VOCABULARY ) The environment Unscramble the letters and complete the sentences. 1 A lot of rain in a short period of tim e can cause a . dolof 2 Some houses u se _________________________but it can be expensive to install, loras greeny 3 A ________________________ can occur when there is no rain for a long tim e, hourtdg 4 The w orld’s biggest__ . is in the UK, and it will p0w er820,000 homes by 2016 diwn ramf Complete the sentences with a word from the box. C V O C A B U LA R Y ) Computers (1) 4 Complete the nouns in each sentence with the miss letters. 1 You don’t need to make a h _ rd c ____ y. I’ve already printed one. 2 H ow m uch m _ m _____y does your laptop have? 3 W hat’s different in this new s _ f _ w . _ r _ ? 4 I’ll send you t h a t f_I _ latertoday. 5 W hat kind of p r _ g r _ m do you need to draw 3D pictures? 6 I think I’ve got a v __ r _ s o n my computer. It’s doing some very strange things VOCABULARY ) The environment Unscramble the letters and complete the sentences. 1 A lot of rain in a short period of tim e can cause a . dolof 2 Some houses u se _________________________but it can be expensive to install, loras greeny 3 A ________________________ can occur when there is no rain for a long tim e, hourtdg 4 The w orld’s biggest__ . is in the UK, and it will p0w er820,000 homes by 2016 diwn ramf Complete the sentences with a word from the box. C V O C A B U LA R Y ) Computers (1) 4 Complete the nouns in each sentence with the miss letters. 1 You don’t need to make a h _ rd c ____ y. I’ve already printed one. 2 H ow m uch m _ m _____y does your laptop have? 3 W hat’s different in this new s _ f _ w . _ r _ ? 4 I’ll send you t h a t f_I _ latertoday. 5 W hat kind of p r _ g r _ m do you need to draw 3D pictures? 6 I think I’ve got a v __ r _ s o n my computer. It’s doing some very strange things
Q Richmond ClaireThacker „ Ị*'+ •ỉ r V IE T N A M N EW S A G EN C Y PU B LISH IN G H O U SE Education Solutions □RI TRƯỜNG PHÁT Richmond ® 58 s t A l d a t e s Oxford O X i 1ST U n ited K in g d o m ©2016 Richm ond/Santillana Educación, S.L Additional material by Simon Cotterill Recordings: EFSTelevision Production Ltd Pub lisher: María Lera Sen iorC o m m ission ing Editor: Tom Hadland M anaging Editors: Ruth Goodman, Catherine Richards E d ito ria l T e a m : Brígido Adán Lozano, step hanie Brem ner, Ben Pincus, Palom a Rodríguez Esteban Cover Design: Marisela Pérez Design: Lorna Heaslip, Novimago S.L Photo R esearch: Amparo Rodríguez lllu stra to rs: Marcos Balíagón, Phillip Burrows, René Quirós Photos: c Díez Polanco; F Po; C.Agirre ;J Lucas; M c Vìcente; M Sánchez ; ORONOI; Prats i Camps; s Padura ; s Yaniz;X s Lobato; ACI ACENCIA DE FOTOGRAFÍA/Alamy Images; ALAMY/Kumar Sriskandan, Cultura Creative (RF); CORDON PRESS/Reuters, EMPICS Entertainment; EFE/ laíototeca com/ZUMAPRESS/Alex Lentati, EPA/Fiona Hanson, EPA/Mike Nelson, lafototeca.com, SergioUrday, lafototeca.com/Newscom/EPA/RHONA WISE, Dan Anderson, Antonio Díaz; EFE/SIPA-PRESS/SOTHEBY'S; FLASH PRESS/CAM MA/Ken Kirby; FOCOLTONE; GARCÍA~PELAYO/]UANCHO; GETTY IMACES SALES SPAIN/Thinkstock, Popperíoto, John Parra, Wirelmage/Karwai Tang, Photos.com Plus, Julian Finney; HIGHRES PRESS STOCK/AbleStock.com; ISTOCKPHOTO/Cetty Images Sales Spain; MUSEUM ICONOGRAFÍA// Martin-, SEIS X SEIS; RYAN'S WELL FOUNDATION; Campus Party Brasil; European Community; FUNDACIÓN SANTILLANA/TOKIO FUJI ART MUSEUM; MUSÉE DES BEAUX ARTS, REIMS; MUSEO ARQUEOLỐGICO NACIONAL, FLORENCIA; PAU\CIO REAL, MADRID;VOZ NOTICIAS; SERIDEC PHOTOIMACENES CD; ARCHIVO SANTILƯ\NA All rig h ts reseru ed No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise vvithoutthe prior permission in writing of the Publisher Every effort has been made to trace the holders of Copyright, but if any omissions can be rectiíied, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements TOEFLJunior® is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS) This product is notendorsed orapproved by ETS The publisher would li ke to thank ali those vvho have contributed to the development of this course Workbook — in — SAMPLE NOT FOR SALE Contents STARTER B page U N ll © L if e c h a n g e s page U N Il © C h ille d o r s t r e s s e d ? page 18 U N I T © M o r a l d ile m m a s R EVIEW U NITS 1-3 page 38 U N Il O page 28 VIDEO page 39 In t h e n e w s page 40 U N I T © T im e f o r a c h a n g e page 50 U N I T © A d a y in t h e lif e page 60 R EVIEW UNITS 4-6 p ag e 70 UNC © VIDEO page 71 C u lt u r e v u lt u r e s page 72 U N IT © T h e fe a r o f t h e u n k n o w n page 82 U N I' © page 92 S h o p ’t i l y o u d r o p R EVIEW UNITS 7-9 page 102 VIDEO page 103 R EVIEW U NITS 1-9 page 104-112 W RITIN G R EFER EN C E page 113-121 PREPARE FOR CAM BRIDGE EXAMS AND TH E TO EFL JUNIOR® TEST page 122-139 S VOCABULARY BANK p a g e i4 -1 STO RIES page 144 IRREGU LAR VERBS LIST page 145 ► For audio, go to richmondelt.com/achievers/studentaudio V O C A B U LA R Y ^) The environment U nscram ble the letters and complete the sentences C V O C A B U L A R Y ^ ) Computers (1) Complete the nouns in each sentence w ith the missing letters A lot of rain in a short period o f tim e can cause a You don’t need to m ake a h _ rd c y I’ve alread y dolof printed one Some houses u s e _but it can be expensive to in stall, loras greeny W h a t’s d iffe re n t in th is new s _ f _ w _ r _ ? A can o ccur w hen th ere is no rain for a long tim e, hourtdg I’ll send you t h a t f _I _ laterto day W h at kind o f p r _ g r _ m you need to d raw 3-D is in th e UK, and The w o rld ’s b iggest H o w m u c h m _ m _y does your laptop have? pictures? it w ill p w e r8 ,0 0 hom es by 2016! diwn ram f I th in k I’ve got a v _ _ r _ s o n m y com puter It’s doing Complete the sen tences w ith a word from the box climate conservation ecosystem endangered rainforests wildlife som e very strange things Complete the questions and an sw ers w ith the correct verb from the box Some p e o p le fo rg e tth a tth e irg a rd e n s are fu ll of click insert drag and drop print upload like birds, bees and b utterflies There are tw elve d iffe re n tty p e s o f on Earth I like the m ild M ed iterranean one best! i but th ey only cover % o f the Earth’s surface The Iberian lynx is a(n ) out a document from my Q: How I tablet? A: Ju s t plug your tab let into your printer and follow the instructions .sp e cie s, but thanks to a _ _ _ _ _ _ project th ere are now more th an 300 lynxes in Spain “’flu R E M E M B E R ? Q: How I get documents from my memory stick onto my laptop? Climates and landscapes A: E a sy ! F ir s t , you have to _ the memory stick into your laptop Then j u s t _ the files and tran sfer the documents onto your laptop © Complete the text w ith the w ord s from the box Then guess the country beaches oceans co astline p lain s photos onto my blog? on the photo you w ant and A: J u s t follow the instructions _ are the w o rld ’s oldest living Q: Help! How 1 m o un tain ranges river sea volcanoes REM EM BER? T h i s c o u n t r y h a s ,0 k i l o m e t r e s o f a lo n g th e C a rib b e a n , a n d th e P a c if i c a n d t h e A t l a n t i c I t s C a r i b b e a n _a r e b e a u t i f u l , p e a c e f u l a n d re la x in g , w ith p a lm tr e e s a n d w a r m b lu e w a te r T h e c o u n t r y i s d o m i n a t e d b y t h e A n d e s , w h i c h is d i v id e d i n t o t h r e e s m a l l e r s _ : t h e C o r d i ll e r a O c c id e n ta l, th e C o r d ille r a O r ie n ta l a n d th e C o rd ille C e n t r a l T h e r e a r e a l o t o f _ , a n d th e m o s t a c tiv e o n e s a r e in th e h i g h la n d s re g io n T h e M a g d a l e n a _is ,6 0 k i l o m e t r e s lo n g , a n d r u n s fro m th e C a rib b e a n d o w n t h r o u g h th e c e n tre o f t h e c o u n tr y T h e s o u th a n d e a s t h a v e in c re d ib le tro p ic a l in fo re s ts , a n d l o t s o f i n d i g e n o u s t r i b e s liv e o n t h e i n l a n d t r o p i c a l I t is a l s o w h e r e S h a k i r a is o r i g i n a l l y f r o m ! W h ic h c o u n t r y is it? Computers (2) Look at the photos Complete the words w ith the vowels 'IIP ■ 'np' (^ G RA M M A R C omplete the dialogue with the correct auxiliary verbs Modaì verbs Sara: Hi Mark! How’s it going? Choose the c orrect modal in each dialogue M ark: Hi Sara Cood, thanks A: I carTt read the board in class Sa ra: VVhere' _you atthevveekend? 