical analysis of capital mobilization at commercial banks, taking AGRIBANK as the main research object and drawing some conclusions as follows: Firstly, The internship period at the Agribank Le Van Luong helped us to understand the activity of mobilizing deposit in the bank, and then apply the knowledge acquired to the university in the operational tasks We also gained experiences about teamwork and individual work in a professional environment This will serve as an important basis that will enable us to our work well in the future Secondly, mobilizing capital is a decisive factor in business activities of commercial banks as well as plays an important role in business activities of customers and the economy Therefore, management of capital mobilization in commercial banks must be promoted Thirdly, the assessment of capital mobilization can be made through a variety of indicators, including capital mobilization targets and capital mobilization management targets Fourthly, surveying and study of experiences from commercial banks in and outside the country shows that to mobilize capital, commercial banks must pay attention to the49customer care, to investment in technology modernization, especially in information technology, via which will help to expand a range of new banking services - a measure to help raise capital mobilization The internship report has generally described the activity of mobilizing deposit at the bank branch Agribank Le Van Luong Compared to the scope of study of the project, we fulfilled missions originally defined: - Explore and study the activity of mobilization deposit at the Agribank branch Le Van Luong and factors influencing this activity - Propose solutions to help improve the volume of savings for capital mobilized Despite our efforts to finalize the report, time constraints, rich subject matter and lack of experience mean that gaps and limitations cannot be fully avoided We would therefore need the opinion of the professors of the University of Toulon and the University of Commerce to improve the finish of this report We believe that the topic studied and the internship report will be useful for the activity of mobilizing deposit of the bank to some extent In addition, it will be useful documentation for other students who wish to seek a reference to the job well REFERENCES http://agribank.com.vn/ https://www.agribank.com.vn/vn/ca-nhan/san-pham-dich-vu/gui-tienagribank/tien-gui-tiet-kiem/tien-gui-tiet-kiem-co-ky-han-lai-suat-tha-noi https://www.agribank.com.vn/vn/ca-nhan/san-pham-dich-vu/gui-tienagribank/tien-gui-tiet-kiem/tiet-kiem-gui-gop-theo-dinh-ky 50 https://www.agribank.com.vn/vn/ca-nhan/san-pham-dich-vu/gui-tienagribank/tien-gui-tiet-kiem/tiet-kiem-an-sinh https://www.agribank.com.vn/vn/ca-nhan/san-pham-dich-vu/gui-tien- agribank/tien-gui-tiet-kiem/tiet-kiem-hoc-duong https://www.agribank.com.vn/vn/ca-nhan/san-pham-dich-vu/gui-tienagribank/tien-gui-tiet-kiem/tiet-kiem-huu-tri http://www.agribank.com.vn/vn/ve-agribank/tin-tuc/dtl? current=true&urile=wcm:path://agbank/ve-agribank/ve-chung-toi/giaithuong/2019/xep-hang-tien-gui-noi-te-dai-han-muc-ba3-va-xep-hangnha-phat-hanh-noi-ngoai-te-dai-han-muc-ba3-trien-vong-on-dinh ANNEX CUSTOMER INVESTIGATION SHEET This is a survey about the factors affect on choosing bank saving of customer All questions are only use for purpose of research Your information is totally kept secret We hope that you can spend some minutes to help us complete this survey General information Would you please tell us some of the following information? 1.1 Gender: Male  Female  1.2 Please indicate your age group: 16 - 17 18 - 29  30-40  41-55 > 55 1.3 Please indicate educational background, your professional qualifications 51  High school  College / University  Other 1.4 Please indicate your profession  Employees  State employees  Self Employed  Other 1.5 Please indicate your monthly income  20 million 1.6 How you know the information about Agribank?  Media  Staff  Relatives  Website  Other 1.7 Please give the reason for your savings  Interest  Avoiding risks when holding money  Safe investment channel  Other: 1.8 Do you have saving account in the bank Agribank? Yes Please continue to answer No Thank you for your participation 1.9 Are you Satisfied with the working attitude of employees at Agribank? Yes No What you feel about overall service quality of Agribank? Excellent [ ] Very good [ ] Good [ ] 52 Average [ ] Poor [ ] The factors affect customer saving decision Please indicate the agreement level about the questions below: (Marked X on your choice, please not leave blank) Agree Normal Disagree Questions/ Answers 2.1 Agribank is a famous bank ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 2.2 Interest rates on bank deposits have competitiveness in the market 2.3 The interest rate of bank savings deposits is publicized, clearly 2.4 Transaction network (branches, sub-branches) are easy to find 2.5 Location Agribank branch Le Van Luong is convenient and safe for customers 2.6 Agribank Le Van Luong facilities are modern, comfortable, clean 2.7 Distribution of technology transactions (Agribank Online) convenience, safety, security 2.8 Transaction processing time quickly at Le Van Luong branch 53 2.9 Staffs at Le Van Luong branch are professional, courteous 2.10 Agribank branch Le Van Luong has many attractive promotions for customers savings 2.11 Agribank policies have good customer care ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 2.12 After expiration of savings card, you continue saving at Agribank? 54 55 56 ... of practice at the bank we have learned some information about savings deposit services at the bank: 2.2.1 Some advantages of savings services: - Free account opening - Transaction at any Agribank... Deposit rates: Flexible floating rates according to market rates - Managing fluctuation of balance: Customers can make statements of transactions directly at the counter,account information via... Deposit rates: Flexible floating rates according to market rates - Managing fluctuation of balance: Customers can make statements of transactions directly at the counter,account information via

Ngày đăng: 06/01/2020, 12:02

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Mục lục

    Chart 3: Capital structure by maturity

    Chart 4: Capital structure of individual currency

    Chart 3: Capital structure by maturity

    The total amount of funds raised from individual deposits to 2018 has grown significantly ~

    40.8% compared to 2016 of VND 2951 billion and is expected to continue to increase in the following years

    Non-term deposits also increased but not significantly ~ 37% from 2016 to 2018

    Chart 4: Capital structure of individual currency

    3.1.1 The objectives of the survey

    With the motto of raising deposit is considered an important source and stability in the banking business, Bank for Rural Le Van Luong focus directed at exploiting local resources. With all the advantages of a state-owned commercial banks and special especially with the close guidance of the Vietnam Bank for Rural Development, the Bank has adjusted the policy to apply a reasonable raise capital raising method, mobilization tools, and interest rates in line with the practical shape. This has brought encouraging results in the implementation of the capital mobilization of Le Van Luong branch

    PART IV: Project’s result


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