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GRAMMAR: Modal Verbs Basic Form: Can:  Diễn tả khả năng của con người ở hiện tại.  I can play the trumpet.  Yêu cầu, đề nghị, xin phép thân mật.  Can I have another cup of coffee, please?  Can’t: không thể làm gì hoặc diễn tả một sự việc không có khả năng xảy ra ở hiện tại.  He can’t be hungry. He has just had dinner. Could:  Khả năng trong quá khứ.  Could you ride a bike when you were 6? – I couldn’t.  Lời yêu cầu trịnh trọng.  Could you turn down the sound a bit? MayMight:  Dự đoán không chắc ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.  You maymight get pregnant if you don’t wear this condom.  Lời đề nghị, cho phép (lịch sự).  May I see your ticket please? Must:  Diễn tả mệnh lệnh.  You must pay the fine by Friday.  Sự bắt buộc từ người nói.  I must have my hair cut. It is such a mess.  Dự đoán chắc chắn ở hiện tại.  You must like your job because you seem so happy.  Mustn’t: không được phép = be not allowedpermitted to.  You mustn’t use your phone during the test. Should = ought to = had better  Diễn tả lời khuyên ở hiện tạitương lai.  You should get married before it’s too late. Have to:  Phải làm gì (yêu cầu từ người khác)  You have to put on your seat belt now. Need:  Need to Vinf: cần phải làm.  Needn’t V: không cần = don’t haveneed to.  You needn’t tell me who you went out with last night.  You don’t haveneed to tell me who you went out with. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. 1. When he was young, he _____ swim very well. He won medals and championships A. had to B. can C. could D. should 2. Its wet and windy outside today. You _____ go out without an umbrella. A. shouldnt B. wont C. mustn’t D. dont have to 3. I think that sign means we _____ enter the building. Look, theres a security guard too. A. wont B. have to C. mustnt D. needn’t 4. You _____ use your mobile phone during the test. Its against the rules. A. mightnt B. mustnt C. oughtnt D. neednt 5. Im not sure, but Tony _____ probably get that demanding job. A. must B. need C. ought D. might 6. All students _____ hand in their assignments by Friday at the latest. A. ought B. might C. must D. may 7. You _____ pass the exam in order to graduate from high school. A. must B. can C. may D. might 8. Tom watches all the Liverpool games. He _____ be one of their biggest fans. A. couldnt B. has got C. must D. shouldn’t 9. Will your plane we late this afternoon? It _____. The airport was closed this morning. A. couldnt be B. may be C. mustn’t be D. cannot be 10. My sister ____ come back from London tonight, but I’m not sure. A. may B. ought to C. must D. needn’t

1 UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES GLOSSARY - Word Bank Noun Meaning Verb Adjective Note Extinction Sự tuyệt chủng Extinct Danger Sự nguy hiểm Endanger Endangered § Jeopardize Threaten Mối đe doa Threaten Pollution Sự nhiễm Pollute Polluted § contamination § contaminate § contaminated Urbanization Đơ thị hóa Urbanize Habitat Môi trường sống Biodiversity Sự đa dạng sinh học Benefit Lợi ích Benefit Beneficial Có lợi § Advantage Advantageous Maintain Duy trì Species Lồi Conservation Sự bảo tồn Conserve Preserve Reserve Khu bảo tồn Reserve Dự trữ, để dành Vulnerable Dễ bị ảnh hưởng Overhunting Săn bắt mức Survival Sự sống sót Survive Tồn Establish Thành lập § Set up § Found Wildlife Hoang dã - Collocations/Idioms Phrase Meaning Phrase Meaning Become extinct Tuyệt chủng Maintain biodiversity Duy trì đa dạng SH In danger of Lâm nguy, gặp nguy Lead to Gây ra, dẫn đến… § At risk § Result in § At stake § Bring about Tàn phá môi trường sống Drive smt to the verge Đẩy đến bờ vực … Habitat destruction Mất môi trường sống On the verge/ edge/ Habitat loss Có nguy cơ, sửa… Natural habitat Môi trường tự nhiên point/ brink of… Depend/rely on Phụ thuộc, dựa vào… Loss of biodiversity Mất đa dạng SH Benefit from Được lợi từ Make an effort Nỗ lực cố gắng Enact laws Ban hành luật Protect O from Bảo vệ A wide range of Nhiều Raise awareness Nâng cao nhận thức § A variety of Take measures có biện pháp Solve/address problem Giải vấn đề Take actions/steps Có hành động Do harm to Gây hại Vulnerable to Dễ bị a/h Badly/severely damaged Seriously damaged Bị tàn phá nặng nề - Practice Exercise 1: Match each of the word in A with its definition in B A B Extinction a damage caused to water, air … by harmful substances or waste Endangered b the existence of a wide variety of plant and animal species Pollution c to start a