12 seeyou a ta ll B: You should / ought go to an optician A: Oh no! I forgot It’s Fred’s birthday today B: We o u g h tto /c a n buy him a present, or else he might be sad Sara: W h a t _ youdo there? M ark: We went to a íootball match It was great We went to a party too, but it w as a bít boring A: Do I really need a cycle helmet? B: You have to / should vvearone It's the law A: M u st/C a n we upload those photos now? S a ra: That’s a sham e !6 he live in a ílatthere? B: Sure! Let's use my laptop A: You m u stn ’t/s h o u ld n ’t ta ke your mobile into the exam It’s not allowed B: Oh okay ru leave it in the box outside M ark: 13 _visiting my brotherat university Sara: C o o l!W h ere _ hestudying? M ark: In Nevvcastle Com plete the sentences w ith a modal verb from the íirst box and a verb from the second box S om etim es more than one ansvver is possible M ark: Yes, h e _got a flat with three other boys It’s such a mess S a ra: I bet ! you th in k yo u ’11go and see him again this term? M ark: May be, but only if he tidies his room! What _ you been upto? Sara: You 10 _ heard my nevvs, ve you? Mark: No don’th ave to arrive be haveto start text must wash mustrTt oughtto should vvear W e _ _ _ a recycling project at school We don’t any recycling here l'm so iucky! I a uniíorm at my school After handling the anìmals, yo u _ _your hands cC H E C K ) 11 C om plete the text w ith the w ords in the box beaches ecosystem conservation group did endangered species don’th a v e to login must W e _late forthe exam or we won’t be allovved to it _ you know that leatherback turtles You am em b erto u se thisgym have existed for more than I 100 m illio n years? They live in the A tlantic and I I Sam and check he’s okay He w asn’tfeeling vvell earlier *ỹoự K E M E M & E R ? Sa ra: Well, Auxiliary verbs Complete the sentences with the co rre ct auxiliary verb W hat h a d /d id you last night? My brother d o esrTt/ hasn’t like fish D o /H ave yo u seenthe r\e\N A en g ers film ? We did / w e re chatting to ouríriend syesterday at lunch Don’t/ W e re n ’tyo u li ke hanging out with íriends atth e vveekend? I don’t / haverTt like revising at home Pacitìc Oceans, but they are novv an _ T h e y are also part of an important m arine _ , but we humans are destroying it I I I There are lots o í problems for leatherback turtles, including climate change and pollution Leatherback turtles eat m ainly je lly fish , but often plastic bags in the oceans look like je lly fish and the turtles try to eat them and die T h e y also need4 to make their nests and lay their eggs, but people are destroying this habitat We _ act now to save this creature from becoming e xtin ct! You _ be an expert; ju s t care about the íuture oi our planet _ to our website and find out about a _ near you I ịPfl jpVw|ppspPHpMRpMpUpvp^R c V O C A B U LA R Y J Parts of the body c V O C A B U L Ã R Ỹ ~~J Health (1) C o m p le t e t h e parts o fth e body w it h t h e missing vowels Uscramble the vvords and complete the dialogues w st s h Id c h k ceehadha A: l’ve got a terrible _ B: Stop listening to that awful music! _ lb _ _ w She avoided serio us _ in th e ca r crash k n nk l thanks to the airbag system rnjyui Sh eg o tso m e _ at her first karate class, _y _b r_w f _r _h _ but they were gone vvithin days suberis Read the se n te n ce s and decide which part of the bodỵ 1’v e g o t _ ■I n e e d to g o to th e d e n tist from exercise Ì t h e y are describing now! ocathehot You vveara b e lth e re _ Itisb elo vvyo urhairb utab o veyo ureyes. _ Itco nnectsyou r leg and yo urfo o t. _ Oh noỉ My a n k le -l think l’v e _ You have two oĩthese aboveyoureyes .it! andripse Complete the se n te n c e s with the vvords from the box cough earache flu pull throat temperature You u se th isto b e n d y o u rle g _ Mandy has a very so re You can’t bend yourarm without this _ and carVtgive hertalk in English today I think l’ve got The senses *ỹõV R E M E M B E R ? l’ve gota bad headache Your is 38 That’s quite high You need Look at the photos belovv Label them with the correct to drink lots of fluids T h a t sounds terrible I thinkyou need s e n s e s ír o m the box hearing sight smell I’m hũt and cold, and taste touch some medicine l’v e g o t _ I can’t h e a ran yth in g in my left earand it hurts You haveto w arm up properly beíore doing exercise becauseyou c a n _ a muscle if you don’t "ỹou K E M E M B E K ? Label the pictures w ith the w ords in th e box bandage L o o k a t t h e verbs in the box VVrite them u n d e rth e correct sense in the table chevv feel listen smell sniff stare overhear stroke see svvallovv 10 Health (2) jab plaster prescription stitches tablets • • i?ơ pC A SC M B C ữ? ỹoụ K k M E M P E K ? 11 Complete the table with the missing pronouns Circle the correct reflexive pronouns This exercise is so hard I can’t it by m y se lí/y o u rse lf I Personal and possessive pronouns need some help Let’s organize jack’s i6 th birthday party ourselves / Subject Object Possessive 1 mine you he his her we them 10 th em selves No parents allovved! Didyou paintthis pictureyourself/ herself? It’s incredible Lidia cut h e rse lí/ m yse lf with a Sharp knife and she's got stitchesin herhand They can get into town th em selves / yourselves They dorTt need a lift 12 C h o o se th e c o rr e c ro n o u n Complete the sentences with an indeíinite pronoun from the box C anyo utell w e / u s / o u rs th e w a y to th e busstation, anỵone Are they going to giveyou / yours /th e y extra ti me to please? anything everyvvhere nothing someone the test because you were ill? 1’veloo ked fo r my mobile I don’t know mine where it is Can you help? Isth e re _ in the class who speaks Russian? once told me dancing is the best form of exercise, but I don’t really believe it 4 A Have you seen those cute little dũgs? B Yes, I w asju st looking a t t h e y / t h e m / t h e i r s A Hey! T h e y / T h e m /Theirs are my traíners B I’m sorry They look j ust li ke me / mi ne / Isth e re _ you can recommend fora sore throat? I don’t know w hat’s wrong Sharon isn’t talking to I / me / There’s _ to here It’s so boring! 10 Complete the posts with an indefinite pronoun or a ( CH ECK J 13 Complete the text vvith the vvords in the box reflexive pronoun I've asked e_ 2n can think of, and anyvvhere arms feel shoulders knee back elbows everyone swallow knows the answer Is Callum going out with Jenny or not? Get f i t the fast, cheap and easy way! & Posted by Kate, Tuesday, 9.20pm Jennỵ told me h that she wasn't going out with him 15 Nick, 9,23pm You can this sort of exercise * _ : on the vvay to school, at home it, old or ỵoung! can First, forget the lift and take the stairs! But if you take it, That’s so not true! They go e and use the tíme to stretch Raise your _ above e together at school these daỵs your head, and then put them down and stretch them Pati, 9.27pm out behind you This vvill help yo u r _ What's your problem, Kate? Just go and ask him y There isrTt a else to say on the subject ẼP Mark, 9.30pm Kate, th ere's s you're torgetting A can read this - includìng Callum and the upper area of y o u r _ Bend your arms at the _a few times, too Once you are sitting dovvn betvveen class periods or on the bus, contract your abdomen Then lift your right _a little bit Put it down and lift the left one You w ill _the muscles vvorking! Lastly, roll your neck slovvly and open and close your and Jenny 101 ! mouth _a few times And that's your E5 David, 9.35pm daily exercise! Easy, isn't it? r w w Litechanges • • • • • • • • § § • ( READING ) Read the text Write the nam es o fth e people a n d characters W h o Read the te xt quickly W hat is it about? is a young author? A Howto publish yourovvn book movesto Pennsylvania? B A yo ung auth orand herfirstbook h a sa se c re t? c The reason behind the increase in e-book sales P u b lis h it yo u rselt is chatty and frien d ly? Accordingtothe text, w h ya re more people publiishing theirovvn books? With e asier a c c e s s to technology, more and more people are publishing their own books and 'self-publishing' is becom ing popular with people of all ages, including te en ag e rs Mac Bovvers lives in Pennsylvania with her father, her brother and sister and her tw o dogs Like any other teenager, she go es to school