company or organization that will continue for a long time Habitat d a situation in which something no longer exists Unit 9: Endangered Species By Thay GIao Thao – Teacher Of English High Quality English Teaching Biodiversity e in danger of being harmed, lost… Establish f a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help Benefit g to keep and protect something from damage, change, or waste Conserve h the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives Exercise 2: Complete each of the following sentences with a word from Exercise 1 Only thinking of their own _, many people are seriously destroying the environment without any hesitation Those small factories are causing a lot of environmental _ with all their waste and smoke These animals are now on the verge of _ because of overhunting It is our responsibility to help _ the forest and stop its destruction The host country can take conservation measures to build up or maintain its _ The organization was set up to protect _ species from extinction To save endangered animals from extinction, we should _ wildlife habitat reserves The main threat to the survival of these creatures comes from their loss of _ Exercise 3: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences Many plant and animal species are now in danger of _ A extinct B extinction C disappearance D vanishing What should be done to protect _ animals? A frightened B threatened C endangered D dangerous _ is the act of preventing something from being lost, wasted, damaged or destroyed A Extinction B Priority C Conservation D Biodiversity Conservation is the protection of the _ environment A nature B natural C naturally D naturalize Many nations have laws offering protection to these species, such as forbidding hunting, restricting land development or creating _ A agencies B reserves C awareness D challenges _ is the existence of a wide variety of plant and animal species living in their natural environment A Biodiversity B Conservation C Globe D Individual If an area is _, all the trees there are cut down or destroyed A endangered B deforested C contaminated D polluted It is reported that humans are the main reason for most species' declines and habitat _ and degradation are the leading threats A destroy B destructive C destructor D destruction Chemical wastes from factories are _ that cause serious damage to species habitats A pollutes B pollutants C pollutions D polluters 10 _ is one of the main causes of species extinction A Pollution B Forestation C Population D Exploitation Exercise 4: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable preposition We all will benefit _ protecting our environment from being polluted The Ozone layer is a layer of gas high above the surface of the earth that helps to protect it _ the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, which can damage our skins and cause cancer We are now depending heavily _ fossil fuels for energy The forest has been so heavily logged that it is _ danger of disappearing It was feared that the break-up of the oil tanker would result _ further pollution Due to overexploitation, many species of plants and animals are _ the verge of dying out The animals in this area are highly vulnerable _ climate change Water can be harmful _ organisms and plants which live in the water Land pollution also brings _ natural disasters such as flash floods and landslides Unit 9: Endangered Species By Thay GIao Thao – Teacher Of English High Quality English Teaching 10 Thousands of lives will be _ stake if the extreme heat doesn’t decrease Exercise 5: Match each of the words in A with a word in B to make meaningful phrases A B Your answers Become a biodiversity Maintain b laws Address c range of Enact d damaged Habitat e extinct Raise f loss Severely g actions Do h awareness A wide i a problem 10 Take j harm to Exercise 6: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences Air pollution contributes to the greenhouse effect which can _ a series of environmental problems A lead to B result from C bring up D lead in Deforestation results _ climate change, global warming, extreme floods and erosion A from B in C to D of The giant panda is _ because its habitat is being destroyed A dangerous B danger C endanger D endangered They are investigating the _ global warming will have on us over the next 50 years A change B effect C result D outcome Animals are dying _ far more often than you might think A from B out C for D of