during the day but at nights and in her spare time sh e vvrites books Her dad suggested that Mac publish her book He gave her so m e m oney to help her and he's very proud of her achievements R e a d t h e t e x t a g a in and a n s w e r t h e questions w hen does Mac Bovvers vvrite? w here did Morgan Casey use to live? When does Morgan m eetcharlie? How does Morgan feel when she tells Charlie he!rsecret? A n s w e r t h e q u e s t io n s w it h y o u r o w n opinions W hat you think Morgan’s secret is? VVould you li ke to read this book? W h y/W h y nott? Published in 2012, Mac's íirst book is called R unning S c a r e d and critics o í all ages have praised it It tells the story of a sixteen-year-old A m erican girl called Morgan Casey Morgan m oves from a big City in Calitornia to live in a very small co m m u nity in Pennsylvania Morgan knovvs she needs to make new friends but sh e is vvorried about something Morgan Verbs to say things are good Search t h e t e x t f o r t h r e e more vvoirds related with recomm endations recom m end has a secret that sh e doesrTt w an t to share vvith s _ anyone p On her first d ay at her new high school Morgan m eets C h a ríie C h a rlie is a lively, talkative and friendly boy and th ey soon becom e good triends C harlie talks to Morgan a lot and eventually she tells C harlie her se cre t in the hope that he can help her e sc a p e her past Hovvever, sh e regrets it immediately It's a ten se story that keeps you guessing to the very end Are you feeling inspired? Do you think you can write a good story? If so, w e reco m m e nd that you try selfpublishing, w e can vouch for it! But rem em be r you'll probably need so m e money! V _ f _ Write re c o m m e n d a t io n sío rth e s e t h in g s Use a verb from exercise a book a website agadget a DVD C V O C A B U L A R Y J Book review wanttoknowmO R E ? Words connected to books 10 Look a t t h e picture Label the picture w ith the correct C o m p l e t e t h e t y p e s o f n o v e l words from the box Use a dictionary to help you if ' c m necessary author back cover hardback blurb paperback ebook publisher front cover spine Running Scared Match the book genres in the box to the correct definition adventure story non-fiction book autobiography romance biography horrorstory Available in the following formats: €15 science fiction story €8 €5 s a book a person writes about him self or herself a story that is set in the future, sometimes in space or on another planet a b o o kab o u tplaceso reven tsth atare real a story about love a scary orfrightening story that can be true or invented Product details a book about a person’s life that another person writes Number of pages: 112 : iUniverse.com (February 6, 2012) a story that has dangerous, exciting, unusual and interesting events _ : Mac Bowers ISBN: 978-1462083824 C hoose tw o book genres from exercises and and w rite sentences about those genres Use the words belo w o r y o u r o w n ideas 11 Circle the correct words The design o f t h a t fr o n t c o v e r/ sp in e doesn’t m ake me w a n t to read the book • I enjoy / like / love /don't like / h a te • My favo urite book is I alw ays read the b lu rb /p u b lish e ro n the b a c k o f a book before I buy a book • I like/do n’tlik e b e c a u se • I w o u ld /w o uld n’t recommend to a friend because I prefer reading back cover/ paperback books My grandm other’s got an ebook /an author Her eyesight isn ’t very good, so she can read more e asily w ith it My favo urite author / blurb is J.K Row ling I th in k she’s am azing Kid Pub Press is a p u b lish er/an au tho r th a t publishes books by children and young w rite rs F r o n tc o v e r / H a r d b a c k v e r s io n s o fb o o k s a r e u su ally published before any other version and cost more This is a new book W ho is the eb o o k /p u b lish er? T h e s p in e / b lu r b o fa book u su ally has the title , the au th o n d the publisher 12 Write sentences using three of the w ords in exercise 10 C READINC COMPREHENSION J Unit A c a d e m i c text Look again a t page 131 of your Student’s Book Read About the test and the Tip Then the task below R e a d th e te x