Different activities should be carried out to raise people’s _ about the matter of pollution A knowledge B thought C awareness D understanding The habitats for endangered animals are being _ damaged and polluted A seriously B extremely C really D hugely Government should take measures to stop people from doing _ to the environment A damage B destruction C harm D bad There are a number of _ that should be taken to protect endangered animals A measures B methods C policies D activities 10 Probability of extinction depends _ both the population size and fine details of the population demography A on B in C from D for 11 15,589 species (7,266 animal species and 8,323 plant species) are now considered _ risk _ extinction A at/ of B on/ in C for/ with D in/ at 12 Many nations _ laws offering protection to these species, such as forbidding hunting, restricting land development or creating reserves A enact B C create D provide 13 The disappearance of forests _ a lot of bad changes to the habitats of many species A makes B leads C causes D results from 14 We should take actions to _ the remaining species on the Red List from extinction A protect B hunt C threaten D conserve 15 It is reported that humans are the main reason for most species' declines and habitat _ and degradation are the leading threats A destroy B destructive C destructor D destruction 16 Clearing forests for timber has resulted the loss of biodiversity A with B at C in D for Unit 9: Endangered Species By Thay GIao Thao – Teacher Of English High Quality English Teaching 17 Toxic chemicals from factories are one of the serious factors that leads wildlife to the of extinction A wall B fence C verge D bridge 18 Although we are aware _ the importance of environment, we still overexploit it A from B on C for D of 19 Whales are one species that is _ danger of extinction A on B at C in D out 20 In this forest, there is a wide _ of floras and faunas A chance B number C range D circle Exercise 7: Choose the word(s) that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) Water is this well cannot be drunk It’s contaminated A polluted B fresh C processed D damaged Humans depend on species diversity to provide food, clean air and water, and fertile soil for agriculture A raise B produce C supply D reserve Many schools provide environmental education to increase students' awareness of conservation needs A effort B benefit C exploitation D knowledge Being listed as an endangered species can have negative effect since it could make a species more desirable for collectors and poachers A awareness B preservation C support D impact An endangered species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct A in danger B on purpose C at random D at ease PRONUNCIATION The pronunciation of ‘EA’ Spelling Pronunciation Examples [e] Head, Bread, Steady, Jealous, Measure, Leather, Heavy, Instead, Sweat … [i:] East, Easy, Heat, Beam, Dream, Breathe, Creature, Eat, Seat, Clean, Lean, Bean … EA [ə:] Learn, Earth, Heard, Pearl … [eə] Bear, Pear, Swear, Wear … [iə] Tear, Clear, Beard, Dear … [ei] Great, Break, Steak … Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation A head B bean C meal D team A great B cheap C clean D mean A dream B wear C treat D mean A meat B threat C seat D meat A decrease B deal C great D peak A tea B leather C leave D lead A leader B defeat C measure D creature A heavy B head C weather D easy A spread B wear C bear D pear 10 A clean B instead C dream D beat GRAMMAR: Modal Verbs Basic Form: - Can: Ø Diễn tả khả người § I can play the trumpet Ø Yêu cầu, đề nghị, xin phép thân mật § Can I have another cup of coffee, please? Unit 9: Endangered Species By Thay GIao Thao – Teacher Of English High Quality English Teaching Ø Can’t: khơng thể làm diễn tả việc khơng có khả xảy § He can’t be hungry He has just had dinner - Could: Ø Khả khứ § Could you ride a bike when you were 6? – I couldn’t Ø Lời yêu cầu trịnh trọng § Could you turn down the sound a bit? - May/Might: Ø Dự đốn khơng tương lai § You may/might get pregnant if you don’t wear this condom Ø Lời đề nghị, cho phép (lịch sự) § May I see your ticket please? - Must: Ø Diễn tả mệnh lệnh § You must pay the fine by Friday Ø Sự bắt buộc từ người nói § I must have my hair cut It is such a mess Ø Dự đoán chắn § You must like your job because you seem so happy Ø Mustn’t: không phép = be not allowed/permitted to § You mustn’t use your phone during the test - Should = ought to = had better Ø Diễn tả lời khuyên tại/tương lai § You should get married before it’s too late - Have to: Ø Phải làm (u cầu từ người khác) § You have to put on your seat belt now - Need: Ø Need to V-inf: cần phải làm Ø Needn’t V: khơng cần = don’t have/need to § You needn’t tell me who you went out with last night § You don’t have/need to tell me who you went out with Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences When he was young, he _ swim very well He won medals and championships! A had to B can C could D should It's wet and windy outside today You _ go out without an umbrella A shouldn't B won't C mustn’t D don't have to I think that sign means we _ enter the building Look, there's a security guard too A won't B have to C mustn't D needn’t You _ use your mobile phone during the test It's against the rules A mightn't B mustn't C oughtn't D needn't I'm not sure, but Tony _ probably get that demanding job A must B need C ought D might All students _ hand in their assignments by Friday at the latest A ought B might C must D may You _ pass the exam in order to graduate from high school A must B can C may D might Tom watches all the Liverpool games He _ be one of their biggest fans A couldn't B has got C must D shouldn’t Will your plane we late this afternoon?- It _ The airport was closed this morning A couldn't be B may be C mustn’t be D cannot be 10 My sister come back from London tonight, but I’m not sure Unit 9: Endangered Species By Thay GIao Thao – Teacher Of English High Quality English Teaching A may B ought to C must D needn’t Modals In The Past - Must haveV3: Chắc chắn làm Ø The room smells good He must have cleaned it - Can’t/couldn’t have V3: Chắc chán không làm (Không dùng mustn’t have V3) Ø Peter was punished by the teacher again He can’t have done his homework - May/might/can/could (not) have V3: Có lẽ (khơng) làm Ø Tom hasn’t arrived yet – He might have taken the wrong train - Should (not)/ought (not) to have V3: Lẽ (không) nên làm Ø The teacher was really angry You shouldn’t have behaved so impolitely - Needn’t have V3: Lẽ không cần (nhưng làm rồi) Ø These flowers are for you sweet heart – Thanks! You needn’t have bought them Cấu trúc tương đương với modal verbs Cấu trúc Hiện Quá khứ Surely Certainly Must + Infinitive Must have V3 I’m sure Can’t + Infinitive Can’t have V3 I’m certain I know that You are not allowed to You are obliged to Must (not) infinitive It is compulsory Perhaps Maybe May/might (not) infinitive May/might (not) have V3 I’m not sure It be possible/likely It be careless/wrong to I suggest that Should (not) /ought to infinitive Should (not)/ought (not) to have V3 It be a good idea Wish There be no need to It be (un)necessary to Needn’t infinitive/don’t need to Needn’t have V3 It be (not) essential to Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences Peter has been working for 10 hours He _ be very tired now A needn't B must C has to D should I am not deaf You _ shout A must B mustn't C need D needn’t We have plenty of time for doing the work We _ be hurried A needn't B shouldn't C mustn't D mayn't Susan _ hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly A mustn't B couldn't C can't D needn't Jane often wears beautiful new clothes She _ be very rich A must B could C might D needn’t _ I have a day off tomorrow? - Of course not We have a lot of things to A Must B Will C May D Need You _ take your umbrella along with you today It _ rain later on this afternoon A ought to / mustn't B needn't / will C will / must D should / might I not mind at all You _ apologize A shouldn't B needn't C mustn't D oughtn't to _ you play the piano when you were a child? A May B Could C Can D Should Unit 9: Endangered Species By Thay GIao Thao – Teacher Of English High Quality English Teaching 10 _ I borrow your dictionary? A Might B May C Am I able to D Need 11 I'm not sure but Jane _ come to visit me this afternoon A might B could C must D ought to 12 Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table He _ it here last night A must have left B should have left C must be leaving D needn't leave 13 John failed again He _ harder A must have tried B should have tried C can tried D may have tried 14 I wonder who drank all the milk yesterday It _ have been Mary because she was out all day A can’t B must C could D needn’t 15 You _ introduce me to Dr Gray We have already met A shouldn’t B needn’t C mustn’t D couldn’t Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence printed before it Sally