t and a n s w e r the q u e s tio n s T h e social and professional roles of wom en in European countries changed significantly during the first half of the 20th century A s well a s continuing with their dom estic responsibilities, they also becam e a significant part of their co u n try’s workforce during the First and Second World W ars After the w ars had ended, som e people expected that wom en would return to their traditional places in society, but b ecau se of the role they played in helping the w ar effort during these tim es, many people had developed new attitudes about what wom en could Participation by wom en in the G reat War, a s the First World W ar w a s known 10 at the time, w a s considered essential because of the num bers of men Which title best sum m arizes the main idea of the p assag e ? A W om en in Euro p e w ere excellent fighters B W om en took on m any new roles C W om en should join arm ies D W om en in Euro p e have traditional roles In line 3, the word they refers t o who w ere killed and wounded in fighting Approxim ately three quarters of A so cia l and p ro fessio nal roles w om en in the U K entering the w artim e w orkforces were actually volunteers; B w om en others did so on the request of the governm ent Typically aged between C Euro p ean coun tries seventeen and forty-three, wom en often worked as searchlight operators D the 20th century 15 and they w ere also taught to use anti-aircraft guns a s part of their training T h is did how ever anger a number of the older soldiers, who felt that it w as inappropriate for wom en to be using guns Not just in the U K , but also in many other European countries, wom en played an active role during the w a rs G erm an wom en w ere involved in 20 com bat, and between 1944 and 1945 over 0 ,0 0 becam e volunteer uniformed fighters in their country’s arm ed forces Furtherm ore, in What angered som e older soldiers in the U K ? A the request of authorities B w om en operating se arch lig h ts C w om en using guns D se ve n te e n year-old w om en joining the arm y Yugoslavia’s National Liberation Army, Poland’s resistance movement, and the Soviet Union's main arm y units, w om en w ere also involved in fighting Very large num bers of wom en also w orked within other professions such 25 a s nursing and translating, w here they would deal with wounded soldiers and enem y docum ents respectively Others held administrative posts previously occupied by men, and a s well as all of this many wom en were also responsible for raising their children According to the p assage, all of the following statem ents are true E X C E P T A M ore than half a million G erm an w om en b e ca m e volunteer fighters B M ost w om en in the U K w artim e w o rkfo rce w ere vo lun teers C W om en’s a ctive role during the w a rs w a s n e ce ssary D W om en did not hold ad m inistrative d uties " i f i w CLISTENING r - J M u lti p le c h o i c e Look again at page 132 of your Student’s Book Read About the exam and the Tip Then the task below You will h e ar peo p le talking in eight different situatio ns Fo r q u e stio n s -8, c h o o se the b e st a n s w e r (A , B or C ) You hear a woman talking to her friend about something she attended What w as it? You hear a weather forecast What will the weather be like in the Midlands tom orrow ? A a leaving party A changeable with a strong chance of heavy sho w ers B a m eeting at her co m p an y B sunny for m ost of the day with a little rain C a job interview C grey until late afternoon and then c le ar You hear a discu ssio n between two people What has ju st happened? A T h e y have m issed their train You hear a student discussing his c la s s e s at school Why doesn’t he like history? A He d o e sn ’t think it is useful B T h e y have arrived late for w ork B He d o e sn ’t like his history teacher C T h e y have been in a c a r a ccid e n t C He d o e sn ’t enjoy explaining his a n sw e rs You hear a sportsw om an d iscu ssin g her new contract What is she m ost happy about? A the new team sh e is joining B the m oney sh e will receive C the length of the co n tract You hear a man talking about a property What kind of property is it? You hear a woman talking about using the internet What has she found most difficult? A com m unicating via video ca lls B frequent ch an g es to w e b site s sh e u se s C searching for information about travel You hear a teacher describing a student to the child’s parents How does the teacher feel? A an office building A He thinks the student is very confident but not B a four-bedroom ho use hard-w orking B He w an ts the student to talk more during c la s s e s C a hotel C He is unsatisfied with the stu d e n t’s p erform ance in te sts CLANGUAGE FORM AND MEANING J Look again a t page 133 o f your Student’s Book Read A b o u t t h e t e s t and the T ip Then the task below I R e a d th e te x t an d c h o o s e the c o rre c t le tters A , B , C , or D H e y Isla, S o rry I A m is s C m issin g B m isse d D h a ve m isse d s ta y e d in bed all day c la s s y e ste rd a y I w a s feeiin g te rrib le , so A W as C W ere B Is D H ave an y im p ortant a n n o u n c e m e n ts m a d e ? I’v e a lre a d y d o w n lo a d e d P ro fe s s o r K a h n ’s s lid e s , but A w o u ld yo u m ind B m ind yo u if I c a m e to yo u r p la c e later to look at yo u r n o te s ? I feel a little n o w an d I th in k I’ll be a b le to attend to m o rro w ’s se m in ar S o I to d o s o m e p rep aratio n before then A ls o , w e h a ve an y h o m e w o rk to A m ake? B do? M ail, te x t, o r c a ll w h e n you h a ve tim e Eva xx C have? D s e t? C c o u ld yo u m ind D sh o u ld yo u m ind A re c o v e r C b e tte r B o v e rc o m e D b e tte r co n d itio n A can C sh o u ld B h a v e to D n eed repare for C am b rid g e Exam s Unit CWRITING J) Writ ing a r e v i e w Look again at page 134 of your S tu d en t’s Book Read About the exam and the Tip Then the task below You see this a n n o u n cem en t in your co llege E nglish-language m agazine Film rev ie w s w anted! Have you seen a film in which the main character behaved in a surprising way? Write a review of the film, explaining w hat the main character did and why it was surprising Tell us whether you would recomm end this film to other people The best reviews will be published in the magazine W rite your rev ie w in -1 words 01 not LIS T EN IN G C O M P R E H E N S IO N A c a d e m ic ta lk ook again at page 135 of your Student’s Book Read A b o u t t h e t e s t and the T ip Then the task below «34» Liste n to part of a d isc u ssio n in a design c la s s Th e n a n sw e r the q u e stio n s What is the main topic of the talk? A solving household problems Which benefit of prototypes is not m entioned? A saving money B developing ideas B receiving useful advice C inventing new technologies C saving time D writing essays D checking if something works What are'prototypes’? Which question would be the most useful when A final finished products developing a can opener? B drawings of products A Do you like this can opener? C descriptions of products B Would you buy this can opener? D first designs of products C What is good about this can opener? D Is this can opener convenient? CSPEAKING J D e s c r ib in g a p h o t o Look again a t page 136 of yo u r S tu d e n t’s Book Read A b o u t t h e e x a m and th e T ip Then the ta sk b elo w Lo ok at the photos and a n sw e r the follow ing questio ns What can you see in the photos? What are the similarities and differences? What problems might you have when p laces like this are very crow ded? Do you prefer empty b each es or b each es with som e people on? Why? 136 SPEAKING J) Picture narration Look again at page 137 o f your Student’s Book Read A b o u t t h e t e s t and the T ip T h e n t h e task b e lo w T h e six pictures b e lo w show a story a b o u t som ething that h a p p e n e d to a boy at b e d tim e Look at the pictures and w rite th e story in your own w o rd s You will have one m inute to tell the story T h a t’s ab ou t 10 seconds per picture, so you w o u ld have tim e for a b o u t tw o sen ten ces per picture CREADING J) Putting s e n t e n c e s b a c k into a text Look again at page 138 of your Student’s Book Read About the exam and the Tip Then the task below You are going