paid for her travel in advance, but it wasn’t necessary A Sally needn't have paid for her travel in advance B Sally might not have paid for her travel in advance C Sally may not have paid for her travel in advance D Sally couldn’t have paid for her travel in advance .I am sure he did not know that his brother graduated with flying colors A He should not have been envious of his brother’s achievement B He cannot have known that his brother graduated with very high marks C That his brother graduated with flying colors must have been appreciated by him D He may not know that his brother is flying gradually up in a colorful balloon I‘m sure Luisa was very disappointed when she failed the exam A Luisa must be very disappointed when she failed the exam B Luisa must have been very disappointed when she failed the exam C Luisa may be very disappointed when she failed the exam D Luisa could have been very disappointed when she failed the exam I really believe my letter came as a great surprise to John A John might be very surprised to receive my letter B John might have been very surprised to receive my letter C John must be very surprised to receive my letter D John must have been very surprised to receive my letter It’s possible that the plane has been delayed because of the bad weather A It’s certainly the bad weather which has resulted in the plane’s being late B It may be the bad weather that has caused the plane to be delayed C The weather must have been very bad, or else their plane wouldn’t have been delayed D The obvious reason for the plane’s being delayed for so long is the bad weather It’s likely that I’ll have left the party before she shows up A I would like to have left the party before she arrives B She won’t be able to find me at the party when she finally arrives C By the time she arrives at the party, I may well have already gone D Once she has got to party, I will probably leave I’m not sure that the Aziz Nesin Theatre Group’s version of The Idiot appeals to me, even if my brother can babysit A Had my brother been able to babysit, I might have gone to see the Aziz Nesin Theatre Group’s version of The Idiot B If my brother agrees to babysit, we can go to the Aziz Nesin Theatre Group’s version of The Idiot, which I think you might enjoy C I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed Aziz Nesin Theatre Group’s version of The Idiot, but my brother couldn’t babysit for us anyway Unit 9: Endangered Species By Thay GIao Thao – Teacher Of English High Quality English Teaching D My brother might be able to babysit, but even so, I’m not convinced that the Aziz Nesin Theatre Group’s version of The Idiot is something I would enjoy I certainly won’t be lending Bruce any books again any time soon A I may be lending some books to Bruce this time, but I probably won’t so anymore B It’s certain that I won’t let Bruce borrow any books for such a long time again C Bruce definitely won’t be returning any books that he borrowed from me soon D It’ll definitely be a long time before I allow Bruce to borrow any more books Rewrite each of the following sentences without changing the meaning I’m sure that he didn’t attend the Conference on Wildlife Protection yesterday ð He I’m certain that he buried something in the garden ð He I'm sure she thinks I'm stupid ð She I’m sure that he has finished the exercise ð He We are certain that it was a disaster ð It It is necessary for all the students to take part in the course ð All the students You can give the tour guide a tip but it is not necessary ð You It is unnecessary for him to take a thick coat ð He It wasn’t necessary for them to have reserved the tickets ð They 10 It is essential for students to buy a good dictionary ð Students 11 It wasn’t a good idea for us to ask the other couple to come with us ð We 12 It was careless of him to go without checking the times ð He ought 13 It was wrong of you to take money from my purse without asking ð You 14 I think she's wrong to make promises which she doesn't keep ð She 15 It was a mistake to sell the house I wish I hadn't ð I 16 It’s possible the weather will be sunny tomorrow ð The weather 17 Perhaps Mr Smith murdered his wife ð Mr Smith 18 It’s possible that Mr Smith committed a crime ð Mr Smith 19 It’s likely that he will be convicted of the offence ð He 20 Maybe he won the lottery ð He Unit 9: Endangered Species By Thay GIao Thao – Teacher Of English High Quality English Teaching

Ngày đăng: 05/01/2020, 17:19