to read an a rtic le ab o u t fo od S ix s e n te n c e s have been rem oved from the article C h o o s e from the s e n te n c e s A -G th e o ne w h ic h fits in e a c h g ap (1 -6) T h e re is one e xtra se n te n ce w h ich you d o not need to u se What food sa y s about us W hat d o e s the food you eat sa y about your background of a d ish T h is c o n tra sts with W estern co o kin g style s, and so cial sta tu s? Like m any others, the influential writer w hich often em p h asize the addition of w ine and Maud Pem ber R e ev e s believed that if anything is a clear s p ic e s w hen boiling Ja p a n e s e c h e fs a lso present indicator of social statu s, then it’s food Today, not just in London but globally, you can learn a lot about food on d ecorated p lates that co m p lem ent the ap p e a ran ce of the food they are se rv in g , w h e re as Euro p ean c h e fs w ould u su ally prepare d in e rs to fo cu s so m eo ne from w hat is on their plate so lely on the food, therefore they prefer to u se plain It m ay not co m e a s a su rp rise that the am ount of w hite p lates m oney so m eo n e h as in flu en ces the food they are able to eat Peo p le with le ss m oney have few er options w hen they visit a su p e rm arket Th e y m ay also The more the world glo b alizes, the more w e can benefit from learning about cooking style s from other be m ore inclined to stic k to w hat they know, a s trying countries new thing s could w a ste the limited am ount of m oney healthy food, w hich is w hy a num ber of educational Everyo n e should be able to eat program m es around the world have begun to promote they have a w a re n e ss of the relationship betw een diet and social T h e y c a n afford to m a k e su re they are having c la s s and to ad d re ss dietary inequalities a va rie d and b a la n c e d diet, w ith su ita b le am o u n ts of protein, vita m in s and so on Instead of buying w h a te v e r is c h e a p e s t, they c a n afford to b uy w h a te ve r they thin k is m o st ta sty Fu rth erm o re, th ey c a n afford to try n ew th in g s A F o r e xam p le , E u ro p e a n s are likely to have bread regularly, w h e re a s m any peop le in A sia eat rice e ve ry day B H er 1913 book, R o u n d A b o u t a P o u n d a W eek, d escrib e d stark d ifferences betw een the d iets of Th e food that people eat e ach day can also indicate Lo n d o n ’s poorer population and those of more w hat part of the world they are from affluent Lo ndo ners O f co u rse , Eu ro p e a n s also often eat rice and A sia n s eat bread , but in m o st regions of the w orld there are certain eating C H ow ever, nutritional d ifferences betw een the food eaten by poor and rich people are a concern habits that belong to that p articular area D Therefo re, they m ay tend to prioritise ch e ap n e ss In J a p a n , a lo n g sid e su sh i and o ther traditional E M eanw hile, people with more m oney will have a very ah ead of taste , health iness and ap p earan ce d ish e s, a p a rticu la r sty le of preparing food s ta n d s out a s ty p ic a lly J a p a n e s e Ja p a n e s e c h e fs trad itio n ally p re p are m eat and ve g e tab les ve ry sim p ly through a p ro c e s s of su b tra c tio n , so m e tim e s by rem oving certain p arts to bring out the natural ta ste 138 ) different attitude w hen they are shopping for food F T h is method involves both how food is cooked and how it is p resented G Fo o d s high in carb o h yd rate s and fat should b e eaten in m oderation fW RITÍN G J ) O p in io n Look ag ain at page 139 o fy o u rS tu d e n t’s Book R e a d A b o u t t h e t e s t and the T ip Then the task below Write a paragraph expressing your opinion on the following topic You will have 10 m inutes to plan and w rite your respomse Be sure to include reasons and exam p les to support your opinion VVrite in com plete se n te n ce s W hen you are tinished writing, ch e ck your response for grammar, spelling, and punctuation Your paragraph should be betvveen 100 aind 150 vvords long Leadi ng athletes and m ovie stars earn huge am o u nts of m oney S o m e p eop le arg u e th a t th e re should be a sa la ry limit f